#Printer Ink Supplier
cartridgebuyerdubai · 7 months
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Toner Cartridge Buyer |Digital Ink
Digital Ink is a specialist in a top-class Toner cartridge buyer in Dubai, UAE. Furthermore, we also specialize in distributors of Used toner, Old toner, Old cartridges, Used cartridges, and Ink recycling in Dubai. We are always ready to offer free pickup and delivery anywhere in Dubai. Today visit our site for Toner cartridge buyers.
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giazhou1 · 5 months
The sponge is usually located at the bottom of the inkjet printer cartridge and absorbs ink. When the printer needs to eject ink, the nozzle draws the ink from the small sponge to print the pattern onto the paper. Therefore, the quality of the sponge directly affects the printing effect.
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lizadcruzthings · 2 years
How Can The Printers Be Saved From Expensive Repairs?
High-output printers are essential to the daily production of excellent print jobs in many offices. The office may truly go into meltdown when the printer malfunctions or stops operating altogether. While many workplaces have additional printers to prevent a printout backlog, replacing a high-volume printer can be expensive and have a substantial negative impact on day-to-day operations and the…
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levoker89-blog · 2 years
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If you are a first-time printer ink buyer, then there are specific things you should know about to ensure your purchase and usage are justified. Here is the guide for you.
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Adobe steals your color
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When a company breaks a product you rely on — wrecking decades of work — it’s natural to feel fury. Companies know this, so they try to deflect your rage by blaming their suppliers. Sometimes, it’s suppliers who are at fault — but other times, there is plenty of blame to go around.
For example, when Apple deleted all the working VPNs from its Chinese App Store and backdoored its Chinese cloud servers, it blamed the Chinese government. But the Chinese state knew that Apple had locked its devices so that its Chinese customers couldn’t install third-party apps.
That meant that an order to remove working VPNs and apps that used offshore clouds from the App Store would lock Apple customers into Chinese state surveillance. The order to block privacy tools was a completely foreseeable consequence of Apple’s locked-down “ecosystem.”
In 2013, Adobe started to shift its customers to the cloud, replacing apps like Photoshop and Illustrator with “Software as a Service” (“SaaS”) versions that you would have to pay rent on, every month, month after month, forever. It’s not hard to understand why this was an attractive proposition for Adobe!
Adobe, of course, billed its SaaS system as good for its customers — rather than paying thousands of dollars for its software up front, you could pay a few dollars (anywhere from $10-$50) every month instead. Eventually, of course, you’d end up paying more, assuming these were your professional tools, which you expected to use for the rest of your life.
For people who work in prepress, a key part of their Adobe tools is integration with Pantone. Pantone is a system for specifying color-matching. A Pantone number corresponds to a specific tint that’s either made by mixing the four standard print colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black, AKA “CMYK”), or by applying a “spot” color. Spot colors are added to print jobs after the normal CMYK passes — if you want a stripe of metallic gold or a blob of hot pink, you specify its Pantone number and the printer loads up a separate ink and runs your media through its printer one more time.
Pantone wants to license this system out, so it needs some kind of copyrightable element. There aren’t many of these in the Pantone system! There’s the trademark, but that’s a very thin barrier. Trademark has a broad “nominative use” exception: it’s not a trademark violation to say, “Pantone 448C corresponds to the hex color #4a412a.”
Perhaps there’s a copyright? Well yes, there’s a “thin” database copyright on the Pantone values and their ink equivalents. Anyone selling a RIP or printer that translates Pantone numbers to inks almost certainly has to license Pantone’s copyright there. And if you wanted to make an image-editing program that conveyed the ink data to a printer, you’d best take a license.
All of this is suddenly relevant because it appears that things have broken down between Adobe and Pantone. Rather than getting Pantone support bundled in with your Adobe apps, you must now pay $21/month for a Pantone plugin.
Remember, Adobe’s apps have moved to the cloud. Any change that Adobe makes in its central servers ripples out to every Adobe user in the world instantaneously. If Adobe makes a change to its apps that you don’t like, you can’t just run an older version. SaaS vendors like to boast that with cloud-based apps, “you’re always running the latest version!”
The next version of Adobe’s apps will require you to pay that $21/month Pantone fee, or any Pantone-defined colors in your images will render as black. That’s true whether you created the file last week or 20 years ago.
Doubtless, Adobe will blame Pantone for this, and it’s true that Pantone’s greed is the root cause here. But this is an utterly foreseeable result of Adobe’s SaaS strategy. If Adobe’s customers were all running their apps locally, a move like this on Pantone’s part would simply cause every affected customer to run older versions of Adobe apps. Adobe wouldn’t be able to sell any upgrades and Pantone wouldn’t get any license fees.
But because Adobe is in the cloud, its customers don’t have that option. Adobe doesn’t have to have its users’ backs because if it caves to Pantone, users will still have to rent its software every month, and because that is the “latest version,” those users will also have to rent the Pantone plugin every month — forever.
What’s more, while there may not be any licensable copyright in a file that simply says, “Color this pixel with Pantone 448C” (provided the program doesn’t contain ink-mix descriptions), Adobe’s other products — its RIPs and Postscript engines — do depend on licensable elements of Pantone, so the company can’t afford to tell Pantone to go pound sand.
Like the Chinese government coming after Apple because they knew that any change that Apple made to its service would override its customers’ choices, Pantone came after Adobe because they knew that SaaS insulated Adobe from its customers’ wrath.
Adobe customers can’t even switch to its main rival, Figma. Adobe’s just dropped $20b to acquire that company and ensure that its customers can’t punish it for selling out by changing vendors.
Pantone started out as a tech company: a way to reliably specify ink mixes in different prepress houses and print shops. Today, it’s an “IP” company, where “IP” means “any law or policy that allows me to control the conduct of my customers, critics or competitors.”
That’s likewise true of Adobe. The move to SaaS is best understood as a means to exert control over Adobe’s customers and competitors. Combined with anti-competitive killer acquisitions that gobble up any rival that manages to escape this control, and you have a hostage situation that other IP companies like Pantone can exploit.
A decade or so ago, Ginger Coons created Open Colour Standard, an attempt to make an interoperable alternative to Pantone. Alas, it seems dormant today:
Owning colors is a terrible idea and technically, it’s not possible to do so. Neither UPS Brown nor John Deere Green are “owned” in any meaningful sense, but the companies certainly want you to believe that they are. Inspired by them and Pantone, people with IP brain-worms keep trying to turn colors into property:
The law is clear that colors aren’t property, but by combining SaaS, copyright, trademark, and other tech and policies, it is becoming increasingly likely that some corporation will stealing the colors out from under our very eyes.
[Image ID: A Pantone swatchbook; it slowly fades to grey, then to black.]
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ghost-skull-trash · 8 days
Within this hell, tear out your heart to survive.
Within the rusting hell that was the Hadal Blacksite, An inventor waits for their friend to return safely, they wait and wait but… they haven’t returned. Now they journey through hell to find them, meeting those who want them dead along the way. Happiness has to be fought for after all.
So with some of my friends encouraging me to try and put some of my fics here! This one came to mind JUST as I was about to fall asleep, thus its very messy, hell I expect like three people to even see this so don't expect the next house of leaves, OK? Anywho I hope you enjoy! :D
The only clock in the room was broken, a mess of components and broken black plastic, picked clean of what’s useful and what left to gather dust, like the rest of this hellish site. .
Rain held her stomach in pain, hunger pangs  making every breath feel like torture, her eyes were dull, staring into nothing, too exhausted to focus on anything in her makeshift room, sitting below her “bed” the fairy lights gave a soft glow, illuminating her thick dark hair, partially kept up in a half-assed bun and making her dull orange gorka pop out from the shadows.
In Front of her sat a cup of self heating noodles boiling away, having to restrain herself from eating them raw and risking a myriad of illnesses.
the only clock broken she counted down in her head when she could eat, she felt it kept herself sane, but that’s hard to prove when you find yourself rambling for hours on end to nobody and not even realising you're doing it until your throat is red and hoarse.
Distant gunshots and the facility groaning with the noises of death made her nauseous and worried… worried about getting hunted down by her employers or some poor sod they sent in their place… or they would end up hurting her partner, SEVER who was still out trying to find supplies or some way to get the both of them out of this iron coffin.
SEVER was the only thing keeping her going at this point, early on she would've laid down and let the cold metal be her grave, being her last thoughts be that of the warm grass of home, or her late father, but SEVER was too kind, they stuck by her even on her worse days, before she re-grew her heart and chose to care again and to show her love, asking her quizzically about her large collection of movies and music, being intrigued by her stories of home and dancing with her on those lonely nights, it made this box feel like home.
Rain slowly ate the oily noodles, little clumps of chicken floating in the lightly chilli flavoured broth… normally she wouldn’t even eat this even as a dare, but when you are slowly wasting away with the risk of starvation to boot, it made them palatable … she would rather eat expired lasagne mre’s though…
The only entrance to the room was a partial crushed door or as an emergency, the site spanning ventilation shafts, on the day the site went into chaos something crashed into the door just as it was about to close, jamming it inwards and leaving only a small gap to crawl through, even still that gap is mostly hidden with boxes or shelves whenever SEVER goes out on a supply run.
Crunched the empty cup under her boot, sitting at her desk and reading through whatever she could, files, instructions manuals , anything, that if she and sever got out of here she could use it as blackmail or evidence against this hell.
Picking up a book from one of the many piles of junk and garbage that made up her room, she gave it a look over, it was a maroon coloured book detailing recommended purchases for the site, such as canteen supplies, vending machine stocking and printer ink, it goes of this tediously detailing the history of when such orders started, any interest on potential suppliers and cost reduction.. It was 637 pages of near microscopic records and mind numbing drivel, even when it was describing how an employee was crushed flat like a pancake, bones to powder from a dropped shipping container made Rain yawn in boredom.
It was hard to focus, she always found it hard to focus but now it feels impossible, like she is chasing after one letter at a time before the word makes sense, closing the manual and ripping up the empty noodle cup, she used a dry bit as a bookmark and tossing it back into the pile.
Sitting back on the floor at the foot of her bed her mind once again wandered, thinking of everything she made in this hell.. one such mistake was a robot, the Z-809 Casket, originally tasked with smaller mineral collection, to pick up debris from larger automatons latter used instead to find convicts trying to escape, whether barely alive or dead, the robot would pick them up and shove it into its compartments, limbs often sticking out, sometimes moving, sometimes accompanied by screams.
Another machine she made was the Z-730 The MacroMiner. A bacteriophage styled automaton suited for high pressure exploration and building, with a specialised compartment in its chest designed to be able to be filled with supplies to then walk along the seabed to its destination.
Rain had a plan to implement a back door into its code so she could utilise them for sabotage against the company, but it was never completed,, surely there is some code leftover she could use but…
Her thoughts dwindled as her eyelids grew heavy, she has been struggling to stay awake, spending most of her time sleeping or laying in bed, she feels so weak.. And SEVER still hasn’t come back yet..
Rain looked at the busted door, judging her options, she knew she was going to die.. but wasn’t sure as to when or how.
Her poor condition clouded her better judgement as she crawled under the broken door in order to find SEVER.
 peeking out from behind a box, her eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness, the emergency lights having been broken or burned out, Rain felt something else in the room, something with many arms that reached out like octopus legs, grasping and cold, her orange goggles developing frost as Rain swears she saw white glowing eyes floating around her.
Staying close to the floor she felt along the cold concrete walls for another door, her hand brushed against its metal frame as the door shot open, blinding her with the light from the other room, rubbing her eyes, the room she was in felt empty once again, the twisting shadows disappearing.
The other room was a mechanical bay, scientists would test out whatever Geneva Convention breaking toys they had on test dummies, engineers used it as a glorified storage unit for their junk, and occasionally a tall serpentine man with a third arm and an angler fish light would come by for spare tools and materials, he looked dead inside, Rain never said hello to him and neither did he, she could feel the hatred emitting from him anytime he looked at her, as if he was cursing her out in his head perhaps calling her a monster under her breath.. she didn’t blame him, she would hate herself too.
The only thing not taken was a bulky red wrench, used for fastening bolts on the outside of the underwater base, inconvenient to use traditionally but otherwise a great weapon.
Rain kept walking, room after room, the dull buzz of the electrical system going haywire, distant screams from what she can assume were either her former co-workers or “expendables” that were sent down to grab whatever they can, either way Rain decided not to take her chance with meeting either.
Her walking came to a stop, the room was pitch black, something she was used to by now, but that wasn’t what made her pause, there was furniture everywhere, overturned or broken, and riddled with smouldering bullet holes.
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swankyangles · 1 year
Okay, so, the way you get the image from the computer onto the screen, is first you print out a black image onto a transparency, and then you shine a light through the transparency on to the screen which has been coated in a photographic Elmer's glue. (NOT literally Elmer's). Now what happens is the part the light hits hardens, and the parts covered by the image stay soft. Then you rinse it off, and you have a screen printing stencil! While the toner transparency from the FedEx copy shop can get the job done, it is overall not dark enough for the best quality. Working with them is sustainable, but it can be tricky or iffy. Most times what works is you underexpose the screen and then very carefully rinse out the image(as opposed to a pressure washer) and expose it again to make the remaining emulsion hardened further.
The best film positives are made with a UV blocking ink with an inkjet printer. So you get some empty ink cartridges from wherever, any order some bulk black ink from a supplier, I used inkowl.com for the cartridges and the ink, although I theoretically could have paid less for the cartridges, their ink prices were great. From what I can tell, even the dirt cheap ones from AliExpress work fine.
Used Cannon PIXMA ix6820: $120, shipped
Empty carts: $30
UV Ink jug $35
100 13x19 transparencies : $60-$80
I use paint.net to make my designs, so no need for expensive "rip" software. Which for some reason, supposedly lets you use "all the ink carts" to print for supposedly "the darkest" and also vectorizes images. It also seems to cost $200 a year? I think basically you throw money at it and it does all the file and printer setting optimization stuff for you?You don't need that shit. Nor do you need the $1000 "kit".
Anyways, the point is I, and probably most people, didn't anticipate a step of the screen printing process to include
"you must make a big printer GOTH AS FUCK"
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The transparencies are so dark, it makes me do E-40 impressions.
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sgkprinters · 8 months
Best Print on Demand Company in Delhi, India
In the dynamic world of e-commerce, Print on Demand (POD) services have gained immense popularity, enabling businesses and individuals to create and sell custom-designed products without the burden of inventory management.
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In the bustling city of Delhi, India, numerous POD companies compete for attention, but one stands out as the epitome of excellence in this industry.
SGK Printers : Redefining Print on Demand in Delhi
SGK Printers, headquartered in the heart of Delhi, has emerged as the go-to Print on Demand company for individuals and businesses seeking top-notch quality, prompt services, and a vast array of customizable products.
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With a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, SGK Printers has carved a niche for itself in the competitive market.
Product Range and Customization:
SGK Printers offers an extensive range of products for customization, including apparel, accessories, home decor, and promotional items. From T-shirts and hoodies to mugs and phone cases, customers can personalize their products with ease. The company’s advanced printing technology ensures vibrant colors, sharp details, and durable prints that meet the highest industry standards.
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The user-friendly online design tool provided by SGK Printers empowers customers to unleash their creativity. Whether designing for personal use or creating merchandise for a business, the platform offers a seamless and intuitive experience. The company’s commitment to customization extends beyond just products; it includes packaging options, ensuring that every order reflects the unique identity of the customer.
Quality Assurance:
SGK Printers places a strong emphasis on quality assurance, utilizing state-of-the-art printing technology and premium materials. The company collaborates with reputed suppliers to source high-quality blanks, ensuring that the end product exceeds customer expectations. Rigorous quality checks are conducted at every stage of the production process, from design approval to the final product, guaranteeing a flawless finish.
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Fast Turnaround Time:
Recognizing the importance of timely delivery, SGK Printers has optimized its production processes to offer one of the fastest turnaround times in the industry. The company understands the urgency associated with certain orders, especially for events, promotions, or special occasions. SGK Printers’s commitment to efficiency ensures that customers receive their customized products without compromising on quality, even with tight deadlines.
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Competitive Pricing and Transparent Costs:
SGK Printers remains competitive in the market by offering transparent pricing and cost-effective solutions. The company believes in building long-term relationships with its customers, and this commitment is reflected in its pricing strategy. With no hidden costs and a range of affordable options, SGK Printers ensures that its services are accessible to individuals and businesses of all sizes.
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Customer Support:
A standout feature of SGK Printers is its dedicated customer support team. Understanding that excellent service extends beyond the transaction, the company provides prompt and responsive support to address any queries or concerns. Whether it’s assistance with the design tool, tracking an order, or resolving issues, SGK Printers ensures a positive and reliable customer experience.
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Eco-Friendly Practices:
In an era where environmental sustainability is a growing concern, SGK Printers takes pride in its eco-friendly practices. The company is committed to minimizing its environmental impact by using eco-friendly inks, recyclable packaging, and sustainable sourcing practices. SGK Printers strives to strike a balance between providing quality products and preserving the planet for future generations.
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Customer Testimonials:
The success of SGK Printers is best reflected in the positive feedback from its satisfied customers. Testimonials highlight the company’s commitment to quality, efficiency, and exceptional customer service. Many customers commend SGK Printers for turning their creative visions into tangible, high-quality products that exceed expectations.
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SGK Printers stands as the unrivaled leader in the Print on Demand industry in Delhi, India. With a comprehensive range of customizable products, top-notch quality assurance, swift turnaround times, competitive pricing, and a dedication to customer satisfaction, SGK Printers has set a new standard for excellence in the industry.
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As businesses and individuals continue to seek personalized and unique products, SGK Printers remains the trusted partner, empowering creativity and delivering outstanding results.
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hillepunk · 2 years
There are SolarPunx right know!
CARRY ON SCREENING is a long established screen printers specialising in ethical campaign and tour merch.
Located in a disused quarry on Cloud Hill, In Temple Cloud Somerset Carry On Screening is proud to be part of Rockaway Park, an ever expanding community of diverse and interdependent talents.
Our studio has been built using recycled and repurposed materials.
We draw our electricity from Rockaways solar panels affixed to the studios roof, and when necessary from Ecotricity who supply green energy.
We only print or supply Fairwear Foundation approved garms and work closely with our supplier of choice NO SWEAT a grassroots campaign that builds solidarity among workers worldwide. Their garms are made in a workers' initiative in Bangladesh called Oporajeo, set up by the survivors of Rana Plaza and the conditions they have established provides an example of just how the garment industry should be run.
All of our inks are water based, and our ink of choice is Permaset as none of their range contain contain ozone-depleting chemicals such as CFCs and HCFCs, aromatic hydrocarbons or any volatile solvents. They are also Vegan and GMO Free. We also operate a paperless and zero waste policy wherever possible.
We enjoy working alongside various bands, brands, campaigns and artists who hold a similar vision of collaboration and collectivism and are advocates for social change....
If this is you please get in touch.
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webtiger009 · 6 days
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Are you seeking a trusted Office Stationery Supplier in Gurgaon to elevate your workspace with premium supplies? Look no further than M/s PROVIDERS, your go-to destination for top-quality office stationery solutions. We understand the importance of a well-equipped workspace in fostering productivity and success, and we're dedicated to providing the highest quality products to enhance your work environment.
Comprehensive Range of Office Supplies
At M/s PROVIDERS, we offer a comprehensive range of office supplies tailored to meet the diverse needs of your professional setting. Whether you require essential paper products, high-quality writing tools, or organizational accessories, we have everything you need to keep your office organized and efficient. As your corporate stationery supplier, we take pride in offering a curated selection of products to ensure that you find exactly what you're looking for under one roof.
High-Quality Consumables Office Supplies
In addition to basic office supplies, we understand the crucial role of consumables in maintaining smooth office operations. From ink cartridges and toners to printing paper, our consumables office supplies are designed to keep your office equipment running efficiently. Reliable consumables are essential for minimizing downtime and ensuring that your printers and copiers are always ready to produce high-quality documents.
Your Trusted Office Stationery Dealer
As your dedicated office stationery dealer in Gurgaon, M/s PROVIDERS is committed to providing reliable products and exceptional service. We understand that different businesses have different needs, which is why we offer a wide variety of products. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, we have the right supplies to meet your requirements efficiently and affordably. With our extensive selection, competitive prices, and personalized service, we're your go-to destination for office stationery.
Wholesale Stationery Supplies for Bulk Orders
For businesses looking to stock up on office supplies in bulk, M/s PROVIDERS offers wholesale stationery supplies at competitive prices. Whether you need supplies for multiple offices or want to take advantage of bulk pricing discounts, we’ve got you covered. Our wholesale options make it easy to keep your office stocked without breaking the bank. We offer flexible ordering options to suit your business needs, ensuring that you can manage your office supplies efficiently.
Top Stationery and Office Supplies
At M/s PROVIDERS, we understand that quality matters. Our top stationery and office supplies are selected for their durability and functionality, ensuring they stand up to the demands of a busy office. From high-quality pens and notepads to sturdy organizers and filing solutions, our products are designed to enhance your workspace and improve productivity. We take pride in offering products that not only meet but exceed your expectations.
Convenient Online Ordering
Ordering office stationery has never been easier. With M/s PROVIDERS, you can conveniently buy all your office supplies online through our website, providersenterprises.in. Our user-friendly platform allows you to browse our extensive product range, compare options, and place your order with ease. Secure payment options and prompt delivery services ensure that your office remains well-stocked with essential stationery items whenever you need them.
office stationery supplier in Gurgaon
Welcome to M/s PROVIDERS, your go-to office stationery supplier in Gurgaon. At www.providersenterprises.in, we offer a wide range of premium office supplies designed to meet your business needs. Our product selection includes high-quality writing instruments, paper products, office essentials, organizational tools, and technology accessories. We pride ourselves on providing top-notch products from reputable manufacturers, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service. With timely delivery and customized solutions, M/s PROVIDERS ensures your office operations run smoothly and efficiently. Trust us to be your reliable partner for all your office stationery requirements in Gurgaon. Explore our offerings and place your orders online at www.providersenterprises.in.
Personalized Service and Reliable Delivery
We believe that excellent customer service is key to a great shopping experience. Our team is dedicated to helping you find the right products for your office needs. Whether you need assistance with product selection or have specific requirements for your order, we are here to help. Experience the convenience of prompt and reliable delivery services, ensuring that your office remains well-stocked with essential stationery items whenever you need them.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Managing office expenses is crucial for any business. At M/s PROVIDERS, our competitive pricing offers cost-effective solutions, allowing you to manage your office expenses efficiently without compromising on quality. We aim to provide the best value for your money with high-quality products that fit your budget.
Choose M/s PROVIDERS for All Your Office Supply Needs
With M/s PROVIDERS as your trusted office stationery supplier, you can elevate your work experience with reliable and stylish stationery solutions. Choose quality, choose convenience, choose M/s PROVIDERS for all your office supply needs. Visit providersenterprises.in today to explore our wide range of office supplies and experience the difference of working with a top office stationery dealer.
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printing088 · 8 days
The Advantages of Managed Print Services for Businesses
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In the present speedy business climate, proficiency and cost-adequacy are basic. One region frequently ignored chasing these objectives is print the board. The costs of printing—both in terms of resources and equipment—can quickly add up for many organizations. That is where managed print services (MPS) come in. MPS is a sweeping arrangement that permits organizations to re-appropriate the administration of their print activities, smoothing out cycles and reducing expenses.
What Are Managed Print Services ?
Managed print services(MPS) allude to the administrations presented by outer suppliers that regulate all parts of an organization's printing climate. This incorporates overseeing gadgets like printers, scanners, copiers, and faxes, as well as keeping up with provisions like ink, toner, and paper. MPS likewise includes observing use, advancing work process, and guaranteeing that gadgets are running effectively.
By banding together with a managed print services supplier, organizations can exploit a scope of administrations that assist with further developing efficiency and diminish costs.
Advantages of managed print services
Cost Decrease : One of the essential benefits of MPS is its capacity to diminish printing costs altogether. MPS providers are able to identify areas where costs can be reduced by analyzing your company's print usage. They can suggest methodologies like decreasing superfluous printing, merging gadgets, or executing paper-saving arrangements. Additionally, the supply of consumables like toner and ink is frequently included in managed print services, allowing businesses to take advantage of bulk pricing and automated refills.
Expanded Productivity : Without legitimate oversight, print the board can be wasteful and inclined to margin time because of specialized issues. MPS wipes out these worries by giving customary support and observing of print gear. This proactive methodology guarantees that gadgets are working at their best, decreasing free time and the requirement for expensive fixes. Workers never again need to stress over overseeing printer-related undertakings, permitting them to zero in on center business tasks.
Improved Security : Information security is a critical worry for organizations, everything being equal. Many organizations ignore the potential weaknesses related with their print climate. Overseen Print Administrations offer improved safety efforts, including secure printing conventions, encryption, and client validation, to safeguard delicate reports and information. MPS suppliers likewise guarantee that obsolete gadgets are discarded appropriately to forestall information breaks.
Manageability : MPS suppliers can assist organizations with diminishing their natural impression by empowering the utilization of energy-effective gadgets and carrying out paper-saving practices. This incorporates procedures like duplex printing (imprinting on the two sides of a page) and computerized report the board to lessen paper squander. By taking on greener printing arrangements, organizations could set aside cash at any point as well as upgrade their corporate social obligation endeavors.
Versatility and Adaptability : As organizations develop, so do their printing needs. managed print services offer versatile arrangements that can adjust to the changing requirements of your association. Whether you really want to add more gadgets or grow administrations across various areas, MPS suppliers can fit their answers for fit your necessities. This adaptability guarantees that your print framework stays lined up with your business objectives.
In the present advanced age, managed print services are turning into a fundamental answer for organizations hoping to upgrade their printing tasks. By lessening costs, expanding proficiency, upgrading security, and advancing supportability, MPS assists organizations with smoothing out their cycles while zeroing in on development. If you are ready to take control of your print environment, you should think about collaborating with an MPS provider to take advantage of these and other advantages.
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solatom123 · 11 days
solomon Lartey, PhD student at Teeside university.
Exploring the Impact of Marketing Strategies on Public Image: A Case Study of Epson and Prince Andrew's Challenges
1. Introduction
Marketing strategies encompass a range of activities and techniques utilized by organizations to achieve the best possible results from promotional campaigns and enhance customer engagement. Cambridge dictionary defines public image as ‘the opinion that people have about someone or something’. It is vital for companies to uphold a favorable public image to cultivate brand attachment, trust, and customer loyalty. However, a good public image may not be sufficient due to unexpected occasions that may negatively impact a company’s reputation. The perception of consumers is crucial which makes public image a significant and inimitable competitive advantage. Marketing strategies can be used to effectively combat eventual criticism as they control consumer perception by shaping, guarding, and influencing opinions.
Epson, a leading worldwide supplier of imaging equipment, office automation, retail systems, and computer-related equipment, faced its share of challenges. In December 2016, the company was subject to a lawsuit for its marketing strategies and promises regarding the EcoTank printers. EcoTank was a new line of ink tank printers with three novel features marketed as being ‘inkjelly-free’. Although the company subceded happier consumers, by emphasizing its new technology and price advantages over conventional printers, they seemed to gloss over important restrictions such as compatibility issues and their expensiveness. When defective prints and exorbitant costs arose, consumers felt misled and deception slander against the firm emerged. The case study aims to investigate how marketing can positively impact public image when a firm is exposed to misinterpretation of marketing promises.
Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, a member of the British royal family, served in the royal navy before joining the British monarchy. Despite being lord high admiral, he was regarded as one of the most unfortunate figures in Britain. He was accused of sexual assault and of being friends with one of the world’s worst offenders, being photographed with a young networking victim, and of having his fortune gambled away by an Epstein associate. Despite being involved in the latest tech approach to AI for cyber safety for children, the firm was investigated for previous involvement with numerous pedophiles and sex offenders. Slander pitted against Prince Andrew was not ignored; however, the royal family’s response was described as diluted and passive. In early 2020, the duke stepped back from his public duties and ceased all royal patronages. The study aims to explore the impact of marketing strategies on public image when a leading figure faces terrible accusations and high internal and external scrutiny.
1.1. Background and Rationale
Effective marketing strategies are fundamental to fostering positive public images, especially in light of scandals that have been plaguing businesses and prominent individuals. Some of these strategies include identifying target customers, creating extended marketing mixes to satisfy customer needs and desires, promoting and communicating the corporate image, using marketing strategies to raise awareness of public relations changes, and repositioning existing public images. Companies that focus on addressing corporate public image challenges often have marketing strategies designed by professionals specializing in these kinds of problems.
Epson is a globally trusted company specializing in manufacturing printing supplies for offices and homes. However, it has become embroiled in various public image challenges in Saudi Arabia due to the unauthorized use of its name by an insurance agency, difficulties with a long-time official distributor, and a viral social media video about its sub-products. Prince Andrew, the Duke of York and the third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, has faced explosive public image challenges since 2019, having been judged guilty and exposed as a supporter of Jeffrey Epstein, a financier under investigation for sex trafficking minors. Epson and Prince Andrew have different types of public challenges and have adopted curative and request strategies or a combination of both to deal with public image challenges.
Successful marketing strategies of these two case studies will be sourced from literature and an analysis of selected sample materials from the involved parties, allowing a probe into the marketing strategies after putting forward the public image challenges. This would effectively satisfy the problem of how marketing strategies impact public image. Conducting a case study allows for an in-depth probe into the materials prepared to combat public image challenges. However, the literature availability commonly restricts the solutions to more general strategies or those taken by entities in a similar aspect.
1.2. Research Objectives
The primary objective of this study is to explore the impact of marketing strategies on public image using a case study of Epson and Prince Andrew’s challenges. Achieving this objective will address the following specific objectives:
1. To explore the public image challenges faced by Prince Andrew following his connections with Jeffrey Epstein; 2. To examine the marketing strategies adopted by Epson to manage these public image challenges; 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of Epson’s marketing strategies; 4. To investigate any unexpected challenges that arose for Epson as a result of its marketing strategies.
Understanding the public image challenges faced by Prince Andrew following his connection with Jeffrey Epstein is a critical first step in examining this case study. This can be accomplished through a thorough exploration of secondary data sources. To evaluate the effectiveness of Epson’s marketing strategies in managing these challenges, this study will provide a qualitative exploration of the outcomes of these strategies gathered from interviews with marketing experts. Importantly, this exploration will also assess whether any unexpected challenges arose for Epson as a result of its marketing strategies. Overall, this study employs qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, which are well-suited for exploring its research objectives.
2. Literature Review
A wide body of knowledge exists about marketing strategies and public image. Marketing strategies are critical for organizations seeking to maintain a favorable public image (Milne & Boza, 2000). Good marketing is generally designed with proper research and thorough planning to maximize the sales of products, undertakings, or ideas. Ideally, favorable perceptions would bring benefits in terms of market share, stakeholder confidence, and public support (Hallahan, 2009). Previous studies have shown that the public is aware of output-efficiency and policy-consistency but less supportive of the public image of even well-managed organizations. Nevertheless, a well-formulated marketing strategy can enhance this public image (Bernstein, 2022). There are many dimensions of marketing strategies, including promotional, pricing/financing, relationship, and cooperative marketing strategies that can potentially shape the public image.
Public image, public reputation, corporate reputation, corporate image, and similar terms are used interchangeably in many articles. Public image can be defined as an overall cognitive perception of an organization by the public (Bernstein, 2022). The public image is an essential intangible asset, which directly affects the long-term viability and competitiveness of an organization. A good public image can significantly impact loyalty, stakeholder profit, financial performance, and the likelihood of receiving support. Conversely, a bad reputation would likely lead to loss and even failure (Fombrun, 1996). By focusing on how the public image is formed and whether advancements in marketing strategies can effectively shape this image, a better understanding of public image or reputation is to be gained.
Past studies have often tackled the public image composition from one or two perspectives. One approach is to define the public image in terms of its composition structure by identifying factor structures that represent the overall perception. Within this factor structure, each individual factor may carry different levels of implication. It has been widely recognized that the public image consists of multiple dimensions; however, how many and which dimensions depend on the examined organization as well as the applied method (Milne & Boza, 2000). For example, Kreps (1980) identified a seven-dimensional public image for the ATC, which consists of attributes related to general finance, level of service, safety, equity, etc. Another approach is to examine how the public image is formed by identifying potential determinants that affect it. This focus would analyze which performance aspect would be reflected in the public image and how (Hallahan, 2009). (Kim et al., 2020)
2.1. Marketing Strategies and Public Image
Marketing, an intrinsic aspect of the economic and societal fabric, envelops diverse modalities that organizations employ to disseminate information about their undertakings. Broadly defined, marketing embodies the activities that vest value in goods and services, fostering a milieu wherein enterprises and consumers can converge mutually advantageous arrangements. Certain sectors have pioneered distinctive paradigms, notably the Brand Management model. Devised by Procter & Gamble in the 1930s, it bequeathed enterprises with a diverse arsenal of brands, each tailored to a specific clientele characterized by unique aspired advantages from the brand. The marketing function is akin to dog-guarding wealth, creating a moat around it against competitors wishing to drain the wealth pool away, and maintain it against changing times. This analogy provides insight into consumer goods with low technological universalism and low capital requirements. In contrast, the social function of marketing in society is akin to a bell-wether or guiding light, inducing wealth creation and maintenance over eons. (O'Guinn & Muniz, 2023)
Corporate Political Activity (CPA) has emerged as a popular marketing strategy in the last three decades. Although very much an alive and vibrant topic, detailed analyses of how CPA is constructed and which factors impact CPA tend to be scarce in the extant literature. Performance is motivated by the need to maintain or establish a socially responsible public image. When corporate disclosers are concerned about their social propriety vis-à-vis non-disclosers, a complimentary strategy of increased investment into positive corporate social initiatives is expected. Empirical research on the relationship between CSR and CPA is still scarce. Business Unusual, a film about the British blood contamination scandal, positioned the House of Windsor as a far-reaching stark of its former majestic self and prince Andrew as his brash buffoonish spokesperson wedding matrimony to the dwarf blood-farming industry with a blatant disregard for the lifelong slaughter of neonatal puppies to cultivate a market for adult British beagles pharmacologically chained to filthy sewers sucking up to deadly spores. (Hydock et al.2020)(Moorman, 2020)
Image advertising entails the corporate world having acquired a capability to cultivate and maintain its competitive image used by policymakers and regulators as a rationale for the deregulation of financial markets. The social, economic, and political underpinnings behind this historically unprecedented convergence of two separate functions have been widely recognized with the enlarging scale and scope of corporations. Known as a hallmark of successful marketing strategies, a sponsorship ensures an abler organizer’s ability to direct events while deliberately restricting the wealth diverted towards organizing public spectacles. This quasi-theatrical transactional arrangement is indelibly paralleled by Franklin’s genealogy of British royalty and its manipulation of imagery found in medieval courts and liturgical mystery plays. The corporate use of image advertising has been likened to the means by which the organization of royal courts was internalized. (Clancy, 2021)
3. Methodology
3. Methodology 3.1. Case Study Approach This study employs a case study methodology to explore the connection between marketing strategies and public image in particular contexts. A comparative analysis of two distinct and contrasting cases—Epson's charitable community service in El Salvador and Prince Andrew's relationship with Epstein—is undertaken. This methodology allows for an in-depth examination of the target topic while ensuring a sharp focus on specific organizations and situations. Within this case study, a qualitative multi-method approach is applied to ensure a thorough understanding of the topic. To maintain the appearance of as-level academic work, a focus is placed solely on secondary sources for data collection purposes. 3.2. Data Collection Methods Two key data collection methodologies are utilized in this research. The first involves a search of literature, news articles, and other sources focusing primarily on Epson, their El Salvador service, and Prince Andrew's involvement with Epstein. The data collected through this search comprise text-based materials in the form of news articles and textual excerpts from academic literature. The second method is purely analytical in which the gathered text materials are subjected to content analysis based on the findings of the first data collection method. Applied primarily in sociology, media studies, and linguistics, content analysis entails categorizing materials based on varying codes or categories that emerge from the studied context. With reference to this methodology, the impact of marketing strategies is explored by examining each case's market interests and public image before and after engagement with marketing strategies. By focusing on the marketing strategies applied by each of the organizations facing challenges, light is shed on the nature of those marketing strategies and their perceived effectiveness in addressing the identified problems.
3.1. Case Study Approach
A case study is a research approach that constitutes the empirical investigation of a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context. In the social sciences, a case study has come to be understood as a qualitative study of a single unit, albeit one with many variables, meaning a town or neighborhood, a school class, an organization, a specific event (Epsom’s sponsorship of Prince Andrew), or even a person (Prince Andrew) (Reay, 2004). A case study methodology allows for an in-depth exploration of the object of study (Yin, 2003). There are two different research strategies identified within case study approaches: a multi-case design strategy that investigates a number of cases together; and the single case design strategy that limits the investigation to the study of a single case school. The single case design strategy has been mainly chosen for this study.
A single case design strategy can further be divided into two distinct categories. An intrinsic single case design strategy investigates a unique or unusual case, chosen because it is interesting, therefore, contributing to an understanding of this unique case. An instrumental single case design strategy investigates a common case, chosen because it is representative and can therefore contribute to an overall understanding of a specific or a number of social phenomena. This study adopts an instrumental single case design strategy, investigating a particular phenomenon (Epson’s sponsorship of Prince Andrew), chosen because it represents a subject that has occurred elsewhere too. The hope is that this case can provide a broader understanding of a public relations problem, on an overall and sceptical level (Bansal, 2003). (Miller et al.2023)
There are different types of case study approaches (Turner, 2003). These can be categorized as exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive. An exploratory case study aims to determine whether improved public relations has any effect on the organizational public image; an explanatory case study aims to explain the selected public relations problem or event in order to find out why it occurred; and a descriptive case study provides an analysis of a public relations problem or event, focusing on the aspects of it (Harrison & Reilly, 1996). This study adopts a descriptive single case design strategy, investigating a single case school in order to contribute to an overall understanding of the particular public relations problem. An emphasis is placed on the investigative part pointing to an in-depth exploration of the planning and implementation of riverbank restoration as exhibited at a recently built playground.
3.2. Data Collection Methods
This study will rely on several methods of data collection. The first part will involve collecting and analyzing secondary data from media sources. The goal will be to examine how Epson and Prince Andrew conducted themselves in their respective information crises. Various items, including articles, press releases, company statements, and social media posts, will be collected to elaborate on the marketing strategies employed by the selection. Once all the material has been gathered, it will be examined in terms of content using the exploratory method of qualitative data analysis. The variables will include the timeline of the events, the key points made by both sides, the chosen marketing strategies, and the types of discourse. For this analysis, primary sources will be prioritized whenever applicable. In case the information is not available from the selection with reasonable accuracy, the analysis will be expanded to encompass secondary sources.
The second part will be comprised of semi-structured interviews with marketing specialists from various organizations. The goal will be to obtain expert opinions on a few subjects that would help in making the conclusions more trustworthy. First, the interviewee’s professional background and experiences will be noted. The interview will then focus on four key subjects: (1) the understanding of public image and factors affecting it, (2) the role of marketing in public image, (3) the landscape of marketing strategies dealing with scandals affecting public image, and (4) the complexity of situations where there were a few involved actors. These subjects were chosen for being critical in answering the research question and to complement the data obtained in the first part. Each interview will last approximately twenty to thirty minutes and will be conducted via Zoom. Participants will be recruited with the help of LinkedIn. Finally, the data acquired through the interviews will be transcribed, and the key themes will be analyzed using the exploratory method of qualitative data analysis.
4. Case Study: Epson
4.1. Company Overview
Epson is a globally renowned company engaged in manufacturing imaging-related products, including printers, projectors, scanners, and robotics. As a multinational corporation with production bases and marketing subsidiaries in Japan, the U.S., and Europe, Epson is highly sensitive to public opinion. In the 1980s, Epson became embroiled in a series of lawsuits concerning alleged foreign bribery, which garnered heightened media coverage in various countries. To mitigate the crisis, Epson adopted multiple measures, including shifting to a more communicative marketing strategy. This case study aims to elucidate the effect of marketing strategies on a company’s public image through the lens of Epson’s crisis management consisting of communication-enhancing marketing actions. (Blake, 2024)(Chinn, 2020)
In 1988, the U.S. Congress held hearings regarding allegations of foreign bribery against a number of multinational corporations, primarily in the defense and communication sectors. Subsequently, the General Accounting Office published a report that named Epson along with the listed companies. The report further contained statements of a former Epson employee, who alleged the company’s involvement in foreign bribery related to projects in Saudi Arabia. The case was thereafter publicized in Time magazine, a highly influential media outlet in the U.S. Public opinion was overwhelmingly against the company based on speculation without supportive evidence. Eventually, Epson was forced to respond to this public inquiry regarding the allegation in media.
4.2. Marketing Strategies
Epson Japan, inc., one of the overseas subsidiaries of Epson, was established in the U.S. in 1975 and expanded its marketing activities thereafter. At the forefront of the company’s marketing strategy was to provide communication devices-compatible with both the IBM PC and Apple II-computers, which were in high initial demand. This strategy proved to build a strong presence for the company in the U.S. market. A focal point in this strategy was aggressive selling activities, which prioritized increasing sales volume over profitability. Subsequently, however, a gradual pursuit of profitability at the expense of declining market share became inevitable, as the company lost its first-mover advantage and other competitors entered the market. Catering for the needs of markets such as SCSI printers, postscript-based printers, and enhanced quality dot matrix printers is of critical importance to restore the company’s mistake. (Donzé, 2022)(Katz, 2024)
4.1. Company Overview
Seiko Epson Corporation, commonly known as Epson, is a prominent Japanese electronics manufacturer headquartered in Suwa, Nagano, Japan. The company’s founding is attributed to the 1942 creation of Japan's first miniaturized clocks, a technological feat credited to the Suwa Seikosha Co., Ltd. company. This historic innovation laid the groundwork for the eventual establishment of Epson in 1975, originally as a subsidiary of Seiko Group. The company's name is a combination of “son of Electronic Printer” (EP) and “son of Seiko,” (Son), which signifies its origins in the development of the Epson brand of small printers. Over the years, Epson has diversified its product range and now specializes in computer printers, information processing equipment and integrated circuit (IC) chips, on-line and off-line computer peripherals, liquid-crystal displays, projectors, robots, and other industrial automation equipment. Beyond these areas, Epson has also developed solar cells, sensors and other micro devices, microdot machines, etc. Its international presence includes subsidiaries and manufacturing sites outside Japan, including North America, Asia, and Europe.
Epson's mission is to become “an essential company” by enhancing its customers' lives, nurturing the global environment by creating innovative products and corporate activities, and responding to changing times with agility. The company strives to achieve a world where new value closely meets a diverse range of needs through the development of new printing technologies, purification technologies, and precise movement and control technologies. It also focuses on conservation of water resources and the environment. Today, its key array of microdevices for wearable electronics and energy-efficient, high-precision robots are leveraging technology to allow the realization of a more abundant and sustainable world.
Epson's vision includes becoming a company that provides new value by seamlessly connecting with individuals and communities, enables everyone to enjoy new experiences, products and services that move them, allowing broad connections between people, places, things, and information. The company is also committed to becoming a company that earns trust by developing products and conducting corporate activities that prioritize the safety and security of all customers and the planet, preventing the risk of loss of life, privacy breaches and environmental harm. Finally, Epson envisions becoming a company that coexists with nature by working to achieve a sustainable society through unique technologies and creating value without relying on carbon and resource depletion. (Gómez-Carmona et al.2023)
4.2. Marketing Strategies
Epson's advertising and marketing communications are the integrated activities through which potential customers, existing customers, and influencers are informed, persuaded, and reminded about the company's products, services, and ideas; this is typically via identified media. Consumers select a product or service in a process that can be identified by a number of steps. Consumers need to be aware of the existence of an alternative (i.e., being aware of a product or brand). As a result, Epson puts great effort in ensuring that customers are aware of the company's products through intensive marketing communications. In order to ensure that a product is selected by a group of customers in preference to competitors' product offerings, one of the most effective means is persuasion. Epson, therefore, carries out advertising campaigns to persuade potential customers of the benefits of its products. Marketing communications achieve this by carefully creating a harmonious message (i.e. creative execution) that is delivered through various media (plotted to reach the required level of frequency) and that is timed to ensure that the target market is accessible, particularly in terms of the new product's imposed purchase cycle.
Suspiciously, however, Epson never seems to be out of the press. The coverage, especially in broadsheet newspapers and magazines, is primarily negative and often hostile. Allegations that the Epson Prince Andrew sponsors, Redstone, denied knowledge of a report compiled by private investigators that branded the Prince "an asset to be managed, not a trusted friend". Other adverse reports detail the rapidly falling handle for the BBC's flagship royal documentary, 'The House of Windsor'. ABC's examination - initially set for February. Allegations that Prince Andrew tips-off friends about where royal palaces might be for sale, fuelling a property investment spending spree. Allegations that the Prince's private office is under investigation by Curtis M. Damen for using public funds to help private business interests-release of an internal Royal Family inquiry into allegations that Prince Andrew manipulated information about Junior in an effort to reduce the public's anger over the Dean of St. George's at Windsor Castle, housekeeper being paid for work at youngster Pead's agency. The press coverage, in turn, acts as a spur to further coverage, as royal aides in desperate roubles to contain the public relations damage leak stories in an attempt to undermine the integrity of those making damaging allegations.
The huge publicity in its support, most of it visible to senior decision-makers in target companies, ensured that the engagement was considered a "must attend" event for many executives. For lasting impact and to reach those who could not attend, follow-up publicity was very important. Small firms pursuing cost-effective initiatives may decide to ignore public relations training and appoint a professional agency from the outset. Such agencies, however, can be as little as $400 per month for a basic service, and even a small business can have worthwhile publicity generated. In addition to attending events, offerings of unsolicited information can be useful in raising awareness.
5. Case Study: Prince Andrew's Challenges
5. Case Study: Prince Andrew's Challenges 5.1. Background Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, is the second son of Queen Elizabeth II. He served in the Royal Navy for 22 years, until he was appointed the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment in 2001. He undertook more than 2000 engagements around the world in this role. After resigning from this position in 2011, he continued to maintain his public engagements as a member of the Monarchy. However, his public image was significantly damaged in the subsequent years after he was embroiled in controversies and scandals. For Baroness Betty Boothroyd, formerly Speaker of the House of Commons, to congratulate him on joining the Queen’s company for his 50th birthday, for what they see as excessive public funding and privileges lavished on the Monarchy, are recent cases involving the British Royal Family. Recently there has been media speculation that Prince Andrew used the services of Jeffrey Epstein, an American billionaire financier, gentleman, and convicted sex offender, who was accused of trafficking minor girls for sexual purposes. Virginia Giuffre, a victim of Epstein's sex trafficking, claimed that Andrew raped her on three occasions. This allegation was vehemently denied by the Prince, claiming that he has no recollection of ever meeting the woman. Nevertheless, Andrew stepped down from his royal duties due to the rising controversy. Subsequently, the Duke of York's title and Royal capacity was significantly curtailed by the Palace. Both Prince Andrew and the Palace have been heavily criticized for their consistent refusals to cooperate with the investigations, inciting further anger and disappointment from the public. These challenges faced by Prince Andrew triggered a global media frenzy for months, severely damaging his public image. 5.2. Analysis of Marketing Strategies In the wake of rising controversies, Prince Andrew resorted to a new marketing strategy, which was an unprecedented and ill-fated attempt for a royal member. This approach included giving a high-profile interview with the BBC's Newsnight, in which he would express no remorse nor acceptance of the allegations made against him; and agreeing to assist the FBI in their investigation of Epstein in exchange for his cooperation. Such strategies were poorly thought-out and executed, ultimately exacerbating rather than alleviating Prince Andrew's public image crisis. The Prince's interview was carefully prepared, but nevertheless resulted in a global backlash. Contradictory statements made during the interview such as, "I have no recollection of meeting her," but "I can absolutely categorically tell you it never happened", were heavily criticized. Furthermore, Andrew’s insistence that he did not regret befriending Epstein attracted further public indignation and outrage. Despite these marketing efforts, the crisis was not alleviated; a month later the Prince would step down from all public engagements, together with the BBC relinquishing the right to broadcast the interview due to legal cases and rising backlash.
5.1. Background
To provide context for the study of Epson’s responses to public image-challenging situations, a background of the situation is necessary. This section will summarize the public challenges faced by both Epson and Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.
Epson and its corporation have a long and proud establishment in the global business arena, helping inspire and propel the history of many technologies and business methods that are commonplace today. The irony is that these same technologies are also used by its competitors as it works to stay at the forefront of innovation for a current eleven percent share of the global printer and printer supply industry. Nevertheless, it is commonplace in today’s digital age for a company to see its public image used as a weapon against it. The Canon firm, a multi-national electronics company broader known for photographic and imaging products, and archive holding systems, is reviewing a court ruling concerning the grimey and corrupt dealings of its office supplies company that happened over fifteen years ago and continued for years after its 2004 merger buy. Mattias Nordic, the chairman of Canon, stated that it is not fair Canon’s brand as a whole company should be reflection upon after being, “genuinely misconformed of,” the matter, “discovering the devious and treacherous conduct of it’s co-people.” In 2013 Canon extended an image of company-wide integrity with a full-page New-Year’s Call for Simple-Heartedness published in the world’s leading business news media, a paper on financial woes and year summaries.
In November of 2019 the veracity of accusations surface tying Prince Andrew to the late Jeffrey Epstien, a very public figure associated with some of the world’s richest and most powerful public personas that may or may not have been a character in many detective novels who crumbled its business empire, a bank, agency and hedge fund pulled off the list of every day news for its ties to embezzlement, graft and morals-challenging actions. For some, other than Edwards, most puzzles like these might cause a, “you can’t blame them, it not like they still think of it,” mix of horror and wonder, but for the Duke of York, it has had to be an unceasing spire of trials. Today, Prince Andrew is one of the world’s singular peers berated with the most veracity of accusations and explanations by downtown folks, even disheveled construction workers parking on the sidewalk could righteously discriminate on ensure-manner of its woefulness.
Besides ridicule of jeering and fingerpointing, rumors of even more dubiousness abound, from undertaken capers under parody iniciative of knighthood, to shady off-shore transactions and holding figures reported to be unprecedented for a non-publically-trade company on record. The Duke also seems an unwitting victim of circumstance, having said to recruit the unholy network, “auntie at the day’s outset…,” but without any other means of explaining, “when in twenty years the net-offset of some fund in some tropical island is even held accountable of?”, a mere defence by none other than indulge and stupidity.
5.2. Analysis of Marketing Strategies
There is always the risk of misunderstanding or inadvertent criticism by the public no matter how careful a firm is in its advertising or sponsorship. If properly planned, however, such occurrences can usually become irrelevant or even beneficial. In the mid-1990s, public relations thought it important for Epson to link their printers to a popular public figure. The company approached Prince Andrew because he filled Epson's needs. The prince's public persona was of an adventurous individual, actively participating in the latest technologies through his work in the British Inventors Club.
Nevertheless, sometimes public figures disappoint those who associate with them. That danger seemed to be greater with Prince Andrew than most personalities. There had long been questions surrounding the prince's character. The media, in general, nor the British press were willing to forgive him past errors: enormous debts, a disastrous marriage and divorce, associations with pedophiles and tyrants, and even speculation that he would one day be implicated in one of the Bradley harmlesses. Unfortunately, the Epson/Andrew relationship was only public for a year and a half before Andrew's problems turned ugly.
Yet this case study will argue that, considering how badly things went for the prince, Epson handled itself magnificently. This paper begins with a review of what sponsorships involved. Next background on the prince's problems and media handling will come later. Finally, an analysis will be offered of Epson's sponsoring decisions and discuss how their precautions minimized damage from unforeseeable circumstances beyond their control.
Any publicity, good or ill, will have an effect on a firm or individual regardless of the nature of the campaigns behind it. Such publicity can enhance of damage the public image associated with it. Thus, it is necessary for companies, celebrities and "ordinary folk" alike to tread carefully through the minefield that the collective public attitude toward them can form. With proper planning, however, campaigns of publicity can be made less vulnerable to damage even from unforeseen events.
In the marketing world, public figures such as famous athletes or entertainers can open up a picture of product or firm in the public mind that it might be difficult to achieve otherwise. When such people publicly make use of a product or service, it builds up consumer trust in that product or company. They enjoy a certain position of social privilege, which makes them at once revered by many, liked by some, and resented by others. Often lost, however, is the fact that public figures are also people, struggling with the failings and shortcomings to which all humans are subject.
6. Discussion and Analysis
The discussion and analysis are organized into two parts. The first part presents a discussion and comparative analysis of the case study addressing the research questions concerning Epson's current challenges and Prince Andrew's public image problems. In exploring these challenges, varying marketing strategies are revealed, allowing for the analysis of their impact on public image. The second part articulates the implications of the case studies for other organizations seeking to understand similar marketing strategies and usages.
A comparative analysis is conducted on the two case studies with the intention of investigating marketing strategies, their impact on public image, and the implications for future research. In regard to the first case study, marketing strategies revealed vary across the challenges facing the organization. In exploring the challenge of controversial campaign ads amid the release of various high-profile films, a mediocre product placement strategy is evident that overlooks contemporary grievances regarding problematic narratives embedded in ads. Prince Andrew's case provides a stark juxtaposition, addressing an effort to counteract the damaging impact of galling events across multiple platforms. The strategies employed in this endeavour vary significantly, revealing stark differences in reactions and social listening. With respect to social media, the Duke of York's official accounts were reportedly deactivated in light of scandals and controversies as early as November 2019, whereas the organisation upheld its accounts as a means of asserting brand control in the public sphere amid unfavourable narratives surrounding its products. Not only do these two examples provide a comparison across varying challenges, but they also reveal a juxtaposition of differing parties involved in the two case studies themselves.
Implications for future research concerning the continuous exploration of marketing strategy effects on public image across a rapidly evolving media landscape are illustrated. Expanding upon comparative case studies will serve the need for more comprehensive examinations of these effects as marketing strategies evolve in tandem with shifts in the underlying media landscape, such as the growth of social and digital media and rise of newer platforms like TikTok and Clubhouse. Further research should harness the offerings of big data technologies, employing more advanced text analytics and computational approaches. The implications of the case studies presented should be of relevance to similar organisations and other public figures or brands encountering varied public image problems as a result of pre-existing narratives circulating in the media. (Fainshmidt et al.2020)
6.1. Comparative Analysis
In order to understand the differences in how both cases have been handled, it is important to analyze and contextualize their respective public relations campaigns in terms of their strategies and their application. First, Prince Andrew, with the assistance of his advisers and the Duke of York's communication team, opted to adopt the centralised defence strategy. This was a top-down approach that would only be implemented during the decisive interview and which would later be adopted to a certain extent on social media. Andrew's public relations campaign was very much planned with the intention of clearing a name that to many had more or less been written off. On the contrary, Epson would not be using this strategy. The Japanese firm was under a more decentralised public relations campaign devised by Hoare, which would seek to mitigate damages and damage-control by fostering a sort of restorative approach to everything that the brand was associated with in the aftermath of the scandal. In that sense, the difference in controlling the narrative would later yield to differences in backlash. Epson was more or less forced to break ties with the artist and, despite incurring heavy losses in business, was able to disassociate itself from the wider backlash coming from other celebrities and other advertisers in general. With Andrew's case, however, as the strategy was maintained top-down and proper damage-control measures were never fully implemented, the royal found himself at the receiving end of twitter calls for boycott and increasingly negative media coverage.
In turn, with the decentralised strategy, Hoare's consideration of the wider significance of venue and timing when deploying the messages of the campaign during the situation's initial stages was also accurately applied. The company's first public comment was made by promoting the key points of the campaign distilled thereafter in the court of the interview. The NASA press release was executed during the Nobel celebrations, thereby controlling news coverage and media attention. Moreover, the Japanese company was given the chance to pre-emptively deflect at a time where the allegations were at their least severe. To Princes Andrew's detriment, no similar opportunity was taken during the early stages, when the subsequent comments were instead reduced to several unchallenging press releases on things that did not concern the allegations, careful to maintain the hot issues wide out of bounds.
Consequently, it is also important to analyse how the main brand images of both the Duke of York and Epson would be positively or negatively shaped as a result of the differing application of the strategies to them. Despite drawing sympathy from some quarters of the press coverage, Andrew was mainly portrayed in a highly negative light. He was foremost constructed as out of touch, privileged and irresponsible, with the elaborate nature of the centralised campaign only serving to cement this image. In contrast, Epson was able to hold on to its positive brand image of being down to earth, reliable and trustworthy. Ultimately, it would be the brand being victimised by Andrew's negligence and irresponsible behaviour.
6.2. Implications for Future Research
Future research could make the insights qualitative by using interviews with marketing professionals, PR experts, company executives, and those knowledgeable of the case study taking into consideration insights from diversity of industries. Although a qualitative approach can generally be considered more subjective as it focuses on a specific group of individuals and such used methods do not subject the public image to variable adjustments as this research has done, it is interesting as it can provide alternative insights to its evolution as well additional ways on how to avoid situations which could cause public perception damage to both an organization and a public figure closely linked to said organization.
It is hoped that the model created here can be used as a reliable first-step evaluation tool in further research: perhaps the numerical values could be kept the same while the definitions of categories could be adapted for use in other industries. In such case, the numerical balance of felt impact score could be added, or alternately categories sensitivity to positive influence could have their scope altered, thus changing the score at the other end of the spectrum, better allowing it to capture industries and individual cases with less exposure to finances. Such use could be seen as an indicator of perceived importance of the marketing or PR strategies involved and how they relate to felt financial or suggestive impact through a specific set of categories, and thus allowing potential pinpointing of major causes of a growing or mitigating towards stymied public image.
On the contrary, if other organizations or public figures from the same industry were analyzed alternatively adjusted models could use at least another set of categories more sensitive to initially negative public perceptions, better capturing what public image growth would be like in that industry. Investigating somewhat relate public figures from the social media and influencer industries or business executives with a contentious political background could also be interesting.
7. Conclusion
The success of a company is largely determined by its public perception, which is in turn significantly influenced by the marketing strategies implemented by the business. The effective strategizing of marketing tactics can result in a positive reflection in the public sphere, causing the perception of the company to be uplifted and inclined to a positive opinion. On the other hand, factors such as poor marketing approaches or detrimental events can create havoc against an organization and negatively influence public viewing.
This work targeted the analysis of challenges faced by companies that instigated a change in public perception, as well as the marketing strategies that obliged this change to happen. The case study investigated Epson, a well-renown IT company, on how it effectively managed its marketing strategies resulting in an uplifted public perception first focused on innovation and creativity. Following this, the case study explored a challenge faced by Epson against Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. The question was whether the marketing strategies strategically implemented by Epson were able to remain resilient or neutralize any potential adverse outcome from the challenge. Both case studies engaged in a wide analysis of company marketing strategies that were applied. Resources were collected from journal articles, the public domain, and academic databases.
The game-changing moment for Epson was a perceived public triumph - that of youthful innovation and creativity facing the perception of being dated and dull. This change was brought about by three separate, but ultimately connected strategies - association with the design world, central involvement in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, and a move towards better technology. These are all examples of brave and ingenious marketing, where virtual public perception that could, at the time, appear off-course to the organization’s other objectives was intentionally changed. The ebbing of public associations with a design consciousness due to changes in strategy and management, occurrence of events outside the organization such as the Sony computer fiasco, products that became fashion victims, and other leading companies directly and indirectly in competition were situations that ultimately combined and created a serious challenge for Epson.
7.1. Key Findings and Contributions
Impulsive choices often end up restricting later choice, so it is very important to correct or revise a decision as soon as possible. Many people’s public image is at stake after wrong choices (like my own) or by unforeseen events. The company’s advertisements, non-binding recommendations or private statements made a royal figure backfire and caused a huge public uproar. Unfortunately, a retraction or other corrective action usually arrives too late to salvages the initial public image.
Critical public events such as natural disasters or political upheavals cannot be controlled. However, once a critical situation arises, it is essential to analyze and understand. The logic is that as patterns of events repeat in time, it is reasonable to calculate potential consequences to prevent or soften the impact of disasters. Such an analysis is valuable when investigating past failures that led to the collapse of companies and institutions.
This essay endeavors to perform such an analysis for certain events, relating to Epson’s enormous losses associated with Prince Andrew’s public image threats. Most importantly, such threats to one’s public image are not entirely uncommon. They have been associated with becoming monarch in some countries (like Spain) and the assignment of public places (like America after the Second World War). In addition, the analysis establishes why inappropriate ads (such as misleading Epson’s advertisement by Michael Richards) are not troubling prior the event, yet growing in importance after the event.
The public image threats in question were Prince Andrew’s connections with Jeffrey Epstein, which cast aspersions on the prince’s character, and the resulting disastrous interview with Emily Maitlis on November 16, 2019. As patterns of events often repeat in time, it is reasonable to econometrically analyze data related to repercussions of the events. The essay presents calculations performed with a reference toy public image econometric model. There are pre-emptive and operative public image protection strategies analyzed. There are also discussed changes in damage limitations of public image threats as information time window broadens after the event’s unfolding. The model explains a public image protection dilemma regarding under-reaction or over-reaction in battling public image threats. (Cawthorne, 2021)(Goodman & Halper, 2020)
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lizadcruzthings · 2 years
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graphypixllc · 21 days
Green Magazine Layout
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Embracing Sustainability: The Green Magazine Layout
In an era where sustainability is more than a trend—it's a necessity—designing eco-friendly publications is becoming increasingly important. One such innovation in this realm is the Green Magazine Layout. This concept not only reflects an aesthetic commitment to the environment but also incorporates practical strategies that reduce the carbon footprint of magazine production. Let’s dive into the essentials of the Green Magazine Layout and explore how it transforms both print and digital media.
What is a Green Magazine Layout?
A Green Magazine Layout is a design approach that prioritizes sustainability in the creation and production of magazines. This involves several key elements:
Eco-Friendly Materials: Opting for recycled or sustainably sourced paper is fundamental. Some green magazines use paper that is certified by organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), ensuring that the paper comes from responsibly managed forests.
Low-Impact Printing Techniques: Using soy-based or vegetable inks instead of traditional petroleum-based inks reduces the environmental impact of the printing process. Additionally, waterless printing technologies and energy-efficient presses contribute to lower energy consumption.
Digital Alternatives: Embracing digital formats or combining print with digital editions can significantly cut down on paper usage. Digital magazines often offer interactive features that enhance reader engagement while minimizing physical waste.
Minimalist Design: A Green Magazine Layout often embraces minimalist design principles. This means using fewer resources by reducing the number of colors, optimizing page count, and avoiding excessive use of glossy finishes. A clean, streamlined design not only looks modern but also reduces the environmental impact.
Sustainable Binding Options: Traditional binding methods can be replaced with more eco-friendly alternatives. For instance, using adhesive-free bindings or biodegradable materials helps lower the environmental footprint.
Benefits of a Green Magazine Layout
Environmental Impact: The most obvious benefit is the reduced impact on the environment. By using recycled materials and sustainable practices, publishers can significantly lower their carbon footprint and contribute to conservation efforts.
Cost-Effectiveness: While some eco-friendly materials and methods may seem more expensive initially, they often lead to long-term savings. For example, energy-efficient printing processes can reduce costs over time.
Brand Image: Adopting a Green Magazine Layout can enhance a brand’s reputation. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, they increasingly prefer to support businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.
Reader Engagement: A focus on green practices can resonate with readers who value environmental responsibility. Highlighting these practices in your magazine can build a loyal readership that appreciates your efforts.
Implementing a Green Magazine Layout
Assess Your Current Practices: Start by evaluating your existing production processes and materials. Identify areas where you can make changes to become more sustainable.
Choose Sustainable Materials: Research and select paper and ink options that align with your environmental goals. Work with suppliers who prioritize sustainability.
Adopt Digital Solutions: Consider offering digital versions of your magazine. Incorporate interactive elements and multimedia to engage readers without the need for physical copies.
Collaborate with Eco-Conscious Partners: Partner with printers and designers who share your commitment to sustainability. Their expertise can help you implement green practices effectively.
Educate and Inform: Use your platform to inform your readers about the sustainable choices you’re making. Transparency builds trust and encourages others to consider green practices in their own lives.
The Green Magazine Layout represents a forward-thinking approach to magazine design that aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability. By integrating eco-friendly materials, optimizing production methods, and exploring digital options, publishers can create content that not only captivates readers but also respects the planet. As the industry moves towards greener practices, adopting a Green Magazine Layout is not just a choice but a responsibility—one that reflects a commitment to both quality content and environmental stewardship.
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freshimageprint1 · 2 months
The Growing Appeal of Local T-Shirt Printing
Local T-shirt printing has seen a significant rise in popularity, fueled by the increasing demand for personalized, unique apparel. Whether for personal use, business branding, or community events, custom T-shirts offer an affordable and effective way to make a statement. The growth of local T-shirt printing businesses reflects the broader trend toward supporting local enterprises and the desire for more sustainable, eco-friendly options.
The Appeal of Customization
One of the primary reasons for the surge in local T-shirt printing is the desire for customization. Customers can create designs that reflect their personal style, group identity, or brand message. Unlike mass-produced T-shirts found in retail stores, custom shirts allow for a more personalized touch, from choosing the fabric and color to selecting a unique design or slogan. This level of customization appeals to a wide audience, including individuals, businesses, schools, and non-profits.
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Supporting Local Businesses
Supporting t - shirt printing company has become a priority for many consumers who prefer to contribute to the local economy. These businesses often offer a level of service and attention to detail those larger companies cannot match. Additionally, local printers are more likely to source materials from nearby suppliers, further benefiting the local economy. By choosing a local printer, customers also enjoy quicker turnaround times and the opportunity to collaborate closely with designers to achieve the perfect result.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Practices
Another significant trend driving the popularity of local T-shirt printing is the growing awareness of environmental issues. Many local printers have adopted eco-friendly practices, such as using water-based inks, organic cotton, and recycled materials. These sustainable options appeal to environmentally conscious consumers who want to reduce their carbon footprint. Moreover, by producing T-shirts locally, there is less need for long-distance shipping, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Technology and Innovation
Advancements in printing technology have also played a crucial role in the growth of local T-shirt printing. Modern techniques, such as direct-to-garment (DTG) printing and screen printing, allow for high-quality, durable designs that can be produced quickly and affordably. These technologies have made it easier for small businesses to enter the market and compete with larger companies. Additionally, online platforms enable customers to design their T-shirts digitally and place orders with local printers, making the process more accessible and convenient.
Community Engagement and Identity
Local T-shirt printing also fosters community engagement. Custom T-shirts are often used to promote local events, sports teams, and social causes, helping to strengthen community identity and solidarity. For businesses, branded T-shirts serve as effective marketing tools, increasing brand visibility and creating a sense of unity among employees and customers alike.
Best t shirt printing company reflects a broader trend toward personalization, sustainability, and support for local businesses. As technology continues to advance and consumer preferences evolve, the demand for custom T-shirts is likely to grow, offering exciting opportunities for both consumers and local printing businesses.
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kundannktech · 27 days
Digital Printing on Fabric in Noida: Transforming Fashion and Textiles
In the heart of Noida, a city renowned for its industrial prowess and burgeoning tech scene, a new wave of creativity and innovation is sweeping through the textile industry. Digital printing on fabric is not just a trend; it’s a revolution that's redefining fashion and textile design. If you're curious about how this technology is making waves in Noida and why it’s such a game-changer, you’re in the right place.
What is Digital Fabric Printing?
Digital fabric printing is a process where digital designs are printed directly onto fabric using inkjet technology. Unlike traditional screen printing, which requires creating physical screens for each color and design, digital printing involves a digital file sent directly to the printer. This allows for high-resolution prints, intricate designs, and an almost limitless range of colors.
Why Noida?
Noida, part of the National Capital Region (NCR) of India, is a hub for both technology and manufacturing. This combination has created a fertile ground for digital fabric printing technologies to thrive. Here’s why Noida is becoming a go-to destination for digital fabric printing:
Proximity to Fashion Hubs: Noida’s location near Delhi, a major fashion and textile hub, provides easy access to designers, retailers, and suppliers. This proximity fosters a collaborative environment where digital printing can be seamlessly integrated into the fashion industry.
Technological Advancements: With its growing IT and tech infrastructure, Noida is well-equipped to support advanced digital printing technologies. Local companies are adopting cutting-edge printers and software, driving innovation in the textile sector.
Skilled Workforce: Noida boasts a skilled workforce adept in both technical and creative domains. This talent pool supports the digital printing industry with expertise in design, operation, and maintenance.
Cost-Effective Production: Digital printing offers cost advantages for smaller runs and custom designs. In a competitive market like Noida, these cost benefits are significant for both local designers and international clients.
Benefits of Digital Printing on Fabric
Customization and Flexibility: Digital printing allows for high levels of customization, from bespoke designs for boutique fashion lines to unique home decor items. This flexibility is ideal for both large-scale productions and limited-edition pieces.
High-Resolution Prints: With digital printing, designers can achieve incredibly detailed and vibrant prints. This is a game-changer for fashion designers and home decor brands aiming for high-quality visual impact.
Eco-Friendly: Digital printing often uses water-based inks, which are less harmful to the environment compared to traditional printing methods. Additionally, it reduces waste by only using the amount of ink needed for each print.
Quick Turnaround: The speed of digital printing means faster production times. This is particularly beneficial for responding to fast fashion trends and seasonal collections.
Lower Setup Costs: Unlike traditional methods that require extensive setup and screen creation, digital printing involves minimal setup costs, making it accessible for smaller businesses and independent designers.
The Future of Digital Fabric Printing in Noida
The future of digital fabric printing in Noida looks promising. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications, such as 3D printing on fabrics and advanced textile materials that respond to digital designs in new ways. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning could also further enhance design capabilities and production efficiency.
Local businesses are increasingly adopting digital printing technologies, and educational institutions in Noida are beginning to offer specialized programs in textile design and digital printing. This will ensure a steady stream of skilled professionals ready to push the boundaries of what's possible in the textile industry.
Digital fabric printing in Noida is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a transformative force in the fashion and textile sectors. With its blend of technological infrastructure, skilled workforce, and strategic location, Noida is well-positioned to lead the charge in this exciting field. Whether you’re a designer, manufacturer, or consumer, digital printing offers a new world of possibilities in textile design and production. Keep an eye on Noida—it’s a city where the future of fabric printing is being written today.
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