#Probablly not long after Sun/Aibs breakup
sunyri · 7 years
Her mind’s eye was still filled with the blue flames engulfing everything around her. The sound of the rain that soon followed seemed to deafen her although it was now out of earshot. The words of her friend echoing on repeat as if on a broken record.
How dare you.
You will rue this day.
She wasn’t sure where her feet were carrying her, but she had to get out. Sun had probably been walking for quite a while, the sun should have been just rising, but she couldn’t see it. The coolness of the darkness kept her wrapped in some comfort as she walked into the darkened arches of a forest path. It was a strange darkness that would normally put her on edge, but she felt like she just wanted to blend into it and become the darkness at that moment.
She found a huge tree with a natural cove inside it and there she curled herself inside. Sun willed herself to just disappear, just be nonexistent, for a while. 
This hurt. This hurt worse than being with the Unseelie, worse than being in that clean white room with the humans. Had she made the right decision? Was Anthony right? It didn’t matter now because she had done it and now she was alone and..so fucking lost..everything, everything she had built for herself had crumbled up in a blue flame a few hours ago and it was clear Aibell did not welcome her back.
She could feel herself rocking back and forth inside the alcove of the tree, her breathing an unsteady mess. What had she done? She hadn’t felt this alone since her stay with maeve..
..And suddenly she noticed a light through her closed eyelids. It wasn’t blinding, but it flitted around oddly and Sun found herself quiet as she opened her eyes to see what could have joined her here in the deeper parts where even the tougher creatures stayed away.
“Whisp..” She breathed. 
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