#Plus it says a lot about these larries if they think he'd have a kid with such a shitty woman
maggie4thewin · 5 months
Can I see everyone's (koopalings,boom,and pom) personality traits (like a bio)
Ooh, okay! Let's see what I can come up with...
Lemmy (7) is very sweet and polite towards everyone he meets. He can be a bit too trusting at times, though. He has no control over what direction his eyes point, making him pretty much blind. He struggles to walk and read and do other basic tasks. He wants, more than anything, to be a "normal" kid. Lemmy is also very quick to tears and has bed-wetting issues that keep him from always getting enough sleep; Needing to get up and change sheets instead of getting that extra needed hour of rest. One of his biggest interests is circuses. It seems impossible that he'd ever become a clown given his vision, but somehow, circus stunts seem to be the only thing his eyesight doesn't get in the way of.
Larry (9) is a mostly self-sufficient and independent kid who likes spending his time either playing online video games, practicing sports by himself, working on ventriloquism/shadow puppetry, or doing magic (Like a birthday party/black top hat magician--Not wizardy like Kamek) When he isn't doing those hobbies by himself and is forced to "integrate with society," Larry usually spends that time annoying people by info-dumping about his aforementioned hobbies. He is considered the "annoying one" of his siblings, but really isn't that bad. He's just awkward. And a teeeeeeny bit insufferable.
Wendy (11) is pretty chill and can be agreeable and nice if she wants to be, but can also be manipulative, psychotic, and downright evil just 'cuz she's bored. Gatekeep. Gaslight. Girlboss. Despite being a "girlboss," Wendy doesn't consider herself a feminist. She thinks all genders are equally annoying. She absolutely does NOT struggle to survive in a house with seven brothers*. She fucking runs the place! With the bros* and her dad all wrapped around her finger, plus her own raw strength, this little lady practically has the whole castle under her control! She doesn't do much with that control, though. Most days, she can be seen chilling, watching TV in bed with fast food and a sketchbook by her side, like any, lazy normal tween. She, for whatever reason, really likes Mexican food! Wendy is one of the only characters without some food allergy/limitation so she can and WILL eat just about anything. Most people assume Morton is the snacker who eats all the food 'cuz of his size (Which he does still eat lots of snacks and whatnot!) But Wendy needs to not be overlooked when it comes to mysterious food disappearances.
Iggy (13) is still semi in the closet over being genderfluid and switches between using he and her pronouns, but is fine with they/them. They are very sweet to just about everyone, being very well-mannered and apologetic. Iggy used to be very emotional, and although is still super empathetic towards others, has been somewhat desensitized to their own emotions due to constantly being put into uncomfortable situations (Thanks to Pom-Pom). They don't cry as often, nor do they "blow up" at people. But you can clearly see the visible annoyance on their face build up when stress becomes present. If pushed over the edge, Iggy will usually step into another room and just, exhale aggressively. Iggy struggles with social situations and maintaining hobbies. This is mostly due to the fact that they have the bladder capacity of a literal shot glass. It is really hard to keep focused when you need to stop what you're doing to go pee every three minutes. They are probably one of the only Iggies in the Mario Multiverse who isn't into experimenting. They just can't.
Morton (14) is... How do I say this... A weeb. He owns WAY TOO MANY body pillows, maid outfits, anime/hentai DVDs, and more. He also has tons of MLP merchandise. Like Larry, when he isn't by himself, enjoying his hobbies alone, he's usually talking to his siblings about them. When he grows up, he wants to do anime art commissions. And seeing how his art skills are now, it is very likely that could become a full-time career option for him in a few years. Morton is pretty dorky and calm. A bit of a dummy sometimes, but very well-intentioned. He truly cares about his friends and family and would never intentionally upset them. Morton is also surprisingly well-spoken and good with advice, even in stressful situations. (He happens to read/eat a lot of fortune cookies), so he always happens to have little words of wisdom to share. Even if they don't really fit/help the situation.
Roy (15) is considered a real "player" and has been through several relationships with many different women. His body count is well into the hundreds and he is proud of that fact. Roy is proud of lots involving himself--He takes great pride in his muscular, manly body. Ever since a very young age, he decided "Shells are for wussies!" And now only wears shorts. Despite not being the oldest, Roy tends to act as the alpha male of the house, ordering his siblings and telling them what to do every now and then. That includes Ludwig, who IS the oldest and often gets tired of Roy taking charge and bossing him around. Especially when it comes to him and Boom-Boom's relationship, which shouldn't be any of Roy's business. Roy thinks he knows what's best for everyone. He usually has good intentions, just doesn't like it when his peers don't listen to what he thinks they need.
Ludwig (17) is going through a lot. He has a huge list of allergies, gets many UTIs, is going through puberty, almost got raped as a child, has an eating disorder, etc. But still, he is able to power through with his life and be a good parental figure to his siblings. He can be quite bossy and rude but also very polite and charming, depending on his mood. Ludwig, like Roy, takes great pride in his appearance. Although, he is very insecure about the fact that, because one of his horns got broken off, he will forever be "asymmetrical." Ludwig is extremely germaphobic and is quite the perfectionist, so having an asymmetrical face is a big deal to him. Oh yeah, and the horn that got broken off? Well, the base is super sensitive to touch. Ludwig would like it a lot if you kept your grubby hands far away from his face and especially away from his hair and horns.
Jr (5) is a demon. No other way to describe it. A little monster. Literally. He may look like an unassuming child, but he holds the ability to kill anyone and destroy everything in a matter of seconds. He seems to have no thoughts or conscience. Just. Evilness. He is also SUPER heavy for no reason.
Motley (6) is Lemmy's best friend. [And partner?] She is pretty chaotic and can be very scary, although she is an absolute angel around the people she loves, like her family and Lemmy. She likes spending all her time with Lemmy, helping him, playing with him, and more. If somebody were to hurt Lemmy, they would not live to see the next day. Motley is a proud mom to two pet snakes, Mr. & Mrs. Hisstocrat.
Pom-Pom (12) is a super weird, hyper young lady with a love for many CN shows. She is Iggy's girlfriend and just can't seem to leave them alone. Constantly following them around, giving unwanted hugs and kisses out of nowhere, and generally just giving many "stalker vibes," which go unchecked by almost everyone around her.
Boom-Boom (16) is a young gentleman with a love for old Western films and his pet race yoshi. He loves every aspect of his life, minus the fact that his dad is almost always drunk and abusive to him. (Never his sisters, though). Boom-Boom can often be seen with covered up injuries that he hides, not wanting people to worry for him. Even though he's so sweet and hard-working, nothing he ever does can get his dad to be kind to him.
Topper (19) is one of the Broodals, who work around the castle. He and his siblings came from Europe, meaning that they have accents that nobody else here can quite understand. But that doesn't stop him from constant yelling at people, being seen as nothing but a big ball of rage most days. He's been known to pull guns on people out of nowhere and is generally not fun to be around. Some brave people enjoy antagonizing him just to see what happens. Topper has minor interests in cards, tea, and golf. Being near him if he's losing a game of cards or golf can be quite dangerous, though. And it's pretty easy to get some scalding hot tea splashed on you if you're too close. So... Always be cautious. You don't have to take the warning too seriously, though. After all, his siblings don't!
Harriette (19) is the best of the Broodals at her job, getting work finished in minutes, so she has plenty of time to goof around. She can be very focused and diligent but is often seen as rather loony and hyper. Her behavior can get annoying VERY quickly. While goofing off, she will either go bother her brothers or talk to random workers around the castle, sometimes flirting with them out of nowhere. She has a thing for big, buff, masculine men and has plenty of pictures of random attractive people she saw in public in her room. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is watch cheesy romcoms. And her brothers all know when they hear that saxophone music it means leave Harriette tf alone.
Rango (19) is the most showy and arrogant member of the Broodals, really enjoying talking about himself and his interests. He can be quite cocky when it comes to things he's good at. Of course, he isn't always like that. Rango (Usually called "Vango" by the Koopalings due to not understanding his accent) is also one of the nicer bunnies, always having time to sit and chat with someone. He really likes affection (And attention). Giving him a gentle hug would make his whole day. Rango's favorite hobby is chess, which he gets teased about by Topper very often for. One of his favorite things to talk about is Mimi--His girlfriend from when he and his family still lived in Europe. He isn't really into romance stuff like Harriette, but is still very much in love with Mimi, even after all these years of never communicating.
Spewart (19) is the sweetest Broodal and is very easy to mistake for being condescending or trying to manipulate. Nope! His dorky little head only has nice thoughts floating around, making him scarily optimistic at all times. He can be quite shy and nervous, often relying on his siblings to stick up for him. He enjoys knitting and cuddles, although not hugs due to some stomach-related issues; Hug him, and he might puke on you. (Unintentionally, of course!) In more recent times, Spewart has become a bit distant from his siblings. He's had his eyes on and is slowly forming a crush on one of the other workers around the castle... But the worker happens to be male. And he's afraid of how his siblings will react to finding out he might be into dudes. (Given how himbo-hungry Harriette is and the fact that Rango is still madly in love with a girl he was with several years ago, Spewart believes that his siblings think and want him to be straight like them).
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alarrytale · 9 months
“But his whole 'never had a gf in public' was foiled when he called c*mille his gf. O was also one, and emrata wasn't exactly neither subtle nor private. I think the privacy strategy is no more.”
What I have learned so far is that everything what is happening with Harry’s so-called private life in public is taken as an immediate syndicator that it’s fake and it’s only work because Harry has a private life and he would never do this to his real relationship. And what was the most memorable for me was his quote from interview from Dec 2019 where they asked him about dating only famous people and he literally said “I have a private life. You just don’t know about it.” So now I’m bit confused by what you wrote above that Harry doesn’t value his private life anymore? Okay, he called C*mille his ex but wasn’t that to push the narrative for songs on Fine Line (which they, at least for larries and their decoding talent, turned out to be mostly about Louis and Harry himself exploring his inner self)? O talked about him in every opportunity she had like he’s the only reason to live for her because she was relevant just because of him - but he’d never aknowledged her as his gf and made sure to let everyone know that any song on H’sH is about her. I don’t know what Emrata said exactly because I just saw his bodylanguage and that told me everything I needed to know how comfortable (irony) he felt to makeout with her in public. So I would love to think that his personal and private life priorities has never changed and actually became more important to secure it and hide from public eyes but I’m also afraid that he’ll decide to make a 180 degree turn and do absolute opposite to what was always important for him. I want to stay hopeful and optimistic but it’s damn hard when I have no idea what is happening with him right now and people are panicking while preparing for the worst scenario.
The only thing that makes me a bit calmer is that Louis called Eleanor his gf multiple times but still noone believed him and he literally tweeted that he’s straight and yet, still fans don’t even question his sexuality. Plus he had this kid as still going stunt which is much worse than some O tattoo or 2 years of stunting while looking miserable.
Hi, anon!
You misunderstand me, i don't think Harry doesn’t value his private life anymore. When i said 'privacy strategy' i was talking about the practice they've applied to every stunt that they get papped in 'private places' and blame it on a pesky pap for invading their privacy. Like being papped on a yacht or poolside at an hotel. That gives an illusion that they are trying to be private about their relationship and not flaunting it. It helps sell it as real. Harry never confirming anything was a part of that strategy. We've had a turn from that strategy now. Harry confirming c*mille as a gf (after the fact), pda for the paps during holivia, emrata and now hussell. They are stunting right in front of our salads now, no illusion of privacy left.
Also, i have a very different view on harry's need for privacy than a lot of other people. I don't think he'd be more private about it if it were real. If it were real it would be with a man, and harry is closeted so he'd have to be private about it or else he'd have to come out. Him being a 'private' person is also a part of his image to make him look mysterious, interesting and dignified.
When Harry says 'i have a private life. You just don't know about it' i want to add 'not because i am a private person in particular, but because i'm closeted'. If harry were able to snog louis in the middle of oxford street, he'd not hesitate for a second.
I don't think people should panic over yet another stunt, but i can't control them or their feelings. I can only try helping people cope a bit. I think being hopeful, but realistic is a good approach. It will end at a point, but we will also most likely get another stunt in the future. It's been like this for years so we all got to learn to cope if we want to stay in this fandom. If it gets too much, take a break. You come first!
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quietzap · 5 years
#Rlly should stop looking at larries blogs y'all reblog on my dash#I know everyone can have their own opinion and as long as they don't insult Ziam and Ziams that's good#But it always makes me angry that they think Larry (and often shiall too) are together yet with Ziam#They either think they fucked once or broke up or were never ever together#And they think Liam is deffo a dad or they're not sure bc he 'sells it so well' when he doesn't!!#If y'all paid more attention you'd see all the inconsistencies of his stories and his fidgeting while telling them#Plus it says a lot about these larries if they think he'd have a kid with such a shitty woman#Plus it's so stupid like just bc Louis never posts about Freddie it means he's not a dad but hello so does Liam?? Plus he only ever talks#About bear during promo time!!! Besides he's always been the assigned spokesperson so ofc he's better at selling lies!#So yeah it's these larries' double standards and hypocrisy that annoy me#Just say you haven't looked into ziam/BG 2.0 enough to have an opinion instead of looking at one video and saying shit#Larry + Ziam as well as BG + BG 2.0 are so similar and if y'all still can't see it despite the amount of masterposts about it then shut up#Bc 100% of the time y'all haven't even looked at everything and you just don't want to#At least some of these larries respect Ziam and Ziams but there's still double standards so it just sucks#Anyway sorry for the rant it's just I see nice posts from larries that mutuals reblog on my dash so it makes me curious and I check their#Blog and it's almost always what I've just described#But I guess I should be glad they're not those larries who go as far as insulting Ziam and Ziams coz those larries can f*ck off lol#At least the larries I mentioned in this rant will probably support Ziam if they were to come out at least I hope so bc if not they're trash#Anyway gonna work out now I'll feel better afterwards lmaoo
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