#Politely keep your proshipper problematic stuff to yourself
ghostlytableteehee · 6 months
Me after finding the account that makes proshipper bullshit (not tagging them)
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like girl ...😰
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twinkiethebunny · 1 year
hi! my name’s ari, my fursona’s name is twinkie, so you can call me either one of those. 
idc what pronouns you call me but if you’re actually concerned with my preference i like going by he/they, and it’s totally optional but my acc is xeno safe cuz xenos are cool, so if you want i also go by xe/it/pup/bun, up to you tho. 
i’m a dropout going for my GED and working on mending my mental health to the best of my ability without begging my family to get me scanned for adhd or whatever is wrong with me just to be prescribed meds i’ll forget to take.
i have many labels. i’m bi, genderfluid, greysexual, demiromantic, poly, a bit of a gender collecter, and currently dipping my toes into the therian community. i welcome anyone (not including MAPs or superstraights) with open arms!
i am autistic. please be patient and tolerant of me. it does affect my responses in a lot of situations, especially stressful ones.
i block problematic users that i know of and if you interact with these people i recommend you don’t follow me. i follow basic dni criteria. i am a minor. do not interact with me if you are a bigot, a creep, or someone who would hurt others for a larger reputation, good or bad. ‘nuff said.
i like childish cartoons! i will ramble about adventure time, steven universe, tawog, toh, bluey, and probably a variety of others i can’t think of rn.
my music taste is varied. if i diss on something like kpop or vocaloid or something like that, i’m either joking or i actually don’t like the fandom rather than the music itself. also sometimes i just don’t like a music genre, and that’s okay! if you’re offended by that, feel free to find people that do like that genre.
i’m an agnostic meat-eating liberal, but i am open to learn about other beliefs. if you believe in a specific religion, veganism or other dietary practices, different political ideologies, or anything else that i don’t personally believe in or apply to my life, cool! just don’t force your beliefs onto me or shame me for how i choose to live.
i am spiritual, but i do NOT believe that you should use crystals or anything else that can be used for spiritual wellness as a form of alternative medicine, OR a substitute for therapy. please take your pills if you need them, go to therapy, and vaccinate yourself and your children regularly.
when it comes to shipping, i’m not a proshipper or an antishipper necessarily, i’m very neutral to shipping two fictional characters together. as long as you’re not shipping two real people uncomfortably, shipping a child with an adult, shipping two characters that are related, shipping a human with a feral animal, shipping abusive relationships, or shipping two children in a nsfw way, you’re gucci in my book. that being said, i’m a-okay with shipping real couples, wholesome ships between two child characters, poly ships, shipping healthy relationships, ships with healthy redemption arcs, and shipping humanized nouns (humanized social media, object wars ships, shipping colors, cursed emojis, etc.)
don’t send me or tag me in nsfw posts or content. admittedly, i had a problem with viewing that stuff once, and i intend to keep myself clean, especially until i turn 18.
do not attack me or anyone else interacting with me. i intend to keep my blog a safe space for people, and i will block and report anybody intending to cause me or anyone else any kind of harm.
keep yourself safe. stay hydrated, eat at least 3 full meals, try not to stress eat too much, and feel free to vent to me if you need. i may not respond right away, but i could try to help. i’m not a professional.
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