#Presque Isle County
conandaily2022 · 9 months
How Rochester Institute of Technology student Matthew Grant disappeared, reappeared
Matthew Joseph Grant, 22, is majoring in mechanical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, United States. He is a captain on the school’s wrestling team. Grant is originally from Onaway, Presque Isle County, Michigan, USA. While attending RIT, he shares an off-house campus in Henrietta, Monroe County with roommates. Born in Detroit, Wayne County,…
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tanadrin · 7 months
Vexillology ask for you:
Compare and contrast the flag for the City of Erie, PA vs. Erie County, PA
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The two flags, for reference. "CRWFlags.com" says of the flag on the left:
The "small green peninsula" is a stylized version of the Presque Isle peninsula, which shelters Erie harbor. Here is a satellite photo (greatly reduced) but the natural colors look eerily (pun intended) like the flag itself. Albert S. Kirsch, 12 October 2006 The flag of Erie County, Pennsylvania, is a canting flag, as the flag design is actually a geometric representation of Erie County's geographic position in the northwestern corner of Pennsylvania/ A comparison of the flag's geometric design with a map of Pennsylvania will bring this point out very clearly. Ron Lahav, 23 August 2008
The flag on the left is, of course, dog shit. Not only does it have a complicated, illegible logo in the top left (not a cardinal sin of flag design IMO, but not something that improves already bad flags), and weird floating text on the bottom, it has a truly hideous color scheme--green and blue pair really badly!--and it's trying to be way too clever with the little peninsula thing. It really looks like you just fucked something up in Photoshop. 1/10.
The City of Erie flag is fine. Perfectly serviceable striped flag with the city logo slapped in the middle. Don't love it, don't hate it. Red, white, and blue is overused as a color scheme, but the colors go together OK. The city logo is kinda busy, but putting your logo or seal on a background with stripes is a quick and simple way to create a flag that is recognizable to people who live there. 5/10.
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 4 months
Lettre I
1F MADAME, Pour une personne aussi belle qu'Alcidiane, il vous falloit sans doute, comme à cette Heroïne, une demeure inaccessible; car puis qu'on n'abordoit à celle du Roman que par hazard & que sans un hazard semblable on ne peut aborder chez vous; je croy que par enchantement vos charmes ont transporté ailleurs, depuis ma sortie, la Province où j'ay eu l'honneur de vous voir; Je veux dire Madame, qu'elle est devenuë une seconde Isle flotante, que le vent trop furieux de mes soûpirs pousse & fait reculer devant moy, à mesure que j'essaye d'en approcher. Mes Lettres mesmes pleines de soûmissions & de respects, malgré l'art & la routine des Messagers les mieux instruits, n'y sçauroient aborder.
1A MADAM, For a person as beautiful as Alcidiane, you doubtless required, like this heroine, an unreachable dwelling; for since that of the novel was only reached by luck, and since without similar luck your home cannot be reached, I believe that, since my departure, your charms have magically transported elsewhere the province where I had the honour of seeing you. I mean to say, Madam, that it has become a second floating island that the too furious wind of my sighs pushes and retreats before me as I try to approach it. My letters even full of submission and respect, despite the art and the routine of the best instructed messengers, could not reach it.
2F Il ne me sert de rien que vos loüanges qu'elles publient, les fassent voler de toutes parts, elles ne vous peuvent rencontrer; & je Croy mesme que si par le caprice du hazard ou de la Renommée qui se charge fort souvent de ce qui s'adresse à vous, il en tomboit quelqu'une du Ciel dans vostre cheminée, elle seroit capable de faire évanouir vostre Chasteau. Pour moy, Madame, aprés des avantures si surprenantes, je ne doute quasi plus que vostre Comté n'ait changé de Climat avec le Païs qui luy est Antipode, & j'apprehende que le cherchant dans la Carte, je ne rencontre à sa place, comme on trouve aux extremitez du Septentrion, (Cecy est une Terre où les Glaces empeschent d'aborder.)
2A It is of no use to me that your praises within them are made to fly about everywhere, they cannot meet you. And I even believe that if, by the whims of fortune or renown, which so often attends to that which is intended for you, one fell from heaven into your chimney, it would be capable of making your castle vanish. For my part, Madam, after such surprising adventures, I almost no longer doubt that your county has changed climate with the country that is antipodal to it, and I fear that in searching for it on the map, I do not come across its place, as is found at the farthest reaches of the Septentrion (this is a land where the ice prevents approach).
3F Ha! Madame, le Soleil à qui vous ressemblez, & à qui l'ordre de l'Univers ne permet point de repos, s'est bien fixé dans les Cieux pour éclairer une victoire, où il n'avoit presque pas d'interest. Arrestez vous pour éclairer la plus belle des vostres; car je proteste (pourveu que vous ne fassiez plus disparoistre ce Palais enchanté, où je vous parle tous les jours en esprit) que mon entretien muet & discret ne vous fera jamais entendre que des vœux, des hommages & des adorations.
3A Ah! Madam, the Sun that you resemble, and that the order of the universe permits no rest, is fixed in the heavens to illuminate a victory it has almost no interest in. Stop to illuminate the most beautiful of your own. For I protest (provided that you do not make your enchanted palace disappear, where I speak to you every day in spirit) that my mute and discreet interview will cause you to hear nothing but vows, tributes, and worship.
4F Vous sçavez que mes Lettres n'ont rien qui puisse estre suspect; Pourquoy donc apprehendez vous la conversation d'une chose qui n'a jamais parlé? Ha, Madame! s'il m'est permis d'expliquer mes soupçons, je pense que vous me refusez votre veuë, pour ne pas communiquer plus d'une fois, un miracle avec un prophane; Cependant vous sçavez que la conversion d'un incrédu(l)e comme moy, (c'est une qualité que vous m'avez jadis reprochée) demanderoit que je visse un tel miracle plus d'une fois. Soyez donc accessible aux témoignages de veneration que j'ay dessein de vous rendre.
4A You know that my letters have nothing that could be suspect. Why therefore do you apprehend the conversation of a thing that has never spoken? Ah, Madam! If I am permitted to explain my suspicions, I think that you refuse me your view so as not to share a miracle more than once with a non-believer. However, you know that the conversion of an unbeliever like me (it's a quality that you reproached me for long ago) would require that I see such a miracle more than once. Be therefore amenable to the testimonies of reverence that I intend to give you.
5F Vous sçavez que les Dieux reçoivent favorablement la fumée de l'encens que nous leur bruslons icy bas, & qu'il manqueroit quelque chose à leur gloire, s'ils n'estoient adorez: Ne refuſez donc pas de l'estre, car si tous attributs sont adorables, puis que vous possedez tres-éminemment les deux principaux, la Sagesse & la Beauté, vous me feriez faire un crime, m'empeschant d'adorer en vostre personne le divin caractere que les Dieux ont imprimé: Moy principalement, qui suis & seray, toute ma vie, MADAME, Vostre tres-humble Serviteur.
5A You know that the gods receive favourably the smoke of the incense that we burn for them down here, and that something of their glory would be lacking if they were not worshipped. Do not therefore refuse to be so, for if all attributes can be worshipped, since you most eminently possess the two principal ones, wisdom and beauty, you will make me commit a crime in preventing me from worshipping within your person the divine nature that the gods have impressed - me primarily, who am and will be all my life, MADAM, Your most humble servant.
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fionaosmvn · 1 year
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Full Name: Fiona Işıl Osman Nickname(s): Fi Gender: Cis woman (she/her) Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday: February 7, 1999 (24) Zodiac: Aquarius sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising Religion: None Hometown: Presque Isle, Maine Current Residence: Ocean Crest Apartments Time in Aurora Bay: 13 years Occupation: Diving instructor at Air Bubbles Scuba Diving Club Education: Associate’s degree, currently working on a degree in horticulture Languages: English, Turkish
Moved to Aurora Bay with her family from northern Maine when she was 11, has a weird relationship with her parents but a great one with her older brother. Got her associate’s degree but only recently decided she wants to work with plants and is currently working as a diving instructor at Air Bubbles Scuba Diving Club while she's getting her degree in horticulture at Aurora Bay College. Goes for instant gratification over delayed satisfaction. Treats life like a fantasy. Runs a secret stan account on Twitter for the band Submergence that has thousands of followers.
Mother: Cemile Osman (59) Father: Emir Osman (68) Sibling(s): Max Osman (brother, 30) Pets: A 3-year-old sugar glider named Jenkins
Pos. Traits: Energetic, risk-taker, gregarious, creative, affectionate Neg. Traits: Flaky, reckless, impulsive, imprudent, likes to talk shit Likes: Taking baths, clubbing, funny horror movies, the TV show Rake, plants, staying in hotels, airports, bike riding, rollercoasters, slutty lingerie, sunbathing, haunted houses, aesthetic lighting, candles, mermaids, the ocean, space, being in the woods, collecting sea glass, being wine drunk, the comment section on Tiktok Dislikes: Routine, sports, hot people being fake humble, ASMR videos, superhero movies, cooking, not immediately being good at things, basic fashion, the desert
Hair color: Dark brown Eye color: Dark brown Height: 5'6 Tattoos: A Submergence lyric tattoo on her ribcage that says 'go down, soft sound' Piercings: Three in each earlobe, orbital conch and helix in right ear, tragus and cartilage in left ear Scars: A bunch of little ones all over the place, mostly arms and legs, and one big one just below her left knee where she had to get 25 stitches when she was 13 Fashion inspo: x, x, x, x, x
Used to have all her old casts from grammar school that were signed by her classmates but they got lost in the move to Aurora Bay
Runs a very popular stan account on Twitter for the band Submergence with thousands of followers. Only one or two close friends know about it
Needs a lot of external validation and tries to fulfill that by sleeping with people. Depending on the situation, she’s the kind of person who would ditch her friends for someone giving her attention if she was feeling especially insecure
Will play devil’s advocate just to get a rise out of people
Has a diary she writes in almost every night
Keeps a little box of memories like receipts from first dates, pictures, jewelry, etc
Obsessed with space and the ocean but especially the ocean
Has the weirdest kinks you've ever heard of
Will cry at the drop of a hat over something completely innocuous
**trigger warnings for toxic parenting
Born in the town of Presque Isle, one of the northermost cities in Maine, Fiona grew up in the dark and the cold and surrounded by nature
She spent a lot of her time exploring the abundant forests and rivers and ravines of Aroostook County as a kid, both with friends and by herself. She was chronically coming home with scrapes and bruises; it was nearly tradition at her grammar schools that at least once per year Fiona Osman would end up in a cast that everyone signed
She didn’t have bad parents in the way some of her friends had bad parents – in fact, her parents weren’t really bad at all on the surface. Her mom was a third-grade teacher at one of the local elementary schools and her dad was head of HR at a bank. They were nice people and, for the most part, chill parents. Her friends always liked coming to her house because no one was yelling at them for making a mess and often her mom or dad, whoever was home, was even willing to do projects with them and take them fun places or out hiking
The problem with Fiona’s parents was that her dad had another side, and it wasn’t a nice one. Usually a pleasant personality to be around (especially for strangers), when he got in moods the best thing to do was steer clear, which Fiona was pretty good at doing but her older brother was not. She witnessed a million fights between them that she typically tried to stay out of, but it always made her feel sick to see it and to feel, on her end, that their dad was being a dick. One of the worst parts of it was that their mom always, without fail, took their dad’s side – something Fiona thinks in retrospect was because she was afraid of him turning it on her
It created a lot of deep-seated issues. Her older brother began seeing their dad only for his bad side, whereas Fiona started seeing him as two different people: the fun dad who watched movies with her and took her on outings and showed her all his favorite music, and the man with an irrational temper who couldn’t be talked out of his bad moods. Not knowing which of them she would get each day and having that unreliability in a parent she was sometimes scared of gave her some trauma she’s never really explored
At eleven, Fiona’s grandma in Aurora Bay broke her hip and didn’t recover well enough to be able to get back to taking care of her husband whose dementia had been growing more severe over the last few months. Her dad went out there to help out for about a month before the decision was made that the whole family would be uprooting and moving across the country so they could be nearby. This was, of course, the worst possible news to Fiona and her brother, who had friends and a life in Presque Isle
Fiona adjusted okay – she’d always been social and made friends relatively easily, and she understood on a logical level why they had to move, but it didn’t stop it from being hard going to a brand new middle school on the other side of the country. It was even worse for her brother, who was a senior in high school at that point with not only a close friend group but a girlfriend he was in love with. He held it against their dad, who – with the added stress of his parents’ situation on top of his penchant for taking his anger out on his loved ones – didn’t handle the whole thing very well and was not quite understanding or compassionate about it the way he should have been. In private their mom sometimes sympathized with them, but she never stood up to defend them when Fiona or her brother got into it with their dad
After high school, Fiona did a year at Seattle Pacific University as an undeclared major before dropping out and choosing to get her Associate's degree at community college first, seeing as she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life yet. She lived at home while she finished that and afterwards moved out finally, getting a job as a kids' swim instructor at Echo Park Pool to sustain herself while she continued trying to find some direction
It's only within the last year that she's decided she wants to work with plants, and enrolled at Aurora Bay Community College once again to get her certificate in horticulture. She does a ton of volunteer work at community gardens while she's working on that
As she’s gotten older, Fiona’s grown further from her parents. Her mom is significantly less bright and happy than she used to be when the kids were little and her dad has remained the same as he always was
Her grandpa passed about five years ago and her grandma just last year, but they never moved back to Maine. Her maternal grandparents live in Turkey still, and she rarely gets a chance to see them although she FaceTimes with her grandma all the time
She had a couple boyfriends in high school and her first girlfriend in community college, but she tends to sleep around mostly with no urgent desire to be in a relationship until she finds someone who really gets her excited
fond nuisance of @aidenxstevens
a few besties + one bff
people she’s known since high school if they’re around the same age
frenemies/only friends when they’re drunk vibe
fwb, hookups, exes, etc
apartment neighbors/people she’s annoyed by being loud and coming home late
coworkers at air bubbles
someone who’s just a rly bad person for her to be around bc they fuel each other’s recklessness
any connection through her older brother
someone she’s friends with through stan twitter (can be the submergence fandom or just stan twitter in general)
captive audience situation where she talked someone's fucking ear off abt something and either they warmed up to her or now they avoid at all costs
people she's taught to scuba dive
people she's done home or business plant installations for
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fionaosmanbutdead · 1 year
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[cis woman & she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [FIONA OSMAN]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ASLIHAN MALBORA]. You must be the [TWENTY-THREE] year old [ATTENDANT AT SEA GLASS BOUTIQUE]. Word is you’re [VIVACIOUS] but can also be a bit [IMPRUDENT] and your favorite song is [SHE WAY OUT by THE 1975]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Full Name: Fiona Osman Nickname(s): Fi Gender: Cis woman (she/her) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Birthday: September 24 (23) Religion: None Nationality: American Ethnicity: Turkish Hometown: Presque Isle, Maine Current Residence: Ocean Crest Apartments Time in Aurora Bay: 10 years Occupation: Employee at Sea Glass Boutique Education: Associate’s degree, BS at Aurora Bay College (current) Languages: English TL;DR: Moved to Aurora Bay with her family from northern Maine when she was 11, weird relationship with her parents, got her associate’s degree and is currently in school for horticulture, works as an employee at sea glass boutique while she does her degree. Goes for instant gratification over delayed satisfaction and is perpetually fighting her childish streak
Pos. Traits: Energetic, vivacious, risk-taker, gregarious, affectionate, creative Neg. Traits: Flaky, reckless, childish, impulsive, imprudent, insecure Likes: Taking baths, clubbing, Submergence, the TV show Rake, staying in hotels, airports, bike riding, rollercoasters, slutty lingerie, sunbathing, haunted houses, aesthetic lighting, candles, mermaids, the ocean, space, being in the woods, collecting sea glass, being wine drunk, the comments section on Tiktok, talking shit Dislikes: Routine, sports, hot people being fake humble, ASMR videos, superhero movies, cooking, not immediately being good at things, basic fashion, the desert
**trigger warnings for toxic parenting
Born in the town of Presque Isle, one of the northermost cities in Maine, Fiona grew up in the dark and the cold and surrounded by nature
She spent a lot of her time exploring the abundant forests and rivers and ravines of Aroostook County as a kid, both with friends and by herself. She was chronically coming home with scrapes and bruises; it was nearly tradition at her grammar schools that at least once a year Fiona Osman would end up in a cast that everyone signed
She didn’t have bad parents in the way some of her friends had bad parents – in fact, her parents weren’t really bad at all on the surface. Her mom was a third-grade teacher at one of the local elementary schools and her dad was head of HR at [to be added]. They were nice people and, for the most part, chill parents. Her friends always liked coming to her house because no one was yelling at them for making a mess and often her mom or dad, whoever was home, was even willing to do projects with them and take them fun places or out hiking
The problem with Fiona’s parents was that her dad had another side, and it wasn’t a nice one. Usually a pleasant personality to be around (strangers always loved him), when he got in moods the best thing to do was steer clear, which Fiona was pretty good at doing but her older brother was not. She witnessed a million fights between them that she typically tried to stay out of, but it always made her feel sick to see it and to feel, on her end, that their dad was being a dick. One of the worst parts of it was that their mom always, without fail, took their dad’s side – something Fiona thinks in retrospect was because she was afraid of him turning it on her
It created a lot of deep-seated issues. Her older brother began seeing their dad only for his bad side, whereas Fiona started seeing him as two different people: the fun dad who watched movies with her and took her on outings and showed her all his favorite music, and the man with an irrational temper who couldn’t be talked out of his bad moods. Not knowing which of them she would get each day and having that unreliability in a parent she was sometimes scared of gave her some trauma she’s never really explored
At eleven, Fiona’s paternal grandma in Aurora Bay broke her hip and never quite recovered well enough to be able to get back to taking care of her husband, whose dementia had been growing more severe over the last few months. Her dad went out there to help for about a month before the decision was made that the whole family would be uprooting and moving across the country so they could be nearby. This was, of course, the worst possible news to Fiona and her brother, who had friends and a life in Presque Isle
Fiona adjusted okay – she’d always been social and made friends relatively easily, and she understood on a logical level why they had to move, but it didn’t stop it from being hard going to a brand new school on the other side of the country. It was even worse for her brother, who was a senior in high school at that point with not only a close friend group but a girlfriend he was in love with. He held it against their dad, who – with the added stress of his parents’ situation on top of his penchant for taking his anger out on his loved ones – didn’t handle the whole thing very well and was not quite understanding or compassionate about it the way he should have been. In private their mom sometimes sympathized with them, but she never stood up to defend them when Fiona or her brother got into it with their dad
After high school, Fiona did a year at Aurora Bay College as an undeclared major before dropping out and choosing to get her Associate's degree at a nearby community college first, seeing as she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life yet. She lived at home while she finished that and afterwards moved out finally, getting a job at the Sea Glass Boutique to sustain herself while she continued trying to find some direction
It's only within the last year that she's decided she wants to work with plants, and enrolled at Aurora Bay College once again, this time with her major declared in horticulture
As she’s gotten older, Fiona’s grown further from her parents. Her mom is significantly less bright and happy than she used to be when the kids were little and her dad has only gotten worse as he gets older
Her grandpa passed about five years ago and her grandma just last year, but they never moved back to Maine
She had a couple boyfriends in high school and her first girlfriend in college, but she tends to sleep around mostly with no urgent desire to be in a relationship until she finds someone who really gets her excited
She's a huge Submergence stan, they were a major part of her high school years and she still runs a Twitter stan account with thousands of fandom followers
Used to have all her old casts from grammar school that were signed by her classmates but they got lost in the move to Aurora Bay
Needs a lot of external validation and tries to fulfill that by sleeping with people. Depending on the situation, she’s the kind of person who would ditch her friends for someone giving her attention if she was feeling especially insecure
Has a diary she writes in almost every night
Keeps a little box of memories like receipts from first dates, pictures, jewelry, etc
Has a 3-year-old sugar glider named Jenkins
a few besties
people she’s known since high school if they’re around the same age
fwb, hookups, exes, etc
apartment neighbors/people she’s annoyed by being loud and coming home late
someone who’s just a rly bad person for her to be around bc they fuel each other’s recklessness
someone she’s friends with through stan twitter
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delux2222 · 2 years
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1930 Aroostook County School Bus making its rounds in downtown Presque Isle, ME. This one has a wood stove for heat!
(photo from the Dick Graves collection)
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fionaosmanarchive · 2 years
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Aslıhan Malbora | She/Her | Cis Woman | Have you met Fiona Osman yet? They’re the 27 year old front desk worker at a women's health clinic that lives around Swindelbrook Street Apartments. I think they’ve lived in Seattle for eleven years. From what I’ve heard, they’re vivacious but they can also be imprudent if you get on their bad side. When I think of them, I usually think of God Save Our Young Blood by BØRNS.
Full Name: Fiona Osman Nickname(s): Fi Gender: Cis woman (she/her) Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday: Tba (27) Religion: None Hometown: Presque Isle, Maine Current Residence: Swindelbrook St. Apartments Occupation: Front desk worker at a women’s health clinic Education: Associate’s degree Languages: English TL;DR: Moved to Seattle with her family from northern Maine when she was 16, weird relationship with her parents, got her associate's degree but doesn't know what she wants to do, currently working the front desk at a women's health clinic and not really bothering to find any direction in life. Goes for instant gratification over delayed satisfaction. Parties too much and respects herself too little
Mother: Cemile Osman (59) Father: Emir Osman (68) Sibling(s): Max Osman (brother, 30) Pets: A 3-year-old sugar glider named Jenkins
Pos. Traits: Energetic, risk-taker, gregarious, creative, affectionate Neg. Traits: Flaky, reckless, impulsive, imprudent, likes to talk shit Likes: Taking baths, clubbing, horror movies that are actually scary, the TV show Rake, staying in hotels, airports, bike riding, rollercoasters, slutty lingerie, sunbathing, haunted houses, aesthetic lighting, candles, mermaids, being in the woods, collecting sea glass, being wine drunk, the comment section on Tiktok Dislikes: Routine, sports, hot people being fake humble, ASMR videos, superhero movies, cooking, not immediately being good at things, basic fashion, the desert
**trigger warnings for toxic parenting
Born in the town of Presque Isle, one of the northermost cities in Maine, Fiona grew up in the dark and the cold and surrounded by nature
She spent a lot of her time exploring the abundant forests and rivers and ravines of Aroostook County as a kid, both with friends and by herself. She was chronically coming home with scrapes and bruises; it was nearly tradition at her grammar schools that at least once per year Fiona Osman would end up in a cast that everyone signed
She didn’t have bad parents in the way some of her friends had bad parents – in fact, her parents weren’t really bad at all on the surface. Her mom was a third-grade teacher at one of the local elementary schools and her dad was head of HR at a bank. They were nice people and, for the most part, chill parents. Her friends always liked coming to her house because no one was yelling at them for making a mess and often her mom or dad, whoever was home, was even willing to do projects with them and take them fun places or out hiking
The problem with Fiona’s parents was that her dad had another side, and it wasn’t a nice one. Usually a pleasant personality to be around, when he got in moods the best thing to do was steer clear, which Fiona was pretty good at doing but her older brother was not. She witnessed a million fights between them that she typically tried to stay out of, but it always made her feel sick to see it and to feel, on her end, that their dad was being a dick. One of the worst parts of it was that their mom always, without fail, took their dad’s side – something Fiona thinks in retrospect was because she was afraid of him turning it on her
It created a lot of deep-seated issues. Her older brother began seeing their dad only for his bad side, whereas Fiona started seeing him as two different people: the fun dad who watched movies with her and took her on outings and showed her all his favorite music, and the man with an irrational temper who couldn’t be talked out of his bad moods. Not knowing which of them she would get each day and having that unreliability in a parent she was sometimes scared of gave her some trauma she’s never really explored
At sixteen, Fiona’s grandma in Seattle broke her hip and didn’t recover well enough to be able to get back to taking care of her husband whose dementia had been growing more severe over the last few months. Her dad went out there to help out for about a month before the decision was made that the whole family would be uprooting and moving across the country so they could be nearby. This was, of course, the worst possible news to Fiona and her brother, who had friends and a life in Presque Isle
Fiona adjusted okay – she’d always been social and made friends relatively easily, and she understood on a logical level why they had to move, but it didn’t stop it from being hard going to a brand new high school on the other side of the country. It was even worse for her brother, who was a senior at that point with not only a close friend group but a girlfriend he was in love with. He held it against their dad, who – with the added stress of his parents’ situation on top of his penchant for taking his anger out on his loved ones – didn’t handle the whole thing very well and was not quite understanding or compassionate about it the way he should have been. In private their mom sometimes sympathized with them, but she never stood up to defend them when Fiona or her brother got into it with their dad
As she’s gotten older, Fiona’s grown further from her parents. Her mom is significantly less bright and happy than she used to be when the kids were little and her dad has remained the same as he always was
Her grandpa passed about five years ago and her grandma just last year, but they never moved back to Maine
After high school, Fiona went to community college and received her Associate’s degree simply because she wasn’t really sure what else to do and didn’t have the desire to go to a regular university like most of the people at her school. Following that, she wound up working the front desk at a dentist’s office for a while before deciding it was draining her soul of life and found a job doing front desk work at a women’s health clinic, which at least felt like she was part of a good cause
She had a couple boyfriends in high school and her first girlfriend in community college, but she tends to sleep around mostly with no urgent desire to be in a relationship until she finds someone who really gets her excited
used to have all her old casts from grammar school that were signed by her classmates but they got lost in the move to seattle
runs a popular stan account on twitter for some band i haven't decided on yet
needs a lot of external validation and tries to fulfill that by sleeping with people. depending on the situation, she's the kind of person who would ditch her friends for someone giving her attention if she was feeling especially insecure
will play devil's advocate just to get a rise out of people
has a diary she writes in almost every night
keeps a little box of memories like receipts from first dates, pictures, jewelry, etc
a few besties
people she's known since high school if they're around the same age
frenemies/only friends when they're drunk vibe
fwb, hookups, exes, etc
apartment neighbors/people she's annoyed by being loud and coming home late
coworker's at the women's health clinic
someone who's just a rly bad person for her to be around bc they fuel each other's recklessness
any connection through her older brother
someone she's friends with through stan twitter (we can figure out what fandom
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eerieonlakeerie · 2 years
The Ghost of General ‘Mad Anthony’ Wayne and his Missing Bones
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Photos provided by: UnchartedLancaster.com
“Anthony Wayne was an American soldier, officer, and statesman during the Revolutionary War. His daring military exploits and fiery personality quickly earned him a promotion to brigadier general and the nickname “Mad Anthony.”
Wayne is probably the second most frequently sighted ghost on the East Coast. Second only to Abraham Lincoln. He is also the only Pennsylvanian known to have two separate graves, with body parts in both."
"George Washington considered Wayne to be one of the best tactical commanders and military strategists of the Revolution.
Wayne was born on January 1, 1745, near Paoli in Chester county. He received an excellent education and worked as a surveyor for Benjamin Franklin. When the Revolutionary War began, he assembled a militia and became colonel of the 4th Regiment in Pennsylvania. Wayne aided Benedict Arnold and saved Washington’s troops from a massacre at the Battle of Brandywine in September 1777.
Wayne was at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-1778, where the Continental Army recouped and rested. Wayne led men to more victories when fighting resumed, including a decisive battle at Stony Point along the Hudson River.
After the war, Wayne settled in Georgia on land granted to him for his military service. He briefly represented Georgia in the House of Representatives before returning to the Army to accept command of U.S. forces in the Northwest Indian War. His forces defeated the Western Confederacy, an alliance of several Native American tribes, at the 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers, and he masterminded the Treaty of Greenville, which ended the war.
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Photo provided by: HistoryLink
Two years later, Wayne died on December 15, 1796, in Erie, Pennsylvania, at Fort Presque Isle while on active duty. He was 51.
Following his wishes, Wayne, wearing his uniform, was buried two days after his death in a plain wooden coffin at the foot of the flagstaff of the post’s blockhouse. The top of the coffin bore his initials, age, and the year of his death in brass tacks.
Had it not been for a strange twist of fate, “Mad Anthony” Wayne would have laid there in peace for eternity.
For 12 years, the remains of Wayne remained undisturbed in a plain grave. However, some thought his burial was not fitting for such a great war hero, and in 1809 Wayne’s family decided to bring him home to rest in St. David’s Church Cemetery closer to his home in Radnor Township, not far from Valley Forge.
When Wayne’s son Colonel Isaac Wayne had the coffin opened in Erie, everyone was shocked! Instead of a crumbling pile of bones, they found a body in an excellent state of preservation.
Isaac had come ill-prepared to move an entire body across the state.
A local physician, Dr. James Wallace, came up with a remedy. He suggested they put Wayne’s body in a large vat and boil it to separate the flesh from the bone.
The general’s flesh and clothing were reinterred beneath the blockhouse. Meanwhile, Isaac took his father’s bones in the back of a wagon and made the long 400-mile journey across the state along what is now U.S. Route 322.
This may be hard to believe, but Pennsylvanian roads were even worse in the early 1800s. They were bumpy paths full of rocks, ruts, and tree stumps.
When Isaac finally arrived at the gravesite and attempted to reassemble the skeleton, the family discovered to their horror that several of the bones were missing. It appeared that some of the bones had fallen out of the wagon while making the arduous trip across the commonwealth.
Isaac was greatly distressed by this turn of events and regretted his decision to disinter his father for the rest of his life.
After that, stories began to surface that every New Year’s morning, General “Mad Anthony” Wayne’s birthday, his ghost rises and begins the long journey on horseback from St. David’s to Erie and back in search of his missing bones. People along that route have insisted that a man clad in Colonial garb has been seen riding a horse and stopping if searching for something.
“Mad Anthony’s” ghost has been seen throughout Pennsylvania, including along Route 1 near Chadd’s Ford, where the Battle of Brandywine occurred and at Valley Forge National Park. There have also been sightings in New Jersey, New York, Virginia, and Canada.
Sometimes Wayne is astride his trusty steed Nab, described as possessing fire-flashing hoofs.
Whether alone or on horseback, Wayne’s ghost looks fierce and determined, as though he is still waging battles against the British and Germans.”
Story provided by: UnchartedLancaster.com
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Brunhilda Asteroid Day
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Garda Asteroid Day
The Great Mullein Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Blood Donor Day (Iran)
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
731 Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
Independence & Related Days
Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaii)
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Weimar Constitution Adoption Day (Germany; 1919)
5th & Last Wednesday in July
OSHC Educators Day (Australia) [last Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 31 (Last Week of July)
Oregon Brewers Festival begins [Last full weekend; Wednesday thru Saturday] (Now merged with the Portland Rose Festival in May and June)
Festivals Beginning July 31, 2024
Beyond the Gates (Bergen, Norway) [thru 8.3]
Grays Harbor County Fair (Elma, Washington) [thru 8.3]
Iowa Hunger Summit (Des Moines, Iowa)
Maine Lobster Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Montelago Celtic Festival (Serravalle di Chienti, Italy) [thru 8.3]
NC Watermelon Festival (Murfreesboro, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Northern Maine Fair (Presque Isle, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, California) [thru 8.11]
Viagem Medieval (Medieval Journey) (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) [thru 8.11]
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
Feast of Joseph of Arimathea (Anglican; Roman Catholic)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
Jean Denis Attiret (Artology)
Jean Dubuffet (Artology)
J.K. Rowling (Writerism)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Ka Hae (Hawaii Flag Day; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
August Eve
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lughnassad Eve
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana, India)
Mary Vaux Walcott (Artology)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Primo Levi (Writerism)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Confidence (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1933)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Prize Package (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson (Novel; 1954)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Little Boy Blue (Castle Films ComiColor Cartoons; 1936)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Night (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
The Pink Pill (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
What a Night! What a Moon!, recorded by Teddy Wilson (Song; 1935)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 213 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 26 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 24 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 3 Purple; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2024
Moon: 17%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 42 of 94)
Week: Last Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Brunhilda Asteroid Day
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Garda Asteroid Day
The Great Mullein Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Blood Donor Day (Iran)
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
731 Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
Independence & Related Days
Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaii)
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Weimar Constitution Adoption Day (Germany; 1919)
5th & Last Wednesday in July
OSHC Educators Day (Australia) [last Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 31 (Last Week of July)
Oregon Brewers Festival begins [Last full weekend; Wednesday thru Saturday] (Now merged with the Portland Rose Festival in May and June)
Festivals Beginning July 31, 2024
Beyond the Gates (Bergen, Norway) [thru 8.3]
Grays Harbor County Fair (Elma, Washington) [thru 8.3]
Iowa Hunger Summit (Des Moines, Iowa)
Maine Lobster Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Montelago Celtic Festival (Serravalle di Chienti, Italy) [thru 8.3]
NC Watermelon Festival (Murfreesboro, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Northern Maine Fair (Presque Isle, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, California) [thru 8.11]
Viagem Medieval (Medieval Journey) (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) [thru 8.11]
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
Feast of Joseph of Arimathea (Anglican; Roman Catholic)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
Jean Denis Attiret (Artology)
Jean Dubuffet (Artology)
J.K. Rowling (Writerism)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Ka Hae (Hawaii Flag Day; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
August Eve
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lughnassad Eve
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana, India)
Mary Vaux Walcott (Artology)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Primo Levi (Writerism)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Confidence (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1933)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Prize Package (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson (Novel; 1954)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Little Boy Blue (Castle Films ComiColor Cartoons; 1936)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Night (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
The Pink Pill (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
What a Night! What a Moon!, recorded by Teddy Wilson (Song; 1935)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 213 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 26 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 24 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 3 Purple; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2024
Moon: 17%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 42 of 94)
Week: Last Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
0 notes
wausaupilot · 8 months
A Wisconsin redo election signals growing ballot scrutiny in US
Election integrity experts warn that mistakes can happen even in well-resourced clerk’s offices. But with elections under heightened scrutiny and high election worker turnover, the country’s election system will be under greater strain in 2024.
by Tom Kertscher / Wisconsin Watch, Wisconsin Watch January 26, 2024 Click here to read highlights from the story A Vilas County judge ordered a new election in the town of Presque Isle last year after finding a handful of irregularities in a town chair election in which the town clerk defeated the incumbent by one vote. Presque Isle was one of at least four do-over elections ordered by judges…
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wutbju · 9 months
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Joyce B. Blackstone, 97, entered her eternal rest, Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at the Aroostook House of Comfort, while surrounded by family. She was born March 21, 1925, in Houlton, the daughter of Roy and Maude (Anderson) Barton Sr.
Joyce grew up in Aroostook County and graduated from Fort Kent High School in 1942. She continued her education at Bob Jones College in Cleveland, Tennessee, where she earned a bachelor's degree in education. Joyce returned to the County and taught seventh grade English at Caribou Middle School. She married Clayton M. Blackstone on December 30, 1947. They shared sixty-two years of marriage until his passing in 2010. Joyce and Clayton lived and raised their children on the family farm where she kept the home and worked alongside Clayton.
Joyce was a longtime member of the Dunntown Advent Christian Church serving as a deaconess, church collector, and Sunday School teacher as well as being actively involved in the Women's Mission Circle. Her faith was the most important part of her life, and she and Clayton instilled those Christian values into their children.
She enjoyed putting jigsaw puzzles together, doing crossword puzzles and word finds, and reading. Clayton often told people he would be a rich man if it was not for Joyce's books and music. An accomplished cook, she was well known for her fudge. Joyce was known as the "Card Lady" and many people received a card and fudge as means of encouragement from her.
She is survived by five children: Rev. Clayton Blackstone Jr. and his wife Hazel of Pittsfield, MA, Dale Blackstone and his wife Cynthia of Washburn, Doug Blackstone and his wife Barb of Easton, Gary Blackstone and his wife Laurie of Washburn, Karen Wark of Fort Fairfield, a daughter-in-law, Vicki Blackstone of Summerville, SC, eleven grandchildren, twenty-four great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. She also leaves behind a brother, Roy Barton Jr. and his wife Joyce, a sister, Betty Tompkins both of Greenville, SC, and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Clayton Blackstone Sr., a son, David Blackstone, a great-grandchild, Liam Casey, a brother, Sherwood Barton, and two sisters: Phyllis Blackstone and Gloria Dinsmore.
Relatives and friends are invited for calling hours at 1:30 P.M. Monday, April 3, 2023, at the Dunntown Advent Christian Church. A celebration of life will follow at 3 P.M., with the Rev. Josh Cheney officiating. The family extends an invitation to a reception and continued fellowship at the church fellowship hall, immediately following the service. A committal service will be held at 10 A.M. Monday, July 3, 2023, at the Fairview Cemetery in Perham. In lieu of flowers, those who wish to remember Joyce in a special way may make gifts in her memory to the Dunntown Advent Christian Church (P.O. Box 491, Washburn, ME 04786). Arrangements were made by Duncan-Graves Funeral Home, 30 Church St., Presque Isle, ME 04769. Online condolences and memories may be shared with the family at: www.duncan-graves.com
0 notes
fionaosman · 1 year
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Full Name: Fiona Işıl Osman Nickname(s): Fi Gender: Cis woman (she/her) Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday: February 7, 1999 (24) Zodiac: Aquarius sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising Religion: None Hometown: Presque Isle, Maine Current Residence: Ocean Crest Apartments Time in Aurora Bay: 13 years Occupation: Diving instructor at Air Bubbles Scuba Diving Club Education: Associate’s degree, currently working on a degree in horticulture Languages: English, Turkish
Moved to Aurora Bay with her family from northern Maine when she was 11, has a weird relationship with her parents but a great one with her older brother. Got her associate’s degree but only recently decided she wants to work with plants and is currently working as a diving instructor at Air Bubbles Scuba Diving Club while she's getting her degree in horticulture at Aurora Bay College. Goes for instant gratification over delayed satisfaction. Treats life like a fantasy. Runs a secret stan account on Twitter for the band Submergence that has thousands of followers.
Mother: Cemile Osman (59) Father: Emir Osman (68) Sibling(s): Max Osman (brother, 30) Pets: A 3-year-old sugar glider named Jenkins
Pos. Traits: Energetic, risk-taker, gregarious, creative, affectionate Neg. Traits: Flaky, reckless, impulsive, imprudent, likes to talk shit Likes: Taking baths, clubbing, funny horror movies, the TV show Rake, plants, staying in hotels, airports, bike riding, rollercoasters, slutty lingerie, sunbathing, haunted houses, aesthetic lighting, candles, mermaids, the ocean, space, being in the woods, collecting sea glass, being wine drunk, the comment section on Tiktok Dislikes: Routine, sports, hot people being fake humble, ASMR videos, superhero movies, cooking, not immediately being good at things, basic fashion, the desert
Hair color: Dark brown Eye color: Dark brown Height: 5'5 Tattoos: A Submergence lyric tattoo on her ribcage that says 'go down, soft sound' Piercings: Three in each earlobe, orbital conch and helix in right ear, tragus and cartilage in left ear Scars: A bunch of little ones all over the place, mostly arms and legs, and one big one just below her left knee where she had to get 25 stitches when she was 13 Fashion inspo: x, x, x, x, x
Used to have all her old casts from grammar school that were signed by her classmates but they got lost in the move to Aurora Bay
Runs a very popular stan account on Twitter for the band Submergence with thousands of followers. Only one or two close friends know about it
Needs a lot of external validation and tries to fulfill that by sleeping with people. Depending on the situation, she’s the kind of person who would ditch her friends for someone giving her attention if she was feeling especially insecure
Will play devil’s advocate just to get a rise out of people
Has a diary she writes in almost every night
Keeps a little box of memories like receipts from first dates, pictures, jewelry, etc
Obsessed with space and the ocean but especially the ocean
Has the weirdest kinks you've ever heard of
Will cry at the drop of a hat over something completely innocuous
**trigger warnings for toxic parenting
Born in the town of Presque Isle, one of the northermost cities in Maine, Fiona grew up in the dark and the cold and surrounded by nature
She spent a lot of her time exploring the abundant forests and rivers and ravines of Aroostook County as a kid, both with friends and by herself. She was chronically coming home with scrapes and bruises; it was nearly tradition at her grammar schools that at least once per year Fiona Osman would end up in a cast that everyone signed
She didn’t have bad parents in the way some of her friends had bad parents – in fact, her parents weren’t really bad at all on the surface. Her mom was a third-grade teacher at one of the local elementary schools and her dad was head of HR at a bank. They were nice people and, for the most part, chill parents. Her friends always liked coming to her house because no one was yelling at them for making a mess and often her mom or dad, whoever was home, was even willing to do projects with them and take them fun places or out hiking
The problem with Fiona’s parents was that her dad had another side, and it wasn’t a nice one. Usually a pleasant personality to be around (especially for strangers), when he got in moods the best thing to do was steer clear, which Fiona was pretty good at doing but her older brother was not. She witnessed a million fights between them that she typically tried to stay out of, but it always made her feel sick to see it and to feel, on her end, that their dad was being a dick. One of the worst parts of it was that their mom always, without fail, took their dad’s side – something Fiona thinks in retrospect was because she was afraid of him turning it on her
It created a lot of deep-seated issues. Her older brother began seeing their dad only for his bad side, whereas Fiona started seeing him as two different people: the fun dad who watched movies with her and took her on outings and showed her all his favorite music, and the man with an irrational temper who couldn’t be talked out of his bad moods. Not knowing which of them she would get each day and having that unreliability in a parent she was sometimes scared of gave her some trauma she’s never really explored
At eleven, Fiona’s grandma in Aurora Bay broke her hip and didn’t recover well enough to be able to get back to taking care of her husband whose dementia had been growing more severe over the last few months. Her dad went out there to help out for about a month before the decision was made that the whole family would be uprooting and moving across the country so they could be nearby. This was, of course, the worst possible news to Fiona and her brother, who had friends and a life in Presque Isle
Fiona adjusted okay – she’d always been social and made friends relatively easily, and she understood on a logical level why they had to move, but it didn’t stop it from being hard going to a brand new middle school on the other side of the country. It was even worse for her brother, who was a senior in high school at that point with not only a close friend group but a girlfriend he was in love with. He held it against their dad, who – with the added stress of his parents’ situation on top of his penchant for taking his anger out on his loved ones – didn’t handle the whole thing very well and was not quite understanding or compassionate about it the way he should have been. In private their mom sometimes sympathized with them, but she never stood up to defend them when Fiona or her brother got into it with their dad
After high school, Fiona did a year at Seattle Pacific University as an undeclared major before dropping out and choosing to get her Associate's degree at community college first, seeing as she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life yet. She lived at home while she finished that and afterwards moved out finally, getting a job as a kids' swim instructor at Echo Park Pool to sustain herself while she continued trying to find some direction
It's only within the last year that she's decided she wants to work with plants, and enrolled at Aurora Bay Community College once again to get her certificate in horticulture. She does a ton of volunteer work at community gardens while she's working on that
As she’s gotten older, Fiona’s grown further from her parents. Her mom is significantly less bright and happy than she used to be when the kids were little and her dad has remained the same as he always was
Her grandpa passed about five years ago and her grandma just last year, but they never moved back to Maine. Her maternal grandparents live in Turkey still, and she rarely gets a chance to see them although she FaceTimes with her grandma all the time
She had a couple boyfriends in high school and her first girlfriend in community college, but she tends to sleep around mostly with no urgent desire to be in a relationship until she finds someone who really gets her excited
a few besties + one bff
people she’s known since high school if they’re around the same age
frenemies/only friends when they’re drunk vibe
fwb, hookups, exes, etc
apartment neighbors/people she’s annoyed by being loud and coming home late
coworkers at air bubbles
someone who’s just a rly bad person for her to be around bc they fuel each other’s recklessness
any connection through her older brother
someone she’s friends with through stan twitter (can be the submergence fandom or just stan twitter in general)
captive audience situation where she talked someone's fucking ear off abt something and either they warmed up to her or now they avoid at all costs
people she's taught to scuba dive
people she's done home or business plant installations for
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life-sport-travel · 2 years
10 Best Places to Visit in Pennsylvania - Travel Video
https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1579 10 Best Places to Visit in Pennsylvania - Travel Video - https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1579 Located in the northeast of the United States, Pennsylvania has a lot of different sides to it. Its eastern end is home to the Delaware River and the big city of Philadelphia. But head west and you’ll find the Appalachian Mountains, historic small towns, and cities that feel every bit like the Midwest. For visitors, this provides you with the chance to experience all aspects of the United States over the last 200 years. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in Pennsylvania: Foreign Of the United States Pennsylvania has a Lot of different sides to it its eastern End is home to the Delaware River and The big city of Philadelphia but Head West and you'll find the Appalachian Mountains historic small towns and Cities that feel every bit like the Midwest for visitors this provides you With a chance to experience all the Aspects of the United States over the Last 200 years here's a look at the best Places to visit in Pennsylvania Foreign Hershey in Dauphin County in Dolphin County Hershey is as famous as any town With just 15 000 residents America's Favorite chocolate brand began right Here and unsurprisingly tourism is a Huge part of life in Hershey Travelers Come from all over to explore the town Built on chocolate there is Hershey Park And the Chocolate World but also a rich History of dairy farming and some Severely underrated nightlife visitors Get to enjoy the town's collection of Museums plus fun shopping and delicious Restaurants Foreign Foreign Centralia an interesting atmospheric and Somewhat Eerie place to visit the near Ghost town of Centralia has been almost Abandoned since 1962. this was when an Underground coal fire was discovered Burning under the once thriving mining Town since then its population has Dwindled from more than a thousand to Fewer than five with dilapidated houses And decaying buildings now lining its Graffiti strewn streets as well as Visiting the one remaining Church Visitors can drive around its quiet and Overgrown roads and spy wisps of smoke Escaping from cracks in the ground Foreign Delaware Water Gap crossing over the State line between Pennsylvania and New Jersey is the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area as the name Suggests the Delaware Water Gap is found On both sides of the Delaware River if You enjoy the great outdoors there are Countless choices available to you there Bring history to life in the 19th Century Millbrook Village or take a bike Ride along the Old Mill Road hikers can Pick from more than 100 miles of trails Trekking along scene extremes and lush Green Hemlock forests Foreign Number seven Presque Isle State Park Nestled away in the northwest of Pennsylvania is the stunning scenery of Presque Isle State Park set on a Sandy Peninsula that juts out into Lake Erie It is sure to Delight outdoor Enthusiasts with its lovely Landscapes And wealth of recreation activities Formed some 11 000 years ago during the Last ice age the idyllic Island Peninsula him in a beautiful Bay of the Same name the state Park's diverse Habitats lend themselves to all kinds of Outdoor activities with hiking biking And lounging on the beach being Particularly popular Foreign Number six Ricketts Glenn state park in The heart of Pennsylvania there is a National natural Landmark called Ricketts Glenn state park this park is Enormous spreading out into three Different counties and it is a nature Lover's Dream destination the park is Home to several waterfalls and hiking The Falls Trail system is the best way To see as many of them as possible if You'd rather kick back head to the beach On Lake Jean and set up a picnic with a View of the water you can also head into The lake with a boat rental or try some Fishing from the shore Foreign Pennsylvania Dutch Country in Lancaster County you can find a large portion of The state's Amish population in what is Known as Pennsylvania Dutch Country Although the capital of Harrisburg is Technically within this region much of The area is rural whitewashed fences Perfectly maintained Barns and Horse-drawn buggies abound in this part Of the state one of the best ways to Explore Amish country is to visit the Local markets where you can find fresh Produce as well as baked goods like Apple butter and the delicious shoe fly Pie Foreign Thank you Number four Harrisburg full of Interesting historic sites and cultural Landmarks Pennsylvania's capital Harrisburg lies in the southeast of the State although not particularly large it Is the perfect size for a quiet weekend Getaway with Allentown Gettysburg and York all lying within driving distance Thanks to its strategic setting and the Development of its canal and Railway System the city played a role in not Just the westward migration and Industrial Revolution but the American Civil War too this and its election as The capital in 1812 explains the huge Number of historic buildings and museums Found in town Foreign Foreign Number three Gettysburg one of the most Significant battles ever fought in the Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg In July of 1863 three days of fighting Resulted in heavy casualties and the Retreat of the Confederate Army today The Gettysburg National military Park Marks the historic site at the Gettysburg Heritage Center you can get An introduction to the entire Civil War And how Gettysburg factored into it make Time to tour the Jenny Wade house where The only Gettysburg citizen who died During the battle once lived Foreign Foreign Pittsburgh Or the steel city is a huge Metropolis Created where Three Rivers converge it Has a distinct topography a mass of Green Hills Rising straight up from the Rivers below once a major Center of Industry its old warehouses and Mills Now instead house bustling businesses And important cultural institutions the Skyline of downtown Pittsburgh is not to Be missed with the U.S steel Tower Nabbing the honor of tallest in the city In the heart of downtown is Point State Park a green park where you can also Tour the 19th century Fort Pitt Block House Thank you Foreign Philadelphia commonly referred to by Locals as Philly Philadelphia is a major U.S city in Southeastern Pennsylvania And home to the iconic Liberty Bell and The Philly cheese steak sandwich Regarded as the birthplace of America Philadelphia is known as the city in Which the country's founding fathers Signed the 1776 Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution There is a host of interesting art Museums to visit in the city including The Philadelphia Museum of Art which is Not only one of the largest in the world But also famous for its long flight of Steps which were featured in the 1976 Film Rocky Foreign Foreign Mike Izzo https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1579
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vintage-michigan · 6 years
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Along the beach, Presque Isle, Michigan, 1880s-90s
dry plate negative
(courtesy of the Library of Congress)
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gravelish · 3 years
Erie (PA): Presque Isle
29 September 2021
An afternoon ride, for a change. We’re in Erie for two nights and spent today exploring Presque Isle. We began with a driving tour in the morning, but in the afternoon we came back and I rode the whole loop while M walked a shorter section along the bayside.
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We parked along Peninsula Drive a mile or so into the Park. I followed the standard loop on the main trail, but added in a couple of extra legs out to the Marina and out to North Point, at the mouth of the channel. There were several small side trips.
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This was a very flat ride. I’m not sure where the 359’ of climbing came from (Strava says 154’ - from same data). There was a bridge that rose perhaps 10’. And I dragged my bike over some low dunes to look at the lake. Maybe it was the normal altimeter imprecision? The weather was pretty perfect - cloudless and 66.
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There is a paved multipurpose trail that circles the whole peninsula. In some places, it’s by itself in the forest. In a few places, it’s a wide, marked shoulder along the road. But it generally is separate from and parallel to the main loop road.
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I’m sure this place is a zoo on warm summer weekends. Today it was pretty quiet, although there were still plenty of other bikers and walkers. Where the trail itself was busier, I often switched over to the road (often one-way and two-lanes and empty). I covered more than 18 miles but it would be easy to do shorter loops by dropping the out-and-back sections or by using one of the many cutoffs.
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