#Portuguese Short Film Maker
biowikifacts · 1 year
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aaroncutler · 2 months
Sessão Mutual Films: Elek / Mészáros: Cronistas húngaras [Mutual Films Session: Elek / Mészáros: Hungarian Chroniclers]
July 17th: The link above leads to Portuguese-language information about the 24th edition of the Mutual Films Session, co-curated and organized by me and Mariana Shellard, whose screenings will take place between July 17th and 27th at the São Paulo-based unit of the Instituto Moreira Salles and on July 27th at the Instituto’s unit in Poços de Caldas.
The event places into dialogue four early works from two extraordinary voices of Hungarian and world cinema. Márta Mészáros (born in 1931) is a prolific author of searing dramas that poignantly explore the profundities of solitude, oftentimes through stories of young women striving both to survive and to define themselves in relation to harsh surroundings. Judit Elek (born in 1937) is the maker of myriad documentary and fiction portraits of isolated members of her society who are presented both with great compassion and with social criticism.
Mészáros’s work has had a critical renaissance in recent years thanks to a large-scale restoration project of her films undertaken by the Hungarian National Film Archive – a project which was originally set to premiere in retrospective form at the Bergamo Film Meeting, pre-pandemic, and which has toured the world in rousingly successful fashion since then, both at physical festivals and virtually. The Archive has also more recently realized a large-scale restoration project devoted to Elek’s filmography, which premiered in 2023 within an expansive retrospective of Elek's films at the Rotterdam International Film Festival (IFFR).
The two filmmakers hold evident similarities (among these gender, nationality, and multiple collaborators in common), while displaying tremendous differences between them in terms of interests and aesthetic approaches. The selection of works that will screen at the Instituto already gives a sense of this with one short and one feature-length film from each director. One program pairs Elek’s first completed solo film, 1963’s Encounter, with Mészáros’s first feature (and the first feature directed by a woman in Hungary since before the Second World War), 1968’s The Girl. The other program pairs one of Mészáros’s most strikingly humanist short films, 1964’s Blow-Ball, with Elek’s first feature, 1969’s The Lady of Constantinople. Each artist would realize several great films in the years following these works – what will screen is just a sample from their long-lasting careers.   
The screening on July 18th in São Paulo will be followed by a talkback with the programmers and cultural producers Maria Vragova (responsible for the organization of a recent film series in the Brazilian city of Curitiba devoted to the work of Eastern European women filmmakers, as well as numerous other film series and visual art exhibitions through the production company Ars et Vita) and Nayla Guerra (an employee of the Cinemateca Brasileira/Brazilian Cinematheque, as well as the author of a recently published book that surveys the production of short films directed by female filmmakers in Brazil during the years of the country’s most recent military dictatorship). The first of the two screenings in Poços de Caldas on July 27th will be followed by a talkback with the locally based filmmaker, photographer, and pedagogue Dani Alvisi. Both screenings with talkbacks have free admission, while the series’s other screenings have ticket prices of 10 Brazilian reais full price and 5 Brazilian reais half-price.
This edition of the Mutual Films Session is realized with the special support of two entities. One is the Consulate-General of Hungary in São Paulo, which has provided aid to the Mutual Films Session for the second time, with the first being our screenings in 2019 of Miklós Janscó’s Red Psalm (a film also restored by the extraordinary team of the Hungarian National Film Archive). The other is the Brazilian online platform and theatrical distributor FILMICCA, whose streaming catalogue includes a collection of twelve restored films directed by Mészáros, as well as a number of other restored classics held by archives and small distributors.
We were fortunate to be able to translate into Portuguese two supplements for the series section on the Mutual Films website. One is a selection of interviews with Márta Mészáros which were originally published in English in the American scholar Catherine Portuges's crucial 1993 book about the filmmaker, Screen Memories: The Hungarian Cinema of Márta Mészáros, and whose translation appears with Portuges's consent. The other is a translation of a piece of a conversation originally published in Hungarian in 2006 between Judit Elek and her then-husband, the late filmmaker Zsolt Kézdi-Kovács, which was initially held for his documentary film about the Hungarian Revolution called That Day Was Ours and which appears in English in the book Judit Elek - The Lady From Budapest (co-organized by Gyöngyi Fazekas, Olaf Möller, and Barbara Wurm on behalf of the IFFR, which published the book in 2023 to accompany its retrospective). This text appears in Portuguese with the permission of the IFFR's communications team (led by Anne Wabeke) and of Judit Elek.
The series is dedicated to the memory of the Brazilian journalist and translator of Hungarian descent Edith Elek (no relation to Judit) – who passed away in November of last year – as well as some important figures from Hungarian film history who have also perished during the past few years. And, in addition to the series thanks that are listed on the Mutual Films website and in the Instituto Moreira Salles’s monthly film program booklet, I myself wish to thank two individuals. One is the vital Brazilian film programmer Carla Italiano, whose conversations with me about Márta Mészáros’s work have enriched my understanding of its importance. The other is Ava Shellard-Cutler, who turned one year old on July 9th, and whose felicity continues to inspire me and Mariana in very much of what we do.  
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drsilverfish · 5 years
Nine Minutes to Midnight
Tumblr media
5x21 Two Minutes to Midnight
Nine episodes to beat God, and fifteen years since Kripke pitched his original On The Road fan-fiction meets folk horror. 
I’ve had a lot of fun in this little corner of Tumblr SPN fandom, over the eight years I’ve been here. I arrived as a newbie in 2012, and people already here were kind to me. I’ve seen people come and go, get disillusioned with SPN and move onto new fandoms, or arrive latterly into this one, brimming with excitement. 
This is a weird social media platform, and I doubt it will be around forever, as one of its joys is how singularly bad it has been at integrating advertising.   
Some of my favourite things here have been;
Comments in the tags, often funny, thinky, joyful - love this element of Tumblr.
Coda fic - this short-form story-style, which leaps into the fan-fiction gaps, loud silences and lacunae of the text - what a joy.
All the different roles people take on in fandom, as labours of love - gif makers, fic and meta writers, artists, vidders, archivists, signal-boosters, enthusiastic readers and beta-readers, art-lovers, networkers, collaborators, question-askers and answerers, and participants of all kinds (introvert and extrovert).
Completely unrelated to SPN, posts which are full of puns and hilarity, from “lik the bred” to Brits vs Americans on the subject of drinking tea. I still love Tumblr’s collective sense of humour; it’s witty and charming. 
The language of gifs; those delightful comtemporary hieroglyphics of emotive expression.
The diversity - English is the shared language, but gradually it’s apparent that despite US dominance of the site, there are people from all over the world here, whose native tongues range from Russian to Italian to Brazilian Portuguese.
The collective meta experience - sharing “live” textual analysis has been huge fun. Viewing a text in a hive mind this way always shows you something you’d have missed on your own. It’s like holding up a crystal to a thousand lights and watching all the different refractions happening at once.
Again, not SPN specific, but experts in various subjects, from Egyptology to Medieval History suddenly emerging from the depths to provide a passionate and erudite exposition on their topic. Often prefaced with, “My time has come...”   
Fandom has a dark side. It can be a coping mechansim, for many, in a healthy or less healthy way. There are unfortunately, always the formation of various “in-groups” and “out-groups”, ship wars, harrassment (of other fans, cast and crew), entitlement, and wild unpleasantness. And, that scourge of the internet in general; performative outrage (otherwise known as the outrage economy) which turns up the dial on provocative statements and negative emotion because that acts as catnip for engagement. A lot of people act out their shadow-selves online, projecting their own internal stuff onto others, from behind the screen.    
Almost no media texts get to run as long as SPN (fifteen years) but my first fandom was (and is) Doctor Who and that has been going for over 50. It has some absolutely horrendously toxic spaces and places online, and many of pure joy. My advice is - find the joy.  
Stories, by inviting us into the shoes of others, teach us at their (and our) best, the invaluable gift of empathy.
Take care of yourselves. Endings are hard, no doubt.
Special shout-out to fellow LGBTQ+ fans - hold onto your hearts. 
It can be complicated loving a story telling its queer (romantic/ erotic) love story implicitly (i.e. in subtext). 
Don’t forget (as I always say in my tags) subtext is part of narrative - meaning, the totality of a text contains its explicit and implicit elements; its text and its subtext, just like Metatron (aka Robbie T) told us in 9x18 Metafiction. 
I wasn’t in the fandom myself, here on Tumblr, but I saw some of the fall-out from BBC Sherlock S4, and it was particularly distressing to see so many young LGBTQ+ fans feeling deeply hurt and even suicidal, because they’d read all the (extensively crafted) queer subtext in that show as a promise which would, inevitably, lead to an unequivocal queer “coming out” for John and Sherlock.
Those queer fans weren’t “self-queerbaiting” - they were just reading the totality of the text. And after all, why not read the subtext that way, as a promise? Being of a generation who’d already gotten to see many explicitly out queer characters on-screen; why not dare to imagine the subtext was a slow-burn romance with an inevitable “out” climax? Especially because Mark Gatiss (one of the writers) is out and queer himself, young queer fans were even more certain that his Sherlock would be the first “out” queer Sherlock on-screen (The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, 1970, which Gatiss is on record as being a fan of, had previously queer-coded Holmes, as indeed does Downey’s version, in Sherlock, 2009, and Sherlock 2: A Game of Shadows, 2011.)
Of course, the corporate and production politics were no doubt complex behind the scenes at the BBC, and Gatiss himself (apparently) saw things differently saying (in an interview in Oct 2010):
“No, I don’t think I’d make a kind of gay programme. It’s much more interesting when it’s not about a single issue. And equally, I find flirting with the homoeroticism in Sherlock much more interesting.” (Buzz Magazine Oct 2010: p10).
All of which, is why I’ve been adding a disclaimer to my readings of SPN’s queer subtext for a while now - namely, that reading the subtext doesn’t promise a rainbow of obviousness at the end. 
As I said, take care of your hearts, lovelies.   
Perhaps we shouldn’t need the narrative closet any longer. 
But, we are walking between worlds, an old one and a new, both of them currently existing simultaneously, especially in a globalised world. 
Queer audience fractions are, generally, more attuned to queer subtext, because it often uses codes derived from queer culture (although reading cinematic/ television subtext of all kinds is a learned skill, and no one is born with text-reading gaydar). So, whilst queer subtext may appear “loud” to some audience fractions, it remains invisible to others. That is, historically, by design, because, whilst “out” queer characters have gradually emerged on-screen since the 1950s [and the end of the Hays Code in Hollywood] queerness was, and still is (depending on where one is in the world) subject to legal penalty, state censorship or corporate production censorship.
A contemporary kind of state censorship is e.g. in China, where overt LGBTQ+ themes and characters cannot be depicted on-screen (hence, the queer subtext in The Untamed). A contemporary commodity kind of censorship might be e.g. notes from the Network, or TPTB at Marvel Studios with an eye on box-office. Queer subtext has the ability to slip past the censors, or be tolerated by them; because, now you see it/ now you don’t. A character with a straight “surface” reading and a queer subtextual one may (depending on the film/ TV product and its market etc,) be seen to pose less risk as a commercial product, whilst being able to appeal to different audience fractions simultaneously. For example, Captain Marvel  (2019) and, as above, BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
And yes, it’s complicated, because in the midst of that still extant censorship, which queer writers and other creatives on set may indeed be trying to work around by using queer subtext, we can see another world is possible. More out queer stories are being told. And, although we may love to see implicit queerness rather than no queerness at all, and indeed although implicit queerness may (arguably) have the freedom (still) to tell less boundaried or stereotyped stories than explicit queerness (with powerful effects on the audience fractions, both queer and straight, who do “see” it) we can’t deny that it does suit corporate entities, in some cases, to be able to appeal to a dual audience without the perceived “risk” of “outness”.  A form of “queer-sploitation” which leads to the charge of “queer-baiting”.
The issue is, perhaps, particularly one surrounding male hero characters in Hollywood (and here in the UK) a) because “queer stories” are (still) often, not seen as likely to have universal appeal for broader audiences, whereas “straight stories” are not framed as “straight stories” but as universal ones, and b) because of the persistence of the prejudiced belief in particular that “queerness” undermines masculinity, especially “heroic” masculinity (here we have diverged markedly from the ancient Greeks). It’s somewhat different for female characters, but that’s another post. Fantasy, in the on-screen medium (if less so in fiction or comics) appears to be a more regressive genre than, say, comedy, in terms of the depiction of “out” queer central (rather than side) characters, with the exception of the Wachowskis’ Sense8 (2015-18) in which pretty much everyone is queer. I know there’s Ruby’ Rose’s Batwoman (2019- ) which I haven’t had a chance to check out yet, and we’ve got some queer Marvel (side) heroes upcoming, apparently; Valkyrie in Thor: Love and Thunder and Phastos in The Eternals - let’s see how that goes.
Moreover, queer subtext doesn’t have an exact analogy i.e. a “straight subtext” equivalent. Yes, many films and TV shows imply romantic/ sexual tension and interest between M/ F (pre)couples before it is “confirmed” they’re into each other in the text. However, because straight is the default assumption, audiences may muse and disagree about the potential for a M/ F romance at the implicit stage (as they have done in SPN fandom re Sam/ Rowena) but they don’t ask - “Does this mean they might be straight ????” It is assumed. Queerness, on the other hand, in order to be widely recognised (rather than solely by the subtext-reading audience fraction) must “come out” in some manner, explicitly, in the text (I don’t mean graphically, but “beyond reasonable doubt”).  In other words, as painful as it is, we are not starting on a level playing field. It’s not fair, but it is the deal. 
That doesn’t mean we can’t love contemporary queer subtextual stories, just that it’s important to acknowledge it can be painful, for some, to do so, and just as it’s important to acknowlege it’s OK to find them too painful to love, also (historical texts obviously operated under different circumstances). 
Queer audiences are not homogenous. We can, and do, see things differently from one another, perhaps particularly across generations. 
It is the case however, I think, that the structuring of a story by the narrative closet, as SPN has been structured by the narrative closet (up to this point, mid S15) (by which I mean its queerness is transparent to some, invisible to others, by design) cannot help but remind many queer audience members of our own struggles with the real world closet. Indeed that may make the story attractive, or unattractive, to different folk. 
Incidentally, which is why I avoid it, I think the “it’s canon”/ “it’s subtext” debate is a false dichotomy and a bit confusing, as there are two, perfectly legitimate (within their own terms) definitions of “canon”. In the fandom sense, where “canon” means a romantic/ erotic pairing explicitly confirmed in the text, Destiel (meaning romantic/ erotic orientation between Dean and Cas) is not “canon” (as at 15x11). It is implied. Of course, it is explicit text that they care deeply for one another - “You’re my family. I love you, I love all of you” (12x12 Stuck in the Middle with You), “You’re my best friend” (15x09 The Trap). The exact nature of that relationship remains, however, deliberately, ambiguous. 
In the literary sense, in which “canon” means “the official body of work”, SPN’s official body of work contains a metric tonne of implicit romantic/ erotic Dean/ Cas, so, it is part of the SPN “canon” in that sense - “subtextual canon” if you like. Although, of course, because implied, therefore open to interpretation.... deliberately transparent to some and invisible to others.
Despite all this complexity, and, indeed despite other elements of the SPN narrative which I have struggled with personally (the early seasons’ misogyny is off the charts sometimes, the brutally insensitive manner of Charlie’s death) I have loved this story, Supernatural, truly, madly, deeply, in large part because of its (implicit) queerness. And for may other reasons additionally, from its folkloric beginnings and dark initial cinematographic palette, to its melodrama, to its, eventual, Ourboros structure, and its Jungian alchemical journey marrying the cosmic to the earthly. 
Reading the show without the queer subtext remains possible, but oh boy is that analogous to only considering the above sea-level portion of an iceberg.  
I would prefer a rainbow of obviousness at The EndTM, but I don’t expect one. What I expect is continued, deliberate, ambiguity. Something I am sure we will be debating the ethics of, long after. 
I could be wrong :-). But I am taking my own advice, and taking care of my heart.      
For now, it’s nine minutes to midnight; let’s see how the story ends.
And afterwards, however the chips may fall, the characters will (as this most meta-narrative of seasons has been busy telling us) be set free of “Chuck’s” control. They will belong to us, in a thousand thousand fan-works, for as long as we care to keep on loving them.             
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Oscars 2020 Where to Watch Around the World
Oscars 2020 Watch Online: Here's how to live stream the 92nd Academy Awards in India, US, UK & other countries
Here is a glance at TV systems and online outlets that will show the Oscars 2020 92nd Academy Awards in large European, Asian and Latin American markets and past.
Hollywood's greatest names will go to the 92nd Academy Awards on Sunday. What's more, those in the U.S. without a welcome will indeed find a good pace kudocast on ABC, which has disclosed Hollywood's greatest night consistently since 1976.
The system's inclusion of the function is set to commence at 5 p.m. PT/8 p.m ET following Oscars All Access: Red Carpet Live, which will begin at 3:30 p.m. PT/6:30 p.m. ET.
Individuals who live outside the U.S., or happen to be abroad on Sunday, should search for different approaches to get the entirety of the activity. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences says the Oscars will again be broadcast live in excess of 225 nations and domains around the world.
Here is The Hollywood Reporter's manual for where the entertainment expo will air in some key universal markets.
Canadians, much the same as their American neighbors, love the Oscars, which a year ago was among the most-watched non-sports TV programs in the nation, behind just the Big Bang Theory finale in evaluations.
National system CTV, alongside its CTV Go administration and CTV.ca, will offer cover inclusion indeed this year. That starts at 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT with eTalk Streaming Live at the Oscars.
At that point at 6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT, there will be eTalk Live From the Oscars Balcony, accessible on the Twitter stage just and gushing synchronous with the customary communicate of the Oscars Opening Ceremony: Live From the Red Carpet broadcast for motion picture fans and VIP watchers the same. That uses the ABC feed to catch the style hits and misses. eTalk is the main Canadian amusement news show broadcasting live from the Oscars' honorary pathway in Los Angeles.
Channel Seven is the new home of the Oscars in Australia, taking over from the Nine Network, with Seven saying that it will show the 92nd Academy Awards "live, free and restrictive."
Inclusion will begin with the morning meal TV show Sunrise, which will communicate live from honorary pathway.
The service itself will be broadcast live on Seven on Monday from early afternoon Australian Eastern Daylight Time, with a primetime reprise at 7:30 p.m. on allowed to-air advanced channel 7flix.
Motion picture buffs down under will pull for Aussie star Margot Robbie, who got her second Oscar designation in the best on-screen character in a supporting job classification for her exhibition in Bombshell.
South Africa
The Oscars will indeed air live in South Africa and over the African landmass on pay-TV administrator M-Net's M-Net Movies Premiere at 3 a.m. Monday Central Africa Time.
For the individuals who would prefer not to remain up throughout the night, the service will get a replay at 9 p.m. on the fundamental M-Net channel.
Comcast-possessed compensation TV mammoth Sky will again be showing the function on Oscars spring up channel Sky Cinema Oscars, beginning at 1 a.m. Monday nearby time, following honorary pathway inclusion that commences at 10 p.m. on Sunday.
For the individuals who would prefer not to remain up that late, a show with features from the service will hit Sky on Monday evening.
Ahead of the pack up to Hollywood's greatest night of the year, Sky Cinema Oscars, which will be accessible through Feb. 14, will likewise be exhibiting different Academy Award-winning titles from years past, including The Favorite, Bohemian Rhapsody, A Star Is Born and The Shape of Water.
In Germany, as ever, the Oscars will air live on business channel ProSieben. Likewise, pay TV monster Sky will bring watchers the Oscars on E!, including honorary pathway inclusion by Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic beginning at 11 p.m., trailed by the function, which will incorporate German captions.
ProSieben has been running an every day Oscar uncommon on its diversion news show Taff this week and a L.A.- set exceptional of way of life show red. on Thursday.
Its Sunday night inclusion begins with a commencement appear at 11:05 p.m. neighborhood time, with live honorary pathway inclusion commencing around 11:50 p.m. The service itself will begin at 2 a.m. German time red will at that point air an Oscar features appear on Monday at 5 p.m.
The Oscars will by and by air live on French compensation TV channel CanalPlus, which holds the elite rights to the function in the nation, and its myCanal gushing assistance.
With the nine-hour time contrast, French film fans have in the past additionally appreciated an Oscars features appear on CanalPlus on late Monday evening.
Comcast-possessed compensation TV monster's Sky Italia will by and by air the Oscars activity live on its committed Sky Cinema Oscar channel.Sky's devoted Oscars channel run is set to go through Feb. 14, indicating in excess of 90 Oscar-winning motion pictures, including 2019 best film Oscar champ Green Book.
Telefonica's compensation TV administration Movistar+ will air the function on an Oscars spring up station, which will be accessible through Feb. 11. It will likewise screen many past Oscar champs, including Schindler's List, Shakespeare in Love and Citizen Kane.
Latin America
In South America, Mexico and the Caribbean, TNT Latin America will air the entertainment pageant live on both TNT (with Spanish and Portuguese naming and analysis) and TNT Series (with unique sound). The show will likewise be live-spilled on the TNT Go application.
A live honorary pathway show will be facilitated in Spanish by Lety Sajagun and long-term host and Oscar-winning maker Axel Kuschevatzky, with Rafael Sarmiento and Ileana Rodriguez offering Spanish critique from the studios. Dynamite Brazil will have Carol Ribeiro and Hugo Glass talking with famous people on honorary pathway for Portuguese-talking crowds, while Michel Arouca will give studio editorial.
Here are the nearby occasions for honorary pathway the opening shot in Latin America:
Argentina, Chile: 8:30 p.m.
Brazil: 8:30 p.m.
Venezuela: 7:30 p.m.
Colombia: 6:30 p.m.
Mexico: 5:30 p.m.
The Oscars have not circulated live in Russia on TV for quite a while, yet this year, they won't get a features form on state-run allowed to-air arrange Channel One. Russians will at present have the option to watch the function, however, by means of online video administration Okko.
Center East
Since time is running short contrasts, just the most solidified of Oscar fans will tune in over the Middle East, with the service commencing Monday at 4 a.m. Saudi time only on OSN.
The honors service will likewise be screened in one cinema in Dubai at Vox Cinemas in the Mall of the Emirates, beginning at 5 a.m. neighborhood time.
The Oscars will air live on Monday at 9 a.m. neighborhood time in China. The online live rights again went to M1905, the gushing video administration of the express supporter's motion picture channel, CCTV6. An altered adaptation of the show will be disclosed later by CCTV6 during primetime.
In Hong Kong and Macau, TVB Pearl is airing the function live.
The Wowow satellite system, which has conveyed the Oscars function since 2000, will indeed air it on its Prime station, yet with extended inclusion. A review show will air from 7:30 a.m. Monday morning nearby time, with live honorary pathway inclusion beginning at 8:30 a.m., trailed by the service at 10 a.m.
Exhibited again by Jon Kabira and Aya Takeshima, it will be a bilingual communicated, permitting watchers to switch among Japanese and English. A subtitled rehash is set for 9 p.m. Monday.
South Korea
Television Chosun, a link arrange worked by one of South Korea's significant papers, will air the Oscars live for the subsequent year running, in the wake of supplanting CJ E&M, which had publicized the function for eight straight years. Honorary pathway inclusion will start at 8:30 a.m. neighborhood time, trailed by the service at 10 a.m.
All of South Korean industry is holding its breath with the expectation that the nation will at last win its first Oscar, after Bong Joon Ho's widely praised spine chiller Parasite was assigned in six classes.
Disney's Star India will air the Oscars on its Star Movies and Star Movies Select HD stations live at 5 a.m. Monday, starting with honorary pathway appearances, trailed by the principle function at 6:30 a.m. Mumbai time.
The inclusion additionally will be gushed on the system's computerized stage, Hotstar. A primetime rehash will air on Star Movies and Star Movies Select HD a similar night at 8:30 p.m.
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animeluffy3-blog · 6 years
Contemporary American Animation
This post explains the history associated with animation in the usa of The united states since the later 80's until the early twenty-first century. This period is actually often the renaissance regarding American animation, where numerous large American amusement businesses reform and reinvigorate the animation department following the drop suffered in the sixty, 70 and 80.
Through 1988 to the existing
Disney's come back
In the actual mid 80's, the particular United states animation industry dropped in to disgrace. Toy advertisements masking as entertainment applications toons dominated the night as well as the morning of Weekend, and the only test had been carried out through independent developers. Actually cartoon films were expected within theaters at times, however the glory of the aged days has been gone. Also the animation large Disney, which had fought against the corporate acquisition in typically the 80's, was considering leaving manufacturing animated feature movies.
Both enthusiastic audience, pros, and also the animators were used abruptly when the long-awaited renaissance involving animation started in the earliest and also most conservative corporation, Disney.
Disney had a extreme enhancements made on the 80, it is brand new chief Michael Eisner the organization relocated to their ft, returning to their roots along with revitalizing their own studies. Along with great excitement, in 1988 the research worked well with Steven Spielberg to create the animated film Who else Framed Roger Rabbit, aimed by Robert Zemeckis. The actual film was a achievement, in addition to gave to often the animation business awaited press for that period. Roger Rabbit not only gained him a pile connected with money with regard to Disney, however also sparked nice associated with the classic animation which is constantly on the this day. The particular history of computer animation all of a sudden became an object regarding study (and their fans). Several directors, business story, such as Chuck Smith as well as Friz Freleng had been abruptly in the limelight, being recognized after years of being practically overlooked by audiences and also market professionals.
Disney carried on the actual success of Who also Presented Roger Rabbit? along with "The Little Mermaid", the very first involving a series of super-hero motion pictures that seemed in order to recapture the wonder of the particular golden age of Walt Disney himself. The studio room spent heavily in fresh technology connected with computer cartoon for this kind of purposes, yet could perform super-productions such as "Beauty as well as the Beast" along with "Aladdin, inch which drawn audiences which were not observed in decades, and when supplied a visual feast which has not been exceeded because the 40. The peak associated with the strike Disney ended up being in 1994 whenever his or her film "The Big cat King" exceeded all anticipation regarding the study to turn out to be probably the most successful of almost all time. Even later on Disney films as "Pocahontas, inches "The Hunchback involving Notre Dame", "Hercules, very well "Mulan" and "Tarzan" seemed to be blockbusters.
Disney has also created inroads into the ignored part of the animated TV collection. With the accomplishment connected with shows like "The Brand new Adventures of Winnie typically the Pooh", "The Activities associated with the Gummi Bears Disney" and "Duck adventures", often the "new" Disney made the mark in TV photos. Through association and repeating, Disney can provide higher quality movement for TELEVISION. A series of big diffusion was conducted inside mid-nineties, with some pundits designating "Gargoyles" as the actual Disney toon project regarding TV's the majority of ambitious in addition to best done nicely. Typically the soundtracks of each of those animated films were a part of its success, simply because Disney was including throughout each of these tasks a noisy voice through the world of songs, such as Elton Steve (The Lion King), Luis Miguel (The Hunchback regarding Notre Dame), Ricky Charlie (Hercules), Christina Aguilera (Mulan), Celine Dion (Beauty as well as the Beast), Ricardo Montaner (Aladin), Jon Secada (Pocahontas), among others.
Spielberg and also animation
Spielberg along with Bluth
While Disney offered brand-new life to computer animation, Steven Spielberg was creating his / her own way. Animation novice life, Spielberg was additionally interested in making large quality cartoon, and proved helpful with his competitor, Wear Bluth animation maker to be able to produce "Fievel and the particular " new world ". " The package office good results of this particular and Bluth's following movie, "In The Land", Showmanship made him understand that Disney did not hold any monopoly on animated functions. The other Hollywood galleries started again production of it has the own computer animated features, nevertheless still falling in to the snare of trying to replicate Disney's 1997 film Put on Bluth, "Anastasia", produced simply by Sibel, is mentioned because the 1 launched typically the Fox Computer animation Studios in addition to Disney's opponent, however, these types of studies still did not succeed right after "Anastasia" as well as closed with 1999. Like most effective productions of Disney, "Anastasia" was attended by Thalia, who played the main theme of the soundtrack in the versions in The spanish language, British and Portuguese.
Spielberg and also Warner Bros.
Spielberg, at the same time, switched to TV SET along with worked with movement studio Warner Bros. for you to produce "The Small Anime Adventures, " a top quality living series that compensated respect to the great shows of Termite Terrace. "The Tiny Toon Adventures" experienced a good rating many thanks to the young audiences, which influenced the Warner Bros to help resurrect their dying toon studio in addition to once again a competitor in the field involving animation. The Little Hentai Steven Spielberg have been continuing by presenting "Animaniacs" as well as "Pinky and the Brain". The latter not just captivated new viewers in order to Warner Bros., but furthermore captured the interest of people adolescents and also adults.
Bakshi's return
Ron Bakshi, movie director of revolutionary animated videos like "Fritz the Cat" and initial "Lord connected with the Rings", came back to be able to animation after creating a short stop in the middle of the 80's. In 1985, this individual teamed up with often the young Canadian animator David Kricfalusi plus the legendary Uk band "The Rolling Stones" to make a good cartoon music video intended for "The Harlem Shuffle", that was finished in early 1986. Even though music video did not really speak much, he constructed some sort of production team "Bakshi Animation" project continued together with the short-lived but nicely received, "The New Journeys of Great Mouse. micron Bakshi and Co, previously worked on numerous assignments in the end of the actual 80, nevertheless the biggest task was "Cool World: a new blonde among two worlds", which opened in 1992. The production obtained away of hand and finished up being significantly belittled and forgotten by simply nearly everyone.
Outsourcing animation
The primary reason for increasing the high quality of Us animation will be the ability to delegate the heavy lifting for you to cheaper animation houses within the South and Southeast Asian countries gaining a large quantity of frames from lower cost. The script, personality design and storyboarding is completed in American offices. Often the storyboard, models and colour books are mailed overseas. Sometimes causes problems due to the fact no final product could be completed until the structures tend to be mailed to the particular U. H.. Although finances have been decreased, overseas productions houses are usually selected per episode, and even for each scene, depending on typically the sum of money available at that will time. As a outcome there exists a big difference within quality in one episode to help another. This is especially evident in shows just like "Gargoyles" and "Batman": The actual Animated Series where, occasionally, the characters seem very different from one episode in order to the grieve of it is directors.
Mature Animation
The particular Simpsons
Within the 90's arrived a new influx associated with animated series in whose main aim was the grown ups, after an absence inside the genre over a 10 years. Within 1989, "The Simpsons, inch an animated brief in line with the "The Tracey Ullman Display, " became often the first super-hero series inside prime moment since "The Flintstones" along with captivated the large part of the actual target audience. It was the particular first hit sequence to get the fledgling Fox, triggered little sensitivity, entering well-known culture and gaining broad acceptance. In 2008, "The Simpsons" seem to display absolutely no signs of preventing, and could exceed "Gunsmoke" as the fiction system on the air lengthier a brief history of American tv. In 3 years ago have launched their very first film, entitled "The Simpsons: The Movie", dubbed throughout Spanish in addition to Chinese.
Ren and Stimpy
In 1991, Nickelodeon began "The Ren as well as Stimpy Show, " "Ren and also Stimpy" was a nice series run riot broken all the traditional limitations regarding correct drawings involving Sunday morning and rather favored typically the quirky design of the quick often the golden era. Furthermore, the actual series creator, Ruben Kricfalusi, who had worked being an animator during the recession connected with Saturday morning, had been a lot influenced by the particular classic functions of Frank Clampett.
Surge & Paul
Alongside popular animation nineties there was an unusual along with experimental movement. Within a limited animation festival with 1989, organized by Craig Decker and Mike Gribble Increase (known as "Spike and also Mike") and initially situated in San Diego. This all began with typically the representation of a assortment of thematic short, known since typical Festival of Cartoon, within places of company meetings in addition to trade all through the country.
Typically the selections were made mostly by means of Oscar-nominated short, works associated with students of the Start from the Arts in Ca as well as experimental work regarding the Nationwide Film Panel of North america. The 1st festival included functions by Bob Lasseter, Nick Recreation area and also Mike Judge. Judge's function, "Frog Baseball" noticeable often the first appearance of their particular business characters Beavis along with Butthead.
However, the event slowly became a motion picture program known as Spike in addition to Mike's Ill and Turned Festival involving Animation as well as turned into a great subterranean movement of mature laughter and subject matter.
Grownup Swim
In 1994, Toon Network gave consent to some new series called "Space Ghost" coast to coastline with a particular postmodern change, showed live selection interviews using celebrities, mixed having cartoon animated graphics original "Space Ghost. inches The line made the actual leap along with the production connected with Hanna-Barbera, now owned through Animation Network. It was the start of a common practice utilized older Hanna-Barbera characters with regard to new shows, as the particular surreal "Underwater Lab 2021", based on the toon small early 70's "Sealab 2020. " Also, Harvey Birdman, attorney, on any mediocre super-hero, Birdman that was originally typically the celebrity of Birdman and also Universe trio had become an attorney. Its customers, like most of the characters in the set, emerged completely from outdated Hanna-Barbera characters.
In inclusion to large computer animation documents old and inexpensive, self-employed animators also started to advantage from new digital technology. An artist with adequate technical skills could discover new styles and types with much more independence. The standard animation skills associated with sketching and painting got provided way to electronic manipulation along with aggressive utilize new methods of cartoon.
Along with these kinds of completely new programs, the Usa viewers, particularly in geographic places influenced by blend together with the cultures of often the Pacific cycles coast, began to be able to adopt Japan cartoon, or even anime, eighty. This developing market regarding anime movies satisfy the general public kid and adolescent, having a huge number of Japanese collection converted into English. At first accessibility was limited for you to videos, though the anime while it became some sort of well known found its method directly into the film department shops through the entire U. S.. Because the movement occupies a new different place in Japoneses culture, including a variety of problems not resolved by the North american toon.
"Adult Swim" is really a prevent of animation intended for older people that is issued in the beginning of primetime on Anime Network, leads the grownup industry and has the actual latest technologies in computer animation. Adult Go swimming, which actually aired upon Sunday evening in 2006 was at the particular air until 5: 00 AM, and was transmit every night except Fri. Often the series, which is usually produced solely for Grown-up Swim, seeing that "The Brak Show, very well "Aqua Teenager Hunger Force" and "Tom Goes to typically the Mayor", tend to be unique in addition to bizarre, but likewise considered refreshing and authentic. Adult Frolic in the water reissued sequence "Futurama" as well as played a important role to prevent often the cancellation of "Family Guy". In addition, it in addition concerns numerous popular Cartoons line such as "FLCL", "Lupin III" and "Inuyasha. "
Some other drawings to get adults
Additional TV channels also tried out animation with regard to adults. MTV has created several computer animated series particularly for young and grown-up audiences, "Liquid Television" and also "Beavis and Butthead". Possibly USA Network program discovered a cult following using his "Duckman show". However the adult living set of the 90 many successful was "South Park" which premiered in 1996 as a cartoon buccaneer on the web.
The more active animation along with disturbingly clandestine saw the sunshine, the much more dominant force inside tv set animation was, resulted in the increasingly frenetic territory and maybe eschatological, for example throughout "The Tick and Duckman. micron
In 2005, older cartoon pioneer Ralph Bakshi stated he would perform on another video, "The Last Days of Coney Island" which he might financial and produce individually.
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 80+ Chickasaw faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. The Chickasaw are the 15th largest federally recognized Native American tribe, hailing from the Southeastern US states of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee; though the majority now reside in Oklahoma.  If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Margaret Wheeler / Margaret Roach Wheeler (1943) Chickasaw / Choctaw - fashion designer, artist, and weaver.
Linda Hogan (1947) Chickasaw / Unspecified White - poet, storyteller, playwright, novelist, and short story writer.
Leona Mitchell (1949) Chickasaw, African-American - singer.
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke (1958) Metis, Huron, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Seminole, Choctaw, Muskogee, French, Portuguese, English, Scottish - poet and musician (Rd Kla).
Norma Howard (1960) Choctaw, Chickasaw - artist.
Molly Culver (1967) 3/4 Anglo, 1/4 mix of Chickasaw, Choctaw - actress and model.
Tionne Watkins (1970) African-American, Chickasaw (Unconfirmed), Irish (Unconfirmed) - singer-songwriter, model, dancer, actress, author, and producer.
Devorah Lynne Dishington (1976) 1/4 Chickasaw, 3/8 Cherokee, 3/8 mix of Unspecified Middle Eastern, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Scottish - actress.
Marie 'Pandora' Medina (1981) Chickasaw, Choctaw - dancer, choreographer, and actress.
Shelia Hamilton (1982) Chickasaw, Seminole, Unspecified Black / Unknown - actress.
Nicco Montano (1988) Navajo, Chickasaw / Unknown Hispanic or Latina - mixed martial artist.
Hayden Hawkens (1990) Chickasaw / Swedish - porn actress.
Riley Reid (1991) Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Irish, Welsh, German, Dutch - porn actress.
Triana Browne / Triana Browne-Hearrell (1993) Chickasaw, African-American, Unspecified Caribbean, Polish, Scottish, Irish - Miss Oklahoma 2017.
Kaylea Arnett (1993) Chickasaw - diver.
Paden Brown (1996 or 1997) Chickasaw - actress.
Zhiane Dempsey (1998) Chickasaw, Irish - model and actress.
Tabitha Fair (?) Chickasaw, Cherokee, French, German, Dutch - musician.
Christie Volkmer (?) Chickasaw - actress, tv personality, and writer.
Katie Barrick (?) Chickasaw - violinist.
Jeannie Barbour (?) Chickasaw - writer, artist, and illustrator.
Raychael Harjo (?) Seminole, Chickasaw, Cherokee - professional basketball player.
Nicolette Blount (?) Chickasaw - singer, actress, songwriter, writer, and vocal coach.
Rebecca Hatcher Travis (?) Chickasaw - poet.
Maya Stewart (?) Chickasaw, Muskogee, Choctaw - fashion designer.
Brenda Kingery (?) Chickasaw - artist.
Katie Callaway (?) Chickasaw - dancer and cheerleader.
Jeannie Barbour (?) Chickasaw - screenwriter, illustrator, and artist.
Courtney Parchcorn (?) Chickasaw - artist.
Judylee Olivia (?) Chickasaw - playwright.
Pauline Brown (?) Chickasaw - actress.
Kobi Crossley (?) Chickasaw - softball player.
Beth Perkins (?) Chickasaw - photographer.
Shay Buchanan (?) Chickasaw - softball player.
Addison Kliewer (?) Chickasaw - quarter horse shower.
Kristen Dorsey (?) Chickasaw - jewelry designer.
Abbey Kliewer (?) Chickasaw - quarter horse shower.
Ryanne Jordan (?) Chickasaw - fashion designer.
Kortney Greenwood (?) Chickasaw - author.
Gerald “Gerry” Brisco (1946) Chickasaw - retired pro wrestler.
Parker Boyiddle Jr. (1947) Chickasaw, Lenape, Wichita, Kiowa - painter.
Kent DuChaine (1951) Chickasaw, French - singer and guitarist.
Daniel Worcester (1955) Chickasaw - bladesmith.
Bo Overton / Glenn Overton (1960) Chickasaw - basketball coach.
Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ Tate (1968) Chickasaw / Manx Irish - pianist and composer.
Kyle Keller (1968) Chickasaw, likely other - basketball coach.
Brent Greenwood (1971) Chickasaw, Ponca - artist.
Johnson Wagner (1980) Chickasaw - golfer.
Wyatt Toregas (1982) Chickasaw, likely other - MLB catcher.
Wes Brisco (1983) Chickasaw, possibly other - pro wrestler.
Miko Hughes (1986) Chickasaw, English - actor.
Bryce Petty (1991) Chickasaw - NFL quarterback.
Ezra Johnson (? Don’t Know Specific Age But Is A Teenager ?) Chickasaw - martial artist.
Louden Johnson (? Don’t Know Specific Age But Is A Teenager ?) Chickasaw - football player.
Jeff Carpenter (?) Chickasaw - musician and songwriter (Ingunuity).
Wyas Parker (?) Chickasaw - pianist, guitarist, and composer.
Zach Garcia (?) Chickasaw - singer, pianist, and composer.
Tryston Skye (?) Peoria, Otoe, Missouria, Cheyenne, Chickasaw - actor.
Chad Burris (?) Chickasaw - producer and actor.
John G. Hampton (?) Chickasaw - film producer and artist.
Eddie Easterling (?) Chickasaw - actor.
Tim Cornelius (?) Chickasaw - musician.
Luke Swinney (?) Chickasaw, possibly other - tv producer.
Branden Hart (?) Chickasaw - singer-songwriter.
Dallas Sealey (?) Chickasaw - football quarterback.
Joey Many Horses (?) Chickasaw - stuntman and actor.
Tristan Manyhorses (?) Chickasaw - stuntman and actor.
Michael Cornelius (?) Chickasaw - flutist.
Ezekiel Walker (?) Chickasaw - tv producer.
Mike Weatherford (?) Chickasaw - footballer commentator.
Dustin Mater (?) Chickasaw - artist.
Mike Larsen (?) Chickasaw - painter and sculptor.
Steve Paniagua (?) Chickasaw - cyclist.
Dakota Brown (?) Chickasaw - actor.
Skylar Wilson (?) Chickasaw - actor.
Robert Cheadle (?) Chickasaw - actor.
Tim Harjochee (?) Chickasaw - actor.
Micah Hart (?) Chickasaw - actor.
Joshua D. Hinson (?) Chickasaw - artist and author.
Paul C. Moore (?) Chickasaw - artist.
Eric Smith (?) Chickasaw - bowmaker.
Commonly Thought Of As Chickasaw But Is Not, Please Don’t Use For This Task:
Julia Jones (1981) African-American / English - actress.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Liverpool based artist and new name to the music scene - Amber Jay ended 2020 by giving us the first teaser of her debut EP with her single ‘Pencilled Brims’ - a futuristic synth fueled bedroom-pop adventure. Now, Amber Jay is delighted to be able to share the stunning visuals for ‘Pencilled Brims’ with her new 80s themed sci-fi video:  "It all begins at a dinner table. We see the image of a 'nuclear' family tucking into stacks of waffles with syrup but it is clear that something is not quite right. After stumbling across a ‘how to know if you're an alien' quiz in a magazine, hiding under the kitchen table at night I take the quiz searching for answers. Everything starts to make sense as matters appear to take an extraterrestrial turn."
London-born Dublin-based singer-songwriter Anna B Savage is sharing new track, 'Baby Grand,' the final single from her debut album A Common Turn, to be released Jan 29 via City Slang. 'Baby Grand' is both the title of Anna B Savage’s latest single from her debut LP and the title of a short film she has been working on with ex-boyfriend and filmmaker, Jem Talbot, to be released later this year. The pair have co-directed the 'Baby Grand' music video, which reworks a scene from the film and blurs the lines of reality where art imitates life imitating art imitating life. The cross-discipline, cross-genre piece seamlessly blends real life footage with actors portraying the pair’s younger selves. Savage says of the music video: “Jem was my first love. For three years we’ve been working on a film together about our past relationship. This song is written about a night Jem and I had, just after we’d started work on the film. This night was – like much of the filmmaking process – very confusing. Taut with unexpressed emotions, vulnerability, and miscommunication. 'Baby Grand' (the film) and A Common Turn (album) are companion pieces: woven together in subject, inspiration and time. Jem was, for want of a better word, a muse for A Common Turn. Expressing ourselves through our different mediums (mine: music, his: film) became a way for our disciplines to talk, perhaps in place of us.” Talbot says, “Having not spoken to me in seven years, Anna sent me a text out of the blue saying she’d had a dream about me. Perhaps by chance, or by cosmic serendipity, I’d been listening to her EP and already dreaming up a film idea the two of us could collaborate on. Three years later, she’s releasing her debut album and I’ve finished that film. In that time, both our mediums have been in a constantly shifting dialogue with each other, a dialogue that has mirrored the ebbs and flows of our connectedness in the present day."
Anna Leone releases a new single ‘Once’, produced by Paul Butler (Michael Kiwanuka, Hurray For The Riff Raff) and released via AllPoints/Half Awake. Released alongside a stunning video shot on The Azores, the new single follows 2020’s ‘Wondering’ - also produced by Butler - which arrived close on the tail of Stockholm native Anna’s win at the 2020 Music Moves Talent Awards (alongside Flohio, girl in red and Pongo). Rueful but unmistakably hopeful, ‘Once’ considers naivety, regret and efforts to break certain patterns of behaviour with Leone’s disarming candor and the bell-like clarity of her voice. The track’s quietly insistent urging to move past impulses to close off from the world is brought to life in Savannah Setten’s startlingly surreal video, created with Anna on The Azores. With the changeable weather systems of the Portuguese archipelago mirroring the tender, dream-like sequence, Anna notes; "The narrative loop comes from the idea of being stuck in your ways, going through the same patterns, but then choosing to break out of that and do things differently. Towards the end I reconcile with the past, symbolised by the little girl. I choose to embrace what once was in order to move forward. It was incredible getting to shoot the video in that beautiful environment. The weather was really unpredictable - we went through almost all four seasons in one day."
London-based Danish-born singer-songwriter Amalie Bryde has revealed her powerful new single ‘Lay Down’. A bold commentary on gender inequality, ‘Lay Down’ confronts what it means to be a woman in the 21st century and sees Amalie refuse to surrender to stereotypes. With a catchy jazz sound at its core, Amalie’s elegant vocals are layered with playful whistles that create a vibrant track with bags of confidence. It’s video - directed by Luke Logan - is equally striking, and sees many different versions of Amalie joined together by a rope that restricts their movement before they’re finally able to break free and stand up. It’s an empowering representation of the song's message, and perfectly demonstrates Amalie’s promise as an artist - she’s original, driven and not afraid to express herself. Speaking of the release, Amalie explains: “In ‘Lay Down’ I sing about a man only wanting to have sex with me, but it’s so much more than that. ‘Lay Down’ is a commentary on gender inequality and what it means to be a woman in the 21st century; religiously, politically, professionally etc. In the music video we see hundreds of versions of me all lying in a field, linked together with rope to represent the universal nature of the issues addressed in the song. The video starts with me lying down in the field revealing all the different Amalie's (all the different situations where I had to lay down) and ends with all of the versions standing up and walking away at the end, representing Woman’s refusal to accept the gender disparity in society.”
Yawn has unveiled the video to her latest single ‘Wasting Time’. The video features incredibly lush and moody visuals, coupled with a dancing flower monster. Bordering the realm between art and pop, it reflects the song’s message about carrying on against the odds, accepting who we are as artists, and persevering in spite of everything.
Belgian-Bolivian artist IMAINA presents new track 'Glass Box', as the lead single from her upcoming debut EP. Using her signature melancholic sounds and lyrics, 'Glass Box' uncovers the hidden symbolism behind the toxic ideal of love. This electropop track confronts you with the violence and the dynamics of a suffocating relationship, characterised by layered and lush instrumentation, elegant moments and engaging percussion, setting the tone for her debut EP Wounds, which will be released on February 19. True to her cinematic style and passion of storytelling, IMAINA reveals a thrilling music video that tackles the ‘Madonna-Whore Complex' and explores the idea that women are expected to be many things. Inspired by the intimate confidences of a close friend, IMAINA has transformed herself into a vessel to translate experiences into a strong haunting song and video. “I feel like we all have a tendency to worship an unrealistic idea of love. We search for love and have high expectations but we don’t always accept, and really want to know the person in front of us. We end up projecting our desires, wants and wishes onto the person, locking them up in this glass box where they can be admired but never truly loved or known,” she says.
In the music video for Anna Akana’s ‘Run,’ Akana appears as an opulent demon. She dances alone in the shadows, donning golden headdresses and draped fabrics. “Why meet my demons when I know you’re gonna run?” she sings over an eerie pop beat. ‘Run’ is featured on Akana’s upcoming EP, slated to release February 19. [via Forbes]
Celeste has treated fans by releasing the official video for her single ‘Love is Back'. The video features a quirky 1960s office theme based around a newspaper headline stating that ‘Love is Back,’ and featuring Celeste herself in an office singing the lyrics of the song into a bright red telephone in a montage with some stylish animation which echoes the live action scenes in a stylised fashion. The video’s retro styling which takes us back to the dusty days of paper, desks and telephones are a breath of fresh air in a music industry saturated with hypermodern cliches or equally gadget laden 80s throwbacks and gives us something to really think about. The gentle nostalgia evoked by the video combines perfectly with the simple yet emotive song which tugs at the heart strings in both its musicality and its lyrical content and marks Celeste once again as a master of combining music with the moving image, a skill she first demonstrated with her incredible song composed for the Waitrose & John Lewis Partnership’s Christmas advert 2020 ‘A Little Love.’ While the John Lewis Christmas ad showed Celeste’s talent for writing to a brief, the work she has done on ‘Love Is Back,’ is very much her own, with the laid back R&B style fitting perfectly to her dusty, emotive vocal style which is in all ways unique and incredibly powerful. The video comes just over a week before Celeste’s debut album Not Your Muse, is due to be released a month earlier than planned. [via mxdwn]
Ayra Starr is the afro-pop princess up-ending expectations. Signed to the taste-maker imprint Mavin Records, her emphatically creative, hugely soulful blend comes straight from the heart. At times, it seems like the entire world is listening. Her new EP is out now, a five track statement that illustrates her depth, and her incredible potential. Take 'Away'. Mellifluous, potent, and dynamic, the vocal touches on R&B while retaining elements of that alté sound. It's cool as hell, in other words, a song that affords Ayra space to truly connect with her audience. Discussing the track, she says: “I freestyled half of ‘Away’ at a time I was feeling down. It was like therapy. Singing the song out loud was like freeing myself from my burden. ‘Away’ is not just a heartbreak song, it’s a song that empowers you to stand up to that thing or person that is causing you sadness.” We're able to share the sensational 'Away' video, a depiction of a star coming into being. Ambitious, stylish, and incredibly well shot, it's the perfect platform from which to launch Ayra Starr into the cosmos. [via Clash]
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nataliej-animation · 5 years
Great Women Animators (Additional)
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So I was searching again for women in animation, and I came across this website. It is so amazing to see a huge list of female animators. I don’t know why I haven’t come across this website before! Not only does it show you the name of the animator and where she comes from, but also the animation she specialises in and giving examples of her work or links to her website/portfolio. 
The irony here is, I’M FINDING BLACK WOMEN!!! Not even on purpose, but accidentally. 
Ebele Okoye
Ebele Okoye is a German 2D animation film maker of Nigerian descent based in Berlin. After a Design-study stint at the University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf, and a traineeship at the West German Broadcasting Corporation, WDR, Ebele Okoye furthered in Animation at the International Film School Cologne . Upon graduation in 2004, she worked as a studio animator before going independent with own films as well heading international Co-productions one of which is “Anna Blume” winner of the 2007 Robert Bosch Foundation Promotional Prize for Animation. Also a two time winner of the African Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) in the category Animation, Ebele does a lot of mentoring for young Animators and animation enthusiasts from the sub Saharan African region. Aside running the Facebook group and online community “The Animation Club Africa”, she is the founder and co-ordinator of Shrinkfish Media Lab (smedLAB), a very young audiovisual training initiative focusing on young artistic talents in the West African region.
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Jessica Ashman
Jessica Ashman is a BAFTA in Scotland award winning animator, artist and arts educator. In 2014 she graduated from the Royal College of Art with a MA in Animation and her work has been supported by Animate Projects, Jerwood Visual Arts Bursary, Arts Council England, UK Film Council and Channel 4’s Random Acts. Jessica’s films have been exhibited in over 60 film festivals internationally, including The Edinburgh International Film Festival, London Short Film Festival and Encounters Short Film Festival. Jessica has also been selected for the Berlinale Talent Campus, Edinburgh International Film Festival Talent Lab and B3 Media’s Talent Lab. As well as creating moving image work, Jessica also engages in arts education, teaching her practice at Goldsmiths, The University for the Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire and Arts University Bournemouth, as well as running arts workshops for the ICA, Tate Modern and the Wellcome Trust. Commercially as a director, Jessica has created content for clients such as the Sky One, BBC, Channel 4, Asda and Heart FM.
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Marjane Satrapi
Marjane Satrapi (born 22 November 1969) is an Iranian-born French graphic novelist, cartoonist, illustrator, film director, and children's book author. atrapi became famous worldwide because of her critically acclaimed autobiographical graphic novels, originally published in French in four parts in 2000–2003 and in English translation in two parts in 2003 and 2004, respectively, as Persepolis and Persepolis 2, which describe her childhood in Iran and her adolescence in Europe. Persepolis won the Angoulême Coup de Coeur Awardat the Angoulême International Comics Festival. In 2013, Chicago schools were ordered by the district to remove Persepolis from classrooms because of the work's graphic language and violence. This incited protests and controversy. Her later publication, Embroideries (Broderies), was also nominated for the Angoulême Album of the Year award in 2003, an award that her novel Chicken with Plums (Poulet aux prunes) won. She has also contributed to the Op-Ed section of The New York Times. Comics Alliance listed Satrapi as one of 12 women cartoonists deserving of lifetime achievement recognition. Satrapi prefers the term "comic books" to "graphic novels."[15] "People are so afraid to say the word 'comic'," she told the Guardian newspaper in 2011. "It makes you think of a grown man with pimples, a ponytail and a big belly. Change it to 'graphic novel' and that disappears. No: it's all comics."
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The Brumberg Sisters
(Not women of colour, but I thought they’d be interesting to add)
Valentina and Zinaida Brumberg, Jewish sisters who became known as the “Grandmothers of Soviet Animation” for their contribution to the field of animated fairy tales within the Soviet Animation studio Soyutzmultfilm. Died age 76 and 82
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Michelle Kranot
Beginning their career in animation, Michelle and Uri Kranots’ work has expanded beyond the traditional: their art straddles experimental genres and unfamiliar mediums, fusing handmade crafted images and new technologies into contemporary experiences. Their current work continues to test the frontiers of immersive art and moving images. The Kranots are the founders of TinDrum, an animation production company and the producers and creative directors of ANIDOX, focused on development and production of animated documentaries. Part of The Animation Workshop in Viborg Denmark, where they hold various key positions. The Kranots first gained recognition with films such as Black Tape, Hollow Land, How Long, Not Long and most recently, the VR film installation Nothing Happens . They have been honored with the top industry awards for their work, including the Fipresci Prize at Annecy International Animation Film Festival, The Oscar® Academy Award Shortlist and the Danish Statens Kunstfond award for the performing arts. In recent years, the Kranot have focused on collaborative projects using cross-media innovations to enhance emotional human storytelling, exposing the depth and beauty in the things – physical and intangible – that connect us all. Originally from Israel, Michelle and Uri live in Viborg where they are raising their three sons.
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Makiko Futaki
Makiko Futaki (June 19, 1958 – May 13, 2016) was a Japanese animator best known for her work at Studio Ghibli for more than thirty years. Futaki, who joined Studio Ghibli in 1981, worked on all of Hayao Miyazaki’s animated feature films, beginning with Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind in 1984. Her best known Studio Ghibli’s productions include My Neighbor Totoro (1988), Princess Mononoke (1997), Spirited Away (2001), which won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and Howl’s Moving Castle (2004). Her last film credit was Hiromasa Yonebayashi’s When Marnie Was There (2014), which is Studio Ghibli’s final feature film to date. In 1981, Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki, the co-founders of Studio Ghibli, hired her to work on their film, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1981), which began her thirty-year relationship with the studio as a freelance animator. Makiko Futaki died from an unspecified illness at a hospital in Tokyo on May 13, 2016, at the age of 57.
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Jane Cheadle
Jane Cheadle was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. She studied Philosophy at the University of Cape Town and Animation at the Royal College or Art. She lives and works in London.
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Regina Pessoa
Regina Maria Póvoa Pessoa Martins (born 16 December 1969) is a Portuguese animator.  She graduated in painting from University of Porto in 1998 and during her time as a student took part in different animation workshops, having participated in Espace Projets (Annecy, 1995) with the short A Noite, which she would finish in 1999. In 1992 she started working in Filmógrafo - Estúdio de Cinema de Animação do Porto, where she collaborated as animator in various films. Her short Tragic Story with Happy Ending is the most awarded Portuguese film ever. Her short animated film, "Kali, the Little Vampire" was awarded the Hiroshima prize at the 2012 Hiroshima international animation festival, the "1st Prize Animated Short Film – CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL 2013", "The Golden Gate Award for Best Animation Short - 56th SAN FRANCISCO INT. FILM FESTIVAL 2013", "40TH Annie Awards Nomination in the Best Animated Short Subject Category 2013", Nomination for the Cartoon d’Or 2013.
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newyorktheater · 4 years
Frankenstein with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller. National Theatre At Home
Antony and Cleopatra with Ralph Fiennes and Sophie Okonedo . National Theatre Live
Jessica Sherr in Bette Davis Aint for Sissies
Samuel H. Levine (formerly of The Inheritance) as Tybalt in a snazzy Romeo and Juliet
Broadway performer Nik Walker, author of the new play, This Ends Tonight
Leslie Uggams to star in Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit, in Plays in the House
Below is the calendar of “theater openings” for May, 2020, which offers a promising  mix of filmed stage productions, starry readings, live original  dramas, and what I’m calling Netathons — oversized theatrical events by established artists in support of a  good cause.
Putting this calendar together required a few adjustments – as has everything else in the seven weeks since the shutdown of theater buildings in New York – but there is plenty of theater this month (as long as you define theater more broadly than you might have in February.) Most (not all) of the shows have very short runs, often just once.. Most (not all) are free, but all would appreciate a donation.
Since many companies/series/platforms scramble to plan even a week in advance these days, I’ll have to update this preview guide periodically – I hope with your help. If you have an online theater opening in May that’s not listed here, please e-mail me a title, a description and a link to details, with the subject “Show to Add to May” to my e-mail address, which you can find at the very top left corner of this page or here on my About page
Here are some of the most reliable series:
Metropolitan Opera National Theatre at Home Play Perview Plays in the House, Stars in the House’s twice weekly matinees The Shows Must Go On from Andrew Lloyd Webber 24 Hour Plays’ Viral Monologues
For details about these and other ongoing series, check out my post Where To Get Your Theater Fix Online
Click on the links to get more information.
May 1
Never in New York Festival
A new month-long festival on WNET All Arts, with a different show every night at 10 p.m. The dates that follow on my calendar here will only list festival offerings that are explicitly theater (as opposed to opera or film or even documentaries about theater)
Frankenstein National Theatre At Home By Nick Dear, based on the novel by Mary Shelley Starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller, alternating in the roles of Dr. Frankenstein and his creature. Online through May 8th.
Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors
Broadway Podcast Network A new comedy send-up of Bram Stoker’s Gothic horror novel, in four installments, the first released tonight.
Felt Sad, Posted a Frog and other streams of global quarantine  Cherry Artista Collective Six playwrights from around the world collaborate on a single work of live-streamed performance. Available online through May 9th. Tickets on a sliding scale starting at $15.
Rinse, Repeat Play Perview In this play by Domenica Feraud, Rachel comes home after a four-month fight for her life. One night only, live, $5 to $50.
Romeo and Juliet Acting for a Cause David Corenswet (The Politician) and Margaret Qualley (Fosse/Verdon) in the title roles with a cast that includes Samuel H. Levine (who was terrific as two different characters in The Inheritance) Skylar Astin (Pitch Perfect), Brandon Flynn (13 Reasons Why), and Michael Gandolfini (son of guess who; clue: soon to star in the Sopranos prequel The Many Saints of Newark).
  May 2
The Misanthrope Moliere in the Park The Moliere play that was going to be staged in Prospect Park is now going on line, through May 6. Cabin fever is setting in! Today, cantankerous bachelor Alceste has decided he must put an end to hypocrisy as a whole AND win the heart of Celimene, the most adept gossip of them all.
May 4
Crying on Television Play Perview A “platonic romcom” by R. Eric Thomas about the escalating hijinks that occur after a chance meeting in the elevator of an apartment building, between Mackenzie, a video editor, and Ellison whom she recognizes from a reality dating show 10 years earlier. One night only, live, $5 to $50.
The Witch of Edmonton Red Bull Theater
In this adaptation of a Jacobean play, a witch, a fool, a young man, his two wives, an angry mob, and one very devilish dog intersect. A one-time, live reading.
Love, Loss and What I Wore
92nd Street Y Nora Ephron and Delia Ephron’s play filmed in 2017 at  the Y. Online through May 25.  $10
May 5
End Meeting for All Forced Entertainment A fragmentary online work in three short episodes, each taking the form of a Zoom meeting.
May 6
Tiny Beautiful Things Plays in the House A reading of the play by Nia Vardalos. (My review of it Off-Broadway) To view, go to Stars in the House YouTube channel at 2 p.m. One-time live only. (does not stay up on site)
The Homebound Project
This first edition of original plays to raise funds for No Kid Hungry was created with the prompt “home” and features: Christopher Abbott in a work by Lucy Thurber, Utkarsh Ambudkar in a work by Qui Nguyen, Glenn Davis in a work by Ren Dara Santiago, William Jackson Harper in work by Max Posner, Jessica Hecht in a work by Sarah Ruhl, Marin Ireland in a work by Eliza Clark, Alison Pill in a work by C.A. Johnson, Elizabeth Rodriguez in a work by Rajiv Joseph, Thomas Sadoski in a work by Martyna Majok Amanda Seyfried in a work by Catya McMullen. It will be up through May 10th.
Bette Davis Ain’t for Sissies
Jessica Sherr stars in a livestream of her solo show about one of Hollywood’s greatest stars on the night of the 1939 Oscars, when someone who always wants to win…. loses
Emma Streaming Musicals Paul Gordon’s musical adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel. a ‘free encore presentation and cast party.”
May 7
This Ends Tonight Broadway performer Nik Walker (Hamilton, Ain’t Too Proud) has written a play starring some of his colleagues, including James Monroe Iglehart, Alysha Deslorieux and Michael Luwoye, to tell the story of a Missouri lawman who travels to Boston to settle the score with his long-time criminal nemesis. But when plans go awry, the mismatched pair must work together to escape the frenzied city. Reservations for this one-time only play on Zoom at 3 p.m. can be made via e-mail to [email protected].
Antony and Cleopatra National Theatre Live Directed by Simon Godwin, this production of Shakespeare’s play stars Ralph Fiennes and Sophie Okonedo as the fated lovers. Through May 14.
May 8
How To Load a Musket Play Per View Drawing on a series of interviews begun by playwright Talene Monahon in 2015, the play weaves together verbatim conversations with Revolutionary and Civil War re-enactors. Live, one-time only. $5-$50
May 9
Blithe Spirit Plays in the House A reading of Noel Coward’s play starring Leslie Uggams. To view, go to Stars in the House YouTube channel at 2 p.m. One-time live only. (does not stay up on site)
May 11
Bitter Fruit Never in NY Festival, 10 p.m. Theater director Neelam Mansingh Chowdhry asked her students to use short stories about the Indo-Pakistan Partition by classic Pakistani writer Saadat Hasan Manto, to create a play that explores religious and gender-based violence through the lens of everyday interactions.
May 12
Naked Voices Never in NY Festival A 21st century adaptation of stories by Saadat Hasan Manto, a Pakinstani writer known for tales of marginalized people’s struggles during the 1947 Indo-Pakistan Partition.
May 15
FIM Never in NY Festival The title means “end”in Portuguese, and the four parts of Felipe Hirsch’s 2019 play dramatize the end of borders, the end of art, the end of nobility and the end of history. Staged in São Paulo, it describes the relationship between art, money and politics in contemporary Latin America
May 17
I And You Plays in the House Jr. A reading of the play by Lauren Gunderson, starring Andrew Barth Feldman (Dear Evan Hansen).  Q&A with the playwright after. Debut of “Plays in the House Jr.” -Readings of plays for young people performed by young people!
May 22
Lower East Side Festival of the Arts Theatre for the New City The longtime annual street festival goes online, with more than 100 performing arts organizations, independent artists, poets, puppeteers and film makers, through May 24.
Marry Harry Streaming Musicals Boy meets girl on a block in the East Village,in this romantic musical  comedy, which ran Off-Broadway in 2017 with much the same cast.. $4.99 to rent $19.99 to buy.
  May 26
Alarme Never in New York Festival The script of this play is based on fragments of letters between Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos emphasizes the conflict of power between the two queens, and how closely their hate resembled love.
May 27
Trojan Women Never in New York Festival Euripedes’ tragedy about women in the aftermath of war was filmed at the Ancient Theatre of Delphi by Theodoros Terzopoulos, and performed by artists from Syria, Israel, Cyprus, Bosnia and Greece.
May 2020 Calendar of Theater Openings: What’s Streaming This Month Below is the calendar of “theater openings” for May, 2020, which offers a promising  mix of filmed stage productions, starry readings, live original  dramas, and what I'm calling Netathons -- oversized theatrical events by established artists in support of a  good cause.
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Les Basics x Novesta Le Running Shoe
London-based, Portuguese-made brand Les Basics does exactly as it says on the tin – aka the basics made as elegant as the French do them. Here, the label hooks up with Slovakian sneaker maestros Novesta for a plush running shoe with a leather upper and a suede overlay so you get two luxurious fabrics for the price of one in an opulent creamy stone colour.
Buy Now: £169.00
Superdry Orange Label Softball Ringer T-Shirt
We reckon this gold and green long sleeved tee from Superdry looks a lot like the get-up worn by ordinary teen turned crime-fighting vigilante Kick-Ass in the film of the same name (if you’ve not seen it do – it’s a modern classic). Looking like a superhero is never a bad thing, and in 100 per cent cotton too – that’s a roundhouse kick right in the style chops.
Buy Now: £24.99
R.M. Williams Chinchilla Boots
Despite the name, no chubby rodents were harmed in the making of these Chelsea boots. Instead what we get from the Australian boot-maker is a beautifully burnished leather shoe handcrafted in a sumptuous range of shades – Bordeaux or cognac, sir? We’ll have the whole case.
Buy Now: £460.00
Oliver Spencer Theobald Clarendon Navy Jacket
It really is rather difficult to get a navy unstructured blazer wrong, but it’s even harder to get it better than the rest. Oliver Spencer has somehow managed it time and time again, exemplified by this new update on its classic Theobald model. It’s still incredibly versatile – pop a tee under it and you’ll look like you woke up this chic, wear a shirt instead and you’ll be sorted for a summer wedding, while the sweat-wicking wool and cotton blend means you won’t overheat on the train as you go to and from the office.
Buy Now: £359.00
Salvatore Ferragamo Sunglasses
Sun’s too bright? Better put on the shades. Had too much to drink last night? Shades, duh. Just seen your ex across the street? Quick, whip those shades on pronto. Sunglasses can sort out any and every situation and so it pays to have some good ones to call on. Just as well then that luxury Italian fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo has released a men’s eyewear capsule collection for such necessary moments. With a vintage design and the iconic backwards horseshoe logo on the hinges these shades are so nice, you’ll be wearing them in a pitch black room.
Buy Now: £235.00
Maison Kitsune Jacquard Dream Amplifier Socks
The AW18 collection for undeniably hip French label Maison Kitsune (they’re also an indie and disco record label – case closed) is everything you could want for when the leaves start to fall and the weather starts to cool. Sleek windbreakers, wool sweaters with foxes stitched into them, stripy scarves – you name it we want it. But it was these two-tone socks with a funky space rocket design that really caught our imagination – to autumn and beyond.
Buy Now: €35.00
YMC x Stan Ray Fanfare Blue Painter Pants
Collabs – they’re like catnip to us and we’ve just caught a whiff of another one bound to whip us into another frenzy. This time it’s impossibly cool, ready-to-wear brand YMC, which is partial to a catnip collab every now and again, and family-run workwear brand Stan Ray with an update on the classic YMC painter pant and shorts in two new colours. There’s an eye dazzlingly bright white and this overdyed turquoise.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fila Carter T-Shirt
Brand repping has reached a whole new stratosphere with the current logo trend, although for sportswear-meets-streetwear brands the look never went away. Created in Italy and now based in South Korea, Fila has been manufacturing sportswear since 1911, and its vintage style suits the trend well, as exemplified by this massive, yet still measured and precise logo tee that gives the name away from miles down the road.
Buy Now: £25.99
Aimé Leon Dore Logo-Embroidered Sweatshirt
The streets are rife with high-fashion streetwear but it takes a rare breed to get it down to a tee. New York label Aimé Leon Dore has certainly perfected the art, with millennial friendly sloganeering – the first part of its name means ‘love’ in French – mixed with timeless style. Case in point: this cotton-fleece sweatshirt with an ultra preppy red striped trim.
Buy Now: £150.00
A.P.C. Cologne Candle
As if cult Parisian label A.P.C. wasn’t satisfied with conquering the world of denim (seriously, you need its selvedge denim jeans in your life) it now wants to light a flame in the world of, erm, candles. Sure on paper it makes no sense but wave its cologne scented candle under your nostrils and then try telling us you need any other candle in your life.
Buy Now: £29.00
KJUS Soren Solid Polo
Golf attire can be shapeless and sweaty work on a muggy summer morning, so what you need is something moisture-absorbing, preferably with built-in UV protection to prevent that deadly golfer’s tan and stylish enough to wear for the obligatory post-round pint. Lucky then that sportswear brand KJUS have a new line of golf polos that tick all those boxes. That’s what we call a hole in one.
Buy Now: £69.00
Citizen Eco-Drive World Perpetual A.T Watch
When it comes to value for money watches you get a great deal of bang for your buck with a timepiece from Japanese watch brand Citizen which has the legacy and technical innovation to more than warrant a glance away from those made by the Swiss. This summer update on its flagship model, the Eco-Drive, not only looks like a watch leagues more expensive than it actually is but it can also sync the time up to 26 cities around the world which are carefully detailed around the bezel.
Buy Now: £369.00
Men-ü Matt Refresh & Moisturise Set
Besides making you down an inordinate amount of water, flight restrictions have probably also seen you cruelly torn away from your favourite toiletries. Remember, if you’re going to carry it on the flight it must be no more than 100ml although if you would rather not have to remember such tedious info, we recommend a flight-friendly dopp kit from Men-ü. This particular kit has a face wash, refresher gel and moisturiser to provide you with everything you need to fight the jet leg – at least as far as your face is concerned – as soon as you land at your destination.
Buy Now: £10.45
Frescobol Carioca Aquarella Swim Shorts
From patterns designed around the street mosaics of Rio de Janeiro to swim shorts that have been inspired by the incandescent spirit of samba, Frescobol Carioca knows how to give its top quality beach wear a top quality backstory to boot. And so we get these dazzling shorts named after ‘Aquarela do Brasil’ one of the best-loved songs from Brazil’s famous bossa nova movement, which has been covered in English by the likes of Kate Bush and Arcade Fire.
Buy Now: £160.00
Topman Pink And White Stripe Shirt
Fancy looking pretty in millennial pink this summer? As an entry-level starter to the shade, you can’t go too far wrong then this vertical stripe shirt from Topman which offsets the bold colour in a lighter, pastel hue with some calming white. Pink works well with grey so pair it with a relaxed trouser in that colour below the waist and some white sneakers for breezy summer style.
Buy Now: £28.00
Brooks England Pickwick Linen Bag
When it comes to making bike saddles Brooks England has got it down, which is just as well seeing as it has been making them for nearly 150 years. It also does a fine range in cycle bags that are designed to stay cool and light while playing piggyback on your tail end but we can’t be letting all those lycra-clad, Bradley Wiggins wannabes have all the sack carrying fun. Invest in this dapper linen carrier that can certainly lay claim to the yellow jersey.
Buy Now: £188.00
Nike Air Max 1 Premium Beach Camo Trainers
Since it was first released in 1987, there has been more iterations and colourways of the Nike Air Max then tears shed at England’s knocking out from the World Cup. And while we’re not best pleased with the latter, we can’t hide our glee at yet another version of the former, with this retro sneaker now being pumped out in a beach camo colour combo that, dare we say it, is arguably one of its best versions ever released.
Buy Now: £109.95
Tommy Hilfiger White and Green T-shirt
Trump, Clooney, Southgate. There are just some second names out there that don’t even need the first and Hilfiger is certainly one of them. So emblazon it across the front of a baseball inspired crew neck in a zingy fresh green and white and you don’t really have to say much more besides – Tommy knows best, and when it comes to summer tees, this one is up there.
Buy Now: £28.00
Mango Man Striped Cotton Jacket
Jackets are real troopers. You spend all winter relying on their comfort and then as soon as summer comes around they’re consigned to the desolate darkness of the back of the wardrobe, spurned like a used-up lover. So let’s give the jacket some summer lovin’ past the month of May, with this featherweight and sunny striped version from Mango which is all cotton, and all you need to be wearing up top this July.
Buy Now: £59.99
Clarks Originals Weaver Ocean Blue Shoes
The man who invented moccasins knew how to do summer right (apparently their origin lies with the Native Americans) and when it comes to shoes in general, well, you can never go too far wrong in Clarks. So we’re as happy as Larry to see the shoe retailer put out its new set of weaver shoes, with a classic moccasin structure and made out of top grade suede in a range of eye-popping colours they also have a raised crepe sole to elevate them above the moccasin crowd.
Buy Now: £110.00
0 notes
ntrending · 7 years
This terrifyingly tentacled moth reminds us that nature is freakier than any nightmare
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/this-terrifyingly-tentacled-moth-reminds-us-that-nature-is-freakier-than-any-nightmare/
This terrifyingly tentacled moth reminds us that nature is freakier than any nightmare
As I attempted to enjoy some homemade tomato soup on Sunday evening, Popular Science Editor in Chief Joe Brown derailed my chill by sending me a video on Facebook. This video:
My friends, I am generally fascinated by the range of strangeness that mother nature puts on display. But I have to admit that I kind of hoped this clip would turn out to be some kind of hoax. It was just too freaky. The way that caterpillar-y butt looks too bulbous and heavy for the delicate moth body it sits atop. The sheer length of the four (count them, four) tentacles affixed at the end. The way those tentacles wiggled and writhed. The fact that they were hairy. It was simply too much.
Alas, a quick Google search identified this very real animal as Creatonotos gangis, a moth found in Southeast Asia and Australia. Those furiously freaky tendrils are actually scent organs. The so-called coremata (also known as hair-pencils, which, ew) excrete pheromones, those scented hormones that many animals use to trigger certain behaviors in their fellow critters. The male, guided by the smell of a female’s own hormones, will unleash his hair-pencils (they’re usually stuffed inside the abdomen, which is somehow worse?) and flood the air with his own smelly signals. So, so romantic.
For those of us who aren’t from Australia, also known as the island-of-horrible-things-that-evolved-to-scare-and-kill-you, Creatonotos gangis seems so strange as to be impossible. But just as these moths are unfortunately real, many other seemingly absurd creatures prove that evolution can go to some dark, dark places. Here are a few other examples:
Goblin sharks, ghost sharks, etc.
You know how the alien in Alien has a jaw-within-a-jaw that pops out to attack its prey? Well, the goblin shark does that, too.
The goblin shark is in the realm of animals that are periodically rediscovered by Twitter. And every time these swimmers make the rounds, the uninitiated gape in disbelief. Because, I mean, yeah. What the hell?
See also: the ghost shark, which honestly looks like the result of an extremely amateur puppet-maker being told to whip up a shark that could appear in a Tim Burton film.
Deep sea sharks: they’re usually too fake looking to be fake.
The so-called blue dragon is oft shared as an example of a “real life Pokemon,” and we can’t argue with that assessment. This nudibranch (side note: we highly recommend checking out nudibranchs in general) floats on its back at the surface, held aloft by an internal air bubble. Also, it’s incredibly dangerous! According to PBS, Glaucus atlanticus loves to snack on the Portuguese Man O’ War. The Man O’ War looks like a jellyfish, but it’s actually a siphonophore. Which makes this kind of a two-for-one deal, because siphonophores are also way too weird to be believed. These creatures exist as a kind of floating colony; born as single embryos, they grow not by elongating their limbs but by budding entirely new beings called zooids, each with its own purpose. It’s as if a baby grew bigger by sprouting new heads and feet and butts as needed. Anyway, some of those zooids contain powerful stingers, and Glaucus atlanticus apparently finds them delicious. It can store the venomous power of those buds inside its own appendages, allowing it to sting any threatening parties it encounters.
Penis snake
Atretochoana eiselti is a limbless amphibian that looks a lot like a penis. A lot of animals look a lot like penises. You might think it would be impossible for so many living creatures to go about life looking so very much like human genitalia, but you’d be wrong!
Is it a bird or a bug? Sphingidae are commonly known as hawk moths, because, well, duh. They look like lil baby birbs. The hummingbird hawk-moth is especially uncanny, especially when it hovers in place before flowers all hummingbird-like. But this is actually a case of convergent evolution; that method of hover-flight was so nice, evolution did it twice (or four times, actually—hoverflies and some bats do it, too).
Okay, so, this is a fish with human teeth. This fish looks photoshopped AF. But I assure you, the pacu is perfectly real. They’re related to piranha, but come sporting a set of straight, square chompers (and a slight overbite to boot). Pacu frequently make the news with rumors that they enjoy biting human testicles, which is actually just the result of a bad joke someone once made about their preferential diet of floating fruits and nuts. Keep this story in your heart the next time you feel tempted to make a bad pun about genitals. But while the testicle eating part is totally false, the weirdly human-like teeth are unfortunately real.
When photos of the “world’s cutest rodent” circulated, many were quick to determine that the animal was actually made of felt. Which makes sense, because how could anything actually be that cute? Plot twist: the photo showed a fake critter, but the Baluchistan pygmy jerboa is totally real. It is, in fact, the world’s cutest rodent, and we disagree vehemently with anyone who says otherwise. Smol. So, so smol.
The unicorns of the sea are weird looking because of how they are unicorns, in the sea. But they also really exist! For real. What a wonderful world we live in.
These Arctic-dwelling animals can sport spiraled tusks—which are in fact sensitive, enlarged teeth—up to 10 feet long.
Whenever something unusual washes up dead on a beach, the internet likes to buzz about how “mysterious” this “sea monster” is. But they’re usually just your run-of-the-mill dead things. Read more here.
Yes, you know the platypus is real. But 18th-century scientists weren’t so sure. “It naturally excites the idea of some deceptive preparation by artificial means,” English zoologist George Shaw wrote in 1799. Shaw eventually determined that the strange specimen before him was indeed an actual animal, and went on to describe the species for the first time. But you can’t blame him for being unsure: the noble platypus looks like someone sewed a duckbill onto a beaver. It doesn’t even look like a fake animal that anyone put any thought into. It looks like a bad attempt at a mythical creature. Scientists also spent decades debating whether or not the mammals truly laid eggs (though Australian Aboriginals knew this because of how they routinely saw the darn things laying their darn eggs) and the veracity of reports that males packed potent venom.
In short, don’t feel too bad when you find yourself skeptical of an animal that turns out to be a real-life organism just trying to mind its own business. It happens to the best of us.
Written By Rachel Feltman
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Les Basics x Novesta Le Running Shoe
London-based, Portuguese-made brand Les Basics does exactly as it says on the tin – aka the basics made as elegant as the French do them. Here, the label hooks up with Slovakian sneaker maestros Novesta for a plush running shoe with a leather upper and a suede overlay so you get two luxurious fabrics for the price of one in an opulent creamy stone colour.
Buy Now: £169.00
Superdry Orange Label Softball Ringer T-Shirt
We reckon this gold and green long sleeved tee from Superdry looks a lot like the get-up worn by ordinary teen turned crime-fighting vigilante Kick-Ass in the film of the same name (if you’ve not seen it do – it’s a modern classic). Looking like a superhero is never a bad thing, and in 100 per cent cotton too – that’s a roundhouse kick right in the style chops.
Buy Now: £24.99
R.M. Williams Chinchilla Boots
Despite the name, no chubby rodents were harmed in the making of these Chelsea boots. Instead what we get from the Australian boot-maker is a beautifully burnished leather shoe handcrafted in a sumptuous range of shades – Bordeaux or cognac, sir? We’ll have the whole case.
Buy Now: £460.00
Oliver Spencer Theobald Clarendon Navy Jacket
It really is rather difficult to get a navy unstructured blazer wrong, but it’s even harder to get it better than the rest. Oliver Spencer has somehow managed it time and time again, exemplified by this new update on its classic Theobald model. It’s still incredibly versatile – pop a tee under it and you’ll look like you woke up this chic, wear a shirt instead and you’ll be sorted for a summer wedding, while the sweat-wicking wool and cotton blend means you won’t overheat on the train as you go to and from the office.
Buy Now: £359.00
Salvatore Ferragamo Sunglasses
Sun’s too bright? Better put on the shades. Had too much to drink last night? Shades, duh. Just seen your ex across the street? Quick, whip those shades on pronto. Sunglasses can sort out any and every situation and so it pays to have some good ones to call on. Just as well then that luxury Italian fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo has released a men’s eyewear capsule collection for such necessary moments. With a vintage design and the iconic backwards horseshoe logo on the hinges these shades are so nice, you’ll be wearing them in a pitch black room.
Buy Now: £235.00
Maison Kitsune Jacquard Dream Amplifier Socks
The AW18 collection for undeniably hip French label Maison Kitsune (they’re also an indie and disco record label – case closed) is everything you could want for when the leaves start to fall and the weather starts to cool. Sleek windbreakers, wool sweaters with foxes stitched into them, stripy scarves – you name it we want it. But it was these two-tone socks with a funky space rocket design that really caught our imagination – to autumn and beyond.
Buy Now: €35.00
YMC x Stan Ray Fanfare Blue Painter Pants
Collabs – they’re like catnip to us and we’ve just caught a whiff of another one bound to whip us into another frenzy. This time it’s impossibly cool, ready-to-wear brand YMC, which is partial to a catnip collab every now and again, and family-run workwear brand Stan Ray with an update on the classic YMC painter pant and shorts in two new colours. There’s an eye dazzlingly bright white and this overdyed turquoise.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fila Carter T-Shirt
Brand repping has reached a whole new stratosphere with the current logo trend, although for sportswear-meets-streetwear brands the look never went away. Created in Italy and now based in South Korea, Fila has been manufacturing sportswear since 1911, and its vintage style suits the trend well, as exemplified by this massive, yet still measured and precise logo tee that gives the name away from miles down the road.
Buy Now: £25.99
Aimé Leon Dore Logo-Embroidered Sweatshirt
The streets are rife with high-fashion streetwear but it takes a rare breed to get it down to a tee. New York label Aimé Leon Dore has certainly perfected the art, with millennial friendly sloganeering – the first part of its name means ‘love’ in French – mixed with timeless style. Case in point: this cotton-fleece sweatshirt with an ultra preppy red striped trim.
Buy Now: £150.00
A.P.C. Cologne Candle
As if cult Parisian label A.P.C. wasn’t satisfied with conquering the world of denim (seriously, you need its selvedge denim jeans in your life) it now wants to light a flame in the world of, erm, candles. Sure on paper it makes no sense but wave its cologne scented candle under your nostrils and then try telling us you need any other candle in your life.
Buy Now: £29.00
KJUS Soren Solid Polo
Golf attire can be shapeless and sweaty work on a muggy summer morning, so what you need is something moisture-absorbing, preferably with built-in UV protection to prevent that deadly golfer’s tan and stylish enough to wear for the obligatory post-round pint. Lucky then that sportswear brand KJUS have a new line of golf polos that tick all those boxes. That’s what we call a hole in one.
Buy Now: £69.00
Citizen Eco-Drive World Perpetual A.T Watch
When it comes to value for money watches you get a great deal of bang for your buck with a timepiece from Japanese watch brand Citizen which has the legacy and technical innovation to more than warrant a glance away from those made by the Swiss. This summer update on its flagship model, the Eco-Drive, not only looks like a watch leagues more expensive than it actually is but it can also sync the time up to 26 cities around the world which are carefully detailed around the bezel.
Buy Now: £369.00
Men-ü Matt Refresh & Moisturise Set
Besides making you down an inordinate amount of water, flight restrictions have probably also seen you cruelly torn away from your favourite toiletries. Remember, if you’re going to carry it on the flight it must be no more than 100ml although if you would rather not have to remember such tedious info, we recommend a flight-friendly dopp kit from Men-ü. This particular kit has a face wash, refresher gel and moisturiser to provide you with everything you need to fight the jet leg – at least as far as your face is concerned – as soon as you land at your destination.
Buy Now: £10.45
Frescobol Carioca Aquarella Swim Shorts
From patterns designed around the street mosaics of Rio de Janeiro to swim shorts that have been inspired by the incandescent spirit of samba, Frescobol Carioca knows how to give its top quality beach wear a top quality backstory to boot. And so we get these dazzling shorts named after ‘Aquarela do Brasil’ one of the best-loved songs from Brazil’s famous bossa nova movement, which has been covered in English by the likes of Kate Bush and Arcade Fire.
Buy Now: £160.00
Topman Pink And White Stripe Shirt
Fancy looking pretty in millennial pink this summer? As an entry-level starter to the shade, you can’t go too far wrong then this vertical stripe shirt from Topman which offsets the bold colour in a lighter, pastel hue with some calming white. Pink works well with grey so pair it with a relaxed trouser in that colour below the waist and some white sneakers for breezy summer style.
Buy Now: £28.00
Brooks England Pickwick Linen Bag
When it comes to making bike saddles Brooks England has got it down, which is just as well seeing as it has been making them for nearly 150 years. It also does a fine range in cycle bags that are designed to stay cool and light while playing piggyback on your tail end but we can’t be letting all those lycra-clad, Bradley Wiggins wannabes have all the sack carrying fun. Invest in this dapper linen carrier that can certainly lay claim to the yellow jersey.
Buy Now: £188.00
Nike Air Max 1 Premium Beach Camo Trainers
Since it was first released in 1987, there has been more iterations and colourways of the Nike Air Max then tears shed at England’s knocking out from the World Cup. And while we’re not best pleased with the latter, we can’t hide our glee at yet another version of the former, with this retro sneaker now being pumped out in a beach camo colour combo that, dare we say it, is arguably one of its best versions ever released.
Buy Now: £109.95
Tommy Hilfiger White and Green T-shirt
Trump, Clooney, Southgate. There are just some second names out there that don’t even need the first and Hilfiger is certainly one of them. So emblazon it across the front of a baseball inspired crew neck in a zingy fresh green and white and you don’t really have to say much more besides – Tommy knows best, and when it comes to summer tees, this one is up there.
Buy Now: £28.00
Mango Man Striped Cotton Jacket
Jackets are real troopers. You spend all winter relying on their comfort and then as soon as summer comes around they’re consigned to the desolate darkness of the back of the wardrobe, spurned like a used-up lover. So let’s give the jacket some summer lovin’ past the month of May, with this featherweight and sunny striped version from Mango which is all cotton, and all you need to be wearing up top this July.
Buy Now: £59.99
Clarks Originals Weaver Ocean Blue Shoes
The man who invented moccasins knew how to do summer right (apparently their origin lies with the Native Americans) and when it comes to shoes in general, well, you can never go too far wrong in Clarks. So we’re as happy as Larry to see the shoe retailer put out its new set of weaver shoes, with a classic moccasin structure and made out of top grade suede in a range of eye-popping colours they also have a raised crepe sole to elevate them above the moccasin crowd.
Buy Now: £110.00
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