nobully · 2 years
theendcaller: Ooo, suffocation~ How romantic. Might I recommend my favorite spot at the Ground Level of the Fibonacci Ward.
' Uhhh... '
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' I don't think she'd be into that after seeing the upper floors already. '
Privacy was important but so were aesthetics? Besides, he hears it's dark down there. The point is to see her as he—
Whoops, too public for those thoughts.
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ironwills · 2 years
@theendcaller​ || Starter call || Accepting 1 more
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  “ Don’t you have something better to do than bother me? ” A irritated sigh was followed after he spoke,his eyes narrowing into a hard glare at the other. Oh how he enjoyed the small time the other wasn’t around Spirle......But alas,all good things must come to an end
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elfcast · 2 years
✲ Dark robes, an auspicious haircut. That's right, he had all of the visual cues. That could only mean one thing!
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"Could you be an adventurer, by chance?"
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sxnburst · 1 year
@theendcaller liked the starter call
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"You're annoying, but I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard that, right?"
Saying something like this with such a sweet innocent face just doesn't work. Sun looks less intimidating than he would on any normal given day. "do you usually go around pissing people off?" Is his next question. As he's asking this though, he's placing a bandaid over the poor guy's cheek. He got decked hard. AND Sun was not behind the punching!
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bxsiliisk · 2 years
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"I'm surprised you came back." It's BEEN awhile, but he hadn't expected to see Fandaniel here of ALL places. Very shameless of him.
"Was the first time not enough?"
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cladinivcry · 1 year
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"Oh...these? Yeah, it took years to get 'em covered up, but I did it." They say, showing of what tattoo they can. Any more showing and they'd practically be naked. Not that it would bother them.
"If you look closely, you can probably see some of my birth tattoos beneath. Covered 'em up too. You know, just for safety reasons." They don't seem too worried in telling Fandaniel this! It's not like he knows their origin....right? Right.
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lightblume · 2 years
@theendcaller replied to your post “"He's still around? Maybe we should get him wet....”:
Please, my standards for dying are higher than that, you should know this by now!
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"​I wasn't aware of you having any standards, to begin with, all things considered."​
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shurensama · 2 years
“ are you going to kill me? =D ”
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"Only if you prove to be unnecessary and useless to me."
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adjudicxtor · 2 years
Vyn had been minding his own business when the appearance of a large crowd caught his eye. It seemed that something was going on, but judging from the behaviours and postures of those in the crowd, there was no cause for alarm.
Still, it wouldn't hurt to check it out, and so he made his way to the far edge of the crowd, managing to get a spot where he could see the source of the commotion. One look at the flamboyant individual who took up the center told Vyn that this was, indeed, a performance of sorts.
"It seems this city is full of surprises," he murmured, his gaze fixated on the strange, flamboyant individual.
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eusyram · 2 years
@theendcaller:  “I see no flaw in this logic!”
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“Hehe, you get it!”
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sylphonics · 1 year
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" Of all familiar faces spanning worlds and stars, this one is most surprising. A certain dearest ghost in the flesh. ... Tell this one. How do these new constellations treat you? "
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isolaradiale · 1 year
So the inhumane works schedule is finally worked out (I'm so effing relieved), therefore I would like to reapply as Fandaniel from Final Fantasy!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Fandaniel!
You will be housed in HOUSE 110.
You'll be returned everything you were given previously.
-- mod altair.
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tetrabiblos · 1 year
@theendcaller sent : No, dear Warrior of Light, you are not safe today. If V'lastaia were to crack open a good book today, she’d find that most, if not all of the pages have pictures of Fandaniel’s mushed face wearing various (atrocious) expressions. He clearly dedicated an entire night to squishing his face up against a copy machine.
 It says in the table of contents: This book you were reading was wanting for intelligence, so I made a few edits! April Fools!
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she had hoped that being fairly new to the island and just as much, virtually unknown, she had hoped to be spared from the activities in store for the day. she knew little of the traditions but was smart enough to pick up on what was going on after a while. they certainly didn't celebrate this in eorzea ; not to her own knowledge, at least. but the scholar kept to herself, and she hoped that was just enough to get her through the day without a single incident.
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v'lastaia had found a book, curious looking it was -- she had hoped that perhaps it were up to the standards of a scholar ( the dictionary she carried about was fine, but it certainly offered her no purpose. ) the woman had been eager, even. perhaps too eager, and she had flown too close to the sun upon opening it.
her mouth opened, slightly agape at the sight. page, after page, after page .. not one was lacking that familiar face of fandaniel's, except far too up close. not exactly the same image, but .. and yet, even as she came to the realization of what this was, she kept turning the pages as if the next might save her and might have been missed, but he had been thorough. this book was cursed. even if it could be used, she feared what it might do to her if she even attempted it. she would remember this one .. not for an amusing story, but a cautionary tale about april 1st. with a defeated sigh, she closes the book and sets it down. if someone else were to look upon it, perhaps they may find more amusement out of it than she had.
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starcall · 1 year
If Lyra were to wake up this morning (and she better, otherwise there is cause for concern), she would be greeted to THIS being blasted throughout her humble abode-full volume and on loop via loudspeakers that have been installed overnight. Somehow. Someway.
Also sandwiched in-between where the song stops and ends is some clown saying gleefully the words: "APRIL FOOLS. Pray you like opera as much as I do! If not? TOO BAD."
//I woke up this morning and noticed that for some braindead reason I failed to hit SEND last night so you're getting this today! :D//
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 ❝ — by the twelve, ❞ lyra is startled by the sudden sound of an orchestra and a singer. the source of which, she spots at the corner of her eye: some loud-speakers that she did not recall seeing a day before. while the sound wasn't anything displeasing, the speaking voice that accompanied definitely brought forth a headache. fandaniel, she could easily recognize.
 ❝ ' april fools? ' ❞ she wonders if this is some sort of local holiday, but a soft sigh leaves her lips as she rises from her bed. she could only hope the other warriors of light were spared from this foolery, but she would expect no less from its perpetrator.
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ironwills · 1 year
If Matthew were to brush his teeth this morning (and hopefully he has) he would have learned the hard way that his toothpaste was replaced with ACTUAL paste.
Also on the back of the toothpaste tube are the words written in marker: APRIL FOOLS, NOW SMILE (if you can)
Matthew had taken precautions of this day,he knew a certian someone would take any chance he could get to prank the Miqo'te so what did he do?
Just stayed inside all day! The Ascian couldn't do anything if the male just stayed in his apartment! Well that was the hope and it seemed to have worked,he wasn't bothered by anyone or Fandaniel himself and was able to sleep peacefully.
Come the morning however,the Miqo'te tiredly drags himself out of bed and towards the bathroom. A soft yawn escapes him as he reaches over for his toothpaste and brush and starts to brush his teeth.
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However a few brushes in,the Miqo'te's face scrunches up in disgust and confusion as the foul taste of the toothpaste hits him,causing him gag and spit out into the sink. He reaches over for a towel to wipe whatever that stuff is off his face,a low growl escaping him for a moment as he runs the water on to get a glass of water to wash down the stuff but.....
Oh no.....His mouth was....Glued shut?
He reaches over for the 'toothpaste',seeing that the front was still the usual packaging and turns it round to see the ingredients only to see the words written in marker,his eyes widening as he reads it before in a split second his brows furrow in anger.
Oh if he could he would be bearing his teeth in pure rage right now.....
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bxsiliisk · 1 year
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"Looks like even the Stars can't get rid of you."
Even after everything that happened with the poor kid and Fandaniel's inappropriate behavior in putting a child in danger, Romanus doesn't hold any animosity toward the guy. Not anymore at least.
"You're not here to pull another stunt, are you?" And while there is no animosity behind his tone, there is still a warning.
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