#Please Alex Kralie I’m begging you
unwantedarc · 2 years
It’s my birthday today and all I wish is that Alex Kralie comes to my house and slaps me across the face
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Kinktober Day 14
Alex Kralie: Gun Play
Ok so this is the first time I try writing for Alex n it’s been a hot minutes since I’ve watched mh so I am sO damn sorry if it’s ooc or just,, kinda weird lmaoo
Also, this one’s a lot more angsty than it is smutty 👉👈
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
You didn’t know what to expect when—no, if you ever found him again
But it most certainly wasn’t this
Things were different now, that much was a given, but you didn’t realize just how much they’d changed
“A-Alex, please, we can talk about this—”
Your words are shaky, and god, you wish you had the confidence to trust him, but it’s hard to trust someone pointing a gun to your head
“There’s nothing to talk about, (y/n). I tried to warn you. You shouldn’t have come”
His voice, a stark contrast to yours, is firm and rigid, and leaves no room for argument
But you’ve known him long enough to recognize those faint slivers of doubt laced in his tone when he has them
You take in a deep, steadying breath, your fingers twitching either side of your head, which you’d pulled up in surrender
And then you take a leap of faith and lower your hands back down to your sides
“Alex. Come back”
Your eyes are pleading—begging—because you know deep down, he’s still the man you once knew and loved
Your heart’s pounding
Desperation feels cold and slick against your skin in the warm night air
You try not to stare down the barrel of the loaded pistol
There’s an uncertain wavering of his finger against the trigger, and then he’s pursing his lips, his brows furrowing
“Fuck it”
He drops the weapon, and relief like no other comes crashing into you
Though it’s almost laughably short-lived as he rapidly stalks towards you, and you’re honest-to-god not sure what to feel
It’s only when his lips smash against yours that your defenses are finally breached for good
You quietly let yourself moan against him, pulling him closer against you, melting into him; so weak and eager for a touch you haven’t felt in far, far too long
You’re breathless by the time you pull away, and the way you tilt your head back to pull in some sweet oxygen grants him the perfect opportunity to move to your neck
The familiarity of it has your stomach twisting in knots
Your dig your fingers into his shoulders, pressing him flush against you, needing the distance between you to be nonexistent
It’s only when he brings his hands to your hips do you feel the cold, hard steel barrel poke against your thighs
You freeze at the contact, and he notices
His lips stop teasing at your throat and he pulls away
The gun’s tilted up into view, it’s polished steel glinting as it catches light from the nearby street lamp
How oddly fitting to have a gun between the both of you, all things considered
“Do you trust me, (y/n)?” he murmurs
It’s always about that little thing, isn’t it?
“Why...” you hesitate, shaking your head, “Why do you think I came all the way out here? Why would I follow you as far as I have for as long as I have to end up not trusting you, Alex?”
“I... I’ve... I’ve seen what that—that thing is,” you continue, “I’ve seen what it’s done. It’s torn my life apart as much as it has yours—and countless others. I don’t blame you for anything”
“And I’m tired,” you finally admit, “I’m tired of the paranoia, the guilt, the trust issues. I don’t want to keep living like this. I just... I want you back. And I’ll do whatever it takes to have you back because you’re the last damn thing I have. And I won’t let it take you away from me”
“So, yes, I trust you,” you confess, “I trust you with every shred of trust I have left”
It’s suddenly a lot harder to read what he’s feeling
How you wish you could reach into his chest and tug out whatever it is that’s holding him back, just so that he could see things the way you see them
He tilts the weapon to the side, almost as if he’s inspecting it
And then all of a sudden, he’s aiming it at you again and you’re right back where you started, playing that tug-of-war game with the monsters lurking inside him
You tense up, an inaudible gasp knocking the wind from your lungs
But then you realize it’s now or never
Trust; such a tiny, monumental thing
You part your lips and slowly, ever so gently, wrap them around the barrel of the gun
He’s surprised, that much is easy to tell
But so are you, in all fairness
He swallows thickly, Adam’s apple bobbing, and then his eyes darken as he nudges more of it deeper into your mouth
You do your best to work your tongue and lips against it, tasting the cold metal and feeling it warm up beneath your ministrations
You play with a bit more in your mouth before he takes it out, admiring the way you’ve slicked it with your saliva
And then his mouth is on yours again
So, so very hungry for the taste of love and comfort and security
The rounded tip of the weapon trails down your neck, between the valley of your breasts and down your body, moving to your thighs before slowly inching between your legs, always giving you plenty of time to back away throughout
You wrap your hands around his shoulders and press him all the closer into you
When it finally settles, you find yourself grinding down onto it, the length pressing almost perfectly along your covered slit
His tongue finds yours and it sets off every one of your nerve endings on fire
You rock your hips against the loaded weapon, muscles tensing and core fluttering every time it hits your clit
The kiss breaks as you release a quiet, shaky moan
And he takes the opportunity to look down at the way you’re moving against the barrel, and though he bites his lip, you can still hear the barely audible hushed groan it has him making
A twitch of his fingers and you’d be done for
Trust; nature’s finest irregularity
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
You know him well enough to understand what he’s really asking
With a final, almost shuddering sigh, he pulls the gun from your eager form and stuffs it back into his pants
You take notice of the other prominent bulge next to it
“I’m staying at a hotel a few kilometres away” his eyes soften, if only briefly
“You can back out whenever you like” he continues “but once you leave, you better not come back”
You toy with your bottom lip
Your body’s still buzzing, on a high you haven’t felt in a long, long time
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving”
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