#Plus the festival season traffic
In one (1) day I've managed to lock myself out of someone else's place AND almost used piles cream as toothpaste
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shiny-crocodile · 3 months
the best person i’ve ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10
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Chapter Summary: the wedding
Notes: first time writing, feedback appreciated, enjoy ☺️
Lucy was so looking forward to this day, her best friend’s wedding was something they have been talking about since they were kids. She had thought that it may have been her walking down the aisle first given her 7 year relationship, but that had ended a few months ago and her full focus was on her best friend’s special day.
After a hectic first half of the season at her new club, Barcelona, it was also a much needed opportunity for her to let her hair down, hang out with friends she hasn’t seen for a while, marking the start of a fun-filled festive season.
But first she had to make it there on time!
Day 1s group chat
Lucy S: Girls, I don’t need the stress of knowing the details but please tell me you’ll be here in time!
Jordan: We will be there, Stan. I’m waiting for Luce in the pick up zone now.
Lucy S: YOU HAVEN’T PICKED HER UP YET? Oh god, I don’t want to know, I really don’t want to know. Please hurry!
Lucy B: Calma, we’ll be there in 20, get the champagne poured!! Can’t wait to see you! x
Lucy put her phone away as she made her way out of the airport, practically jogging over to Jordan in her black Porsche.
“Nice wheels!!” Lucy exclaimed as she chucked her bags in the boot. “How are you, my friend?” She asked, sliding into the car and embracing her friend over the console.
“Bloody stressed!” Jordan said, immediately starting the engine and racing off. “Not made better by you promising a 20 minute arrival time to a stressed bride when we are at least 30 minutes away.”
“I know you’ve always liked a challenge.”
They spent the rest of the drive with Lucy debriefing Jordan on the last few months as Jordan concentrated on nipping in and out of traffic. After giving up her plus 1 invite and preparing to turn up to an event as a single woman for the first time in 7 years, Lucy was fully expecting to be bombarded with questions throughout the day. So it was nice to get one out of the way on the drive.
Lucy was feeling good. She was in a great headspace. Of course it was strange, it had only been a few months since her breakup, but she was well over the hardest part and had even started going on dates.
“Well you know what they say,” Jordan started, “Gotta get under someone to get over someone.”
“Exactly,” Lucy agreed, knowing she would leave that part out of her answers when others asked her how she was doing later that day. She was having fun back in Barcelona, but they didn’t all need to know that.
As they arrived at the venue, Lucy S’s brother was stood outside the side entrance, vape in hand.
“Oh god, you look even more stressed than Jordan,” Lucy pointed out as she jumped out the car and walked round to the boot.
“Hard not to be when I’m getting stuck with all the maid of honour duties while the actual maid of honour is 2 hours late to hair and make up,” Sam muttered between panicked puffs on his vape.
“Guessing they’ve not quite got to your hair and make up then”, Lucy joked.
“Got it, I’ll save the jokes till after the ceremony. Which way are we going?”
Lucy didn’t hear his response as a stunning brunette in a bright blue suit and sky high heels caught her attention. She was strutting towards the front entrance with her arm linked with a player Lucy knew, Millie Turner. Lucy recognised the beautiful girl in blue as a player she had faced a few times for Man City and England, but had never really appreciated how good looking she actually was until right now. She’d taken the English player’s breath away.
Sam and Jordan scoffed as they looked at each other knowingly once they’d realised they no longer had Lucy’s attention. They hadn’t seen single Lucy in action for years but they definitely still recognised her.
“Well I guess my sister was right then,” Sam scoffed, breaking Lucy from her staring session.
“Huh?” Lucy said, confused.
Jordan grabbed her by the arm and pulled her along. “Come on Luce, you can drool later, let’s go see the bride!”
Two champagne flutes were shoved in their faces as they entered the hotel suite, Lucy blowing a kiss over to the other Lucy and the Staniforth family while being hurried into a chair with a team instantly getting started on her face and hair.
“Wow you look amazing,” the right back said as she saw her best friend approaching in the mirror’s reflection. Lucy S was wearing a gorgeous long laced white dress, with a deep V at the front, showing off her golden tan. Her best friend wasn’t wrong, she looked seriously amazing.
“I’m so happy you made it,” the bride said, kissing the side of her maid of honour’s head, trying to not mess up either of their make up.
Lucy smiled, full of such happiness for her oldest friend, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m so so proud of you.”
“Oh don’t start, I’m not allowed to start crying yet,” Lucy S said, playfully shoving her maid of honours shoulder, “but I’m really proud of you too.”
This had deeper meaning to the Lucys given their frequent long late night chats over the past year, filled with lots of tears and comforting as the right back was forced to come to terms with the realisation she had to end her 7 year relationship, and also come to terms with the end of it in itself. None of it had been easy, there was a lot of love there, even if it became non-romantic. It sent Lucy into some really dark places where she didn’t think there would be any light at the end of the tunnel. She dealt with most of it herself but when she didn’t it was often the other Lucy at the end of the phone.
They shared soft smiles and damp eyes thinking about how much things had improved since then.
“Lucy you will NEVER guess who Bronzey was drooling over outside”, Jordan interrupted while marching over. Both Lucy’s and probably also the make up artists were happy for her intrusion before mascara started running.
“Drooling?! Oh my gosh, who?”
“Begins with an O, greats you with an ‘Hola’,” Sam jumped in as Lucy B rolled her eyes and turned her focus away from the group and onto herself in the mirror as she picked up her champagne.
“Shut the fuck up!” Lucy S exclaimed, “Ona?!”
“Mhmmmmm,” Jordan hummed in confirmation.
Sam nodded eagerly while his sisters jaw hit the floor, “So your plan of wedding day matchmaking is already off to a great start!”
The right back spun her chair back around to face the group, cheeks a slightly deeper shade of red than they were 10 minutes ago. “What do you mean ‘matchmaking’?”
“Well now all the wedding planning is out the way I will need something else to occupy my time,” the bride said while topping up everyone’s glasses. “And no offence but I’m bloody bored of having single friends, me and the mrs need some double date candidates.”
Now it was Lucy B’s turn to gasp in shock. “Wow, well ok then. But maybe you let me chat to her first and see if we actually get on? You know me, all about the personality.”
Jordan laughed a little too loud at that.
“What?” Lucy asked, insulted.
Jordan whipped her phone out and swiped through instagram, “look at some of the insanely fit Spanish girls she’s been going on dates with”. She held up the phone to show the group a series of photos of ridiculously beautiful girls. “Right Luce, these were aaaaall about the personality, yeah?”
“Whatever” Lucy laughed back, her friend may have had a point.
“Well at least Ona is ticking the good looking and Spanish boxes then,” the bride and aspiring match maker said, excited that her plan was coming together. She had obviously known Lucy forever but she had got really close to Ona over the last year and just knew they would be perfect for each other .
Although some people had other ideas…
With the ceremony getting underway, Lucy was already a bit buzzed from the 2 glasses of champagne she had in the suite. That would probably explain the surge in confidence she felt when she caught the pretty Spaniard’s gazing at her during the vows. Lucy raised her eyebrows with a smirk at them being the only two in the room whose eyes weren’t on the brides.
You couldn’t blame Ona, Lucy looked incredible in her green silk suit, a white top underneath that showcased abs that looked as though they had been carved by gods. Ona blushed and turned her head quickly to face the brides, which didn’t go unnoticed by Lucy or the Man United players around her.
The Spanish girl had been counting down the days till this wedding. Falling in December, this marked the end of her first full year in England. After a difficult first 6 months of getting used to the language, weather and food, she really felt like she had settled in this year and was looking forward to celebrate love alongside her teammates.
Ona had never been to an English wedding before, she had expectations of what the level of drinking would be like but was excited to see how the English did wedding parties, how it compared to the Spanish dance filled ones.
The ceremony came to an end, the beautiful brides making their way out of the hall, confetti thrown all over them. Ona felt her hands clam up as she saw Lucy start to make her way over.
“Bronzey!!” Tooney shouted, pushing past Alessia to give Lucy a hug.
“You look so good,” Alessia complimented as it was her turn for a hug.
“So do you guys! Look at us all dressed up! Although I desperately need to switch out of these heals,” Lucy complained, pointing down to her shoes that were already giving her blisters after just 30 minutes in them.
“Have you met Oh-na?” Tooney asked, dragging the Spanish girl closer to her side.
“Only in football kits, unfortunately,” Ona said, Tooney quietly chucking at Ona’s unintentional flirting, getting a light shove from Alessia. “Nice to meet you properly.”
“You too! I feel like I know you with the girls at Barça always talking about you anyway,” Lucy said, paying no notice to the childish chuckles from Tooney, full attention on the enchanting eyes of the shorter brunette. “You planning on sticking with those heels all night?” Lucy asked, pointing down to Ona’s shoes that were about double the height of the ones she was complaining about.
“Annoyingly, yes,” Ona responded, “I stupidly forgot my dancing shoes.”
“I’m sure we will work something out,” Lucy said, “I think -“
“Um Hi Lucy,” Millie T interrupted, making Lucy aware of the fact that she had gotten distracted and stopped mid-way down the line, neglecting Millie.
“Millie, hey!” Lucy said enthusiastically, “how are you?”
The brunette noticed an uncharacteristic coldness in Millie as she pulled the blonde in for a hug.
“Yeah, good thank you,” Millie responded, turning to Ona and the rest of the group, “we should go through to our table now.”
Lucy wasn’t sure the reason for the dismissive behaviour but she could take a hint, “Cool I better go see if the brides need me, I’ll catch up with you all later,” she said to the group before her eyes stopped on the younger brunette, “it was lovely to meet you Ona.”
As Lucy made her way out of the hall, Ona’s eyes were glued to her. She would be lying if she said Lucy didn’t look insanely good today, well Ona had always found her good looking, but today the green suit and perky bum bouncing as she left the room were hard not to be transfixed by. The Spanish girl was especially impressed by the English girl’s ability to correctly pronounce her name, despite being introduced by Tooney who completely butchered it. She guessed she had her friends in Barcelona to thank for that.
The reception area was buzzing with laughter and chatter as the guests enjoyed their 3 course dinner, followed by speeches and a first dance that made most of the room emotional. Then it was time to dance and Lucy kept to her word, really letting her hair down - she had lost count of how many drinks she’d had by this point - shifting from champagne, to wine, to beer and now onto the vodka sodas.
No matter the occasion, if there was a dance floor, Lucy was on it and tonight was no different. She was switching between groups of old friends, work friends, Lucy S’s family. Her green eyes regularly caught on Ona’s brown ones for the first half an hour, until they didn’t anymore, although she was too distracted by the fun drunken times she was having dancing with Sam Staniforth to really think about it.
That was until she saw the rest of Man United girls back out on the dance floor again but Ona was nowhere to be seen. She scanned the room and saw the young brunette sitting on her own sipping her drink, smiling over at her teammates as she watched them enjoy themselves.
“You ok there?” Lucy said as she approached Ona, pulling out a chair and slumping down into it to give her legs a rest. “I thought the Spanish loved to dance!”
Ona looked around and sent a pained smile Lucy’s way. “We do!” she argued, “I’m ashamed to be letting my country down but my feet are in too much pain. All I can do is drink.”
“Ah yes the shoes! Well my feet could do with a rest as well, so all good if I join you for that drink?” Lucy asked, holding up her empty glass and smiling at Ona hopefully. Even countless drinks in, she still felt an unexplainable nervousness talking to her new acquaintance.
“Of course! I would love that, I want you to tell me all about Barcelona,” Ona said, “make me jealous”.
Lucy excitedly jumped up, “what are you drinking then? I’ll get us another.”
“Well seen as though we’re talking about Spain, shall we have some Sangria.”
Lucy’s eyes lit up, “Yes! We absolutely should. You rest those pretty feet, I’ll be right back”.
As Lucy walked away she cursed herself internally for the “pretty feet” comment that she didn’t mean to let spill out of her mouth, now Ona will think she’s got some kind of foot fetish.
Meanwhile all Ona was wondering was whether she was dreaming or if the real Lucy Bronze, the most attractive person at this wedding, was flirting and they were actually going to drink Sangria together.
Once Lucy returned with a big jug and two glasses, the girls talked and talked. It felt so natural, it was flirty but sweet and they were so focused on each other that they forgot where they were and lost all track of time. Then the music switched to reggaeton and Lucy had a sudden urge to dance with Ona but she needed to do something about those shoes and the floors were too sticky for the spaniard to ditch them completely.
“Jordan!” Lucy shouted over to another table, waving her friend over. “Do you have some trainers Ona could borrow? You’re probably closer to her size and she needs to get out of these heels to have a dance” Lucy said, lifting Ona’s leg off the ground to show Jordan the 6 inch heels in question.
“You want me to get her out of her heels?” Jordan teased, “just kidding! Ona, come with me, we will find you something.”
Ona scurried off behind Jordan, trying to keep up with a half limp while smiling back as she left Lucy at the table. She blushed slightly feeling the older brunette’s eyes following her out of the room.
As Lucy picked up her drink for another sip, she shuddered at the grating of the chair next to her as she was joined by someone.
“Oh hi Millie,” Lucy said, noticing the blonde girl was particularly drunk now.
“Lucy,” she said as she grabbed the jug of Sangria, pouring herself a glass without asking.
“Having fun?” Lucy asked, suddenly feeling very awkward. She hated small talk and Millie wouldn’t make this easy, but she couldn’t exactly just sit there in silence.
“Yeah, I love a wedding! Where’s Keira tonight?” Millie asked, avoiding eye contact.
Lucy had successfully navigated that question a couple of times tonight but this was a weird one as Millie would have definitely known they had broken up. “Somewhere in Spain, I’d imagine. Her family are going over there for Christmas.”
“Left her on babysitting duty then,” Millie said, more of statement than a question.
Lucy was starting to feel more uncomfortable now, she was confused as Millie was usually so warm with her, “I guess. You know we broke up though right?” She asked, knowing that Millie would have known, everyone knew, the footballer community isn’t massive and it was the biggest topic of gossip this year.
“Mm maybe I did hear about that? So now you’re going after Ona?”
Ah, Lucy thought, realising the coldness was potentially Ona related. “I wouldn’t say so,” Lucy defended herself, “we’re just chatting and have things in common because of Barcelona and mutual friends.”
“Planning on shitting where you eat then?”
“Pardon?” Lucy asked, knowing what the saying meant but unsure why it was being directed at her.
“Well she’s going to be your teammate next season so might be a good idea not to use her as a rebound.”
Lucy dismissed herself, muttering an excuse about needing the toilet but she just needed to get out of that situation. Something was clearly going on with Millie and Lucy wasn’t going to take it personally, but she couldn’t help but feel a little surprised by the revelation of Ona signing for Barça. They play in the same position and of course Lucy knew she wouldn’t be the first choice right back forever but it did sting a little at the thought she could be replaced so soon.
Ona came back, bouncing over to the table where she left Lucy with a new spring in her step as her feet were finally freed from those heels.
“Where’s Lucy gone?” She asked Millie as she got to the table with Lucy’s seat empty.
“Dunno,” Millie grumbled, “I mentioned something about her girlfriend and she left.”
“Ex-girlfriend” Jordan chimed in, before wandering off to look around for Lucy, managing to annoy Millie with her interjection.
Millie turned around to scan the room, “oh look, she’s over there chatting up that blonde at the bar.”
Ona felt like she’d been punched in the gut as she looked over and saw exactly that. Lucy was leaning over the bar, face way too close to the bartender who was unquestionably attractive. She looked like a model.
“Well let’s go dance then,” Ona said, shaking off the feeling of rejection. They had just been flirting, and Lucy probably thought it as just harmless. It hurt a little as Ona thought they were having a good time together and she fancied Lucy, but it was nothing she couldn’t dance away.
Millie followed her to the dance floor to rejoin the other football girls, Ona finally able to show off her moves. Although the person she wanted to show off to was no longer nearby.
Until she was.
“Hey dancing queen,” Ona heard, feeling a pair of soft lips graze her ear before spinning round to see Lucy’s face impossibly close to hers. Lucy stepped back, holding up a tray of shot glasses between them, “got you something!”
“Tequila!!!” Ona exclaimed, grabbing a glass, some salt and lime before moving back so Lucy could pass the tray round to the other girls.
She even held the tray out to Millie with a smile, before discarding the tray and heading back next to Ona to take the shots together.
“I thought you’d found someone else to talk to,” Ona said, tequila coursing through her as she drunkenly confessed, “it made me sad.”
Lucy put a hand out to hold Ona’s waist and bring her closer, again brushing the younger girl’s ear with her lips. “No way, I wasn’t going to miss our dance.”
She stepped back again and took Ona’s hand in hers, spinning her around, moving together and apart in sync with the music.
The older brunette had considered not coming back, but a quick toilet break brought her back to her senses. She wasn’t going to let anything or anyone stop her from having a good time tonight, she’d been too excited for this night for too long to sulk. Just had to make a quick pit stop to the bar for the shots before joining Ona.
As the night went on the two girls danced and danced. They would occasionally part to dance with friends but were soon drawn back into each other like magnets, then glued at the hip until they were amongst the last on the dance floor and it was the last song.
Ona wrapped her arms around Lucy’s neck, pulling her in as the older brunette felt the younger girls breath was over her. She slowly leaned down, moving her lips closer to Ona’s, searching each others eyes for any hesitation, wondering if this was really about to happen in front of all these people.
Lucy was taken out of her thoughts by Ona jumping back suddenly, hand covering her mouth as she spun round and sprinted towards the bathroom.
Lucy stood frozen in shock before she pulled herself together and rushed after her. As she entered the bathroom she saw Ona hunched over a toilet, throwing up everything they’d drunk together over the last few hours.
Lucy rushed to the younger girl’s side and pulled her hair back, taking a hair tie and clip out of her own styled her to secure Ona’s out of her face and away from the toilet bowl.
Lucy gently rubbed circles on Ona’s back while the vomiting continued. As she paused between vomits, Millie entered the room with a glass of water.
“I can take it from here,” Millie asserted.
Lucy started to stand up, before Ona’s tear filled eyes caught hers, longing her to stay. She couldn’t and wouldn’t leave her like this.
“Actually I think I’ll stay, but thanks for the water,” Lucy said, taking the water from Millie and placing it to Ona’s lips, full attention back onto the sickly Spaniard. “That’s it, small sips, you’re ok,” Lucy reassured.
Ona breathed heavily as she seemed to be done vomiting. Ignoring Millie behind them, she grabbed Lucy’s hand saying, “thank you for staying, I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing.”
Lucy laughed, one hand in Ona’s the other still stroking her back, “don’t worry! Happens to the best of us and I’m probably partly to blame. Let me drop you back to your room.”
“Oh no, you’re sweet but that would make me even more embarrassed to have you escort my drunk self back. I’ll ask one of the girls,” Ona said, using Lucy’s strong shoulder to push herself up to stand.
Lucy followed suit and got to her feet, following Ona over to the sinks, where Millie was no longer leaning, neither girl paying attention to her exit.
“Fair enough, I’ll leave you to it. Honestly nothing to be embarrassed about though,” Lucy said as both girls washed their hands.
“I won’t hug you because I’m a bit disgusting now. But I’ve had a really good night with you.”
Lucy didn’t care as she brought Ona in for a hug anyway, “me too,” she said against Ona’s neck, “maybe see you up for breakfast tomorrow, sweet dreams bonita.” She left a soft kiss on Ona’s cheek before backing away and leaving the bathroom.
Ona turned back to the mirror, not able to miss the red that had washed over her face. She cursed herself for not being able to control her drink, but on some sort of high from the cheek kiss.
She left the bathroom and walked back over to her friends, catching Lucy gazing over at her with a smile as she helped stack away the chairs in the corner of the room.
“You ok?” Millie asked, “shall I walk you back to your room?”
“That’s ok, Less’s room is near mine, she can do it.” Ona said. Usually she would just say yes to Millie for a simple life but she could tell something was up with her today. She had been acting off ever since Ona had mentioned that Barcelona had offered her a contract on the drive over, then the weird behaviour continued and seemed targeted towards Lucy. She couldn’t be bothered with it, she was too exhausted, so she hooked her arm into Less’s and marched them off down the corridor.
“Well you looked like you had a good night,” Jordan said, making Lucy jump while mid chair stack.
“Hah I really did,” Lucy agreed before trying to change the subject, “how was yours?”
Jordan picked up a chair to help her stack, “good as well. Although I reckon the highlight was watching a girl run away to throw up when it looked like you were about to kiss.”
Lucy laughed, tugging the chair out of Jordan’s hands before shoving her, “shut up.”
“Hope the wedding photographers caught that moment,” Jordan teased, digging out a pack of gum from her pocket as she held them up to Lucy. “Maybe you could do with one of these?”
Lucy rolled her eyes, leaving Jordan to go get more of the chairs from other tables, knowing full well that she was going to be teased about this for the rest of time.
Once she’d helped out as much as she could, Lucy headed up to her room, still on a high from the whole day, already excited for the next time she would get to see her new friend.
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holiday drabbles 1/9
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levi would claim to absolutely hate the hype of the holiday season. his favorite tea shop would have much more traffic than usual, making his time there much less enjoyable, and the obligation nagging at him to participate in festivities became more unbearable the closer it got to the holiday itself.
he'd grumble and roll his eyes, sighing at the idea of having to put up the christmas tree that would just drop tinsel everywhere. christmas day would involve the brats running around more than usual, leaving a mess around the house, especially after gifts were exchanged.
levi would claim to hate it, but when it came to the two of you, he was 100% the one that put in more effort to make sure that everything was perfect and went according to plan.
he was more lowkey about it when it was just the two of you. maybe you'll put up some lights, have a nicer dinner, and have a dedicated movie night.
but after you popped out two kids? suddenly the festivities were a must. the first few years in which the kiddos were tiny, the two of you just settled for the lights and a small tree once the girls were able to comprehend what the holidays were.
he'd complain about the girls having too many toys and that 80% of the gifts under the tree were theirs, but would occasionally come home from work with something else for them, waving off your skeptical look at the fact that he had given in to yet another random toy that caught their attention the last time you had gone to the store.
you'd always be able to see the slight upturn of the edge of his lips whenever the girls sprinted towards the christmas tree in the morning, chattering away about which presents were theirs, occasionally fighting over ownership of one if it was written to the both of them.
he'd complain, but you knew that celebrating the holidays was something he looked forward to every year, if nothing other than the fact that it brought a smile to both you and your children's faces.
plus it brought attention away from his birthday 😬
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englishstrawbie · 10 months
A Holiday Romance (1 /4)
Fandom: NCIS Hawai'i
Characters: Kate Whistler, Lucy Tara
Summary: AU. There is nowhere like Festive Falls at Christmas time. For Kate, it is the perfect place to unwind while burying her grief. For Lucy, it is a place to hide away as she processes her recent trauma. When their paths meet, there is an instant spark. Will the magic of the holiday season encourage them to open up their hearts?
* * * * * * * * * *
For the first time in months, Kate wakes naturally. The winter sun warms her through the pale curtains, the sun lulling her out of her deep slumber. She sighs heavily and refuses to open her eyes just yet, in no hurry to move from the soft mattress and warm sheets that cocoon her.
It had been late by the time she had fallen into bed last night, her train from Washington running behind schedule and there had still been a two-hour cab ride from Boston before she had arrived in Festive Falls. It had been dark and all she had seen of the town were the pretty Christmas lights that hung from the store fronts, making the frost on the ground sparkle. After a quick shower to wash away her day’s travels, she had pulled on her new flannel pyjamas and curled up in bed, sleep coming quickly. It had been the best night’s sleep that she has had for a while.
It has been a crazy few weeks for Kate. The offer of a new job had come at just the right time for her, as she was starting to grow restless. She loves working for the D.O.D., but she also feels ready for a change and a new challenge. Plus, she can’t wait to get out of D.C., she has never been much of a city girl – too dirty, too many people, too much traffic.
Cara had accused her of running away and maybe there is some truth to that, maybe she is using the move as an excuse to end their relationship instead of confronting the reasons why they keep arguing and why Kate stays late at work every night. It isn’t working, she knows that; she knows that she doesn’t love Cara, she never has, no matter how hard she has tried. It has always felt like something is missing – the spark that she reads about so often. She has wondered more than once if she is chasing something that only exists in novels and on television.
So Cara had gone and Kate had packed up her apartment, ready to turn her life upside down and move five thousand miles away next week. The trip to Festive Falls had been a last-minute decision. It wasn’t her first choice, there is a town a few miles over that kept coming up in her research, but there were no free rooms in any of the hotels, so she had picked Festive Falls – charmed by the photos she had seen online. All she wants to do is make the most of her free time, something she doesn’t get to do very often.
Read more @ AO3
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Pros of Living in Washington, DC
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Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is a place that everyone should visit. If you're interested in history, culture, and science, the Smithsonian Institution is a great place. This vast complex of museums offers a wide range of exhibits in art, history, science, and culture. I like that this institution offers a free admission so it's a great place to learn something new, explore diverse cultures, and be inspired. There's something for everyone to enjoy from the National Air and Space Museum to the National Museum of Natural History. With its world-class collections and engaging exhibits, the Smithsonian Institution is a truly unforgettable experience for all its visitors.
Johnny Cash Statue Heads to Washington
A statue of Johnny Cash, sculpted by artist Kevin Kresse, is set to be unveiled in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. Capitol. The eight-foot-tall statue is the second from Arkansas to replace two existing statues representing the state at the Capitol. The statue, enclosed in a wooden crate behind a tractor-trailer, will be unveiled on September 24. Arkansas sent the statue to replace two existing ones at the Capitol for over 100 years. The Legislature 2019 voted to replace the two statues with Bates and Cash. Cash, born in Kingsland, Arkansas, died in 2003 at 71. He was among the few artists inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 10th St. & Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20560, United States
Head west on Constitution Ave. NW toward 12th St NW 37 sec (0.1 mi)
Turn right onto 12th St NW 3 min (0.5 mi)
Take 16th St NW to Fort Stevens Dr NW 21 min (4.8 mi)
Turn right onto Fort Stevens Dr NW 2 min (0.4 mi)
Drive to Georgia Ave NW 3 min (0.9 mi)
Clover at The Parks 1155 Dahlia St NW, Washington, DC 20012, United States
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abhiramiabii · 3 months
Explore Cochin with Ease: A Guide to Cochin Car Rental
Cochin, also known as Kochi, is a vibrant city on the southwestern coast of India, famed for its rich cultural heritage, bustling ports, and serene backwaters. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor exploring this enchanting city, having access to convenient transportation is key to unlocking its many treasures. One of the best ways to navigate Kochi and its surrounding areas is through car rental services, offering flexibility, comfort, and the freedom to explore at your own pace.
Why Choose Cochin Car Rental?
1. Flexibility and Convenience
Cochin Car Rental services provide unmatched flexibility. You can pick up your vehicle at various convenient locations across the city, including major transport hubs like Cochin International Airport and Ernakulam Junction railway station. This means you can start your journey right upon arrival, without depending on public transport schedules or taxis.
2. Explore at Your Own Pace
With a rental car at your disposal, you have the freedom to create your own itinerary. Whether you want to visit historical landmarks like Fort Kochi and Mattancherry Palace, relax at the scenic Marine Drive, or embark on a backwater cruise in nearby Alleppey, your travel plans remain entirely in your control.
3. Comfort and Privacy
Traveling with family or friends? Car rentals offer the comfort of a private vehicle, ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable journey. No need to worry about sharing space with strangers or adhering to fixed schedules. Plus, modern rental fleets often include a range of vehicles from compact cars to spacious SUVs, catering to different group sizes and preferences.
4. Affordability
Contrary to popular belief, renting a car in Cochin can be surprisingly affordable, especially if you compare it with the cost of multiple taxi rides or guided tours. Many rental companies offer competitive rates and various packages that suit different budgets, making it a cost-effective option for exploring the city and its surroundings.
Tips for Renting a Car in Cochin
Book in Advance: Especially during peak tourist seasons or festivals, it's wise to book your rental car in advance to secure the best rates and availability.
Choose the Right Vehicle: Consider the size of your group and the type of activities you plan to do. Whether it's a compact car for easy maneuvering in city traffic or an SUV for added comfort on longer journeys, select a vehicle that suits your needs.
Understand Terms and Conditions: Before signing the rental agreement, familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions, including insurance coverage, fuel policy, and any additional charges.
Explore Beyond Cochin: With your rental car, you can venture beyond Kochi to nearby attractions like Munnar's tea plantations, the wildlife sanctuaries of Thekkady, or the tranquil beaches of Varkala.
Enjoy the Freedom of Cochin Car Rental
Cochin Car Rental services not only simplify your travel logistics but also enhance your overall experience of exploring this captivating city. Whether you're here for a short visit or planning an extended stay, having your own wheels allows you to delve deeper into Kochi's diverse cultural tapestry, culinary delights, and natural beauty. So, next time you're in Kochi, consider renting a car and embark on a memorable journey through this historic port city.
Experience Kochi on your terms – with Cochin Car Rental, the city is yours to discover!
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saranyafashionfusion · 4 months
Sarees for Women Online: Shop the Latest Trends & Timeless Classics
The saree, a symbol of grace and elegance, has been an integral part of Indian culture for centuries. This traditional attire, known for its versatility and timeless appeal, continues to captivate women across the globe. Today, with the advent of online shopping, finding the perfect saree has become easier than ever. In this blog, we will explore the world of sarees for women available online, highlighting the latest trends and timeless classics that you can add to your wardrobe.
The Timeless Appeal of Sarees
A Brief History
The saree, often referred to as the 'six yards of elegance,' is traced back to the Indus Valley Civilisation, around 2800-1800 BC. It has evolved over the millennia, incorporating regional and cultural variations, yet its essence remains unchanged. The sarees are not just a garment but a representation of India's rich heritage and diversity.
Versatility and Elegance
One of the most alluring aspects of the saree is its versatility. It can be draped in various styles, each reflecting the cultural nuances of different Indian regions. Whether it's the Nivi style from Andhra Pradesh, the Bengali style, or the Gujarati style, each draping method brings out a unique facet of the saree's beauty. This versatility makes it suitable for any occasion, from daily wear to festive celebrations.
The Convenience of Shopping Sarees for Women Online
A World of Choices at Your Fingertips
Shopping for sarees online opens up a world of possibilities. Unlike traditional shopping, where you might be limited to local stores, online platforms offer an extensive range of options. Whether you're looking for a traditional Banarasi saree, a chic georgette saree, or a trendy designer saree, online stores have it all.
Easy Comparisons and Informed Decisions
Online shopping allows you to compare different sarees easily. You can read customer reviews, check ratings, and compare prices to make an informed decision. Detailed product descriptions, high-resolution images, and sometimes even videos help you get a clear idea of what you're buying.
Convenience and Comfort
One of the biggest advantages of shopping for sarees online is the convenience it offers. You can browse through hundreds of options from the comfort of your home, at any time that suits you. No more battling traffic, dealing with crowds, or waiting in long queues. Plus, many online stores offer easy return policies, ensuring a hassle-free shopping experience.
Latest Trends in Sarees for Women
Contemporary Designs
Today's saree designs blend traditional aesthetics with contemporary trends, creating a fusion that appeals to modern women. Designers are experimenting with bold patterns, unconventional colours, and innovative draping styles. Here are some of the latest trends:
Ruffle Sarees: These sarees add a playful and youthful vibe to the traditional attire. They come with ruffled borders or layers, making them a popular choice for parties and casual gatherings.
Floral Prints: Floral prints never go out of style. This season, big and bold floral prints are making a statement. They are perfect for a fresh and vibrant look.
Pastel Shades: Soft pastels like blush pink, mint green, and powder blue are in vogue. These shades exude a subtle elegance, making them ideal for daytime events.
Sequins and Embellishments: For those who love a bit of sparkle, sarees adorned with sequins, beads, and other embellishments are a great choice. These sarees are perfect for weddings and festive occasions.
Fusion Sarees: Fusion sarees combine elements of traditional sarees with modern outfits like gowns or lehengas. These sarees are perfect for making a bold fashion statement.
Sustainable Fashion
With increasing awareness about sustainability, many designers are turning to eco-friendly fabrics and ethical practices. Organic cotton, handloom, and natural dyes are becoming popular choices. These sarees not only look beautiful but also support sustainable fashion practices.
Digital Prints
Digital prints have revolutionised the saree market. They allow for intricate and detailed designs that are hard to achieve with traditional printing methods. From abstract art to photorealistic images, digital prints offer endless possibilities.
Timeless Classics in Sarees for Women
Banarasi Sarees
Banarasi sarees, known for their rich silk fabric and intricate gold and silver brocade, are timeless classics. Originating from Varanasi, these sarees are a staple in Indian weddings and festive celebrations. They exude opulence and are a testament to exquisite craftsmanship.
Kanjeevaram Sarees
Kanjeevaram sarees, also known as Kanchipuram sarees, are another classic choice. Made from pure mulberry silk, these sarees are famous for their durability and vibrant colours. The intricate zari work and temple borders add to their grandeur, making them a must-have in every woman's wardrobe.
Chanderi Sarees
Chanderi sarees, hailing from Madhya Pradesh, are known for their sheer texture and lightweight. They are usually made from a blend of silk and cotton and feature traditional motifs like coins, peacocks, and floral art. Chanderi sarees are perfect for both casual and formal occasions.
Patola Sarees
Patola sarees from Gujarat are renowned for their geometric patterns and vibrant colours. These sarees are made using a double ikat weaving technique, which is labour-intensive and time-consuming, making them highly valued.
Bandhani Sarees
Bandhani or Bandhej sarees, originating from Rajasthan and Gujarat, are known for their unique tie-dye technique. The intricate patterns and vibrant colours make these sarees a popular choice for festivals and weddings.
Tips for Buying Sarees for Women Online
Know Your Fabric
Understanding the different types of fabrics is crucial when buying sarees online. Whether it's silk, cotton, georgette, chiffon, or crepe, each fabric has its own charm and suitability for different occasions. Silk sarees are perfect for weddings, while cotton sarees are ideal for daily wear. Georgette and chiffon sarees are great for parties and formal events due to their lightweight and flowing nature.
Check the Measurements
Sarees usually come in a standard length of 5.5 to 6 yards, but it's important to check the measurements of the blouse piece. Ensure that the saree comes with an attached blouse piece, and check its length to make sure it's sufficient for your tailoring needs.
Read Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality, colour, and feel of the saree. Look for reviews that include photos, as they give a more realistic idea of what to expect.
Check the Return Policy
Ensure that the online store has a clear and customer-friendly return policy. This will give you peace of mind in case the saree does not meet your expectations or has any defects.
Look for Discounts and Offers
Many online stores offer discounts, especially during festive seasons. Keep an eye out for these offers to get the best deals on sarees.
The saree is more than just a piece of clothing; it is a symbol of India's rich cultural heritage and timeless elegance. Whether you are looking for the latest trends or classic designs, shopping for sarees online offers a plethora of choices. From the convenience of browsing through hundreds of options to the ease of comparing prices and reading reviews, online shopping makes finding the perfect saree a delightful experience.
As you explore the world of sarees for women online, keep in mind the timeless appeal of classics like Banarasi, Kanjeevaram, Chanderi, Patola, and Bandhani sarees. At the same time, don't hesitate to embrace contemporary trends and sustainable fashion choices. With the right saree, you can make a style statement that is both elegant and unique. Happy shopping!
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greenleafclean · 4 months
May House Cleaning Checklist: Keeping Your Home Fresh and Organized
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ntroduction: As spring blooms into full swing, May presents an ideal opportunity to revitalize your living space with a thorough cleaning routine. With the days lengthening and the weather warming up, it’s the perfect time to banish the remnants of winter and embrace the freshness of a clean, organized home. Whether you’re gearing up for summer festivities or simply craving a tidier living environment, this May house cleaning checklist will help you tackle essential tasks efficiently and effectively.
1. Declutter and Organize: Begin your May cleaning regimen by decluttering and organizing each room in your home. Take stock of items that have accumulated over the past months and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. Clearing out clutter not only creates a more spacious and inviting atmosphere but also makes subsequent cleaning tasks more manageable.
2. Deep Clean Floors: Give your floors a thorough cleaning to rid them of dust, dirt, and grime. Vacuum carpets and rugs, paying extra attention to high-traffic areas and beneath furniture. For hardwood, tile, or laminate floors, mop with a suitable cleaner to restore their luster and shine. Don’t forget to wipe baseboards and corners where dust tends to accumulate.
3. Refresh Windows and Treatments: With sunlight streaming in, streak-free windows are essential for enjoying the view and brightening your home. Clean windows inside and out using a glass cleaner or a solution of water and vinegar. Additionally, dust blinds, curtains, and window sills to eliminate allergens and enhance indoor air quality.
4. Dust and Polish Furniture: Give your furniture a makeover by dusting and polishing surfaces to remove built-up dust and smudges. Use a microfiber cloth or a gentle dusting spray to avoid scratching delicate finishes. Pay special attention to overlooked areas such as tabletops, shelves, and decorative items to achieve a consistently clean look.
5. Sanitize High-Touch Surfaces: Maintain a healthy living environment by sanitizing frequently touched surfaces throughout your home. Disinfect doorknobs, light switches, remote controls, and kitchen countertops to minimize the spread of germs and bacteria. Incorporate eco-friendly cleaning solutions for a safer and more sustainable approach to sanitation.
6. Freshen Up Bedrooms: Revitalize bedrooms by laundering bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers, to promote a clean and cozy sleep environment. Vacuum mattresses and flip or rotate them as needed to prolong their lifespan and maintain comfort. Arrange bedside tables and dressers, ensuring they’re free of clutter and dust.
7. Tidy Outdoor Spaces: Extend your cleaning efforts to outdoor areas such as patios, decks, and porches to prepare them for al fresco gatherings and relaxation. Sweep away debris, wash outdoor furniture, and scrub surfaces to remove winter residue and make outdoor spaces inviting for the warmer months ahead.
Conclusion: By following this comprehensive May house cleaning checklist, you can rejuvenate your home and create a welcoming space for enjoying the spring season. Incorporate these tasks into your cleaning routine to achieve a fresh, organized environment that reflects the vibrant energy of May. With a little effort and attention to detail, you’ll be ready to embrace the beauty of your home with renewed enthusiasm.
Hiring a professional house cleaning service is a great way to save time and make house cleaning less of a chore. After all, they are professionals and have the necessary tools and equipment that you may not have access to. Plus, they have the time to dedicate to cleaning. If you’d rather spend your time doing something more enjoyable, consider booking an appointment with GreenLeaf Cleaning, the most reliable and efficient house cleaning service in London.
If you require assistance with domestic cleaning, our GreenLeaf London Cleaning Company will be delighted to provide this service, as well as one-off cleaning and spring cleaning. We understand the importance of a clean and healthy home and are committed to providing the highest quality of service. Our experienced team of cleaners will ensure that your home is spotless and sparkling.
Visit our website https://www.greenleaf-cleaning.co.uk/ for more information or call via free phone number: 0800 032 6248
Your Local Domestic Cleaning – Green Leaf Cleaning Services Near You!
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discovernashville · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Nashville's Music Festivals
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Nashville, often dubbed as the "Music City," is not just a hub for country tunes and honky-tonk bars; it's also home to some of the most vibrant music festivals in the country. From rock to country, blues to bluegrass, Nashville has a festival for every music aficionado. And what better way to explore these festivals than by hopping on a Nashville city bus tour? In this ultimate guide, we'll dive into the rich musical tapestry of Nashville's festivals and how you can make the most of them with a city bus tour.
1.Nashville's Music Festival Scene:
Nashville's music festival scene is as diverse as its musical heritage. From the iconic CMA Music Festival to niche events celebrating specific genres, the city hosts a year-round calendar of music festivals that draw in crowds from around the world. Whether you're into mainstream country or indie rock, there's something for everyone.
2. Why Choose a City Bus Tour:
Navigating Nashville's festival circuit can be daunting, especially for first-time visitors. That's where a city bus tour comes in handy. Instead of dealing with traffic and parking hassles, you can sit back, relax, and let the experts guide you through the city's musical hotspots. Plus, you'll get insider knowledge and historical tidbits along the way.
3. Insider Tips for Festival-Goers:Before you embark on your Nashville music festival adventure, here are some insider tips to enhance your experience:
•Plan Ahead: Research the lineup, schedule, and venue locations in advance to make the most of your time.
•Stay Hydrated: Nashville summers can get hot and humid so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
• Bring Cash: Some vendors may not accept cards, so it's always a good idea to have cash on hand for food, drinks, and merchandise.
• Wear Comfortable Shoes: You'll be doing a lot of walking and standing, so opt for comfortable footwear to keep your feet happy.
4. Top Music Festivals in Nashville:
• CMA Music Festival: The ultimate country music extravaganza, featuring performances by top artists across multiple stages
• Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival: Located just outside of Nashville, Bonnaroo is a four-day celebration of music, arts, and community.
• Nashville Blues Festival: A showcase of blues legends and up-and-coming talent, this festival pays homage to the genre's rich history
• AmericanaFest: Celebrating American roots music, this festival brings together folk, bluegrass, and Americana artists for a week of unforgettable performances.
5. Benefits of a City Bus Tour for Festival-Goers:
• Convenience: No need to worry about driving or parking, allowing you to focus on enjoying the music.
• Safety: Leave the navigating to the professionals while you enjoy the festivities responsibly.
• Insider Knowledge: Learn about Nashville's music history and culture from knowledgeable guides.
• Flexible Itineraries: Choose from different tour packages that cater to your musical interests and schedule.
Nashville's music festivals are a testament to the city's rich musical heritage and vibrant culture. Whether you're a seasoned festival-goer or a first-timer, exploring these events with a Nashville city bus tour adds an extra layer of convenience and insight to your experience. So, pack your sunscreen, grab your festival gear, and get ready for an unforgettable journey through the heart of Music City.
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jworthingtonreview · 6 months
Seasonal Window Graphics: A Secret Weapon for Boosting Retail Sales
The retail environment is fiercely competitive, particularly during the holiday season when consumers are bombarded with options. In a bustling marketplace, it's crucial to make your small business stand out. Seasonal window graphics might be the secret weapon to capturing attention and driving traffic into your store.
The Subtle Art of Seasonal Window Displays
It's no secret that window displays play a significant role in retail marketing. They are a store's first impression, the handshake before the conversation. Seasonal window graphics take this a step further, tapping into the emotional connection that festivities and seasons can bring. A well-designed window can evoke the crispness of autumn, the warmth of the Christmas season, or the rebirth of spring. Think beyond your products to create an immersive experience that resonates with passersby.
Drawing in the Holiday Shopper
During the holidays, consumers are on the hunt for gifts and experiences. A beautiful, thematic window display can turn a window shopper into a customer. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about storytelling. What tale can your window tell about the season and the products or services that lie within? Effective graphics can not only increase foot traffic but also encourage social media shares, extending your store's reach to an online audience.
Capitalizing on Seasonal Trends
Savvy small business owners understand the power of aligning with current trends. Seasonal window displays allow you to be topical without drastically changing your brand. Whether it's a local festival, a national holiday, or a global recognition day, your window can reflect the cultural zeitgeist, capturing the attention of the zeitgeist-conscious consumer.
Creating a Cohesive Brand Experience
Consistency in branding builds recognition and trust. Seasonal windows can be a part of that, seamlessly blending with your store's overall aesthetic. It keeps your image current without sacrificing recognition. Plus, it's an excellent way to show your creativity and keep your brand in the minds of consumers all year round.
The Practical Side of Graphics
Beyond their aesthetic and strategic advantages, seasonal window graphics are a versatile marketing tool. They are relatively low cost compared to other advertising methods, and they can be changed frequently to reflect new promotions or inventory. They're also a one-time investment that can be used over several years, making them cost-effective and sustainable.
Harnessing the Power of the Local Community
Small businesses thrive through community support. Seasonal window displays can serve as a focal point for local events and gatherings. They make your store part of the larger community narrative, drawing people in not just as shoppers but as members of a shared experience. It's a subtle yet effective way to market your goods and services.
Making a Connection
Ultimately, the goal of seasonal window graphics is to make a connection with the consumer. This connection is emotional, immediate, and fleeting. It’s a response to the beauty, the message, or the shared cultural moment your store can provide. By leveraging window graphics, small businesses can harness the power of human connection to drive retail traffic and boost sales.
For small businesses, the seasonal window graphic is more than just decoration. It's a tool that, when used with creativity and purpose, can significantly impact the bottom line. It’s about combining creativity with the science of human behavior, with the potential to turn a simple walk-by into a lifelong customer. It's the small touches that can make a big difference in a retailer’s success.
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luxurys-condos · 8 months
7 Reasons to Own a Condo in North York, Canada
North York, Canada’s sixth-most populous city, offers an ideal location for those who prefer to live in a community setting while still having easy access to urban amenities and public transportation.
Located at the northern tip of Toronto, North York condos offer their residents convenient access to shopping, entertainment, and employment opportunities within this thriving city. Here are seven reasons why you should consider purchasing a Precon north york condominiums, Canada.
1. Location — Convenience
If you live in Toronto and are thinking about purchasing a condo, choosing one north of the city is an excellent option. This area of Toronto is close to public transportation options like subways and buses, and it’s convenient for getting downtown.
If you own a car, being north of downtown is also advantageous as there’s more free parking available. In addition, TTC stations provide connections between streetcar routes that link to major highways that lead directly into Downtown Toronto.
2. Maintenance
A condo means that you’ll never have to worry about any sort of maintenance. If you ever have a problem with your home, there will be no fussing over hiring a contractor or trying to fix it yourself.
Your condo association is responsible for keeping your unit up and running; these expenses are deducted from your monthly fee — so, at worst, you pay an extra $80 per month.
3. Quality of Materials
When it comes to quality of materials, you can bet that new condos are going to be well-built. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t be — it’s much easier and less expensive for developers or builders to use high-quality materials now than it was twenty years ago.
It will save you time and money down the road as your building ages, too — so pick an older building with minimal renovations done (yet), so your renovations have less work.
4. Upgradability
For young professionals just starting out, purchasing a condo is often the best way to go — the same can be said for empty nesters looking for an easier lifestyle.
Condos have smaller square footage and lower maintenance fees than single-family homes; however, you’ll also experience more noise from other condo owners, as well as from street traffic.
5. Surroundings
North York is connected to many of Toronto’s vibrant neighborhoods and districts, so it’s a great place for singles or couples who want easy access to other entertainment options.
There are also plenty of cultural festivals and events that happen throughout every season — whether you’re an outdoorsy person or someone who prefers spending time indoors, there will always be something happening nearby.
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6. Amenities
If you live anywhere near downtown Toronto, chances are you’re going to be able to walk or cycle nearly everywhere you need to go. But there are more reasons than that for picking your condominium carefully. If it’s pet-friendly (even just dog-friendly), then your pooch can come along for condo cuddles whenever you want him or her.
7. Great for Investment Purposes
Condos are great for investment purposes, especially for first-time buyers. If you’re considering becoming a landlord someday but have yet to buy your first home (condo), there’s no better time than now.
You can go with Precon real estate to buy your first condo. Once you own that condo unit, you can either rent it out or use it as an investment property — either way, condos make smart investments.
Plus, they tend to appreciate faster than single-family homes do. With all of these benefits and more, it’s easy to see why owning a condo is so popular!
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Is Ocala Florida A Good Place To Live?
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Nestled in the heart of Florida, Ocala is a city that boasts a small-town charm and a rich equestrian history.
With a rapidly growing population of approximately 60,000 people, Ocala is a mid-sized city that provides a balance of urban conveniences and a relaxed lifestyle.
With more and more people relocating to the sunshine state, Ocala has become an attractive option.
But the question remains…is Ocala Florida, a good place to live? In this post, we’ll explore the city’s pros and cons to help you make an informed decision about whether Ocala is the right fit for you.
First, lets take a look at some of the positives associated with the town.
Family Friendly Located in huge Marion County, Ocala nonetheless has a small-town feel.
First of all, there is a noticeable community spirit. Folks know each other and still wave and speak when meeting.
Another huge plus is that there isn’t any hardcore traffic congestion. Like other, more urban parts of the state such as Orlando.
Next, everything is accessible. Just hop in your car. A mere 25 minute drive can get you across the entire city area.
Not a city person. Take a short drive to exit the city limits and the surroundings turn rural.
In case you are looking to invest in farmland or find some acreage to build a house on, there are plenty of options.
Finally, the crime rate is low and there are a ton of great school options.
So, as far as raising a family goes, this is a great choice.
Enviable Cost Of Living You won’t have to break your budget by moving to Ocala as the cost of living here is very reasonable.
According to BestPlaces.net, the overall cost of living is about 17% less than the Florida average.
The median home value is the largest contributor to the savings as housing prices are approximately 35% less compared to the rest of Florida.
One of the biggest draws to moving to Florida in general is the tax situation.
No State Income Taxes Just by deciding to move to any city in Florida, you can save on taxes.
Because while you will still pay federal income taxes here, there is NO state income tax.
Depending on what state you are moving from, and how much money you make, this savings can be substantial.
Plenty Of Fun Things To See And Do Ocala enjoys some big town amenities such as:
Tons of shopping An eclectic collection of restaurants A downtown square A historic district Several upscale movie theaters
One of the biggest attractions in the city is the annual “Light Up Ocala” celebration. It kicks off the holiday season with a tree lighting ceremony that attracts thousands.
There is also a thriving art community here and that passion is evident in the “Fine Arts For Ocala Art Festival”, the Appleton Museum of Art, the Reilly Arts Center, and the Ocala Civic Theater.
Outdoor Activities For outdoor lovers, Ocala is a great place to live.
One of the most popular outdoor destinations in the city is the Ocala National Forest.
This vast forest, which spans more than 600 square miles, is home to a variety of wildlife, such as black bears, white-tailed deer, and bald eagles. Many walking and biking trails can be found throughout the forest, providing plenty of possibilities to enjoy the outdoors.
The Florida Trail, which traverses the state for more than 1,000 miles, and the Salt Springs Observation Trail, which provides breathtaking views of the forest and its wildlife, are two of the most well-known routes.
If you enjoy the water, Ocala offers a lot of options for kayaking and canoeing. With its clean waters and a variety of species, the Silver River State Park is a very popular paddling location. When you paddle along the river, you might even see a couple of manatees.
Or you can visit one of the numerous local lakes for a day of swimming or fishing for a more relaxed experience.
In addition, there are plenty of parks and gardens to explore in Ocala for those who prefer a slower pace.
Families could visit the Tuscawilla Park and Discovery Center, which features playgrounds, a splash pad, and educational exhibits. Another well-liked location is the Sholom Park, which has 44 acres of tranquil landscapes and winding walking pathways.
Finally, there is a thriving golf community. with numerous local courses for students of every ability level.
Horses And Horse Farms Ocala is known as the Horse Capital of The World. Although some in Kentucky would argue that point, the city is indeed a hotbed for horse-related activities.
Most importantly, Ocala is home to the World Equestrian Center. It was constructed in 2021 and is the largest equestrian complex in the United States.
Furthermore, in the rural areas. You will find miles and miles of beautiful horse farms.
Horse related events such as riding, training, and competition are a weekly occurrence here.
Finally, many people work in the equine industry here in one capacity or another.
Excellent Location Ocala is located in Central Florida which is the perfect place to be.
Why? Located right off the interstate, the town is only a little over an hour drive from the tourist capital of the world, Orlando. Here you can enjoy the best theme parks, water parks, fine dining, professional sports, fantastic nightlife and more.
A mere hour and a half drive will land you in the most famous beach on the planet, Daytona Beach.
Or perhaps you fancy the west coast of the state? Well, again, it is only an hour and a half drive to the Gulf of Mexico.
Metropolitan areas such as Jacksonville and Tampa are two hours away.
The University of Florida with all the things a college town offers is a mere 45 minutes to the North.
And while all these are amazing places and easy to get to, they have problems that Ocala doesn’t.
Health Care Ocala has some excellent health care facilities. Some of the options include:
The HCA Florida Ocala Hospital which is a top destination for cardiac care.
Next, HCA Florida West Marion Hospital, which is notable for its orthopedic care.
Finally, there is UF Health Shands Hospital in nearby Gainesville. A highly regarded teaching hospital. It is associated with the University of Florida Medical School.
The Weather So what is the number one reason people move to Florida? sunshine
The weather.
Living in Ocala means that you won’t have to worry about winter. Because the temperature very rarely drops below 40 degrees.
It is a researched fact that sunshine makes people feel better, hence the large senior population.
Hurricane Protection In addition to its pleasant weather and family-friendly atmosphere, Ocala, Florida is renowned for its prime storm protection.
Ocala is less likely to be directly struck by hurricanes or tropical storms because it is located further inland than other coastal cities.
Ocala is also less likely to flood due to its location, making it a safer spot to live during hurricane season.
The location of Ocala is one of the strongest arguments as to why it is a good place to live.
Conclusion Ocala, Florida, is a city that offers a plethora of attractions and amenities for residents and visitors alike.
From its natural beauty and outdoor activities to its excellent hurricane protection and small-town charm, Ocala has something to offer everyone.
So, whether you’re a retiree looking for a peaceful place to settle down or a family seeking a thriving community with plenty of opportunities, Ocala, Florida, is definitely worth considering.
So, Is Ocala Florida A Good Place To Live? The answer is a resounding… YES!
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: RDR Property Maintenance and Dumpster Rental LLC(https://www.ocaladumpsterrentals.com/is-ocala-florida-a-good-place-to-live/)
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carlepalumbo · 10 months
Unearthing the Splendor of Royal Flush Sunflowers from Chelsea Florals
Want an impressive yet budget friendly flower guaranteed to dazzle with sheer size and colors stealing the spotlight easily across diverse styling themes? Enter - exotic Royal Flush sunflowers from Chelsea Florals grown specially across South American valleys boasting oversized burnt sunset hued crepe textured petals flaunting sheer screen presence through their gloriously quirky form factors!.
These special sunflower variants expressing intense reddish-oranges through crepe like petals expanding widely into giant tops spell floral magic every summer promising decor versatility channeling oh so Spanish warmth through their happy overtones. Read on as we detail why Royal Flush makes the seasonal showstopper decorative element worth investing in repeatedly
Standing Tall with Statement Sizes
Unlike common miniature sunflower breeds seldom exceeding two feet diameters, Royal Flush sunflowers flaunt their dazzling resilience through extra large scaled blooms sometimes averaging staggering 1.5 meter wide crowns from tip to tip wowing beholders with their colossal floret spans making powerful style statements effortlessly.
The prolific sizes ensure few stems suffices in uplifting ambiances rapidly wherever placed with their megawatt presence - be it perfuming long foyers lined along entrances or gracing vast lawns lacking greenery vibrancy instantly for traffic stopping charm off the bat.
Bountiful summer motivated colors
Come summers, infusing decor with colors mirroring the season’s extravagant warmth ushers welcome positivity within spaces instinctively. This is where Royal Flush brings festive vibes indoors abundantly through their signature sunset inspired shades of crimson red hues blending into fiery orange overlays towards the tips.
The special tropical color mix looks straight out of beachside cabana dreams conveying enough dazzle to transform mundane corners into Spanish carnival worthy celebratory spots radiating endless energy. Their mood enhancing palette stimulates joyously festive makeovers creatively.
Artistic Crepe Textured Beauty
Looking past their fiery sizes and summer shades, Royal Flush sunflowers enchant through their uniquely ruffled crepe textured petals adding fabulous volume while feeling silken smooth upon touch. The delicate creases lined ornately across each petal projects artistic charm delightfully contrasting against their hardy stem structures.
Such added allure expands styling versatility beyond usual circular forms easily into bouquet trails, wild braid structures or circular wreath arrangements condemnation usual sunflower structuring limitations fully. Expect creative wiggle room galore to unearth decorative magic every time uniquely!
Adaptable Incorporation Avenues
The winning edge for Royal Flush sunflowers lies in their extraordinary compatibility for versatile blending into both rustic and contemporary decors seamlessly. For understated elegance, pair solitary stems with modern sculpture vases or crystal pillars elevating minimalism through sheer drama quotients introduced amidst subdued backdrops.
Or infuse bountiful vibrant Royal Flush bundles within Bohemian flower crown centerpieces stealing cottagecore wedding receptions through playful summery charm. From accenting luxury hotels lobbies to instagrammable garden themes closer home, these beauties assimilate adaptably into diverse spectrums.
Enviable Longevity and Value Pricing
Unlike short-lived summer tulips or expensive Oriental lilies, Royal Flush Sunflowers surprise with excellent vase life lasting optimally for 20 plus days from harvest when cared for properly. Such longevity ensures admirers enjoy their fine crepe textured splendor maximally unlike momentary flower bursts fading disappointingly soon.
Pricewise too Royal Flush sunflowers cost marginally despite their exotic shipping origins and huge floret sizes making them affordable all season decor elements suiting diverse budgets/scales. Hence designers favor them for economical transformations carrying dramatic cues every time for event spaces or personal corners.
Environment Friendly Sustainable Selection
With ecological sensitivity gaining foreground today, Royal Flush Sunflowers edge past regular sunflower species through lower carbon footprint credentials qualifying them as sustainable selections being indigenous South American cultivars pollinating native bees populations reliably for generations while needing no genetic modifications
Their organic origins align well with cleaner decorative preferences currently where sourcing transparency and eco friendliness matters. Hence for summer blooms conveying responsibility underlying sheer grandeur dazzlingly, choose Royal Flush Sunflowers rewarding sustainably!
Indeed Royal Flush Sunflowers craft magic manifold through sheer dimensional scales, warm and cozy color hues while lending themselves flexibly across diverse decorative concepts and settings cost effectively. Their multifaceted charms conveying Spanish summer warmth bountifully indoors positions the special sunflower breed as seasonal decor star and floral mercy for event stylists seeking eco friendly alternatives maximizing summer vibrancy essence beautifully!
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cart2indiagroup · 11 months
Festive Season & Online Shopping: A New Trend
The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness, and it has always been a particular part of Indian culture. In recent years, a new trend has emerged, reshaping how we celebrate and shop during these festivities. Online shopping has become an integral part of our lives, and it's no different during the festive season. In this article, we'll explore how combining festivities and online shopping changes the game.
The Convenience of Online Shopping 
Online shopping is super easy during festive times. You don't need to go out to use your computer or phone. It's like having a store in your house. You can find everything you want, from clothes to gifts, without leaving your chair.
You know, it's not like the old days when you had to go from shop to shop. Now, you click, and you see all the stuff you can buy. It's fast, like magic. You pick what you like, put it in your cart, and boom, it's yours!
And guess what? You can shop any time, day or night. No waiting for the shop to open. Cart2India is also accessible 24/7, so when you're busy with other things, they are still open for you. Plus, they deliver the stuff right to your doorstep. You don't have to carry heavy bags. It's super convenient, no doubt.
So, if you want a hassle-free festive season, online shopping is the way to go. Easy, fast, and comfy – that's what it's all about.
Explore Diverse Product Options at Cart2India 
When we talk about diverse product options during the festive season, we mean there are so many different things you can buy online. It's like a big store where you can find almost anything you want. From colourful clothes to shiny decorations for your home, online shops have it all. 
You know what's awesome? You can find stuff that's just right for you. If you like traditional stuff, they have that. If you like modern things, they've got that too. There's something for everyone, and that's super cool.
And guess what? You can get extraordinary things, like your name on a gift or a custom-made design. It's like getting something made just for you, which makes you feel special.
Shopping online is like a giant treasure hunt. You click a few buttons, and voila! You discover new and exciting things you might not find in a regular store. So, it's not just shopping; it's an adventure too!
Online shopping from Cart2India gives you a ton of choices. It's like a magical place where you can find everything you want, even some things you didn't know you wanted. It's a great way to make your festive season special and unique. And that's why so many people shop online during the festive season.
Avoid Crowds and Traffic by Shopping Online
Online shopping from Cart2India allows you to stay home and enjoy the festivities without going out in crowded places. This means no standing in long lines, no traffic jams, and no worries about safety. You can buy everything you need from your computer or phone. It's super easy!
This Diwali, celebrate the festivals in your little bubble by shopping online from Cart2India reviews. You stay safe and cosy, and that's a big win! So, online shopping in the festive season not only saves you time but also keeps you safe. It's a simple way to have a great time during the holidays. You can be part of the fun without any problem.
Eco-Friendly Festivities
Now, let's talk about how online shopping benefits the environment. You see, when you buy things online, you're helping our planet. How? Well, by choosing to shop online, you're reducing the need for those big physical stores. These stores use a lot of energy to keep the lights on and the air conditioning running. When you shop online, you don't need to visit these places, which means less electricity is used, and that's a good thing for the Earth.
Another cool thing is that when you shop online, you usually get digital receipts in your email. No more piles of paper receipts that eventually end up as waste. That's less paper wasted, which saves our trees and the environment.
But the most crucial part is being responsible. It means buying what you need and not going overboard. It's like taking only what you can finish on your plate. So, when you shop online, remember to shop responsibly, and together, we can have a greener and happier festive season.
In the grand scheme of the Indian festive season, online shopping has emerged as a new trend. It offers unmatched convenience, diverse product options, attractive discounts, and a way to celebrate without chaos. So, as you gear up for the festive season, why not visit Cart2India Paytm and shop online? It's easy, convenient, and better for the environment. Let's make this festive season a time of celebration, togetherness, and responsible consumption.
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sunmarketing · 11 months
Special Episode: Hotels in Del Mar, CA
Special Episode: Hotels in Del Mar, CA
  Welcome to Dr. Mary Travelbest’s 5 Steps to Solo Travel Guide, for women like you who need extra support traveling (slowly) one woman at a time. Please share this podcast with your mom, aunts, and friends. I appreciate your feedback.
  I’ve returned from a 90-day trip around the globe to every time zone on the planet. My mission is world peace through cultural exchange. I was sustainable when I could by using local transportation, buses, and trains. I was solo, carrying a small backpack, called a “personal item” that fit under the seat in front of me on a plane.
  In this episode, FAQ is: Where was your next favorite place on your 90-day trip?
Today’s Destination is: Special Episode: Hotels in Del Mar
Today’s Mistake- I booked a hotel that was really a hostel in Manila
Travel Advice: Book at the source when you can and pay less plus control more.
  FAQ: Where was your next favorite place on your 90-day trip?
  Answer: For Iceland, the favorite place was Akureri, in the deep north of the country. It was a town of 20,000 residents, nestled in beautiful mountain areas. During my stay, there was an event for long-distance runners. The town came out to cheer them across the finish line after 100 miles of running, all the way from Godafoss. They had 43, 28 and 19 kilometer races, too. That was a powerful message to residents about getting and staying in shape.
I’ll do a podcast about this town soon, but for now, just say A-Ku-Rare-E, accent on the first syllable. That’s how they speak in Iceland.
  Today’s destination: Hotels in Del Mar, CA
  Suppose you’ve been to San Diego, California, a small beach town north of the city called Del Mar. “In Spanish, Of the Sea” literally. The town's size is small, less than 4000 people. You know that the tourists take up a big portion of the traffic in summer and during the horse racing seasons at the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, 6 weeks in summer and 4 weeks in November.
  L’Auberge, part of the Noble House Hotel Chain, is the highest-priced and most luxurious property of those near the beach. I met Taylor Webber, the Guest Experience Coordinator.
Hotel Indigo, Del Mar, and next door to…
Premiere Best Western, also called Hotel Del Mar
Del Mar Hotel upgraded from being the Del Mar Motel for many years. I met with the GM, Leslie Chavez.
Del Mar Hilton, near the Racetrack, is the lowest-priced one listed. the Yelp Reviews are less than favorable here.
  You can google this and find hotels priced at $2500 a night at resorts like La Valencia. The price is not listed here for the Fairmont, Del Mar, which is in a different zip code several miles away. If you really want to stay IN Del Mar, you should consider one of these hotels, and I’ve been to each of them recently. If you have visitors this fall or winter, you may be in luck to score a room for them.
  One of the best things I like to do in Del Mar is walk on the beach. You can also bring your dog to the beach during certain seasons on a leash. Tomorrow, I am going to a dog surfing contest in Del Mar. Seriously fun. The link is in the show notes if you want in next year.
One famous local resident is Bill Gates. He has a bachelor pad, recently upgraded, although purchased in 2020 for $43 million.
  Today’s Mistake- I booked a hotel that was really a hostel.
It was called the White Banana but changed its name. It was The Connector.
The ad said, “kitchenette, deluxe new room,”
It was old, broken, and dirty, and cash payment was due upon arrival—no money back for no-shows. Reviews were 7/10. I was stuck to pay for my stay or lose my reservation while I tried to find somewhere else.
Loud street noise. Blocked out windows. Not a good part of town.
The repairman entered my room without even knocking. He apologized, but that should NEVER happen. The kitchenette had a refrigerator and a sink. There is no electrical outlet or even any silverware or dish. All was dirty. AC was broken. I caution if it seems too good online.
  Today’s Travel Advice-Book at the source when you can and pay less plus control more.
  Search out listings on websites like Expedia and Booking.com, and check reviews on reputable websites. THEN book directly with the properties and airlines when you can. That will give you more control as the middleman is removed, and the transaction should be less expensive, usually.
      I want to bring meaning to your travels. Send a question or travel tip to [email protected]. Sign up for the mailing list here. We can connect on my website, Facebook page, group, or Instagram. Subscribe to YouTube, Twitter, or other social channels. Find the 5 Steps to Solo Travel series on Amazon. The show notes have more details for you to connect. Support this podcast with a review, please.
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