#Preserve The Empire ★ IC
empireserved · 2 years
“Same holiday, different name, and so many of you seem familiar with it. Curious.”
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empireserved · 2 years
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Matthew, was it?”
It’s spoken in a sarcastic tone, of course, the usual look of irritation painted upon Abnur’s face as he approaches the Miqo’te. At least someone he vaguely recognizes is still around.
“Take it things are going well, seeing as this wretched city is still in one piece.”
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empireserved · 2 years
“May I suggest that you take up a less ugly haircut if you wish to stop making a fool of yourself in public? Your attire likely doesn’t help, either.”
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empireserved · 3 years
@ironwills liked for a starter!
        No matter how many times he found himself in the accursed city, confusion struck Abnur like it the first time. The technologies, the vast area consumed by structures, were so much grander than anything Tharn had ever seen or studied. The secrets of Dwemer cities were seemingly nothing compared to the labyrinthian settlement he found himself in - and everyone else around seemed to be used to it. Abnur had pushed himself off to the side, away from the crowds, mentally trying to retrace his steps and figure out where he could have possibly taken a wrong turn. He’d never felt so lost in the world, even when aimlessly navigating Coldharbour. His hope had dwindled down to near nothing by the time a notable passerby had caught his attention. Maybe it was the jacket, or the cat-like features. He wasn’t getting his hopes up on the individual being some variation of Khajiit, but there was something about seeing the man that made Abnur feel just a little bit more comfortable. He was quick to stride out from the place he had been hiding with well-practiced confidence, and match the stranger’s pace.
“Moment of your time, please. You seem like you know your way around the city, and I hate to admit it but I am quite lost.”
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empireserved · 3 years
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“I can’t believe it has taken me this long to realize this but is there... only one moon here?”
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empireserved · 2 years
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“If any of you lot were intelligent, you’d stay out of the bloody sun in this weather.”
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empireserved · 2 years
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“Why do so many eclipses happen here?”
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empireserved · 2 years
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Not again...
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empireserved · 3 years
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Oh, Divines damn it. He’s back here again.
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empireserved · 4 years
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“I still don’t understand even half of the things most people here use in day-to-day life.”
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empireserved · 4 years
Even in a new place, Abnur sinks back into old habits. A rare, guaranteed comfort in his life has always been that enough alcohol can suffocate sorrow, even for just a night. It’s a pastime for the odd chance his work isn’t hound him… and by the divines, does he have a lot of freetime now. He’s huddled himself into the corner of a bar, one that’s a far cry from the inns and taverns of Tamriel, but nowhere near as alien as every other one Tharn has seen thus far. In this shady little corner, he seems less like an exhausted warrior, or diligent politician, and more like a man down on his luck.
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empireserved · 4 years
@snipps​ || Closed
Power comes with paranoia, Abnur has long since learned to trust his instinct on matters regarding this. He can’t help but take notice of this off feeling as he’s trying to navigate his way through the Archimedes district. It’s the familiar sense that his actions are not kept to him alone, that his path is not just his own. He moved off to the side, leaning against a building, and observed the crowd. One girl stands out, species unfamiliar.
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“You are nowhere near as sneaky as you might believe you are.”
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