#Prompt5: Cutting Corners
ffxivaltaholic · 2 years
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~Prompt #5: Cutting Corners~
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“Do you have any idea how IRRISPONSIBLE, CHILDISH and STUPID you are??? How much trouble you’ve now caused?”  The enraged voice belonged to an understandably angry Raen man.  “The house is a mess! The Chocobos are all in a huff and there are drunk Namazu wandering about the premise!!!! What in Azim’s name made you think this was a good idea???”  
-Record Scratch-
“You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this little predicament... Well... It all began with...”
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"Chores!?!?!?! But I wanted to work on my tan!!!!!”  Whining loudly, the Seeker flicked her fluffy tail in protest, ears lowering as her signature pout and kitten-eyes appeared on her lovely face. “That wont work with me.  Everyone in the Company has to pull their weight, and that includes you. No freeloading.”  Despite the soft voice, the small Raen woman held firm and stood, hands on hips, over their bed where N’akani was sprawled out painting her nails. Another high pitch whine left the Seeker and she rolled on her back in a huff.  “But Ame... The house is already clean though, and I did a chore yesterday.” A chore, which she had done poorly and the Raen had been forced to redo correctly hours later.  Giving a frustrated sigh, Ame scowled at her mooch of a girlfriend and shook her head.  “No ifs, ands, or buts! You need to sweep the Chocobo stables, wash the bar dishes and dust the main rooms upstairs and in the basement.  At most it should take you maybe two or three hours.  Then come to the tea house to relieve Isanii for her break.” All in all, it was not much of a difficult request considering the Seeker did not pay for food or rent, and at most she would spend a few hours out of her day actually helping out. “Hmphf, fiiiiine.”  As if N’akani really had a choice at the moment. Locking eyes with the doll-like Raen, her expression softened.  “Will you make me that honey and almond cake again?”  It was her favorite from the tea house, but something Ame rarely made since the cake was time consuming and delicate. After considering the request, Ame finally caved and rolled her eyes.  “Alright, but only if you do everything I’ve asked of you.  I’ll be in the infirmary most of the day, so when I’m done I’ll come to the tea house and make it for you to eat after your shift.”  A fair deal really, considering N’akani’s jobs were so simple a mammet could complete them. “Deal!!!”  
- - -
It wasn’t until after the Raen had left that it dawned on the Seeker that she actually had to do the work now... And she had just painted her nails too. Grumbling to herself, N’akani decided to start with dusting, since it was the easiest of the jobs and the one she could slack the most with.  Taking the small feather duster, she made her way to the main room where a sound caught her attention. “I win yes yes!” “No, you cheated yes! “I saw, he won he won yes!” The three Namazu were playing a board game at the main table, and badly at that. They were technically members of the company, even though their employment was more of a hindrance sometimes, and they certainly weren’t the brightest.  Usually they were there to keep others company and ensure there was always someone at the Company House during extended times. Occasionally they did small chores under direct supervision. !!!!
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An idea struck her. Namazu were rather agreeable, and they loved tea as much as she loved alcohol, with a similar effect as well.  She worked at the tea house, full of tea...  A plan formulated in her head and the Seeker plotted.  Approaching them, she used her sweetest voice to first try and persuade the three to help with chores, but they were getting wise to her over the months.  They declined quite quickly, ignoring her honied words and begging eyes.
Time for plan B! “Wellllllll... How about a trade? You help me with just a few wee chores, and I make you some tea!  With the three of you it would go so much faster!” In her mind, this was perfect.  One Namazu to clean the dishes, one to dust the rooms and a third to clean the stables.  Everything would get done in less time, meaning she could sneak in a nap before her shift at the tea house. “Maybe trade yes... But want tea now yes!” The first was stubborn, and from his words the other two agreed.  “Some tea now yes! We do chores, then rest of tea after!” “Yes yes! Good deal!” Narrator: It was, in fact, a horrible deal. - - - Unfortunately, N’akani misunderstood how effective the tea was for the little catfish, and after making them a pot and assigning their tasks, she went for her nap. Despite a pleasant sleep, she was awoken with someone yelling her name in fury.  The voice belonged to nonother that her other partner Kaze.  He was yelling her name and stomping through the house. It was at this moment, she knew, she fucked up.
- - -
“And that is how we got to this point...” Ultimately, N’akani spent the rest of the evening cleaning under supervision from both Raens.  One could hope the Miqo’te woman learned her lesson... But it was doubtful. 
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