#Prey!Lucy Lynskey
ellavorer · 1 year
The Key To His Heart
Okay, so... I’ve been meaning to rub my dirty vore hands on The Frighteners for a while now, and it was only now that I got a spark of inspiration for it. Even if people find it gross, at least I’ll be raising awareness of this criminally underrated movie. So watch the director’s cut twenty times before you do anything else today.
Trigger warning for an attempted suicide at the beginning, references to past spousal deaths, references to canon character deaths, references to canon-typical violence, references to a previous unhealthy marriage (Lucy and Ray), references to past unwilling vore, references to emeto.
Otherwise, enjoy and Happy Halloween!
“What was that in that cell, Frank?” Lucy demanded as soon as they stopped running. “I felt something crushing my heart.”
“I can’t fight him, Luce,” he lamented as he tried to catch his breath. “I can’t protect you.”
Whatever this thing was, it was responsible for Debra’s death.
It had taken his wife from him.
And just now, not only had it tried to take Lucy, it succeeded in destroying Stuart and Cyrus’ emanations.
He looked at the pistol that he had grabbed from Dammers, checking the cylinder and re-cocking it. “There’s only one way to deal with this thing. I gotta have an out-of-body experience...”
“What...” Lucy couldn’t even finish her sentence.
“And I gotta have it now.”
Frank pressed the pistol to his temple.
“No!” Lucy cried, her plea coming out in almost a harsh sob. “No!”
“Go away, Luce, just walk the other way,” he tried to coax her.
Despite the early autumn weather, sweat was beginning to form on his forehead as his finger tightened on the trigger. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Wait!” Lucy grabbed his shoulder. “Wait...”
With caution, she reached for the pistol, took hold of his hand, and gently pushed the weapon away from his head.
“There’s another way,” she said.
“What?” he asked, opening his eyes.
“Before you turned yourself in, Agent Dammers told me that you’re a pred lean,” she began.
Frank stiffened at her confession of her knowledge of where he stood on their society’s food chain. His stupid pred senses had told him that Lucy was a prey lean from the moment that he had stepped into her house.
“And I know that it... it would be safe,” she continued. “B-- besides, you didn’t even get to eat anything at the restaurant...”
“Luce...” he was afraid of where this conversation was headed.
Yes, his stomach was bordering on painfully empty; he hadn’t eaten since the morning of Ray’s funeral.
Well, he had... he had gulped Magda Rees-Jones down in order to try to protect her, but the car crash had caused him to vomit her up, leaving the now-tiny reporter at the mercy of the Reaper.
And he knew logically that it was unlikely that his system would make the mistake of digesting Lucy, but... what if she got hurt?
What if she ended up dying anyway?
She could die because of him, and he’d have--
Her sweet voice dragged him out of his thoughts.
“Frank, you forgot that I’m a doctor,” she reminded.
It wasn’t a scolding reminder, though. It was reassuring, as if telling him that she knew what she was doing.
“This was one of the many things I studied in med school,” she told him. “I know that in cases of protection, preds automatically neutralize the stomach acids for as long as needed--”
Her words were interrupted by a long, low, and loud gurgle from Frank’s middle. Even in the dimly lit alleyway, she could see him blushing.
“Oh my God, you’re really hungry, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Lu-- Luce--”
“Frank, have you eaten anything at all today?”
His belly growled again, and he bent over as a hunger pang hit him. Even though his body had already answered her for him, he said, “No.”
“Then it isn’t just about me, Frank,” she said. “You need to keep your strength up--”
“Luce, you’re already in enough danger--” he tried to argued.
“Frank, please,” she interrupted him, taking his hands into hers. “I’ll be fine; and it would help you. All you would do was drain some energy from me, and when the danger’s out of the way, you’ll be able to spit me up and unshrink me. I’ll be fine. I’ve done this before.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Ray... he was a full pred. One of his ways of winning an argument was eating me until I agreed with him.”
He saw something sad in her eyes; a dark kind of sadness that suggested that there was more to when she told him that her marriage to Ray “wasn’t good.”
That gave him all the more reason to hesitate, even as his stomach rumbled again.
“Frank...” his name escaped her lips and her eyes landed on his stomach.
He gave a resigned sigh; if this was the only way to protect her...
“Fine, I’ll do it,” he relented. “But are you absolutely--”
“Yes!” she said, beginning to sound a little frustrated.
Gingerly, he placed his hand on her shoulder, too afraid of hurting her. She began to shrink under his touch and he reached out his free hand to catch her.
“You okay, Luce?” he asked almost immediately as she was sitting in his palm.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she told him, noting the hesitance still in his eyes. “Now... you... you just have to open up and let me climb in. Just let me take off my shoes first.”
As she removed her shoes and handed them to him so he could put them in his pocket, another hunger pang gurgled in his stomach. Despite how small she was now, he could hear Lucy wince in sympathy.
Why was she so concerned about him?
She was the one about to be eaten alive!
“Frank... I’ll be okay,” Lucy’s soft voice pierced that nasty voice in his head that sounded a little too much like Dammers.
Frank could only respond with a small whimper.
“Go ahead...”
He slowly moved her closer to his gaping maw, but stopped.
“Wait...” he said.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Could you just... climb in?” he asked. “I’m-- I might-- I’m afraid I--”
I’m afraid that I’ll bite you.
“I can do that,” Lucy assured him, offering him a comforting smile with a hint of teasing. “Well... open up...”
Frank closed his eyes and opened his mouth as wide as he could. Lucy climbed in, laying herself on his tongue.
His eyes shot open at her taste.
It was sweet-- but not like candy, which always seemed to turn his stomach.
It was sweet like cookies or cake... with cinnamon and a hint of something... flowery...
Lavender or...
Only when he heard her voice did he realize that he had pinned her to the roof of his mouth.
“Just swallow when you’re ready,” she told him. “Take all the time you need.”
He tried to find it in himself to swallow, to pull her down... but he couldn’t.
He couldn’t.
“Frank, it’s okay,” she continued to reassure him. “Just take your time.”
It baffled him that she was being so reassuring as she was lying on his tongue, but, in a strange way... it was comforting.
With a tightening of his muscles, he swallowed with a “GLRK,” tracing Lucy’s path with his finger.
Lucy kept her eyes closed as she was pulled further and further down Frank’s throat. She landed in a soft, wet chamber with a yelp.
Only when her new sanctuary gurgled did she dare to open her eyes again.
Just as she was about to reach out to touch the wall of the chamber, she froze. But it wasn’t from fear-- it was in absolute awe.
In medical school, she had meticulously studied the organs of the human body with such interest. Besides the gurglings of Frank’s stomach, she could hear his heart beating, the blood rushing through his veins, the air circulating his lungs...
It was incredible!
“Frank,” she called gently, finally pressing a hand to the wall of his belly. “Frank, I made it done okay.”
Above her-- no, around her-- she heard him gasp. His large hand pressed back at her.
“Luce?” he asked. “Luce, are you alright?”
“Frank, I told you, I made it done okay,” she repeated gently. “So far, no burning, no acid... just like I told you.”
He sighed. “Okay... but what about... are you... you comfortable?”
Lucy leaned forward into his touch. “Yeah. It’s really comfy in here. But what about you? How are you feeling?”
Frank looked down at his middle, realizing just what a poor job he had done of taking care of himself over the past five years. It was so obvious that he had acted on his pred instincts.
But he felt better than he had other the last five years.
“Good,” was all he answered. “Now, what do you want me to do now?”
“Go to the medical center, but spit me out before we get there,” she instructed. “If there’s an APB out for you, they’re not gonna let you in. But I know that place inside and out.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
Throughout his short journey, he kept his hand over his belly, to reassure Lucy as much as she had reassured him.
And if they made it through this...
He would love to try this again.
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inevitablemoment · 2 years
Frightober Day 2: Nightmare
Word Count: 981
Warnings: Nightmare, PTSD, References to canon-typical violence
Fandom: The Frighteners
Pairings: Frank Bannister x Lucy Lynskey
Yes, I know that I’ve written this before, but I’m tired and I have no motivation, so if you want to read the full thing that this is from, check it out here.
The darkness finally began to clear from Lucy's vision when she heard a clicking sound... like the sound of a gun landing on an empty cylinder.
She heard Patricia exclaim in frustration, and turned over just in time to see her kicking Frank in the face. Her heart twisted as Frank screamed in pain, and she stood to move.
An invisible force-- Johnny Bartlett-- knocked her back to the ground, and she suddenly felt this weight on her torso keeping her from moving any further.
Patricia hit Frank in the back with her rifle as he tried to escape, sending him crashing back to the floor
"FRANK! FRANK! Lucy cried desperately.
Patricia pressed the rifle lengthwise against Frank's neck.
"NO!" Lucy almost screamed herself hoarse as she desperately pleaded for his life, useless as it was.
With ruthless precision, Patricia continued to increase the pressure of the cold weapon against Frank's neck. Still caught in Johnny's restraint, Lucy could do nothing but watch as Frank continued to run out of air, no matter how hard he fought against Patricia.
Patricia flashed a truly evil grin at both her ghostly lover and her next victim as Frank's body turned limp and blue. Lucy could only watch in horror as Patricia let the body unceremoniously drop to the ground as if it were nothing more than a giant sack of rice.
He was gone.
Frank was dead... for good, this time.
There was nothing she could do to save him.
Lucy let out a broken, quiet sob, feeling as if her heart had been snapped in two. The broken heart shattered like glass as she watched Patricia kick Frank's body, as if he had done anything to wrong her when he was alive, and threw the rifle to rest with the rusty medical equipment that had been abandoned a generation ago.
"No! No!" she had no control over how the anguished cries escaped her lips.
Patricia held up a small, surgical small, presumably to Johnny, only to drop it and instead retrieve a pick axe. She slowly moved towards her prey.
"I'm in the mood for a little vivisection..."
"No!" Lucy begged, despite knowing how useless it would be. "No, please..."
Patricia lifted the pick axe. As much as Lucy wanted to look away, she didn't. If her fate was sealed now, she wasn't going to continue to give them the pleasure of her true fright.
She thought of both her paternal and maternal grandparents, her father, and her mother, and how she hoped there was a Heaven so she would see them again.
She thought of Dr. Kamins and his family, whom had already began to see her as one of their own in the past three months and made her feel like she was part of a family again.
She thought of Frank, how she could have loved him and started a new life with him.
The blade went in for the kill.
Lucy was still screaming as she awoke, only stopping once it fully hit her where she was.
She was in her own bed, back in her home.
She felt a jolt in her stomach as a familiar hand took hers. Even though she knew who it was, she still turned around so she could see who it was.
Frank... he was alive.
They had lived.
Tomorrow, it would have been a week since that horrible night in the Sanatorium.
"Frank... oh, God, Frank!"
She broke down sobbing in his arms, burying her face into his chest. She felt one of his hands running up and down her back, and the other playing with her raven tresses.
It seemed like an eternity had passed before her tears finally settled.
"I-- I h-- I had a nightmare," Lucy stuttered out. "It was in the Sanatorium, when Patricia-- oh, God!"
She let out the same quiet, broken sob that escaped from her when she thought she had lost Frank for good.
"You don't have to talk about it, Luce," Frank told her.
"I don't?" Lucy asked.
"You obviously had to relive that, and I don't want to have to force you to do that again," he said. "Just tell me what I can do to make it better."
Lucy looked to the bookshelf that were once utilized by Ray to hold some of his workout equipment, but now held her medical journals and her favorite novels... and one of her most treasured belongings.
"You... could you get the Raggedy Ann doll off of the shelf?" she requested.
"Sure," Frank said, kissing the top of her head before going to retrieve the doll. "I-- I take it that it's special."
"Yes," Lucy affirmed, twisting the doll's red yarn hair around her pointer finger. "My dad gave it to me after he and my mom told me that they were getting a divorce, to help ease how much I missed him."
Even in the darkness, she could see something resembling shame crossing Frank's face.
"Oh... oh, God, Luce, I'm sorry," Frank apologized.
"Why?" she asked.
"Remember that... haunting I made up when we met?" he asked.
"Yeah," she nodded.
"That was once of the things they used, didn't they?"
She nodded. "Hey, you didn't know..."
"Is there anything else I can do?" Frank asked.
There was one thing...
"Is it okay if I... if I just listen to your heart?" Lucy requested.
Frank smiled a bit. "Why?
Lucy blushed at his question.
"It's something that tells me that we lived," she said quietly.
Frank wrapped his arms around her, and laid back down so her ear would be positioned over his heart.
"Of course you can," he told her, beginning to play with her hair again.
It wasn't long before the two of them slipped into sleep once more; neither of them would be plagued by anymore nightmares that night.
Even if you read this before, I hope that you enjoyed it.
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ellavorer · 2 years
Okay, I usually don’t talk about female preds because they usually get sexualized, but...
Brain empty, heart full of Pred!Lucy Lynskey.
Like, she would be the softest pred girlie ever with Frank and she’d get so blushy when her tummy rumbled and...
Send asks if you want me to ramble about this.
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