#Poinsettia Day
murderousink23 6 months
12/12/2023 is National Ambrosia Day 馃嚭馃嚥, National Ding-a-Ling (seriously?) Day 馃敂馃嚭馃嚥, Poinsettia (cuetlaxochitl) Day 馃嚭馃嚥, International Day of Neutrality 馃嚭馃嚦, International Universal Health Coverage Day 馃嚭馃嚦
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plantanarchy 3 months
i talk to the greenhouses a lot in an absent-minded way and it's usually just a thing to fill the silence when i'm frustrated. like 'come on 7, must your doors be frozen shut every morning' and '8 don't be like that don't make the weird furnace noises' and 'good morning 10. good temps last night on the minmax. no issues.'
not actually trying to actively truly 'talk' to the greenhouses but just making commentary because it amuses me. but since 7's furnace got replaced i've been catching myself defaulting to saying 4 and not 7. little 4 is gone and torn down now to make room for the new greenhouse but its tiny furnace is in h7 now.
the little, rickety, often freezing, questionable, stinky little greenhouse that swayed like a boat at sea in any slight wind is still there with me when i check the temps in the mornings. when the furnace clicks on, it's all 4.
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sithvampiremaster27 6 months
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12 Disney TV Toons of Xmas II 05: Bushroot
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spiritofjustice 3 months
my favorite thing about the obscure earthbound facts account on here is that any time they post something obscure about Tazmily or the villagers it activates the part of my brain that is still autistic about Mother 3 like a fucking sleeper agent and i get so excited i just start yelling in the tags about the most minor of facts bcs it's something i already noticed and thought a lot about
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cantankerouscatfish 6 months
sometimes work involves, holiday rush edition:
again I must say that ordering holiday arrangements the day before/day of does not make you 'early' it makes you 'disliked by florists.' ok thanks
lots of rubberbands. Ro shot me in the EAR once so I died very dramatically and then picked up that rubberband and got her in the back pocket. and then got her in the same exact spot later on. she got a couple more good hits in too. her aim's getting better. scary.
we sold out of one type of container basically immediately, but still took a couple orders for them, so the florists got creative with making bases for those arrangements. and I had to get creative with finding boxes to wrap them in. enrichment.
sideways related: always nice to see stuff with different colors besides red, white, and green. bright mix birthday vases. pink and purple centerpieces. the manager harvested some slow-moving sunflowers and yellow lilies from the cold greenhouse for a few things. sunflowers. :)
I've been harvesting (most of) the warm house lilies. the doubles are stinky and make me all sniffly, but they are very showy in an arrangement.
boss: I need a plant for my niece's wife's nephew's kid's cousin, uh, twice removed's... friend. me: does all that have any bearing on the exact type of plant you need? boss: not really.
I was gonna go on lunch today, but we had a rush delivery to do so I offered to run it over. got stuck in traffic on the way back so I was gone a while longer than expected. quickly ate lunch. went back to wrapping. 2nd item through was addressed to the building literally next door to where I'd JUST GONE...... but another driver took it along with other stuff out that way later so it's fine.
we got to leave on time today wahoo yippee. the florists all work very well together and got everything done! all that's left is whatever orders come in overnight and tomorrow morning wooooo 馃帀馃帀
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enbyboiwonder 6 months
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The elytra of my giant stag beetle wouldn鈥檛 stay flat, so I stuck him on my gay poinsettia wreath. Problem solved! Also it鈥檚 now been made about 1000x cooler with the addition of giant bug
(Poinsettia wreath from this video and stag beetle from this video)
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digitalstardust 2 years
Christmas Special - Day 1: A Pot of Poinsettia
A pot of flowers stood at your doorstep. Red, blooming and gorgeous.
'Just like them', You thought, a subtle blush blooming across her cheeks.
They were beautiful and coincidentally matched your doormat. Your doormat was red, green and gold with checkered designs on it. It caught your eye whilst you were out shopping for Christmas decorations the other day and you had decided that it was going to become your new doormat.
You bent down to pick the pot up and fumbled for the keys to the door, desperately hoping that you hadn't dropped them somewhere. Relief washed over them when you pulled out the set of shining silver keys.
You pushed open the door and were immediately attacked with beautiful Christmas decorations. You grinned. It was exactly the effect they wanted the decorations to have. Although it's been a week since you hung them up, they never failed to set a smile on your face whenever you admired them.
Setting the pot on the table, you took off your heavy coat and hung it up behind the door.
'I wonder who brought this?' You pondered, going through all possibilities in your mind. In the end, you just gave up and hoped that it was your crush.
At the mere thought of your crush, your mouth widened into a smile. They were wonderful and beautiful and you fell for them years ago, back when the two of you were still in school. Although you weren't sure if they liked you back, you still held the tiniest hope in your heart that they did.
You picked up the Poinsettias to admire them again. They were beautiful, really, and you were pretty sure that they had been enchanted in some way or another. The petals seemed to glow and their strong color shone boldly.
A letter dropped out from the pot, much to your surprise.
"How did it even get there?" You muttered, turning the pot around to see if there was a hidden compartment anywhere. After five minutes of searching, you chalked it up to magic and opened the letter.
'To my dearest Y/N,
Did you like the Poinsettia? I hope you did. I was walking through the market the other day when I saw the flowers. They reminded me of you so I brought them as a gift.
Do you know what Poinsettia represent? You know, a long time ago, the ancient Aztecs considered them to be a symbol of purity, and somehow it has become the symbol for Christmas.
Every time I look at them, I am reminded of your soft smile and it makes me want to hug you like there's no tomorrow. I treasure our memories at school together more than anything. I love you more than the sun and the moon combined, and every thought of you makes me smile brighter than every star in the sky.
Even though you might not like me back, Merlin's beard I hope you do, I wish that I can have this Christmas to tell you just how much I care for you, starting with the pot of Poinsettia.
You couldn't help but laugh. Santa? The one and only Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas? It was quite obvious that they put a ton of effort into hiding their identity and in your opinion, it was quite effective.
You chuckled and put the letter in the drawer of your nightstand. Little did you know, many more notes were about to come.
FINALLY! MY FIRST SHORT FIC IS DONE(well not my first one but the first one in the Christmas Specials and the first one on this account)
How was it? Please comment and I stand by what I said: If you have any ideas PLEASE TELL ME and I will try to include them in the following specials!
Don't forget to comment, like and reblog! It helps a lot for authors starting out like us!
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ohkaypoh 1 year
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Hiii I think shi deserves to be happy in these trying times
[Tahini Poinsettia design by me]
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j9tarts 1 year
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Merry Christmas!
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ami-ven 1 year
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Happy National Ponsettia Day!
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onepiexe 2 years
im awake 馃槶
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caseysbell 6 months
National Poinsettia Day
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caramelcoffeeaddict 6 months
Happy National Poinsettia Day!
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srndpt2024 6 months
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murderousink23 1 year
12/12/2022 is National Ambrosia Day 馃嚭馃嚥, National Ding-a-Ling Day (seriously?) 馃嚭馃嚥, Poinsettia Day 馃嚭馃嚥, Postal Workers Day 馃嚞馃嚙, International Day of Neutrality (neutrality sides with the oppressors) 馃嚭馃嚦, International Universal Health Coverage Day 馃嚭馃嚦
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The Eighth Day of Christmas: Poinsettia
Now, that's some festive flower power here!
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