#Portuguese actresses in American television series
biowikifacts · 1 year
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thelonesomequeen · 8 months
"The Seed of Evil" premiered in theaters and was a pretext to talk to the actress about the emotions that shootings impose in everyday life. How to find peace when scrutiny becomes noisy? Alba answers.
It gets dark in Lisbon and Alba appears on my computer screen via Zoom. Different time zone, her face still appears illuminated by the sun. It gets dark in Lisbon, but it is Alba who approaches the stars, the ones that move on the movie screens and fill the streets of Los Angeles where her life has rushed in recent times. For more than a decade we have associated her face with cinema shot in Portugal, with mandatory passages through television fiction, Alba has become an assiduous presence both in commercial productions and in small independent films. Today he talks about The Seed of Evil, a horror film directed by Gabriel Abrantes, where a palace hides memories and massacres, Alba's body ages and mutates to the interpretation of Anabela Moreira - they are the same character. Both are looking for youth, between startles we discover Alba's photogenics, the screen was made for her face with big emotional eyes. The Netflix series Warrior Nun introduced her to the rest of the world's population, and her marriage to American actor Chris Evans has not stopped inflaming the press with projections of what the couple's daily life will be like. Alba spends more time in the USA, even though her works made in our country continue to reach the screens.
It seems serene in the image of you that I see on the screen, in the voice that gives me the answers to this interview. Behind you I see an interior full of green plants, I hear your dog taking small steps. The actress fakes shyness, starts by giving short answers. His hesitations reveal sensitivity to the flower of the skin. You could eternalize the conversation, even more, to hear what you have to say about the world you see now from La La Land, a city full of possibilities and new cinema flights. Time is timed, Alba's take-off is imminent. We hope that Hollywood will value this talent ready to live emotions dictated by fiction.
The Seed of Evil is openly a horror movie. Gabriel Abrantes' films usually always have a message behind them. How did he convince you to get into this project?
He didn't have to convince me at all, working with Gabriel has always been my ambition. He is one of the young directors who really has a unique vision and challenges the Portuguese film signature a little. He is really a visionary and as soon as I found out that there was a character in which I could fit me, I immediately raised my hand (laughs).
So you were looking for it?
In life, do you believe in the superstitions that are addressed in horror movies? And do you like genre cinema?
Yes, I'm very superstitious... Now that I think about it, I can say that I am quite superstitious. I had a phase in my adolescence when I saw horror movies and loved to explore the genre. Today it is already rarer to be interested, and I confess that I have not yet seen the Gabriel Abrantes film. I didn't have the opportunity. There are certain genres that interest me more, such as psychological terror. But any quality movie is worth watching. An Ari Aster movie (director of the film Midsommar) will always have quality no matter how much horror it is.
What do you think of the fate reserved for the young protagonists of horror movies? It often turns out to be perverse. There are many actresses who have started playing small roles in horror movies. Can this choice of yours be seen in any way a wink at a tradition that exists in genre cinema?
I don't know. In fact, I also entered this industry with a psychological horror film called Miami, a short film by Simão Cayatte. It's ironic, what you mention ended up happening to me, I started like that. But in The Seed of Evil the character I play is very small. Anabela Moreira is the one who deserves the character's credits, she makes me older.
Did they even talk to each other? What did you try to wake up in your work as actresses to do the same person?
At first we were very motivated to find a body language that would identify us both. She wanted to imitate mine and I wanted to imitate hers (laughs). So we didn't get anywhere (laughs). We worked a little on the cadence in the spoken language.
Gabriel Abrantes' films often have hidden messages, he comes from contemporary art. In this film the search for eternal youth is strong. It reminded me a lot of Oscar Wilde and The Portrait of Dorian Gray. Do you think the movie might want to say something about our society? About age...
Gabriel works a lot at the time of editing. None of the actors can predict how the film will end up in the final result. But in the script I read there seemed to be a criticism of this time that we live in dependence on social networks and the internet. In fact, subtly, it takes away our essence. Little by little we are losing our moral compass over the years and this is something that gives me tremendous anxiety. I actively try to fight it.
Do you feel that you are sucked on a daily basis by social networks? We're all, aren't we?
I have some aversion to social networks... I have moments, here and there, when ten minutes passed and I didn't even realize that I was looking at my phone. It's a feeling that we all know. I feel that I have some dependence on Instagram that is still important at this point in my career to promote jobs. But just having that notion, I feel like it hurts my head a little. (laughs)
Instagram has gained such great importance, it is almost like another work tool. Do you talk about it with the other actresses, with your friends or colleagues? Do you think it's a kind of new (public) character that you have to embody?
I have several friends who work with this very well. I confess that I don't have much talent because I have some stubbornness about it. I'd rather hide in a corner than expose what's going on in my life. And even in professional life... it's a mistake. We have to be able to know how to handle what is around us. We have to be able to dose things, always with our feet on the ground.
Is there really right or wrong? If we think of Hollywood, at certain times, there were always very mysterious actresses and this also worked. Were you also shy when you studied theater in Lisbon at ACT? Were you like being in a corner when they called you to do an improvisation? Were you the last one to go?
Yes, always. I much prefer not to talk and observe than to share my opinion or be seen. I am much more comfortable in the shade than in the sun.
Are you trying to control at these times? What are you trying to overcome?
It's simply my personality, I've always been very shy. Any family member will be able to confirm that I didn't speak much when I was a child (laughs). There is also another aspect of care... Maybe even a fear of saying the wrong thing. I, if I share my opinion, usually talk about something I have confidence in or that I have been able to confirm from various sources.
This can also be a pressure from those who have always grown up with social networks... The pressure of an entire generation?
It could be the other side of the coin, yes. There may be a lack of fear when exposing everything, as the opposite can also happen... (pause) I had never thought about it.
The short film you evoke of Simão Cayatte is a kind of reflection on fame. It's funny that it was your first job... Now can you think of the message of this short film in another way? I think about the exhibition you met with the Netflix series Warrior Nun. What do you think this means about you? Are the roles that choose the actors sometimes?
I've never thought about it. I hope I don't become like this character, because she was really obsessed with fame. That's something I don't identify with. But yes, fame is a concept that doesn't... (take a break and look to the side). I'm sorry, my dog is distracting me. It's very beautiful here walking from one side to the other. (pause) Sorry, now I've lost the reasoning of what I was saying.
We were talking about fame. This short film of yours is from 2014, it's been almost ten years, I feel that over the last decade you have known some success. Do you have any thoughts about it?
Experiencing such a phase does not bring joy or satisfaction. I simply want to navigate with my feet on the ground and understand that in fact fame is just an illusion. There is a sudden interest in you, but it is not really an interest in you... The interest is either linked to a character or is linked to my connections. Therefore, in my perception, it's more uncomfortable than anything else.
There is a dissociation. People think they know you, but deep down they don't?
At the end of the day it's just a job, and I think any artist likes to explore their creativity. But suddenly you have to take it with a wave, which is part of the job too, and you have to be able to know how to handle something that is not organic. (pause) It's an antithesis of everything that is normal... And some people know how to navigate better than others. I... My instinct is to close the door.
The movie The Seed of Evil ends up dancing with you reminded me of the movie Leviano (2018) you made with Justin Amorim. On the scene, in this possibility of moving, do you feel that you find some freedom as an actress? They're good, these days when they tell you - look, now are you going to dance in front of a camera?
Yes, curiously yes. As much as there is no training, any kind of physicality is interesting. I like to add the physical and emotional component. It's an even more specific challenge, it's more difficult. Carloto Cotta is a great dance partner, and in Gabriel's movie it was a lot of fun to make these scenes.
And how does the text appear in the middle of all this? I'm remembering a French movie you made in 2022 - L'Enfant. What changes in terms of preparation? What pleasure do you find in the text? You have a polyglot culture and speak several languages.
For me, as an actress, the most satisfying thing is to work with a director in an author's film. Each case is unique and each process is individual. And it is the director who chooses his environment.
As an actress, I like to adapt and listen. I like to cultivate what I receive and adapt. When I worked with Gonçalo Waddington, in the movie Patrick (2019), it was a unique experience. We did an artistic residency, we stayed a month simply living with each other to be completely comfortable. It doesn't always happen to be able to create stories that go beyond those that exist in the characters' script. In more commercial projects this does not always happen, and sometimes you can miss this essence.
You were younger, you studied at the German School of Lisbon. Did you go to German cinema at that time, or was your culture global? Do you feel that your interest in auteur cinema may have come from your education?
Yes, it's possible. I confess that in the German School I was not yet a movie nerd (laughs) I would say. European cinema has always been my first attraction in this world, only recently did I start to see the American classics. I recently saw Justine Triet's Anatomy of A Fall and loved it. It's wonderful. It's the kind of cinema I'd like to be a part of.
Did you have movie heroines at school? People you said, "I want to be like that."
The first actress I really admired was Natalie Portman. Just because her career was so appealing to a young woman or teenager. The fact that it started with Léon (Léon, the Professional, 1994) by Luc Besson, and then made iconic characters like Black Swan (Black Swan, 2010) or Closer (Too Close, 2004). She's a really sensitive actress, I identified with that.
Natalie Portman has always chosen her roles a lot, perhaps because she started as a child in the movie Léon, the Professional, but in general the actors do not have so much room to choose. How do you see this story of an actor or actress always being dependent on the desire of others? It's the others who choose you to make a character. What is it like to live with this need to exist through the eyes of the other?
It's complicated. It really depends on the others and even if you are making your dream character, there is no guarantee that the movie is what you imagined when you read the argument. You are dependent on so many departments, in cinema the process is almost internal. I feel that in Portugal I went through this a lot, I was doing several auditions and making the movies in which I was chosen. Now I try to be more selective and careful in my choices. Since I made the Warrior Nun series, I've been trying to advance to larger markets, and it looks like you're starting from square one again. But in fact my knowledge is already beyond square one, I worked in Portugal for almost a decade. My experience is already very vast even with my age [Alba is 26 years old]. Now the strategy with my agents is more about the jobs I'm not going to do. For at the end of my career not to look back and have regrets.
What is it that evokes in you the word Hollywood? Is it just another stage where you have to be ready for auditions, or is it wanting to belong to a broader universe?
I don't know if I identify a lot with the Hollywood signature, or with the way I work, namely in Los Angeles. I'm really very European at heart. The American structure is a little more aggressive. The approach to getting a role here has a lot to do with trying to raise your hand to be seen. It's much more direct, and you have a much larger volume of people who want to do the same thing. And they are very talented people. The important thing in the middle of all this, for me, is not to look at all these aspects, it can be very overwhelming... It is important to live through your truth and do things as you would within your silence.
Where do you find the silence when there is too much noise?
I find him in my family, in my husband, in my friends. Yes, I have amazing people in my life who are irreplaceable. I'm a lucky one.
Is filming a dramatic sequence or a more difficult scene something that can take away your sleep?
Yes. No doubt.
When did you feel that you really had to do this job and be an actress? Was it when you were studying at ACT or was it before? You had that thing you thought about like this "I really have to follow this and this moves me, it makes me happy."
It was during the shooting process of Simão Cayatte's [film] Miami. He rehearsed with me and his girlfriend [the actress Joana Santos] for 2 months. Every day, I would leave school and go to him.
It was a surreal experience, for a 15-year-old girl, to work and dig into emotions. It was really beautiful. When the shootings were over, I remember being completely lost. I didn't have the emotional maturity to understand that the project was over.
It's something that the actors have to deal with constantly and it's very easy for us to lose our sight... I suffered a lot because I didn't know how to get back to my normality. (pause) I dived. And this caused me a lot of suffering and also gave me great pleasure. I didn't know that at the time. Emotional diving has become an addiction.
You talk about balance and talk about finding silence. I wonder if being an actor isn't just about that... The ability to lose yourself more or less in a role?
I thought the actors should suffer and should experience everything. And I realized that this doesn't make us better actors. I think it's actually unnecessary and only brings hurt to our personal life and possibly to those around us.
What do they ask you about Portugal now, in this new American phase of your life?
They don't ask much. Everyone loves Portugal, or they want to visit or have already visited. Portugal is very popular at the moment.
There is a theater called Saudades Theatre and there is a community of Portuguese actors in Los Angeles. Have you ever been looking for them?
I don't know... I'm going to do a research.
This was to end and ask yourself if you miss it in these long periods of absence? Or maybe you don't miss it and it's a word you hate?
No, I always miss you. I'm a very nostalgic person, very melancholic. Every day I miss my people, obviously. I miss the streets of Lisbon, feeling the nostalgia of Architecture, the history behind the walls. I love walking through the area where I lived in Lisbon, in the Estrela neighborhood, I miss the sea...sometimes.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday the super sexy Scottish actress  Michelle Gomez.
Michelle was born as Michelle May Romney Marsham Antonia Gomez in Ayr in 1966, and grew up in Glasgow. Her dad is of Portuguese descent and is from  Montserrat, her mum ran a model agency’ She is one of four children; two older brothers, one of whom is called Derek, and a twin brother who died in.2004.
When she was seven, her parents took her to see Cole Porter’s musical take on the Shrew, Kiss Me, Kate at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow and she was mesmerised by the character Kate, she described it as
“ I was electrified and, of course, I thought they were talking to me. Even then I had an ego running riot. And I loved Kate’s energy, her fieriness. Even at that age, I identified; I thought: ‘Yup, I’m one of her, she’s one of me.”
Michelle attended Shawlands Academy and the junior section of The Scottish Academy of Music and Dance from the age of twelve before going to the adult Academy.
Her first major role was in Irvine Welsh's  Acid House , that’s my pal Gary McCormack with her in the first pic, she went on to make small screen appearances in The Bill and Taggart (two different roles in each) before the very funny and underrated Book Club on channel Four.
Other TV appearances have been in Rebus, Murder in Suburbia and Carrie & Barry before her big break as staff liaison officer Sue White in the Channel 4 comedy Green Wing.
For me Michelle’s best work has been as “Missy” in Dr Who, where she regularly steals scenes. Before the first female Doctor, she was the first female “Master”, one of the Doctors recurring arch enemies.
As well as her roles on this side of the Atlantic Michelle has appeared in Highlander: The Raven the American supernatural television series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, featuring in all 36 episodes, the show got rave reviews but I have not watched it myself, not being a fan of the supernatural horror genre. It was cancelled in July 2020 due to the covid pandemic, I wouldn’t write off it being picked up again in the future, some sources are erroneously saying a series 5 is due soon. 
Michelle has been on our screens in The Flight Attendant, series based on the 2018 novel of the same name, it’s on HBO Max in the States, I must admit I’ve not got round to watching it as yet, the show was originally meant to be a mini-series, but a second series was commissioned and it was shown in April this year. It’s not known whether there will be a third series as yet.
Fans of Michelle and the Superhero genre will be pleased that they return to HBO Max in December.
No doubt we will also see her return to Dr Who someday, I certainly hope so. Gomez has been married to actor Jack Davenport since 1st May 2000 they have a son together. Of him she said 
“Jack wasn't my type at all. I thought he was too young and too posh and I told him that. Plus, I couldn't deal with his dodgy bowl-cut. But he wore me down”
Of herself Michelle is very modest one saying 
“Lots of actresses disappear by the time they're my age. So far, I've bucked the trend. I haven't got sucked into that 26-episode run of something like Casualty. Thankfully, my face has stopped that happening. It's not something you want to see every week on TV! I'm theatrical saffron in that way - just a light sprinkling of me here and there...”
Of her ambitions Michelle says it is to play Mama Rose in Gypsy on stage on Broadway. 
“That would be checking every box in my career if I got to play that. That is my biggest ambition! Oh my, I would ROCK THAT! I need to learn how to sing first, but that is just a technicality.”
Happy Birthday Michelle and good luck with getting on stage in Gypsy.
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wikiuntamed · 10 months
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from a year ago: Tuesday, 6th December 2022
Welcome, benvingut, bonvenon, ยินดีต้อนรับ (yin dee dtôn rab) 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (6th December 2022) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: Kirstie Alley "Kirstie Louise Alley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) was an American actress. Her breakthrough role was as Rebecca Howe in the NBC sitcom Cheers (1987–1993), for which she received an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe in 1991. From 1997 to 2000, she starred as the lead in the sitcom Veronica's..."
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2️⃣: 2022 FIFA World Cup "The 2022 FIFA World Cup was the 22nd FIFA World Cup, the world championship for national football teams organized by FIFA. It took place in Qatar from 20 November to 18 December 2022, after the country was awarded the hosting rights in 2010. It was the first World Cup to be held in the Arab world..."
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4️⃣: Gonçalo Ramos "Gonçalo Matias Ramos (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɡõˈsalu ˈʁɐmuʃ]; born 20 June 2001) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a striker for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and the Portugal national team. Born in Olhão, Ramos came through Benfica's youth academy. He began playing for..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Sport Lisboa e Benfica
5️⃣: FIFA World Cup "The FIFA World Cup, often simply called the World Cup, is an international association football competition between the senior men's national teams of the members of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The tournament has been held every..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by Hossein Zohrevand
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styxorcom · 10 months
James Franco Peak, Age, Spouse, Web Value, Female friend, Biography & Extra
James Edward Franco was born April 19, 1978, known James Franco is an American actor and filmmaker. For his role in 127 Hours (2010), he was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor. Franco is known for his roles in films, such as Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man Trilogy (2002-2007), Milk (2008), Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011). He is known for his collaborations with fellow actor Seth Rogen, having starred in eight films and one TV series with him, for example Pineapple Express (2008), This Is the End (2013), Sausage Party (2016) and The Disaster Artist . (2017), for which he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor. Franco is also known for his television work where his first leading acting role was the character of Daniel Desario in the short-lived ensemble-drama Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000), which developed a cult following. . He played the main character in the television biographical film James Dean (2001), for which he won a Golden Globe Award, and received nominations for the Screen Actors Guild Award and the Primetime Emmy Award. Franco had a recurring role in the daytime soap General Hospital (2009-2012) and starred in the limited series 11.22.63 (2016). He starred in the David Simon-created HBO drama The Deuce (2017-2019). Franco volunteers for the Art of Elysium charity and has taught film classes at New York University, University of Southern California, UCLA, Studio 4, Palo Alto High School and at Playhouse West. Franco described himself as a Jew; Regarding his secular education, he told the Guardian he felt like he had “missed the Jewish experience,” but his Jewish friends told him not to care and said in the same interview that he ‘he liked “the idea of ​​religion as a source of community”. When asked if he was a “believer” he replied, “In God? I do not know. Yes. In a certain way. This is a complicated question. In 2015, he held an official bar mitzvah ceremony, chaired by a rabbi. After meeting on the set of What It Takes in 1999, Franco dated co-star Marla Sokoloff for five years. He was then in a relationship with actress Ahna O’Reilly until 2011. He confirmed their separation in an interview for the August 2011 issue of Playboy magazine, saying his interest in education separated them.
James Franco Biodata and Biography
Name James Edward Franco Nick-name Ted, Teddy Sex Male Date Of Birth 19 April 1978 Age 43 Years (as in 2021) Profession / Occupation Actor, Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Painter, Author, Misician (American, English) Mother Tongue English, Portuguese, Swedish, Jewish Religion Not Known Nation American Zodiac Sign Aries Height / Weight 5′ 9” / 76kg First Movie Never Been Kissed (1999) First Debut Actor: Never Been Kissed (1999) Writer: The Ape (2005) Director: The Ape (2005) Producer: The Broken Tower (2011) TV Actor: Pacific Blue (1997) Money Factor Net Worth: $20 million –
James Franco Family and Relatives
Father Douglas Eugene (Ran a Silicon Valley Business) Mother Betsy Lou (A writer and an occasional actress) Brothers Tom (Artist) Sisters Dave (Davy, an Actor) Marital Status Unmarried Wife N/A Daughters N/A Sons N/A Girlfriends/ Affairs Marla Sokoloff (1999-2004) Ahna O’Reilly (2006-2011) Agyness Deyn (2011) Ashley Hartman (2004-2005)
James Franco Height, Weight and Body Measurements
Height in Centimetres 180 cm Height in Meters 1.80 m Height in Feet Inches 5′ 9” Weight 76kg Body Measurement 42-31-14 Chest Size 42 inches Waist Size 31 inches Biceps Size 14 inches Eye Colour Dark Brown Hair Colour Dark Brown
James Franco Favorites
Favorite Colour White, Red, Blue Favorite Actor Not Known Favorite Actress Not Known Favorite Food Not Known Hobbies Acting, Writing, Reading, Travelling Favorite Director Not Known Favorite Destination Not Known Favorite Car Collections Not Known Sexual Orientation Straight
James Franco Education School and Colleges
Education Qualification Ph.D (Program in English) School Palo Alto School, California, USA College / University University of California, Los Angeles (B.A.) Columbia University (M.F.A.) New York University (M.F.A.) Brooklyn College (M.F.A.) Warren Wilson College (M.F.A.) Yale University (Ph.D. student) Others Rhode Island School of Design
James Franco Residence and Contact Address
Birth Place Palo Alto, California, USA Home Town Palo Alto, California, USA Present Residence Palo Alto, California, USA House Address William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5213, USA Phone No / Mobile No Not Known Email ID Not Known Website Not Known
James Franco Awards, Honours, Achievements
National Film Award Not Known Filmfare Awards Not Known IIFA Awards Not Known Screen Awards Not Known
James Franco Social Media
Twitter None Facebook None Instagram None Wikipedia James_Franco Read the full article
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heavenboy09 · 2 years
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To 1 Of the Greatest & The Most Iconic Black Female Celebrities In Modeling & In Various Forms of Entertainment that paved the way for certain other Icons as well.
Born On March 18th, 1963 In The Bronx Of New York
She is an American singer, actress, and fashion designer.
She was born in the Bronx, New York City, with a birth announcement that read: "Here she is: Miss America". She was raised in Millwood, New York.
A paternal great-great grandfather was William A. Feilds, an African-American legislator in the Tennessee House of Representatives. She is also of English, Welsh, Irish, Finnish, Italian, and Portuguese descent.
She gained recognition as the first African-American woman to receive the Miss America title when she was crowned Miss America 1984. She rebounded from the scandal with a successful career as a singer and actress. In 1988, she released her debut studio album The Right Stuff, whose title single saw moderate success as well as "Dreamin'" which peaked at number 8 in the United States in 1989. With her second and third studio albums, The Comfort Zone (1991) and The Sweetest Days (1994), she saw continued commercial success and received multiple Grammy Award nominations; this included her number-one single and signature song, "Save the Best for Last", which she performed live at the 1993 Grammy Awards ceremonies. Her later studio albums include Everlasting Love (2005) and The Real Thing (2009).
As an actress, She enjoyed success on stage and screen. She made her Broadway debut in 1994 with Kiss of the Spider Woman. In 2002 she starred as The Witch in the revival of Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods which earned her a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical nomination. She starred in the revival of Horton Foote's The Trip to Bountiful in 2013, and the ensemble political farce POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive in 2022. She is also known for her appearances in television, with her best known roles being Wilhelmina Slater on Ugly Betty (2006–2010), for which she was nominated three times for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series; and Renee Perry on Desperate Housewives (2010–2012).
Please Wish This Incredible & Radiant Talented Black Woman Of Entertainment A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
You Know Her
& You Love Her
The 1st Miss America 🇺🇸 Of Black Excellence & Model
The 1 & The Only
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notesdrita · 2 years
Carla elite antes y despues
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Carla elite antes y despues series#
I argue that Ampugasa's transformation corresponds to a pattern of Inka imperialism in Huarochirí that enshrined rather than erased the collective ritual practices through which the people of Huarochirí maintained a broad regional identity. My analysis shows that pre-Inka houses were ritually closed, directly connected to the site's ritual core, and remained part of the everyday life experience of people in the settlement. Results from excavations in the site of Ampugasa in Huarochirí (Lurín valley, Lima, Peru) show that pre-Inka residential spaces (patio-groups) were replaced by enclosures with a single access to an internal patio for domestic activities. Most archaeological research on the impact of Inka imperialism at the domestic level centers on the intrusion of Inka-style buildings into pre-Inka domestic settlements as transforming the experience of domestic life and actively hindering interhousehold interaction. This indicates that frontier dynamics based on fluid interactions across different ecological zones and regional sociopolitical movements played a crucial role in this long-term social process. The earliest phase shows close relation with highlands traditions, whereas the influence of tropical rain forest patterns intensified in later phases alongside the continuation of local pottery traditions. The five-staged ceramic sequence from the late eighteenth to late twelfth century cal BC displays specific features of this development, including radical changes in vessel type over several centuries and connections with other pottery traditions. Our new high-resolution chronology of Wairajirca pottery is based on stratigraphic excavation data, a detailed ceramic typology, and a Bayesian analysis of the radiocarbon date from the Jancao site. However, the lack of fine-grained pottery and radiocarbon datasets has handicapped comparative studies’ attempts to track in detail its early development process. He was initially stationed in the field, but his risky and impulsive tactical maneuvers led to his being demoted to desk duty.This article presents a high-resolution chronology of Wairajirca pottery in the Huánuco basin, which has been identified as a frontier region between the Andean highlands and the Amazonian rain forests: its pottery is known for having mixed features from both areas. Jesse Porter ( Coby Bell) is a former Counterintelligence Field Activity/ Defense Intelligence Agency agent introduced in the Season 4 premiere. Main characters Michael Westen Fiona Glenanne Sam Axe Madeline Westen Jesse Porter The article deals with the series' main and recurring characters.
Carla elite antes y despues series#
This is a list of fictional characters in the television series Burn Notice. Carla Del Poggio, an Italian cinema, theatre, and television actress.Carla Couto, a Portuguese football striker.Carla Cortijo, a Puerto Rican basketball player.Carla Cassidy, an American romance novelist.Carla Bruni, an Italian-French singer, songwriter and former model.Carla Bozulich, the lead singer, lyricist and founder of The Geraldine Fibbers and Evangelista.Carla Boyd, a retired Australian basketball player with two Olympic medals.Carla Borrego, a Jamaican basketball and netball player.Carla Bley, an American jazz composer, pianist, organist and bandleader.Carla Beurskens a prominent long distance runner from the Netherlands.Carla Barbarinoa retired Italian sprinter and hurdler.Carla Balingit a beauty queen from the Philippines.Carla Azar, a drummer and singer for the band Autolux.Carla Abellana, a Filipina actress and commercial model.Lyric Video for "Encontrarme" by Carla Morrison.Ĭarla is the feminized version of Carl or Charles, from ceorl in Old English, which means "free man". #CarlaMorrison #ElRenacimiento #Encontrarme Lyric Video for "Una Foto" by Carla Morrison. Lyric Video for "Soñar" by Carla Morrison. Where Cooking Begins Theme "Magic Hours" by Amy Crawford More about Carla, including info on her books, is here: We have fun, and I donate at least 5% from every dollar I earn. My newsletter comes out twice a month exclusively on Patreon, along with other secret stuff. Pick up a copy of Where Cooking Begins, my first baby! You can also call in for a future episode: 83 My new podcast, BORDERLINE SALTY, airs every Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts. Lyric Video for "Diamantes" by Carla Morrison. #CarlaMorrison #Diamantes #ElRenacimiento
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A Leg Up-Matty Healy Imagine
Requested: Yes
Warnings: None
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 “This is a good gig for you, Y/N. It will get you more exposure,” Anthony, my agent, assured me as we walked into the filming studio in central London.
   Glossy black and white photographs of British, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish movie giants lined the walls of the entrance. Everyone inside was tall, slim, and stylish, as was typical of the entertainment scene. However, music people were involved in the mix so they were either stylishly disheveled or wearing every expensive item they owned. After twenty years in the entertainment world, I knew that I did not get along with either type of musician: the first were usually Kurt Cobain wannabes and the second were only interested in flashing their money on social media and starting pointless drama. Unlike my peers, I took my job as an actress seriously and knew that I had to align myself with the right people and the right projects to be seen a certain way. So, after my teen show ended, my costars and I were in a precarious stage that would determine the rest of our careers. Some of my costars would fall into the party scene and no doubt wind up in rehab while others would take a few jobs here and there only to retire to a normal life. I refused to fall into either camp and knew that if I wanted to have a long career as an actress, I had to keep working and take the best jobs. Anthony knew that and lined up several auditions for big-budget films that would premiere after my show’s finale. I landed one of them, a dive into post-apolalyptic society, but I knew that I had to keep my name in people’s minds. When I tasked Anthony with getting me a good, press-inducing gig, he called me two days later, instructing me to get on a plane to London to shoot a music video.
   At first, I did not want to go and end up being another video girl, but I let Anthony persuade me and he continued persuading me when we met for brunch before leaving to the filming location.
   “But are you sure this is the right kind of exposure?” I asked as two tall, thin men in black and white uniforms opened the glossy glass doors that led to the smaller studios.
   “Of course!” Anthony glanced up from his BlackBerry. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”
   I crossed my arms. “Must I remind you about the Care Bear incident?”
   Anthony rolled his moss green eyes. “That was a decade ago? Will you ever let me live that down?”
   “Not until it is completely scrubbed from the Internet,” I teased.
   Anthony grumbled. “Well, this will definitely make up for it. This band is very big, not only in the UK but all over the world. Everyone with a pulse will see this music video and wonder who that girl is, dancing to the 1975? And is that her in that trailer for that blockbuster? I have to see if she can really act.”
   “Fine, fine, I see your point.”
   Anthony paused at one of the doors and glanced at his silver Rolex. “We’re here and right on time.” 
   He opened the door, revealing what could only be the music video set. There were industrial lights illuminating a large stage, complete with proper band equipment. The stage stood high above the crowd that was made up of two hundred extras. Assistants in all-black rushed around the studio, huffing into walkie-talkies, and swatting extras away from the craft service table. 
 Anthony had sent me a brief email describing the concept of the video: the band was going to be playing at a gig and Matty’s love interest, me, was going to show up as a surprise. The song was “The Sound” and, from what I could gather, it was about a former relationship but there was still a connection between the couple. 
  A blonde woman in a black pinstripe suit walked up to us. “You must be Mr. Vincent and Miss Y/L/N,” she said in a curt Welsh accent.
   “Yes, that’s us,” Anthony said.
   “My name is Bridget, Bridget Waters, the casting director for this video.” Bridget looked me over with her cool gray eyes. “You look better in person. Now, you must go to hair and makeup.” 
   “Thank you.”  
   Bridget rushed me over to the hair and makeup section, where I was immediately surrounded by stunning, coiffed professionals. When they were done, there was no evidence that I was jetlagged. My y/h/t y/h/c y/h/l hair was blown out in shiny strands and soft to the touch. Once my makeup and hair were done, a petite brunette girl in the new Jason Wu dress put me in a pair of black patent leather pants, a tissue-thin blue blouse, and black Balenciaga knife boots. I was already tall but the boots made me tower over almost everyone.
 As if on cue, I heard my mother’s voice say,  “Remember, tall girls like you are swans, make everyone else feel like ducklings for even looking at you the wrong way.”
 I took a deep breath and straightened up my posture. As the stylist made some alterations, Anthony was barking orders on his phone in Portuguese. At the end of his conversation, his face was redder than usual. 
  “Thank you for being professional,” he said, “and you look good.”
  “You’re welcome and thanks?”
  A second later, a quiet roar took over the studio and that could only mean that the band had arrived. 
  “OI!” The director called, silencing the excited extras.
  “There’s no need for that, love,” Matty teased.
  It was the first time I ever heard his speaking voice and it sounded like velvet. I strolled away from Anthony and the stylist once she was done with the alterations, and saw Matty with the rest of the band. He was wearing an expensive-looking black button-down with black leather pants, ankle boots and a leather jacket. His bandmates were dressed similarly. I had seen pictures of them on social media and heard a few of their songs before, but I was not their biggest fan. However, I could respect their music and acknowledge that they were all better looking in person.
  Suddenly, Matty looked at me and quirked an eyebrow in my direction. He strolled over to me and extended his hand. “Hello, ‘m Matty.”
  I accepted his handshake, silently thanking myself that I decided to get a manicure the day before. “Y/N.”
  “I know you from somewhere.”
  “Oh, really? I didn’t think that someone like you would watch anything that I was in.”
   “Roxanne!” the tall, brunette member said as he and the rest of the band approached us.
   I felt my face warm up at the mention of my old character. “That’s me.”
   Matty turned to him. “How’d you know that, Adam?” 
   “Well, she was only the best part of Bright Lights, the finest American television show I ever watched,” Adam said.
   “Thank you, really, I didn’t think that anyone over sixteen watched that.” My stomach dropped as I realized I had insulted the member. “Which is fine, sorry, I just----”
   “It’s fine, as long as you tell me exactly how the series ends. Do Roxanne and Edward end up together, or does she go with Nick? I’m personally more of a Nick man m’self.” 
   Matty wrapped his arm around Adam’s shoulders. “Right, Adam, we get it, you are a big fan. Don’t weird her out.”
   “No, it’s fine, really, but I cannot give away any spoilers----ruins all the fun.”
   Adam fake pouted. “Fine, I guess I can live with an autograph and a picture.”
  “You have a deal.” 
   “Can I get those both as well?” Matty asked.
   “Oi, I want a picture with the movie star!” the blonde man announced as he and another tall brunette man ran over to us.
   I laughed. “Fine, we can take a group picture.” I waved Anthony over and all the members handed him their phones.
  We took so many pictures that I was positive that I had blinked in one of them. At the end of the impromptu photoshoot, the director insisted that we get started with shooting.
   “So, I s’pose you’re my love interest then?” Matty asked.
   “Yes, I suppose so.”
   “Could you do me a favor? Try not to fall in love with me, it would make today much more complicated and I know it might be difficult, but you have to resist.”
   I couldn’t help but chuckle as hair and makeup surrounded the band. “I’ll do my best, I am an actress after all.”
   The music video shoot was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be. The director yelled instructions through the megaphone and the song blasted through the speakers. All the boys behaved energetically on stage, interacting with the extras, and pretend playing their instruments. It was almost more fun watching them perform than when it was time for me to enter. The director had me start halfway through the crowd and signalled me to push my way through the crowd until I got to the front. Matty would pause in the middle of the song as the music kept playing when he saw me, a surprised look on his face. I half-smiled in return but kept moving towards the stage. Once I got to the front, Matty would continue singing and dancing around on stage. In a few different takes, he lowered himself down to my level and winked at me. In other takes, he would blow kisses and I couldn’t help but laugh. 
   When my heart skipped a beat, I silently chastised myself. He was obviously acting, wasn’t he? He’d done videos before with models where he had to be romantic with them. 
   Then, the time came for the extras to leave so that Matty and I could film a solo scene. I took a couple of pictures with extras as they were leaving.
   “Oh my gosh, Roxanne and Bridget better make up or I will have a whole cow!” one girl exclaimed after I signed her phone case.
  “Oh come off it, Rachel, Bridget is the biggest slag in the history of slags and Roxanne can do better friends wise,” another girl said.
   I laughed. “Thanks, but you will both have to wait and see.” 
   They ignored assistants ushering them away as they waved while walking in the direction of the exit. 
  “My, my, someone’s popular,” Matty said behind me.
  I turned to him. “Oh please, I did not have all the extras screaming when I walked into the room.”
  Matty shrugged. “Don’t worry, you’ll experience it one day.”
 I playfully pushed him and jumped away when he tried to push me back. As we were laughing the director approached us.
  “Alright you two, let’s get this over with and maybe we can all leave here at a decent hour. Now, I want Y/N to start walking out of the studio, but you’re gonna stop her, Matty, and pull her towards you. This is just after the concert ends and I want to see the emotion. Remember, you two were a mismatched couple with chemistry. “
   I nodded. “Got it.”
  The director marched back to the camera and signalled me to start. I turned on my heel and strolled to the door at a relaxed pace. Just when I opened the door, Matty grabbed my free hand and pulled me towards him. His dark brown eyes were intense as he held me under his gaze. I did my best to match his intensity and tried not to be surprised when he started leaning closer to me. Just when I felt his breath on my mouth, the director shouted for us to stop.
  “Wonderful! I really felt the energy between you two! Now, I need the two of you to dance. This is a flashback scene, back to when things between the two of you were better.”
  “Then we need some music,” Matty said.
  “MUSIC!” the director yelled.
  “The Sound” blasted through the speakers and Matty grabbed my hand, spinning me around, making me laugh in surprise. At one point, he picked me up and spun me around in his arms, forcing me to wrap my arms around his neck for stability. We filmed that scene about ten times with different dance moves each time. At the end of the takes, my heart seemed to beat louder and harder after the last. Why did musicians have to be so charming and funny?    Be professional, Y/L/N , I thought to myself.
  Finally, the director was satisfied with our dancing and called for the cut when Matty pulled me extremely close. I could smell his expensive cologne wafting from him. It was hypnotic. 
   I blinked and pulled away. “Um, good work today.”
  “Yeah, you too. I see what Adam was goin’ on about,” Matty muttered.
  “C’mon, Y/N, you have to get back to LA to finish some scenes!” Anthony barked from the stylist area.
  “Coming!” I called.
  “You’re leaving so soon?” Matty asked.
  “Yeah, I have to finish a movie that’s coming out next year.”   “Oh, because, I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind me showing you around the city and maybe getting dinner afterwards.”
  “Are you asking me on a date?”
  “If you want to call it that.”
  “I thought you weren’t going to fall in love with me today?”   “Who said anything about falling in love? I just like you a lot and would like to show you the better parts of London.”
   “Give me your phone?”
    Matty handed it over to me and I typed in my number.
   “I don’t leave until the day after tomorrow so you should call me so we can make better arrangements.”
  I walked away from him with the biggest grin on my face. Now, I finally understood why so many actresses and models in music videos wound up dating the lead musician: they’re kind of irresistible.
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theplaylistfilm · 6 years
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A two-week survey of 36 films shot by 23 female cinematographers
Agnès Godard, Natasha Braier, Joan Churchill, and Ashley Connor in person
The Film Society of Lincoln Center announces The Female Gaze (July 26 – August 9), spotlighting the amazing work of such accomplished international female cinematographers as Agnès Godard, Natasha Braier, Kirsten Johnson, Joan Churchill, Maryse Alberti, Ellen Kuras, Babette Mangolte, and Rachel Morrison. Laura Mulvey’s landmark 1975 essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” suggested an imbalance of power in film dominated by the male gaze and heterosexual male pleasure; this series poses the question: is there such a thing as the “Female Gaze”?
This year, Morrison made history as the first woman nominated for the Best Cinematography Oscar for Mudbound, a triumph that also underscored the troubling issue of gender inequality in the film industry. Few jobs on a movie set have been as historically closed to women as that of cinematographer—the persistence of the term “cameraman” says it all. Despite this lack of representation, trailblazing women have left their mark on the field through extraordinary artistry and profound vision. As seen through their eyes, films by directors like Claire Denis, Jacques Rivette, Chantal Akerman, Ryan Coogler, and Lucrecia Martel are immeasurably richer, deeper, and more wondrous.
The Female Gaze opens with a double feature of unforgettable collaborations between Agnès Godard and Claire Denis—from the sensual gaze on male bodies in Beau travail to that of familial love in 35 Shots of Rum—launching the series’ central dialogue with Godard in person. Then on July 28, cinematographers Natasha Braier, Ashley Connor, Agnès Godard, and Joan Churchill join Film Society audiences to discuss their careers, experiences in the film industry, and their interpretations of the Female Gaze in a free talk, sponsored by HBO®.
Full line up.
Maryse Alberti Creed Ryan Coogler, USA, 2015, 133m The legend of Rocky lives on as Michael B. Jordan’s gutsy Adonis Johnson—son of Apollo Creed—sets out to prove he’s got what it takes to be the next champ, leaving his luxe L.A. life behind to train in the hard-knock gyms of Philadelphia with the Italian Stallion himself. After the breakout success of Fruitvale Station, director Ryan Coogler shows his facility for major budget spectacle, balancing a rousing underdog sports story with a poignant portrait of intergenerational friendship. The virtuoso lensing of Maryse Alberti astonishes in a dazzling four-and-a-half minute fight sequence that unfolds in one bruising, breathless take. Thursday, August 2, 1:30pm Sunday, August 5, 9:00pm
Velvet Goldmine Todd Haynes, UK/USA, 1998, 35mm, 124m The birth of Oscar Wilde; the staged death of a flamboyant rock star modeled closely after David Bowie; the delirious inebriation of London at the height of the glam era: Haynes’s discourse on celebrity culture is as sprawling and multi-tracked as his previous film, Safe, had been clinically restrained. Much of Velvet Goldmine, the story of a journalist who tries to reconstruct the sordid life story of the failed glam rock star he’d idolized as a young man, was shot in London, and the move gave Haynes a chance to abandon the cloister-like suburbs of his earlier films for a much more colorful, Dionysian milieu. Haynes and cinematographer Maryse Alberti crafted one of the most visually thrilling music movies of the 1990s. An NYFF36 Selection. Sunday, July 29, 8:30pm Tuesday, August 7, 4:15pm
Barbara Alvarez The Headless Woman / La mujer sin cabeza Lucrecia Martel, Argentina/France/Italy/Spain, 2008, 35mm, 87m Spanish with English subtitles DP Barbara Alvarez imparts a restrained—and very strange—spatial texture to Lucrecia Martel’s excitingly splintered third feature, about a woman (a stunning María Onetto) in a state of phenomenological distress following a mysterious road accident. Martel’s rare gift for building social melodrama from sonic and spatial textures, behavioral nuances, and an unerringly brilliant sense of the joys, tensions, and endless reserves of suppressed emotion lurking within the familial structure is here pushed to another level of creative daring. An NYFF46 selection. 35mm print courtesy of UCLA Film & Television Archive. Saturday, July 28, 1:00pm
Akiko Ashizawa Tokyo Sonata         Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Japan, 2008, 120m Japanese with English subtitles What strange deceptions lurk beneath the placid veneer of the average Japanese family? Horror maestro Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s unexpected—but wholly rewarding—foray into family melodrama-cum-black comedy quivers with an undercurrent of dread as salaryman dad (Teruyuki Kagawa) loses his job and desperately attempts to maintain the illusion that he’s still employed; his grade-school son (Kai Inowaki) rebels by secretly taking (gasp!) piano lessons; and mom (Kyōko Koizumi) finds what she’s been looking for with her own kidnapper. The elegant long shots of Akiko Ashizawa toy with the meticulous framings of Ozu as Kurosawa guides the film through a series of increasingly audacious tonal shifts. An NYFF46 selection. Tuesday, August 7, 6:45pm
Diane Baratier The Romance of Astrea and Celadon / Les amours d'Astrée et de Céladon Éric Rohmer, France, 2007, 35mm, 109m At the age of 88, Éric Rohmer bid adieu to cinema with this enchanting mythological idyll, which brims with all the vitality and freshness of youth. Frequent Rohmer cinematographer Diane Baratier conjures a sun-dappled bucolic dream vision of fifth-century Gaul, where a beguiling fable of romantic misunderstanding plays out when a band of druids and nymphs intervene in the lovers’ quarrel between androgynously beautiful shepherd Celadon (Andy Gillet) and his jealous paramour Astrea (Stéphanie Crayencour). Introducing hitherto untapped themes of gender and sexual fluidity into his work, Rohmer crafts an exalted paean to love both spiritual and carnal. An NYFF45 selection. Friday, August 3, 2:00pm Thursday, August 9, 7:00pm
Céline Bozon La France Serge Bozon, France, 2007, 35mm, 102m French with English subtitles In the fall of 1917, as World War I rages, a lovelorn soldier’s wife (Sylvie Testud) disguises herself as a man and sets off for the front in search of her missing husband. Along the way, she meets up with a company of soldiers under the command of a gruff lieutenant (Pascal Greggory), who reluctantly allows Camille to join their ranks. From time to time, these surprisingly sensitive, introspective men break out an assortment of homemade instruments and perform original songs written for the film by Benjamin Esdraffo and the artist known as Fugu, styled after the American “sunshine pop” of The Beach Boys and The Mamas and the Papas. Exquisitely shot by Céline Bozon (the director’s sister), this unclassifiable hybrid of war movie and movie musical is truly unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Print courtesy of the Institut Français. Wednesday, August 1, 6:45pm Wednesday, August 8, 1:30pm
Natasha Braier The Milk of Sorrow / La teta asustada Claudia Llosa, Spain/Peru, 2009, 35mm, 94m Spanish and Quechua with English subtitles Fausta, the only daughter of an aged indigenous Peruvian mother, is said to have been nursed on “the milk of sorrow.” This accursed designation is bestowed on the children of victims of the former terrorist regime. Fausta has learned of her mother’s past and her own presupposed fate through invented song, which is both an art form and oral history tradition. Upon her mother’s death, she must venture beyond the safety of her uncle’s home and choose whether or not to lend her gift of song so that she can pay for a proper burial. Llosa and DP Natasha Braier capture the striking beauty of Lima’s outskirts, as well as a revelatory performance by Magaly Solier, with dignity and grace. Winner of the Golden Bear at the 2009 Berlin Film Festival. A New Directors/New Films 2009 selection. Sunday, July 29, 3:30pm (Q&A with Natasha Braier)
The Neon Demon Nicolas Winding Refn, Denmark/France/USA/UK, 2016, 118m Like a 21st-century Showgirls meets Suspiria, Nicolas Winding Refn’s delirious plunge into the fake plastic horror of the image-obsessed fashion industry trafficks in both high-camp excess and kaleidoscopically stylized splatter. Elle Fanning is the guileless recent L.A. transplant whose fresh-faced youth and beauty almost instantly land her a high-profile modeling contract. Whatever “it” is, she has it. And a coterie of monstrously jealous, flavor-of-last-month Hollyweird burnouts will stop at nothing to get it. Working in a supersaturated, electric day-glo palette, DP Natasha Braier fashions a sleek, freaky-seductive vision of L.A.’s dark side. Saturday, July 28, 8:00pm (Q&A with Natasha Braier)
Caroline Champetier The Gang of Four / La bande des quatre Jacques Rivette, France/Switzerland, 1989, 160m French and Portuguese with English subtitles Four women, a shadowy conspiracy, and a whole lot of acting exercises: we’re firmly in Rivette territory in one of the director’s most spellbinding explorations of the sometimes terrifyingly thin line between everyday life and the strangeness beneath it. A quartet of aspiring actresses live together while studying with a demanding coach (Bulle Ogier). As they rehearse Pierre Marivaux’s La Double inconstance, offstage drama creeps into their lives in the form of a menacing mystery man (Benoît Régent) with a sinister story to tell. Caroline Champetier’s moody lensing—muted reds, golds, and browns—creates the feeling of an all-enveloping universe operating according to its own paranoid logic. Friday, July 27, 3:15pm Wednesday, August 8, 6:15pm
Holy Motors Leos Carax, France, 2012, 116m French and English with English subtitles Cinematographers Caroline Champetier and Yves Cape both lensed this unclassifiable, expansive movie from Leos Carax about a man named Oscar (longtime collaborator Denis Lavant) who inhabits 11 different characters over the course of a single day. This shape-shifter is shuttled from appointment to appointment in Paris in a white-stretch limo driven by the soignée Edith Scob (Eyes Without a Face); not on the itinerary is an unplanned reunion with Kylie Minogue. To summarize the film any further would be to take away some of its magic; the most accurate précis comes from its own creator, who aptly described Holy Motors after its world premiere in Cannes as “a film about a man and the experience of being alive.” An NYFF50 selection. Saturday, August 4, 7:15pm Monday, August 6, 4:00pm
Le Pont du Nord Jacques Rivette, France, 1982, 129m French with English subtitles Paris becomes a labyrinthine life-size game board in one of the most elaborate of Jacques Rivette’s sprawling, down-the-rabbit-hole cine-puzzles. Bulle Ogier and her daughter Pascale star, respectively, as a hitchhiking ex-con and a leather-clad tough girl who meet by chance on the city streets, come into possession of a curious map, and find themselves caught in a sinister cobweb of underworld conspiracy. Shooting seemingly on the fly, almost documentary-style on the streets of Paris, cinematographers Caroline Champetier and William Lubtchansky telegraph a freewheeling, anything-goes sense of play, as well as a creeping surveillance paranoia. An NYFF19 selection. 4K restoration from the 16mm negative, supervised by Véronique Rivette and Caroline Champetier at Digimage Classic, with the help of the CNC. Friday, August 3, 6:30pm
Joan Churchill Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer Nick Broomfield & Joan Churchill, UK/USA, 2004, 93m Just months after Monster made Aileen Wuornos a household name—and Charlize Theron an Oscar darling—documentarian Nick Broomfield and co-director/cinematographer Joan Churchill unleashed this riveting portrait of the real-life serial killer. Of the two films, it remains the more chilling experience, an unflinching face-to-face encounter with a deeply damaged soul who, as she prepares for her imminent execution, is at once eager to set the record straight, angrily defiant, and increasingly delusional. Daring to find the humanity in one of the most vilified criminals of the century, Broomfield and Churchill—whose camera remains ever-alert and skillfully unobtrusive—craft a haunting, complex look at a life gone wrong. Monday, July 30, 6:45pm (Q&A with Joan Churchill)
Ashley Connor Sneak Preview! The Miseducation of Cameron Post Desiree Akhavan, USA, 2018, 90m Based on the celebrated novel by Emily M. Danforth, Desiree Akhavan’s second feature follows the titular character (Chloë Grace Moretz) in 1993 as she is sent to a gay conversion therapy center after getting caught with another girl on prom night. In the face of intolerance and denial, Cameron meets a group of fellow sinners, including amputee stoner Jane (Sasha Lane) and her friend Adam (Forrest Goodluck), a Lakota Two-Spirit. Together, this group forms an unlikely family with a will to fight. Akhavan and DP Ashley Connor evoke the emotional layers of Danforth’s novel with an effortless yet considered attention to the spirit of the ’90s and the audacious, moving performances of the ensemble cast. A FilmRise release. Sunday, July 29, 6:00pm (Q&A with Ashley Connor)
Josée Deshaies House of Tolerance / L’Apollonide: Souvenirs de la maison close Bertrand Bonello, France, 2011, 35mm, 122m French with English subtitles “I could sleep for a thousand years,” drawls a 19th-century prostitute—paraphrasing Lou Reed—at the start of Bonello’s hushed, opium-soaked fever dream of life in a Parisian brothel at the turn of the century. House of Tolerance is, among other things, Bonello’s most gorgeous and complete application of musical techniques to film grammar, his most rigorous attempt to sculpt cinematic space, his most probing reflection on the origins of capitalist society, and his most sophisticated study of the movement of bodies under immense constraint. A shocking mutilation, a funeral staged to The Moody Blues’ “Nights in White Satin,” a progression of ritualized, drugged assignations and encounters: Bonello and frequent collaborator Josée Deshaies capture it all with a mixture of casual detachment and needlepoint precision. Wednesday, August 1, 2:00pm Sunday, August 5, 4:30pm
Crystel Fournier Tomboy Céline Sciamma, France, 2011, 35mm, 82m French with English subtitles A sensitive, heartrending portrait of what it feels like to grow up different, Céline Sciamma’s beautifully observed coming-of-age tale aches tenderly with the tangled confusion of childhood. When ten-year-old Laure’s family moves to a new neighborhood during the summer, the gender-nonconforming preteen (played by the impressively naturalistic Zoé Héran) takes the opportunity to present as Mickäel to the neighborhood kids—testing the waters of a new identity that neither friends nor family quite understand. Sciamma’s warmly empathetic tone is perfectly complemented by the soft-lit impressionism of Crystel Fournier’s glowing cinematography. Print courtesy of the Institut Français. Monday, August 6, 2:15pm Thursday, August 9, 9:15pm
Agnès Godard Beau Travail Claire Denis, France, 1999, 35mm, 92m French, Italian, and Russian with English subtitles Denis’s loose retelling of Billy Budd, set among a troop of Foreign Legionnaires stationed in the Gulf of Djibouti, is one of her finest films, an elemental story of misplaced longing and frustrated desire. Beneath a scorching sun, shirtless young men exercise to the strains of Benjamin Britten, under the watchful eye of Denis Lavant’s stone-faced officer Galoup, their obsessively ritualized movements simmering with barely suppressed violence. When a handsome recruit wins the favor of the regiment’s commander, cracks start to appear in Galoup’s fragile composure. In the tense, tightly disciplined atmosphere of military life, Denis found an ideal outlet for two career-long concerns: the quiet agony of repressing one’s emotions and the terror of finally letting loose. An NYFF37 selection. Print courtesy of the Institut Français. Thursday, July 26, 7:00pm (Q&A with Agnès Godard)
35 Shots of Rum / 35 rhums Claire Denis, France/Germany, 2008, 35mm, 100m French and German with English subtitles When is a rice cooker more than just a rice cooker? When it’s in the masterful hands of Claire Denis, who somehow transforms it into a moving metaphor for the evolving relationship between a Parisian train conductor (Alex Descas) and his devoted twenty-something daughter (Mati Diop) as he gently nudges her out of the nest and each tests the waters of new relationships. Warmed by the ember-glow of Agnès Godard’s beautifully burnished cinematography, Denis’s delicately bittersweet take on the Ozu-style family drama conveys worlds of meaning and emotion—attraction, heartache, loss, hope—in a mere glance, a gesture, and, yes, a kitchen appliance. Thursday, July 26, 9:30pm (Introduction by Agnès Godard) Tuesday, July 31, 1:00pm
The Intruder / L'intrus Claire Denis, France, 2005, 35mm, 130m French, English, Korean, Russian, and Polynesian with English subtitles Rich, strange, and tantalizingly enigmatic, Denis’s crypto-odyssey is a mesmeric sensory experience that haunts like a half-remembered dream. Inspired by a book by philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, The Intruder skips across time and continents—from the Alpine wilds to a neon-lit Korea to a tropical Tahiti suffused with languorous melancholy—as it traces the journey of an inscrutable, ailing loner (Michel Subor) seeking a black market heart transplant and his long-lost son. An impressionist wash of hallucinations, memories, and dreams are borne along on the lush textures of Agnès Godard’s shimmering cinematography. Print courtesy of the Institut Français. Saturday, July 28, 3:00pm (Q&A with Agnès Godard) Thursday, August 9, 4:15pm
Kristen Johnson Cameraperson Kirsten Johnson, USA, 2016, 102m How much of one’s self can be captured in the images shot of and for others? Kirsten Johnson’s work as a director of photography and camera operator has helped earn her documentary collaborators (Laura Poitras, Michael Moore, Kirby Dick, Barbara Kopple) nearly every accolade and award possible. Recontextualizing the stunning images inside, around, and beyond the works she has shot, Johnson constructs a visceral and vibrant self-portrait of an artist who has traveled the globe, venturing into landscapes and lives that bear the scars of trauma both active and historic. Rigorous yet nimble in its ability to move from heartache to humor, Cameraperson provides an essential lens on the things that make us human. A 2016 New Directors/New Films selection. Friday, July 27, 6:30pm Thursday, August 2, 4:15pm
Derrida Kirby Dick & Amy Ziering, USA, 2002, 35mm, 84m Postmodern intellectual rockstar Jacques Derrida receives an appropriately self-reflexive portrait in this playful, probing documentary. Framed by the French philosopher’s statements about the inherent unreliability of biography, it finds co-director Amy Ziering attempting to tease out the links between Derrida’s radically influential thinking (he expounds on everything from forgiveness to Seinfeld) and his own life. Even as the alternately witty and reflective Derrida remains cagey about personal matters, Kirsten Johnson’s attentive camera captures revealing flashes of the man behind the ideas. What emerges is a fascinating interrogation of filmic truth: a documentary that relentlessly deconstructs itself. Friday, July 27, 8:45pm
Ellen Kuras Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Michel Gondry, USA, 2004, 35mm, 108m The feverish imaginations of DIY surrealist Michel Gondry and screenwriter Charlie Kaufman kick into overdrive for the great gonzo sci-fi romance of the early 2000s. When nice guy dweeb Joel (Jim Carrey) encounters blue-haired spitfire Clementine (Kate Winslet) on the LIRR, there’s a spark of attraction, but also something familiar—almost as if they’ve met before… Cue a ping-ponging, time- and space-collapsing journey through memory and a star-crossed love gone sour. The high-contrast handheld camerawork of Ellen Kuras enhances the whiplash sense of disorientation in what is, ultimately, a heart-wounding parable about the ways in which we inevitably hurt those we love most. Wednesday, August 1, 4:30pm Saturday, August 4, 9:30pm
Swoon Tom Kalin, USA, 1992, 35mm, 93m One of the most daring works to emerge from the New Queer Cinema movement of the early 1990s, Swoon offers a radical, revisionist perspective on the infamous Leopold and Loeb murder case. Channeling the spirits of Dreyer, Bresson, and Jean Genet, director Tom Kalin challenges viewers to identify with two of the most notorious killers of the 20th century, their crime—the Nietzsche-influenced thrill killing of a schoolboy in 1920s Chicago—and punishment recounted in ghostly black and white by Ellen Kuras. Throughout, Kalin cannily deconstructs the ways in which Leopold and Loeb’s homosexuality has been historically sensationalized and demonized—a provocative analogy for queer persecution in the AIDS era. Monday, July 30, 2:00pm Monday, August 6, 8:30pm
Sabine Lancelin La captive Chantal Akerman, France/Belgium, 2000, 35mm, 118m French with English subtitles Chantal Akerman’s hypnotic exploration of erotic obsession plays like Vertigo filtered through the director’s visionary feminist formalism. Loosely inspired by the fifth volume of Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, it circles around the very-strange-indeed relationship between the seemingly pliant Ariane (Sylvie Testud) and the disturbingly jealous Simon (Stanislas Merhar), whose need to possess her completely in turn renders him hostage to his own destructive desires. The coolly contemplative camera style of Sabine Lancelin imparts an unbroken, trance-like tension, which finds release only in the thunderous roil of the operatic score. Print courtesy of Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique. Sunday, July 29, 1:00pm
The Strange Case of Angelica / O Estranho Caso de Angélica Manoel de Oliveira, Portugal, 2010, 35mm, 97m Manoel de Oliveira’s sly, metaphysical romance—made when the famously resilient director was a mere 102 years old—is a mesmerizing, beyond-the-grave rumination on love, mortality, and the power of images. On a rain-slicked night, village photographer Isaac (Ricardo Trêpa) is summoned by a wealthy family to take a picture of their beautiful, recently deceased daughter Angelica (Pilar López de Ayala). What ensues is a ghostly tale of romantic obsession as Isaac finds his dreams—and his photographs—haunted by the spirit of the bewitching young woman. The crisp chiaroscuro compositions of cinematographer Sabine Lancelin enhance the film’s otherworldly, unstuck-in-time aura. An NYFF48 selection. Friday, July 27, 1:00pm Wednesday, August 1, 9:00pm
Jeanne Lapoirie Eastern Boys Robin Campillo, France, 2013, 128m French with English subtitles Jeanne Lapoirie’s surveillance-style camera, looking from above, masterfully follows the men who loiter around the Gare du Nord train station in Paris as they scrape by however they can, forming gangs for support and protection, ever fearful of being caught by the police and deported. When the middle-aged, bourgeois Daniel (Olivier Rabourdin) approaches a boyishly handsome Ukrainian who calls himself Marek for a date, he learns the young man is willing to do anything for some cash. What Daniel intends only as sex-for-hire begets a home invasion and then an unexpectedly profound relationship. The drastically different circumstances of the two men’s lives reveal hidden facets of the city they share. Presented in four parts, this absorbing, continually surprising film by Robin Campillo (BPM: Beats Per Minute) is centered around relationships that defy easy categorization, in which motivations and desires are poorly understood even by those to whom they belong. Monday, July 30, 4:00pm Saturday, August 4, 4:45pm
Rain Li Paranoid Park Gus Van Sant, USA, 2007, 35mm, 85m At once a dreamlike portrait of teen alienation and a boldly experimental work of film narrative, Paranoid Park finds Gus Van Sant at the height of his powers. A withdrawn high-school skateboarder (Gabe Nevins) struggles to make sense of his involvement in an accidental death. He recalls past events across tides of memory, and expresses his feelings in a diary—which is, in effect, the movie we are watching. The extraordinary skating scenes, filmed by cinematographers Rain Li and Christopher Doyle in a lyrical mixture of Super 8 and 35mm, depict their subjects soaring in space, momentarily free of the earthly troubles of adolescence. An NYFF45 selection. Tuesday, August 7, 9:15pm
Hélène Louvart Beach Rats Eliza Hittman, USA, 2017, 95m Hittman follows up her acclaimed debut, It Felt Like Love, with this sensitive chronicle of sexual becoming. Frankie (a breakout Harris Dickinson), a bored teenager living in South Brooklyn, regularly haunts the Coney Island boardwalk with his boys—trying to score weed, flirting with girls, killing time. But he spends his late nights dipping his toes into the world of online cruising, connecting with older men and exploring the desires he harbors but doesn’t yet fully understand. Sensuously lensed on 16mm by cinematographer Hélène Louvart, Beach Rats presents a colorful and textured world roiling with secret appetites and youthful self-discovery. A 2017 New Directors/New Films selection. A Neon release. Thursday, August 2, 9:00pm
Pina [in 3D] Wim Wenders, Germany/France, 2011, 106m German, English, and French with English subtitles Wim Wenders began planning this project with legendary choreographer Pina Bausch in the months before her untimely death, selecting the pieces to be filmed and discussing the filmmaking strategy. Impressed by recent innovations in 3D, Wenders decided to experiment with the format for this tribute to Bausch and her Tanztheater Wuppertal; the result sets the standard against which all future uses of 3D to record performance will be measured. Not only are the beauty and sheer exhilaration of the dance s and dancers powerfully rendered by Hélène Louvart and Jörg Widmer’s lensing, but the film also captures the sense of the world that Bausch so brilliantly expressed in all her pieces. Longtime members of the Tanztheater recreate many of their original roles in such seminal works as “Café Müller,” “Le Sacre du Printemps,” and “Kontakthof.” An NYFF49 selection. Sunday, August 5, 2:00pm Tuesday, August 7, 2:00pm
The Wonders Alice Rohrwacher, Italy/Switzerland/Germany, 2014, 110m French with English subtitles Winner of the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, Alice Rohrwacher’s vivid story of teenage yearning and confusion revolves around a beekeeping family in rural central Italy: German-speaking father, Italian mother, four girls. Two unexpected arrivals prove disruptive, especially for the pensive oldest daughter, Gelsomina. The father takes in a troubled teenage boy as part of a welfare program, and a television crew shows up to enlist local farmers in a kitschy celebration of Etruscan culinary traditions (a slyly self-mocking Monica Bellucci plays the bewigged host). Hélène Louvart’s lensing combines a documentary attention to daily ritual with an evocative atmosphere of mystery to conjure a richly concrete world that is subject to the magical thinking of adolescence. An NYFF52 selection. Friday, August 3, 9:15pm Wednesday, August 8, 3:45pm
Irina Lubtchansky Around a Small Mountain / 36 vues du Pic Saint Loup Jacques Rivette, France/Italy, 2009, 35mm, 84m French with English subtitles     The final film from arch gamesman Jacques Rivette is a captivating variation on one of the themes that most obsessed him: the ineffable interplay between life and performance. Luminously photographed by Irina Lubtchansky in the open-air splendor of the south of France, it revolves around an Italian flaneur (Sergio Castellitto) who finds himself drawn into the world of a humble traveling circus led by the elusive Kate (Jane Birkin), whose enigmatic past becomes a tantalizing mystery he is determined to solve. In a career studded with sprawling shaggy dog epics, Rivette’s swan song is a deceptively slight grace note that contains multitudes. An NYFF47 selection.
Preceded by: Sarah Winchester, Ghost Opera / Sarah Winchester, Opera Fantôme Bertrand Bonello, France, 2016, 24m North American Premiere A film to stand in for an opera unmade: Bonello’s moody, baroque meditation on the heiress to the Winchester rifle fortune plays like a ballet-cum-horror film, an ornate tapestry of enigmatic images, chilling synths, and traces of a tragic and eccentric life. An NYFF54 selection. A Grasshopper Film release. Friday, August 3, 4:15pm Wednesday, August 8, 9:15pm
Babette Mangolte The Camera: Je or La Camera: I Babette Mangolte, USA, 1977, 88m Though perhaps best known as the cinematographer for Chantal Akerman’s groundbreaking 1970s work—as well as for her collaborations with avant-garde icons like Yvonne Rainer, Trisha Brown, and Marina Abramović—Babette Mangolte is a singular cinematic visionary in her own right. In this structuralist auto-portrait, Mangolte allows viewers to peer through the lens of her camera as she produces a series of still photographs, first of models, then of the streetscapes of downtown Manhattan. As we experience the act of image-making through her eyes, what emerges is a heady consideration of the art and act of seeing and of the complex relationship between photographer, subject, and viewer. Monday, August 6, 6:30pm
Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Chantal Akerman, Belgium/France, 1976, 35mm, 201m French with English subtitles A landmark of feminist art, Chantal Akerman’s minimalist masterpiece is both a monumental and microscopic view of three days in the life of a fastidious Belgian single mother (a sphinx-like Delphine Seyrig) as she goes about her housework, peeling potatoes and washing dishes with the same clinical detachment with which she makes love to the occasional john. And then slowly, almost imperceptibly, things begin to go awry… The rigorous, relentlessly impassive gaze of Babette Mangolte’s camera is transfixing but, in the words of the director, “never voyeuristic”; it’s a uniquely feminine way of seeing made manifest by one of the most sui generis filmmaker-cinematographer partnerships in history. Tuesday, July 31, 3:15pm Saturday, August 4, 1:00pm
Claire Mathon Stranger by the Lake / L’inconnu du lac Alain Guiraudie, France, 2013, 97m French with English subtitles Alain Guiraudie’s Cannes-awarded exploration of death and desire unfolds entirely in the vicinity of a gay cruising ground that becomes a crime scene. Franck (Pierre Deladonchamps) is a regular at a lakeside pickup spot, where he finds companionship both platonic and carnal. But his new paramour Michel (Christophe Paou) turns out to be a love-’em-and-leave-’em type, in the deadliest sense… Guiraudie has long been a singular voice in French cinema: anti-bourgeois, at ease in nature, a true regionalist and outsider. Here he and DP Claire Mathon capture naked bodies and hardcore sex with the same matter-of-fact sensuousness they bring to ripples on the water and the fading light of dusk. An NYFF51 selection. Monday, July 30, 9:15pm Thursday, August 9, 2:00pm
Reed Morano Sneak Preview! I Think We’re Alone Now Reed Morano, USA, 2018, 93m Pulling double duty as director and cinematographer, Reed Morano finds the melancholic beauty in the end of the world with this gorgeous and strange drama starring Peter Dinklage and Elle Fanning as the last people on Earth. When the film opens in a desolate upstate New York, the misanthropic Del (Dinklage) is performing rote, custodial tasks to clean up the chaos left around his hometown—and relishing his newfound solitude—until another, sprightly survivor (Fanning) arrives. Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Excellence in Filmmaking at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, I Think We’re Alone Now is a visually audacious entry in the postapocalyptic genre and an idiosyncratic take on loneliness and grief.   Thursday, August 2, 6:30pm
Rachel Morrison Fruitvale Station Ryan Coogler, USA, 2013, 85m Coogler’s remarkable debut feature explores the life and harrowing death of Oscar Grant (played by Michael B. Jordan), a 22-year-old African-American man killed by police in the early hours of January 1, 2009. Six months after sweeping both the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival, Fruitvale Station opened on the same weekend that jurors in Florida acquitted George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin. Rachel Morrison’s gripping, exploratory Super 16 on-location camerawork dramatizes the unseen complexities and personal relationships of Grant’s inner circle with a startling sense of urgency, emotion, and the unflagging awareness of a preventable tragedy too often seen in the news cycle. Sunday, August 5, 7:00pm
Free Talk: The Female Gaze Join us for an hour-long conversation with cinematographers Natasha Braier, Ashley Connor, Agnès Godard, and Joan Churchill as they discuss the series and reflect on their careers and influences, and how they approach their craft. Sponsored by HBO®. Saturday, July 28, 6:30pm* Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center, Amphitheater, 144 W 65th Street
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babyconnectingworld · 4 years
165 Futuristic Baby Names For Boys And Girls, With Meanings
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Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Most parents want their baby’s name to be unique and modern. The current trend is to choose a futuristic name, which not only stands out from the rest but also stays relevant to the times to come.
Futuristic Names For Boys With Meanings
1. Adlai The name Adlai has its origin from a Hebrew word that means “God is just.”  Sponsored 2. Alaric The name comes from an Old German word referring to the “all-powerful king or ruler.” The name Alaric was also the name of an Old German ruler who once conquered Rome.  3. Anakin A unique name, Anakin means a “warrior.”  4. Arsenio A name with a Spanish origin, Arsenio, means “strong and virile.”  5. Artemis A unisex name of Greek origin, Artemis, refers to the moon. Artemis also means “safe and protected.”  6. Aurelius The name Aurelius has its origin from a Latin word meaning, “the golden one.” The name Aurelius also has its name derived from “Marcus Aurelius,”a famous Roman emperor.  7. Auryn A name with a Welsh and Celtic origin, Auryn, refers to gold.  8. Azriel A unique name with a Hebrew origin, Azriel means “God is my help.”  9. Cael The name Cael has its origin from an Irish-Gaelic word that means “slender.”  10. Calihan The name Calihan is derived from an Irish word which means, “one who loves churches.”  11. Carrew A name with a Welsh origin, Carrew, refers to a “fort situated close to a slope.”  12. Cashel A unique futuristic name for boys, Cashel, has its name derived from an Irish word which refers to a “castle or fort made of stone (stone castle).”  13. Caspian The name Caspian has a toponymic origin, deriving its name from the “Caspian Sea,” the largest inland water body, situated between Europe and Asia.  14. Cassian The name Cassian has its origin in a Latin word, which means “hollow.”  15. Cedro A unique futuristic name for boys, Cedro, likely has a Spanish origin and means “strong gift” or a “special gift.”  16. Cian The name Cian has its origin from an Irish word which means, “ancient.”  17. Cillian A name with an Irish origin, Cillian, means “church.” The name is often indicative of a spiritual person.  18. Colton The name Colton has its name derived from an Old English word which refers to a “coal town.”  19. Crispin A name with a Latin origin, Crispin, refers to “one who is curly-haired.”  20. Drake It isderived from a Latin word, Drake refers to a male duck. Drake also originates from an English surname, derived from “Draki,” which was an old Old Norse by-name or nickname.  21. Derry It is derived from an Irish word, Derry means “like an oak.”  22. Edsel The name Edsel has its origin from an English word meaning “a wealthy man’s estate.” The name also means “noble and bright.”  23. Elson The name Elson has its name derived from an English word meaning, “son of Ellis.”  24. Elwyn A name with an English origin, Elwyn refers to a “noble friend.”  25. Ephraim The name Ephraim has its origin from a Hebrew word which means “productive or fruitful.” The name Ephraim also refers to one of Joseph’s sons, as per the Old Testament.  26. Esai The name Esai is the Spanish variation of the name “Isaiah,” which comes from Hebrew and means “God is my salvation.”  27. Espen A name with a Scandinavian origin, Espen, means “God bear.”  28. Evander The name Evander has its origin from a Scottish word which refers, to a “bow warrior.” The name Evander is also indicative of a strong and powerful man.  29. Everard The name Everard originates from an Old English word which means, “hardy.”  30. Eythor The name Eythor has its origin from an Old German word referring to “thunder.”  31. Finian The name Finian has its name derived from an Irish word which means, “fair.” The name Finian also originates from “Finian,” the warrior followers of Finn Mac Cumhail, a 3rd-century legendary Irish hero. 32. Fio A name with an Italian origin, Fio, means “flowering.”  33. Freddy The name Freddy originates from a German word, which means “ruler.” The name Freddy may also have its inspiration from Freddie Mercury, a popular rock singer, who was known for his flamboyance and enthralling performance.  34. Harlin The name Harlin has its origin from an English word which means, “a rocky land.” 35. Jacob A name with a Hebrew origin, Jacob, probably means “supplanting.”  36. Jax A name with an English origin, Jax means “God has shown favor.”  37. Jethro A name with a Hebrew origin, Jethro, means “excellence.” Jethro also has its name derived from “Jethro,” a Midianite priest, who, according to the Old Testament, “sheltered Moses when he fled Egypt.”  38. Jonas It is likely derived from “John,” which comes from Hebrew and means “God is gracious.” A popular bearer of the name is the famous singer Nick Jonas.  39. Kaiser The name Kaiser has its origin from an Old German word, which means “a king or a ruler.”  40. Kalel The name Kalel originates from a Hebrew word meaning “voice of God.”  41. Kasper A name with a Persian and Polish origin, Kasper, refers to a “treasurer.”  42. Klay A variant of clay, the name Klay, probably has an occupational origin referring to “one who works with clay.”  43. Knox A Scottish name, Knox, means “round hill.”  44. Luca It originatesfrom an Italian word, Luca refers to an individual from Lucania, which was an ancient area situated in southern Italy. The name has been a craze ever since Hilary Duff (American Actress) named her son “Luca.”  45. Ludek A name with a French and German origin, Ludek, means “a famous warrior.”  46. Micaiah A Hebrew name, Micaiah, means “Who is like God.”  47. Mircea The name Mircea has a Romanian origin meaning “peace.”  48. Noe A Biblical name, Noe, means “consolation or repose.”  49. Nye The name Nye has its origin from a Welsh word, which means “honor.”  50. Oren A Hebrew name, Oren, means “a pine tree.” The name Oren also means “laurel.”  51. Perrin A Greek name, Perrin means “rock.”  52. Renan A Hebrew name, Renan, means “luxuriant.” The name Renan also means “fresh.”  53. Rivo The name Rivo has its origin from an Italian word meaning “a stream.”  54. Ruairi A unique Irish name, Ruairi, means “Red King.”  55. Rui A name with a Portuguese origin, Rui, refers to a “renowned or famous ruler.”  56. Rune A name common in Norway and Belgium, Rune, means “secret.”  57. Rye The name Rye originates from an English word, which means “island meadow.”  58. Ryker The name Ryker has its origin in a Low German word, which means “rich.”  59. Sagan The name Sagan has a Latin origin and refers to one who is “wise and knowledgeable.”  60. Salix A name with a Latin origin, Salix, means “willow.”  61. Saylor A name with an occupational origin, Saylor derives its name from “Sailleor,” a French word that refers to a “dancer.” The name Saylor, thus, refers to “an acrobat or a dancer.”  62. Schyler A name with a Danish origin, Schyler, refers to “one who gives shelter.” The name Schyler also means “a scholar.”  63. Silas A name with a Latin and English origin, Silas refers to a “forest.” The name Silas also means “wood.”  64. Solon The name Solon has its origin from a Greek word, which refers to the “wise one.”  65. Stellan The name Stellan has its origin in a Swedish word that means “calm.”  66. Sulien The name Sulien has its origin from a Welsh word, which means “sun-born.”  67. Sven The name Sven is derived from a Scandinavian word, which means “youth.”  68. Tae A name with a Korean origin, Tae, means “great.”  69. Theron The name Theron has its origin from a Greek word, which means “hunter.”  70. Tovio The name Tovio has its origin from a Finnish word, which means “hope.”  71. Torin A unique futuristic name for boys, Torin, is derived from an Irish word, which means “chief.”  72. Tyrion A unique name, Tyrion, comes from the Latin name “Tyrianus.” This name has a toponymic origin and refers to those who originally belonged to the city of Tyre, now in Lebanon.  73. Uriah The name Uriah has its origin from a Hebrew word which means “God is my light.”  74. Wilbur The name Wilbur originates from a German word, which means “resolute.”  75. Wystan The name Wystan has its name derived from an Old English word, which means “battle stone.”  76. Xander It is ashort form of the name “Alexander,” which comes from Greek and means “defending men.”  77. Xavion A unique name for boys, Xavion, means a “fighter.”  78. Zaiden The name Zaiden has its origin from an American word, which means “surplus.” Zaiden is a unisex name.  79. Zen A name with a Greek origin, Zen, means “Gift of Zeus.”  80. Zephyr The name Zephyr has a Greek origin, referring to “messenger of Spring.”
Futuristic Baby Names For Girls With Meanings
81. Alessa A name with a Greek origin, Alessa, means “noble.” The name Alessa also means a “defender.”  82. Annora A name that has its origin from a Latin word, Annora, means “honor.”  83. Archie The name Archie has its origin from a word that refers to one who is “brave.” The name Archie also has a royal feel to it as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have named their firstborn “Archie.”  84. Ariana A name of Italian origin, Ariana, means “something very pious or holy.” The name also has its inspiration from Ariana Grande, a renowned American singer, and actress.  85. Ariella The name Ariella has its origin from a Hebrew word, which means “Lion Of God.”  86. Arvilla A name with its origin in Old German, Arvilla, means “Eagle ruler.”  87. Arwen The name Arwen has a Welsh origin and refers to a “noble maiden.” Arwen also derives its name from “Arwen,” the famous princess of the Elves, in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings.”  88. Arya The name Arya has been a rage thanks to the popular “Game of Thrones” television show series. The name likely has its origin in “Aria,” which is an Italian name that means “song” or “melody.”  89. Astoria The name Astoria has its origin in an English word, which refers to the one who is “like a Hawk.”  90. Astra A name with a Greek origin, Astra, refers to a “star.”  91. Astrid A unique futuristic name for baby girls, Astrid, has its name originating from a Scandinavian word, meaning “one who is divinely beautiful.”  92. Ayelet A Hebrew name, Ayelet, means “gazelle” or “deer. “  93. Azura The name Azura has its origin from a Spanish word that refers to the “blue sky.”  94. Baila A unique name with a Spanish origin, Baila, means “dance.”  95. Blaise A name with a Latin and French origin, Blaise, means “stutter.” The name Blaise also has its origin from “Blaise Pascal,” a 17th-century renowned mathematician, scientist, and philosopher, who has several discoveries and inventions to his credit.  96. Blythe The name Blythe has its origin from an Old English word, indicative of one who is “carefree and happy.”  97. Caia The name Caia has a Latin origin and means “to celebrate or rejoice.”  98. Calla A unique name with a Greek origin, Calla, means “beautiful.”  99. Callista It comes from theGreek name“Kallistos,” which means “most attractive” or “most beautiful.”  100. Camila The name has its origin from an Italian word, which means “a young ceremonial attendant.” The name “Camila” also has its inspiration from Camila Cabello, a renowned American-Cuban singer).”  101. Candela A name with a Spanish origin, Candela, means “Candlemas,” a festival to celebrate the purification of the Virgin Mary.  102. Carabelle A name with Portuguese, Italian, Irish, and Latin origin, Carabelle, means “a dear one.” Carabelle also means “face.”  103. Ceres A name with a French and Latin origin, Ceres, refers to the “Goddess of agriculture.”  104. Charolet The name Charolet has its origin in a French word, which means a “free man.”  105. Colma A unique futuristic name for girls, Colma comes from a Late Latin name that refers to a dove.  106. Cosima The name comes from Greek and means “harmony” or “order. “  107. Crescentia The name Crescentia has its name derived from a French word, which means “to grow or increase.”  108. Cytherea A unique Greek name, Cytherea, means “from the island of Cythera.”  109. Dael A name with a Hebrew origin, Dael, means “knowledge of God.” Dael also has an Old English origin and refers to a “valley.”  110. Dalla A name with its origin from a Swedish surname, Dalla, means “Dahl’s flower.”  111. Dawnelle An English name, Dawnelle refers to the “first appearance of daylight.”  112. Delya A unique name, Delya, comes from Greek and refers to an “individual born on the island of Delos.”  113. Drea A name of Greek origin, Drea refers to “one who is courageous.”  114. Eila The name Eila has its origin from a Hebrew word, which means “tree.”  115. Elenyi The name Elenyi originates from an Old English word, which refers to “shining bright light.”  116. Eliette A unique Hebrew name, Eliette, means “my God has answered.”  117. Elowen A beautiful futuristic name with a Cornish origin, Elowen, means “elm.”  118. Elya A unique name of Slavic origin, Elya, means “the Lord Is My God.”  119. Ensley The name Ensley has an English origin and means “one’s meadow.”  120. Eowyn It is derived from Old English and refers to a “horse lover.”  121. Erinna It comes from an Irish word, Erinna, which means “from the island to the west.”  122. Etta A name with a Scottish and English origin, Etta, refers to an “estate ruler.”  123. Eulalie It is derived from a Greek word, Eulalie, which refers to “one who speaks sweetly.”  124. Evrim A name with a Turkish origin, Evrim, means “evolution.”  125. Evuska The name Evuska has its origin from a Hebrew word, which means “life.”  126. Ezri A name with a Hebrew origin, Ezri, means “my help.”  127. Falynn It is derived from an Irish word, Falynn, means “a leader.”  128. Fantasia The name Fantasia originates from a Greek word, which means “imagination.”  129. Felicity The name Felicity has its origin from an Irish word, which means “good fortune.” Felicity also means “to be happy.”  130. Harper The name Harper has its origin from an English word, indicative of “one who plays the harp.” Harper is also a trending baby girl name, thanks to David and Victoria Beckham, who named their daughter “Harper.”  131. Ilaria It isderived from the Italian name “Hilarius,” which means “cheerful and happy.”  132. Imelda A name with Italian, German, and Spanish origin, Imelda, refers to “a woman warrior,” or one who is a “powerful fighter.”  133. Ivara It originates from a German word, Ivara, which refers to an “archer.” Ivara also means the “yew tree.”  134. Jada The name Jada originates from a Spanish word, referring to “jade.”  135. Junia A name with a Latin origin, Junia, refers to “individuals born in June.”  136. Juniper The name Juniper has its origin from “Juniperus,” a Latin word, meaning “evergreen.”  137. Karis The name Karis originates from a Greek word, which means “grace.”  138. Kiska The name Kiska has its name derived from a Russian word, meaning “pure.”  139. Lilium: A beautiful futuristic name for baby girls, Lilium, has its origin in a Latin word, which means “Lily.” 140. Luna The name Luna has its origin from an Italian word, which refers to the “Moon.” 141. Lyra The name Lyra originates from a Greek word, which refers to Lyre, a stringed musical instrument, especially popular in ancient Greece. Lyra also originates from “Lyra,” the name of a constellation taken from the “lyre of Orpheus.”  142. Lystra A Biblical name, Lystra refers to “something that disperses or dissolves.”  143. Malone The name Malone originates from “Mael Eoin,” an Irish name which means “servant or a disciple of Saint John.” Malone also has its inspiration from “Post Malone, a popular American Rapper.” Malone is a unisex name.  144. Mazarine The name Mazarine originates from a French word, which refers to “deep blue color.”  145. Minerva It originates from a Latin word, Minerva, that means “intellect.” Minerva also refers to the “Roman Goddess of wisdom and war.”  146. Morena A name with Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian origin, Morena, has its name derived from the word “Moreno,” which refers to “one who is brown-haired.”  147. Natania A beautiful name, Natania, originates from a Hebrew word, which means “gift of God.”  148. Neriah A biblical name, Neriah, comes from Hebrew and refers to the “Lamp of the Lord.”  149. Nolwenn It originates from a word of Welsh origin, Nolwenn, which means “something pious.” Nolwenn also means “shining.”  150. Novelia A name likely has its origin in the Latin word “Novus,” which means “new” or “fresh.”  151. Ophelia The name Ophelia originates from a Greek word, which means “help.”  152. Orsa It originates from an Italian word, the name Orsa, refers to a “little female bear.”  153. Paisley The name Paisley originates from a Latin word that means “Church.” The unique name for baby girl also has its inspiration from Brad Paisley, an American singer of country music.  154. Rhett The name is an Anglicized form of a Dutch name that means “advice” or “counsel.”  155. Riella A beautiful name, Riella, means “God is my strength.”  156. Saretta A name derived from a Hebrew word, Saretta, refers to a “princess.”  157. Secora It is derived from a Spanish word, Secora refers to “an individual who helps others.”  158. Siloh A name originating from a Hebrew word, Siloh, probably means “He/She (referring to a Messiah) who has been sent.”  159. Thyra It is derived from a Scandinavian word, Thyra, refers to the “Goddess of thunder.”  160. Tove The name Tove originates from a Scandinavian word, which means “beautiful.”  161. Vanina A name of Spanish and Portuguese origin, Vanina refers to “one who brings in the good news.”  162. Violet The name Violet is generally indicative of the “violet/purple color.”  However, what makes this name a trendsetter is, many celebrity couples, including Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, have named their baby girl with this beautiful name.  163. Wynn It isderived from an English word, Wynn, is a unisex name, which means “a friend.”  164. Zeline The name Zeline has a Latin and French origin, meaning “dignified or solemn.”  165. Zosia The name Zosia originates from a Greek word, which means “wisdom.” Futuristic names for the baby are unique and have a touch of style to them as well. Pick a name that is elegant, gorgeous, and likely to suit the personality of your baby in the long run. Have any futuristic baby names to share? Let us know in the comment section below.   Read the full article
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growinstablog · 4 years
Top 50 Most Followed Instagram Accounts
I’m sure you wanna know who are the top 50 most followed Instagram accounts. Every account on this list has more than a million followers on Instagram. To make it interesting, I’ve added the number of followers and the country of origin.
While this list can change over time, it’s important to note that it was captured as of mid-November 2017.
1) Instagram – @Instagram
The Instagram team discovers and tells the stories from around the world. Curated by Instagram’s community team.
Followers: 227 Million
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2) Selena Gomez @selenagomez
Selena Marie Gomez is an American singer and actress. She started her career on the children’s television series Barney & Friends and is currently trending second on Instagram.
Followers: 129 Million
Country: USA
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3) Ariana Grande @arianagrande
Ariana Grande-Butera, better known as Ariana Grande, is an American singer and actress. She started her career in 2008 in the Broadway musical 13.
Followers: 115 Million
Musician and Actress
Country: USA
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4) Cristiano Ronaldo @cristiano
Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese professional footballer for the Spanish club Real Madrid. Clearly, the Portugal national team has massive Fan following on Instagram.
Followers: 114 Million
Country: Portugal
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5) Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter @beyonce
Trending on number five is Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter, better known as Beyoncé. She’s an American singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress from Houston, Texas. She’s got 108 Million people following her on Instagram with 0 Followers (ain’t that nice!).
Followers: 108 Million
Country: USA
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6) Taylor Swift @taylorswift
Leading contemporary recording artist, singer-songwriter, Taylor Alison Swift is known for narrative songs about her personal life. With 104 million fans, records get sold and hits are inevitable. Again, 0 following – WTF!
Followers: 104 Million
Musician and Actress
Country: USA
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7) Kim Kardashian: @kimkardashian
Trending on number seven we have American reality television personality, socialite, actress, businesswoman, and model Kimberly Kardashian West. She’s got 104 million people hooked on her Instagram reality show.
Followers: 104 Million
Reality TV personality
Country: USA
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8) Kylie Jenner @kyliejenner
Kylie’s an American reality tv star, model, entrepreneur, socialite, and social media personality. She’s also got 99 million followers to sell her cosmetics product line.
Followers: 99.1 Million
Reality TV personality
Country: USA
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09) Dwayne Douglas Johnson @therock
Trending on number 9 is Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known by his ring name – The Rock, as well as the same handle on Instagram. Actor, producer, wrestler and all-around likable guy.
Followers: 95.5 Million
Actor and Professional Wrestler
Country: USA
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 10) Justin Bieber @justinbieber
At number 10, we have Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian singer and songwriter. After a talent manager discovered him through his YouTube videos covering songs in 2008, he was signed to RBMG. Bieber released his debut album, My World, in late 2009 and the Bieber-generation is obsessed with his Instagram feed. Not so sure about the music?
Followers: 93.2 Million
Country: Canada
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11) Kendall Nicole Jenner @kendalljenner
Trending on number 11 is Kendall Nicole Jenner, an American fashion model and television personality. She’s a also a model in a movement dubbed “the Instagirl era” by Vogue magazine. Originally appearing in the E! reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kendall has 84.5 million followers paying attention.
Followers: 84.5 Million
Country: USA
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12) Nicki Minaj  @nickiminaj
At number 12, we have Onika Tanya Maraj, known professionally as Nicki Minaj. She’s an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and model with 84 million followers on her Instagram. She recently revealed on Instagram that she’s been donating funds to an Indian village for a few years via her pastor. The donations helped the village build a computer center, a tailoring institute, a reading program, and two water wells. Nice Nicki!
Followers: 84 Million
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
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  13)  Neymar da Silva Santos @neymarjr
Trending at number 13, we have Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a forward for the French club Paris Saint-Germain and the Brazil national team.
Followers: 83.8 Million
Country: Brazil
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  14) Leo Messi @leomessi
At number 14, another footballer. Leo Messi is is an Argentine professional with 82.9 million followers. He plays forward for Spanish club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team.
Followers: 82.9 Million
Country: Argentina
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15) National Geographic @natgeo
You’ve never seen our planet in all of its glory until you’ve seen the National Geographic Instagram shots. Amazing photography and videos are well deserving of the Instagram love from all over the world.
Followers: 82.5 Million 
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16) Nike @nike 
One of the most iconic brands, Nike is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. Engage, engage, and engage – 75 million followers just do it.
Sportswear multinational corporation
Followers: 75 Million
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17) Miley Cyrus: @mileycyrus 
American singer, songwriter, and actress Miley Ray Cyrus started her career playing minor roles in the television series Doc and appeared in the film Big Fish. She’s all grown up now with 72.9 million followers along for the ride.
Followers: 72.9 Million
Musician and actress
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18) Khloé Alexandra Kardashian: @khloekardashian
At number 18, we have American television personality, socialite, model, businesswoman, and entrepreneur Khloé Alexandra Kardashian. She also starred in reality tv series Keeping Up with the Kardashians with her family and has her official app available for download on the Apple app store: appstore.com/KhloeKardashian
Followers: 69.8 Million
Reality TV personality
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19) Jennifer Lynn Lopez @jlo
There’s nothing low about jlo’s stats. Almost 70m tune in to her feed to show their love to the famous singer, actress, dancer and fashion designer. Interesting fact – she is the highest paid Latin actress in Hollywood.
Followers: 69.8 Million
Musician and actress
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20)Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson: @katyperry
We’d love to be on tour with this beautiful all American singer and songwriter. Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, better known as Katy Perry, deviated from her early pursuit of a career in gospel music as a teenager to becoming everyone’s favorite music sensation.
Followers: 68 MIllion
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  21) Demetria Devonne Lovato: @ddlovato 
Making her debut as a child actress in Barney & Friends, Demi Lovato rose to prominence in 2008 when she starred in the Disney tv film Camp Rock. The success of the film and its soundtrack resulted in a recording contract with Hollywood Records. Now, she’s setting records worldwide.
Followers: 62.2 Million 
Musician and actress
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22) Kourtney Mary Kardashian: @kourtneykardash
Just when you think there can’t be more of them – there’s another. Kourtney Kardashian touts her own app in case you haven’t gotten enough of the Kardashians. I wonder if it’s a game?
Followers: 59.3 Million
Reality Tv Personality
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23) Robyn Rihanna Fenty: @badgalriri
Born in Saint Michael, Barbados and raised in Bridgetown, Rihanna revealed her dazzling lineup of makeup on Instagram – Fenty Beauty line. Notice a pattern with celebs and their product lines?
Followers: 57.9 Million
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24) Victoria’s Secret:  @victoriassecret
At number 24, we have Victoria’s Secret. Quite frankly, I’m surprised their follower count isn’t in the billions 🙂 Get your fix for everything VS + shop the feed right here: like2b.uy/victoriassecret
Followers: 57.5 Million
Lingerie retailer
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25) Kevin Darnell Hart: @kevinhart4real
Trending at number 25, Kevin Hart is an American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Kevin began his career by winning several amateur comedy competitions at clubs. 55 million followers is evidence he’s funny both on Instagram and the stage.
Followers: 55 Million
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26) Real Madrid Club de Fútbol: @realmadrid
Soccer is life especially in Spain. Founded in 1902, we have 12 times European Champions Real Madrid keeping it very real on Instagram.
Followers: 53.6M
Football Club
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27) Spain Futbol Club Barcelona: @fcbarcelona 
Futbol Club Barcelona wants in on the action and trails their countrymen.
Followers: 52.9 Million
Football Club
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28) Ellen DeGeneres: @theellenshow 
Ellen DeGeneres is the best at delivering monologues and interviewing the most interesting guests. Likable, lovable, and hilarious Ellen exudes the same on Instagram.
Followers: 48.9 Million
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29) Justin Randall Timberlake: @justintimberlake 
We don’t hear much music from him anymore, but he’s still got quite the following on Instagram. At #29, Justin Timberlake continues his streak at the top of the charts.
Followers: 46.8 Million
Musician and actor
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30) Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman: @zendaya 
American actress and singer Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman starred in the Disney Channel sitcom Shake It Up as Rocky Blue. Now, she shakes it up on Instagram for 45 million followers.
Followers: 45.3 Million
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31) Vin Diesel: @vindiesel
American actor, producer, director and screenwriter Mark Sinclair, better known by his stage name Vin Diesel. You know him best as Dominic Toretto in The Fast and the Furious film series, Richard B. Riddick in The Chronicles of Riddick series or Xander Cage in the XXX series.
Followers: 45.1 Million
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32) Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll: @shakira 
Singer, songwriter, dancer, and record producer Shakira was raised in Barranquilla, Colmobia. She entered the English-language market with her fifth album, Laundry Service. Its lead single, “Whenever, Wherever“, became one of the most successful singles ever in 2002.
Followers: 43.7 Million
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33) 9GAG: @9gag
9GAG is a Hong Kong-based online platform and social media website. Its user generated streams consist of shareable content and memes across gaming, tech, and NSFW. The website was founded by University of Hong Kong students who wanted an alternative online platform to share humorous photos or videos.
Followers: 42.4M
Social media Platform
Hong Kong
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34) David Robert Joseph Beckham: @davidbeckham
English footballer David Robert Joseph Beckham has played for Manchester United, Preston North End, Real Madrid, Milan, LA Galaxy, Paris Saint-Germain.
Followers: 40.8M
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35) Christopher Maurice Brown: @chrisbrownofficial 
American singer, songwriter, and actor Christopher Maurice Brown was involved at his church choir and local talent shows from a young age. It paid off.
Followers: 40.6M
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36) Cara Jocelyn Delevingne: @caradelevingne
English fashion model and actress Cara Jocelyn Delevingne was awarded Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014. She is the author of Mirror, Mirror.
Followers:  40.5 Million
Model and actress
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37) Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson: @emmawatson 
I’m not the only one that’s been in love with Emma Watson for a long time. It seems 40 million followers agree that the British actress and model has earned her bragging rights.
Followers: 40.5M
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38) Aubrey Drake Graham: @champagnepapi
Canada represents with rapper, singer, songwriter, actor, and entrepreneur Aubrey Drake Graham. Drake loves to torture us with excitement, he released the Views tracklist, which features song titles perfectly served as Instagram captions.
Followers: 38.2M
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39) Jelena Noura: @gigihadid
Jelena Noura “Gigi” Hadid was signed to IMG Models in 2013 and has been ranked Top 50 Models at Models.com. I see why.
Followers: 36.4M
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40) James David Rodríguez Rubio: @jamesrodriguez10
Colombian footballer who plays midfielder or winger for German club Bayern Munich on loan from Real Madrid. The guy has a the best teams and 33 million loyal fans cheering for him on Instagram.
Followers: 33.6 Million 
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41) LeBron Raymone James: @kingjames
Lebron James – the King of the NBA, and the first basketball player on this Top 50 list.
Followers: 33.4M
Basketball player
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42) Gareth Frank Bale: @garethbale11
Welsh footballer who plays winger for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Wales national team.
Followers: 31.7
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43) Zachary David Alexander Efron: @zacefron
American actor and singer, Zachary David Alexander Efron, began acting professionally in the early 2000s and starred in the High School Musical franchise.
Followers: 31.1M
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44) Nike football: @nikefootball
Nike and Football eats up another slot on the Top 50 Instagrammers list. It’s one of few brands that has the imagery and clout to keep our attention.
Followers: 30.5
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45) Adele Laurie Blue: @adele 
English singer-songwriter, Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was given a recording contract by XL Recordings after a friend posted her demo on  Myspace. Time magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world in 2012 and 2016. With sales of more than 100 million records, Adele is one of the best-selling music artists of all time.
Followers: 30.5M
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46) Juan Luis: @maluma
Colombian singer and songwriter, Juan Luis Londoño Arias, better known by his stage name Maluma has 29.4 Million followers on Instagram.
Followers: 29.4 Million 
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47)  Zlatan Ibrahimović: @iamzlatanibrahimovic
This Swedish footballer played forward for Manchester United. Zlatan Ibrahimović continues to influence off the field.
Followers: 28.6M
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48)  National Aeronautics and Space Administration: @nasa
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research to explore the universe. What’s not to like about space pics?
Followers: 28.4M
Government space agency
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49) Ronaldo de Assis Moreira: @ronaldinho
Brazilian footballer and ambassador for Spanish club FC Barcelona, Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, entertains worldwide audiences.
Followers: 27.4M
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50) Vanessa Anne Hudgens: @vanessahudgens
American actress and singer, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, took advantage of her assets.
Followers: 27.3M
Actress and musician
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That’s the Top 50 Most Followed Instagram Profiles. To make it to the top 50 list, one thing is evident: become a footballer or learn to sing!
Otherwise, get back on Instagram and give them some competition with reposts of your cubicle or lunch order.
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theremotelyreview · 5 years
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Meghan, Duchess Of Sussex Gives Birth To Baby Boy
LONDON — The Duke and Duchess of Sussex — better known as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle — on Monday welcomed their first child, a boy, the first interracial baby in the British monarchy’s recent history.
The newborn is seventh in line to the British throne, behind Prince Harry. It is not clear whether the child will receive a royal title, like those bestowed on the three children of Prince William, Harry’s older brother, and William’s wife, Catherine.
Buckingham Palace said in a statement that Meghan gave birth at 5:26 a.m. and that her mother, Doria Ragland, was with the new parents at their home, Frogmore Cottage. The newborn boy weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, the royal couple wrote on Instagram; a name had not been chosen yet.
“This little thing is absolutely to die for, so I’m just over the moon,” a beaming Prince Harry told reporters outside the couple’s residence near Windsor Castle. “Mother and baby are doing incredibly well. It’s been the most amazing experience I can ever possibly imagine. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension, and we’re both absolutely thrilled.”
The baby is sure to be the object of uncommon fascination, adored and criticized as a symbol of the modernization of Britain’s royal family.
Harry, 34, and Meghan, 37, have shaken up the royal family in a number of ways: The duchess is an American and a former actress, and their wedding last May featured a gospel choir, a freestyling African-American bishop and a gaggle of Hollywood celebrities.
They continued to set aside convention after the wedding, opening their own Instagram account and offering little access to the royal-obsessed British news media. In April, they announced they were canceling the traditional photo opportunity outside the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital in the heart of London, curtailing the ritual hullabaloo that usually surrounds royal births.
For many, the new baby’s importance will be indelibly linked with race.
Britain is 87 percent white, but interracial children make up its fastest-growing ethnic category, and will soon be the country’s largest minority group. The entry of Meghan Markle, the descendant of plantation slaves, into the royal family resonated deeply with many people of African descent, who almost immediately began to anticipate the birth of the couple’s first child.
Repeatedly, beginning when her daughter was 6 months old, she said, strangers have approached her to ask, “Is that your baby?”
“It will be such a recognizable baby that it could shift people’s awareness,” said Ms. Ragbir, 45, a gallery director in Austin, Tex. “When one of the most famous families in the world does not have the same skin tone, people might pause before asking a stranger, ‘Is that your baby?’”
Historians have noted that the duchess herself cannot be definitively described as the first interracial royal. Some scholars have argued that Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the wife of King George III, had African ancestry through the Portuguese royal family. If true, it would have been passed on to her own descendant, Queen Victoria.
Prince Harry, in particular, has been alert for racism in the discussion of his young family.
In 2016, he took the unusual step of condemning British tabloids and social media commentators for the “racial undertones” and sexism of their coverage of Ms. Markle. Last year, the right-wing U.K. Independence Party ousted its leader after it was reported that his girlfriend had used racist language to deride the future duchess.
The duchess, the daughter of a white man and a black woman, grew up in a mostly white neighborhood, where her mother was sometimes mistaken for her nanny. In an essay, she described hesitating, as a schoolgirl, when she was asked to fill out a census form that identified her as either white or black.
“There I was (my curly hair, my freckled face, my pale skin, my mixed race) looking down at these boxes, not wanting to mess up, but not knowing what to do,” she wrote in an essay for Elle Magazine published in 2015.
When her teacher told her to check “Caucasian” because that was “how she looked,” she refused.
“I left my identity blank — a question mark, an absolute incomplete — much like how I felt,” she wrote. Her father advised her, “If that happens again, you draw your own box.”
As the duchess’s due date approached, some Britons voiced concerns about the conversation around the child’s race.
“Colorism is definitely a huge thing, and I think that links into it, because if the child does come out darker skinned, then you know that’s going to make the news — and not for a good reason,” Tanya Compas, a youth worker, told the BBC’s “Woman’s Hour” program when the pregnancy was announced.
Journalists have bridled at charges that their coverage of the royal family has been tainted by racism, pointing out that British news outlets have always been free to criticize the royals, whose luxurious lifestyle is supported by public funds.
Among the sore points this year was the baby shower hosted by celebrity friends of the duchess in New York, a privately financed event that was said to cost 330,000 pounds, or more than $430,000.
“The clash comes when a free-spending American TV celebrity, the independent Ms. Markle, becomes the British queen’s granddaughter-in-law and joins soberer ornaments on the cracked marble mantelpiece of ancient royalty,” the journalist Libby Purves wrote in February in a column for The Times of London.
The Sussexes, in short, have become another front in the British culture wars, like the vegan sausage roll, or Brexit. The tabloids have pounced: Prince Harry is making a television series on mental health with (gasp) Oprah Winfrey! The duchess keeps hugging members of the public! They may choose an American nanny! Baby Sussex may not attend Eton!
Last fall, the couple announced they would move out of Kensington Palace, in central London, and take up residence about 25 miles west of the British capital in newly refurbished quarters: Frogmore Cottage, near Windsor Castle. There have been rumors that the couple could be dispatched in the next few years on an extended tour of Africa, where 19 nations, mostly former colonies, are members of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Those moves appeared to hint of a rift between Harry and his brother, William, observers said, but no concrete evidence has surfaced.
The duchess hinted of her hopes for her child when speaking on a panel for International Women’s Day in March, saying she expects it to be a feminist.
Citing a phrase she had seen in a documentary about “the embryonic kicking of feminism” during pregnancy, she said, “I loved that, so boy or girl, whatever it is, we hope that that’s the case with our little bump.”
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wikiuntamed · 10 months
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from yesterday: Saturday, 2nd December 2023
Welcome, ongi etorri, vitajte, croeso 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (2nd December 2023) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: Animal (2023 film) "Animal is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language action thriller film directed and edited by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Murad Khetani and Pranay Reddy Vanga under T-Series Films, Bhadrakali Pictures and Cine1 Studios. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, alongside Anil Kapoor,..."
2️⃣: Macaulay Culkin "Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin (born Macaulay Carson Culkin; August 26, 1980 (1980-08-26)) is an American actor and musician. One of the most successful child actors of the 1990s, he was placed 2nd on VH1's list of the "100 Greatest Kid-Stars". Culkin rose to prominence as a child actor starring as..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Matt Biddulph
3️⃣: Brenda Song "Brenda Song (born March 27, 1988) is an American actress. Born in California, Song began her career at the age of six, working as a child model. She made her screen debut with a guest appearance on the sitcom Thunder Alley (1995), and went on to roles such as the children's television series Fudge..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Movieguide®
4️⃣: George Santos "George Anthony Devolder Santos ( SAN-tohss, SAHN-tohss; Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈsɐ̃tus]; born July 22, 1988) is an American politician who served as the U.S. representative for New York's 3rd congressional district from January to December 2023. A member of the Republican Party, he was elected to..."
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Image by U.S. House Office of Photography
5️⃣: UEFA Euro 2024 "The 2024 UEFA European Football Championship, commonly referred to as UEFA Euro 2024 (stylised as UEFA EURO 2024) or simply Euro 2024, will be the 17th edition of the UEFA European Championship, the quadrennial international football championship organised by UEFA for the men's national teams of its..."
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kbunburyhelps · 7 years
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This is the same little spiel as before. There’s been a recent increase of wanting to use older fc’s around the rpc so I bring you my list of Black Females 29+ These women are all in their 29/30′s ‘cause I’m starting there and then slowly going up. This list will have under resourced fc’s mostly. Anyway this is part one of what I hope I’ll remember to add to. Also these are fc’s you should remember when wanting to gif!
Meagan Good: Thirty five years old actress. She is of African american, Afro-Barbadian, Cherokee, and Puerto Rican descent. She has appeared in Think Like A Man, Code Black, My Wife and Kids, Stop the Yard, You Got Served and played Lara Vega and Minority Report. So yeah, she has a long filmography.
Sonequa Martin-Green: Thirty two years old actress and producer. She is of African-American descent. You may know her from her role as Sasha Williams in The Walking Dead and Tamara in Once Upon a Time. She was also in Star Trek: Discovery.
Teyonah Parris: Thirty one years old actress. She is of African-American descent. Making her debut in Mad Men as Dawn Chambers, one of her noticeable roles came as Colandrea ‘Coco’ Conners in Dear White People followed by a stunning performance in Chi-Raq. She currently plays Missy Vaughn in Survivor’s Remorse
Tika Sumpter: Thirty six years old actress, model, producer, and television host. She is of African-American descent. She started her regular role on One Life to Live as Layla Williamson in 2005. She appeared as Raina Thorpe in Gossip Girl. She currently plays Candace Young in The Have and the Have Nots. Sumpter also played Michelle Robinson Obama in Southside With You.
Yaya Dacosta: Thirty four years old Brizilian American actress, producer, trained dancer, and model. She is of Brazilian and African-American descent, and multilingual (girl can speak Portuguese, French, Spanish, and conversational Japanese). She first appeared on our screens in Cycle 3 of America’s Next Top model where she was named runner-up. She appeared in Ugly Betty as Nico Slater. She is most known for her role as April Sexton in the Chicago P.D., Fire, and Med series.
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bunchoffaceclaims · 7 years
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Olivia Taylor Dudley
Gender: Female
DOB: 4 November 1985
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Azorean Portuguese-Cornish-Dutch-English-French-Irish-Scottish-Swiss-German-Welsh
Gif Hunt tag
Olivia Taylor Dudley is an American actress. She is known for her horror film roles such as Chernobyl Diaries, The Vatican Tapes and Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension, for her television roles such as the Syfy fantasy series The Magicians and for her work in the internet sketch group 5-Second Films.
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blackkudos · 8 years
Vanessa Williams
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Vanessa Lynn Williams (born March 18, 1963) is an American actress, singer, and fashion designer. She initially gained recognition as the first African-American recipient of the Miss America title when she was crowned Miss America 1984 in September 1983. However, a few weeks prior to the end of her reign, she learned that Penthouse magazine would be publishing unauthorized nude photographs of her in an upcoming issue. Williams thus resigned as Miss America on July 22, 1984 (under pressure from the Miss America Organization), and was replaced by first runner-up Miss New Jersey Suzette Charles. A few years later, she rebounded as an entertainer with the song "The Right Stuff." She then had a string of successful albums and singles and also found success as an actress (she is particularly well known for her roles as Teri Joseph in the 1997 feature film Soul Food, Wilhelmina Slater in Ugly Betty, and Renee Perry in Desperate Housewives).
Thirty-two years after resigning as Miss America, the current CEO of the Miss America Organization, Sam Haskell, offered Williams a public apology at the beginning of the Miss America 2016 pageant (where she was serving as head judge) stating: "I have been a close friend of this beautiful and talented lady for 32 years. You have lived your life in grace and dignity, and never was it more evident than during the events of 1984, when you resigned. Though none of us currently in the organization were involved then, on behalf of today's organization, I want to apologize to you and to your mother, Miss Helen Williams. I want to apologize for anything that was said or done that made you feel any less the Miss America you are and the Miss America you always will be."
Early life and education
Vanessa Lynn Williams was born in the The Bronx, New York, with a birth announcement that read: "Here she is: Miss America." Later in life, she participated in a DNA test with the following results: 23% from Ghana, 17% from the British Isles (specifically English, Welsh and Irish), 15% from Cameroon, 12% Finnish, 11% Southern European, 7% from Togo, 6% from Benin, 5% from Senegal, and 4% Portuguese.
Her maternal great-great grandfather was William A. Feilds, an African-American legislator in the Tennessee House of Representatives. Her mother, Helen Tinch, met her father, Milton Augustine Williams Jr. (1935–2006), while both were music education students at Fredonia State Teachers College in the late 1950s. They both became elementary school music teachers after marriage, though their teaching positions were in separate districts. Milton also served as the Assistant Principal of his school for an extended period of time.
Williams was raised Roman Catholic, the religion of her father. Her mother, who had been raised Baptist, converted to Catholicism when she got married. Williams was baptized at Our Lady of Grace Church in the Bronx. Williams' mother played the organ at St. Theresa's Church in Briarcliff Manor for weddings and at mass and Williams used to assist her mother by turning the pages of sheet music.
Williams and her younger brother Chris (who would later become an actor) grew up in a predominantly white middle-class suburb of New York City. Williams believes that she may have been the first African-American student to go from the first grade to the 12th grade in the Chappaqua Central School District.
As the child of music teachers, Williams grew up in a musical household, studying classical and jazz dance, French horn, piano, and violin. She was offered the Presidential Scholarship for Drama to attend Carnegie Mellon University during the college application period, (one of 12 students to receive it) but decided instead to attend Syracuse University on a different scholarship. Thus, in 1981, Williams joined Syracuse's College of Visual and Performing Arts, Department of Drama as a musical theater major. She stayed at Syracuse through her sophomore year, until she was crowned Miss America 1984 in September 1983.
Twenty-five years later in May 2008, Syracuse granted Williams a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. According to Syracuse News, "Williams earned the remaining credits for her degree through industry experience and her substantial performances on stage and screen." Williams also delivered the 2008 convocation address, telling Syracuse seniors to "treasure this moment. These days are irreplaceable and are the beginning of the rest of your life."
Williams is most often referenced and publicly recognized simply as "Vanessa Williams." There is, however, occasional confusion with similarly named actress Vanessa A. Williams, who is just two months younger. It has been reported that Williams first became aware of Vanessa A. in the 1980s when her New York University registrar told her that another, similarly aged student with the same name and from the same state had applied. When Williams appeared as Miss America in a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Vanessa A. accidentally received her check for the appearance, which she returned.
In the area of acting, the two ran into name conflict when Screen Actors Guild rules prohibited duplicate stage naming. Vanessa A. had registered the name "Vanessa Williams" first, so as a compromise, Williams was occasionally credited as "Vanessa L. Williams" in acting credits. To compound the confusion, both actresses starred in versions of the drama Soul Food (Williams in the film version, and Vanessa A. in its TV series adaptation). The Screen Actors Guild eventually took the issue to arbitration and decided that both actresses could use the professional name "Vanessa Williams".
Miss America
Williams, who was Miss New York 1983, initially gained public recognition as the first African-American woman to win the title of Miss America when she was crowned Miss America 1984 in September 1983. Several weeks before the end of her reign, however, a scandal arose when Penthouse magazine bought and published unauthorized nude photographs of Williams. Williams was pressured to relinquish her title, and was succeeded by the first runner-up, Miss New Jersey 1983, Suzette Charles. Thirty-two years later, in September 2015, Williams served as head judge for the Miss America 2016 pageant. At the beginning of the event, Miss America CEO Sam Haskell made a public apology to Williams for what was said to her during the events of 1984.
Entertainment and fashion
Williams first received public recognition for her musical abilities when she won the preliminary talent portion of the Miss America pageant with her rendition of "Happy Days Are Here Again" (Williams would later be crowned Miss America 1984). Four years later in 1988, Williams released her debut album, The Right Stuff. The first single, "The Right Stuff", found success on the R&B chart, while the second single, "He's Got the Look", found similar success on the same chart. The third single, "Dreamin'", was a pop hit, becoming Williams' first top 10 hit on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at No. 8, and her first number one single on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. The album reached platinum status in the U.S. and earned her a NAACP Image Award and three Grammy Award nominations, including one for Best New Artist.
Her second album The Comfort Zone became the biggest success in her music career. The lead single "Running Back to You" reached top twenty on the Hot 100, and the top position of Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart on October 5, 1991. Other singles included "The Comfort Zone" (#2 R&B), "Just for Tonight" (#26 Pop), a cover of The Isley Brothers' "Work to Do" (#3 R&B), and the club-only hit "Freedom Dance (Get Free!)." The most successful single from the album, as well as her biggest hit to date, is "Save the Best for Last". It reached No. 1 in the United States, where it remained for five weeks, as well as No. 1 in Australia, the Netherlands, and Canada, and was in the top 5 in Japan, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The album sold 2.2 million copies in the U.S. at its time of release and has since been certified triple platinum in the United States by the RIAA, gold in Canada by the CRIA, and platinum in the United Kingdom by the BPI. The Comfort Zone earned Williams five Grammy Award nominations.
The Sweetest Days, her third album, was released in 1994 to highly-favorable reviews. The album saw Williams branch out and sample other styles of music that included jazz, hip hop, rock, and Latin-themed recordings such as "Betcha Never" and "You Can't Run", both written and produced by Babyface. Other singles from the album included the adult-contemporary and dance hit "The Way That You Love" and the title track. The album was certified platinum in the U.S. by the RIAA and earned her two Grammy Award nominations.
Other releases include two Christmas albums, Star Bright in 1996, and Silver & Gold in 2004; Next in 1997, and Everlasting Love in 2005, along with a greatest-hits compilation released in 1998, and a host of other compilations released over the years. Notable chart performances from subsequent albums, motion picture and television soundtracks have included the songs "Love Is", which was a duet with Brian McKnight, the Golden Globe- and Academy Award-winning "Colors of the Wind", "Where Do We Go from Here?", and "Oh How the Years Go By".
Television and film
Williams has had a successful career in television. Her first television appearance was on a 1984 episode of The Love Boat followed by guest appearances in a number of popular shows. In 1995, Williams starred as Rose Alvarez in a television adaptation of the 1960 Broadway musical Bye Bye Birdie and portrayed the nymph Calypso in the 1997 Hallmark Entertainment miniseries The Odyssey. In 2001, Williams starred in the Lifetime cable movie about the life of Henriette DeLille, The Courage to Love and in 2003, Williams read the narrative of Tempie Herndon Durham from the WPA slave narratives in the HBO documentary Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives. In 2006, Williams received considerable media attention for her comic/villainess role as former model/magazine creative director turned editor-in-chief Wilhelmina Slater in the ABC comedy series Ugly Betty. Her performance on the series resulted in a nomination for outstanding supporting actress at the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards and in 2008 and 2009, she was nominated in the outstanding supporting actress in a comedy series category for Ugly Betty. Williams next joined the cast of Desperate Housewives for its seventh season, where she portrayed Renee Perry, an old college "frenemy" of Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman). In 2017, she is slated to appear as Maxine in VH1's 2017 series, Satan's Sister's, which is based on the book with the same name by Star Jones, a fictionalization of Jones' time with The View. It was announced in May 2016 that Williams will join the cast of TNT's series, The Librarians, as recurring villainess General Rockwell.
Williams has also appeared in a number of feature films. She received a NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture for her portrayal of Teri Joseph for the 1997 feature film Soul Food. In 2007, she starred in the independent film My Brother, for which she won Best Actress honors at the Harlem International Film Festival, the African-American Women in Cinema Film Festival, and at the Santa Barbara African Heritage Film Festival. She also notably co-starred with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Eraser, Samuel L. Jackson in the 2000 remake of Shaft, the characters from Sesame Street in The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (as the Queen of Trash), and with Miley Cyrus in Hannah Montana: The Movie.
Williams began her career on stage in the 1985 production, One Man Band, as one of "the women." She followed it in 1989 as "Laura" in Checkmates. In 1994, she broadened her ascendant music career into a theatrical role when she was cast as the understudy for Aurora in the Broadway production of Kiss of the Spider Woman. In 1998, she portrayed Della Green in the revival of St. Louis Woman, and Carmen Jones in the 2002 Kennedy Center Special Performance of Carmen Jones. In the same year, she was also featured in the Tony/Drama Desk Award winning revival production of Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods, for which she was nominated a Tony and Drama Desk Award for her performance as the Witch. This production included songs revised for her. In 2010, Williams starred in a new Broadway musical revue entitled Sondheim on Sondheim, a look at Stephen Sondheim through his music, film and videotaped interviews. Sondheim ran from March 19 to June 13 at Studio 54 in New York City. In 2013, she starred as Jessie Mae Watts in the Horton Foote play The Trip to Bountiful, which was later turned into a 2014 television film. In 2014, she starred in the Broadway musical, After Midnight and in 2015 she appeared in a PBS production of Show Boat as Julie La Verne.
Additional roles
Williams served as the host of the 1994 Essence Awards, co-host of Carnegie Hall Salutes the Jazz Masters: Verve Records at 50, host of the 1998 NAACP Image Awards, host of the 2002 documentary, It's Black Entertainment, host of The 6th Annual TV Land Awards in 2007, host of the 36th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards in 2009, and finally host of the documentary Dreams Come True: A Celebration of Disney Animation (2009).
Williams is a spokesmodel for Proactiv Solution, and was the first African-American spokesmodel for L'Oréal cosmetics in the late 1990s. She appeared on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire in 2000 as a contestant, and once again on August 10, 2009, as a celebrity guest during the show's 10th anniversary prime-time special editions, winning $50,000 for her charity. In a commercial that began running during Super Bowl XLVI in 2012, Williams voiced the new character Ms. Brown, a brown M&M.
In March 2016, Williams launched her own clothing line, V. by Vanessa Williams for EVINE Live.
Personal life
Williams and her mother Helen co-authored a memoir entitled You Have No Idea, published in April 2012. In the book, Williams discusses her childhood, rise to fame, and personal struggles (including life with type 1 diabetes), including the fact that she was sexually molested by a woman when she was 10 years old. She also spoke candidly about having an abortion while she was in high school.
Williams is a Roman Catholic, something she spoke about on the ABC News program, Focus On Faith with Father Edward L. Beck.
Williams is also involved with a number of humanitarian causes. She is a supporter of gay rights and same sex marriage, and in 2011 she participated in a human rights campaign entitled “New Yorkers for Marriage Equality". She is also partnered with Dress For Success, an organization that provides professional attire for low-income women, to help support their job-search and interview process. In addition, Williams is involved with The San Miquel Academy of Newburgh, a school for boys at risk.
Williams has been married three times. She married her first husband, Ramon Hervey II, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in 1987 just a few years after giving up her crown, and gave birth to her first child at this time (Hervey is a public relations specialist who was hired to resuscitate her career after her resignation as Miss America in July 1984). They have three children (Melanie, Jillian Hervey, and Devin) and divorced in 1997. She then married NBA basketball player Rick Fox in 1999. They have one daughter, Sasha Gabriella Fox, and divorced in 2004. In 2015, Williams married Jim Skrip, a businessman from Buffalo, New York.
Honors and awards
Williams is the recipient of many awards and nominations including Grammy nominations for hits such as "The Right Stuff", "Save the Best for Last", and "Colors of the Wind". In addition, she has earned multiple Emmy nominations, a Tony Award nomination, seven NAACP Image Awards, and four Satellite Awards.
She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on March 19, 2007.
Studio albums
1988: The Right Stuff
1991: The Comfort Zone
1994: The Sweetest Days
1996: Star Bright
1997: Next
2004: Silver & Gold
2005: Everlasting Love
2009: The Real Thing
Williams, Vanessa; Williams, Helen (April 17, 2012). You Have No Idea: A Famous Daughter, Her No-Nonsense Mother, and How They Survived Pageants, Hollywood, Love, Loss (and Each Other). New York: Gotham Books. ISBN 978-1-5924-0759-0. 
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