#Please god I wnat some fresh stories
neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
It’s so hard being an utmv fan but not liking ink. Fighting for my life out here
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Smell of the sea
Pairing: Yandere!c!Foolish x Fem!SeaNymph!Reader
Type: Romantic (Foolish is yandere), oneshot.
Warnings: Yandere, swearing, injury, threats, possessiveness, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Foolish is hosting you in his summer house. You spent there almost a month having a great time, but you want to have some space.
My first yandere fic.
She was sitting at comfortable couch in big terrace and admiring view. Sun was kissing her skin and wind blowing away the hot. Specific smell of salt has reached her nose. Sky was light blue without any clouds and silence filled scream of gulls.
Foolish's summer home was like paradise on Smp. Great weather, sea nearbay, peacefuly area and god's companion were making this place like heaven. Y/N reached out for an apple. In front of couch was standing small table with bowl full of a lot of fresh fruits; everything was here.
"Good morning my goddess." After hearing that, she felt a gentle kiss pressed to top of her head. Foolish took a deep breath and sat on couch with wide smile.
He was wearing ancient, light green robe with open torso, his skin was shinning in the sun. In common days like this, he prefered to be in human form, shifting into shark one with grey skin and fines only, when they wanted to swim together. She has never seen him in full divine form, only when he decided to change height.
"Good morning Foolish." She replied and blushed immediately.
"You are awake early today." He said moving his eyes on her.
"Yes... I just couldn't sleep." Y/N sighted slighty.
"What happend?" His was worrying about her after hearing the news.
"Nothing excatly." She shrugged.
Foolish sent her soft smile and grabbed her hand gently. He pressed another kiss, but on her fingers. At the very beginning true god was really careful towards her, treat her like godess, treasure. Y/N started to notice that this week. Of course she met some of the others Smp members, but he was the sweetest. She was a little shy, but after spending with him a lot of time, Y/N get used to his behaviour.
"If you wish, you can go back to the sleep. I don't mind." Foolish said softly locking his green, emerald eyes on her figure.
"I wouldn't fall asleep... I might go into a walk."
"Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked carefuly.
Y/N nodded and smiled to him. They both stood up and Foolish offered her arm, she grabbed it gently, than they left the terrace. Summer home, but in fact Temple of Undying was unbelivable big. It had living parts, sacral places, big outside field, a lot of aesthetic pools filled with fishes, turtles and water lilies. There were also small places filled with grass, trees and flowers. After everything Summer Home was in the desert, reaching the sea. Of course they had Nether portal, very big one outside, but they had visitors hardly ever. Even Foolish admited, that before her hosting, he didn't have a lot of guests, usually spending time alone.
During a walk they remained silence, enjoying each other presence, walking through the buildings and squares. Blooming trees filled whole place with pleasure, flower smell. Y/N relaxed and again felt somnolence coming. Foolish noticed that and lead her to private chambers.
"Get a little bit sleep, I really don't mind." He smiled gently.
"You have right, I shloud probably be awake in afternoon, maybe earlier." She agreed and sighed. Foolish nodded to her, when she entered her chambers.
He walked away, getting lost in his own thoughts. Usually they didn't have plans about spending day or schedule. Most time they were resting, talking or swimming. Y/N liked to listen his stories or plans about new adding new buildings to the Temple.
Unfortunately, Y/N woke up only for supper and she had a little talk with Foolish, but then she went again to sleep, couldn't tell why this happend. After a quick bath, she crawled on her bed, almost immediately falling deep asleep.
Truly god didn't need a lot of resting or sleep, so Foolish was mostly awake and full of energy during nights. Today was like always. He wandered around, but finally ended up at Y/N chamber's door. Hesitation appeard on his face, he was worried that, because of previous sleeping, she could have light one now. After a few minutes he decided and quietly opened door. His steps were noiseless. Chamber was very big, with main part, bedroom, bathroom, terrace and wardrobe. Today the moon was shinning brightly, showing cleary whole area. Y/N was peacefuly sleeping in big, canopy bed. Silk counerpane was gently covering her figure. Foolish liked to watch her lot. Even when she was thinking, she was alone, he probably was watching her carefuly from distance, especially when she was wandering around in Temple. He just couldn't take his eyes off when Y/N was gracefully walking by the isles, watching trees and flowers completly diffrent than plants in the sea. But when she was sleeping, she looked so innocent and sweet, that he could stare for ages. He stayed in shadows for some minutes, but then got closer and sat at the end of the bed. Gentle smell of the sea salt hit his nose. He took deep, quiet breath, he loved it. There was some time when they cuddle or hugged themselfes, but for him it was always not enough. After all this time spent together, he started to think how keep Y/N around and safe. Although, she didn't mention any plans for leaving, he got cold shiver in his spine each time he thought of parting.
Night has passed and Y/N woke up before noon. She actually felt better and rested. After making a morning routine and eat light breakfast, she started to search Foolish, well Temple was so big, so Y/N gave up in third pool. In this area, water was surrounded by trees and grass. She took off her sandals and enter the shallowest part of the pool, warm water reached her cubes. Pleased smile crawled at her lips, she closed her eyes and enjoy the silence.
Of course he was watching from the distance, partly covered by big, sandstone column. Today was really hot, he was temped to stay in the water whole day. He was wearing the light robe again, with open torso. Foolish hoped that today he will be able to swim with Y/N or spend time in library, where was pretty cold.
Y/N heard silent footsteps and looked around. Foolish was coming, she sent him soft smile, at least he found her.
"Feeling better today my dear?" He asked and came closer.
"Yes, I think, I needed this long sleep."
Foolish also took his sandals and stepped into a water, it was cold, but in the same time nice.
"I am glad then. I don't want to see any sadness on your beautiful face." His smile widened, then he hugged her tightly and put hands on her waist.
She lean head on his chest, he was warm and smell like sand or desert. Y/N could say, that there she felt safe and with Foolish she felt cherished and somehow... loved? She fast chased away that thought and focused on peace and silent of this moment.
"We can go swimming if you want." His whisper hit softly her ear.
Y/N giggled slighty, moved herself that she could looked at him. "Actually... I thought about maybe visit other members of Smp?"
Foolish looked at her with surprise and cold shiver went down at his spine.
"Oh... I didn't expect that... you want to visit someone specifically?" His tone was a little bit unsure.
"I thought about Philza maybe, we didn't see him a lot? But if you don't want to go, I can go alone, it doesn't take a lot of time." She said and smiled innocently.
Shark god looked deep into her eyes, couldn't decide. For some reasons he didn't want to see Philza today and prefer to stay in summer home with Y/N, but in another side, he just didn't want to let her go alone.
"Well I have to do some stuff here too." He said slowly.
"So I will be in the home before supper." She clapped her hands in joy. Foolish slighty nodded and smiled. Maybe a little trip will be good for her? And he will set up some things...
Y/N always liked Philza's company, he visited desert several times and she always enjoy his pressence and stories, which he was telling. Similar to other old beings he lived enough long to see and exeperience a lot. This time wasn't diffrent Y/N was invited inside and he got her cup of tea. They sat in the kitchen and talked about common things. Technoblade was on the adventure with Ranboo, so they had peaceful time full of laughs and giggles.
Foolish thought it would be easy, but since Y/N left for visiting Philza he was very distracted. Uninvited thoughts filled his head and strange feeling in his stomach. He tried to build, read and walk, nothing helped. Knowing Phil they would sit and talk but... what if there will be somethin else? Or what if Y/N won't come back? Shark god sighed, being worry about her and being worry that she won't come back have been mixed together. This was one of his biggest fear. Since she have stepped in his life, he didn't wnat to be alone anymore. After a hour more struggling he gave up.
Phil was about to escorted Y/N, till she will reach the desert, but in the end of his yard stood Foolish in more appropriate clothing than ancient robes. He sent them soft smile. Sun was getting down, throwing longer shadows. Phil nodded to him.
"Hi mate."
"Foolish what a surprise!" Y/N said and smiled back to him.
"Well I think, that I needed also longer walk." He said and gave her hand. She grabbed it gently and blushed slighty. Phil glanced at them and smirked.
"Thank you for the visit, I hope we will meet again sooner."
"I think next time you can actually visit us." Y/N said and looked at Foolish.
"Yes, of course. Technoblade and Ranboo ale welcomed too of course." Shark god nodded and smiled proudly.
"See you then, I wish you safe trip back."
They both waved to him and left property value. Foolish squeezed her hand gently and smiled to her, his worries disappered immediately.
"How was the visit?"
"Phil like Phil was telling me stories and gave me couple cups of tea. Technoblade and Ranboo were on adventure, so we were alone."
"Wanna eat something in home or go immediately sleep?" He asked softly.
"Honestly I want to eat something, also I like suppers with you, because we are always talking." She admitted with unsure tone.
"I am glad to hear that." Foolish looked directly into her eyes. "And I am glad that you are back. I am so used to your pressence..."
She reciprocated glance and blushed a little bit more. They spent rest way back in silence. Maybe words wasn't needed there?
They both sat at the long table in terrace, stars showed up in the sky, moon again was shinning brightly. A lot of dishes were on the table, Foolish held glass full of ambrosia, when Y/N was eating some fruits. They changed clothes, because even at night, there still were hot.
"Maybe in next week we can visit Tommy and Tubbo? Then we shloud definitely meet Kinoko Kingdom, since you have helped them with buildings and of course guest Phil, Technoblade and Ranboo as we promised!" Y/N said with excitement in her voice.
Foolish again felt this starange feeling in the stomach but hid it with soft smile. Since when she wanted to do so much visits and meetings?
"Of course my dear... " He agree little unsure.
"You know... I just think we shloud more meet with Smp members." She stated while was looking at him.
"So I now am not enough?" He asked playfuly, ignoring cold shiver at his spine.
"Well, it's not the case... I am just missing others company a little bit, but I very enjoy your pressence Foolish. Here... is like paradise, you know?" Y/N said and looked down, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.
Demi god smirked and took a small sip. "I am glad, that I am 'enough'. You brought a lot of joy and happiness into this place."
He looked directly at her and took another sip. She looked lovely with red cheeks and shy smile on her lips. Foolish got completly lost in her beauty, that she spotted, that he was looking at her.
"You are staring at me."
"I am not staring my goddess. I am admiring, that is diffrence."
Y/N shook her head with disbelief and tried to focus on her dish, but it was difficult under Foolish'es burning gaze. After eating, they stood under railing, looking at peacefuly ocean. Sounds of small waved crashin the coast was very calm. She slowly put her head on his shoulder, when was watching the horizon. He smiled softly and put hand on her's hip gently.
"Comfortably?" His whisper hit her ear and eyes caught her's. Y/N nodded in response.
"Good." Foolish said with satisfied tone. He waited couple of minutes, then took his chance and tickled her unexpected.
Y/N literally just jumped away from him, then crossed arms. "What was that?!" She asked with betrayed tone.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist." He smirked and get closer, but Y/N kept moving away at his each step. Finally her back touched the railing, Foolish put his hand on it.
"Nowhere to run?"
"Unfortunately..." Y/N whispered slowly.
He leaned in and grabbed by second hand her chin. Their eyes met again, she smiled innocently.
"There is no escape from me my sweetheart."
After this words he pressed their lips together in slow kiss, Y/N put her arms around his neck, Foolish'es hand from railing embraced her waist. There was silence, they get lost in the kiss, clearly waited for this for so long. When they pulled away, their breaths were sharp and heavy.
"I would never want to escape." She whispered softly, causing him to smile.
After a few days full of love affection, kisses, cuddles and words Foolish wanted to give Y/N special gift. It spent some time to prepare it. This day he woke up first and set up breakfast, wanted to enjoy this moment fully. When everything was ready he put casket on the table and sat, waiting for her impatiently. His robe was decorated by gold and stones, white silk was shinning slighty in sun.
Finally Y/N went through the door, today they ate on big hall full of windows, sunlight was going through them. She was wearing blue like sky dress type robe, her hair was falling softly at her back. Foolish smiled to her and stood up. They hug each other gently.
"How was your sleep love?" He asked softly.
"Pretty good and yours?"
"I was dreaming about you." Foolish admited and kissed her forehead. She giggled and blushed slighty.
"Sweet talker." Y/N said and sat at the table. He followed her steps, then they started to eat. Silence was filled by sounds of cutlery and glasses. Again he was staring at her while drinking ambrosia.
"I have something for you." Foolish finally said and pick up casket.
Y/N rose her left eyebrow with curiosity. What it could be? She appreciated all gifts which he go her, but didn't want to bother with some stupid whims.
"It's sweet of you, but you know that you don't need to spoil me so much? I already live here for free, have everything and don't need to worry about anything." She admitted slowly.
"I want to spoil you a little my goddess. Just a little." He stood up and moved closer to her, then opened the box. Inside were a set of golden jewelry with gems such as: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. There were two pair of bracelets, necklace and tiara.
Y/N made big eyes. "I can't take it... it's too much..." She said quietly.
"I will be so happy when you will wear it. I promise." Foolish said softly, taking them out the box.
She sighed, but nodded to him, allowed to help her with it. They took off old one and put new one. "How do I look?" Y/N asked watching her new jewelry.
"Now like mine goddess." Foolish said with satisfied tone and their eyes met. He kissed her cheek and she giggled softly.
"Thank you..." She looked down shyly. "Did you make it?"
"Oh yes... I had some spare gems and you know how I love gold. I just wanted... you know. Give you something. You're making me happy."
"It's beautiful, I love each part of it and I love you." Y/N whispered.
"I love you too my love." Foolish responeded and kissed her lovingly.
Unfortunately Y/N couldn't visit rest of Smp members this days, because she started to feel bad. She assumed, that she stayed too long on the sun and didn't drink enough. Foolish agreed with that and added, that maybe more swimming or baths could help. Of course she shloudn't go to cold tundra, her state could get worse and that was the last thing they wanted. Y/N spent almost whole days in her chamber or library, because there were cold and quiet.
Foolish closed carefuly door, his love just went to sleep, although early time. Afternoon just passed, but she was too sleepy and drain out of energy already. He didn't say a word, just took her and put her in the bed. Shark god went into his personal chambers and looked at alchemical area. There were still remains of his newest project, he smiled a little, couldn't belive that this could actually work so well.
At the beginning he belived that Y/N is his destiny. She was perfect, she could be a goddess and he wanted to make her one, his goddess actually. It would take time, yes, but it will be worth. They were perfect match, Sea Nymph and Shark God, what a pair and she even fell in love with him... day of their first kiss was the happiest day of his immortal life.
But thing was that Foolish enjoyed their time spent together, alone in the temple, but Y/N was sociable person, she loved meetings, visits, trips and parties. Of course he liked rest of the Smp members... but Y/N was a person, he desired the most. What if someone will involve her in war or conflict? He couldn't let that happen. This land saw enough blood od innocents and fights. Y/N needed to be safe.
Foolish looked at empty alchemist bootles. It took almost a week to saturate gold potion of weakness. Dose was harmless, just caused person which wad wearing the jewelry feel weak and sleepy. That shloud be enough, to make Y/N stay in the temple with him. Of course he couldn't make it last forever, buy for now it have to be enough. Maybe after some time she will lost interest in meetings or visits and understand that Foolish is the only person, she needs. If not... well he knew how to saturate gold with potions effects. And there were two pairs of bracalets and tiara left.
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