ladypurplejanewrynn · 9 months
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 20
Versailles (Audrey Bonnefoy) and Josephine (Ausver child OC) belongs to @queen-of-stoneharts
The sun risen up, this time it was Alfred who woke up first. He took a look at his boyfriend, who surprisingly was still asleep. He looked so peacefully in his sleep. The American decided not to wake him up. He got up and dressed up. When he put his clothes on, he went downstairs to make a surprise breakfast to bed for Tolys. Alice and Feliks were already up, eating their breakfast. "Oh, good morning Alfred. Slept well? Where’s Tolys?" asked Feliks. "He’s still asleep. I guess is the first time he sleeps longer than usually. Normally he always wakes up early. Anyway, I’m gonna make him breakfast to bed. I just hope he’s gonna like it. I know how to cook and stuff, but I don’t think I’m as much good at it as Tolys is." he answered. "I’m sure he’s gonna love it. Just don’t put yourself down like that." said Alice. "Thanks dudette." said Alfred and began preparing the breakfast. After he was done, he went up upstairs. Tolys was just waking up. "Good morning love. Slept well?" asked Alfred. A yawn escaped the Lithuanian’s mouth:"Actually, yes. I slept pretty well." "Anyway, I made you breakfast. Here’s some eggs with bacon, and added fruit salad to it and some tea. I hope you’ll like it." said the American as he handed him the food. Tolys immediately start it eating. "Mmmmmm, Alfred this is delicious." escaped his mouth. "Really? You… like it?" asked Alfred. "Oh gosh, yes. I love it." answered Tolys. After breakfast, Tolys put his clothes on and along with his boyfriend, they decided to go on a small walk close to the house. Tolys put on a disguise just in case if there are people walking by, so nobody recognizes him. "The weather’s nice today, isn’t it love?" asked the American as he turned around to the see his lover with sadness on his face. "What’s wrong?" he asked. "Oh, is just… I’m worried. Now that everyone knows that I’m a werewolf, I wonder what will happened. I don’t wanna be hunt down and go back to that awful place ever again. I just… wanna be treated equally. Without being called a bloodthirsty beast, or any of the other names that we no humans are being called." answered the Lithuanian. Alfred pulled him into a hug:"Everything’s gonna be fine, my dear. I promise you that. To every problem there’s always a solution. No matter what happens, I will be there to protect you from anyone who dares to try and hunt you." "Alfred, I’m so happy that you’re my boyfriend. I love you so much." said Tolys. "I’m happy that you’re my boyfriend as well." answered Alfred. Some days later, Arthur and Francis came with a visit and handed Tolys the potion to help him regain some of his strengths a bit faster. "Just be careful. Don’t drink more than two small gulps each day. Drinking more than that might have some really unpleasant side effects." warned the British. "Like what?" asked the werewolf. "Well, things like massive headaches, possibility of your heart stopping for a few seconds, feeling like your body is on fire in some moments, your limbs going numb for a few hours and hallucinations." answered the sorcerer. "Alright, then I’ll do like you told me to." said Tolys and took two small gulps of the potion. "Don’t worry mon ami. You should regain the rest of your strengths in no longer than two weeks, if you keep going like this." said Francis. So, Tolys did how it was asked of him. He drank two small gulps of the potion everyday, with Alfred making sure he didn’t drink more than that on accident. Everything was going well. Few days later, Feliks and Alice invited the rest of their friends for a sleepover. Everyone brought what they needed and came over. All of them gathered in the salon and watched a horror movie. "Are you sure this isn’t a bit too gory?" asked Audrey, as she let Roderich hold her in his embrace. "Well, duh. Is a horror movie after all." answered Feliks. "We can change it, and watch something less scary if anyone wants." said Alice. "No, is fine. Is just not the genre of movies that I would watch." said the French woman. "Are you sure, love?" asked the Austrian. "Yes, I am sure of it." answered Audrey.
They kept watching. After the movie was finished, Alice went to the kitchen to prepare some more snacks for the night. Rose and Audrey decided to go with her and help. Meanwhile, Feliks along with Roderich and Vash started chatting. Francis and Arthur talked between them, so Matthew joined in the conversation with Tolys and Alfred. When the girls came back with snacks, everyone played truth or dare, but later the game turned into chaos when Arthur and Francis started arguing, and the rest of the group had to break them away from each other. After calming them down and working out the issue, all of them had a pillow fight. The fight was wild, laughters not disappearing for even a moment. After the fight, everyone were exhausted, so they took a break, by sitting next to each other’s on the floor forming a circle. At each turn, every single one of them telling a scary story. After resting for a bit and telling scary stories, they danced on Just Dance. Some dances alone, some in groups from three to five people and duets. The best performance was the one from Roderich and Audrey, doing a romantic dance. But the one from Feliks and Alice wasn’t bad either. Once they were done with dancing, all of them were so tired that they immediately went to sleep. Days passed. Tolys finally regained his full strengths and could turn into his werewolf form again. He still stayed at his friends’s house, as they still thought about what to do with the whole situation. Alfred also stayed by his side, even thought the Lithuanian told him that he didn’t have to take care of him anymore since he was back at his full strengths. But the American didn’t mind and wanted to stay by his lover’s side no matter what. On one day though, he had to work, so he couldn’t really stay with Tolys. Also on that day the werewolf was being really clingy to Alfred. "I’m sorry honey, but I really have to go to work. My small vacations are over and I have to go back. I promise I’ll bring you something nice when I’ll get back." said the blond, trying to calm down his boyfriend. "No please don’t leave. Just stay with me one more whole day." begged the Lithuanian as he started making small wolf squealing noise, not wanting let go of Alfred’s arm. A small chuckle escaped Alfred:"Tolys, I really have to go." It didn’t help. Tolys kept on begging and Alice had to intervene. "It will be alright bestie. While, our boyfriends are at work, we can spend some time together between friends and do something fun." she said. It wasn’t easy, but the Lithuanian finally let go of his boyfriend and let him go to work. The Polish lady went to the kitchen, Tolys joined her. "What are you making?" he asked. "Oh, nothing special. Just some Gołąbki. I promised Feliks that i would make some today." she answered. "Can I help you?" asked Tolys. Alice smiled:"Sure. The more the merrier." "Also it will go faster if there’s the two of us working on it." he said. A small chuckle escaped the girl’s mouth and they got to the cooking. They had a lot of fun together. Once they were done, they ate the lunch. Later Alice proposed him to go shopping. "I dunno, Alice. I know I go out with Alfred for walks, but is just small walks and not too far from the house. What if someone recognizes me despite wearing a disguise?" asked the werewolf. "It will be fine. I’m sure nobody should recognize you under Audrey’s disguise. I mean, nobody recognized us, especially Gilbert when we sneaked up to get you out." answered the redhead, comforting her friend. "I know and I don’t doubt Andrey’s tailoring skills. But what if…?" he started but got cut off by his friend. "You really need to stop overthinking so much. You can’t stress yourself this much. Is bad for your health. I understand that you’re worried and afraid. And I know this isn’t easy and something that you can overcome in one day or a week. Of course it takes time. But you can’t let your fears take control over you. But you’re not alone. You have all of us to help you out if there is an issue you want to talk about, or if something bothers you."
He smiled:"Thanks. But, I’m still unsure about this." A thought came up to Alice’s mind:"What if I would call one of our friends? I could call Matthew since he’s free today." "I guess that would be fine. Alright, go ahead." said Tolys. The Polish woman called their friend. Some minutes later Matthew arrived. Tolys put on his disguise and the three went out shopping. There was a nice clothings store, so Alice dragged the boys to check it out. Honestly, all three were able to find something for themselves. After paying for the clothes, they went for bubble tea. "I’m glad you guys took me with you. If not you, I would probably die of boredom." said Matthew. "Don’t mention it. Beside, you’re part our friends." answered Alice. The chat continued between the two, while Tolys’s was awfully quite. "Tolys? Are you with us?" asked the blond snapping the Lithuanian out of his thoughts. "Yes. Right. Sorry, I got distracted in my thoughts." he answered. "Anyway, me and Alice came up with the idea that after we finish our bubble teas, we could come back home and play some video games together. And we were asking you if you’re in, but you weren’t answering." explained Matthew. Tolys smiled:"Sure. I’m in." After finishing, they went home and played some Super Smash Bros Brawl. Some hours later Matthew had to go home. He thanked his friends for the fun they had together today and left. Later Feliks and Alfred came back from work. When Tolys heard his boyfriend was back, he immediately ran up for hug to him. "Hey honey. Wow, did you really missed me so much?" escaped the American’s mouth. "How could I not?" asked the Lithuanian. Alice went up for a hug to her lover as well, and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek:"Welcome back home, dear. How was at work?" "Honestly, pretty well, pretty well. How about you?" answered Feliks. "Oh, me and Tolys had a lot of fun. And Matthew joined us too." she answered. The two man ate what was cooked for lunch. While they were eating, Alice and Tolys told them about their day. Alfred was really happy that his boyfriend could relax and spent some time with friends today. The next day, Feliks planned a date with Alice, which meant Tolys and Alfred would have the house for themselves for a while. The two lovers were goofing around with each other, until Feliks came into the room. "Oh, hey dude. What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to go on a date with Alice?" asked Alfred. "I am, just wanted to tell you about something important. You know this date isn’t just some regular date that me and Alice usually go to. I have a surprise for her." answered the Polish and took out a small box out of his pocket. He opened it and there was a a really beautiful, shiny silver ring with a small emerald on top of it. The two men looked at it. "Are you gonna propose to her?" asked Tolys. "Yup, I think is finally the time. I’ll like totally make sure she has a time of her life. Hopefully she accepts." said Feliks. "Why wouldn’t she? Alice is head over heels for you." said Alfred. "I know, but what if she’s not feeling ready yet?" escaped the blond’s mouth. Tolys came up to him and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder:"Don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll accept. And even if she won’t be ready now, she will be later." "Thanks bro. I needed to hear that." answered Feliks. Just as Feliks was about to leave the room and get Alice, she entered:"Oh, there you are honey. Are you ready for our date?" He turned around and faced her:"Of course I’m totally ready. Let’s go dear." Then he took her by the hand and they left. As they arrived to the restaurant, they took their sits and ordered their dinner. The lovers reserved a pretty exclusive place for their date tonight. It was Feliks’s idea, as he wanted to be special. While waiting they were chatting. "You know, the idea of the exclusive place in a restaurant wasn’t a bad idea. I really like it, but even without it I would be happy about the date either way." said Alice. "I know sweetheart, but I like totally wanted it to be special." answered Feliks.
The woman placed her hands on her boyfriend’s cheeks:"Oh Feliks, every moment that I share with you is special to me. No matter if is just us having fun together, if is us kissing or making love to each other, or if it is a serious situation. There is no one to me who’d be as special as you. And there’s nothing that can and will ever change that." Blushes appeared on the Polish man’s face:"I totally feel the same way about you as well." Once their orders arrived, they started eating still chatting and flirting with each other. Feliks took some fries along with some chicken meat while Alice had a huge, well cooked steak and some veggies. When they finished, Feliks got down on his knee and he took out the small box out of his pocket. He opened it, revealing the ring:"Alice Tarczyńska, you make me the happiest man in the world. I’m like totally glad to be your boyfriend and to have an amazing woman like you in my life. Moving in into one house with you was one of the best ideas that we could come up with. But now I want us to be something more than just a boyfriend and girlfriend. Alice, will you be honored and marry me?" A sparkle appeared in the Polish lady’s eyes:"Yes! Oh, God yes! I will marry you, dear." He took the ring and put it on her pointing finger and both shared a kiss on their lips. When they got back home, they shared the news with all of their friends. A few days later, the wedding preparations start it. The food, the cake, decorations, the suit and the gown, invitations. So many preparations. Some days later when Alfred was going back from work, he got a phone call from an unknown number. He picked it up. "Well hello there. Long time haven’t talked to each other haven’t we friend?" said a well known voice. "Gilbert? How dare you call me your friend, after everything that you’ve done you bastard?" escaped the American’s mouth. "Now, now. If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut and listen." said the German. "And why would I do that?" asked the blond. "Because if you don’t, your little sister gets it. And I know how much family members are important to you." he answered. A gasp escaped from Alfred’s mouth. "That’s right. I have your sister hostage. To be honest her boyfriend did put a lot of a fight when we were taking her." said Gilbert, as a small chuckle escaped his mouth. "Rose, Vash. What did you do to them?!" shout it the American. "Oh, the man is fine. He was only knocked out and left where he is. As for your sister, she’s fine. At least for now. So, let’s make a deal. I give her back unharmed, and you will bring me back the werewolf." said Gilbert. "So you can experiment on him and hurt him? Never! I’m not going to give Tolys back at the hands of a monster like you!" he said. "Careful with what you say. One bad step and your sister might get hurt. And you don’t want that. Do you?" Alfred went silent. "That’s what I thought. I would think this through if I were you. If you make the decision, then call me. But honestly, the choice is simple." said the German and hang up. Alfred quickly rushed to Feliks’s and Alice’s house. "Guys! We have a problem!" He shouted "What’s the matter hun?" asked Tolys, concerned for his boyfriend. "My sister… She was taken hostage by Gilbert! And he wants Tolys in exchange in order to get her back!" Alfred answered. Shock appeared on everyone’s faces. "Is he damn serious? Taking hostage your family member like that and threatening to hurt her? That’s a real low blow right now." said Alice. "What do we do now? Obviously we’re not gonna hand over Tolys to him." said Feliks. "First, it would be good if we looked for Vash and took him to the house." said Alfred. "There's no need for that." said a familiar voice. All four looked at the door to see Vash in them.
After explaining everything about what happened while Vash and Rose were walking together, a frown appeared on Tolys's face:"That damn bastard. He won’t back down on doing anything, in order to get me back in that dread place." Everyone nod. "We need to come up with a plan to get Rose back, safe and sound." said Alice. Later on, they called the rest of their friends and they came to Feliks’s and Alice’s house. Then they came up with a plan of saving Rose. They would come in whole group, Arthur would cast a spell to create an illusion of Tolys, to make Gilbert think he’s really here. Then when he would give Rose back, they would run away before the illusion disappears. However, Tolys was little sad cause he also wanted to come and help save Rose, but his boyfriend and friends told him that it is too risky and that they didn’t want him to get captured again. When the plan was put in place, Alfred called Gilbert and planned a meeting with him. It was evening. Gilbert waited in the forest, holding Rose down and had some others Unnatural Beasts Hunters with him, in case Alfred would try to trick him. The poor girl had her hands tied up behind her back, but she was unharmed. "You’re a terrible person, you know that?" asked Rose. Gilbert looked at her:"What do you mean? I’m only doing the world a favor." Anger painted itself of Rose’s face:"By hunting down my friend and trying to take away his freedom and other creatures as well? And why? Because they’re no humans?" A frown appeared on the German’s face, but he didn’t response. Then both noticed Alfred coming up to them, along with Vash and Matthew, with Tolys walking behind them with a mixed up look. Gilbert smiled:"So you weren’t kidding. You actually brought the werewolf like I asked." "Shut your face, bastard. You know damn well you left me no choice, by threatening the life of my own sister." answered the American. "You got what you wanted. Now hand over my girlfriend." said the Swiss. A chuckle escaped form Gilbert:"Not so fast. First hand over the werewolf. Then I’ll hand over the lady." Matthew frowned:"And do we know you’re telling us the truth? How can we be sure you won’t trick us?" "Oh please. I have no interest in the woman at all. The only use I have of her is to make the trade. You give me the werewolf and I give you her back." said the German. Tolys came forward and stretched out his hands to Gilbert:"You're a monster for threatening an innocent person. You know that, right?" The man got out a pair of iron cuffs and bound the Lithuanian with them:"And you’re the one to talk about being a monster, when in reality you are a monster." He cut off the ropes binding Rose wrists and pushed her to Alfred’s direction. She immediately rushed to Vash’s arms:"Oh, I was so afraid that they would actually harm me." The Swiss caressed her cheeks:"Is alright now. You're safe my love." A laugh escaped Gilbert’s mouth:"It was a pleasure doing business with you. Now, I’ll make sure that this one won’t escape ever again. We prepared a special cell for him. Even if you try to come and rescue him, you won’t be able to pass our security system." Alfred looked at him with anger on his face. His stare like he would be throwing daggers at Gilbert:"I hate you for everything that you do. These creatures, and especially Tolys doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment that you and your coworkers give them." The German rolled his eyes:"Yeah, yeah. Are you done talking?" "Yes. I guess, I am." said the American and along with the rest they turned and walked away. Once they were far away, they hid behind a tree where the rest of their friends were hiding. "Alright Arthur, they got the hatch. Rose is safe. We need to go, and quick before the illusion of Tolys disappears." said Matthew. Then they started running toward Vash’s van. As they were getting closer, they noticed that they were chased by Gilbert and some other hunters as well. Then their way got blocked.
"How dare you tricking me, like this?! How is it even possible?! Could it be that you have a sorcerer in your group?" asked Gilbert, slowly approaching the group. Arthur slowly stepped forward:"One of us? A sorcerer? What gives you that idea?" He then quickly reached into his pockets, he threw some small seeds under Gilbert and the some other hunters feet, which soon turned into huge vines, trapping most of them. "We got to go. Quick!" shouted Francis. And they started running anew, knocking down some other hunters on the way. "Those vines won’t hold them for long. We need to hurry." said Arthur. Before they knew it, they got surrounded. "Nice try. But we aren’t going down without a fight." said one of the hunters. "And neither do we." said Alice. Then a fight started. Everyone were fighting. The group taking down the hunters one by one. One of them almost managed to get Feliks from behind, but on the last minute Alice knocked out the guy, protecting her fiancé's back. "Thank you, honey" said the Polish man. "You’re welcome, dear." replied the redhead. As the fight was going on, Alfred got tackled by no one else than Gilbert. The American got pinned down against a tree. "That’s it. This is the last time you get in my way." said the German with an angry tone. Alfred slightly chuckled:"If the life of my boyfriend is at risk, then I’ll gladly do anything in my power to protect him." The blond hit the white haired man’s knee hard enough to make him let go of him. As Gilbert was holding onto his knee, Alfred punched him the face, making him stumble a few steps backward. Gilbert looked at Alfred with his red eyes and rushed at him forming a fist from his hand. The blond managed to caught his fist and push him away for a bit. The German tried to attack again, but Alfred managed to dodge the attack and hit the man in the head with a roundhouse kick. That fight was going into Alfred’s favor until Gilbert took the upper hand and hit him in the face with the elbow. The hunter started beating up the American, while he tried to defend himself. Matthew noticed this. "Holy crap, we need to do something about it. Gilbert will kill him, if we stand by idly." He said to his sister Rose. The girl looked at the situation:"I have an idea. But it will take me some minutes." Then she started to run into another direction. "Rose, wait! Where are you going?" asked Matthew. "Trust me. I know what I’m doing. While, I try to make my plan work, try to protect our brother. I’ll be right back." She answered and left. Matthew tried to approche Gilbert and help Alfred, however his way got blocked by two other hunters:"Going somewhere?" After some moment of fighting, Gilbert hit Alfred really hard in the head, making him slightly bleed from his forehead. The blond could barely fight and was now on his knees. Gilbert stood above him, looking at him with a serious look. Then he smiled:"This should teach you a lesson to not mess with me." He raised his hand. Alfred closed his eyes shut, expecting the get hit, but to his surprise it never came. He opened one of his eyes. Suddenly both of his eyes widened, as what he saw, really surprised him. Tolys stood in front of him, in his werewolf form and caught Gilbert’s hand, protecting him. "Leave. My. Boyfriend. ALONE!!!" shouted the werewolf with a really angry tone. Slight fear could be noticed on Gilbert’s face. He clearly didn’t expect that to happened. Tolys used the opportunity and used his strength to throw Gilbert against a tree. He looked at his boyfriend. "Alfred! Are you alright? Oh god, you’re bleeding. I’m sorry that I couldn’t arrive faster." said the Lithuanian kneeling down in front of the American. "Don't worry. I’m fine. I’m just glad you’re here, love." answered Alfred, as Tolys helped him with getting up. They immediately pulled each other into a hug.
However their joy didn’t last for long. Gilbert approached the lovers from behind and tried attacking both of them, but luckily Tolys pushed Alfred away and dodged the attack as well. "Coming in here was the wrong choice." the German said. "And yet, still I came to help my loved ones." replied the Lithuanian and jumped into attack. Gilbert dodged, however it wasn’t easy due to the werewolf's speed. Suddenly, Tolys got punched in the face, but this didn’t have much effect on him. He used his claws and scratched Gilbert’s arms, leaving his suit a bit torn and revealing a mark that was slightly bleeding. "You should have never messed with me or anyone I care about, Gilbert." said Tolys, lunching another attack, however he missed. Alfred watched the fight between his boyfriend and the hunter. He wanted to help but he felt a little dizzy after the hit in the head he received from Gilbert. As the fight kept going on, Tolys had an upper hand despite the fact Gilbert was using some of his weapons. In the same time, the werewolf was careful not to kill the man. Sure, he wanted to get back at the German for the betrayal but not by killing him. He was better than this. Suddenly, Gilbert used one of his gadgets and shot some ropes and got wrapped around Tolys’s arms, binding them together. "Gah… What is this?!" escaped the Lithuanian’s mouth as he tried to free himself. Then his legs got bound as well and he fell to the ground, with a hard thud. "You foolish beast. Did you really thought I came unprepared? We the Unnatural Beast Hunters are always prepared for any occasions. After all, we can't just let any beast escape from our sight." Gilbert said, slowly approaching Tolys. Alfred run up to his boyfriend, trying to untie the ropes, also taking a protective position when looking at the hunter that was approaching them. "Oh, I see your little boyfriend is still trying to protect you. That’s adorable but also pointless." the German said. "Seriously, what is your problem with other creatures?" asked the American still trying to free the Lithuanian. "What is my problem? Oh, I always saw other creatures as a threat to humanity. They have lots of different abilities that we humans don’t possess. That makes them more dangerous than anyone else. That’s why they need to be put in their place and should not be allowed to live to run free in this world." Gilbert said, while laughing. "I’m not letting you take Tolys away, ever again!" shouted Alfred as he managed to untie the ropes from Tolys’s legs. In response, Gilbert hit the American, making him hit the ground, hard enough to make him lose consciousness. Tolys looked at his unconscious boyfriend with fear. The white haired man was about to grab the werewolf, to only get his hand bitten in self-defense. "Don’t you dare touching me!" shouted the Lithuanian as he got up, and used his whole werewolf strength to tear up the ropes bidding his arms. "You! How dare you to bite me?!" Gilbert shouted and was about to throw an attack, when a voice behind all of them shouted:"Not so fast!"
Gilbert and Tolys both looked at Rose, that was holding out her phone and recording. "Wha-What’s the meaning of all of this?!" asked the German. "While the fight was going on, I hacked into the broadcasting systems. Which means that everything that I just recorded, was also seen by everyone else. They all saw the true colors of the Unnatural Beast Hunters." the brunette lady said. "Whatever. Is not gonna do much. I bet that after seeing this whole broadcast, everyone will support the Unnatural Beast Hunters even more." said the hunter. Rose smiled in satisfaction:"I wouldn’t be so sure about it. I’m receiving so many comments that are against what you’re doing. People have seen what you really are. They have seen that you would go as far as to attack or possibly even kill another human just so you could capture one of the creatures. They have also seen how Tolys was protecting Alfred and on how much he cares about him. In other words, you lost!" Gilbert didn’t want to believe it. However when he checked the news, he was surprised to see it was all true. The Unnatural Beast Hunters lost a huge part of their support. Sure, there were still some people that supported them, but those were most likely those who felt deepest hatred toward other creatures, or those who still haven’t accepted the fact that they are similar to simple human beings. The hunters had no other choice but to back down at this point, leaving the group of friends alone. It was the group’s victory. Some days later, Feliks and Alice had their wedding and got married, finally becoming husband and wife. As months passed by, the support for other creatures was increasing. Tolys finally was able to be his true self and didn’t need to hide his werewolf side any longer. One day when he was coming back from work, he met one of the hunters. "What do you want?" the Lithuanian asked. The man sighed:"Listen. I'm sorry for what happened a few months ago. You didn’t deserve any of this. None of the creatures did. You see, I’m also not just a simple human. I’m actually a vampire. But I used to hid this from the world. And the only reason I joined the Unnatural Beast Hunters was because I didn’t want to be caught. I know that what I did was a coward’s move. And that I should never do such things. I’m sorry." Tolys smiled at him:"Don’t apologize. I think I can understand. Honestly, I don’t think I can blame you for making such choice." Then a question popped out in his head:"But wait. Since you are a vampire, how did you manage to not get caught and also survive? Aren’t vampires supposed to burn in the sun and don’t have their own reflections in the mirror?" The vampire chuckled:"Well,I use special cream to be able to walk in the sun without burning alive. I also used to drink potions to let myself be half human temporarily and have my reflection in a mirror, so people don’t seem suspicious. But I guess I don’t have to do it anymore at this point." Tolys giggled:"I think so too." After the chat, the werewolf got back home. On another day, when Alfred and Tolys planned a movie night just the two of them together at Alfred’s house, someone rang the doorbell. Both men went up to open the door, and in them stood a taller than both of them man, with blond hair and blue eyes, with a serious expression. "Good evening, mister. You are…?" began Alfred. "Ludwig Beilschmidt. I’m the younger brother of Gilbert Beilschmidt. I came here to apologize for my brother’s actions toward mister Tolys Laurinaitis. He barely told me about his job and mostly kept things secret from me. I had absolute no idea of what he did until now. Unlike him, I never thought badly about other creatures. He would never admit that he was in the wrong. I am also well aware that a simple sorry won’t undo those actions that he committed. Is there a way I could possibly repay you for it?" The man said.
"Oh, no. You don’t have to do that. After all you didn’t know. You don’t have to repay me anything. Really. But I really appreciate it." replied the Lithuanian. After Ludwig’s visit, the lovers started their movie night. And some years later, they got married and moved into a house together. They also wanted to have a child together, so they adopted a little girl named Tiara. After all the years that have passed humans, sorcerers and other creatures were finally able to live in peace with each other. Of course, everyone knew there will always be someone who will be against it, but as long as they all stayed together and fought for the freedom of every creature, they knew they would succeed. The huge part of Tolys’s and Alfred’s friends also had children. Alice and Feliks had two kids, an older girl named Monica and a younger boy named Anthony. Rose and Vash had a boy named Aaron. And Audrey and Roderich had a daughter named Josephine. Over the years, the Unnatural Beast Hunters seized to exist, as they turned into Protectors of other creatures. And one day, when the lovers along with their friends and their children were celebrating Tiara’s birthday, while the party was ongoing, a loud knock at the door could be heard. "Huh, that’s weird. I’m pretty sure we didn’t forget to invite anyone." said the American. "I’ll go check it my love. Meanwhile, make sure our precious daughter has the best birthday party in her entire life." the Lithuanian replied and went to check up on the door. Once the door swung open, a look of surprise but then frustration appeared on Tolys’s face. "You?! What are you doing in here? As far as I remember you are not my friend. You never were one in the first place, Gil." he said. Yup, the person at the door was nobody else than Gilbert. "Hey Tolys… Long time not seen. You see, I came here with no ill intentions. I just wanted to say that, well… I’m sorry about how I treated you in the past. I’ve realized I’ve been a terrible person to you and… I wanted to tell you that…" the man began and then suddenly smoke appeared around him. Later on, it revealed a huge white werewolf right in front of Tolys’s sight. "I’m no longer a simple human as well. You see, at that time when you bit my hand in self-defense, you also infected me, turning me into a werewolf and…" he continued but got cut off. "So, you came all the way here because you thought I would suddenly forget about things from the past and forgive you just because now you’re a werewolf as well? I’m glad you were able to understand what it feels like and that you’re trying to become a better person. Truly, I am. While I didn’t have any intentions of infecting you with the werewolf curse, I will never forgive you for what you did to me in the past. Don’t expect me to. What you did, is way too hurtful for me to forget about it. I could possibly die. Not to mentioned you also put my loved ones in danger. And a simple sorry, won’t fix it. I hope I will never see you again. Goodbye Gilbert. Good luck on your new path in life." The Lithuanian said and slammed the door. He came back to the party. "Who was it, my love?" Agreed asked. "Just Gilbert, trying to make me forgive him for what he did in the past. But I didn’t. I don’t want to." Tolys said, his tone clearly showing he was upset. "And you don’t have to forgive him. Is up to you if you want to forgive someone or not. Also don’t let someone like Gilbert ruin your mood." his husband said. Tolys smiled:"You’re right. I shouldn’t let my mood be ruined just because of him." The two shared a kiss on their lips and joined the rest at the party. Finally, they earned their happily ever after.
The End
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Battle for the mind
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poolwear · 1 year
Shopping mall for women in their 30s
It's been a long time since I came here as a flea, but this time, I brought two products, hot polware and sl sports first. 1. Hot polware, Roha Soibin. I wore it once after purchasing it. There's no visible damage, but if you're sensitive to every detail, I recommend a new product. Since it's a lace product! This is the top and bottom S size skin beige AROHA color, and it's a 10.9 no-sale product. -6 I'll send it to you for free when delivering it directly to the convenience store at 5.8 :) It's hard to adjust the price. sl Only the sports requirement top is wearing sky blue one shoulder top two times! The sale price is 20,000 won. If you are sensitive, please buy a new 30대여성쇼핑몰 product and get a pretty used and used polo wear that is in good condition!It's been a long time since I came here as a flea, but this time, I brought two products, hot polware and sl sports first. 1. Hot polware, Roha Soibin. I wore it once after purchasing it. There's no visible damage, but if you're sensitive to every detail, I recommend a new product. Since it's a lace product! This is the top and bottom S size skin beige AROHA color, and it's a 10.9 no-sale product. -6 I'll send it to you for free when delivering it directly to the convenience store at 5.8 :) It's hard to adjust the price. sl Only the sports requirement top is wearing sky blue one shoulder top two times! The sale price is 20,000 won. If you are sensitive, please buy a new 30대여성쇼핑몰 product and get a pretty used and used polo wear that is in good condition!It's been a long time since I came here as a flea, but this time, I brought two products, hot polware and sl sports first. 1. Hot polware, Roha Soibin. I wore it once after purchasing it. There's no visible damage, but if you're sensitive to every detail, I recommend a new product. Since it's a lace product! This is the top and bottom S size skin beige AROHA color, and it's a 10.9 no-sale product. -6 I'll send it to you for free when delivering it directly to the convenience store at 5.8 :) It's hard to adjust the price. sl Only the sports requirement top is wearing sky blue one shoulder top two times! The sale price is 20,000 won. If you are sensitive, please buy a new 30대여성쇼핑몰 product and get a pretty used and used polo wear that is in good condition!It's been a long time since I came here as a flea, but this time, I brought two products, hot polware and sl sports first. 1. Hot polware, Roha Soibin. I wore it once after purchasing it. There's no visible damage, but if you're sensitive to every detail, I recommend a new product. Since it's a lace product! This is the top and bottom S size skin beige AROHA color, and it's a 10.9 no-sale product. -6 I'll send it to you for free when delivering it directly to the convenience store at 5.8 :) It's hard to adjust the price. sl Only the sports requirement top is wearing sky blue one shoulder top two times! The sale price is 20,000 won. If you are sensitive, please buy a new 30대여성쇼핑몰 product and get a pretty used and used polo wear that is in good condition!It's been a long time since I came here as a flea, but this time, I brought two products, hot polware and sl sports first. 1. Hot polware, Roha Soibin. I wore it once after purchasing it. There's no visible damage, but if you're sensitive to every detail, I recommend a new product. Since it's a lace product! This is the top and bottom S size skin beige AROHA color, and it's a 10.9 no-sale product. -6 I'll send it to you for free when delivering it directly to the convenience store at 5.8 :) It's hard to adjust the price. sl Only the sports requirement top is wearing sky blue one shoulder top two times! The sale price is 20,000 won. If you are sensitive, please buy a new 30대여성쇼핑몰 product and get a pretty used and used polo wear that is in good condition!
0 notes
rhinos-crafts · 4 years
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Wool haul! 5 ounces each.
The white is Australian Merino (not the super fancy kind but honestly just spinning makes its own texture so crazy soft wool kinda loses that when you spin it).
The lightest brown is Tasmanian Polwar.
The other 2 browns are Great Britain Shetland. The store also was excited to tell me that the wool came from a herd owned by the Jameson family (the guys who make the whiskey) so that's cool.
Ive been spinning the darkest shetland wool and it is spinning like a dang dream.
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investstudio-blog · 7 years
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#most #wiatraki #turbinawiatrowa #rzeka #trafka #chmury #dokumentacja #techniczna #kalendarz #polwar #investstudio
0 notes
idealnehacki-blog · 7 years
Witamy serdecznie! Dzisiaj chcielibyśmy podzielić się z Wami naszym najnowszym programem, który jest dostępny do pobrania na naszej stronie.     Chodzi tutaj oczywiście o Polwars Hack - Zapraszamy :)
0 notes
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 19
More days has passed. Tolys felt much much better than before. Although, he still hasn’t regained all of his strengths. Despite being able to walk on his own without any support or doing other stuff, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t transform into his werewolf form. But he could still use his werewolf abilities though. They still worked even after that time when a lot of Tolys’s energy was drained out of him. But the fact that the Lithuanian was weaken after the whole experience, it caused those abilities to malfunction in some moments. Once when he and Alfred were sitting in their room while Alice with Feliks’s help was making dinner, Tolys tried to smell out and guess what was being cooked, only to feel nothing at all. Or when he was left alone in the house for a moment and heard the door opening, he tried to hear out if it was Alfred, only to realize that he couldn’t make out the words or the voice clearly. Luckily now, the werewolf’s abilities got back to functioning normally, which made him happy. As for Alfred, he was glad to see his boyfriend slowly getting back on his feet. Same for their friends as well. It was one of those sunny days, so Alfred decided to have a small romantic picnic with Tolys in Alice’s and Feliks’s garden. They took a blanket and some food and drinks and went outside. To their surprise, the garden was decorated with many beautiful flowers and some plants in general, which they would never expect from their friends to actually have. They just never seemed like the type of people to be invested on working on plants. "This place is really nice." said the Lithuanian. "Agreed. Feliks and Alice really have put a lot of thoughts into it." answered the American. "You know, maybe one day you and I will have our own beautiful garden like this." said Tolys. Alfred looked at him with a small smug on his face:"Oh, I definitely like that idea." The two started eating their food and drinking their drinks as they were chatting. Then they both looked each other in the eyes and a moment later start it giggling. "Tolys you bastard, you made me laugh." said the American. "Oh, really? I was actually going to say the same thing." answered the Lithuanian. "Gosh, could you be serious for once?" asked Alfred still giggling. At that moment, Tolys got on top of Alfred, pinning him down, his hands above his head. The giggles stopped. "Is this what you meant by serious?" he asked, with a cunning smile on his face. Alfred’s face was now deeply red:"Oh, I see how it is. Is this some sorts of “Revenge”, for what happened some days ago?" A chuckle escaped Tolys’s mouth:"Maybe I shall answer that question perhaps." Then he leaned toward his boyfriend and started kissing his lips passionately. The American returned that kiss as well. This kiss started to get longer. The Lithuanian slowly started to let go of his boyfriend’s hands, as they kept on kissing, until they got interrupted. "Having fun, you two?" asked a voice. They turned around to see Feliks and Alice, along with Arthur and Francis. "Oh, guys. Well, you kind of ruined the moment for us." said Alfred. "We’re sorry about that, but there is something we need to talk to you two about." answered Arthur. "Alright" escaped the Lithuanian’s mouth, as he and his boyfriend got up. Everyone went inside the house and took their sits on the sofa. "So, what’s the thing you wanted to talk about it?" asked the American. "You see, Arthur has been doing some research, and he found a way to help Tolys get back some of his strengths a bit faster." answered Francis. "Oh, what is it?" asked Alice. "Well, I will be needing some ingredients in order to make a potion out of it. I have the most of them. I’m only missing just two of them. Some magical herbs, that I can easily buy at any sorcerer store. And get some fresh mushrooms, from a forest. Someone wants to come help me, picking up the mushrooms?" explained the British. "You know very well that I’m always happy to help you out, mon amour." answered the French man.
"I’m going as well. After all, Tolys is my boyfriend and I promised him to help him out the best I can." answered the American. "So, if Alfred’s going with you two, this means we will have to take care of Tolys at his place." said Feliks. Alfred looked at his friends:"I’m sure you can do it. I have my faith in you dudes." "Wait a moment" escaped Tolys’s mouth. Everyone looked at him:"I wanna go too as well. I’m feeling much better now. And true, maybe I still haven’t regained all of my strength but I’m sure I could be helpful as well." "Is really nice of you to propose helping us, but I think the three of us is enough. Besides, you should still rest for a bit." said Arthur. "Is fine really. Is not like I’m made of glass. I can protect myself if needed, without being in my werewolf form. And is not like someone’s gonna see me, right?" said the Lithuanian as he start it to protest. "I think Arthur’s right. You still haven’t recovered yet. It would be in your best interests to stay and keep resting." said the American. "But… what if you get hurt? I don’t want anything bad happening to you, dear." answered Tolys, grabbing his boyfriend’s waist. Alfred looked at him and genuinely smiled:"Is this the reason you want to go so badly? Is not just about getting the ingredients, but also about wanting to be there and protect me in case something would happened. Am I right?" Small squealing noise came out of the werewolf. "Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. You know that I’m not completely defenseless and I can protect myself. Beside, I won’t be alone. With Arthur and Francis we will have each other’s back. Not to mention that one of us is a sorcerer. But to be honest, I think it will be just a safe walk around the forest and looking for fresh mushrooms." he continued, trying to calm down his lover’s worries. In the end, they managed to convince Tolys to stay home, while they go get one of the ingredients. They departed at the evening. Francis drove the car, while Arthur explained to Alfred what kind of mushrooms they’re looking for. He told him that they need to look for the chanterelles. Once when they arrived, they immediately start it looking around the forest for what they required. Lucky for the three men, there were lots of chanterelles. When they were done with picking up the mushrooms and we’re about to leave, they got attacked by something. It was really dark, so it was a bit hard to make out what it was. "What is this thing?" escaped the French’s mouth. "I don’t know honey, but we’ll find out soon." answered the British and used a spell to hit the unknown creature. As it got hit, all three took a few step closer to check what are they dealing with. Shock took over as they realized at what they were looking at. "Is… a werewolf?" asked Alfred. The beast quickly got up and was about to strike again, but Arthur cast it a shield to protect all of them. "This must be one of these wild werewolves. There is no way he leaves us alone peacefully. We will have to fight. I’ll drop the shield, once you both are ready." he said. "Alright, I’m ready mon cher." answered Francis. "I’m ready too" escaped Alfred’s mouth. The British dropped the shield and a fight began. Everything was going well, until Arthur got hit and lost consciousness. "Arthur!" shout it Francis and Alfred in the same time. The werewolf rushed at Alfred next. "Alfred, watch out!" shout it the French Man. The American barely had time to react. Before the beast could get Alfred, something or rather someone was faster and saved him. He opened his eyes, to see Tolys holding him in his arms. "Tolys?" escaped from Alfred’s mouth. The Lithuanian let go of his lover and faced the beast:"Leave my boyfriend alone." The other werewolf growled and started attacking Tolys. "Francis, take care of Arthur. I’ll help Tolys out." shout the American and went up to help his boyfriend. The Lithuanian despite not being at his full strengths, dealt with the wild beast pretty well. However the other werewolf was faster and send him flying, making him hit a tree really hard.
The wild beast approched Tolys and was about to strike again, when it got hit with a small tree branch in the head from behind. "Hey ugly, is me that you wanted to attack earlier! So, come and catch me!" yelled the American, distracting the beast away from the Lithuanian. He threw another small branch, provoking the werewolf even more and then he started to run away. The beast chased after him. "This should buy Tolys enough time. How did he even get here? Weren’t Alice and Feliks supposed to take care of him?" thought Alfred. After a moment, the werewolf caught up and jumped in front of him. Alfred fell to the ground, backing away from the wild creature. The werewolf was about to attack. Alfred closed his eyes, as he expected to get hit. Oddly enough, he felt nothing. He opened his eyes. What he saw made his eyes widen. Tolys was in front of him, back turned to the other werewolf, his arms stretched to the sides in order to shield him from the creature. The werewolf was about to attack again when suddenly it fell to the ground, losing consciousness. "What the hell happened?" asked Alfred. "Phew, what a mess." he heard from behind. He turned around to see Francis along with Arthur holding a wand. "What did you do?" asked the American. "Beside casting a sleeping spell on the werewolf, nothing at all." answered the British. All of the sudden, Tolys fell into Alfred’s arms. "Honey, what’s wrong?" asked the American and noticed a not so small injury on his boyfriend’s back that was bleeding. "Shit, we need to take care of this. Quickly!" escaped Alfred’s mouth. Arthur rushed at their side and took care of the injury, using a healing spell:"That should be enough, but I advice to check it once we’re back at the house, just in case." Once they got back to Feliks’s and Alice’s house, Alfred took Tolys immediately to their shared room and looked over his back. There was no sign of blood, however there were scars instead. Tolys looked at Alfred to see a shocked face. "Is it really that bad?" he asked. "No, of course not." answered the American and placed a kiss on his lover’s cheek. "I’m thankful that you saved me back there, but still why did you come when you were supposed to rest?" he asked.
The Lithuanian let his head down:"I just couldn’t bare the thought of you possibly getting hurt again. I mean, I knew you were safe with Arthur and Francis but I couldn’t help it, but worry." Alfred hugged him from behind:"Oh Tolys, you shouldn’t have." Suddenly, their friends came into the room. "We’re really sorry about letting Tolys out. We didn’t even know when exactly he got out." said Alice. "Yeah, we just turned away for a few seconds when going to make some food in the kitchen, and when we got back he was like totally already gone." answered Feliks. "Is okay, guys. Don’t apologize." said Alfred. "Alright, now only the last ingredient left. I will wake up early tomorrow in order to get it. Once I have everything, I will immediately start making the potion. That’s a promise." answered Arthur. "Thank you very much for helping out with the whole situation. I couldn’t ask for better friends than you guys. I just wish I didn’t blindly believe Gilbert like that." said the Lithuanian. "Don’t worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes and can be wrong about anything. That’s what makes us strong and helps us learn." said the French, comforting his friend. After Arthur and Francis left, Alice and Feliks chatted with the boys for a bit and then went to sleep. However, Alfred and Tolys couldn’t fall asleep. They kept on talking and goofing around with each other, until a moment of silence accrued between them as Tolys got deep into his thoughts for a moment. "Honey, are you alright?" asked the American. "Oh, yes. Yes I’m okay. I was just thinking… I’m a kinda ashamed to ask about it since I’be never done it before." answered the Lithuanian. "You can go ahead. Whatever it is I won’t juge. Unless you don’t want to and don’t feel comfortable." said Alfred. "No, I want to tell you. Is just, i’m embarrassed about it." answered Tolys as small blushes appeared on his face. "Alright" said Alfred. Another small moment of silence, then Tolys start it talking:"I wanted to ask if you would like to and be okay with having sex with me…" Alfred smiled:"Of course. I would love to. But why are you feeling embarrassed about it?" "The thing is… I never had sex before. I don’t have the experience and don’t know what it is like. Alright, is true that I once had a girlfriend, but we never got the chance since things got really tense between us, and we broke up." answered Tolys. "I have an idea. How about I start, to show you how it feels like and also to pleasure you for a bit. And then we switch and I let you dominate? I promise I’ll be gentle." said Alfred. "Okay" nod the Lithuanian. The two men undressed until they were completely naked. Alfred got on top of his boyfriend and started of by kissing him passionately. It got wilder later when he start it touching some of his body parts, making Tolys moan in pleasure. When Alfred was done, it was the Lithuanian’s turn. As for his first time, it wasn’t so bad. Afterwords, they ended up laying next to each other, all naked but covered by the blanket. "Ha… It was great… ha… wasn’t it?" asked Alfred. "Yes…ha…it felt amazing as for my first time…ha…" answered Tolys. After conversing with each other, they fell asleep.
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Happy New Year 2023 everyone🎊🎊🎊
I’m starting this year with some PolWar kissing under a mistletoe 💕
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The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 18
It was nighttime. Everyone in the house were asleep. Feliks and Alice in their bedroom, and Alfred with Tolys in another room. The American seemed to be having a really nice dream. The same couldn’t be said about the Lithuanian though. He kept on shifting to another side and mumbling words of protest in his sleep. Another nightmare. Tolys was on the floor, unable to get up, as he barely had any strength. And above him, stood a well known person, who was the least he would be happy to see ever again. Gilbert looked at the powerless man, laughing at him:"You don’t look so well now, do you? And you really thought you were strong enough to beat me. The awesome me. Ha! What a joke. All you are is an ugly and heartless beast, deserving no love. That’s what you are. And that idiot Alfred was a fool, to fall in love with someone like you." A small "No" escaped the Lithuanian’s mouth, as tears dropped down his eyes. "Tolys… Tolys, wake up!" a voice called. The man jolted awake, to see his boyfriend looking at him with worry. "Alfred? What happened?" he asked. "You were talking in your sleep. It looked like you had a really awful nightmare. Also…you’re crying?" escaped Alfred’s mouth. As those words were spoken, Tolys realized that his cheeks were wet and that something indeed was coming out of his eyes. He touched his right cheek, and felt the tears falling down. "Do you want me to bring you something, like tea to calm you down a little?" asked Alfred. "Sure" said Tolys giving his lover a small smile. The American quietly got out of the room to the kitchen and made some tea. Unfortunately, he was heard by Alice:"Alfred? What are you doing in the kitchen at this hour?" "Oh, well… I’m making tea for Tolys. He had a nightmare and I’m helping him with calming down." he answered. "Oh, understandable. He's very lucky to have you." she answered. "You’re fluttering me, dudette. Anyway, where’s Feliks?" he asked. "Oh, he’s asleep. From the both of us, he’s definitely the one who has strong sleep. Sometimes it can be really hard to wake him up." answered the Polish woman. "I can only imagine." Alfred chuckled softly. After the small conversation, Alice went back to sleep and Alfred returned to his and Tolys’s shared room. He handed him the tea, and the Lithuanian start it drinking. After he finished, he seemed a bit more calm. "Feeling better?" asked the American. "Yeah" escaped Tolys’s mouth. "How about your state? Feeling a bit better?" he asked. "No. Not really. But is better than before. Also I’m slowly but surely regaining my strengths. So is good." answered Tolys as he looked at his boyfriend. But then he looked away, as a sadden look appeared on his face. "Tolys?" Alfred called his name, as he knew that something was wrong. The Lithuanian didn’t look up. "Alright, there is clearly something you’re not telling me. What’s wrong?" he asked. "Is just…" started Tolys. "I thought about what Gilbert said." he continued. Then he put his hands on his head:"And now, your life is at risk because of me. Maybe he was right after all. Maybe I truly am like one of those ugly and heartless monsters." Then he closed his eyes and started crying. A moment later he felt Alfred hugging him:"That’s not true." He looked at his boyfriend again. "To me it doesn’t matter if you’re a human or a werewolf. I still love you and accept you for who you are. And you know that. You shouldn’t listen to what Gilbert says, since we know is bullshit. And I think you’re beautiful just the way you are. Never forget about that." said Alfred with small blushes on his face. Now Tolys started blushing as well. He decided to tell Alfred about the nightmare he had and he comforted him:"Don’t you ever dare to think about yourself as of a burden. Alright, honey? You’re not a burden to me, or any of our friends, my dear." Tolys nod. After the conversation and lots of comforting, they went to sleep.
The next day, after dinner Tolys and Alfred spent some time alone in their shared room. The American gave his boyfriend a back massage, to help him relax and make him feel more at ease. "Ah… Now that feels nice." said the Lithuanian. "Who would have thought that I’m good at massaging as well" the American slightly chuckled. "Maybe you should think about becoming a masseur in the future perhaps? Although, I’m not gonna lie. I would be a bit jealous of those hands touching someone else instead of me." said Tolys in a flirty way. "Oh you dumbass" escaped Alfred’s mouth. "Well, I’m not the only dumbass in here" giggled the Lithuanian. "Oh shut it" answered the American starting to tickle his lover. "Ah… ha ha! Stop! Please stop! Is too much for me to handle! Ha ha!" escaped the brunette’s mouth, as he was barely able to catch his breath and couldn’t stop laughing. "Would you look at that. Who would’ve thought that werewolves could be this ticklish?" asked the blond as he finally stopped. They looked at each other in silence for a moment. "Have I already told you that you have a really adorable laugh?" asked Alfred. Tolys blushed:"Y-yes… many times actually…" "Cause is true. Your laugh is really lovely. All of you is amazing in general." said the American. Then both of them leaned toward each other and kissed on the lips. After they pulled away, they heard someone knocking at their door. "Come in" said Tolys. Then Feliks and Alice along with Matthew, Francis and Arthur came in the room. "Hey, Tolys how are you doing?" asked the French. "We heard about everything. We’re really sorry for what you had to go through." said the British. "Oh, I’m doing much better than before. Thanks for asking." answered the Lithuanian. "We’re really sorry that we didn’t came for visits earlier. All three of us had so much going on, and we were really shocked about the news. Not on a bad way of course… ummm…" said Matthew. Tolys smiled:"Is alright. Really. I don’t blame you for the reactions. I just wish you learnt this truth in another way, without someone spilling the secret for me." "True. What that Conard Gilbert did to you, was terrible." said Francis. "Anyway, there’s something we need to tell you." said Arthur. "Alright. We’re all ears." answered Alfred. "So… you see… I’m not exactly a simple human as well. I’m actually a sorcerer, but me and Francis were hiding this from you cause we didn’t know how you would react to this news. And true, maybe is not the same thing as being a werewolf, but it still counts as something unnatural." explained the British. "So it means the Unnatural Beasts Hunters hunts for sorcerers as well?" asked Feliks. "It looks like it. Apparently, those idiots even sees a human that can do magic as a dangerous beast." answered the French. "Oh that really sucks" said Alice. After the whole confession, everyone started chatting about how glad they were to learn about the two of their friends secrets. Also Tolys, now knowing that Arthur has a similar situation as well, he felt like he wasn’t alone in this anymore. Sure, he knew there were more of people like him in this world. But having a friend who shares a similar experience, felt much more relieving to him.
At evening, the guests went home and Feliks and Alice decided to go to sleep earlier, while Tolys and Alfred were still up. At the beginning they were having a pillow fight quietly, since they didn’t want to wake up their friends. And it all ended it up with them, laying together on the bed looking in the each other’s eyes, without saying a single word. "What a day, huh?" said Tolys after a moment. "What do you mean?" asked Alfred. "Well, I’ve never thought that another of our friends would turn out to be not a simple human as well. I mean true, Arthur might not be a creature like a vampire or any other kind of monsters. But it feels amazing to be friends with someone who shares a similar experience and pretty much knows what it feels like to… you know." explained the Lithuanian. "Yes, I know honey." answered the American. A sad look appeared on the werewolf’s face. "Wow, what is that look all about? Are you thinking about Gilbert again?"asked Alfred. "No, is just… I’m worried what is gonna be next after I get better. Will I have to start to live in the hiding? Will I be able to live a normal life after all? There’s just… so many questions and not so many answers to them. And the society… Oh God, would it be possible to convince the people about not all of the other creatures being harmful? What if…" Tolys start it rumbling, when suddenly he got cut off by Alfred who got on top of him, pining his hands above him and kissed him passionately on the lips. The Lithuanian returned the kiss as well. It was a pretty long kiss. After they pulled away from each other, Alfred let go of his boyfriend’s hands:"I’m sorry if this was a bit unexpected, but you start it to overthink too much, making yourself feel more stressed and I just had to do something. I just didn’t know how…" Tolys giggled:"Don’t apologize, love. To be honest, I’ve liked it. I was pretty surprised at the beginning and didn’t expect you would do that, but I enjoyed every second of it. With you, I always feel safe and loved." Alfred smiled and they shared another kiss. After all of that, they went to sleep. Tolys had that dream again, where he was tied up in more ropes and could barely move. Only this time it was clear that the figure standing above him was Gilbert. He tried to transform again, but in vain. The Lithuanian closed his eyes as the German was getting closer to him, until he heard some voices calling for him. He opened his eyes and instead of Gilbert, there were his friends and his boyfriend in front of him. They all came up and helped him with getting out of the ropes. Once he was free, they all shared a hug together.
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The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 17
Versailles (Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs to @queen-of-stoneharts
As they drove off, Rose checked if Tolys didn’t had any injuries. Luckily beside being in a really terrible state, not a single injury on his body. "How are you holding up honey?" asked Alfred. "I… not so good. I feel like I’m gonna pass out… in any second… But… at least now that I’m out of the restrains… and that awful place in general, I guess is a little better…" answered Tolys. "Once we’re back home, I promise I’ll take good care of you and help you get back into your strengths." said the American with a comforting smile on his face. "Alfred wait. I don’t think is a good idea to take Tolys back to his house or yours. After all, Gilbert knows where you two live. So it wouldn’t be hard for him to find Tolys and take him back to the base. Especially seeing the state he’s currently in." said Audrey. "Oh crap, you’re right. We need to figure something out." said the American. "You know, he could stay at our house perhaps. After all, Gilbert hasn’t been in our new house before. Therefore, he won’t even know that he’s hidden there. Also, you could stay too and help Tolys with recovering. There’s a lot of place in it." said Alice. Alfred looked at the Polish woman and smiled:"Really? You don't mind? Oh thank you. You guys are amazing." Tolys looked at Alice as well. Despite being weaken, he managed to give her a weak, but generous smile on his face as a small "Thank you" escaped his mouth. As Vash drove the van, everyone start it to ask Tolys questions about how he became a werewolf. Or if we was one from the beginning. What it feels like. What kind of abilities does he possess. And so much more. "Guys! Easy. Can’t you see that he’s still in a bad state?" asked the Swiss. "True. I know you are curious and all, but for now let him rest. Once he’s feeling better, surely he’ll answer your questions. But not right now." answered Alfred. "I’m…glad to know… that all of you are… accepting me for being a werewolf… and wanting to learn more about it though…" said the Lithuanian. Some time has passed. Rose went to sit with Vash, Rod and Audrey keeping each other company and Alfred holding Tolys in his embrace, comforting the werewolf the best he could, letting him sleep in his arms. Alice tried to have a chat with Feliks, but he was awfully quite. The lady knew that something was wrong so she asked right away:"Feliks, honey what’s wrong?" He looked at her at gave her a small smile:"Nothing. Really. I’m like totally fine. Don't worry." She frowned:"I know when you’re lying. I’m your girlfriend and your future wife after all. And I can clearly see that something is bothering you. What’s the matter?" He turned away from her and started talking:"You see… You remember that time when we played Guess Who Am I game with Tolys and Alfred at the park right?" "Yes, what about it?" asked Alice. "Well, when we played, Tolys made us guess that he picked a werewolf as his character. And after that I guessed, I said some stuff about werewolves being kinda boring and I think something else. And I… just totally can’t help it but feel bad about saying those stuff. Cause I know that I probably made him feel bad and that I hurt his feelings." he answered. She hugged him:"I’m sure that he’s not holding any sorts of grudge for you for it. You didn’t even know that he was werewolf back then. He still likes and appreciates you as his friend. I just know it. Beside, Tolys isn't the type of person to stay mad at his friends for a long time." "I know… But what if he’s still feeling hurt because of my words?" asked the Polish man. "How about you talk to him about it once he feels better? Having a deep and calm conversation with a friend about feelings and things that are bothering them, is always good. And is better than yelling at each other and creating even more drama in a relationship." said Alice comforting her lover. Feliks smiled:"I guess you’re totally right. Alright, I’ll do it." "That’s the spirit hun." said the Polish woman and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
After they arrived at Feliks’s and Alice’s house, Alfred took his boyfriend in his arms and put him in bed, making sure he would be comfortable. He looked at Tolys’s sleeping face. "Gosh, even when he’s exhausted, he still looks beautiful." thought the man as he covered him up with the blanket, to keep him warm. "Don’t worry Tolys. I won’t leave your side. And I’ll make sure those jerks won’t get their hands on you ever again." he whispered and placed a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead. Days were passing by. At the beginning Tolys slept most of the days and Alfred sat at his side, making sure he’s alright. Feliks and Alice did things to help as well, but Alfred insisted to let him take care of the werewolf most of the time. Sometimes when he was bored, he played with the Lithuanian’s hair when he slept. The rest of the friends came for visits as well, to see if Tolys’s state was getting better and making sure he recovers well. Everyone, beside Francis and Arthur. After a week, the werewolf’s well being got a little better. He was still weaken, but at least the dark circles around his eyes disappeared and he wasn’t as pale as he used to before. And now at least he didn’t sleep most of the days. So he was slowly regaining his strength. Another day, Tolys woke up and first what he saw, was Alfred sitting next to him, and eating breakfast. "Oh you woke up. Good morning honey. Slept well? How are you feeling?" asked the American. "Morning love. Yeah, I did sleep pretty well. And I’m feeling a bit better. At least I don’t feel as much weak as before. But I still need to rest and regain my strengths." answered the Lithuanian. "I see. Anyway, I brought you breakfast as well. I put it on the night table on your side of the bed. Alice and Feliks made it themselves." answered Alfred. "Who knows? Maybe one day, you and I will make breakfast together too." Tolys giggled softly as he took his plate. The food really smelled nice. Without any second thoughts, the werewolf start it eating. Moment later when he finished, the two men heard a knock on the door:"Can I come in?" asked the Polish man from the other side. "Of course you can Feliks." answered Tolys. The man came in and asked:"Alfred, can you leave for a moment? There is something I wanna talk about with Tolys. It is really important." "Of course" said Alfred and left. The two friends were left alone now. "Sooooo… What is the thing you wanted to talk about?" asked the Lithuanian. "I… well… I wanted to apologize." said the Polish. Confusion appeared on Tolys’s face:"Apologize? For what?" "For that time when we were playing Guess Who Am I and said stuff about werewolves being boring and some other shit. I… really didn’t mean to hurt your feelings like that. You’re my friend and I like you just the way you are…I just… I’m totally sorry bro… I shouldn’t have said those words…" answered Feliks. Tolys smiled at him:"Is alright. I’m not mad at you. Beside you didn’t knew that I was a werewolf until now. And true, maybe I did felt hurt for a moment but I got over it. After all, I knew you didn’t mean anything bad by saying this." "So, does it like totally mean that you’re forgiving me?" asked Feliks. "To be honest, i don’t have to, since I wasn’t mad at you to begin with." explained the Lithuanian. After the conversation, the friends hugged each other. Then Alfred and Alice came in. "We heard everything." said Alfred. "You two were listening?" asked Tolys. "Well, actually Feliks asked me to be there and listen to how the conversation goes, as a way of support for him. And Alfred kind of joined me." answered Alice. "I’m so glad you two were able to talk out one of your problems." answered the American. "To be honest, I wouldn’t really call it a problem." answered the werewolf and all four of them burst into laughter.
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The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 16
Versailles ( Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs to @queen-of-stoneharts
A few days passed, the group was still working on the plan. "The place where Tolys is being held in must be really well protected. It would be foolish of us to just come in being noticed by everyone. We need to go unnoticed." explained Alice. "Right, but first we need to locate the location. Where exactly their base could be?" asked Roderich. "Leave it to me. After all, Tolys is my boyfriend and I promised him to protect him." explained Alfred. "Alright. But still, how are we gonna break in, when we find the locations?" asked Feliks. "Well, I think I got an answer for that. We're just gonna fit in the background. It will be some work with this, but I'm really determined to make the hunters outfits, in order to break in and save a friend." said Audrey. "That’s a really nice idea Audrey." complimented the Austrian. Blushes appeared on her face:"Is nothing. Really." "No, that’s really brilliant idea, Audrey. It will be much easier to sneak up without rising suspicion, if we have disguises." said Alfred. "But still, we need to find this location. We have to think. If we were this kind of organization, we would probably have our base in a place no one would expect it or really well hidden. Hmmm…" said Alice. "Perhaps…" began Feliks but he stopped himself. "Go on honey" said the Polish woman. "Well, I thought maybe if we knew one of the hunters, we could follow them until they reach their base." answered the man. "That’s actually not a bad idea. Yeah, I even know someone I can follow. I will simply follow Gilbert." said Alfred. Alice looked at him questionably:"Are you sure following Gilbert is a good idea? What if he notices you? At this point he will know that you’re trying to break Tolys out." "I’ll be extra careful. Beside, what are disguises for?" asked the American. "Are you sure about this?" asked Roderich. "I’ll be fine." answered Alfred. "Alright, if you say so." said Feliks. Then they kept talking about their plan. It needed to be well-thought. On the meantime, Tolys was thinking about a way of escape. His teeth clenched, as his energy was being consumed. Each second that passed he could feel himself growing weaker. All of the sudden he heard the door open. He turned around to see Gilbert. "What do you want…ughh…now? Haven’t you seen me suffering enough? There’s…no way you could hurt me…ugh…more than you already have…" said the werewolf, as he tried to hold down his groans from the pain he felt. "Actually, I came here with a proposition." answered Gilbert. "Whatever it is… The answer is no…" said Tolys, looking at the person that stood above him with fury in his eyes. "You didn’t even let me tell you. I’m very much against it, but one of my coworkers proposed that we stop draining your energy and let you out of the chains, placing you in a cell with a comfortable bed, as long as you cooperate with us of course." he explained. "And give up my freedom willingly? Never…" answered the Lithuanian. "If that’s your choice, okay then. Maybe that’s even for the best." said the German. "If not the fact I’m being restrained….I would already punch you. And I wouldn’t even need to be in my werewolf from to do that." said Tolys. A laugh escaped from Gilbert’s mouth:" Do you really think you can scare me? Why even should I be scared of someone like you? You wouldn’t even hurt a fly." "True, because a fly is harmless unlike a monster like you…" answered Tolys. The laugher stopped. "What did you just call me?" asked the German. Then he grabbed the Lithuanian by the tie:"If anything you are the one who’s a monster. Literally. You’re the one who’s a werewolf. And you also got your stupid boyfriend in troubles." "Alfred is not stupid… And I’m sure he’s working on a way to find me and get me out of there." said Tolys. "I don’t see why should he. He probably had enough of the troubles you brought him. After all, who wants a heartless and ugly beast for a boyfriend? All you’ve done for him is put him at risk. He’s better off without you." said Gilbert letting go of Tolys’s tie.
Tolys let his head down, as tears start it dropping down from the brunette’s eyes, and small wolf squealing noises escaped him as well. "Oh, what’s the matter? Did I hit you where it hurts the most?" asked Gilbert, knowing very well that he did. Tolys just looked at him. Not a single answer coming out of his mouth. "Got nothing to say now, do you? Well, no matter. Soon enough, all of this will be over." he said and then left. "Is it true? Is it possible Alfred isn’t planning on saving me? But he fought alongside me when the hunters went after me. Well, is true he doesn’t even know where I am being held thought. Oh, I wish could see him again. I miss him so much. I feel so…incomplete without him. He always knew how to cheer me up." thought the man as more tears came out of his eyes. Tolys really wanted to see his boyfriend again. Feel that feeling of warmth, when they spent their times together. The embrace of a comforting hug from Alfred, when something was wrong or when he hugged him in general. The touch of his hands. His attractive looking face and his body. His goofy but also adorable personality. The taste of his lips. The Lithuanian missed all of this. He didn’t hide from himself that he felt sad and hurt, but on the same time pissed because of Gil’s words toward him. Not to mention the actions he committed against him. On the other hand the werewolf felt guilty about putting Alfred in danger. He never wanted anyone he cares about to get hurt because of him. Especially if it was his lover. "Oh Alfred, what have I done…" escaped his mouth. Some days later, the group was finally ready with starting their plan. Alfred did as he said and tracked down the hunters base, following Gilbert who was so full of himself and didn't even notice the American going after him. All five were wearing their disguises. "Everyone ready?" asked Alfred. "We’re like totally all ready." answered Feliks. "Then let’s go." said the blond man and everyone went out of his house, to only be stopped by Vash and Rose at the entrance. "Where do you think you’re going in those outfits?" asked the Swiss raising his eyebrow. Alfred advanced forward:"You probably heard the news already. So, we’re going to save Tolys. And don’t even think about stopping us, cause we will do it anyway." "Hold on, hold on brother. We’re not here to stop you, or anything." said Rose. "Wait, what?" escaped the American’s mouth as shock appeared on his face. "Are you deaf or something? We came here to help as well. Well, at the beginning when I learnt about Tolys being a werewolf, I was upset that he didn’t say anything and felt like I don’t want anything to do with him anymore. But Rose smacked some sense into my head, and I realized that he’s still my friend and that I shouldn’t juge him for being different." answered Vash. Everyone in the group smiled. "Oh, that’s amazing, you guys." said Alice. "Unfortunately, I don't think you two will be able to go with us and infiltrate their base. I only made five disguises for us. I didn’t know someone would actually want to come with us." explained Audrey. "It doesn’t matter. We can still help in other way. Just come with us." said Rose. Everyone looked questionably at them but did as they asked. As they arrived, they noticed a van, hidden behind the trees. "As you can see, I brought my van. And inside of it.." began Vash and opened the back door:"…we’ve got weapons. Here." the he handed some guns to them. "Let me guess. We have to pay for them, right?" asked Roderich. "Actually, no. Not this time. Is about an important matter, which is saving a friend in need. So, I’ll let you have them for free." answered the Swiss man. "Nice" said Alice. After the conversation, they all got into the van and drove off, Vash driving it as Alfred gave him the destination. "So, here’s how it will go. Vash and Rose you wait for us, with the van hidden. Rod and Audrey, you cause a distraction, so nobody is on our way and notice us when me, Feliks and Alfred get Tolys out. Then we get out of there." explained the Polish woman.
As the seconds were passing by, Tolys could feel that he had less and less energy. He didn’t even have the strength to struggle against the chains anymore. All these days, his energy was being drained out of him, making him feel miserable like never before. Even dark circles appeared around his eyes, as one of the effects caused by his energy being drained, also making him feel tiredness and hurting his whole body. He was also a bit pale. "Oh, you don’t look so well. But, That’s actually the goal." said a well known voice. Tolys opened his eyes and made an effort to look up. In front of him, stood Gilbert. "You…again?" escaped the Lithuanian’s mouth. "Just checking on you and your state. Honestly, I didn’t expect the effects to be this drastic. But, if that means we finish the experiments faster, then be it." said the German. Despite feeling weakened, Tolys looked straight him in the eyes with anger:"Maybe now there’s no effects….ugggh….but sooner or later karma will come for you….and you will pay for everything that you’ve done…" A maniacal laugh escaped from Gil:"Tolys, Tolys, Tolys. Stupid and foolish like always. You will never learn, huh? I honestly don’t know what Alfred saw in you. He must’ve been even dumber that you." Tolys growled at him. "Oh what’s the matter? Getting defensive because I insulted your boyfriend, dog?" asked Gilbert in a mocking way. Tolys didn’t respond anything. Suddenly an alarm starting ringing. "What the hell? Did someone really had another accident in the lab again?" escaped Gil’s mouth as he run out of them room. Tolys let his head down, as he felt more and more powerless. Then suddenly the door opened and three figures appeared in them and came closer to the Lithuanian. "More of you? What do you want this time from me?" asked the werewolf. They took off their masks. Tolys couldn’t believe he would see those faces ever again. Right in front of him stood Alfred, his boyfriend along with his two friends, Feliks and Alice.
He couldn’t help it but feel joy. "Tolys, honey I finally found you. Oh, I missed you so much. So damn much." said Alfred as he hugged him. "I missed you too, my love." said Tolys. After Alfred let go of him, he looked at Feliks and Alice:" I’m happy to see you two as well." "Same for us."said Alice. Then a thought appeared in the Lithuanian’s head:"Wait, but how did you even manage to break in?" "Well, you see at the beginning it was supposed to be only us with Audrey and Rod. But then Vash and Rose totally joined in. Vash gave us guns to defend ourselves just in case, and he drove us here with his van. Then, we passed by in disguises and Audrey and Rod caused a distraction by causing the alarm in the lab, in order to get everyone in one place, while we break you out of there." explained Feliks. A smile formed on Tolys’s face:"Oh you guys. I’m so happy that you came for me. It really means so much to me." Then a groan escaped his mouth. "Tolys, what’s wrong?"escaped from Alfred’s mouth. The American looked at his boyfriend with worry:"Here, let me get this dog muzzle off." As the muzzle was taken off, Alfred threw it really far away. "Oh God, what those monsters did to you?" he asked as he kneeled down. Tolys looked up at him:"The chains…can’t transform…draining my energy…getting weaker…" Another groan. "Guys, we need to free him. Quick!"shout it Alfred. The two nod and run up to the console. "Which button unlocks the chains?" asked Feliks. "Maybe try this one." answered Alice, pointing a big red button. "Alright" said the Polish man and pressed it. The chains let go of the werewolf, as he fell into his boyfriend’s arms. He opened his eyes:"Alfred…I can’t walk…I’m too weak…" A smile appeared on Alfred’s face:"Is alright honey. I can hold you in my arms. I’m sorry that I didn’t get here faster. But I promise you that I’ll never let those bastards hurt you ever again." Then without any questions, he took him in his arms and they immediately went out of the room. On the way, Feliks texted Audrey and Roderich to get out of here as well. Moment later, they grouped up and immediately went to the van, in which Vash and Rose were waiting. When they got inside, they drove off as fast as possible.
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The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 12
It was winter already. Tolys had even more work than before, since some of his colleagues went already on long dayoffs and some got sick. The boss really didn’t want to overwork the poor guy, but didn’t really had a choice. Finally, work was over and the Lithuanian came back home really exhausted. He didn’t even change clothes. He immediately went to bed, as he got home. A really bad dream took over his sleep. He was in his werewolf form and was being chased by something, or rather someone. The werewolf was running as fast as possible when suddenly he fell down, hitting the ground really hard. He looked up, to see that his legs got tangled up in some sorts of a trap. Tolys tried to untangle the rope or even use his claws and teeth to cut it. But nothing happened. A figure was getting closer to him. It looked so familiar. But as it start it reaching up for him, the man woke up all sweaty. He sit up:"Is okay…Is just a nightmare…You’re in your home, all safe…" He tried to calm himself down, to control his panicked breath. After a while of taking deep breaths, the Lithuanian went to the kitchen and made some tea, to help himself with completely calming down. The man tried to fall asleep, but in vain. He knew that what he saw was just a nightmare, but still be kept on worrying. Finally, he managed to fall asleep after 3 AM. The next morning, he got woken up by the sound of his phone ringing. At the beginning, he tried to ignore it and turned to the side, still trying to sleep. The phone wouldn’t stop, so he finally took it in his hands, to see who was calling him. It was Alfred. Tolys picked up:"Good Lord, Alfred you woke me up." "Ah… I’m sorry hun. I didn’t know you were sleeping. Usually you’re already awake at these hours." said Alfred. "What is it?" asked Tolys, with a bit raspy voice. "Well, since is winter and we’re finally having some free time, I was wondering if you wanted to go snowboarding with me and Matthew." answered the American. A yawn escaped Tolys’s mouth:"This sounds nice, but I’m not really feeling well. Plus, I do need more sleep. Last night I had troubles with falling asleep. I went to sleep like at 3 AM." "I understand. Well then, sleep well. I’ll see you later. Love you Tolys." said Alfred. A tired smiled appeared on the Lithuanian’s face:"I love you too Alfred." Then they both hang up, and Tolys went back to sleep. Later that day, at the afternoon Alfred came to see his boyfriend, who was already awake at that time and after dinner. "Hey Alfred, so how did the snowboarding go?" asked Tolys as he led his lover in. "Pretty good actually. It was nice to spent some time with my brother. But on the other hand, I wish you were there. It was so much fun." answered Alfred, taking off his coat, along with his shoes, scarf and hat. "What about you? Slept well?" he asked at his turn. "Not really. I mean, I feel rested. But my head hurts. I… I had a bad dream. And it felt so real. I was running away from someone, while I was in my werewolf form. That person was chasing after me. And then I fell into a trap and couldn’t free myself. Then that figure caught up to me. It looked so familiar. But I didn’t get to see who it was, as I woke up afterwards." explained the Lithuanian. Alfred comforted him:"Maybe the fact that you’re tired from being overworked at work, makes you have this kind of awful dreams. This kind of stuff happens from time to time." "Maybe you’re right. I probably worry for nothing. Is just a dream after all." said Tolys as he hugged Alfred. "If you want, I can stay up at your house for a night. Maybe you’ll feel much more safe when I’m here with you." proposed the American. "If you don’t mind, I would love to." answered the Lithuanian. He smiled:"Alright, just let me get my stuff from home first." Later at night, both of them went to sleep.
Tolys had another nightmare. This time, he was tangled up in more than just one rope and in his human form. His whole body, bound in a way which made harder to move. The same figure that chased him in the previous dream, stood above him. All shadowy. Only a mischievous smile being noticeable. "Who are you? What do you want from me?!" asked the Lithuanian as he tried to see who was the familiar figure. No answer. The figure start it getting closer. "No! Stay away from me!" shout it Tolys as he desperately tried to free himself, only to get tangled up even more and for the ropes getting tighter, limiting his movements more than before. A wide smile start it to appear on the shadowy figure’s face. "You’re giving me no other choice." said the Lithuanian and tried to transform into his werewolf form. However, it didn’t work. He was still in his human from. "Huh? What is going on?" escaped his mouth. The figure was very close now and it start it reaching out for him. Tolys woke up, all sweaty again and heavy breathing. He’s breaths were loud enough to wake up Alfred:"Honey, what wrong? Wow, calm down. Easy. I’m here. We’re at your house." The American hugged the Lithuanian, to calm him down and comfort him. "Take some deep breaths. Here we go."said Alfred. After getting Tolys to calm down, Alfred made him some tea and they had a conversation about the nightmare Tolys had. He told his lover everything that happened in that dream. "This sounds serious, hun. Do you want me to stay at your house for a bit longer?" asked Alfred. Tolys noded, making small squealing noises. As the days passed, the nightmares start it getting less scary. Alfred kept company to his boyfriend and did everything to make him feel better. Another night, another bad dream. Again, the first dream Tolys had, repeated itself. Only this time, that it end it up in a good way. When the shadowy figure was getting closer to the werewolf, another figure appeared and pushed away the first one. Tolys looked closer as the second figure start it to become clearer. It was Alfred. He kneeled down and cut the rope from the trap Tolys fell into. The scenery turned into something brighter and happier. Instead of darkness and shadows, there was light and flowers all around them. Finally, the nightmares left. Tolys slept without even waking up at night all sweaty and with heavy breaths and Alfred could come back home. Another day, and the Lithuanian woke up without having one of these nightmares. "Phew, I feel really well rested. Looks like all of those nightmares were part of me being overworked after all." thought Tolys and got up and made himself breakfast. Then, an idea popped out in his head. He decided to bake something sweet for Alfred for the support he gave him the days ago.
Some hours later, Tolys was at his boyfriend’s door. He knocked. "Ughhh… What is it?" Alfred’s voice came out from the other side. He sounded really frustrated. He opened the door:"Oh, is you Tolys. I would love to spent some time but I don’t have time." "Alfred wait. Can you at least take the cupcakes?" asked Tolys. The American looked at him:"I don’t have time! I’m already late! A colleague from work phoned me on the last minute that he won’t be able to work and told to replace him. Ughhhh, and I’m wasting my time on talking to you and on your cupcakes! I’m in a hurry! Don’t waste my time Tolys!" "Well, I really thought it would be nice to do bake something for you as a thank you for the last days. And I’ve put all my heart into it. I thought you’d be grateful." said the Lithuanian. "How am I supposed to be grateful when I’m already late for work and my boyfriend is slowing me down even more because he decided to make cupcakes!" yelled Alfred. "You know, just because a colleague from work pissed you off it doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me!" yelled Tolys at his turn. "At least I’m not hiding things and having to make secrets like you do. And at least I have a normal life." said Alfred. Tears dropped down from Tolys eyes:"So this is what you think about my life? That just because I’m a werewolf, my life must be extraordinary and can’t be a normal one? You don’t even know what is like to live with all of this!" Before Alfred could even say something, Tolys run away. Thanks to his werewolf speed, he was back home in 5 minutes, which normally would take him at least 10 minutes to get there from Alfred’s house. He threw the cupcakes in the trash and layed down on his bed, starting crying into the pillow. Moment someone ringed at the door. The Lithuanian lazily got up from his bed and went to open it. His two friends, Feliks and Alice came over. But when they saw Tolys’s face, they already knew something happened. They all took a sit on the couch. "So, what happened?" asked Alice. Tolys looked up at her:"Well… me and Alfred got into an argument…" "Over what?" asked Feliks. "Is a bit of a long story." said Tolys and then he start it explaining what happened. Of course he excluded the part about him being a werewolf since he still wasn’t ready to tell his friends about it. "Oh, Tolys i’m really sorry to hear that. Don’t worry. I’m sure you and Alfred will make up to each other. After all is not the first time you two have an argument. And is normal for them to happened from time to time." said Alice as she hugged her friends to comfort him. "Yup, like totally natural. And beside, I bet he didn’t mean any of the words he said. I know what I’m saying. Also is Alfred we’re talking about. The guy would literally do anything for you. Even if it meant to sacrifice his whole Marvel collection." said Feliks as he hugged his friend as well. A sniff came out of Tolys:"Thank you guys. You are absolutely the best. But still, it doesn’t help the fact that it hurts." The Polish woman got up:"I’ll be right back. I need to take some fresh air. Feliks, can you stay with Tolys for a moment? He shouldn’t be left alone in that state." "Wait a moment, where are you going?" asked the Polish man. "Come with me for a moment then." She said and they went to the hallway. "So, what are you up to?" asked Feliks. "I’m going to have a talk with Alfred about all of this." answered Alice. A shocked look appeared on the blond’s face:"Wow, wow, wow. Hold on, love. Are you sure is the best idea? He might still be in a bad mood. And we all know how much of a totally hot headed person you are." A smug smile appeared on her face:"Don’t worry. I’m not gonna do anything like punch him. I have enough control over myself not to do that. Also I wouldn’t hurt a friend. And beside, I only want to get some sense into his head with words." "Alright, I trust you with that." answered Feliks and kissed her lips.
After the kiss and the conversation, Feliks went back to Tolys, to be there for him and comfort him the best he could. And Alice went straight up to the place Alfred was working at. She was lucky enough to catch him on the lunch break. "Oh, hey Alice. What’s up?" asked the American. "Don’t you hey Alice, what’s up me." said the lady, all frustrated. "Wow, what’s the matter? What did I do?" asked Alfred, surprised to see his friend mad at him. "Oh you know what you did. You had an argument with Tolys. You literally took out your anger on him just because a colleague from work got on your nerves." explained the Polish lady. "Alice, believe me. I really didn’t want it to argue with Tolys. I love him and I care so much about him, is just… Is not my fault that this jerk from work was unable to work and called me on last minute. He’s the one who…" start it Alfred but got cut off by Alice. "Even if it was very shitty from the part of your coworker to do that, is still no excuse to take out your anger on others. Tolys really wanted to do something nice for you, as a thank you for supporting him for the last days, when he had some nightmares after being overworked. He didn’t exactly tell me and Feliks about them, cause he didn’t want to talk about it. So we didn’t push it. And that’s why he brought you the cupcakes. He really put all of his heart into it. Not only you told him some awful things but also made him feel like he would be a bit of a burden to you. And now, while I’m here talking to you, Feliks is out there comforting him." Guilt painted itself on Alfred’s face:"I… I had no idea. I wasn’t thinking on what I was saying. I was so focused on getting to work on time and so fixed on the anger I felt toward my coworker that I didn’t realize on much I was terrible toward Tolys. I knew I’ve hurt him, but I didn’t know I’ve hurt his feelings this much. I… I’m a terrible boyfriend. Aren’t I?" Alice’s face soften and a smile came up onto her face:"I wouldn’t say so. Arguments happens between lovers. Some may be silly ones and some may be serious ones. I know that you didn’t mean any of these words. But I guess you should talk to him. Apologize as soon as possible." "You’re right. I do need to fix this. And I think I have an idea how." said the American. He looked at the time:"Oh shoot. I need to get back to work. Just don’t tell Tolys I’ll come over after work. I don’t want him to expect me at his house when I’ll finish working. I want it to be a surprise." Then he went back to work and Alice came back to the Lithuanian’s house. She and Feliks stayed by Tolys’s side all day and even took him for a friends getaway, to take some fresh air, also to have some fun and distract him from all the negativity. They got back at the evening at his house.
Tolys felt much better after hanging out with his friends for a bit. Then suddenly some ringed at the door. Tolys went to open up and was surprised to see Alfred at the door, with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. "Hey honey… Can I… come in?" asked Alfred really troubled. "Ummm… sure…" answered the Lithuanian and let him in. "Okay, I guess we will be leaving. We shouldn’t interrupt the two of you. See you later guys." said Feliks and he and Alice left. A moment of an awkward silence accurate between the lovers. Then Alfred finally decided to make the move:"Tolys… listen I… I’m really sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have said all of that. I didn’t meant any of the words that were said. I was in a lot of stress and, gosh I was so angry at my coworker for pulling off something like this on me. I never thought of your werewolf life as something weird or bad. And I especially never meant to make you think that you can't have a normal life just because you’re a werewolf. I’m truly sorry about all of this. Here’s some flower and chocolate for you. I know is not a lot to make up for what I said but…" Suddenly Tolys cut him off with a deep and long kiss on the lips. After some time passed, they broke the kiss. "You’re words really did hurt me. But, deep down inside I knew you didn’t meant it. And you don’t to say anything more. I forgive you, honey." answered Tolys. A smile appeared on Alfred’s face:"I’m glad you don’t hold any grudge against me. I was pretty afraid you might be mad at me to a point of shutting the door in front of my face, just as you see me in them." They hugged each other. "Anyway, where are the cupcakes you baked for me? Can I try some? I bet they are delicious." said the American. "I… ummm… well I kinda threw them into the trash. I felt bad about taking your time when you were going to work and I threw them away." explained the Lithuanian. "Oh honey, you shouldn’t have. I have an idea. How about we make some cupcakes together?" asked Alfred. "That’s a very good idea." answered Tolys. Then the two went to the kitchen and start it baking. The couple had so much fun with all of this. After the cupcakes were done, they ate them. "Got to tell you this. Food made by you is the best in the world, my love." Alfred complaint it. "Don’t be silly. You helped me with this one. Both of us are good at cooking." answered Tolys as small blushes appeared on his face. Alfred got his face a bit closer to his boyfriend’s:"I agree with you on that. Both of us together are absolutely the best." Then he leaned on and kissed him. After finishing the cupcakes, Alfred went back home. But before he left, he gave Tolys a really passionate kiss on the lips as a reminder that he’s the most important to him.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
PolWar One Shot: An Extraordinary Tea
Versailles ( Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs @hopelessly-austroholic
It was a sunny afternoon. Poland and Warsaw were invited for tea to England’s and France’s house. Is been a while since all four spent their time together. No wonders, after all they all have their buisness and their own stuff, not to mention their own private stuff in life. "Is been a while since we did something together. Haven’t it?" asked Warsaw. "Is been a while indeed." answered England sipping his own tea. "Got to admit, this tea is like totally good." admitted Poland. "Well, you’re talking to the country who’s tea is a specialty after all. No wonders is good." said Arthur with pride. "May I remind you that I’m the one who made the tea for our guests?" asked France. "Oh shut it hun. Let me at least have my 10 minutes of fame." said the British man a bit with frustration. "Fine, I’ll let you have this one mon Amour." answered Francis. The group chat it about a lot of things. Politics, about how their life is going, plans and interests. When they finished their tea, all four went to the balcony to admire the city views, while still chatting. 10 minutes passed and something weird start it happening to Feliks and Alice. Both fell to their knees as their bodies start it changing. Francis and Arthur looked at them really concerned and tried to help them up. After a few seconds the transformation was finished. And now the two lovers switched genders. Warsaw turned into a man and Poland turned into a woman. Now Warsaw was a pretty tall man, with the hair reaching her shoulders. While Poland was a woman of a height close to his wife’s regular height and the hair didn’t really change much. "What the hell happened to us?!" escaped Feliks’s mouth, but he covered it as a girly voice came out instead of his regular one. "I don’t know honey." said Alice all confused. They both were looking at each other, with nothing but confusion in their eyes. Then they both looked at England:"Arthur?" "Don’t look at me. I didn’t do anything. I swear." said England. The British man thought for a moment and then asked the rest to come with him to the kitchen. He checked everything while the rest looked at him questionably. Finally, Arthur found an empty box of one of his magical tea. "Francis, did you make this tea for Alice and Feliks?" asked the British. "Oui, that’s exactly the one. Why?"answered the French. England looked at Poland and Warsaw:"I think I know what happened." "Well then, enlighten us on that matter." said Alice. "You see, the tea Francis made for you isn’t some regular tea. Is a magical one that swaps the gender of the one who drinks it." explained Arthur. "Whaaaaaat?!" asked the both of them. "I didn’t do it on purpose. I promise. I thought I was taking a normal tea. I wasn’t paying attention." explained France. "Is alright, Francis. We’re not mad. Beside, you can just make another tea and change us back. Right?" asked Feliks. "Well, you see…" started England with a bit of nervousness:"…this was the last two. And I will have to get new ones. And it will take at least like a week. So, unfortunately the two of you are stuck like this for a whole week." Feliks and Alice looked at each other and smiles appeared on their faces. "What’s up with those smiles?" asked Arthur. "Well, we were always curious about what is like to be the opposite gender. And now is our chance to find out. Isn’t that right, honey?" answered Alice. Feliks nod:"Is true. It happened for us to have this type of conversation. Sometimes we even joked about what it would be like if I was a woman and Alice was a man." "Oh, I see. Well then, enjoy yourselves. I guess…?" said England. After the conversation, the two lovers went back to their home.
Just as they got to their room, they decided to borrow each other clothes. Unfortunately, some of it didn’t fit them. After all, Warsaw was a bit bigger as a man than Poland is, so the clothes were a bit small. As for Poland, he was a little smaller than his wife as a woman, so the the clothes were a bit big on him, almost swallowing him. Also the bra was one size bigger for him. "Maybe we should go buy some clothes for the current situation dear. After all, none of our clothes really fits us." said Alice. "You’re like totally right. How is it possible that I’m smaller than you as a woman? I even have smaller breasts." said Feliks, a little frustrated. A blush appeared on Warsaw’s face and she hugged her husband:"You’re still beautiful, my dear. Not to mention really cute as well. And honestly, maybe is for the best. Bigger chest equals a lot of back pains. You can trust me on that." Poland blushed:"You know, you’re not so bad as a man either. To be honest, I didn’t expect you to be this damn charming. And maybe you’re right. I should be proud of what I got." Then they shared a long and passionate embrace on the lips. When they finally broke the kiss, they got ready and went out shopping. They had a lot of fun trying on the clothings. Before they knew it, 3 hours passed and it was getting closer to the closing time. So, they choose some clothes and bought them. When they got back, they immediately dressed up in their new outfits. Since they had nothing much to do, they played video games for a bit and then watched a movie. After that they went to sleep. Next day, Warsaw was first to wake up, so she decided to take a quick shower while her husband was still asleep. It felt a little weird for her to shower when she’s like this. After all, it was unusual for her to see the male body parts instead of the female ones when she showers. Well it was something she would need to get used to. For now at least. When Alice was done, she put in some clothes and got out of the bathroom. She felt a nice smell coming from the kitchen. "Has Feliks woken up already?"she wondered and looked at the bed that was left empty. Poland was in the kitchen, in the middle of making breakfast for him and his wife. "I thought well that you were here." said Warsaw as she came to the kitchen. Feliks turned his head around to face her:"Oh, hello there Sunshine. Slept well?" "I did. How about you? And what are you making, if I may ask?" she asked. "Oh, I slept well too. I’m preparing eggs with some bacon for the two of us." he answered. He looked her up from up and down. "This outfit goes really well for you by the way." He smiled. A small blush appeared on Alice’s face:"Thank you. Yours suits you so much as well." When the breakfast was ready, they start it eating while chatting. When they finished, they heard someone ringing at their door.
They looked at each other. "Were we expecting guests today?"asked Feliks. Alice thought for a moment and came up with the answer:"Oh gosh. We did. Our friends. Today Tolys, Alfred, Audrey and Roderich were supposed to come over to our house. We completely forgot." "What do we do now?"asked Feliks. "I say we open and explain them the whole situation." answered Alice. "Alright. Let’s like totally do it." came out from Poland’s mouth and the couple went to open the door. As they expected, their friends were surprised to see a ginger-haired man and a blond-haired woman at the door instead of their friends. Although, they found an answer quickly since the man and the woman looked very similar to Poland and Warsaw if they were the different gender. "Feliks? Alice? What the crap happened to both of you? Why the two of you are…you know… the opposite gender?" asked America. "Is a bit of a story. Please come over." said Warsaw inviting them inside. After everyone took their sits, they were all ears, waiting for an answer. "So, what happened to the two of you?" asked Lithuania. "Is thanks to France and England." answered Poland. Gasps filled the room. "Wow, wow. Don’t tell them like this, honey. It sounds a bit like you tried to say they did it on purpose. There’s more of the story to all of this. First of all, yes it is thanks to them, but it wasn’t done on purpose. It was all an accident." said Warsaw. "Will you tell us how it happened then?" asked Roderich, a little irritated. So, the lovers told them the whole story and explained on why they can’t switch back yet. "Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. My brother can be sometimes a bit clumsy." said Versailles. "Nah, is fine. We were always curious what is like to be the opposite gender actually." answered Poland. "And beside, even thought it feels a little weird, we’re enjoying ourselves so far." said Warsaw. "Good for you then I guess. I can’t imagine what it would be like if it happened to me." said Tolys. Alfred hugged his husband:"Well, I bet you would be a really beautiful and hot lady, love." "Is not about that, that I’m concerned!"shout it Tolys turning into a blushing mess. Alfred giggled:"Alright, alright. I will stop with the teasing." The group of friends kept on chatting with each other and then they all left the house. For today, they had a lot of plans together. First they went to an Escape Room. Then to a restaurant for dinner. After that, they decided to go Bowling and they had so many rounds. Before they knew it, the evening was getting closer. Before going back home, they took a walk together in the city. "That was so much fun." said Audrey. "Yeah, but Alice was cheating." said Roderich. "Just admit that I’m really good at the bowling." answered Alice. "Or you were lucky." said Alfred. Warsaw looked at him:"Shhhh… Shut up. Shut up. Let me have my moment bro." The whole group start it laughing. "Fine, I’ll stop. For now at least." teased the American. "You know, got to admit, you look pretty hot as a guy Alice." said Versailles. Hearing this, Poland got all defensive and start it clinging to his wife’s arm:"Oh, hey. Back off, that’s my lady. Or for the current situation should I say, my man." Audrey start giggling softly:"I know, Feliks. I know. It was only a compliment. And beside, no one could replace my Roderich." "That’s what I thought." answered Poland all grumpy." "Now, now honey. Calm down. Versailles was only complimenting me. And beside, you know that you’re my one and only. Right?" asked Warsaw, taking her husband in a hug. "Of course I do, love." answered the Polish as his face soften and a gentle smile appeared on it. "Even as the opposite genders, you guys are still the same Poland and Warsaw we all know." said Lithuania. "Well, duh. I know that even genderswapped, we’re still totally fabulous. Why would that even change, in the first place?"asked Poland. "I actually meant something else by saying this." answered Tolys. After the walk, everyone went back to their home.
Days passed. Warsaw and Poland were enjoying themselves so much while being genderswapped. They did a lot things together, like going on dates or doing stuff together at home. The week was coming to an end. It was sunday already. And for that day, the couple made plans to spent it only the two of them together for that day. They woke up early today, cause they planned to go to an amusement park. And if they didn’t want to stay in the queue for hours, they needed to be there really early. After getting the tickets, they rushed to the biggest rollercoaster there was. The lovers also didn’t pass the chance of going on a carousel and even more rollercoasters. Of course, they took breaks to go eat something or just to rest for a bit, before going to other attractions. Time was passing by. Poland and Warsaw stayed at the amusement park almost the whole day. They were about to leave when Feliks noticed one of those prize booth, where you could win a plushie for knocking out the cans. Warsaw already knew what this means, so she agreed on at least trying to win one for him. She payed for it and then start it throwing the balls. At the beginning she was missing. The last ball was left. Alice concentrated and aimed at the cans. Surprisingly she managed to knocked all cans. For winning, she picked a pink unicorn plushie for Feliks and hand it to him. In exchange, he gave her a kiss on the lips. After they got back home, it was evening already. Both of them layed down on their bed. "Today was really fun. Don’t you think?" asked Poland. Warsaw nod:"It was fun indeed. Such shame is over." A smug smile appeared on Feliks’s face:"Or maybe it isn’t." She looked at him:"What do you mean?" He got closer to her:"Well I was wondering. If you’re okay with it of course. Would like to maybe have some fun in bed?" Warsaw knew what her husband meant:"I don’t mind but, are you sure you want this?" He winked at her:"If I wouldn’t, would I propose this in the first place?" "You’re right." she smiled. "Alright, let’s do this. But first, we need to get the condoms." said Alice. When they were ready, the fun start it. At first Poland was the one on top of Warsaw, slowly undressing her from her clothes, starting to pleasure her. A moment later this changed, and now Warsaw got on top of her husband. She undressed him until he was all naked, just like her. She was gentle at the beginning, only placing kisses all over his body but later it got wilder. After having some rounds, they both end it up laying next to each other, all naked and covered by the blanket. "That felt amazing. I never knew you were like totally this good at this as a man as well." said Poland. Warsaw gave him a soft smile:"I only repeated what you do when we do it in our regular bodies." Before going to sleep, they kissed each other’s lips passionately. Next day, when they were already up, England gave them a phone call to come over to his place. When they arrived, the teas were already ready for them. They drank it and after 10 minutes passed, they changed back to their regular bodies. "I really did have fun as a woman, but honestly I totally missed being a man." said Feliks. "Same goes for me. It was fun being a man for a while, but I did miss being the badass woman that I am." said Alice. Then they looked at Arthur. "Say, we know that you do stuff like magic and have a lot of magical objects. But for what do you need magical tea that swaps gender?" asked Warsaw. "Yeah, why do you need it?" asked Poland. England start it explaining:"Well, you see is actually one of the important ingredients for one of my potions. Also once I had an idea to prank my beloved Francis by making this tea for him. It was kinda fun until he start it yelling at me." Both lovers burst into laughter. "Oh, I wish I saw his reaction." said Warsaw. "It wasn’t that funny. For a moment, I thought a curse was cast on me. At least I still looked Magnifique as a lady." said France as he came by. After a bit of chatting with them, the couple went back home. But they’ll never forget the fun they had as opposite genders.
The End
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
The Wild Side Of Me Chapter 8
Tolys has already arrived at Alfred’s house. The movie was already chosen. Meanwhile, the rest were on their way, the two lovers prepared the snacks together. Some popcorn, a pack of chips, drinks like coke, water or juices. First to arrive were Feliks and Alice. "Hey guys. What’s up? By the way, Audrey texted me and she and Rod won’t be able to come." said the gingerhead woman. "Is fine. Rose and Vash aren’t coming either. She said that she’ll spent the night at Vash’s house. And tomorrow they will continue looking for their own house to buy. Yup, my little sister is moving out from here pretty soon. Ah, she grows up so fast." said Alfred. "Guess you must be like totally happy about finally having a house for your own." said Feliks. The American smiled:"Well, it is true. But in the same time, I’m gonna miss those times where me, Matthew and Rose had fun living here together. After all, they’re my siblings. And I love them deeply. Matthew moved out from here the last year. And now is my sister’s turn." Alice patted his back:"Hey, cheer up bro. You will still be able to spent time with your siblings and have some fun with them. And beside, the whole house will be yours. You will be able to do whatever you want, without disturbing your siblings." "I guess you’re right." said the man. "Hey I got a message from Francis. He and Arthur aren’t coming either."said Tolys. All three looked at him. "What? Why?"asked Alfred. "Arthur got sick and Francis is taking care of him" explained the Lithuanian. "Oh, that’s a shame. Maybe I’ll pay them a visit tomorrow." said Alfred. "So, we’re waiting for Gilbert and Matthew to arrive then." said Feliks. "Alright, so maybe meanwhile waiting, we finish preparing everything before they arrive." suggested Tolys. "Sure, let’s do it." said Alice. The group finished preparing the food and drinks. Put some pillows and blankets on the couch, to make it more comfortable and softer. Just as they finished, Matthew arrived. "I’m here. Luckily today I don’t have to work." said the man. "Hey brother. Is good to see you. Come. Take a sit." said Alfred. "Alright, only waiting for Gil then." said Tolys. While waiting for the German, the group chat it for a bit. "Anyway, why don’t you quit and look for a better work. You know, with a better boss, who doesn’t treat their coworkers like garbage. And pays them better." said Feliks. "To be honest, I was thinking about that. I even looked at some work offers, but there’s nothing for me currently. So, I’m stuck with my current work, sadly." said the man. "No worries bro. I’m sure you‘ll find something soon." said the Polish lady. "Thanks Alice." answered Matthew. "Gosh, where is Gilbert? He’s already late." said the Lithuanian. Then all of the sudden, the group heared the door opening and Gilbert was standing in front of them:"Hey, sorry for being late. Some stuff stopped me a little bit, but I’m here."
Finally when everyone where here, they took their sits and began watching the movie. They decided to watch:"Doctor Strange Multiverse Of Madness", since they didn’t saw that one yet. Alice and Feliks, in each other embrace, covered with one of the blankets. Next to them Alfred and Tolys, hugging each other. And next to the boys Matthew, eating the popcorn. And next to him, Gilbert taking a sip of coke from the can. The movie began. They all watched with curiosity . "Gosh, the guy really is an amazing sorcerer." said Alfred in amazement. "He sure is." said Tolys. "Guys, stop talking. We can’t hear what’s happening in the movie." said Alice. "Right, sorry Alice." said the American. They kept on watching, until Gilbert’s phone start it ringing and he had to pick up, saying it was urgent. So, they paused the movie and Gilbert went to another room to chat on the phone. "Well, the movie is pretty interesting so far." said Matthew. "True. Gosh, I wish I was a sorcerer as well. This would be awesome. Not to mention I would be a pretty fabulous one." said Feliks in excitement. "Well then, I would be a sorceress to your sorcerer, love." said Alice. The two smiled at each other, as blushes appeared on their faces. "Anyway, how’s life going for the two of you? I heared you finally moved together into one house." said the Lithuanian. "Oh, is true. We couldn’t live separately any time longer, so now we have a house on our own. You guys like totally need to come visit us one day." said Feliks. "We sure will." answered Alfred. "And about you two? Are you planning to move into one house?" asked Alice. "Well, ummmm… you see…" began Tolys all troubled. "We still need time. You know. After all is been only a year since we start it dating. Beside, I don’t think we’re both ready for stuff like that yet." finished Alfred. "Is pretty understandable I guess. After all, me and Alice have been dating for a pretty long time. While, for you two it haven’t been this long." said the Polish man. The group kept on chatting. "Geez, what is taking Gilbert this long. I get it that is an urgent call. But come on. We’re in the middle of watching a movie." said Alfred. "Calm down brother. I’m sure he’s almost done." said Matthew. After a moment, Gilbert finally came back. He apologized for taking this long and they continued the movie. After they finished, they all went back home, beside Tolys who decided to stay with Alfred a little longer.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
You all deserve everything what’s best for you and to be loved and accepted for who you are. And most importantly, we all are equal no matter the gender, sexuality, nationality, skin color, disability…etc.
Here’s some PolWar for you.
Yes, Warsaw is Bisexual
And yes I do headcanon Poland as Bi
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
The old Russia demonization machine
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