#Pls feel free to tell me I'm super wrong i love these sorts of debates
zeivira · 1 year
Ok so this is Zei and in this Essay i WILL explain why Regulus Corneas is a great character and should be appreciated MORE.
Nowadays there is this trend that villains can't be evil. They must have deep trauma. They must be victims. Don't get me wrong, that's super neat when we'll done (It's sucks when done wrong tho) but i like old fashioned evil villains. That doesn't mean I like them cartoonish, no, it just means i like characters written as flawed and greedy beings that crave STUFF like world domination or great power. Which is natural, honestly.
Regulus had a good family. He had parents that were poor but worked day and night so he would never go to bed with an empty stomach. Regulus knows they were like this— but he still kills them in cold blood.
“A father who despite his poor earnings was plagued with bad drinking habits and yet still occasionally buys gifts for me is scum better off dead. A mother who prattled on endlessly complaining day and night while saying obvious things like “apologies I’ve troubled you” is scum better off dead. The greedy brothers who despite ravenously eyeing the portion that rightfully belonged to me used to divide my part of their bun when my food got spilled are scum better off dead.” [1]
You might think— well, this just proves he was born insane. He is a victim too! Well— yes, but Regulus is perfectly capable of love too. Regulus loved his first wife, he loved her SO much that when she kills herself, smiling for the first time in years, he strictly prohibits his new wives from smiling.
And you may say: "But that was because he wanted her pretty face by his side and she made sure he didn't get that— therefore he lost against her! He is a greedy man, he doesn't want anyone else to smile because it reminds him of the one time he lost."
And that would be SUPER VALID if we didn't consider the fact he made a GRAVE for her. Why would you make a grave for someone you hate??? SPECIALLY considering he never makes graves for his enemies wtf.
“Somewhere down the line she committed suicide, but right before dying, she laughed for the first time. Regulus didn't take that smile all too well, swearing he'll never be alone anymore. On top of that, he forbid his future wives to show any facial emotions; a rule which would result in their deaths, if broken.
She was also the only wife who Regulus made a grave for.” [2]
Because he loved her. He truly did.
Regulus Corneas is a monster. But that's why he is my favorite villain. He isn't like Sirius or Geuse, that are more puppets than villains, he is an actual EVIL guy that is delusional yes but is still perfectly capable of love.
[1] arc 5 chapter 59 "Regulus Corneas"
[2] Re Zero wiki (i couldn’t find on the speech and i’m to lazy to reread all his chapters rn lol)
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