#Promotional Bags Sydney
bweeeb · 3 months
Carmen Berzatto x Reader
Notes: I started watching the third season of The Bear and my love for Carmen returned.
Summary: When Carmen compares Y/n to Claire on a stressful day, he almost ruins everything with the woman in his life.
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Carmen Berzatto was never a kid with many friends. In fact, he didn't have any for a big part of his life, until you came along. The principal and teachers thought you were too advanced for your grade and bumped you up a year, where Carmen was. Berzatto never imagined a girl as pretty as you would be his friend. He thought you’d hang out with Claire or the cool kids, but no, you obviously became friends with everyone, especially Claire, but mostly with him. It was you and Carmen. After school ended, your friendship lasted six years until he moved to New York and came back when Michael committed suicide. At first, things started off well again. You worked in your family’s marketing business, filming and promoting restaurants with creative and interesting videos. Carmen needed you to promote The Bear. You two started getting close again. Suddenly, you were helping him late at the restaurant, joining him and the crew for family meals, and then he asked you out, thanks to Richie pushing him to do it, and that’s how you got to where you are now. Maybe it was a bit early, but after a few long months, your lease ended, and without thinking much about it, you ended up moving in with Carmen. He was always working, so you didn’t get in his way, and he didn’t get in the way of your editing work. You didn’t have much to complain about. Every night, Carmen would come home, you two would shower together, helping him relax, and fall asleep watching something. Until it wasn’t like that anymore. You were always a clingy person since childhood. Your parents told you that, but never in a bad way. You always thought it was okay to show love through touch and words of affirmation, until Carmen seemed bothered by it. He started showering alone, saying he’d be with you soon. He’d let go of your hand on the couch and sit farther away than usual. The messages you used to send, which he said he loved because they relaxed his mind when the restaurant was chaotic, he no longer seemed to appreciate. You tried to make sure he was okay with all your emotions before starting a relationship, and Carmen assured you he was, even saying your touch calmed him and he’d never felt that way with Claire. Claire was never a tough subject between you two, but it was inevitable for you not to feel a pang of jealousy knowing Carmen sought her out before you.
It was almost eight in the morning, and that morning Carmen had left in a rush after oversleeping. While you were organizing things at home, his chef's coat appeared in front of you, and without much doubt, you realized he had left without it, which was almost unacceptable. You grabbed the coat and drove to the restaurant, not knowing that Carmen was having a bad day and taking it out on everyone in the kitchen. Entering through the back doors, your eyes widened at the commotion coming from the kitchen. You passed Marcus, who smiled and raised his eyebrows at you.— You need to calm your man down. He said, handing you a small bag and letting you pass. Walking through the kitchen, you passed by Sydney, who shook her head in disapproval, with Richie right behind her, clapping his hands.
— S/n, the cousin's losing it. If I were you, I wouldn’t go in there, but I think you’re our only hope.
Richie said, hugging you tight and lifting your feet off the ground, causing you to let out a low laugh that made Carmen look out of his office, seeing you in Richie’s arms. Carmen's neck vein popped out for no reason, feeling jealous of your friendship with Richie, which had never happened in the fourteen years of friendship. Now, his already bad day seemed worse. Carmen, without thinking, walked over to you both, and as Richie let go of you, he grabbed his coat from your hand roughly, turned his back, and ran his fingers through his oily hair that hadn’t been washed properly, unlike when you washed it. Yesterday, he had skipped your shower together. — Maybe a thank you would be great. You said, following him through the kitchen with Richie behind you like a loyal puppy.
— She brought it for you, cousin.
— Yeah, big deal. He muttered, and you stopped in your tracks, tensing at his harsh tone.
— Leave this to me, Richie, thanks. You turned to the older man, who nodded and stepped away, ensuring that if you called for help, he’d come running.
You slowly approached Carmen, who was at the counter cutting vegetables, and leaned on one arm to look at him. — Hey, babe, what’s wrong?
Your soft, calm voice, which usually soothed Carmen, made him swallow hard in irritation.
When you got no response or even a glance, your smile fell into a disappointed sigh. — Are you okay?
— Yeah, I’m fine, Y/n. Another robotic response.
— Okay, are you mad because you woke up late?
— Your hair’s gonna fall into the ingredients. His voice raised rudely, and you widened your eyes, taking a hair clip from your bag strap and tying your hair up. — There, better? Your voice stayed calm and low, not letting the others in the kitchen hear what you were saying, always the opposite of Carmen in bad moments. — Can you at least look at me when you talk to me, please?
You asked, and the knife in Carmen’s hand stopped. His fiery gaze landed on you, and you didn’t know if you’d ever felt such a strong urge to cry from a look before. — I don’t wanna talk to you, Y/n. I didn’t ask you to come here. Carmen’s harsh words escaped, and you frowned. You knew he hadn’t called you, but you knew him well enough to know he was freaking out about not having a coat.
— Excuse me? Why are you acting like a child? I know you didn’t call me here, you jerk, but all your coats were at home, and I brought one for you.
— I don’t care what you say. I don’t want you here. Didn’t you notice that? I don’t even know if I want you in my bed anymore. Carmen’s words gradually softened until his last words came out as a confession that made your eyes fill with tears. — Stop being so clingy, for fuck’s sake. Claire was never like that. Carmen exploded, causing the kitchen to fall into an awkward silence.
— Well, maybe you should call Claire then, Carmen. You said, biting the inside of your cheek, feeling like you were being stabbed in the chest. And you couldn’t stop thinking that Claire had always been the center of Carmen’s attention as teenagers, why wouldn’t she be now?
— Maybe I will, maybe I’ll call her and say my annoying girlfriend is being a pain in the ass at my fucking job. At least Claire didn’t stick to me like glue when I got home and knew how to respect my space. She did something useful at work, for fuck’s sake. Carmen yelled, and your throat formed a huge lump, knowing you’d either cry like a baby in front of him or outside, and you preferred to do it away from his eyes.
— Go fuck yourself, Carmen. You said, turning your back on your boyfriend, refusing to look at him with tear-filled eyes again. Walking through the kitchen, Richie came up to you with wide eyes, stopping you midway, but you just pushed him aside, making him run to Carmen with his hands on his head.
— What the FUCK did you just do, cousin? FUCK. That woman is the love of your life, damn it. Look at what you just said to her, you idiot. Richie yelled in Carmen’s face, who looked at his friend with his hands on his face as regret hit him. It was like while he was saying all those nasty things to the girl he loved most, his mind was clouded with adrenaline and anger, not at her, but at the pressure he was feeling that ended up being dumped on her. Running out of the restaurant, trying to catch up with you, but it was too late, and you had already disappeared.
When night came, Carmen walked into the house, and immediately when the emptiness greeted him, his chest felt heavy with regret again. There were no warm kisses, whispered caresses in his oily curls from spending all day at the restaurant, and no you, tiny and eager to try the food he’d brought for you to taste. He approached your shared bedroom and saw you curled up under the covers, hugging a pillow that used to be him. You never slept before he got home, and immediately, the fear of losing you hit Carmen, who got in the shower and felt his tears fall as he thought about how stupid he’d been to treat the person who made him feel safe and good after Michael left so badly.
After he got out of the shower, Carmen knelt by your side of the bed and gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, making you stir briefly and open your eyes quickly. Your usually bright eyes were red from crying so much, and it was impossible for Carmen not to notice. In a leap, you pulled away from his touch and sat up in bed, avoiding his gaze.
— I brought food for you. Carmen said, and you just shook your head, lying back down, unable to really sleep again.
— I’m not hungry, thanks. You murmured weakly, and Carmen wanted to slap himself for treating his sweet girl so badly. Even after hurting you, you thanked him when he couldn’t even properly apologize.
— I… I’m sorry, sweetheart. Carmen said, looking at your back and only receiving a nod. You knew your voice would crack from the tears starting to fall again, and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry anymore. Carmen's heart sank at your lack of response, feeling the weight of his words crushing him. — I didn't mean it, any of it. I was just... I'm an idiot, and I took everything out on you. You didn't deserve that. You never do.
He whispered, his voice trembling with genuine regret. You stayed silent, trying to process his words. You wanted to forgive him, but the pain was still fresh. — Please, look at me, Y/n. I can't stand seeing you like this.
Carmen pleaded, his hand reaching out to touch you again, but stopping midway, unsure if it was welcome.
— Do you know how much it hurts to hear that from the person you love the most? You finally spoke, your voice breaking, making Carmen wince at the raw emotion in your words.
— I know, and I'm so, so sorry. I don't know how to make it right, but I'll do anything. Just don't leave me, please. Carmen's desperation was evident, and you slowly turned to face him, seeing the genuine remorse in his eyes. It was hard to stay mad at someone who looked so broken.
— I just need you to be honest with me. If you need space, say it. If something's wrong, tell me...— You stopped for a second, apprehensive — Can I ask you something? Do you see her in the back of your mind all the time wishing I were her? You asked, sniffling, and immediately Carmen shook his head. — Because I see her, and I can't keep on someone's place.
— Claire and I didn't work out because she couldn't stand me, and I couldn't stand her. You're the reason I wake up every day, knowing I'm going to come back from the restaurant to here and you'll be here is what makes me want to keep going, Y/n. Claire didn't do that, she never did. I'm sorry. He whispered pulling you into his arms in a hug. — I love you, Y/n. I'm sorry for making you doubt that.
— I love you too, Carmy. But I swear if you make me feel this shit again, I'll leave you forever, that's your only chance to do the right things, Carmen
— I promise. I'll be better. I don't ever want to lose you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. He confessed, his eyes filled with tears. You sighed. and Carmen hugged you tighter as he mumbled several apologies in a row.
— Can we take a nap now, please? I can't sleep without you.
— But what about the restaurant?
— They can handle lunch without me. He said, picking you up and carrying you to the neatly made bed.
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middlingmay · 2 months
May I request HUG from the tackle prompts, for Clegan? 🥰
[ HUG ]: sender tackles the receiver to the ground in their enthusiasm to give them a hug.
Hello! Took me a wee while to get to this one, sorry, but it was a great chance to dive back into my Footballer!John AU.
Taken from this prompt list.
Hope you like it!
Newly-minted Arsenal midfielder John “Bucky” Egan showed off his tackling skills at Heathrow Airport yesterday. His promotion to the Champions League came with high emotions as he was reunited with his reporter boyfriend Gale Cleven, who covered Spain’s recent win in the Women’s World Cup. The couple were seen canoodling outside a trendy bar in Sydney in the early weeks of the tournament, before Egan returned the UK to embark on his new training regime. A tried and tested asset in the defensive midfield, Arsenal manger Mikel Arteta is rumoured to consider a move to a forward position…
John chuckles as he folds the paper and tosses it beside him on the couch. He knew they’d cause a stir with his display yesterday, but he hadn't cared then and he doesn't care now.
Over a month without Gale had been awful.
The nature of both their jobs demand time apart, a few days here, a week there. No biggie. And when Gale had told him his news outlet wanted him to cover the Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, John had foolishly thought this would be no different.
He’d been thrilled for Gale. John knew he wanted out of sports journalism, and was starting to dip his toe into STEM reportage and was impressing all the right people, but the World Cup was a huge privilege, a huge responsibility, a huge pay cheque, and a great opportunity to travel somewhere Gale might not have went otherwise.
Or John.
Timing’s wise, it wasn’t great. Summer fixtures were in full swing, but he’d managed to bag two full days in Sydney with Gale. They’d been a glorious sun-bleached daydream of exploring the city, enjoying some good football, and taking advantage of every opportunity he had to put hands all over his boyfriend.
Gale hadn't been able to see him to the airport because he had to be at the Allianz Stadium early. But when he saw him off at the door of his hotel, his eyes had gone uncharacteristically bright and John’s heart broke a little to realise that Gale was trying not to cry.
“Hey,” John dropped his duffle bag and swept Gale into his arms; their fifth hug in the last ten minutes. “What’s all that for?”
Gale had burrowed his head into the curve between John’s neck and his shoulders. Those long, strong fingers of his grasped at his shoulder blades tight and bunched up John’s jacket.
“M’sorry,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “Stupid.”
John had pushed him back, cupped Gale’s face under his jaw and made him look at him. “Nothing about you is stupid. I’m gonna miss you, too.”
John had kissed him then, and didn’t stop until his phone buzzed angrily, his ride to the airport beckoning.
Gale had laughed at himself and gently pushed John away. “Go on, get. Some of us have actual work to do.”
John hadn’t got why Gale had been so upset then, but he does now. Waiting a whole month to see Gale, touch Gale, smell Gale was torture. The only thing that had gotten him through it, asides from their texting and phone calls and video calls, was throwing himself head first into practice. He was the first in and last out, every day. He worked his body so hard, he just had enough energy to eat and talk to Gale before he fell into bed to rinse and repeat.
So, when the World Cup was over and Gale was coming home, John had insisted on picking him up at the airport.
John can see over the top of everyone perfectly fine, thanks to the long legs and tall frame he inherited from his dad. But that doesn’t stop him from straining to stand on the tip top of his toes every few seconds.
He looks every which way at the gate, tries to see through the stupid narrow windows on the doors to get his first glimpse of Gale in the flesh. But he stays stubbornly absent.
John’s dimly aware of the looks and murmuring around him. But every time he starts to tun in a pay some attention, he thinks he sees something move where Gale’s plan is due to disembark and he’s back on his toes, craning his neck. He’s one single minute away from jumping in the air like a five-year-old to try and see even further, he swears to God.
Then, finally, the doors swing open and a flood of people swarm through. There are families lugging tired kids; there are sunburnt, hungover teenagers and twenty-something-year-olds; there are leather-skinned retirees, crisply-outfitted business folks. And then, finally through the throng, John spots him.
He’s always thought Gale was the most beautiful person on the plant. He thinks he’s beautiful in his suits he wears for work. He thinks he’s beautiful in the sweats and t-shirts he wears at home. He thinks he’s beautiful in those stupid slipper socks he wears because his feet get cold at night.
But right now, he’s never looked better. He’s exhausted, John can tell; he hasn’t slept on the plane. The shadows under his eyes are purplish. His skin is pale, his hair is unbrushed. His clothes are wrinkled. But he walks tall, looking over the crowd and scanning, scanning, until—
His whole face, whole body, slumps with relief when he spots John.
And that’s just too much for John to take.
Legs strong and conditioned for exactly this task, John pelts forward, weaving through holiday-makers, dodging wheely-cases, not breaking stride for a second. They all pass him by in a multicolour blur as he runs for Gale. Gale only has time to drop his bag before John lands. Between his momentum and Gale's tiredness, they’re careening down to the floor, John’s hand protecting Gale’s head as the rest of him lays sprawled over his boyfriend.
They hear tittering and clicking but John cannot care less. He beams at Gale, thrilled just to drink in the sight of him, and he gets his favourite Gale smile: eyes looking up through his lashes, cheeks high, like he’s trying not to smile but just can’t help himself around John.
John rubs their noses together. “Hi.”
And to John’s surprise, Gale kisses him; a brush of his lips that John follows and presses into, just enough to feel the fullness of those lips he’d dreamt about, before letting Gale retreat.
“Hi. Now let me up.”
John bounds up, and plucks Gale up off the floor easy with two hands. He takes his bag too and all but drags him out of the airport to the car waiting outside. They have to get home. Like, yesterday.
A cup of coffee appears over John’s shoulder.
“You’re up.” He takes the cup from Gale with a kiss to his jaw.
“Mm. Didn’t have anyone to stay in bed for.” Gale joins John on the sofa, his back against the arm and his legs thrown over John’s. “Saw something interesting on my phone though.”
He fishes his barely-used personal phone from his pocket (John’s surprised he actually knows where it is, today. He doesn’t normally), presses a few buttons and passes it to John.
On the small rectangular screen is the site for a gossip rag. On it’s sports section, it leads with the headline: See what Bucky did to his boyfriend in PUBLIC!
“Oh, come on,” John scoffs, nearly sloshing coffee over the lip and onto the sofa. “That makes it sounds like I was…pushing you around or something.”
“You literally pushed me over.” John poked him. “There’s more. The Daily Mail, always a classic.”
‘Tackled’ Pink: Egan humiliates boy toy.
John groans in second-hand embarrassment. “Their puns are getting worse. That barely makes sense. And I’m sorry—boy toy?”
“Excuse you: humiliated boy toy, I think you’ll find.”
John makes to hand the phone back but Gale just nods at it. “Look who wrote it.”
A quick scan of the article reveals the name. “Ulrich Haussmann?! That prick who got drunk at your last mixer and asked to be our third?”
Gale snickers into his own cup of coffee and cocks his head, his blue eyes alight with mirth as he gazes at John. “He only asked that because I was there. He was lookin’ at you all night. Swear his eyes never went north of the equator.”
John gags at Gale’s teasing. “Rather grate off my own dick, no thank you.”
Gale puts down his coffee. “Now why did you have to say a thing like that?” He slips from the sofa to kneel on the floor between John’s legs. Drawing his nose up the inseam of John’s thighs (he's borderline obsessed with them and John can't get enough of it), Gale places a clothed kiss over the crotch of John’s pyjama shorts and gives him a brief nuzzle. “Don’t worry baby,” he says to John’s groin. “I won’t let him hurt you.”
It is so utterly ridiculous, the goofy, silly side of Gale he doesn't let anyone else see but John, that John has them toppling over again, landing on the cushioned rug of their living room instead of the hard screed of the airport.
Nose to nose, John grins and says, “You happier to see me or him, here?”
Gale shimmies his shoulders and screws up his face that way that wrinkles his nose. “Fifty-fifty.”
“I’ll take it.”
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houpss · 7 months
Hey, can I ask you to write about those little moments between Chan and Lily? maybe their daily life?
I love your work so much, it literally makes me shine and realize that Lily makes people happy 😭☺️
🧊–Peiring:Bang Chan x Hwang Lily ¡!✥
This will be more like a headcanon, simply because I love headcanons and some of my own ideas.I'm also preparing their message, which you will see soon.
🧊–return to masterlist ¡! ✥
There are references to sex! Not recommended for reading by persons under a certain age
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Chan, who takes care of Lily even if he is far away from her. Evening calls, where they talk for so long and talk about their day, small reminder messages, Lily’s mentions in the bubble about the chan and vice versa.
I think she'll sit on his lap while he works on music. Lily's back is pressed against Chan's strong chest, his big hot hand is on her waist, and the other is typing on the laptop. Chan is much calmer and more pleasant to work when his loved one is next to him.
Lily puts him to bed when he has insomnia. She literally asks the manager at night to take her to the second dorm, because when Chan has insomnia, he becomes so soft and talkative :(((
Chan always checks Lily's bag for documents, water, snacks and pads. If she didn’t take any of this, then he will definitely replenish the supplies, and take the documents and carry them himself. Lily's period is not a common topic, but you always need to prepare.
Chan definitely writes songs about Lily! for example Silent Cry or Connected...
Weekend together and with the boys! the guys are having fun somewhere in front, and Chan and Lily walk behind them, holding hands and watching the guys. Sometimes Lily also fools around and Chan likes it so much
There is a song about Chan in Lily's solo album 😉
Lily really helped Chan fall in love with himself, because she loves him so much! she made him believe that he was loved, wonderful, handsome and that everyone needed him so much.
They fly together to Australia to visit Chan's family! ohhh how they love Lily 🥹 Hannah and Lily text a lot, Lily is so interested in this girl. Chan's parents are so kind to Lily and so respectful of Son's choice. Lily keeps in touch with Chan's mom through messengers! Berry is so cute around them.
Lily once invited Chan to have a wedding in Sydney and BOY WAS SO CONFUSED...after all, they had never thought or talked about the possibility of getting married, it was too early for that)
I think that Lily may well be running and jumping in the corridors of the company, and Chan runs after her and tries to calm her down, but he also laughs out loud because of Lily's antics
Stay ship them so much and do so many edits, works and other things with them, but they don’t even imagine that this is all reality :)))
Neither Chan nor Lily like that the company uses them as a method of promotion, and Lily quarrels a lot with the directors.
About Lily...she threatened the director of the company to allow them to continue "Chan's room". Lily took this with a huge risk, but she knew how Chan and Stay liked “Chan’s room” and Lily achieved her goal! The director is wary of Lily on some occasions.
Chan scolded her then, but was so grateful to her.
And the members tease them so much about relationships! and often parody them, most of all Hyunjin and Minho do this.
Chan knows what to do when Lily has severe anxiety attacks. He wraps her in a soft hug, strokes her hands and tells her different stories, it helps her so much to distract herself. He calls her very gently and helps her not to think or feel.
About Lily's Family...oh, first of all, her father hates her because she's an idol and doesn't talk to him anymore. Secondly, he doesn't know that Lily is in a Relationship with Chan. Lily's mother secretly supports her daughter and even attended the Stray kids concert in Seoul in 2023. Lily cried so much then :(((Chan knows Lily’s mother! and she blessed their relationship, which is very important.
About sex
Chan is quite soft, but he is clearly a dom! but there were literally several times when Lily took that leading position
I think he likes soft sex in the morning, filled with praise and vanilla talk.
Soft sex after a hard day and hard, teasing sex when Chan wants Lily to beg and whine
As for oral fixation, they have it equally. They both love it and give it to each other whenever they want.
Lily can also dominate when she just wants to.
He teases Lily even outside the house.
Their favorite position: Lily lying on her back on the mattress (their favorite place is the bed), Lily's legs wrapped around the vat's hips as he thrusts into her.
Sometimes! possible games with vibrators or hyperstimulation.
perhaps (!) he will forbid her to cum, he is so pleased when she begs and whines.
I think Chan is very loud in bed and Lily has soft moans but whines a lot when she gets too horny.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Met Gala Thoughts
Best in "I thought you were someone else"
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(L) Sydney Sweeney as not-Billie Eilish (R) Kendall Jenner as not-Kim Kardashian
Honestly, Kendall looks more like Kim than Kim does at this point.
Best in "Live from Broadway"
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Usher, giving Phantom. I hope someone asked him about the Drake/Kendrick beef.
Best in "One Outfit, Two Looks"
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(L) Rebecca Ferguson (R) Demi Moore
Best in Technology
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Ambika Mod. It's a 3D print of a dress on top of a dress.
Best in "You Could've Done Something Really Meta"
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Nicholas Galitzine, whose character in his new film "The Idea Of You" is based on Harry Styles.
Best Rihanna 2.0
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Cardi B, who needed 9 assistants to lay out her train.
Reminds me of Rihanna's omelet dress.
Best in "New Look, Who Dis"
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Zendaya in her second outfit of the night. Very Blake Lively-ish.
Somewhere inside The Met, Jennifer Lopez was screaming at her assistant for not preparing a second look.
Best in "Couples Who Slay Together, Stay Together"
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(L) Eddie and Hannah Redmayne (C) No idea (R) Queen Latifah and Eboni Nichols
Best Cinderella
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Quannah Chasinghorse
Best in "Get These People a Career Revival"
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L-R. Jude Law, Meg Ryan, Charlie Hunnam, and Michelle Williams
Best of the Gents
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(L) Jonathan Bailey (C) Barry Keoghan (R) Colman Domingo, in a tribute to Chadwick Boseman and Andre Leon Talley.
Best in "I Don't Know What You Were Going For But I Guess It Works"
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(L) Harris Reed. No idea who that is. (R) Uma Thurman
Best in "Better From The Back"
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(L) Tommy and Dee Hilfiger (R) Mindy Kaling
Best "Where Can I Get This I NEED One Yesterday"
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A relative is obsessed with dachsunds. I would win Christmas if I got my hands on this. Or a cheat knockoff.
Best in "The More I See Them Appear Together Because They're Contractually Obligated, The Less I Want To See Their Movie"
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Cynthia Erivo (Elphaba) and Ariana Grande (Galinda), who've been joined at the hip for the last year to promote Wicked, which comes out in November so there are still six more months of this to go.
Best in "Celebs, They Get Peckish Just Like Us"
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Michael Shannon, with a Balenciaga bag. So disappointed it wasn't a party bag of chips. The Balenciaga retails for $1,850 or 115 party-size bags of Lays potato chips from Walmart.
Best in Vintage
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(L) Nicole Kidman (R) Lana Del Ray
I was so happy to see a McQueen antler dress show up.
Best in "Oh Dear God Why Are You Here Go Away"
Ben Platt
Jerry Seinfeld and Jimmy Fallon
Lea Michele
Lauren Bezos (though I didn't actually mind her dress)
My Top Looks of the Night
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L-R: Karlie Kloss, Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, and Gwendoline Christie.
It was an underwhelming red carpet. The Met Gala serves an incredible purpose, but they've moved too far away from fashion and costume. There are too many actors and people-famous-for-being-famous involved now that have really watered down the fashion, the themes, and the cultural significance of the event. It needs to go back to being the New York elite and High Fashion - people who know how to wear clothes instead of posing with their hands on their hips, sticking out their butts, and pouting.
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sneakyblinders · 1 year
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@zablife @moral-terpitude here we go. lil blurb bit of carmy berzatto x reader x tommy shelby. @carmens-a-bear is my carmy blog :)
The Bear was busy. The busiest you'd ever seen it, actually. Friday night. Everyone was celebrating something that night, it seemed. Anniversaries, promotions, birthdays, won health battles--anything worthy of celebration was on the books that night, per Richie.
You'd already had to calm Carmy down a few times, his stress bubbling over, hands raking through his hair, veins bulging in his neck as he shouted orders over the roar of the kitchen.
You'd been in your lovely pastry corner with Marcus for the evening, piping vanilla creme into the cream puffs and eclairs, whipping the meringue into submission for a special pie at Carmy's request, when Richie asked for your help with the front of the house. That was the disadvantage of being, in Carmy's words, "so damn good at every-fucking-thing". Getting pulled in every direction when anything was needed. Front of the house swamped? You got pulled to help seat tables, fill in special requests from the folks who had made reservations. Prep falling behind? You'd join the prep line right next to Carmy and prep the mise. Sydney was running behind with getting the meals out the window? You'd slide in and crank out a few plates to get them caught up. Marcus needed help icing a cake? You'd fill a piping bag and get to work. Carmy had issues balancing the books? You'd grab the calculator and tell him to scoot over at the desk. Perks and disadvantages of being the owners wife, ya know?
So when you pulled your apron off, donning the Bear's classic white button down and dress slacks attire, you were ready for the front of the house. You were so invested in what you were doing, in looking over the set reservations, and picking up the phone to call the couple who tried to get squeezed in if there was a cancellation, and Richie had just crossed off a name on the list, when he walked up to the front desk. You had thought something like this only happened once in a lifetime, and it had already happened for you. Where you see them and the world stops spinning on its axis. All the noise around you gets fuzzy and everything except for them blacks out around you. It happened when you first saw Carmy, on that cold New York night at the bodega, two tired, hungry chefs getting a gallon of milk at the end of their shifts. In a moment of boldness, you'd walked over and introduced yourself and gotten his number, and a year later you'd gotten married. So when the world stopped spinning again, and all you could hear was the man directly in front of you, piercing blue eyes staring directly at you, your breath hitched in your chest, heart palpitating as your hands shook. "Reservation for Thomas Shelby," the man said, voice deep and bruising, leaning a forearm on the front desk. You could smell his cologne faintly from the air conditioner wafting it towards you, and your knees buckled. Didn't this sort of thing only happen once? And you'd married the man who it'd happened with... Your head and stomach swirled with mixed emotions as you fumbled through the iPad to find his reservation and table. Thomas Shelby smirked, noticing your visible nerves. "Right this way, Mr. Shelby," you smiled softly, catching yourself batting your eyelashes at him as you turned to walk him to his table. You could feel his eyes on your backside, putting a little extra swish in your hips. "Your table, sir," you said, motioning to the table, setting down a menu in front of him, and two more to the other sides of him. "Would you like a drink while you wait for your other guests?" you offered. "Whiskey. Irish," he said brusquely, taking a seat, sitting his hat in his lap and checking his Rolex for the time. "They should fucking be here," he mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes. "I'll be right back with that," you say, hurrying away to get his whiskey. You quickly brought back his whiskey, to which he responded with a grunt. "Your server will be right with you," you say, smiling softly at him. "I'd rather you serve us," he said, in that harsh tone of his. A tone that left no room for discussion, no room for debate. "Uh-I uh-I'm needed in other areas of the restaurant tonight," you stammered, appalled at his attitude. "The only fuckin' place you're needed tonight is serving this table," he said, taking a swig of his whiskey. "I'll see what I can arrange," you said, heart hammering in your chest, making its way up your throat. Your knees wobbled, head swimming with confusion.
Why were you feeling this again?
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triplexdoublex · 4 months
do you think 'body bag' was inspired by the story he told on Tommy Lee's wife podcast 'worst firsts'? 😅😂 After all the original unreleased version has a 'shit list'/'perfume' referenced, lmao. 💩👜💩👜💩👜💩
But It also mentions vodooo, manipulation and a witch with poison so no wonder Megan loved this song so much... She hardly ever promotes him but she made sure to tattoo a matching doll on her ring finger and sing along to it while she was shooting the netflix movie vampire scene with Sydney Sweeney/Scarlet in Downfall High.
I’ve never heard the unreleased version , but I just googled the lyrics and damn the original feels even more hateful than what we got ( I’ll link them) but yeah body bag is deff about Megan manipulating him “I’ve got my issues but I have the right to think you’re wrong, you’re just a witch and I drank your poison baby” “She knows my pressure points, it hurts” and “you’re supposed to love me better, baby” which reminds me of “you’ve been loving me the wrong way, never telling me that you love me” in who do I call
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Shortly after the vaccine hit the market, and the government, along with their media allies, started promoting and even mandating the jab in some instances, a deeply concerning phenomenon emerged — “Died Suddenly.” These nightmarish headlines became all too common, featuring predominantly young and healthy individuals who were inexplicably dropping dead. Sadly, this horrific trend doesn’t show signs of stopping. The alarming number of young, healthy people experiencing heart attacks and blood clots is deeply troubling. And sadly, the same concerning pattern continues with this latest story. During a World Cup soccer practice, an 18-year-old star player from Colombia was on the field when she suddenly clutched her chest and collapsed to the ground.
Here are more details:
🚨World Cup star, 18, grabs her chest and collapses at training in Sydney before being rushed to hospital in an ambulance after losing consciousness
Breakout World Cup star Linda Caicedo may not feature again in the tournament after the Colombian collapsed at training in distressing scenes that were caught on video.
The young gun, 18, was rushed to hospital and was unconscious for at least 90 seconds as medics and terrified team-mates rushed to her aid at the team’s base in Sydney.
Footage shows the star jogging with teammates before she suddenly stops, clutches her chest and falls to the ground.
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Concerned players gather around her before a woman who appears to be a member of the training staff sprints to the scene, closely followed by other team staffers, one of whom was carrying a kit bag.
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badgesandpromotions · 20 days
Custom Badges in Sydney: Make Your Mark
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For businesses, clubs, and organizations looking to make a statement, custom badges in Sydney are the perfect solution. These badges are tailored to meet your specific needs, providing a unique way to represent your brand or cause. Whether for promotional purposes or as part of a uniform, custom badges offer a professional and personalized touch.
The Benefits of Custom Badges
Custom badges are an excellent way to promote your brand or message. They can be designed to include your logo, slogan, or any other elements that reflect your identity. Available in various shapes, sizes, and finishes, these badges can be tailored to suit your specific requirements. Whether you need badges for a corporate event, a charity fundraiser, or as part of an employee uniform, custom badges provide a cohesive and professional look.
Durable and Long-Lasting
Made from high-quality materials, custom badges are built to last. They are designed to withstand daily wear and tear, making them a durable option for long-term use. Whether worn on clothing, bags, or lanyards, these badges maintain their appearance and functionality over time.
Create Your Custom Badges in Sydney
At Badges and Promotions, we offer a wide range of options for custom badges in Sydney. Explore our collection today and start designing badges that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.
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favouritefab-blog · 2 months
exhibitions and covenations
Exhibitions and Conventions: Showcasing Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags
Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags are making waves in the market, and what better way to explore their potential than through exhibitions and conventions? These events offer a fantastic platform for businesses to showcase their products, network with industry leaders, and stay updated on the latest trends. Here’s a look at some prominent exhibitions and conventions where Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags have taken center stage:
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1. Eco-Friendly Packaging Expo
Location: Las Vegas, USA Description: This event focuses on sustainable packaging solutions, making it an ideal platform for showcasing Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags. Attendees include retailers, packaging designers, and eco-conscious brands looking for the latest in sustainable packaging.
2. Green Business Convention
Location: Berlin, Germany Description: Dedicated to promoting green business practices, this convention attracts businesses and entrepreneurs committed to sustainability. Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags fit perfectly with the event’s theme, offering a practical solution for eco-friendly branding.
3. Asia-Pacific Sustainable Products Summit
Location: Singapore Description: A leading event in the Asia-Pacific region, this summit brings together industry leaders to discuss sustainable products and innovations. Exhibitors showcasing Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags can connect with a wide audience interested in eco-friendly solutions.
4. International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions
Location: Chicago, USA Description: Focused on retail promotions and marketing, this trade fair is an excellent venue for introducing Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags as a promotional tool. Retailers and marketers can discover how these bags can enhance their brand’s visibility.
5. Sustainability in Packaging Europe
Location: Barcelona, Spain Description: This conference addresses sustainability challenges in packaging and showcases innovative solutions. Exhibitors can highlight the eco-friendly benefits of Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags and their role in reducing environmental impact.
6. China International Eco-Friendly Expo
Location: Shanghai, China Description: As one of the largest eco-friendly expos in Asia, this event is a hotspot for sustainable products. Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags can attract attention from international buyers and eco-conscious consumers.
7. Environmental Awareness Expo
Location: Sydney, Australia Description: This expo focuses on raising environmental awareness and promoting sustainable living. It provides an ideal platform for demonstrating the environmental benefits of Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags.
8. Global Retail Summit
Location: London, UK Description: A premier event for the retail industry, this summit covers the latest trends and innovations in retail. Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags can be showcased as part of sustainable retail solutions.
9. Non-Woven Tech Asia
Location: New Delhi, India Description: Dedicated to the non-woven industry, this event is perfect for highlighting the technical and environmental advantages of Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags. Manufacturers, suppliers, and buyers from around the world attend to explore new opportunities.
10. Packaging Innovations
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands Description: This event brings together packaging professionals to discover the latest innovations. Exhibitors can demonstrate how Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags offer both functionality and sustainability in packaging.
Benefits of Participating in Exhibitions and Conventions
1. Networking Opportunities
Exhibitions and conventions provide a unique opportunity to network with industry leaders, potential clients, and collaborators. These connections can lead to new business opportunities and partnerships.
2. Brand Visibility
Showcasing your Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags at high-profile events increases your brand’s visibility. Attendees are often decision-makers and influencers who can help amplify your brand’s reach.
3. Market Insights
Participating in these events allows you to stay updated on market trends, consumer preferences, and technological advancements. This knowledge can help you stay competitive and innovative.
4. Direct Feedback
Engaging with attendees provides direct feedback on your products. This interaction can offer valuable insights into customer needs and preferences, helping you refine your offerings.
5. Sales and Leads
Exhibitions and conventions are excellent venues for generating sales and leads. Attendees often come ready to make purchasing decisions or explore new suppliers.
Exhibitions and conventions are essential for any business looking to promote their Printed W Cut Non Woven Bags. These events offer unparalleled opportunities to showcase your products, connect with industry leaders, and gain valuable market insights. By participating in these events, you can enhance your brand’s visibility, network with potential clients, and stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving market of eco-friendly products.
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liverpoolgolf02 · 3 months
The Benefits of Golf Lessons for Kids in Sydney
Golf is a complex game that embraces both an active movement, a strategic brawl in the fairway, and a harmonic relationship with the environment. By taking lessons for kids, young people in Sydney are able to enjoy more of the outdoors and the good climate by practising golf. Teaching children the game of golf goes beyond the aspect of improving athletic skills; there is always the issue of instilling something new in the child and steering him/her into becoming a responsible citizen in the future. This is why it might be a good idea to arrange some golf lessons for the children in Sydney. golf lessons for kids
Physical and Mental Benefits
Physical Fitness
The game of Golf involves moderate movements of the body and is thus universally acknowledged as a game that promotes physical health but does not bear the toughness associated with sports that involve body contact. Moving around the course, hitting balls as well as carrying their equipment which in this case are golfing bags contribute a lot in offering the best of cardiovascular features as it supports strength and flexibility in addition to coordination.
Focus and Concentration
One aspect is that golf is very much a difficult game in terms of concentration. The ability to focus on their swing and stance and the best way to go round the golf course facilitates the development of these skills required in classes and other fields.
Patience and Discipline
Golfing is not a game for the impulsive person; its nature entails a lot of waiting and even mastering of oneself. Children acquire lessons on the actuality that golf entails practice, patients and going slow in the process. These lessons are important arising various situations in one’s life starting from school and extending to interpersonal relationships.
Social and Emotional Benefits
Building Confidence
Poor concentration: lack of focus is bad for children’s performance as they are unable to hit the ball, enhance their capabilities and realise individual goals, therefore increasing self-esteem. Through golf, children can have their goal built for them and can then be expected to meet these goals, thus giving them self-esteem.
Social Interaction
Golf is not a solitary game of individualists as some people suppose. Some usual activities may be group lessons which enables children to interact with each other and acquaint new friends, cooperate, and also learn how to communicate in front of other people. Such interactions foster social confidence and thus help develop teamwork skills.
Stress Relief
This is true; it is refreshing to wake up in the morning and take a walk in parks or any area of natural landscape. Most of the Youth engage in playing golf due to its late addition of stress and also since it can be played in a natural environment.
Learning Life Skills
Strategic Thinking
Golf is not your ordinary sport since it is based on the strategic planning of the players. Children also get to develop strategic thinking skills in order to evaluate all the areas where they are placing their shots, decide on how to approach every hole, and finally make their decisions based on factors such as the wind, distance, and even the type of terrain. It must be noted that the concepts, whereby strategic thinking ability is being practised, are not limited to golf fields.
Honesty and Integrity
Just as other professional sports, golf also has a strict moral code with a high regard to personal character. They have to keep the players score too and follow all the rules and regulations of the game. This assists children learn the basic value system of putting into practice simple virtues, such as truthfulness and integrity in game play.
Etiquette and Respect
Another consideration is that of the etiquette of this game, which inculcates in children courtesy towards other players and the course. They have to learn how to handle it properly, share with others, how to keep their hands to themselves and let others who are still waiting play the game, and many other aspects of being in society.
Accessibility and Opportunities in Sydney Florence Oru Executive Summary: This paper covers the accessibility of people with disability in Sydney and opportunities available to them in the society This paper focuses on the subject of people with disability and the opportunities offered to them in the society especially Sydney.
Quality Courses and Facilities
Sydney has many golf courses and other related facilities that include the professional, amateur and junior golfers. Teaching and playing: Golf has spread to all corners of the country, answering the question of where children can learn and practice golfing by offering a multitude of opportunities, from public courses for the average child to private clubs for the child who wants the fanciest equipment.
Professional Instruction
Golfing facilities in Sydney have latched on this trend and provide golfing lessons to children to enhance professional acting skills. These lessons are taken by professional trainers who know how to go about it when teaching golf.
Programs and Camps
It is possible to find a number of golf programs and camps to participate in at different times of the year, especially during the holidays. These programs typically involve a combination of the sessions where the participants are taught the new information and skills as well as the practice sessions including games.
Choosing Where to Create Your Ideal Golf Club
Choosing the Right Program
Here are some tips that can help you decide on the type of golf program for your child: When choosing a golf program for your child, you have to take some aspects such as experience of the trainer, the program and the group size, etc. Search for functions that are more capturing, where fun and educational values are primary goals rather than scores.
Equipment and Attire
In most cases, developing beginner programs, training equipment is offered; However, the way forward for your child may warrant purchasing personalized clubs and apparels. He cited proper sizes of clubs and comfortable dressing to improve the learning outcomes as some of the factors that could affect the selection of the appropriate golf equipment.
Encouragement and Support
Let your child have fun and strive hard by themselves instead of desiring to be like those players you have seen in the game. It entails encouraging the kids and being nurturing in their approach so that they can maintain their focus and passion for golf.
There are numerous features that make golf lessons for children in Sydney enjoyable and equally favour children in numerous ways apart from Golf. Golf not only enhances a child and young adult’s physical development such as fitness endurance but also improves the student’s ability to focus. The best thing about learning golf is that children who go to Sydney can be assured to receive instructional services from professional instructors, use facilities that fit their needs and develop a liking for the game. To learn, to exercise and to dream, golf may add value to any child’s life out on the course.
For more info visit here:- golf for kids
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luxuryshopper · 4 months
Exploring Luxury Consignment in Australia with Ph Luxury Shopper
In the world of high fashion, luxury consignment has become an increasingly popular avenue for acquiring coveted designer pieces at more accessible prices. Australia, with its growing appetite for luxury goods, has seen a surge in demand for such services. One standout in this burgeoning market is Ph Luxury Shopper, a Sydney-based business dedicated to sourcing and providing luxury items from top designers around the globe.
Luxury Consignment Australia: An Emerging Trend
Australia’s fashion enthusiasts are embracing the concept of consignment more than ever. Luxury consignment offers the unique opportunity to purchase pre-owned designer items that are often in pristine condition, at a fraction of their original price. This sustainable and cost-effective shopping method is a win-win for both buyers and sellers. Sellers can pass on items they no longer use, while buyers can indulge in high-end fashion without the premium price tag. Ph Luxury Shopper is at the forefront of this trend, offering a curated selection of luxury consignment items right here in Australia.
Consignment Chanel: Timeless Elegance at Your Fingertips
Chanel, synonymous with timeless elegance and sophistication, remains one of the most sought-after brands in the world. Ph Luxury Shopper specializes in sourcing exquisite Chanel pieces, ensuring that every item meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Whether it's the iconic 2.55 handbag, classic tweed jackets, or chic accessories, the consignment Chanel collection at Ph Luxury Shopper offers something for every fashion connoisseur. These pieces are not only investment-worthy but also timeless additions to any wardrobe.
Consignment Hermes: The Epitome of Luxury
Hermes is renowned for its unparalleled craftsmanship and exclusive designs. Owning a Hermes piece, particularly the legendary Birkin or Kelly bags, is a dream for many fashion aficionados. Ph Luxury Shopper makes this dream a reality by providing access to consignment Hermes items. Each piece is meticulously inspected to ensure it retains its original splendor. With Ph Luxury Shopper, acquiring a coveted Hermes item is no longer a distant aspiration but an attainable reality.
Why Choose Luxury Consignment with Ph Luxury Shopper?
Based in Sydney, Ph Luxury Shopper has established itself as a trusted name in the luxury consignment market. Their global reach allows them to source rare and desirable items from designers such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Versace, and more. This extensive network ensures that clients have access to an unparalleled selection of luxury goods.
Ph Luxury Shopper goes beyond merely selling items; they offer a personalized shopping experience. Their team of experts is dedicated to understanding each client’s unique preferences and needs, ensuring that they find the perfect piece to enhance their collection. The meticulous authentication process guarantees that every item is genuine, providing buyers with confidence in their purchase.
Luxury consignment Australia
In addition to the allure of owning luxury items, consignment shopping with Ph Luxury Shopper is a step towards sustainability. By choosing pre-owned designer goods, clients contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry, reducing waste and promoting the reuse of high-quality items. This eco-conscious approach aligns perfectly with the modern consumer’s values, combining luxury with responsibility.
Ph Luxury Shopper is revolutionizing the luxury consignment market in Australia. By offering exclusive access to designer pieces from Chanel, Hermes, and other prestigious brands, they provide a unique and sustainable shopping experience. For fashion enthusiasts looking to add timeless luxury to their wardrobe, Ph Luxury Shopper is the ultimate destination. Embrace the elegance, authenticity, and sustainability of luxury consignment with Ph Luxury Shopper, and indulge in the finest fashion the world has to offer.
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rentalscooters · 5 months
Riding Responsibly: Norms To Follow For Electric Scooter Rental In Sydney
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Electric scooters have become a popular mode of transportation in urban areas, offering convenience, efficiency, and eco-friendliness. In Sydney, electric scooter rental services have made it easier than ever for residents and visitors to zip around the city. However, with this convenience comes responsibility. In this blog, we'll explore the norms and guidelines to follow for electric scooter rental in Sydney, ensuring a safe and enjoyable riding experience for all.
Understanding Local Regulations
Before hopping on an electric scooter, it's essential to familiarise yourself with the local regulations governing their use:
Speed Limits: Most cities, including Sydney, have established speed limits for electric scooters to ensure the safety of riders and pedestrians. Be sure to adhere to the designated speed limits while riding.
Designated Riding Areas: Some areas may have restrictions or designated zones where electric scooters are allowed or prohibited. Pay attention to signage and instructions to avoid riding in restricted areas.
Safety Precautions
Safety should always be a top priority when riding electric scooters. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:
Wear a Helmet: In Sydney, wearing a helmet while riding electric scooters is not legally required for riders over 18 years old, but it's strongly recommended for your safety.
Be Visible: Wear brightly coloured or reflective clothing, especially when riding at night or in low-light conditions, to increase your visibility to motorists and pedestrians.
Responsible Riding Behavior
To ensure the safety of yourself and others, it's essential to practice responsible riding behavior:
Obey Traffic Laws: Electric scooters are considered vehicles under the law, so riders must obey all traffic laws, including traffic signals, signs, and lane markings.
Yield to Pedestrians: Always yield to pedestrians and give them the right of way, especially when riding on sidewalks or shared paths.
Parking Etiquette
Proper parking of electric scooters is essential to maintain accessibility and prevent obstructions:
Use Designated Parking Areas: Whenever possible, park your electric scooter in designated parking areas or scooter corrals to keep sidewalks and pathways clear for pedestrians.
Avoid Blocking Pathways: Avoid parking electric scooters in areas where they may obstruct pedestrian traffic or pose a hazard to others.
Respect for Public Spaces
Respect for public spaces is crucial to ensure a positive experience for everyone:
Dispose of Trash Properly: Avoid littering and dispose of any trash or packaging responsibly. Carry a small bag or pouch to collect trash and dispose of it properly at designated bins.
Be Mindful of Noise: Keep noise levels to a minimum, especially when riding electric scooters in residential areas or quiet zones.
In conclusion, electric scooter rental in Sydney offers a convenient and eco-friendly way to get around the city. By following the norms and guidelines outlined above, riders can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for themselves and others. From understanding local regulations to practicing responsible riding behavior and respecting public spaces, adhering to these norms will help promote harmony and safety on Sydney's streets. So next time you rent an electric scooter, remember to ride responsibly and enjoy the sights and sounds of Sydney with confidence.
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saleinthecity · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New MADEWELL The Sydney Crossbody Bag in Burnished Caramel.
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stylemachines-world · 6 months
Sydney Sweeney Takes on NYC in Three Little Black Dresses
Sydney Sweeney has been on fire this week in New York City promoting her new film Immaculate. She stepped out in three LBD’s proving that classic black is anything but boring! Look 1 Her first look was a tailored dress by Versace, paired with sheer tights, a black Versace bag and classic accessories. Sydney would have looked every bit at home in a NYC boardroom in this look. Look 2 Sydney…
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banner123 · 6 months
Pull Up Banners by Banner House
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Banner House offers high-quality and eye-catching Pull Up Banners that are just a handy and portable way of displaying your business services or displaying important information. Durable, portable, and available in a number of sizes, pull-up banners are the perfect solution for promotional material on the go. These are also known by other names such as Roll Up Banners or Free Standing Banners. Our range of Pull Up Banners comes with an economical stand, single-side printed flap on 530GSM Satin Finish PVC material, and a carry bag for easy portability. At banner House, we can custom design and print any banner according to the needs of customers. Our custom printed Banners are intended for both indoor and outdoor use*. Banner House is a leading supplier of custom-printed Roll Up banners across Australia. Banner House delivers its products to all major cities of Australia such as Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Darwin, Hobart, Canberra, and almost all regional towns.
Banner House offers high quality and eye-catching pull up banners.
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wisdomteethaus · 7 months
Are you practicing good oral hygiene after wisdom teeth extraction?
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If you have recently removed your wisdom teeth, it is essential to maintain your oral hygiene for quick healing. The way you take care of your oral health after wisdom teeth removal can make all the difference in your recovery. You must follow all aftercare instructions given by your oral surgeon or dentist to properly heal and prevent any risk of infection or trauma to the surgical site.
What are the steps to be taken to promote healing?
Here is a list of what to do to promote healing and get back on your feet after wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.
•    Rest: Rest for at least two days after the extraction of wisdom teeth and avoid physical activity for 2 to 3 days. You should be able to resume normal activities within 48 hours after surgery. 
•    Stick to soft foods: For the first 24 hours, eat only soft foods like yogurt, juice, applesauce and pudding. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic and hot beverages in the first 24 hours.
•    Practice good oral hygiene: Keeping the surgical area clean will help to heal as early as possible.
Things to do after extraction:
•    Bleeding:
The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney is affordable, and bleeding after a wisdom tooth extraction is common. Slight bleeding may be noticed for up to 24 hours after the surgery. Use the gauze and bit down with firm pressure for one hour. You can remove the gauze gently and take a sip of water to moisten the gauze if it feels stuck to the tissue. Doing so will prevent the bleeding from occurring. If you continue to have bleeding, contact your oral surgeon.
•    Pain management:
Actually, the level of pain after wisdom teeth Sydney removal depends on the complexity of the procedure. Your dentist will provide pain management medication and follow the instruction for your medication carefully. Make sure you take all the medicines as prescribed by your dentist to prevent infection.
•    Swelling:
Swelling is also normal after extracting a wisdom tooth. To minimise swelling, you can apply the ice bag to the affected side of the face for a 15-minute interval. It can be repeated every 30min for the next 6 hours postoperatively. At times, you may find difficulty in opening your mouth due to the removal of impacted wisdom teeth. As the swelling subsides, a normal degree of the opening should return.
•    Do not rinse:
Do not rinse or avoid using mouthwash for at least 24 hours after the surgery. You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water every 2-3 hours after 24 hours. Avoid rigorously rinsing your mouth because it may initiate bleeding at the surgical site.
•    Prevent dry socket:
After removing your wisdom teeth, preventing dry socket is essential. When a wisdom tooth is removed, a blood clot forms to protect the bones and nerves underneath. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot is dislodged from the surgical site, exposing the bone and nerves. It can be avoided if proper precautions are taken after tooth extraction. 
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