shiapolux · 7 months
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shiapolux · 7 months
Send me  “✋”  for my muse’s reaction to yours gently brushing hair out of mine’s face. 
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shiapolux · 7 months
{I want to come back, but at the same time, my mental health spirals too much to be able to do threads. And tumblr keeps making it hard on me with all the changes. Maybe I'll lurk around from time to time sending memes or something, can't really promise. I don't want to keep disappointing anyone.}
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shiapolux · 2 years
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shiapolux · 3 years
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Is this from our tabletop campaign? Yes, it is. Is this my canon ship for Pollux? Maybe.
Baby boy is just too pretty.
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shiapolux · 3 years
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It is I, the inconsistent idiot. With a... some clothes design? Whatever. 
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shiapolux · 3 years
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shiapolux · 3 years
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Inspired by the Signs and 616e64 of @normal-horoscopes
Gemini aesthetic: Evenings exploring the woods. Peepers raising their warm little voices as the sun sets. Sitting by the graves and reading to each other, held close under a huge wool coat.
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shiapolux · 3 years
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So, life imitates art, I see.
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Meh, thought I'd share this. This is actually for our One Piece tabletop campaign continuity, not the one I use for Tumblr, but since it's the first time I actually manage to nail that wind effect... *Shrug*
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shiapolux · 3 years
His words engraved a deep, confused frown upon Helen’s features. She could hardly understand their meaning. For years she had contemplated these camps from a high tower in Priam’s palace, had watched battle after battle from the parapets of the mighty walls of Troia, wondering what was keeping her brothers from the battlefield, but no answer had sufficed. Could they believe her to be a desertor? The question had popped into her brains from time to time; the idea of her own people branding her a traitor had occasionally slipped the acid tongues of a person or two in the court who still disapproved of her presence in the city, but plausible though that might be, Helen was sure that they knew better than to believe such falsehood.
But who could tell, truly, after all these years?
“Failed me?”, Helen repeated, bewildered. 
Pollux’s reaction was the farthest thing from what she might have anticipated. It became clear to her, thus, that there were many things Menelaus hadn’t told her since Helen’s return to the argive camp. Something must have happened, she figured. The last time they had seen each other was when the twins were about to leave the palace where they were hosting the Trojan embassy in order to settle some quarrel with their cousins, but that had been so many years ago—
It hit her suddenly. Castor. Where was the other half of their duo, if not beside Polydeukes? 
Wide-eyed, Helen gulped with dread. “Pollux, what are you talking about?”
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Ah... So she didn’t know. Well, that was to be expected, after all. He just... He had wished to not have to explain it.
The prince willed the tears away. He had mourned enough already, too much, for too long. And while he did, he had allowed the rest of his family to fall apart around him, too caught up on his own pain and misery to notice.
“I... I couldn’t...” It was so difficult to speak the words. He hadn’t told anyone yet. It was like saying it out loud would make it truer, somehow. Like if he tried to not think about it too much, to not admit it had happened, his brother would surely come back to him. “I couldn’t protect him, Helen... I let them kill him... He... He died in my arms. In just seconds. It was so fast...” They were young, and stupid. Too fast, too strong, too good. They had believed themselves almost inmortals, never having lost a fight before, dragging down foes twice their size, thrice their age... And suddenly, the truth had hit them like a hammer to the face. That at least one of them, was just as frail as anyone else.
“I’m sorry...”
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shiapolux · 3 years
{Why is it that, every time I log back into this hellscape, the reblogs are even worse for RP?}
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shiapolux · 3 years
“When the wind blows the grass whistles and whispers in myths and riddles and not in our language but one far older. The sea is the sea is always the sea. These things you can count on”
— Mary Oliver, from The Oak Tree Loves Patience in “Blue Horses: Poems” (via adrasteiax)
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shiapolux · 3 years
How could he expect this to work?
The one person in the world who came from the exact same lineage; hatched from the same egg; almost two separate parts of the same human, but still Pollux expected to deceive her with a bow, when they could nearly read each other’s thoughts. At least that had been true, a long time ago. His reaction broke her heart and Helen couldn’t decide what was worse: the fact that he hid from her, or how he acted like their synergy was gone and had never existed.
He’s ashamed of what I did, thought Helen. All these years, it didn’t matter if the world misread her heart and her deeds: she could use this in her favor. The rejection of her family, on the other hand, left her completely bereft.
Gulping, Helen felt her eyes ache with tears. They hovered near the margin of her lower eyelid, forcing her to bite her lip and close her fingers tightly into fists in order to keep the emotions from overflowing. Somehow, she managed. Her cheeks remained dry, though the sorrow in her expression was crystal clear.
“Will you not even call me sister?”, she asked him in the most disheartened tone the queen of Sparta had ever used with ayone.
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Ah... It never worked with her. He could lie to anyone and anything, and most times they would believe it right away, but his sister always knew. 
He felt a pull at his heart, or where it had been until not so long ago. It almost surprised him. He didn’t deserve this. The bond they shared was something too precious for the pale ghost of himself he had become. 
His eyes finally lifted to meet hers. The tears he had been barely contaning finally spilled at her sight. His proud queen... It was breaking his heart. 
“I... Do you still want me to? After how I’ve failed you? After the dissapointment I must have become for all of our family, our people... You?” 
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shiapolux · 3 years
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not pictured: me
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shiapolux · 3 years
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…lest i drop you in anger, and hate you as much as i now terribly love you.
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shiapolux · 3 years
say what you will about the spartans but you have to admit that the laconic phrases they were known for are kind of badass. like when philip II of macedon sent them a letter asking if he should come as an ally or an enemy, they just sent him back a letter saying “neither.” didn’t even need to bust out the army to kill the man
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shiapolux · 3 years
going to start signing off on my posts with "furthermore i think carthage should be destroyed"
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