#Price Aldrick
t-ess-e · 4 months
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys is so Prince Aldrick and Vhalla Yarl coded
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ofswordsandsorcery · 2 years
My thoughts on SHADOW & BONE S2
I wrote this while watching, so it's really chaotic
Also, I haven't read any of the books in a while, so forgive me for not remembering how to correctly write the names and probably forgetting stuff :D
Episode 1
A privateer actually, it's an important distinction
Take your fuckin shoes off the bed
Episode 2
"you live in a single moment I live in a thousand"
You're old as shit we get it
Nina Zenik is a fucking menace and I am SO living for it
Also, we love a queen that eats <3
Oh oh Nikolai trying to steal Mal's girlfriend i see
Tamar and Alina interaction ahsjsjsjsj
The bonding over being shu han???
Awww, i loveee themm
Wylan and Nikolai working together would be the end of the world as we know it
I thought the girl working for Aleksander was Zoya for a sec and i was SO confused
Aww, Wylan he's beyond thrilled, he just doesn't show it love
Jes getting his fucking hat before leaving is everything
Episode 3
Soaaring flyyyyinnn
Nikolai is one hell of an inventor
Jes and Wylan on a missionnn *in a singing voice*
Nina giving Kaz contra >>>
Ajsjyjsjsjs Prince Nikolai reveal i am jsksksjsj AN ICON, truly
You lying bastard
Even more iconic
David and Genyaaaaa
I love David
I'm still so incredibly mad
On an unrelated note: Lewis Tan is one fine man
A casting decision I actually love
Side eye to Nikolai
(sorry paddy, nothing against you, you are doing a wonderful job just really not how I imagined Nikolai to look at ALL)
Nadja meets Tamar
Brb, I'm going to turn in to a useless queer
Also, I love Aldrick
Fuck allies, you need a wife
I am so living for Wylan begrudgingly agreeing with Jes
Wylans horrified stare at the piano playing omg and the little flinch
"He's really good" lol
Jes is so falling in love with Wylan over his piano playing skills
Uhhh, kaz inej fight lol
Let me bandage it for you even tho i am deadly afraid of touching skin
Ahhh, communication
Omg the subtle shaking? The fear in his eyes? Well done.
What's your telll?
The cane the limp, know ones ever smart enough to look for the real one????
It's not what you think??
Nina is like yeah, take your bullshitting elsewhere
I LOVE seeing that friendship develop.
Shit at first dates lmao
Love you Nina
Kaz fighting scene omg
Crow club takeover? What?
Y'all I wasn't prepared for this
So much is happening at once, help
Eww he licked the knife? Bah
Go Inej, get his ass..
Wow the prayer
So much emotionnnn
Vladim, what are you doing love
General Kirigan what the actual fuck
That.. Is your mom
The horror on David's face
I feel the same way tho
I HaVe a PrOPosAL
Shut up Nikolai, you're gonna get punched again and you're face is actually to pretty for that...
STOP IT. They're holding hands
This is a fucking emotional roller-coaster
I'm not going anywhere - walks away
Thanks Jes, for saying what i thought
Jesper you little fuck
Don't betray Wylan like that?
Wylan talking about how Alby isn't responsible for who his father is
Oh Mathias my poor boy <3 he seriously needs a hug...
What's your price? Nuh uh
Episode 4
Vasily you idiot
Baghra the wise im cackling
Jes you can't just drop that casually and then move one as if fucking nothing happend????
No mourners no funerals and it's almost all of my babies
Nadjas impressed look at Tamar and her axes has me SOBBING
That was a long time ago
Yeah oops
Make him kneel make him kneel make him kneel omg
That whole scene is so fucking good i had to actually rewatch it multiple times before i could move on
Tolya and Tamar supremacy <3
Tamar and Tolya meeting the crows??? Holy shit
This has taken so many twists and turns and loopings what
You could... Come with me??
Wylans lil shrug???? I'm actually crying
Kit's acting in the confession scene? SPECTACULAR the glances, the lil eye roll before be gathers the full courage, the little waver in his voice when he does confess??
Maybe you need a reminder?? The laughs the giggles I'm going to spontaneously combust
Wtf kaz
I worry about you?
I can't have a weak link in my crew?
You're a bloody idiot, is what you are
Nina should kock some sense into that head of yours after what you just said you moron
I think Rollins knocked it outa ya
And king he shall be
Just not yet oops
Unhinged Genya? hell yes!!!!
Ahhh, Baghra, you sly fucker
Not Adrik
Not him
Please not him
Jesper, Inej and Nina solidarity
Jes loves the gossip so much ahahahah
Episode 5
Genya not wanting David to see her because she's afraid of what he'll think hurts my heart
Genyalina hug supremacy
Baghra said sobatchka
I'm crying. This is not the time but omh
Damn right she doesn't.
Tolya looking at the bowl of food is literally me
I'm not here for you whoops
Oh Jes, you said the wrong thing baby
Bhez Ju? It looks INCREDIBLE!!!
Tolya being like wtf is going on with you and wylan is gold
I know metal
David i love you
The gentle forehead press
What did you do to him
Tolya giving relationship advice to jesper avout wylan I'm going to cry
Nvm I'm actually already crying
Nina trying to talk to Kaz about tea had me laughing so hard
Tolya snacking all the time, we love it
Zoya honestly
Tolyas comment about soldiers, i love that
Episode 6
I'm laughing so hard
Poor Mal
He doesn't deserve any of this
The thief is so beautiful
And she's so badass
Lol she's giving it to Jesper
I think she knows he's a special one
Love her so much
Another Wesper kiss??? Also, Tolya's knowing face lmao
Mathias = slab of fur and i will not refer to him as anything else ever again
Episode 7
Why on earth is everyone losing their hands?
This is ridiculous
Let me introduce you to Inej - Badass of the Barrel
Uh oh is right you witch
The crows join, it's over you idiots
Not the cane, that's a sacrilege what you just did.
Sibling reunion I'm sobbing over that hug
Um, Mal u okay hun?
Episode 8
Not kaz giving his cane away what is happening???
My Man
Kaz and Tolya bonding over Poetry? Of all things? love it
Ah ah ah is that an upward lip tug i see Kaz?
Jes... Why did you ruin the moment like that?
There's six of you you morons
Just don't know it yet lovelies
Have i said i don't like Genya's eye thing? It just looks so cheap
He wants an investment lol
Kaz you fuking idiot
You actually have to say it you know
Oof, the I want- I want you
Gives me the same vibes as i love, i love, i love you
How many fucking flying ships do they have?
Nah wtf is this Inej & Tolya shit
What's with the suggestive camera angles, stop that
Actually, i like the sturmhond look on Mal
Inej on the boat taking over slaver ships
So many things i didn't think I'd see this season omg
Ketterdam what kinda fucked up, out of proportion moon do you have???
Ugh not the apparat
Fuck off already, i didn't miss you at ALL
For a man of faith...
Love you for that, sobachka
Finally a better eye patch
Zoya you actually could lol
Are we going to get a triumvirate sitch with Alina?
Omgg yesss
You finally gonna go to Fjerda huh
Not that it doesn't look good just...
Talk about show stopping, am i right
Well, that's a way to end the show
Additional things I LOVED
- The show name at the beginning of every episode
- The different languages >>>>
- everything Tolya does
-Patrick Gibson as Nikolai, the longer I watched the better it got
What I did NOT like:
- lots of things actually but I have decided for myself that from here I'll just see the show as something different from the books and cherish it for what it is
-David and Genya having literally five seconds before he died? WTF? David was supposed to be here longer :/
-that they put SO MUCH into this season? like so much is happening at once and then they introduce additional stuff??? Felt a little rushed to me... Like were kinda already at the point of King of Scars but at the same time the SOC plotline is so ripped apart? I am confused...
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its0katka · 6 years
A Personal History of Mountains
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I’m five years old, seven years old, thirteen years old, and I drive through mountains to get to my cousin’s house an hour away in Duchess County. I know they aren’t really mountains though, because they aren’t tall enough, or craggy enough. They don’t look like the mountains I see in books and on TV. 
I’m used to tall things because of living in New York but the skyscrapers are oftentimes too tall and give a warped perspective on what tall actually is. Nature is different, though. Nature is real.
They look pretty in the fall when the leaves change colors, but when it’s summer they just look like oversized bushes, in the winter they are a dead bark brown. They aren’t rolling, it’s usually one large dome and then normal-sized foliage otherwise. Sometimes they look pretty when they are covered in snow.
I try not to think about mountains because one time I tried to hike Bear Mountain and I hated it.
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I’m 20 years old and I’m flying to Ghana. We transfer planes in Germany and as we fly south, we cross the alps. I don’t know which alps, but we’re so high up above them that all we see is snow-capped tops and sharp peaks clearing the sky. I remember how excited I was to see them, because they looked like real mountains, and I was so close to them.
In Ghana I went on another hike to Mount Afadjato. I thought it’d be fine because I’d done a hike to Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh the summer before, and that was alright, it was the same amount of time (two hours up, an hour down) and I figured I was spry enough to do it.
I wasn’t. I fell behind the group quite far, especially when trying to walk down the mountain. I was suffering badly with the elevation. I was wearing Crocs. 
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Arthur’s Seat was 822 ft tall. It had stairs along the way, and safety ropes. Mount Afadjato 2,904 ft tall. It had nothing but steep climbs, slippery rocks, and a worn train. I lost my footing at one point and slid down the mountain, I thought I was going to die. The group went to a cave the next day and I opted to stay home and try to watch the Ghanaian version of American Idol on the TV we had that never really worked.
I’m 22 and living in Žilina, Slovakia. I was provided with a three bedroom flat all to myself, for the modest price of $400 Euros a month. My Independent Study stipend pretty much covers the rent, I have to use my personal funds to buy food but it’s not too bad because I don’t have a fridge, so I basically have to eat vegetarian, eat out, or not eat at all.
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From my balcony (yes, I have a balcony, yes, it’s where I keep my milk, cheese and yogurt to stay cold in the frigid November temperatures), I can see the Malá Fatras, a Slovak mountain range that’s popular with skiers. I love standing out on the freezing balcony looking at it because these are the tallest mountains I’ve ever seen, and the closest I’ll ever get. It makes me feel normal, like the world is not so vast, like there are borders and boundaries and it’s somehow cozy, in a weird way.
One weekend, all employees of Stanica are gone on holiday; Dusan goes on a trip to Bratislava with his girlfriend, Audrey and Helen go to Budapest. I am on my own except for Ints, who offers to hang out with me while everyone is gone, who makes sure to take me out to bars and have a good time, who drags me out to a mountain nearby to go see some castle ruins, except that I’m hungover as hell and the walk up is steep as hell and we stop for a cigarette break halfway through and I admit that I’m dying and I’m sore and dehydrated and can’t go on, can we please go home?
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We stop at a bar on the way home and have warm beer. We go out later that night and I scream at him drunk in the snow because I want to have sex with him but he keeps saying he has a girlfriend but no one has ever met her, ever, not even his closest friend Aldrick and everyone keeps saying to me, “Wow are you Ints’s girlfriend?” and it killed me every time.
Years later I would understand that he was doing the right thing, he liked me but he was doing the right thing and knew it would be bad if we got involved. 
I’m 28 and on my honeymoon and we make a stop in Lake Como. I’m still not feeling 100% health-wise, and I welcome the chance to relax along the lake. Our Airbnb is a time capsule, it’s a separate room and bathroom attached to the home of a spry Englishwoman who married an Italian man and basically gets to see out her days in their Sala Comacina flat, with paramount views of Lake Como and a water taxi stop down the road. 
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It’s more beautiful than anywhere I’ve ever been. The air is clear and crisp and warm, the Italian alps are visible in the far distance, snow capped and a stark comparison to the emerald green, sloping hills along the lake. When the sun sets, it turns them brilliant neon colors of pink, orange and purple.
We dine on prosciutto pizza and grilled fish at a place where the tables and chairs are made of plastic, and the local teenagers drop by for cokes. I take a picture and post it. Someone asks, “Is this a painting?” No, it’s reality.
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I’m 30, and we’re driving through Switzerland, exhausted and half sick but determine to visit Berggasthaus Aescher, the famous building built into the side of a mountain, which serves food if you’re lucky enough to get there. I’ve done all the research, including figuring out how to get there by car, through winding roads and up steep elevations and narrow streets where the Swiss sports cars zip around like it’s no big deal except if you aren’t careful enough you may well drive off a cliff because there are zero barriers, dude.
We see old people, old people, riding bikes up the hills and I just feel really bad about myself, in comparison.
We find pockets of green space, sprawling hills with farms and cows, so many cows, cows everywhere and adorable cottages and I just keep wondering, “Oh my god what does one do here to occupy their time, especially with all of these insane hills and narrow roads to climb?”
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Finally we reach Ebenalp and the cable car that will take us to the top of the mountain. All the way there we’ve been surrounded by tall crags and ranges of snow-peaked geo wonders. I can’t stop taking photos of them because this truly is the closest I’ve ever been to a real mountain. It’s 5,380 ft high and I wonder how on earth it’s possible for this cable car to bring us up so steeply and yet be so smooth and yet never just one day fall apart and crash.
We get to the top and realize we are sorely underdressed; I, in a thin sweater and a designer purse, Handsome Man in a long sleeve shirt and dress boots. Everyone else around us is wearing legit hiking gear — industrial boots, heavy coats, snow pants, bandanas. All of the things I read about Berggasthaus Aescher said it was an 15 minute hike to the guesthouse. I am winded in the first five minutes and I am walking down, not up.
At Berggasthaus Aescher, we realize it’s too late to buy food because the last cablecar leaves at 5:30pm, and if we miss it, we must hike all the way down, and who knows how long that’d take and what condition we’d be in by the end. We take some marvelous photos and retreat back where the steep climb has me stopping several points through to catch my breath. I see old women and little kids hiking and wonder what the hell is wrong with me.
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I really liked Switzerland when we were there, it was this crazy place where everything was so expensive and no one looked like each other and the language, what even was it, and we paid $40 for pad thai at a takeout place, and Handsome Man got food poisoning because he didn’t cook his fondue meats well enough.
But what I can’t stop thinking about are those mountains, and valleys, where it’s just you and the land and the animals and the nature, and it’s so beyond beautiful and peaceful and you wonder how anything could ever be wrong there, and it’s not wrong there, it’s perfection.
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porty-9ars-faithful · 8 years
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The 49ers have made 16 additions to the roster, with John Lynch saying things are winding down.
The San Francisco 49ers announced the signing of linebacker Dekoda Watson Friday evening, marking their 12th signing since the start of the new league year. That combined with one trade and three pre-free agency signings means 16 additions this offseason.
On Friday morning, general manager John Lynch made an appearance on KNBR to provide an update heading into St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Lynch said the team was still open for business, but free agency was winding down.
The 49ers announced the Dekoda Watson signing after that interview, but otherwise, it would seem like the team’s roster is just about set heading into the 2017 NFL Draft. They currently have 70 players, including 31 on offense, 34 on defense, and five on special teams. That leaves the team with 20 roster spots.
The 49ers have ten draft picks in the upcoming draft. Odds are pretty good they make at least one trade, which could result in that number going up or down. Additionally, they will be signing undrafted free agents after the draft. It is very possible the team walks away from draft weekend with close to that 20 players.
For the time being, here is what the 49ers roster looks like as free agency seemingly winds down for the 49ers :
QB: Brian Hoyer, Matt Barkley
RB: Carlos Hyde, Mike Davis, Raheem Mostert
FB: Kyle Juszczyk
WR: Pierre Garcon, Marquise Goodwin, Jeremy Kerley, Aaron Burbridge, DeAndre Carter, Bruce Ellington, Chris Harper, Eric Rogers, Rashad Ross, DeAndre Smelter, Aldrick Robinson
TE: Logan Paulsen, Vance McDonald, Garrett Celek, Blake Bell, Je’Ron Hamm
OT: Joe Staley, Trent Brown, Norman Price, John Theus
OG: Zane Beadles, Joshua Garnett
C: Jeremy Zuttah, Daniel Kilgore, Alex Balducci
DL: Arik Armstead, Ronald Blair, DeForest Buckner, Zach Moore, Quinton Dial, Earl Mitchell, Mike Purcell, Chris Jones
LB: Malcolm Smith, Ray-Ray Armstrong, NaVorro Bowman, Carl Bradford, Ahmad Brooks, Tank Carradine, Eli Harold, Aaron Lynch, Wynton McManis, Shayne Skov, Brock Coyle, Dekoda Watson
CB: Jimmie Ward, Tramaine Brock, Rashard Robinson, K’Waun Williams, Keith Reaser, Will Redmond, Dontae Johnson, Prince Charles Iworah, JaCorey Shepherd, Don Jones
S: Eric Reid, Jaquiski Tartt, Marcus Ball, Vinnie Sunseri
K: Robbie Gould, Nick Rose
P: Bradley Pinion, Brock Miller
LS: Kyle Nelson
source : ninersnation.com
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dazzledbybooks · 5 years
A desperate princess, a magical traveler, and a watch that binds them together with the fate of a dying world.  Vi Solaris is the heir to an Empire she’s barely seen. Her parents sacrificed a life with her to quell a rebellion and secure peace with a political alliance. Now, three years past when her wardship should’ve ended, Vi will do anything to be reunited with her family.  The Empire is faltering beneath the burden of political infighting and a deadly plague. Yet, Vi can’t help but wonder if her inability to control her magic is the true reason her parents haven’t brought her home. Suspicion becomes reality when she unleashes powers she’s not supposed to have. Powers that might well cost her the throne.As Vi fights to get her magic under control, a mysterious stranger appears from across the world. He holds the keys to unlocking her full potential, but the knowledge has an unspeakable price — some truths, once seen, cannot be ignored.All eyes are on her and Vi must make the hardest choice of her life: Play by the rules and claim her throne. Or, break them and save the world. Review: Vortex Visions by Elise Kova takes place 20 years in the future. So those that follow the series, we have a grown up Vi. Vi is equally both her mother and her father. I swear this is the perfect child of Vhalla and Aldrick. Plus we have an uncle Jax. Vi is seventeen and she just wants to go home to her family. She had to spend her whole life in the North away from her twin brother and her parents. Even though she has seen her parents, she has never met her twin. They only communicate through letters. I loved getting to know these characters along with some familiar ones. Kova is so great with her character development. I found myself becoming more interested in Andru and Taavin as the new characters in this series. From the very beginning Andru is not what he seems and as we learn more about him, the more I want to know. Taavin is the boy that Vi is able to summon with her newly awoken power. Kova did a fantastic job writing this book. I feel like she brought us the world of Air Awakens that we have been missing but was also able to bring a whole new story to the readers that keep them completely interested in the story. I found myself really enjoying the audiobook. I thought the narrator did a fantastic job and it was quite enjoyable. I really love it when an audiobook makes the story so real. I think Vi was really brought to life in the audio version and that made me love it more. I am definitely interested in listening to the next one.
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News round-up: ‘Universities battle over a shrinking pool of applicants’: the number of students applying to university drops again
A rise in unconditional offers and arguments over student loans have dominated the higher education new in the past month
  Call to rethink China branch campuses over academic freedom risks
Times Higher Education, 02/08/2018, Ellie Bothwell
Western universities have been told to rethink their collaborations in China in the wake of the latest attacks on academic freedom in the country.
In one of the most recent cases, an academic was removed from the management board of the University of Nottingham’s Ningbo campus for criticising the ruling Communist Party’s policies on freedom of thought.
  Only most research-intensive UK universities ‘cover full costs’
Times Higher Education, 01/08/2018, Simon Baker
Only the most research-intensive universities in the UK tend to “break even” and recover the full costs of all their research and teaching activity, new figures have suggested.
According to data released for the first time by the Office for Students, such institutions make the biggest surpluses from teaching international students and lose the least money from conducting research.
  More medicine places in clearing as providers battle for students
Times Higher Education, 01/08/2018, Anna McKie
Growing numbers of places in UK medical schools are expected to be filled via clearing this year, as universities battle over a shrinking pool of applicants.
Ahead of the release of A-level results on 16 August, sector leaders predicted that clearing will be more competitive than ever this year, driven by a 2 per cent drop in applications. Much of the decline is driven by the shrinking of the 18-year-old population, which has decreased by 2.3 per cent in England.
  Education secretary: elite universities must improve access
The Guardian, 31/07/2018, Nadia Khomami
Elite universities are not instinctively biased against disadvantaged children but must do more to improve access, the UK’s education secretary has said.
In his first major speech on social mobility, Damian Hinds said there was a “very legitimate public interest” to ensure attempts to encourage children to attend the top higher education institutions reach “deep into the country” and to every group.
  UK student satisfaction continues to fall amid debt and strikes
The Guardian, 27/07/2018, Richard Adams
Concerns over graduate debt and strikes on many campuses may have dented students’ satisfaction with their courses, according to the results of a national survey, with students at some of London’s most prestigious institutions among the most unhappy.
  Rise in unconditional offers prompts call for university admissions overhaul
The Guardian, 26/07/2018, Richard Adams
The number of students receiving unconditional offers for university places has leapt again this year, prompting calls for an overhaul of the UK’s convoluted and unreliable university admissions process.
Ucas figures show that nearly one in four 18-year-olds applying from England, Wales and Northern Ireland have received an unconditional offer – meaning they can accept an undergraduate place without meeting the A-level or BTech grades predicted by their teachers.
  Student loan repayment income ‘undervalued by £600m’
The Guardian, 20/07/2018, Richard Adams
A clash between the Department for Education and the Treasury over how to value the government’s student loans portfolio may have led to more than £600m in income from future loan repayments being overlooked, the National Audit Office (NAO) has warned.
The watchdog also advised that the government should take ‘a comprehensive view’ and carefully consider the potential impact on the government’s finances of future loan sales.
Examining last year’s sale of a tranche of loans to 400,000 students, the NAO was highly critical of the Treasury’s calculations and their differences over likely repayment rates from the DfE’s forecasts.
  See also:
Student loan sale cost UK £604m in lost revenues, auditor finds
Financial Times, 20/07/2018, Gavin Jackson
  Student loan change may wreck Brexit ‘war chest’
The Times, 18/07/2018, Philip Aldrick
Changes in the accounting treatment of student loans could cost the chancellor his £15 billion Brexit war chest and leave his fiscal rules in tatters. The Office for National Statistics and the European statistical authorities are reviewing the way that the government accounts for the student loan book, which is on track to hit £20 billion by 2023, amid concerns that the present convention is a ‘fiscal illusion’ that is creating ‘perverse incentives’.
A decision by Eurostat is expected shortly on whether a different treatment should be applied. According to the Office for Budget Responsibility, a preferred option would to increase the deficit by £15 billion, ‘roughly equal to the margin by which the chancellor was meeting his fiscal target in our most recent forecast’.
  Red Box: Brexit must not endanger the soft power projected by universities
The Times, 18/07/2018, Nicola Brewer
Comment piece about Brexit, universities and the UK’s ability to exercise soft power after Brexit: ‘It is true that soft power works best when it comes from a place of economic strength. And higher education is a massively successful UK services export: international students alone bring a net benefit of over £20 billion a year into the British economy. […]Worldwide, there are many hundreds of thousands of alumni from British universities — 250,000 of them from UCL alone, and growing every year. These alumni develop a special relationship with our nation that they take home with them. It is impossible to put a price tag on the value of this exchange of knowledge, expertise, values and culture.’
  More than 10% of students ‘use their bodies’ to pay for university fees when facing emergency costs, study claims
The Independent, 18/07/2018, Olivia Petter
A new study of 3,167 students in the UK has revealed that 78 per cent are struggling to get by, with some even turning to sex work to make ends meet. According to data from the National Student Money Survey, conducted by money advice site Save the Student, more than one in 10 students are “using their bodies” to make money when they are unexpectedly caught short of funds.
  Martin Lewis: England must swap ‘loans’ for graduate contribution
Times Higher Education, 18/07/2018, John Morgan
Consumer finance expert Martin Lewis has long argued that dropping the terminology of ‘student loans’ in favour of ‘graduate contributions’ would be a crucial change to England’s student finance system.
The Westminster government’s review of post-18 education is expected to report in the autumn, and dropping the terminology of ‘loans’ is certain to be on its agenda. Mr Lewis’ passionate views on this and other aspects of student finance could prove significant. ‘If we’re going to fix things, the first thing we need to do is actually call [the student loan] what it is: a graduate contribution,’ Mr Lewis argued. He added: ‘Most of the questions [from the public] I still get are, ‘I’m so worried about this loan; what happens if my child doesn’t get a high-earning job?’ You would never get asked that question if you called it a graduate contribution system.’
  UK government ‘will call out monoculture tendency on campus’
Times Higher Education, 17/07/2018, John Morgan
The Westminster government is ‘committed to calling out [a] tendency towards a “monoculture” on campus’ and claims that some people feel ‘unsafe or threatened if they speak out’ in universities. The government made the comments in its response to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ report into freedom of speech in universities.
Sam Gyimah, the universities minister, has consistently seized on the issue of free speech in universities, a popular topic for newspapers such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph. The government had already announced plans to simplify existing guidance around free speech for universities and students’ unions after Mr Gyimah hosted a meeting with organisations including Universities UK, the National Union of Students and the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. That new guidance will be published in the autumn, the government says.
  Scale of research misconduct is unknown because of poor reporting by universities, say MPs
British Medical Journal, 10/07/2018, Gareth Iacobucci
A quarter of UK universities are failing to produce an annual report on research integrity, a parliamentary inquiry has found.
The report by the Commons Science and Technology Committee identified a “lack of consistent transparency” in reporting data on the number of misconduct investigations, and inconsistency in the way the information is recorded.
These failings have made it difficult to calculate the scale of research misconduct in the UK, it concluded.
The report examined what is known about problems arising from errors, questionable practices, and fraud in research, and what action is needed to make sure that problems are handled appropriately.
  Tens of thousands of graduates have overpaid their student loan by an average £581
Daily Telegraph, 10/07/2018, Sam Meadows
Tens of thousands of graduates have made student loan repayments worth £50m despite having already paid off their entire debt.
Figures released in response to a Freedom of Information request reveal that 85,720 former students made overpayments totalling £49.8m in 2016-17, the latest year for which records are available.
The problem stems from crossed wires between the taxman and the Student Loans Company (SLC), which manages student debt. Although HM Revenue & Customs receives repayment information on a monthly basis, it only passes this on to the SLC once a
from CDBU http://cdbu.org.uk/news-round-up-universities-battle-over-a-shrinking-pool-of-applicants-the-number-of-students-applying-to-university-drops-again/ via IFTTT
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The History of Online Shopping
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The internet is a fantastic and useful tool. With a click of our mouse we can read today's news, play an online game and if we wish shop to our hearts content. But when did it all start? What is the history of Online Shopping and what does it mean to shop online? Online shopping is the process a customer takes to purchase a service or product over the internet. In other words a consumer may at his or her leisure buy from the comfort of their own home products from an online store. This concept was first demonstrated before the World Wide Web was in use with real time transaction processed from a domestic television! The technology used was called Videotext and was first demonstrated in 1979 by M. Aldrick who designed and installed systems in the UK. By 1990 T. Berners-Lee created the first WWW server and browser, and by 1995 Amazon expanded its online shopping experiences. The history of Online Shopping is amazing. Gone are the days of waiting in traffic and working our way through overcrowded stores. All we need is a computer, bank account, debit or credit card and voila freedom! From books, to cosmetics, clothing and accessories to name a few, shopping online is the answer to the 21st century. Simply find the website that offers the objects of your desire, price and delivery terms and in a matter of a few days your purchase is at your door. The advantages and convenience are obviously predictable as we are offered a broader selection, competitive pricing and a greater access to information in regards to our purchase. Online stores are usually available on a 24 hour basis, and permit consumers to shop at their leisure without any traveling and outside regular business hours! Another point to take into consideration is that when the internet was first conceived it was not with the ideal that it would change the way we shop. On the contrary the web was created as a tool for communicating, which in time let to the convenience of shopping virtually. The history of online shopping by itself symbolizes the change in our society and has by now become a service used by business and regular shopper all over the world. Shopping online is easy, fun and secure and has for many taken the place of the Saturday afternoon window shopping at the mail. Still considered as a fairly recent phenomenon, online shopping has without a doubt made the life of countless consumers easier and more convenient. May it be for a home loan, buying car or ordering your weekly groceries, the web has forever changed our outlook on shopping.  online Search History  shopping shows to all that a good idea, great presentation, and a desire to offer the best to your customers can make a dream come true. Now considered tried and true, it will be interesting in the next 20 years or so to see where the History on online shopping will take us!  
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mfaeda2013-blog1 · 7 years
Online Searching Recommendations For Make-Up
On the web searching is the procedure a customer requires to purchase a site or solution on the internet. Put simply a customer may possibly at his / her leisure get from the ease of their particular house products and services from an online store. This idea was first demonstrated ahead of the World Broad Internet was in use with realtime deal processed from the domestic television! The engineering applied was called korea cosmetics and was first shown in 1979 by M. Aldrick who designed and fitted systems in the UK. By 1990 T. Berners-Lee created the very first WWW machine and browser, and by 1995 Amazon widened its on the web shopping experiences. The real history of On the web Searching is amazing. Removed are the occasions of waiting in traffic and functioning our way through overcrowded stores. All we want is a computer, banking account, debit or bank card and voila freedom! From books, to cosmetics, apparel and extras to call a few, shopping online is the solution to the 21st century. Only find the internet site that gives the items of your desire, cost and supply phrases and in a subject of a couple of days your purchase are at your door. The advantages and comfort are clearly predictable as we're provided a broader selection, competitive pricing and a greater usage of data in relation to our purchase. Internet vendors are generally available on a 24 hour base, and allow consumers to search at their leisure without the touring and outside typical company hours! Yet another point to take into account is that when the web was initially conceived it wasn't with the ideal that it could modify just how we shop. On the contrary the web was developed as something for speaking, which over time let to the ease of searching virtually. The annals of on the web shopping alone symbolizes the change within our culture and has by now turn into a support used by company and normal shopper all over the world. Shopping on the internet is straightforward, enjoyment and secure and has for most taken the place of the Saturday evening screen buying at the mail. Still considered as a reasonably recent phenomenon, online looking has let me make it clear produced living of countless people easier and more convenient. May it be for a home loan, buying vehicle or getting your weekly groceries, the net has forever changed our view on shopping. The real history of online buying reveals to any or all that a good idea, great demonstration, and a need to provide the most effective to your web visitors could make a dream come true. Today regarded tried and correct, it will undoubtedly be intriguing in the next 20 years approximately to see where the History on on the web shopping will need us!
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thedunwells · 7 years
On line Shopping A Fashionable Boon For Consumers
The net is really a wonderful and of good use tool. With a press of our mouse we can read today's media, perform an on line sport and when we hope store to the hearts content. However when achieved it all start? What's the history of On the web Shopping and what does it suggest to shop on the web? On the web buying is the procedure a customer takes to buy a site or item on the internet. In other words a consumer might at their discretion buy from the ease of their own home products and services from an online store. That principle was initially korea cosmetics prior to the World Wide Internet was being used with realtime transaction refined from the domestic tv! The engineering used was named Videotext and was initially shown in 1979 by M. Aldrick who developed and fitted methods in the UK. By 1990 T. Berners-Lee created the very first WWW server and visitor, and by 1995 Amazon extended its on line looking experiences. The annals of Online Searching is amazing. Gone are the occasions of waiting in traffic and functioning our way through overcrowded stores. All we need is really a pc, bank account, debit or credit card and voila freedom! From books, to cosmetics, apparel and components to mention a few, shopping on the net is the clear answer to the 21st century. Just find the web site that gives the items of your wish, cost and delivery terms and in a matter of a few days your obtain reaches your door. The advantages and convenience are demonstrably estimated as we're provided a broader choice, competitive pricing and a better usage of information when it comes to our purchase. Internet vendors are generally on a 24 hour basis, and allow people to search at their leisure without any traveling and outside regular organization hours! Another point out take into account is that after the web was initially conceived it wasn't with the perfect that it might modify the way in which we shop. On the contrary the internet was created as something for interacting, which with time let to the convenience of looking virtually. The real history of on line buying alone symbolizes the change in our culture and has right now become a service used by business and normal customer all around the world. Shopping on the internet is simple, fun and protected and has for all taken the area of the Saturday evening window searching at the mail. Still regarded as a reasonably new phenomenon, on line buying has undeniably built the life span of countless people simpler and more convenient. Might it be for a home loan, buying vehicle or buying your regular groceries, the net has forever transformed our outlook on shopping. The history of online buying shows to any or all that advisable, great presentation, and a desire to provide the very best to your customers could make a desire come true. Now regarded tried and true, it will undoubtedly be intriguing next 20 years approximately to see where in actuality the Record on online buying will require us!
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nordpol-blog · 7 years
Buying The Best Cosmetics Online
The internet is just a wonderful and useful tool. With a press of our mouse we could read today's media, perform an on the web sport and when we wish shop to the bears content. But when made it happen all begin? What's the real history of On line Searching and what does it mean to look on the korean cosmetic online shop ? On the web buying is the procedure a person requires to get something or product over the internet. Put simply a client may at his / her leisure get from the comfort of their particular house services and products from an online store. That notion was first shown ahead of the World Large Web was used with real time purchase prepared from the domestic television! The engineering applied was named Videotext and was demonstrated in 1979 by M. Aldrick who developed and mounted techniques in the UK. By 1990 T. Berners-Lee created the first WWW machine and browser, and by 1995 Amazon expanded its on the web searching experiences. The real history of Online Searching is amazing. Removed are the days of waiting in traffic and functioning our way through overcrowded stores. All we truly need is really a computer, bank-account, debit or credit card and voila flexibility! From books, to cosmetics, clothing and accessories to mention a couple of, shopping online is the clear answer to the 21st century. Just discover the internet site that provides the things of one's want, cost and supply terms and in a subject of several days your obtain is at your door. The benefits and comfort are certainly predictable as we are provided a broader choice, aggressive pricing and a better access to information when it comes to our purchase. Online retailers are often available on a 24 time base, and let customers to search at their discretion without any touring and external standard organization hours! Yet another point out consider is that when the internet was conceived it was not with the best so it might modify the way in which we shop. On the opposite the net was created as something for communicating, which with time let to the capability of shopping virtually. The history of on the web searching by itself symbolizes the modify inside our culture and has right now become a company utilized by organization and typical consumer all over the world. Shopping on the internet is easy, enjoyment and protected and has for most taken the spot of the Saturday day screen searching at the mail. Still considered as a reasonably new phenomenon, on the web looking has certainly created the life of countless people easier and more convenient. May it be for a house loan, getting vehicle or purchasing your weekly goods, the net has forever changed our outlook on shopping. The real history of online searching reveals to all or any that recommended, great display, and a wish to provide the most effective to your customers can make a desire come true. Now considered tried and true, it will soon be exciting within the next twenty years roughly to see where the Record on on line buying can take us!
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junker-town · 8 years
Malcolm Butler went from Super Bowl hero to cornerstone of the Patriots defense
The Patriots corner bounced out of obscurity to become the hero of Super Bowl 49. Now, he’s back in the big game a changed person and a better player.
HOUSTON – He bounced around at three tiny colleges and a job at Popeyes before being ignored in the 2014 NFL draft. He became a New England Patriots free-agent and initially fifth-string on the depth chart. Total obscurity for Malcolm Butler was the backdrop for his stunning interception in Super Bowl 49 that crushed the Seattle Seahawks.
He is 26 now and just finished his third NFL season. He is back in the Super Bowl. Now, everybody knows his name.
There is nowhere Malcolm Butler can hide in Super Bowl 51. It is clear that he still loves football, still loves to scrap -– his peers call him a "savage’’ cornerback. But he never settled into the instant glare, the traipse to the Today Show and the Tonight Show and the Grammy Awards and the parade in his hometown of Vicksburg, Miss., and all of the hoopla that followed his last Super Bowl. The focus that he is now getting is hot in expectation that he will travel all Sunday night with the Atlanta Falcons mighty receiver Julio Jones in this Super Bowl.
Malcolm Butler has tried to find ways to manage it all, to navigate it.
He said it has come at a price.
"Things changed and I changed with them,’’ Butler told me in a quiet moment in a loud space here on Monday at Super Bowl media night. "I had to change some things. I couldn’t be as wide open as before. I had to learn to say no. I had to learn how to pull back. I had to learn how to be more cautious …’’
This conversation was getting intensely real for Malcolm Butler.
His eyes were gripping.
He walked away.
Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images
Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels understands.
"How can it not change him?’’ McDaniels asked. "When it comes that fast and that hard? You have to trust the people around you. I know, for sure, it hasn’t affected how hard he works. No one works harder.’’
His teammate, safety Devin McCourty, agreed.
"Malcolm has had to navigate a lot,’’ McCourty said. "He’s had to deal with a lot. You make a play like that in the biggest game with the world watching and it’s never the same for you. And you always have this challenge with it: Are you just going to be known for that one play? Is that all? It makes you aspire to more, want to prove even more.’’
Patriots defensive coordinator Matt Patricia said the play has been examined and exalted enough, so he focuses on other aspects of Butler’s game. He does that for Butler’s psyche. He does it for Butler’s growth.
Patricia explained: "We’ve challenged him to develop not only at his position but to learn more about the game, about other positions, and how it all works together. That’s the type of growth we are looking for. He’s showing that. He is very aggressive. Very physical. He tackles. He will stick his face in there. Those are the things we want him thinking about. Those are the things about him I can understand.’’
Several Falcons, though, said they see plenty more.
Falcons safety Keanu Neal described Butler as "a great player, very dedicated, full of grit.’’ Receiver Aldrick Robinson called Butler "confident, a cornerstone for their defense.’’ Cornerback Desmond Trufant said Butler was "a complete corner, a guy who shines in bright lights.’’
Butler has an intense quickness and special short quickness that pushed him into the NFL and keeps him top tier, Falcons assistant head coach/receivers coach Raheem Morris said. Morris admires Butler’s "in-and-out breaks.’’ He said on a competitive scale of 1 to 10, Butler is "a 10 corner.’’
Across the league, Butler’s peers regard him as a "players’ player.’’
Patriots cornerback Logan Ryan added: "Malcolm has a lot going for him. He’s just a guy of great desire. He came here for a tryout and never looked back. He has that tryout mentality at all times. He competes every day. Just being on the field with him and around his energy is a humbling thing.’’
Photo by Paul Hiffmeyer/Disneyland via Getty Images
Butler said he still has the Super Bowl 49 MVP truck that Tom Brady gave him. Butler said he keeps it maintained. That he will always own it — "It was a gift, but to me, it’s more like a trophy,’’ Butler said.
He is succinct about Julio Jones: "A great player. You gotta be ready to go.’’
He was asked could he imagine in this Super Bowl encore greatness? One more late, dramatic, game-deciding play?
"Well,’’ he began, "I do think it would be very improbable to do something like that again. But if I could, I would. I’m just looking for our defense to take the ball away and for our team to score more points than they do. That’s how I see the game. Simple. I’m not going to allow myself to be gassed up too much. The Patriots don’t allow that.
"I don’t just look at film now. I actually look at it and know what I’m looking at. I don’t overlook any of their receivers. We have to be ready for all of them. What can happen to you in this game is real. It can happen to anybody.’’
His last Super Bowl gave him a lot. But it took something from him, too.
It is a dance Malcolm Butler knows this time.
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