#Post college does eventually lead to Michie
subject-044 · 6 months
Timeline of events - Band AU
I want to get the timeline straight in my own head AND have it written out somewhere as reference... so where better than where everyone can see it as well!!
So- things kick of with Richie in middle school
Richie's Mom falls into a coma, and Richie moves in with Paul
He has his emo phase, and Paul buys him his bass
At this time he also sees Lex and Ethan who are ~2 years older than him
We move onto highschool- Junior year
Richie befriends Lex and Ethan (reluctantly) and hangs out with Hannah
Near the end of Junior year, Richie meets Peter and Ruth, they all become friends
Richie stops hanging out with Lex and Ethan as much, but still meets with Hannah/comes over to babysit regularly
Highschool - anywhere between the end of Junior year and the beginning of Senior year.
Richie starts smoking
Lex and Ethan drop out
Highschool - beginning of Senior year
Ruth and Peter discover Richie can play the bass, the three 'decide' to start a band
ensue fucking around for a good 3/4 months
Highschool - Mid senior year
Steph befriends Peter! Which leads to her befriending the rest of the Nerds as well
A few weeks later, Steph catches Peter writing lyrics and has A Moment
Steph discovers the band and joins in! The band forms structure and starts to actually produce songs
Max spots Richie playing and develops his one-sided attraction towards Richie (Similar to his 'crush' on Grace, though Richie does not return any feelings other than fuck you, Max.)
Max lays off the Nerds and starts 'flirting' with Richie (still, fuck you, Max)
Steph "convinces" Richie to stop smoking
Highschool - End senior year
The band- Now named Witchwood Worms- produce an album. 'Hatchet Town'
Its fucking BANGER and Hatchetfield goes mad- though the identities of Witchwood Worms is not revealed
(Paul knows. Paul is very, very proud. Ted does not know. Paul wants to gloat so bad)
'Hatchet Town' songs are played during prom- which the Nerds are allowed to go to
and Max notices that it's Peter who is singing- Max approaches Peter, attempting to be nice and compliment him, but fucking up somehow. (Pete is also giving feelings of, fuck you, Max)
Steph knocks some sense into Max- He needs to back off and sort his shit out instead of picking on people and flirting with Richie (because she noticed that, Max. fuck you.). Max rethinks his life decisions
College years (~3-4 years?)
Our main three Nerds go separate ways, but keep in touch. They'll meet again in Hatchetfield after they graduate.
Steph and Max stay in Hatchetfield
Steph goes to the community college to study Music Production
Max rethinks his entire life, fully accepts being gay and starts going to therapy. Steph approves, and starts talking to him. Gives him a second chance, or whatever.
Richie stops smoking fully!
Post College
Our trio return, freshly graduated and little baby adults.
Peter and Steph have this gross reunion and everyone else just stands there like. gross. including Max.
Everyone (bar Steph and Max himself) goes OH SHIT MAX. FUCK YOU, MAX
Max apologises and starts working towards making it up to the trio
Witchwood Worms starts to officially produce music- mainly as a side-hobby while they follow their dreams in Hatchetfield.
It gets POPULAR, and becomes a semi-fulltime thing
Max will always be their #1 forever and ever
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