#Pratyangira Yantra
Yantras – A Lost Science
Yantras are integral to astrology. 'Yan' means ‘to control’, ‘curb’ or ‘influence’. 'Tra’ means ‘tool’. Yantras are tools or diagrams that illustrate a sacred geometrical arrangement in a symmetrical design. Supposedly, it emits positive energies, curbs negative energies, and also releases spiritual vibrations.
 The Devi Bhagawatam says, 'Archabhave Tatha Yantram'. This means that the Yantra symbolizes divine power, and so people worship it as a deity. Yantras are three-dimensional in nature. But they are two-dimensional when drawn.
 The complex geometrical arrangement is rich in meaning. For instance, a Swastika denotes prosperity, fortune, and spirituality, and a lotus flower petal symbolizes 'vritti' or the psychic quality of a chakra. An upward triangle of shatkona represents masculinity (Shiva) and action. A downward triangle represents Shakti and introversion.
 Yantras have been in use since 3300 B.C. They were found among the Harappan ruins. There are temples in south India that are in the shape of Yantras. Yantras are often prescribed as astrological remedies for various planetary afflictions.
 Yantras have associations with certain gods, planets, etc., and people use them to gain some specific benefits. It is achieved through meditation or by installing it at a particular place.
 Uses of Yantras
 In a horoscope, planets occupy different houses, which represent the different aspects of life, like health, wealth, education, career, love life, etc. Some planets have positive effects, while others have negative effects. Some alter their nature as per the house they occupy. The constant movement of the planets in the houses of the birth chart can affect one in a good or bad manner. Astrologers prescribe Yantras to pacify malefic planets and reduce their adverse effects on one’s life.
 People use Yantras during a special Pooja to attract positivity. They are also used for regular worship. The Yantras in temples are often energized with Mantras which are written on them. Yantras used to manifest desires are made of special materials like rice paste, flowers, ashes, etc.
 Once a Yantra is energized, it acquires life. To make it work better, one should chant Mantras relating to the Yantra daily. Respect it, keep it in a clean place, and offer ghee lamps, flowers, fruits, etc. But it also needs your unalloyed faith and devotion. An energized Yantra is like a car, while meditation is like fuel. Both are necessary to reach your goal. Also, get the yantras re-energized once a year, at least, during occasions like Diwali, Holi, Navratri, or other auspicious times.
 Copper, Silver, Gold, Bhojpatra, Panchdhatu, and Ashtadhatu are more auspicious for making Yantras. Some Gurus make customized yantras for their followers on cloth, which also have a good effect.
 Some Dos and Don’ts Regarding Yantras
 Don’t touch the Yantra with dirty hands. Do not let outsiders touch the Yantra. Women should keep their distance from the Yantra or remove them (if worn) during their menstrual period. Do not drink liquor or eat non-vegetarian food. Do not make love while wearing the Yantra. Keep the Yantra in the Pooja room or a clean place. Don't keep the Yantra in the bedroom. Do not take it into the toilet.
 Significance of Yantras
 Yantras can enhance the intensity of our prayers by helping us focus on them. It helps to achieve resonance and boost the flow of energy and vibration. It attracts positive energy and eliminates negative energy. Yantras can reduce mental clutter.
 Structure of Yantras
 Yantras come in many shapes – circle, triangle, hexagon, octagon, or lotus petals. It may be drawn on paper or engraved on metal. Specific colors are used to make Yantras. The colors represent specific ideas or purposes for which the Yantra will be used. It helps one to connect with the conscious. The center point of the Yantra is the Bindu which represents the main deity associated with it.
 Types of Yantras
 Many types of Yantras are available, both offline and online. They are customized for specific needs, like success in career, prosperity, good health, etc. One should always see a good astrologer to find out which Yantra you need based on the planetary positions in your birth chart.
 The most popular Yantras are as follows:
 Shree Yantra to boost one’s name, fame, and personality.
 Kuber Yantra to boost one’s wealth.
 Ganesha Yantra to accomplish life goals and attract luck.
 Navagraha Yantra to pacify all the 9 planets and enjoy a smooth life.
 Dhanvantri Yantra for good health and relief from ailments.
 Pratyangira Yantra and Sudarshan Yantra for protection from evil spells, black magic, etc.
 Benefits of Yantras
 It can reduce the adverse effects of malefic planets.
 It attracts good luck, success, and prosperity.
 It spreads positive energy.
 It can bring profits in business.
 It protects one from black magic, evil spells, witchcraft, etc.
 It creates inner harmony and peace.
 It gives us better focus in life.
 It can rectify Vastu Dosha.
 It boosts the positive effects of the Lagna (Ascendant). Surya Yantra, for example, can intensify the Sun’s energy in your birth chart and zodiac.
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lifetimeyogisblog · 6 months
Goddess Pratyangira, also known as Atharvana Bhadra Kali, holds a unique place in the realms of Tantra and Vedic traditions. Associated with the Atharva Veda, she safeguards its secret mantras, tantras, and yantras, preventing them from falling into malevolent hands. This formidable deity is renowned for her role in countering black magic and protecting seekers from tantric attacks.
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premakalidasi · 5 years
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Prathyangira yantra.
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arjuna-vallabha · 6 years
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Goddess Pratyangira Yantra with deities
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rudraksha-ratna · 4 years
Pratyangira Devi Yantra represents the energy of Goddess Pratyangira, a powerful aspect of Shakti and a powerful repellent of negative energy and witchcraft. Worship of this Yantra will help overcome obstacles and shield from all negative energy. 
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magictransistor · 7 years
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Yantra of the Goddess Pratyangira. Gujarat, India. 1700. 
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vedicvaani · 3 years
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