#Prediction site
victorspredicts · 2 years
Victors Predict is one of the best free football prediction sites that offers you the most accurate football prediction that you can imagine to make a profit steadily without compromise. If you are looking for a website that predicts football matches 100%, Victors Predict is the world's best football prediction site you can count on.
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tamamita · 25 days
Staff should introduce a poll setting that forbid Yanks from voting in your polls
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sophrxsynes · 2 months
remember back in the rcdart era of tumblr when drawing fetishistic hyperfeminine caricatures of trans men with huge tits and hips and snatched waists and womens lingerie and makeup and pussies out got you ran off the site. now it's completely encouraged and is the default way people portray trans men and if you have a problem with it suddenly you're the monster. normal pro trans website great allyship
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leletha-jann · 3 months
Le'letha's Grand Unified* Theory of Timestop Creatures
*sorry, neither
Before canon catches up to us, let's fill in the blank:
This creature 
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is ​​​​​​​​​​_____________...
1) ​an aspect of Lucrezia
Narratively this makes sense. Lucrezia's the main villain and we really only know the edges of her story yet. But what we do know does not even slightly rule out her being an angry interdimensional timestop creature at some point. We know that the entity originally known as Lucrezia is time-lost and stranded - and I'll take as another data point that she's somewhere without cake! (Does that creature look like it hails from a dimension with cake?) 
We know that a lot of time has elapsed for her and, while I can't find the quote at this exact moment, possibly at different angles - something the Castle describes this creature as traversing. We know that she has been changed by this, and appears throughout the known timeline in different aspects, appearances, and identities. 
And today's page has the Dreen telling us that "a monster must grow! Develop! Mature! ...to achieve its full fearsome potential...worthy of attention."
That sounds an awful lot like whatever Lucrezia has become. 
In fact, one of the very first things Lucrezia told us was "it's been so long since I was really human" (and even at the time, Tarvek went "um wait what", and then sensibly decided not to push.)
It's also distinctly ambiguous if the creature is reaching for the device as the source of the time distortion, or for Klaus. And while it doesn't mean much that I think it's going for Klaus, Gil thought it was. Gil's talent for intuitive leaps is the subject of a different post (I really must write it...), but he's very good at them. When Gil first saw the timestop creature, he didn't say "it's going for the device" or even for "it's going for the device my father used" (which would have moved the dialogue along as needed), he specifically said "it's heading for my father​." I trust Gil's intuition. Here, and in general.
I think the timestop creature is an aspect of Lucrezia. And she is, as far as we know (see option 5), the Big Bad of the series, so "This is probably Lucrezia's fault somehow" is a solid guess.
2) an aspect of Vapnoople
This has been clearly foreshadowed and it's definitely something that's going to come back to bite at some point. This could be that point, absolutely! Not that I didn't enjoy the storylines in the Society dome (I enjoy that phase of the story a lot!), but every storyline is here to do something and it could 100% be the origin story of the timestop creature we'd already seen, because time is not, and has never been, linear in this story! Right from the very beginning! (Yes, this is the infamous Page Four, of course.)
Vapnoople said he'd be back, and once we could talk to Kjarl, we learned that Vapnoople would probably appear very differently and be quite insane. 
Continuing with the idea that the creature is going for Klaus specifically, and not the device, it's possible Klaus cooperatively pinned himself to a board like a specimen and Vapnoople's taking the opportunity to get payback for, y'know, being lobotomized and turned into an object of scorn and pity. That being said, does a warped-by-the-monster-dimension Vapnoople care about that? And is Vapnoople a big enough presence to be the endpoint of the Second Journey? Is this his time to reappear in the story? Besides, he seemed quite happy to be heading off into the monster dimension. I don't think he'd be in a hurry to come back. 
But time is not linear between here and there (or any number of "there"s). So this is a workable second option, and I know it's one in favor with many readers.
3) a totally unconnected genuine interdimensional creature
A pleasingly random option, but one with precedent - we saw the Queen's Society do this earlier and Agatha clearly thought it was relevant to Mechanicsburg. 
One of the fantastic things about Girl Genius is that the world keeps happening. Not everything around us is about us. When you leave food on the floor, the ants that show up are probably not plotting against you. They're just doing ant things. 
(...probably. Although in a world of mad science, who knows?)
4) an aspect of Euphrosnia Heterodyne
An out-there option and the one most likely to elicit screaming from the fandom. (An argument in its favor, I'm sure.)
The mystery surrounding Euphrosnia has been building up in the background for years, a little bit at a time. She was the last female Heterodyne before Agatha. Her story parallels Agatha's, has shaped Agatha's, and keeps being mentioned. She vanished in strange circumstances. How did that happen? Where did she go? Is she coming back? She has too much of a narrative presence not to - there's something going on there. Agatha is returning to Mechanicsburg. Is Euphrosnia? Carson von Mekkhan did say that the Heterodynes always come home in the end...
(See, I'm looking for the ramp-up, the twist I can't see coming, like the two-and-a-half-year time skip was in the first place. I keep thinking recently, we've all been thinking recently, everything's going so well...and I had that feeling before, at the end of the siege...right before everything changed... What's coming for us this time? What evil, evil twist do the Foglios have planned?)
And it would be a heck of a ramp-up to have one of the old Heterodynes, and the legendary princess no less, take the field and change everything.
5) something else
Look. It's not my job to outguess the Foglios. (And if you think it's yours, you're wrong.) I look forward to being surprised!
And probably screaming. A lot.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Legally unable to disclose what emotion this clip made me feel
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lunian · 1 year
to think how TOTK tried to ruin Sidlink but actually made it just more complex and stronger
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alatariel-galadriel · 4 months
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"Leave it to you to go right for the whip, girl."
"Hey, remember when we talked about 'you and me' boundaries? That's definitely a you and me only conversation."
"Well, it was just a joke 'till you made it real. Now people are really curious."
Mr. and Mrs. X Issue #1
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emersonfreepress · 3 days
tumblr has a new feature called "Communities", it might be worth looking into making a CIE one :) could be a good replacement for the niche of the COG forum and/or an alternate to running smth like a discord server
help. tumblr. com / communities
Yeah, I'm aware of Communities! I'm not really sold yet. Especially not sold enough to be like 'hey everyone follow me!' about it lol. I am still looking for an alternative/equivalent to a forum in the future, though, so thank you!
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gggoldfinch · 5 months
holding myself back by the throat from making a pro vaultghoul rant post bc I keep getting recommended anti posts
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victorspredicts · 2 years
Free Best Football Game Prediction Website Victors Predict
For all those who want to place their bets on football by getting access to valid and latest data, relying on a good information center like Victors Predict stands crucial. The basic fact that needs to be comprehended at this point is that there are enough such sites on the internet that make tall claims, but only a few have the required data that would help users place their bets confidently.
All those people who love to invest their money and want quality analysis that increases their chances to register a win should always go in for the portals that have a comprehensive database. By this, we mean that the site users’ trust needs to have game data from all levels, leagues, national and international as this is what makes placing the bets even more interesting.
It is a well-known fact that people love soccer and this is why there are so many such sites coming up, however, the need is to go in for free football predictions online that come from acclaimed sources like Victors Predict. Let us give you a few interesting reasons why this site scores better than the others:
This is not just a prediction site, it is a powerhouse of information regarding soccer games being played at all levels and scales.
The research tips and tricks given on Victors Predict are fact-based, the team uses special algorithms to craft strategies and then gives these in form of tips to help users register more and more wins.
With data of around 30 leagues present on the site, there is no dearth of excitement for game lovers who have been on the lookout for the Best soccer Game Prediction Website
There are multiple betting packages available on the site and users can easily opt-in for the one that matches their style of betting and not miss betting preferences with a budget in mind.
To sum it up, Victors Predict stands as a name that stands committed to making online betting for soccer easy, safe, and win-driven for the ones who want to make some bucks online and that too in a secure manner. With features such as live soccer, scores, and tips, this site truly has it all that one would ask for to place a confident bet.
Victors Predict is beyond doubt the Best Football Game Prediction Website as the winning rate of 99% that it promises is enough to give the confidence required to place the odds. With the data on the site refreshed daily, there is ample of help available in terms of tips to help people place their bets accordingly.
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thwackk · 2 years
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noa-ciharu · 8 months
Too many westerns have zero clue how global politics works and it shows
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wykart · 6 months
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Pour one out dudes 😔
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shinelikethunder · 1 year
i don't want to contribute to the myth that early-web forums were somehow unafflicted by the uglier side of human nature....... but what i WILL say is that compared to colossal platforms and viral-sharing social media, there were advantages to at least having some IDEA which flavors of maladjusted weirdo with bizarre opinions were about to be swarming all over your post
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jaggedjot · 4 months
completely at a loss at this point about when new episodes will actually be available
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aquapede · 1 year
why are people complaining about artists wanting their work to be rbed AGAIN. it’s literally just a green button you can press instead of a red one to make it so that artists don’t feel like we’re throwing our work into the void. and everyone is crying bc we’re So Mean. grow up
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