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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWER0KLYrT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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microwinindia · 3 years
Antiseptic Solution
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A good antiseptic can prevent minor cuts from becoming a nightmare. The body becomes more susceptible to infection and illness if the protective skin barrier is breached. It is crucial to find the right product for minor wounds and use it correctly. People often misunderstand the terms disinfectant and antiseptic solution. Both of these products can kill harmful microorganisms but they are not the same. Disinfectants are used to clean hard surfaces from bacteria. They are frequently used in hospitals and daycare facilities, where germs can be found on a broad range of surfaces.
 Povidone Iodine Antiseptics can also be used to treat microorganisms. However, they can be applied directly to the skin. There are many brands and forms of these products. Some are painless and can be applied topically, while others have a greater effectiveness and may cause a little more discomfort.
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common household uses. It kills many types of germs. Before bandages are applied, it is used to gently rub or generously pour the oil over the wound. It is very painless, but it does not kill all bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide can also cause problems for soft tissue. This is when the wound heals slowly or there is a chemical reaction that creates a bright, white color on the skin.
It is best to stop using the product and find another product that can be used externally. You may also contact your doctor for advice and treatment. Many sterile wipes contain alcohol, which can cause burns. Although it kills a large percentage of germs, it can cause severe burns and be difficult to use on children and those with low pain thresholds. The same applies to iodine. Iodine can cause severe pain if it is applied to large cuts or wounds, even if it has been diluted with other inactive ingredients. Iodine can cause dark brown stains and may also be messy.
You can use sodium in many other applications. When added to a bath or soak, sodium bicarbonate can act as an anti-septic for larger cuts and scrapes. This method can help to remove any dirt or other debris from the wounds, but it does not guarantee that the area is germ-free.
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womanspediaid · 3 years
Wajib Lakukan Ini Selama Pandemi COVID-19
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Womanspedia.com – Meski sekarang level PPKM semakin rendah, bukan berarti Womans melepaskan ritual 5M, termasuk menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan tenggorakan. Ya! Berkumur dengan larutan PVP-I (Povidone-Iodine) demi mencegah penularan COVID-19. Berkumur dengan PVP-I Povidone iodine atau PVP-I adalah antiseptik yang memiliki spektrum antimikrobial luas, anti-inflamasi dan efek penyembuhan, termasuk penyebab penyakit COVID-19. Womans dapat menemukan produk antiseptik dengan kandungan PVP-I pada obat luka, pembersih kewanitaan, semprot tenggorokan, dan obat kumur. Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menganjurkan masyarakat untuk mengurangi paparan dan transmisi penyakit/infeksi melalui menjaga personal hygiene, seperti kebersihan tangan, saluran pernapasan, serta keamanan pangan. “Di masa pandemi ini, penting untuk menjaga kebersihan mulut dan saluran pernapasan (oral and respiratory hygiene) dengan berkumur dan semprot tenggorok menggunakan antiseptik Povidone-Iodine (PVP-I). Hal ini mengingat mulut dan tenggorok merupakan jalan masuk dan reservoir dari SARS CoV-2 penyebab COVID-19,” ujar Ketua Divisi Laring Faring Departemen THT FKUI-RSCM, dr. Syahrial M. Hutauruk, Sp.THT-KL. Keampuhan PVP-I diakui olehnya berdasarkah pelbagai penelitian. Studi in vitro oleh Duke-National University Singapore menunjukkan antiseptik PVP-I mampu membunuh 99.99% virus SARS-CoV-2 dalam 30 detik. Sementara itu, penelitian independen oleh National University Health System Singapore menunjukkan semprotan tenggorok PVP-I berhasil menurunkan infeksi SARS-CoV-2 sebesar 24% (dalam hal pengurangan risiko absolut) dibandingkan dengan vitamin C terhadap 3.037 pekerja migran. Praktisi dan Edukator Kesehatan, dr. Mery Sulastri memaparkan, “Selain menjaga kebersihan mulut dan tenggorok dengan kumur dan semprot antiseptik PVP-I, masyarakat juga perlu menjaga kebersihan rongga hidung. Hidung merupakan salah satu jalan masuk dan reservoir SARS-CoV-2. Iota Carrageenan secara efektif menurunkan viral load di rongga hidung. Cara kerja Iota Carrageenan adalah dengan melapisi dinding mukosa hidung dan mencegah virus untuk menempel pada reseptor untuk bereplikasi. Hal ini menjadikan  penggunaan semprot hidung Iota-Carrageenan suatu alternatif perlindungan tambahan untuk rongga hidung selama masa normal baru ini.” Menjaga Kebersihan Rongga Hidung Selain menjaga kebersihan mulut dan tenggorok dengan kumur dan semprot antiseptik PVP-I, masyarakat perlu menjaga kebersihan rongga hidung. “Hidung Hidung merupakan salah satu jalan masuk dan reservoir SARS-CoV-2. Iota Carrageenan secara efektif menurunkan viral load di rongga hidung. Cara kerja Iota Carrageenan adalah dengan melapisi dinding mukosa hidung dan mencegah virus untuk menempel pada reseptor untuk bereplikasi. Hal ini menjadikan  penggunaan semprot hidung Iota-Carrageenan suatu alternatif perlindungan tambahan untuk rongga hidung selama masa normal baru ini,” ungkap Praktisi dan Edukator Kesehatan dr. Mery Sulastri. Tetap Lakukan Protokol 5M Diakui oleh dr. Mery bahwa bermunculan mutasi-mutasi virus baru sehingga, masyarakat diharapkan tetap menerapkan 5M, menjaga kebersihan mulut dan saluran pernapasan, seperti berkumur sampai dengan tenggorokan dengan BETADINE® Mouthwash & Gargle; semprot tenggorok dengan BETADINE® Throat Spray; semprot hidung dengan BETADINE® Cold Defence Nasal Spray; serta menjaga kesegaran mulut dengan BETADINE® Lozenges. “Upaya ini dilakukan untuk perlindungan ekstra dalam mencegah transmisi virus penyebab COVID-19 dan mengurangi kemungkinan tertular COVID-19,” tegas dr. Mery. Read the full article
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teresayandco · 5 years
What NOT to do when you have a sore throat
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Suffering from a sore throat (pharyngitis[1] and tonsillitis) is a downer, there’s no doubt about that. What usually starts as minor itch and a bit of scratchiness at the back of your throat can end up being extremely painful, throbbing, and sensitive in just a matter of days without proper medication.
But what causes sore throat, you ask? In most cases, it can be traced back to a specific virus. Almost 85% of sore throats are caused by viruses[2], which means you’ll often get other symptoms like a runny nose or aches and pains just like you’d get with a cold[1] when you suffer from a sore throat.
Whatever the cause of your sore throat might be, the first concern of most people is to ease the pain. But heads up! Instead of being better, you might be making it worse with these habits that you need to stop right now!
Eating cold food and consuming cold liquid 
While consuming cold food and beverages may help eliminate the discomfort of sore throat, it doesn’t stop your condition from getting worse, in fact, it may even aggravate it. Most cold food and drinks that are dairy-based such as ice cream, milkshakes, and yoghurts should be avoided because it only thickens the mucus and may eventually make your sore throat more terrible.
Taking antibiotics
 Antibiotics fight bacteria, but most of the time, sore throat is caused by viruses, so antibiotics are not going to work.* Taking up antibiotics when not needed may lead to antibiotic resistance[3].
Gargling with a regular mouthwash 
A regular mouthwash is only effective in removing food debris in your mouth and does not help in killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Most mouthwashes which claim to have antibacterial properties may not suffice as well. So when treating sore throat it’s important to reach for an oral gargle that is clinically proven to address the root of the problem quickly.
Munching on marshmallows 
There’s this internet urban legend that marshmallows can help treat sore throat, but you know what? This legend is full of hot air. Those fluffy, sweet treats do not contain anything that can treat your sore throat. Made up of sugar, water, and gelatin, marshmallows are quite easy to swallow, but that does not mean that it does you any good. Sugar is a super acidic food that causes an imbalance in your body’s acid-base. Pathogens (infectious agents) love an acidic environment and thrive on such imbalances in the body. You don’t want your body, much more your throat, to be a hangout place of viruses and bacteria, do you?
Trying out various home remedies 
Most often than not, self-medication will not make your sore throat go away. It can just soothe your sore throat or provide relief for your discomfort for some time, but not prevent it from getting worse. So as soon as you experience the first signs of sore throat, use clinically-proven products that can help kill viruses quickly.
Temporary relief 
Trying currently available over-the-counter throat lozenges can gently numb the tissues in your throat but this temporary relief from pain and burning won’t last long. Though it can keep your throat lubricated, it won’t be an effective treatment for your sore throat and you might find yourself needing relief soon again.
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The moment you feel an itch on your throat, don’t let it get worse. Help stop sore throat fast with antiseptic products that can kill 99.99% of viruses, the root cause of sore throat. Povidone-Iodine (BETADINE®) Throat Spray is your on-the-go buddy for a convenient all-day** sore throat relief for the people on the move... 
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...while Povidone-Iodine (BETADINE®) Oral Gargle can be used at home. The active ingredient of BETADINE® oral antiseptic, povidone-iodine, kills viruses in as early as 15 seconds, as well as bacteria and fungi[4-7].
*Depends on the symptom and severity of your illness. When in doubt, please consult your doctors or pharmacists. **Refer to label for usage instructions. ***Individual response may vary
Eccles R et al. Respir Res 2010;11:108.
Worrall G Acute sore throat 2011 Jul; 57(7): 791–794 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3135445/
WHO Antibiotic Resistance Factsheet. http://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antibiotic-resistance. (Accessed November 2018).
Kawana. Antimicrobial Action of Povidone Iodine. 1997.
Zamora Jose. Chemical and microbiologic characteristics and toxicity of povidone-iodine solutions. 1986.
Shiraishi. Evaluation of the Bactericidal Activity of Povidone-lodine and Commercially Available Gargle Preparations. 2002.
Tan. Evaluation of anti-microbial activities of povidone-iodine (BETADINE®) on microorganisms. 2016.
®: BETADINE is a Registered Trademark of Mundipharma.
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ibgryct · 6 years
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ถ้ามันจะแสบขนาดนี้ #PovidoneIodine #stillalive
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWEEiZLPRe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWEBAJrx_E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDpGmrVZH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDlOsLTa6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDiO8LJRf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDe5Vrt_m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDb6_rHU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDZZUrj08/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDV6JLktQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDS5IrX2Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Voda Chemicals ,where we manufacture pharmaceutical products .Our company is accredited by WHO for GMP and is also approved by FDA . There are a wide range of pharmaceutical products that we manufacture namely antiseptic liquids, surgical scrubs/spirits, surface disinfectants ,doctoral equipment disinfectants (hemodialysis machine,scalpels etc's disinfection products).We also manufacture premium grade housekeeping products, cleaning chemicals and personal care products (phenyl, dish wash, detergent, room freshener, face wash etc).We only manufacture premium quality goods .We also manufacture cooling tower and boiler chemicals. We supply our products worldwide. If you can become our Company's Business Partner or if you have requirements for any of these products kindly contact us. Thanks, Yours truly Bhoumik pawar (Export Manager) Company's Website :- www.VodaChemicals.com Whatsapp :- +91 93115 52311 (Mr. Rudraksh) #povidoneiodine #Chlorhexidinegluconate #Cetrimide #ethylalcohol #isopropylalcohol #hydrogenperoxide #chloroxylenol #methylsalicylate #diethylphthalate #casteroil #benzalkoniumchloride #hydrochloricacid #sodiumhypochlorite #Sodiumlaurethsulfate #citricacid #orthophthalaldehyde #phosphoricacid #peraceticacid #silvernitrate #glutaraldehyde #doctor #hospital #pharmaceutical #medicine #health #medical #surgery #surgeon #chemical https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWDPnVLx6d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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