#Prevent Cat Spraying Outdoors
weratebeanz · 16 days
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[ #WeRate ] Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray: A Natural Solution for Pest-Free Spaces
Living in the humid Gulf Coast with multiple pets, we know firsthand how relentless fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes can be. Keeping these pests at bay is a must, which is why we rely on Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray.
This post contains affiliate links, and we only recommend products we have either used, are using, or would use and share with our family and friends. Click here to read our Affiliate Disclaimer.
Why We Love It
Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray is not just effective; it also has a refreshing peppermint-like smell that our family loves, is smells like fall and Halloween! My kids and I find the scent invigorating, though it fades after a while for those who prefer a subtler fragrance.
What It Is
This 32-oz. bottle of Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray comes with a ready-to-use hose attachment, making it super convenient to apply. The formula's natural oils make it safer to use around plants and pets, which is a big plus for us, especially after one of our cats had a severe reaction to a traditional topical treatment.
How We Use It
We spray our yard after every rain and once a week to keep those pesky insects under control. While we might be overdoing it a bit, living in a flea and mosquito haven like the Gulf Coast means we’d rather be safe than sorry.
Preventing an infestation is far easier than fighting one, especially with multiple pets in the house.
Not only do we use Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray outdoors, but we’ve also found it handy as a quick floor wash indoors to keep fleas from setting up shop.
After spraying (outdoor or indoor), we wait at least 30 minutes before letting our pets back into the treated area. We prefer to wait a couple of hours to be extra cautious, as some pets can be sensitive to even natural oils.
Things to Keep in Mind
While the peppermint scent of Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray is pleasant for us, we know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you prefer less scent-y scents or just don't like the smell, don't worry! It dissipates fairly quickly.
We also love that it’s less chemical-heavy than other pest control products, which gives us peace of mind knowing we’re not exposing our pets to harsh chemicals.
Would We Buy It Again?
Rating: ★★★★★
Absolutely! Vet's Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray is a staple in our pet care routine. It’s a natural, effective solution for keeping pests away, and the peace of mind it brings is worth every penny.
Whether you’re dealing with the humidity of the Gulf Coast or just want a reliable, less toxic option for your pets, this spray is a great choice.
Disclaimer: We’re not medical professionals—just passionate pet owners sharing what works for us. Always consult your veterinarian for pet-specific issues, and if your pet experiences any adverse reactions, contact them immediately. Every pet is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Your vet is the best source of advice tailored to your pet’s health needs.
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stevishabitat · 11 months
Long rant/emotional vomit incoming…. 
Where to start? 
In August, our neighbors moved out and left their outdoor cat, Franklin behind. We'd gotten him neutered last year during the big TNR project, so he'd retired from both the kitten factory and the tom cat fight club. So he was left kind of hanging around at loose ends.
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Franklin in his previous outdoor life
He'd come to the porch for dinner with the ferals, but we could tell he wasn't super healthy, and when we had a heatwave in the 100°F range, and saw him looking like melted cat on the hot pavement, we just couldn't stand it anymore. Clearly they weren't coming back for him, and no one else was taking care of him. So we brought him inside.
This brings our indoor crowd to six. Four adults and two kittens (all courtesy of the same neighbors who had a constant stream of kittens that they would raise and then put outdoors to fend for themselves - we are not regretting their departure from the neighborhood).
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The Crew at Feeding Time
So Franklin actually adjusted really quickly to full-time indoor life. But he came with a bunch of hitchhikers. Ear mites, fleas, and tapeworm for certain. I tried OTC treatments at home, but wasn't making progress, and Franklin clearly also suffered from flea allergies and secondary ear infections and skin infections from the mites.
So off to the vet we went.
He had two different bacterial infections in his ears (the tech that read the ear swab slides said "beyond reality"), so he got a full-spectrum antibiotic shot, twice-daily ear mite treatment, and I ended up with a Revolution Plus prescription and tapeworm meds for all six cats, to break the parasite cycle.
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Franklin at vet visit #1
I'm hoping we're on the upward swing of things, although Franklin still has raw patches from the flea allergies that he licks compulsively. I've used an OTC cortisone spray for him, but he may need a more systemic approach. Meaning either a shot or prescription. Another trip to the vet is in the works.
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Frankie being just the Sweetest
Little man, Henry, still needs to be neutered and he's going on six months old, so I can't put it off much longer. Three of the others need annual vaccinations. The plan was to do one vet visit per month, if I can swing that financially, but that's looking more difficult than I hoped. 
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The Babies: Henry and Patches
We are also fighting a losing battle to keep our water heater running. It was damaged by the flood last July, but we've kept it limping along for a whole year. We've now been without hot water since the beginning of September.
My grandma (who owns the house, but is currently living with another relative) is still hesitant to invest in a new water heater. It will take all of us (me, my parents, and grandma) to jointly pay for it. So without her go-ahead, we're kind of in limbo. There are a couple more parts we can try replacing before we're certain it's unfixable. But my dad doesn't want to pay a plumber, he wants to do those himself.  
I bought a tankless point-of-use water heater so we can at least put together a temporary shower and sink in the basement.
But getting that installed and set up has been more difficult and costly than expected (needing extra adapters and fixtures to connect to old plumbing) and although my dad is doing the work when he can, he's also working part-time and can barely walk most days. He can really only do at-home projects once a week at most, and some weeks he just doesn't have the time or physical capacity. 
My pharmacy, insurance, and neurologist can't seem to connect the dots to get my Aimovig refilled, so I'm now more than a month without a migraine preventative and I'm running out of rescue meds.
I had been paying someone to help around the house for an hour twice a month, but I really can't afford it. But without the help, and without migraine meds, and with cats that are still having digestive issues from the worms, and fleas still hatching out and infesting the house... It's a hot mess.
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Can you believe this service exists???
Anyway, we're floundering.
Physically, financially, mentally, emotionally... It's draining.
Anyway, I basically ended up maxing out my credit card on all of this chaos. And this is the time of year that work slows down and overtime dries up.
I wasted so much money on things that didn't fix the fleas, or Franklin's illnesses, or the water heater, or my migraines... or... or....
So much money on meal replacement shakes because I'm too nauseated to eat, and delivery for kiddo because I don't have the energy to cook.
Bought a bunch of rinse-free body cleansers and shampoos so we can try to maintain self-care and hygiene without hot water. Got that tankless water heater and a shower tent and floor mat hoping to make kiddo more comfortable with showering somewhere other than the bathroom (they're still very much against the idea). 
The payment for kiddo's therapy bounced this week, and my biweekly paycheck can't cover that and the credit card payment. So it will probably bounce next week too. I think after two non-payments we have to give up our time slot. Therapy is so important for kiddo's mental health. I have to find a way to keep up with that if nothing else. 
Kiddo is absolutely at max capacity for demands and just can't help at all, can't even do basic self-care, clean up after themselves, or help with the cats like they used to. The state of the house is stressing them out, and they want more connection with me and Grandmummy, that we don't have the time or spoons to give.
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Kiddo, Jack and Henry
My mom has also been without her meds for several weeks, and honestly, she's been in an autoimmune flare for most of this year. I think all the physical work from the flood, plus the mold, and a case of covid in the last year really messed her up. 
My dad going back to work (which was financially necessary) means he's physically unable to do things at home, and time wise he's not able to pick my sister-in-law up from work, or take grandma to doctors appointments - so all of that is on my mom now. So she's less able to spend time with kiddo - leaving me as sole caregiver most of the time, including when I'm working from home.
My car is still dead from the flood, and the vehicle I share with my parents has multiple issues. So I get groceries and necessary supplies delivered and only do errands on the day I take kiddo to therapy. That's about as much as I can physically do anyway.
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That one time we thought the car was driveable (we were very wrong)
I was supposed to meet my (long-distance) girlfriend for renaissance festival this weekend, but I don't have gas money and her car is in the shop getting necessary brake repairs. It's our twice a year getaway without kids, and I think we're going to miss it.
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RenFaire in the Spring
I'm really just venting because I don't have anyone to talk to who isn't also in the thick of it with me. 
I think a lot of my mutuals will understand all of this. So if you're in a mess like this, know that it's not just you. You aren't a failure. 
We're all doing the best we can, and sometimes no matter what you do, the best still looks like a disaster. 
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ask-a-vetblr · 2 years
I reason this on PetMD https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/poisoning/flea-and-tick-medicine-poisoning-dogs
The formulations of pyrethrins and pyrethroids vary depending on how they will be used. Pyrethrins and pyrethroids typically come in varying concentrations. Higher concentrations can be safely used on dogs, but cats are more sensitive to these chemicals and cannot metabolize these drugs.
Intended uses of these products include:
Home and outdoor yard and garden insecticides, which typically come in liquids, sprays, granules, and foggers
Over-the-counter medicated flea shampoos
Topical flea and tick preventives
Common brands of pyrethrins/pyrethroids include:
Vectra 3D
Advantage sprays and home fogger
Seresto collars
Hartz products"
Why is Advantage recommendws by vets for cats if they are more likely to experience toxicity to it?
GV here.
Advantage sprays are not used on cats.
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royalrealty · 3 days
What can I do to keep stray animals out of my garden?
Dealing with stray animals in your garden can be a frustrating experience. Whether it’s stray dogs, cats, or other creatures, keeping them away requires a mix of proactive measures and humane deterrents. Here’s a guide to help you protect your garden while maintaining the well-being of these animals.
1. Create a Less Inviting Environment
One of the most effective ways to keep stray animals at bay is to make your garden less appealing to them:
Secure Your Trash: Stray animals are often attracted to garbage. Ensure your trash cans are tightly sealed and consider using containers with locking lids. This prevents animals from rummaging through your waste.
Avoid Leaving Pet Food Outside: If you feed pets outdoors, make sure to bring any leftover food inside promptly. Stray animals, especially dogs, can be drawn to pet food left unattended.
Use Scent Deterrents: Animals have a strong sense of smell. Using natural deterrents such as vinegar, citrus sprays, or even marigolds can help repel them. Marigolds, in particular, are known for their strong scent that animals tend to avoid.
2. Implement Physical Barriers
Creating physical barriers can be a highly effective way to keep stray animals out of your garden:
Install a Fence: A sturdy fence can deter most animals from entering your garden. Ensure that the fence is high enough and that there are no gaps where animals can squeeze through. For added effectiveness, consider using fencing with materials that make it difficult for animals to climb.
Use Motion-Activated Devices: Motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic repellent devices can be useful. These devices detect movement and activate to startle or deter animals from entering your garden. They are particularly effective if used in conjunction with other methods.
3. Employ Natural Repellents
Using natural repellents can discourage stray animals from frequenting your garden:
Cayenne Pepper and Garlic Spray: Create a homemade repellent by mixing cayenne pepper, garlic, and water. Spray this mixture around your garden to create a barrier that animals will find unpleasant.
Water Sprays: Propelling water from a hose or water gun can be a simple yet effective way to deter animals. The motion and sound of the water can discourage them from approaching.
4. Maintain a Safe Distance and Avoid Confrontation
If a stray animal does enter your garden:
Stay Calm: Avoid approaching or confronting the animal. Stray animals may be frightened or defensive, and sudden movements can provoke them.
Use Verbal Commands: Firmly and calmly use verbal commands like “No” or “Go away” if the animal seems approachable. However, avoid making direct eye contact as it can be perceived as a threat.
5. Consider Professional Help
If stray animals become a persistent problem despite your best efforts, professional help might be necessary:
Consult Pest Control Experts: For severe cases, consulting with pest control professionals can provide additional strategies and solutions. They can offer advice on humane ways to manage and deter stray animals from your property.
By following these strategies, you can effectively keep stray animals out of your garden while ensuring their safety. Combining these methods with a focus on humane practices will help create a peaceful environment for both you and the animals.
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ecovenger · 4 months
Are Roach Killer Sprays Safe to Use Around Pets and Children?
Roach infestations can be a nightmare for homeowners, leading many to turn to roach killer sprays as a solution. However, a common concern among consumers is whether these sprays are safe to use around pets and children. Let's delve into this topic to understand the safety of roach killer sprays and how you can use them responsibly in your home.
Understanding Roach Killer Sprays
Roach killer sprays are formulated with active ingredients designed to target and eliminate roaches upon contact. These ingredients can vary but often include chemicals like pyrethroids or pyrethrins, which disrupt the nervous system of insects, leading to paralysis and death. While effective at eliminating roaches, the safety of these sprays, particularly around pets and children, is a valid concern for many homeowners.
Safety Considerations
Potential Risks: Direct exposure to the active ingredients in roach killer sprays can pose risks to pets and children. Ingestion, inhalation, or contact with the skin can lead to symptoms ranging from mild irritation to more severe health issues, depending on the concentration and formulation of the spray.
Pet Sensitivity: Pets, especially cats and small dogs, may be more sensitive to certain chemicals found in roach killer sprays. Even low concentrations of these chemicals can cause adverse reactions in pets, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and respiratory distress.
Child Safety: Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of chemical exposure due to their smaller size and developing respiratory and nervous systems. Accidental ingestion or inhalation of roach killer spray can lead to poisoning, respiratory irritation, or allergic reactions.
Ensuring Safety Around Pets and Children
While roach killer sprays can be effective in controlling roach infestations, it's essential to use them safely, especially when pets and children are present. Here are some tips to minimize risks:
Read and Follow Instructions: Always read the product label and follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe use. Pay attention to dosage, application methods, and precautions specific to pets and children.
Use in Well-Ventilated Areas: Apply roach killer sprays in well-ventilated areas to minimize the risk of inhalation. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate during and after application.
Keep Pets and Children Away: Ensure that pets and children are kept away from treated areas until the spray has dried completely. Consider confining pets to a separate room or outdoor area during application and ventilating the space afterward.
Store Safely: Store roach killer sprays in a secure location out of reach of pets and children. Use childproof locks or cabinets if necessary to prevent accidental exposure.
Consider Alternative Formulations: Some manufacturers offer alternative formulations of roach killer sprays that are labeled as pet-friendly or child-safe. These formulations may contain natural or less toxic ingredients that pose fewer risks to pets and children.
In conclusion, roach killer sprays can be used safely around pets and children when used responsibly and according to the manufacturer's instructions. By understanding the potential risks and taking appropriate precautions, homeowners can effectively control roach infestations while minimizing the risk of harm to their loved ones. If you have concerns about using roach killer sprays in your home, consider consulting with a pest control professional for guidance on safer alternatives.
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wyatt-06 · 4 months
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Some dogs have coats that require more attention and are more prone to matting. Longhaired breeds, which tangle easily; teenage dogs losing their puppy fur and developing adult coats; and dogs living in wet or humid locations, which may produce frizzy fur, are just a few of the causes. Regular brushing is the first step in keeping tangles and mats at bay, regardless of the reason. Brushing longhaired dogs three to five times per week is beneficial; shorthaired dogs should be brushed two to three times per week. These coat problems are especially common in long-haired dogs who don't like to get wet. Don't worry; all you need is a proper guidance and the appropriate tools to begin dog grooming.
Mats and tangles may be tough to remove, especially if your dog isn't fond of standing still. Furthermore, sensitive dogs will dislike you pulling on their coats and may refuse to endure the treatment. Treats might help your dog connect grooming sessions with something enjoyable. The best remedy is to prevent issues from occurring in the first place. Brush your dog every day to keep his coat clean and prevent matting. Regular grooming is usually enough to keep tangles at bay. If your dog enjoys being outside, he will likely pick up some harmful material, twigs, and leaves, which may cause his coat to mat faster. If your long-coated dog's coat has developed mats and tangles, start working on them right away before things get out of hand.
Brushing your pet’s hair early to remove tangles helps make bath time go faster and simpler, as well as drying time. This is especially crucial for dogs with long fur or fur that is prone to matting. Mats or snarls can form even on a routinely brushed coat.  
Mats form between the legs, under the chest and tail, and around the ears and collar, among other places where there is rubbing or movement. Matting can also happen if old, loose fur isn't brushed or combed out entirely. If left untreated, additional old fur can become entangled with new, developing fur, resulting in mats that are bigger, tighter, and closer to the skin. You face the danger of some undesirable material, leaves, and other outside debris getting trapped in your dog's fur if he lives an active outdoor lifestyle.  
Matted fur can harm your dog's skin by preventing oxygen and moisture from reaching it. Furthermore, the clumps of fur push on the skin, weakening it. Mats can also serve as a parasite breeding habitat.  
If the mat isn't too huge or tight, the easiest method to deal with it is to gently pull it apart with your fingers, then use a brush or metal comb to comb out the smaller tangles. It will be easier to comb through the fur if you use an oil-based detangling spray. Gently break the knot into smaller pieces by holding the fur underneath the tangle (close to the skin). Use a comb to make short, quick strokes, then a slicker brush to finish. There will be less tugging on the skin, which can be uncomfortable!
The most efficient way to avoid matting is to brush your dog's fur on a regular basis. Feel his coat with your fingertips to see whether there are any clumps of fur hiding beneath the surface.
Even if your dog is prone to mats and tangles, you can keep them at bay with the appropriate dog grooming tools, products, and techniques. Your dog, as well as yourself, will appreciate the extra effort. So here is the list of products which we prefer.
Pic Credit: K9OFMINE
Brushing time may be slashed in half with the TropiClean Tangle Remover Spray for Dogs and Cats. It penetrates knots and mats fast, allowing you to brush them out softly. This product also aids in reviving damaged fur and restoring coat suppleness. It gives your pet's fur a beautiful shine.
The Andis Standard Dematting Rake effectively removes tangles and mats. Grooming is made easier with the ergonomic lightweight handle and non-slip grip. It's suitable for all coat kinds, but especially thick, long hair. It's crucial to massage the rake into the skin since it helps to relax and eliminate dandruff.
Andis Standard Pin Brush helps distribute natural oils throughout the coat while removing knots, debris, and loose hair. This will promote new hair growth while also keeping your hair looking healthy. The anti-slip, easy-grip handle makes grooming safer, more pleasurable, and easier. A unique pin pad on this brush prevents the brush teeth from falling out after continuous use.
The Andis Steel Comb provides award-winning grooming for dogs of all sizes. The skin and hair follicles are stimulated while tangles, mats, loose hair, and debris are eliminated. It's perfect for fluffing and finishing, and it's light enough to groom without exhausting you. There are coarse and fine teeth on this comb. Using the bigger side, you may rapidly untangle mats or give the coat a fluffy/finished appearance. For finer fur or delicate regions like the face and paws, use the finer side. 
Groomer's goop glossy coat shampoo effectively cleans and prepares the coat for shine. The four-in-one solution cleans, conditions, detangles, and moisturizes your dog's coat every time you wash it, leaving it as healthy and glossy as ever.
 A professional groomer may be necessary to trim or shave your dog's coat if it has been neglected and he has developed a particularly bad case of matting or tangling as a result. If you have a good set of clippers and are comfortable with them, you can do it yourself. If your dog develops skin irritation or sores as a consequence of tangled debris in his coat, take him to the doctor. You may start anew by cutting the coat to a very short length, which will help prevent mats and tangles from forming.
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bugoutpest · 6 months
Pest Control Services in Brisbane
Pests can cause damage to homes, spread diseases and ruin food. Fortunately, there are many pest control services that can help you deal with them.
Mosquitos love invading Brisbane suburban barbeques and outdoor activities during the warmer months. Luckily, you can get rid of them with an affordable pest treatment that lasts for 12-months. To know more about Pest Control Services, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
There are more than 3000 ant species in Australia, some of which are considered pests. Some ants, such as red imported fire ants (RIFA), bite and cause painful stings that may trigger allergic reactions in humans. Others, such as yellow crazy ants, spray formic acid that can sting livestock and pets.
The ants that are most commonly found in homes include black ants and coastal brown ants, which often nest under pavers, in wall cavities and in roof gaps. These ants are scavengers and will eat almost anything they find, including pet food.
Homeowners can take preventive measures to reduce ant infestations. For example, they should fix leaky pipes and faucets and use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in their homes. If these steps don’t work, they should contact a professional pest control service.
Cockroaches are one of the most common pests found in homes and businesses. They can cause a variety of problems, including contaminating food and spreading diseases. This is why it’s important to keep your home clean and avoid attracting them. You can do this by wiping up spills promptly, washing dishes regularly, and keeping food in sealed containers.
You can also prevent cockroaches by putting out bait stations near potential entry points, sealing cracks in your home, and getting rid of weeds and clutter that they hide in. However, if you suspect you have an infestation, it’s best to call a professional pest control service.
Cockroaches are known to carry a wide range of diseases, including diarrhea and typhoid fever. They can also trigger asthma and allergies. They contaminate food and can leave behind a foul smell.
Termites are detritophagous eusocial insects that destroy woody plant material, and can be serious pests of houses. They are able to tunnel through the structural timbers of homes and cause costly damage, but can also be difficult to detect.
Unlike ants and flying flies, termites have well-developed mandibles and have thick segmented wings that are equal in length. During warm weather, mature termites, known as “alates”, swarm from their colonies to start new ones. They shed their wings as they settle into their new home, leaving behind discarded remnants.
Termites, cockroaches and ants can pose problems for commercial businesses as they affect the reputation of the business and scare away customers. It is important to have a pest control strategy in place to protect your business.
Fleas are wingless parasites that feed off the blood of mammals and other animals (including pets such as cats and dogs). They can also transmit tapeworm type infections and, in some parts of the world, bubonic plague from wild rodents to humans. Flea bites are intensely itchy and secondary infections caused from scratching often develop.
Fleas are a common problem in homes with pets and can be a real nuisance for people too. They can cause allergies in people and pets and are a significant health risk, particularly for children. A regular cleaning schedule and good pet hygiene are essential to keep fleas at bay. It is also important to remember that some rental agreements require a pest control treatment with fleas prior to moving out.
Bed bug infestations have been a big problem in many places. They are wingless insects that feed on warm-blooded animals and humans. They are nocturnal and usually hide in crevices and cracks during the day before coming out to feed at night. They are very hard to find because of their small size, reddish-brown color, and flat bodies. They are good hitchhikers and can be brought into your home on luggage, folded clothes, and bedding. To know more about Pest Control Services, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
The best way to avoid them is to wash all items you bring home after a trip immediately in hot water. You should also check for signs of infestation including reddish-brown bites that resemble flea bites. Lastly, you should always inspect your luggage before bringing it into your home and avoid second-hand furniture.
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wyatt-06 · 5 months
Cat Bathing Tips
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It is vital for the overall well-being of your cat to keep your cat's skin and coat safe. But since when you attempt to bathe them, cats can become aggressive or annoyed, it is easy to get into the habit of skipping it altogether. However it can help relieve the stress and anxiety for you both to get your cat into a daily grooming routine! Plus, if you start them at a very young age, they will almost... enjoy taking a bath (we dare say it!). The good news is that with all that licking, your cat takes care of much of its hair care needs on its own, but that does not strip mats, cure dandruff or make them smell better.
How often your cat needs to be bathe depends on the following:
Indoor vs. outdoor environment: Rather than their indoor equivalent, outdoor kitties will require a bath more often.
Duration and style of coat: Longer coats need more grooming than cats with short coats.
Self-grooming behavior: To prevent their coat from being greasy or dirty, cats that do not or do not groom themselves effectively need daily baths. Overweight cats may have trouble touching all parts of the body, so they may need to be bathed more often, often matting the back side of these kitties and scratching, flaky or even contaminated skin.
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Img Src: https://skagitanimalclinic.com/
Level of activity: Highly active cats will need more frequent bathing.
Health concerns: It could need more attention to issues such as skin irritation, tick or flea infestation and loose stool.
Your fastidious feline is well-equipped to address her own haircare needs with her built-in grooming equipment (tongue and teeth, of course). But you can need to give her a bath if she is really dirty or gets into something messy or smelly. Before you start to ensure reduced stress and optimum productivity, read the following tips.
Great timing: When your cat is at her most mellow, plan baths. A play session with a cat dancer or other preferred toy will make even the friskiest of felines wear out.
Clip, snip: Experts suggest trimming fluffy’s claws before swimming, for your own safety
The brush-off: Next to clear any loose hair and mats, give your cat a good brush. It's a good time now, too to put some cotton in her ears gently to keep the water out.
Stand firm: Put in the sink or tub a rubber bath mat where you can bathe your kitty so that she doesn't fall. Fill three to four inches of lukewarm (please, not hot!) water with it.
Only apply water: Use a hand-held spray hoses to wet your pet thoroughly, taking care not to spray her head, eyes and nose directly. A plastic pitcher or unbreakable cup works well when you don't have a spray hose.
Lather up: Gently massage your pet in five parts of water, working from head to tail; in the direction of hair growth with a solution of one part cat shampoo (human shampoo will dry out her skin). Take care of your face, head, and eyes to stop them.
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All clear: With a spray hose or pitcher, thoroughly rinse the shampoo off your cat; again, make sure the water is lukewarm. As it can irritate the skin and serve as a magnet for dirt, take good care that all residues has been removed.
About face: To clean your pet's face carefully, use a washcloth. If her skin is very dirty, clear water is good, in which case we recommend using an extra-diluted shampoo solution, being very careful around her ears and eyes.
Dry idea: Almost there you are! In a big towel, wrap your cat and dry it in a warm spot, away from drafts. You can use a blow dryer-at the lowest heat level, if your kitty doesn't mind the noise.
Here are some good products for your cat grooming:
Grooming Spray
Biogroom Natural Oatmeal Soothing Shampoo
Biogroom Crisp Apple Skin Shampoo
Biogroom So Gentle Hypo-Allergic Shampoo
Trixie,Germany Herbal Shampoo
Trixie,Germany coconut Oil Shampoo
After all this, your little bathing beauty deserves endless praise-and her favorite treat! And with such a happy ending, she may find that bath time is not so bad next time.
Banner Img Src: https://www.rd.com/
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Help Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pets This Summer
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However, do mosquitoes pose the same annoyances and risks to your pets?
Mosquitoes Bother Animals
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Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, which helps them find hosts to bite. While they only need flower nectar to survive, for a female to grow eggs she must drink blood from a host. Mosquitoes bite humans and animals to get this blood.
Just like mosquito bites annoy humans, they can also be irritating to animals. The saliva in a mosquito’s bite contains chemicals that cause the body to react with something called histamine, which leads to itchy bumps.
Animals may scratch or bite the bumps, opening a pathway for the mosquito bites to become bigger wounds that can become infected.
Mosquitoes can also carry diseases, posing an even greater risk to animals than irritation.
When a mosquito bites an animal or human with a disease, the bug then can carry the virus, bacteria, or fungus in its saliva and pass it to the next person or animal they bite. In particular, heartworm disease can affect common pets like cats and dogs.
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Heartworms are a common parasite that often infects wild animals like foxes, coyotes, and wolves. If you live in an area near these wild animals, mosquitoes are more likely to carry this parasite, putting your pets at risk of heartworm disease.
Early symptoms of heartworm infection include:
Being unwilling to exercise and easily fatigued
Loss of appetite and weight loss
As heartworm infection becomes more severe, pets will experience:
A swollen abdomen from extra fluid
Blocked blood flow
Difficulty breathing
Bloody urine
Heart failure
Unfortunately, once these symptoms appear in an animal, they will need surgery to survive, and it may be too late to save them.
Prevention of Heartworm
Because heartworms are such a serious problem in pets, vets recommend giving them preventative heartworm medication. The standard recommendation is monthly treatment with heartworm medication and yearly testing to see if your pet has developed an infection.
It’s important to follow your vet’s recommendations, but there are also steps you can take in your home to decrease your pet’s exposure to mosquito bites.
Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pets
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Doing what you can to keep mosquitoes away from your pets is important to keep your furry friends—and yourself—healthy. Here are a few easy ways to make a difference.
Get rid of standing water.
Mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs. As a result, they are attracted to bodies of water like ponds and lakes—but even tiny areas of standing water can become a breeding ground.
If your pets have outdoor water bowls, make sure to regularly bring them in and clean them. If you have other sources of standing water, like a:
Child’s water table
Bird bath
Kiddie pool
Empty soda cans
Either get rid of them or dump and clean them regularly.
Keep pets inside during peak mosquito activity.
Mosquitoes are most active from dusk to dawn, when temperatures are slightly cooler. These are common times to walk dogs because the temperatures are more comfortable and people are often home from work. If you want to be outside with your pets during these times, avoid areas with water to prevent mosquito bites.
Use a veterinary approved mosquito repellent on your pet.
If you can’t avoid being in an area with heavy mosquito activity, ask your vet about a good mosquito repellent to protect your pet. There are formulas that can be applied monthly, as well as sprays that can be applied as needed.
Prevent mosquito infestations in your yard.
Mosquitoes are persistent, and it’s easy for them to get out of control.
One of the best ways to keep mosquitoes away from your pets is to have your home and yard treated regularly.
While strategies like getting rid of standing water, avoiding peak activity times, and using repellent can help, they’re less effective than getting your home and yard regularly treated and it’s easy for mosquitoes—and the potential for infection—to sneak through.
Let Mosquito Shield Help Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pets
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At Mosquito Shield, we know you want full coverage mosquito protection for all your loved ones, including those furry friends. Our Mosquito Proprietary Blend (MPB) tackles multiple facets of mosquito prevention to keep your yard clear of these pests:
The MPB formula kills any pests in your yard.
MPB is packed with natural scent-blockers that mask mosquito attractants so they will not be able to sense you or your pets.
Finally, MPB creates a barrier that repels mosquitoes from entering your property.
At Mosquito Shield, we prevent mosquitoes from every angle so you and your pets can enjoy the outside this summer without worrying about annoying bites or more serious diseases. If you’re interested in working with us, call today at (414) 944-0844 or get a free quote.
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Help Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pets This Summer
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However, do mosquitoes pose the same annoyances and risks to your pets?
Mosquitoes Bother Animals
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Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, which helps them find hosts to bite. While they only need flower nectar to survive, for a female to grow eggs she must drink blood from a host. Mosquitoes bite humans and animals to get this blood.
Just like mosquito bites annoy humans, they can also be irritating to animals. The saliva in a mosquito’s bite contains chemicals that cause the body to react with something called histamine, which leads to itchy bumps.
Animals may scratch or bite the bumps, opening a pathway for the mosquito bites to become bigger wounds that can become infected.
Mosquitoes can also carry diseases, posing an even greater risk to animals than irritation.
When a mosquito bites an animal or human with a disease, the bug then can carry the virus, bacteria, or fungus in its saliva and pass it to the next person or animal they bite. In particular, heartworm disease can affect common pets like cats and dogs.
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Heartworms are a common parasite that often infects wild animals like foxes, coyotes, and wolves. If you live in an area near these wild animals, mosquitoes are more likely to carry this parasite, putting your pets at risk of heartworm disease.
Early symptoms of heartworm infection include:
Being unwilling to exercise and easily fatigued
Loss of appetite and weight loss
As heartworm infection becomes more severe, pets will experience:
A swollen abdomen from extra fluid
Blocked blood flow
Difficulty breathing
Bloody urine
Heart failure
Unfortunately, once these symptoms appear in an animal, they will need surgery to survive, and it may be too late to save them.
Prevention of Heartworm
Because heartworms are such a serious problem in pets, vets recommend giving them preventative heartworm medication. The standard recommendation is monthly treatment with heartworm medication and yearly testing to see if your pet has developed an infection.
It’s important to follow your vet’s recommendations, but there are also steps you can take in your home to decrease your pet’s exposure to mosquito bites.
Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pets
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Doing what you can to keep mosquitoes away from your pets is important to keep your furry friends—and yourself—healthy. Here are a few easy ways to make a difference.
Get rid of standing water.
Mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs. As a result, they are attracted to bodies of water like ponds and lakes—but even tiny areas of standing water can become a breeding ground.
If your pets have outdoor water bowls, make sure to regularly bring them in and clean them. If you have other sources of standing water, like a:
Child’s water table
Bird bath
Kiddie pool
Empty soda cans
Either get rid of them or dump and clean them regularly.
Keep pets inside during peak mosquito activity.
Mosquitoes are most active from dusk to dawn, when temperatures are slightly cooler. These are common times to walk dogs because the temperatures are more comfortable and people are often home from work. If you want to be outside with your pets during these times, avoid areas with water to prevent mosquito bites.
Use a veterinary approved mosquito repellent on your pet.
If you can’t avoid being in an area with heavy mosquito activity, ask your vet about a good mosquito repellent to protect your pet. There are formulas that can be applied monthly, as well as sprays that can be applied as needed.
Prevent mosquito infestations in your yard.
Mosquitoes are persistent, and it’s easy for them to get out of control.
One of the best ways to keep mosquitoes away from your pets is to have your home and yard treated regularly.
While strategies like getting rid of standing water, avoiding peak activity times, and using repellent can help, they’re less effective than getting your home and yard regularly treated and it’s easy for mosquitoes—and the potential for infection—to sneak through.
Let Mosquito Shield Help Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Pets
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Mosquito Shield Professional
At Mosquito Shield, we know you want full coverage mosquito protection for all your loved ones, including those furry friends. Our Mosquito Proprietary Blend (MPB) tackles multiple facets of mosquito prevention to keep your yard clear of these pests:
The MPB formula kills any pests in your yard.
MPB is packed with natural scent-blockers that mask mosquito attractants so they will not be able to sense you or your pets.
Finally, MPB creates a barrier that repels mosquitoes from entering your property.
At Mosquito Shield, we prevent mosquitoes from every angle so you and your pets can enjoy the outside this summer without worrying about annoying bites or more serious diseases. If you’re interested in working with us, call today at (270) 937-3025 or get a free quote.
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Mosquito Shield of South Pittsburgh
Residential Mosquito Control
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Keep Mosquito-Borne Diseases Away With Mosquito Control Services
Mosquitoes are seen as an annoyance, but over the past decade, we have seen how important it is to prevent the harmful effects caused by their bites through mosquito control services. Mosquitoes carry diseases that pose serious health threats to your family and your pets. Drawing on our years of experience, the experts at Mosquito Shield® are happy to discuss a management strategy for preventing these pests from causing chaos at your home and in your yard.
Expert Technicians
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Our technicians are trained specifically on mosquito and tick control products. We’re not just another guy with a backpack and van or a lawn care provider that will “set and forget” later. This is what we do and we take it very seriously. Not only are our technicians trained on products, they’re trained on mosquito and tick behavior as well as species identification.
That knowledge is used to maximize treatments and minimize the time taken to do it.
Our Goal Is Your Satisfaction
We make the whole process of backyard mosquito control easy, from start to finish. Our goal is to help you, so you can enjoy the simple pleasure of relaxing in your yard again.
What You Can Expect With Mosquito Shield Products
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With Mosquito Shield® you get the most comprehensive mosquito or tick control service available to help you enjoy everything you love about being outdoors. Learn more about how Mosquito Shield works here:
Our Money Back Guarantee.
Your first visit will be scheduled within five business days of signing up.
An email notification will be sent before and after each visit.
You will see a significant reduction after your first visit, typically within 24 hours.
A licensed technician will visit your property approximately every two weeks, depending on mosquito population and weather conditions. Treatment intervals can be as short as 10 days and as long as 17 days.
A polymer, which acts like a rain shield, is added to each spray, helps the product withstand light to moderate rain and allows the barrier to remain in effect.
Tick Control for Your Yard
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Help control your home from the dangers of tick-borne diseases with tick control for your yard. Ticks are parasites that feed on warm-blooded hosts including humans, dogs, cats, and deer. Without proper tick control and prevention services, these small pests can cause big problems. They carry a variety of diseases including Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, Bartonella, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more. For instance, Lyme disease and other co-bacterial infections are caused by the bite of an infected deer tick, a type of tick which is prevalent in the North East. If untreated, these diseases can lead to a number of health problems and life altering symptoms. It’s likely you have heard of some of these diseases, but how can you get tick control in your own backyard?
There are few strategies to help you, your family, and pets lower the risk of getting a tick-borne illness:
Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants- If you are in a wooded area or in long grass, wear clothes that cover your arms and legs, tuck in your shirt, and tuck your pants into your socks to prevent ticks from getting on your skin.
Wear light colored clothes- If your clothes are lighter, you will be able to see the ticks crawling on you before they reach the skin.
Spray clothes and exposed skin with insect repellent- bug spray will help repel ticks before they bite!
Talk to your vet about tick prevention- Don’t forget about man’s best friend! Your pets can also suffer from diseases like Lyme, so talk to your veterinarian about tick, flea, and heartworm prevention.
Even with these preventative measures, it’s highly important to take all precautions to get control of your property from tick colonies and infestations.
Not ready to commit to a full season of mosquito control, but have an outdoor event coming up?
No problem, Mosquito Shield of South Pittsburgh offers a one-time spray for just such occasions with Event Shield.
OutdoorYard Events
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Nothing can ruin an outdoor celebration like swarms of biting mosquitoes. Planning an event is stressful enough, and trying to plan around the nuisance of mosquitoes is the worst.
Keep your event running as planned with Event Shield, a one-time mosquito control spray with our product, Mosquito Proprietary Blend (MPB).
Whether it’s outdoor mosquito control for your home or your business, get started by contacting us today!
✆(412) 388-4039
Learn more about our commercial and residential mosquito control services.
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catbreedsblog · 10 months
The Wrinkled Ukrainian Levkoy Cat Breed: A Comprehensive Guide to Caring for These Affectionate Aliens
Introduction to the Ukrainian Levkoy Cat Breed
The Ukrainian Levkoy is a remarkable and exceedingly rare hairless cat breed originating from Ukraine, known for its playful and affectionate disposition. One of their standout features is their wrinkled skin, giving them an otherworldly appearance.
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Appearance: Ukrainian Levkoys are medium-sized hairless cats with leathery, wrinkled skin, sometimes adorned with fuzzy hair on their nose and tail. They have distinctive ears and eyes.
Characteristics: These felines exhibit outgoing and affectionate personalities, forming strong bonds with their human companions. They are also known for their compatibility with other pets.
Popularity: Ukrainian Levkoys are exceptionally rare, with their history spanning just 15 years in Ukraine. However, their unique charm is garnering attention worldwide.
Temperament: These cats thrive on social interaction and human company. Due to their sensitive skin, they are best suited for indoor living to avoid sunburn.
Lifespan: Ukrainian Levkoys typically enjoy a lifespan of 12 to 14 years.
Coat Color: While predominantly hairless, some may have a hint of downy fuzz in specific areas. Their skin often showcases spots or ticking.
It's essential to understand that the Ukrainian Levkoy is a natural hairless mutation of the Donskoy cat breed, not a mixed breed.
How to Care for a Ukrainian Levkoy Cat
Provide high-protein commercial cat food, both wet and dry, to support their skin health.
Include raw or cooked chicken to maintain hydration.
Consider supplements like cat-safe fish or flax oil to nourish their skin.
Ensure they have soft bedding and clothing for warmth and protection of their delicate skin.
Restrict outdoor access as their sensitive skin is prone to sunburn.
Provide companionship when you're away to prevent loneliness.
Opt for gentle, fragrance-free wipes for bathing to avoid harsh baths and prevent acne.
Apply lotion to the tough, calloused skin on their pads, tail, and nose for moisturization and protection.
Regularly inspect their ears and trim their nails, as issues can be spotted more easily without fur.
Care Approach: Create a nurturing environment with warmth, gentle handling, interactive playtime, and ample cuddles to ensure the well-being of your Ukrainian Levkoy.
How to Acquire a Ukrainian Levkoy Cat
Popular Locations: While originally from Ukraine, Ukrainian Levkoys can now be found in Russia and various parts of Europe.
Average Price: The cost of a Ukrainian Levkoy cat typically ranges from $1000 to $2000 USD.
Adoption/Rescue Resources: Explore adoption options through organizations like UALCA (Ukrainian and Russian breed clubs).
Pre-Adoption Checklist:
Prioritize the cat's general health by having a veterinarian check for skin conditions and dental issues.
Verify their vaccination status, including core FVRCP and rabies vaccines, and consider feline leukemia vaccination due to their heightened environmental vulnerability.
Request the medical history of the cat's parents, as reputable breeders conduct tests for heritable diseases like cardiomyopathy before breeding.
Preparing for Life with a Ukrainian Levkoy Cat
Keep soft laundry on hand, creating cozy napping spots, and offer sweaters or blankets for them to snuggle under.
Familiarize yourself with skin care techniques for hairless cats, sun protection methods, and strategies for maintaining their comfort both indoors and outdoors.
Stock up on essential supplies such as conditioner spray, soft bedding, nutritious foods, nail clippers, and ear cleaner to meet their unique care needs.
Caring for Ukrainian Levkoy Cats
Food: Provide high-protein, digestible meals to maintain their lean body composition.
Environment: Ensure they have an abundance of soft, warm bedding and clothing for comfort and temperature regulation. Limit outdoor exposure.
Toys: Offer a variety of toys that encourage exercise without the risk of skin injury. Reward-based training strengthens the bond.
Maintenance: Regularly moisturize their skin and use wipes to clean face folds. Routine nail and ear care is essential for their well-being.
Training: Employ positive reinforcement and consistency in training methods, avoiding punishment while engaging their intellect daily.
Socialization: Safely introduce them to people, other pets, and various types of handling, preferably when they are young.
Equipment: Equip yourself with brushes, conditioner, sweaters, blankets, and steps for furniture to cater to their unique needs.
Health Considerations: Be vigilant for potential health issues like heart conditions, skin cysts, and dermatitis, scheduling vet visits twice a year.
Vaccination: Ensure they receive core FVRCP and rabies vaccines, with a strong recommendation for feline leukemia vaccination.
Popular Names for Ukrainian Levkoy Cats
When naming your Ukrainian Levkoy cat, consider options that reflect their heritage or their charming wrinkled appearance. Dmitri, Kiev, Oksana, Sasha, Babushka, Matryoshka, or Wrinkles are all fitting choices.
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catbreedstips · 10 months
The Wrinkled Ukrainian Levkoy Cat Breed: A Guide to Caring for These Affectionate Aliens
Introduction to the Ukrainian Levkoy Cat Breed
The Ukrainian Levkoy is an extraordinary and rare hairless cat breed hailing from Ukraine, known for its playful and affectionate nature. Their distinctive feature is their wrinkled skin, giving them an otherworldly appearance.
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Appearance: Ukrainian Levkoys are medium-sized hairless cats with leathery, wrinkled skin, often accompanied by fuzzy hair on their nose and tail. They have prominent ears and eyes.
Characteristics: These cats have outgoing and affectionate personalities. They crave attention and form strong bonds with their owners. They are also known for getting along well with other pets.
Popularity: Ukrainian Levkoys are exceptionally rare, with origins dating back just 15 years in Ukraine. However, they are gaining increasing interest worldwide.
Temperament: They are extremely social and thrive in human company. They are best suited for indoor living to protect their sensitive skin from sunburn.
Lifespan: Ukrainian Levkoys typically live for 12 to 14 years.
Coat Color: While they are mostly hairless, some may have downy fuzz in specific areas. Their skin is often spotted or ticked.
It's important to note that the Ukrainian Levkoy is a natural hairless mutation of the Donskoy cat breed, rather than a mixed breed.
How to Take Care of a Ukrainian Levkoy Cat
Provide high-protein commercial cat food, both wet and dry, to support their skin health.
Offer raw or cooked chicken to maintain hydration.
Consider cat-safe oils like fish or flax oil supplements to nourish their skin.
Ensure they have soft bedding and clothing to stay warm and protect their delicate skin.
Limit their outdoor access as their sensitive skin can easily sunburn.
Provide companionship when you're away to prevent loneliness.
Use gentle, fragrance-free wipes for bathing instead of harsh baths to remove skin oils and prevent acne.
Apply lotion to the tough, calloused skin on their pads, tail, and nose to moisturize and protect.
Regularly check their ears and trim their nails, as issues can be spotted more easily due to their lack of fur.
Take Care Method: Provide warmth, gentle handling, interactive playtime, and plenty of cuddles to keep your Ukrainian Levkoy happy and healthy.
How to Buy/Adopt a Ukrainian Levkoy Cat
Locations of Popularity: Ukrainian Levkoys are native to Ukraine but can also be found in Russia and parts of Europe.
Average Price: The price for a Ukrainian Levkoy cat typically ranges from $1000 to $2000 USD.
Adoption/Rescue Community: Consider contacting UALCA (Ukrainian and Russian breed clubs) for adoption options.
What to Check Before Adopting/Buying:
Ensure the cat's general health by having a veterinarian check for skin conditions and dental issues.
Verify the cat's vaccination status, including core FVRCP and rabies vaccines, and consider feline leukemia vaccination due to their environmental vulnerability.
Request the medical history of the cat's parents, as reputable breeders test for heritable diseases like cardiomyopathy before breeding.
How to Prepare for a Ukrainian Levkoy Cat's Life
Keep soft laundry waiting to be folded for snug napping spots and offer sweaters or blankets for them to burrow under.
Educate yourself on caring for hairless cat skin, sun protection methods, and keeping them warm both indoors and outdoors to meet their special needs.
Stock up on essential supplies like conditioner spray, soft bedding, nutritious foods, nail clippers, and ear cleaner to cater to their unique care requirements.
Caring For Ukrainian Levkoy Cats
Food: Provide high-protein, digestible meals to maintain their lean body composition.
Environment: Ensure they have ample soft, warm bedding and clothing for comfort and temperature regulation. Restrict outdoor access.
Toys: Offer a variety of toys that encourage exercise without the risk of skin injury. Reward-based training helps build bonds.
Treatment: Moisturize their skin regularly and use wipes to clean their face folds. Check their nails and ears routinely to prevent issues.
Training: Use praise, rewards, and consistency in training. Avoid punishment and engage their intelligence daily.
Socialization: Safely introduce them to people, other pets, and various types of handling when they are young.
Equipment: Stock up on brushes, conditioner, sweaters, blankets, and steps to furniture to meet their unique care needs.
Diseases: Be aware of potential health issues such as heart conditions, skin cysts, and dermatitis, and schedule vet checks twice a year.
Vaccines: Ensure they receive core FVRCP and rabies vaccines, with a strong recommendation for feline leukemia vaccination.
Common Names for Ukrainian Levkoy Cats
Consider names that reflect their heritage or wrinkled appearance, such as Dmitri, Kiev, Oksana, Sasha, Babushka, Matryoshka, or Wrinkles.
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binbombs05 · 10 months
Trash Can Odor Control: Tips and Solutions
Trash cans are essential household items, but they often come with an unpleasant side effect: bad odors. No one wants their home to smell like a dumpster, and that's where trash can odor control becomes crucial. Whether you're dealing with kitchen trash cans, outdoor bins, or even compost containers, there are various strategies and solutions to combat those foul smells and maintain a fresh living environment.
Understanding Trash Can Odors
Before we dive into odor control solutions, it's important to understand why trash cans produce unpleasant smells. The primary culprits are:
Decomposition: Organic waste, like food scraps and yard clippings, decomposes over time, releasing foul-smelling gases.
Bacteria and Mold Growth: Trash cans provide an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and mold. When these microorganisms thrive, they emit unpleasant odors.
Lingering Residues: Even after you empty a trash can, residual liquids and food particles can cling to the surface, contributing to persistent odors.
Inadequate Ventilation: Poorly ventilated trash cans trap odors, allowing them to intensify and linger.
Trash Can Odor Control Solutions
Regular Cleaning: The first step in controlling trash can odors is to maintain a clean container. Rinse it out regularly with a mixture of water and vinegar or a mild detergent. Ensure the can is thoroughly dry before adding a new bag.
Lining Your Trash Can: Use trash bags with built-in odor control technology or add a scented liner to help neutralize odors. These liners often contain baking soda or other odor-fighting ingredients.
Double Bagging: For particularly odorous trash, consider double bagging. This extra layer can help contain the smell more effectively.
Baking Soda: Sprinkle a layer of baking soda at the bottom of your trash can before inserting the bag. Baking soda is excellent at absorbing odors. You can also add a small container of baking soda inside the can for ongoing odor control.
Activated Charcoal: Another natural odor absorber is activated charcoal. Place some charcoal briquettes in a container or a sock and put them in the bottom of your trash can.
Citrus Peels: Toss citrus peels (such as lemon or orange) into the trash can before adding your garbage. The natural oils in the peels can help mask unpleasant odors.
Coffee Grounds: Used coffee grounds are great at absorbing odors. Keep a container of used coffee grounds in your trash can to help combat smells.
Cat Litter: If you have a cat, used cat litter can be a useful odor absorber. Place it in a sock or a small container, and put it in the bottom of the can.
Ventilation: Ensure that your trash can has proper ventilation. Many trash cans come with ventilation holes that allow air to circulate, reducing odors. If yours doesn't, consider drilling some holes in the lid or the sides.
Keep It Dry: Moisture can exacerbate odors. Make sure that your trash is free of liquid before bagging it. If you have a particularly wet item, wrap it in newspaper or paper towels to absorb excess moisture.
Regular Emptying: Don't let trash sit in the can for too long, especially if it contains food scraps or other odor-producing waste. Empty it regularly to prevent odors from developing.
Use Airtight Lids: Invest in a trash can with an airtight lid. A good seal can effectively contain odors and prevent them from spreading.
Deodorizing Sprays: There are commercial deodorizing sprays available that are specifically designed for trash cans. These can help mask and neutralize odors.
Frequent Cleaning of the Trash Can Area: The area around your trash can, especially the floor, may accumulate odors and spills. Regularly clean this area to prevent smells from lingering.
Outdoor Trash Can Care: If you have an outdoor trash bin, make sure it's well-maintained. Clean it regularly, and consider using an outdoor-rated trash bag to withstand the elements.
Compost Separation: If you compost kitchen scraps, it's a good idea to separate these from your regular trash. Compost bins can be designed to minimize odors, and they also contribute to sustainability.
Educate Family Members: Ensure that everyone in your household is aware of proper trash disposal techniques and the importance of securing the lid to prevent odors from escaping.
Professional Cleaning: If odors persist or your trash can has seen better days, consider professional cleaning services that specialize in trash can cleaning. They have the equipment and expertise to deep clean and deodorize your bins.
Trash can odor control is an essential aspect of maintaining a fresh and clean living environment. By understanding the causes of trash can odors and implementing the various solutions and tips outlined above, you can effectively combat foul smells. Whether it's through regular cleaning, using odor-absorbing agents, or investing in better-designed trash cans, there are plenty of strategies to keep your home smelling fresh and pleasant, even in the presence of garbage.
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