#Please don't hurt me mr. hacker man
iamasimperyk · 2 years
Killer(Part 3) -Vinnie Hacker
Note: I guess that is the last part, but don't worry, I have a lot of ideas for other imagines:)
Warning: Violence, angst, fluff, sadistic actions, kidnapping
Summary: Vinnie kidnapped Y/n and his sadistic side came out, till something else happens.
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Part1 Part2
When I woke up I was in my basement, tied up, and blindfolded.
Vinnie. He had known I was going to run away, and now he was going to kill me like he had been planning all along.
Once again, I was scared, it was cold, and I couldn't see anything. The only reason I knew I was in the basement was because of the smell. I never came down here. I don't know why, but it smelled rotten and mouldy down here. A cold shiver ran down my spine, and as if that wasn't enough, I suddenly heard footsteps. It could only be Vinnie, and suddenly all the love I felt for him was gone.
I felt a hand on my cheek and immediately tried to free myself from the ropes. "You're awake. Don't worry, princess, I won't hurt you. Not yet, at least." He whispered in my ear, which sent another shiver down my spine.
"P-please." I said with a dry mouth.
"Shh, it's going to be okay. But I'm really disappointed in you. You were going to leave me." He sighed, but the anger in his voice was visible.
"I didn't want to leave you, but I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to go for a walk." I lied, hoping he would believe me.
I heard him laugh briefly, "You wanted to go for a walk in your pyjamas? You wanted to go for a walk without taking your keys with you? You wanted to go for a walk without a jacket even though it's cold outside?"
I felt how he got angrier and angrier until he finally pulled the blindfold off and looked at me. He looked at me with a grin, but not that seductive grin, but the grin of a maniac. A psychopath, he was a psychopath.
"V-Vinnie, please. I was afraid you'd get me pregnant even if I didn't want to." I started to cry.
He shook his head and took a step back, "You're so pathetic. No wonder you lived here alone and took me in right away. You're nothing, a nobody, and I will make sure no one ever takes you as his girlfriend again."
What was that supposed to mean?
"I know...you're going to kill me, right?" I asked, and he laughed out loud.
"Oh, Y/n. My naïve little princess. Of course not, but I'm going to make you suffer like I suffered when I saw you trying to leave me," he grinned sadistically, "That reminds me, my initials are still engraved on your ass cheek. That's the first reason why you won't find someone else, because which man wants another's men initials on his girls' ass?"
If that was even possible, I was even more scared now. "What are you going to do with me?" I asked fearfully, looking at him with glassy eyes.
"I could get you pregnant, of course, and you would be bound to me for life, but you don't deserve to have my child, but I will make sure you can't have one from any other man as well." He grinned before the door opened, and a man in a white coat came in.
"Mr. Hacker, we can start now." He said, to which Vinnie just grinned and put the blindfold on me again. He leaned down to my ear, "I will see you later, don't scream too much, princess."
I heard the door close as Vinnie left the room, and I was alone with the stranger. Before I knew it, I felt a hell of a pain in my vagina. One cut. Two cuts. Three cuts.
After a few more painful minutes, the pain stopped. I was numb, I heard the door open, and before I knew it, the blindfold was off, and Vinnie was standing in front of me.
"Don't be sad, be happy that you no longer need to fuck anyone. It would be hard without a clit." He grinned, and my eyes fell on my bandaged vagina. I began to scream and cry as loud as I could until everything went black.
"Fuck. Y/n wake up," Vinnie shouted, and I sat up, tears streaming down my face.
He immediately hugged me and stroked my hair with his hand, "It's okay. I'm here."
"You- you took my- my-" I burst into tears, and he held me tighter.
"What did I take, princess? You fell asleep after breakfast." He says softly.
It was all just a dream. A nightmare. I never wanted to escape, and Vinnie never locked me up. It took me a little while to finally breathe normally again, "I dreamt that I wanted to escape because I wasn't ready to become a mother. You caught me, held me captive in the basement and then some man...he took my clit-" I didn't get any further as I burst into tears again.
Vinnie kissed my forehead and smiled lightly at me, "It's okay if you don't want kids yet, but no matter what happens, I would never hurt you."
Vinnie normally wouldn't have shown anyone that he had a side like that, except me. All I wanted was him, and I never wanted to lose him.
I think I was finally ready to live with Vinnie forever.
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protectspock · 3 years
I know nothing abt mr. robot except that my parents watched an episode once please tell me more
YES. It's honestly very hard to describe why I love it so much without spoiling a bunch of twists and reveals, but I'll do my best!
The show opens with this voice-over:
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Throughout the series, You, the viewer, are an important person that Elliot confides in and sometimes even gets angry with or lies to. He is a very, very unreliable narrator.
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Elliot is a vigilante hacker by night and a cyber security engineer by day. He's extremely angry at the wealth inequality in the world and the way that corporations have hoarded everything and hurt people. He gives You a couple of rants on the subject.
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He has social anxiety and doesn't like to be touched. He is also very, very, very deeply sad.
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He's in court-ordered therapy, but we don't know why. He's paranoid about being spied on and scared of delusions that he's experienced in the past.
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The story begins when he's approached by a man wearing a jacket that says "Mr. Robot" who offers him an invitation to join a large hack against the most powerful corporation in the world.
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And then things start to get wild.
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I highly recommend it, but it might also be VERY triggering for a lot of people, as the main character has endured a lot of trauma that is revealed over time and also continues to go through some pretty traumatic situations during the show, so watch with caution!
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fictionalbadass · 4 years
Chaotic City
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Chapter I
Warnings: swearing (maybe in future), killing, blood, drug use, mention of drug deals, alcohol abuse, NSFW content in future (maybe?)
A/n: I hope everyone loves this, it's my first time publishing on tumblr.
The sounds of whimpers filled Valencia's ears as she twirled a dagger in her hands and examined the man tied up in the chair.
She trailed the blade of the dagger on the skin of the man's hand when she was behind him, she placed the dagger on his throat and pulled his hair roughly, pulling his head upwards.
"Why do you think that betraying me was the best thing you can ever do in your life?" Valencia said, sickenly sweetly as her dagger bite into the man's skin, making the man cry out.
"I- I didn't mean to! I g-got a better deal!" The man exclaimed hastily, wanting to Valencia to stop hurting him.
"Hmm... better deal huh?" Valencia spoke up as she withdrew her dagger and started to twirl it again in her hands and walk around him until she was facing him.
"Tell me, how much did Giovani offered you?" Valencia demanded as she glared viciously at the man sitting infront of him.
"T-ten thousand dollar." The man gulped, scared of how Valencia would react.
Smack. Valencia slapped the man hard on his right cheek, making his ear ring loudly. He gulped again as he looked up at the mafia queen in the eye, scared for his life now.
"You are really dense Patrick. This would have costed me millions. But what do you care? You wanted to fill your pockets, and now you won't have a single cent." Valencia said, anger sipping in her head, making her see red.
"But try to-" Patrick never got to finish as Valencia slit his throat, making him trash in the chair before going still as life left his body.
"Dispose him." Valencia said before walking out of dark basement to her lavish manor. She gave her dagger to her man, who took it away to disinfect it.
"We got our hands on the drugs. It's being send to the original buyer." Maximus, Valencia's right hand informed as he joined her.
"Brilliant. Any news from the chief of Police?" Valencia asked as she walked towards her office.
"He managed to lure Hernandes into a trap and now Hernandes is serving 15 years in jail." Maximus said, smirk evident on his face.
They entered into lavish Black themed office, with leather chairs and Black wood desk infront of the large window in the office, that had red curtain. Colour contrast.
"Amazing." Valencia said, smirking as she sat on her chair and kept her legs on the desk and clasped her hand together.
"Anything new on streets?" Valencia asked as she stared at Maximus.
"Nothing is new on streets. People still think goddess of you." Maximus informed as he sat on down on the chair infront of the desk.
"I want to get in contact with Siddhart Patel from India. He wanted to talk about exporting some drugs to his ring." Valencia said, putting a cigarette between her lips and lighting the cigarette with the lighter.
"Antònio mercelia called back. He has successfully delivered the drugs. But the hold on Europe by the Davis and Xaviers is proving a barrier." Maximus said as he scrolled through his phone. Valencia puff out the smoke of the cigarette.
"Europe it is, ain't it?" Valencia asked as she placed her legs down and leaned forward with her elbows on the table and chin being supported by her hands. She puffed out the smoke of the cigarette, that she inhaled a moment ago.
"Yes. Anthony Xavier and Harrison Davis. Both of them are the mafia king of Europe. News has it that they are loved by the politicians of that country for bring millions in the country everyday." Maximus snorted as he never understood mindset of politicians.
"Obsession with money, huh? Run me their information please. I want to know everything about them. From their hometown to their current location." Valencia ordered, while a malicious intention sparkled in those greyish yellow eyes.
"I am on it." Maximus said as he furiously typed on his macbook, while Valencia started to play with her pocket knife. She put out the cigarette between her finger and closed the ash tray.
Seven seas away, a cry sounded in the alley way. The man seemed to be running a marathon, or a race to save his life.
"I swear to jesus, I don't work for any mafia entity!" The man begged to the shadow that was overwhelming him.
"Tsk, tsk. A lie. I have so much experience that I am able to point out your lie. So tell me, who are you working for?" A disembodied voiced sounded in the empty alley way.
"I told you, I don't work for anyone. I just had drugs delivered at my door way, and I delivered those drugs to the original buyer. Nothing more!" The man said desperately, knowing that if he couldn't defend himself, he is as good as dead.
But there was no further questioning as two blasts of bullets resounded in the alleyway, marking the fate of the man in the alleyway.
"I hate liars." The man who killed the man grumbled as he pocketed his gun and turned around and removed his phone.
"Anthony, I am sure this trail leads to Valencia." Orion spoke up as his brother picked up his phone.
"You sure about that?" The person on the other side of the line asked, wary evident in his voice.
"Who else would deliver American crack cocaine to England? I am sure that it is the infamous Valencia Downey." Orion said as his driver opened the door for him, and Orion sat in the car.
"I will inform Davis about this, but are you really sure about this?  One misinformation can destroy our empire." Anthony made his concern evident to Orion.
"I am sure about this. Trust me on this one." Orion said to his brother and hung up before doing his own research.
The lady was more beautiful than he thought she would be. Beauty with poison...deadly combination.
She knows what she is doing, so does Orion. He pocketed his phone as he let his mind wander on the outcome of Valencia taking over their empire.
She was known for her ruthless and cruel treatment of the people who works for her. Except one. Maximus Carson. She seems to attach to him.
Maybe he is her weakness, or maybe something more for her. Orion's thought consumed him, and it was like an obsession growing day by day.
Orion entered his brother's office, unbottoning his blazer and removing the blazer. He tossed the blazer on the sofa in the corner, and loosened his tie.
"So Antònio Mercelia didn't give away anything?" Anthony asked from where he was sitting.
"Nope. He lied to me. And I hate liars." Orion growled as he sat on the sofa cross legged.
"So he is dead?" Anthony asked, raising his single brow at his brother.
"Yes. He is. But Europe is in for treat. There have been so many American spies in England, that it's more than obvious that Valencia has set her eyes on our country." Orion said, rolling his sleeves up and rubbing his forehead in irritation.
"Why are you so frustrated?" Anthony asked, amusement making it's way in his voice.
"What if we are too laid back and she gets her hold on our country? That's a nightmare for me. But what if that happens?" Orion asked as he stared at his brother, who just rolled his eyes.
"As much as I know about this Downey woman, she has control over America, and three fourth of Asia. But she tried three times to take her control on Europe, but just to fail. And we are not laid back. Stop worrying about the outcome which is not possible." Anthony reassured his brother as he went back to his typing again.
"Sir, Mr. Harrison Davis and Mr. Peter Davis are here to see you." Their Assistant stepped in the office and informed the duo.
"Sent them in please." Anthony said to his assistant before closing his macbook and fixing his blazer.
The two brunette stepped inside, in all formal wear and non chalant look. They both didn't look much familiar, yet they were brothers.
"Ah Harrison, peter. Have a seat." Anthony said firmly, neither friendly, nor with anonymity.
"You sounded like the matter on our hands is urgent. What is going on?" Harrison asked, sitting in the white leather chair, followed by Peter, who sat beside him.
"My brother here is concerned about Valencia Downey of America. In three weeks he has killed 6 rogues who started to work with Valencia. We ought to tighten our hold and boundaries." Anthony said, hands clasped in seriousness.
"I conveyed same concern to Harrison this morning. There are many of our employees going rogue. It's our time to tighten our grip and boundaries over our employees." Peter agreed nodding his head.
"We will do that, but be less paranoid. You will give away about your knowledge about knowing to have spies in our empire easily. And Valencia has already tried thrice, she won't succeed in her fourth attempt. We wont let her win." Harrison reassured his brother as he leaned back in his chair.
"If you dare to underestimate this woman, I will cut your throat. She is not a normal woman!" Peter exclaimed as he glared at his brother.
"Same goes for you Anthony. I will empty my bullets in you." Orion quipped, eyebrows raised in threatening way.
"I am glad to know that you are on our side." Anthony piped back, dryly and full of sarcasm.
"Good. Because I won't hesitate to do what I told you." Orion snapped back, narrowing his eyes at his brother.
"And if you will try to get an access to her information, it's practically impossible. Even if you get a high rank Hacker, she will know our IP adress, giving out our location. We have to find our way. Sending some spies to America. In the den of snakes." Peter offered, eyes hold a determined look.
"I offer myself as a tribute." Oliver speak up from his place, not lifting his eyes from his phone.
"And I will tag along with him." Peter added, a smirk slowly made it's way on his lips.
"Are you two sure? Because one wrong move, it can cost you your lives." Harrison asked, brotherly instinct kicking in.
"Was never sure about something, like I am sure about this. I want to know how Valencia Downey works." Orion said, a smirk and something along the line of malice sparkled in his green eyes.
"If you are that sure about this. You will be leaving for America in two weeks." Anthony said, still not having good feeling about whole thing, but he knew his brother will do it, no matter how much he try, he won't budge.
Orion and Peter exchanged a triumph look before talking about clubs they opened last months.
Orion and Peter were the soul and heart of Davis and Xavier Empire. Both were ready to get blood on their hands, and they did got blood on their hands.
Harrison and Anthony were brain and discipline of the two empire, and without them Orion and Peter would have got themselves killed in the second year as a mafia.
And looking at the situation, it's either going to be a deal, or bloodshed. And the things will remain uncertain until the end.
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