#Psalm 69: 7
We have forgotten how to pray according to Scripture
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by Dustin Benge
Let David teach us the prayers we need to pray in our current world:
“Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked.” Psalm 3:7
“Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous.” Psalm 7:9-10
“Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Put them in fear, O Lord! Let the nations know that they are but men!” Psalm 9:19-20
“Break the arm of the wicked and evildoer; call his wickedness to account till you find none.” Psalm 10:15
“Arise, O Lord! Confront him, subdue him! Deliver my soul from the wicked by your sword.” Psalm 17:13
“Let destruction come upon him when he does not know it! And let the net that he hid ensnare him; let him fall into it—to his destruction!” Psalm 35:8
“Let death steal over them; let them go down to Sheol alive; for evil is in their dwelling place and in their heart.” Psalm 55:15
“O God, break the teeth in their mouths; tear out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord!” Psalm 58:6
“Consume them in wrath; consume them till they are no more, that they may know that God rules over Jacob to the ends of the earth.” Psalm 59:13
“Let their own table before them become a snare; and when they are at peace, let it become a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see, and make their loins tremble continually. Pour out your indignation upon them, and let your burning anger overtake them. May their camp be a desolation; let no one dwell in their tents. For they persecute him whom you have struck down, and they recount the pain of those you have wounded. Add to them punishment upon punishment; may they have no acquittal from you. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living; let them not be enrolled among the righteous.” Psalm 69:22-28
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takeheartdaughter · 10 months
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He is . . . 
Elohim (God, Judge, Creator) Genesis 1:1
Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah) Genesis 2:4
El Elyon (The Most High God) Genesis 14:18
Adonai (Lord, Master) Genesis 15:2
El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty) Genesis 17:1
El Olam (The Everlasting God, The God of Eternity, The God of the Universe, The God of Ancient Days) Genesis 21:33
He is . . . 
Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide) Genesis 22:14
The Shiloh (The Peace-Maker) Genesis 49:10
)Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals) Exodus 15:26
Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner, The Lord My Miracle) Exodus 17:15
He is . . .
Qanna (Jealous) Exodus 20:5
Jehovah Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You, The Lord Who Makes Holy) Exodus 31:13
He is . . .
A Star (Numbers 24:17)
A Sceptre out of Israel (Numbers 24:17)
The Accursed of God (Deuteronomy 21:23)
The Captain of the Host of the Lord (Joshua 5:14)
Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace) Judges 6:24J
ehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts, The Lord of Powers) 1 Samuel 1:3
The Rock of my Salvation (2 Samuel 22:47)
He is . . . 
The Light of the Morning when the sun rises, a morning without clouds (2 Samuel 23:4)
The Daysman (Job 9:33)
The Interpreter (Job 33:23)
The Anointed (Psalm 2:2; Acts 4:27)
My Rock and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14)
Crowned with a Crown of Pure Gold (Psalm 21:3)
The Most Blessed for ever (Psalm 21:6)
He is . . .
The Forsaken (Psalm 22:1)
A Worm, and no Man (Psalm 22:6)
Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd) Psalm 23:1
My Restorer (Psalm 23:3)
The King of Glory (Psalm 24:10)
He who sitteth King for ever (Psalm 29:10)
He is . . .
 A Stranger and an Alien (Psalm 69:8)
My Strong Rock (Psalm 31:2)
My Rock and my Fortress (Psalm 31:3)
Fairer than the Children of Men (Psalm 45:2)
The Rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:2)
The Rock of my Strength (Psalm 62:7)
A Rock of Habitation (Psalm 71:3)
He is . . . 
As Rain upon the mown grass. As Showers that water the earth (Psalm 72:6)
The Rock of my Heart (Psalm 73:26)
The Shield (Psalm 84:9)
The Rock of my Refuge (Psalm 94:22)
A King and Priest after the Order of Melchizadek (Psalm 110:4)
A Brother born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17)
A Friend that loveth at all times (Proverbs 17:17)
A Stone of Grace (Proverbs 17:8)
A Friend that sticketh closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)
He is . . .
 As Ointment poured forth (Song of Solomon 1:3)
My Well-beloved (Song of Solomon 1:13)
A Bundle of Myrrh (Song of Solomon 1:13)
A Cluster of Henna Blooms (Song of Solomon 1:14)
The Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1)
The Lily of the Valley (Song of Solomon 2:1)
The Chiefest among Ten Thousand (Song of Solomon 5:10)
His Countenance is as Lebanon (Song of Solomon 5:15)
Yea. He is altogether lovely. He is my beloved and my Friend (Song of Solomon 5:16)
He is . . . 
Holy, Holy, Holy (Isaiah 6:3)
A Sanctuary (Isaiah 8:14)
A Great Light (Isaiah 9:2)
A Son given (Isaiah 9:6)
The Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)
The Father of Eternity (Isaiah 9:6)
He is . . . 
A Child Born (Isaiah 9:6)
The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
An Ensign of the People (Isaiah 11:10)
A Nail fastened in a sure place (Isaiah 22:23)
A Strength to the Poor (Isaiah 25:4)
A Strength to the needy in distress (Isaiah 25:4)
A Shadow from the Heat (Isaiah 25:4)
A Refuge from the Storm (Isaiah 25:4)
He is . . . 
The Rock of Ages (Isaiah 26:4)
A Crown of Glory and Beauty (Isaiah 28:5)
A Sure Foundation (Isaiah 28:16
)A Stone (Isaiah 28:16)
A Tried Stone (Isaiah 28:16)
A Covert from the Tempest (Isaiah 32:2)
He is . . . 
As Rivers of Water in a dry place. As the Shadow of a great Rock in a weary land. As a Hiding-place from the wind (Isaiah 32:2)
The King in his beauty (Isaiah 33:17)
My Leader (Isaiah 40:11)
The Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28)
Mine Elect, in whom my soul delighteth (Isaiah 42:1)
He is . . . 
A Light of the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6)
A Covenant of the people (Isaiah 42:6)
A Polished Shaft (Isaiah 49:2)
Glorious (Isaiah 49:5)
The Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 49:7)
He is . . . 
A Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53:3)
Despised (Isaiah 53:3)
Rejected (Isaiah 53:3)
Stricken (Isaiah 53:4)
Smitten (Isaiah 53:4)
Wounded (Isaiah 53:5)
Bruised (Isaiah 53:5)
Oppressed (Isaiah 53:7)
He is . . .
My Portion, My Maker, My Husband (Isaiah 54:5)
The God of the whole earth (Isaiah 54:5)
A Witness to the People (Isaiah 55:4)
A Leader (Isaiah 55:4)
A Commander (Isaiah 55:4)
The Redeemer (Isaiah 59:20)
Mighty (Isaiah 63:1)
He is . . . 
My Physician (Jeremiah 8:22)
Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness) Jeremiah 23:6
David their King (Jeremiah 30:9)
My Resting-place (Jeremiah 50:6)
My Feeder (Ezekiel 34:23)
A Plant of Renown (Ezekiel 34:29)
Jehovah Shammah (The Lord Is There) Ezekiel 48:35
He is . . . 
The Prince of Princes (Daniel 8:25)
The Messiah, the Prince (Daniel 9:25)
The Strength of the children of Israel (Joel 3:12-16)
The Hope of Thy people (Joel 3:12-16)
A Ruler (Micah 5:2)
King over all the Earth (Zechariah 14:4, 5, 9)
He is . . . 
A Refiner’s Fire (Malachi 3:2)
Fuller’s Soap (Malachi 3:2)
My Refiner (Malachi 3:3)
My Purifier (Malachi 3:3)
The Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)
He is . . . 
Jesus (Matthew 1:21)
Emanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23)
Born as The King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2; 15:2)
A Governor (Matthew 2:6)
The Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)
The Bridegroom (Matthew 9:15)
Meek, Lowly (Matthew 11:29)
He is . . .
The One of whom the Father says, “My Beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased” (Matthew 12:18)
The Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16)
Jesus the Christ (Matthew 16:20)
The Rock (Matthew 16:18)
The Builder (Hebrews 3:3; Matthew 16:18)
The Prophet of Nazareth (Matthew 21:11)
He is . . .
Betrayed (Matthew 27:3)
Mocked (Matthew 27:29)
Crucified (Matthew 27:35)
The Holy One of God (Mark 1:24)
My Brother (Mark 3:35)
The Carpenter (Mark 6:3)
And His Life is A Ransom (Mark 10:49)
He is . . .
The Son of the Blessed (Mark 14:61)
He is . . . The Son of the Highest (Luke 1:32)
God my Savior (Luke 1:47)
A Horn of Salvation (Luke 1:69)
The Day-spring from on High (Luke 1:78)
A Savior, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11)
The Salvation of God (Luke 2:30)
He is . . .
The Glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:32)
Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5)
My Healer (Luke 9:11)
The Christ of God (Luke 9:20)
My Servant (Luke 12:37)
The Chosen of God (Luke 23:35)
Risen (Luke 24:6)
A Prophet mighty in deed and word (Luke 24:19)
He is . . . 
The Word (John 1:1)
The Word that was with God (John 1:1)
The Word that was God (John 1:1)
The Light of men (John 1:4)
The True Light (John 1:9)
The Word that was made flesh (John 1:14)
He is . . .
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father (John 1:18)
The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
My Teacher (John 3:2)
The Gift of God (John 3:16, 4:10)
The Messiah (John 4:25)
The Bread of God (John 6:33)
The Bread of Life (John 6:35)
He is . . .
My Meat(John 6:55)
My Drink (John 6:55)
The Light of the world (John 8:12)
The Door of the Sheep (John 10:7)
The Good Shepherd – that laid down his life (John 10:11)
The Sent of the Father (John 10:36)
He is . . . 
The Resurrection (John 11:25)
King of the daughter of Zion (John 12:15)
The Corn of Wheat (John 12:24)
The Light (John 12:35)
My Lord, Master (John 13:13)
My Example (John 13:15)
He is . . . 
The Way (John 14:6)
The Truth (John 14:6)
The Life (John 14:6)
The Vine (John 15:5)
My Keeper (John 17:12)
Scourged (John 19:1)
Crowned with a Crown of Thorns (John 19:2)
Crucified as The King of the Jews (John 19:19)
He is . . . 
Exalted (Acts 2:33)
Glorified (Acts 3:13)
The Holy One and the Just (Acts 3:14)
The Prince of Life (Acts 3:15)
Anointed (Psalm 2:2; Acts 4:27)
A Prince and a Savior (Acts 5:31)
He is . . .
Lord Jesus (Acts 7:59)
Lord of all (Acts 10:36)
The Judge (Acts 17:31)
Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 22:8)
The Mercy-seat (Romans 3:25)
Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 5:21)
He is . . .
The First-Born among many Brethren (Romans 8:29)
Over all, God blessed for ever (Romans 9:5)
Lord over all (Romans 10:12)
The Deliverer (Romans 11:26)
Lord both of the dead and living (Romans 14:9)
The Minister of the Circumcision (Romans 15:8)
He is . . . 
My Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30)
My Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30)
My Sanctification (1 Corinthians 1:30)
My Redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30)
He is . . . 
The Foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11)
My Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7)
That Spiritual Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4)
The Head of every Man (1 Corinthians 11:3)
The First-Fruits of them that slept (1 Corinthians 15:20) 
He is . . . 
The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45)
A Quickening Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45)
The Image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4)
His Unspeakable Gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)
My Peace (Ephesians 2:14)
He is . . .
The Offering (Ephesians 5:2)
The Sacrifice (Ephesians 5:2)
The Head over all things to the Church (Ephesians 1:22)
He that filleth all in all (Ephesians 1:23)
A Servant (Philippians 2:7) who humbled Himself unto death (Philippians 2:8) even death upon a cross
He is . . .
The Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:2)
The Image of the Invisible God (Colossians 1:15)
The first-born of every creature (Colossians 1:15)
The Creator of all things (Colossians 1:16)
The First-Born from the dead (Colossians 1:18)
The Head of the Body, the Church (Colossians 1:18)
The Head of all Principality and Power (Colossians 2:10)
He is . . . 
My All in All (Colossians 3:11)
Our Lord Jesus Christ himself (2 Thessalonians 2:16)
Lord of Peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
My Hope (1 Timothy 1:1)
God manifest in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16)
He is . . . 
The Justified (1 Timothy 3:16)
The Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5)
The Righteous Judge (2 Timothy 4:8)
The great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13)
Obedient (Philemon 2:8)
And His throne is for ever and ever (Hebrews 1:8)
He is . . . 
The Upholder of all things (Hebrews 1:3)
The Express Image of his Person (Hebrews 1:3)
The Brightness of his Glory (Hebrew 1:3)
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day and for ever (Hebrews 13:8)
The Shepherd of the Sheep (Hebrews 13:20)
The Great Shepherd – that was brought again from the dead (Hebrews 13:20)
He is . . .
The Minister of the Sanctuary and of the True Tabernacle (Hebrews 8:2) and His flesh is The Veil (Hebrews 10:20) which was rent in two
The Altar (Hebrews 13:10)
The Offerer (Hebrews 7:27)
The Forerunner – for us entered, even Jesus (Hebrews 6:20)
He is . . . 
the Priest (Hebrews 5:6)
The High Priest (Hebrews 3:1)
The Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14)
The Intercessor (Hebrews 7:25)
The Surety (Hebrews 7:22)
The Covenanter (Hebrews 9:16, 17)
He is . . . 
The Captain of Salvation (Hebrews 2:10)
The Author and Finisher of Faith (Hebrews 12:2)
The King of Righteousness (Hebrews 7:2)
The King of Peace (Hebrews 7:2)
Crowned with Glory and Honor (Hebrews 2:9)
He is . . . 
The Tempted (Hebrews 4:15)
The Merciful (Hebrews 2:17)
The Faithful (Hebrews 2:17)
Holy, Harmless (Hebrews 7:26)
Undefiled (Hebrews 7:26)
The Separate (Hebrews 7:26)
The Perfect (Hebrews 5:9)
He is . . . 
My Helper (Hebrews 13:6)
A Lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:19)
A Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4)A Chief Corner-stone (1 Peter 2:6)
A Precious Stone (1 Peter 2:6)
He is . . . 
Guileless (1 Peter 2:22)
Reviled (1 Peter 2:23)
The Chief Shepherd  – that shall again appear (1 Peter 5:4)
The Day Star (2 Peter 1:19)
My Savior (2 Peter 3:18)
The Word of Life (1 John 1:1)
The Life (1 John 1:2)
That Eternal Life which was with the Father (1 John 1:2)
He is . . . 
Jesus Christ the Righteous (1 John 2:1)
The Savior of the World (1 John 4:14)
The True God (1 John 5:20)
The Advocate (1 John 2:1)
He is . . . 
Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:5)
The First-Begotten of the dead (Revelation 1:5)
The Prince of the Kings of the earth (Revelation 1:5)
The Almighty, which is, and which was, and which is to come (Revelation 1:8)
The Beginning and the Ending (Revelation 1:8)
The Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8)
He is . . . 
The First and the Last (Revelation 1:17)
He that liveth (Revelation 1:18)
The Tree of Life (Revelation 2:7)
The Hidden Manna (Revelation 2:17)
The Faithful and True Witness (Revelation 3:14)
The Amen (Revelation 3:14)
He is . . . 
The Beginning of the Creation of God (Revelation 3:14)
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5)
The Lamb that was slain (Revelation 5:12)
The Lamb in the midst of the throne (Revelation 7:17)
The The Lamb Slain (Revelation 13:8)
He is . . . 
The King of Saints, King of Nations (Revelation 15:3)
Lord of Lords (Revelation 17:14)
Faithful and True (Revelation 19:11)
Crowned with many Crowns (Revelation 19:12)
The Word of God (Revelation 19:13)
He is . . . 
The King of Kings (Revelation 19:16)
The Temple (Revelation 21:22)
The Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16)
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a-queer-seminarian · 11 days
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This time each year my old seminary professor Marcus holds Psalmtember, which is what it says on the tin: a batch of 30 psalms, one for each day of September, each with a prompt to inspire art. (I’ll share the prompt list below the readmore if anyone’s interested! Also, if you search #Psalmtember2024 on FB you can see what folks have created so far)
The above piece is one of my fave drawing’s he’s made — what a fantastic way to bring the verse’s image to life ☀️
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ID: The Psalmtember2024 chart. Pasting below as text —
Sep 1: Ps 61 CRY
Sep 2: Ps 62 TOTTERING
Sep 3: Ps 63 THIRST
Sep 4: Ps 64 ARROW
Sep 5: Ps 65 WAVES
Sep 6: Ps 66 SPACIOUS
Sep 7: Ps 67 SHINE
Sep 8: Ps 68 FLOCK
Sep 9: Ps 69 SINKING
Sep 10: Ps 70 HASTE
Sep 11: Ps 71 WOMB
Sep 12: Ps 72 SUN
Sep 13: Ps 73 NECKLACE
Sep 14: Ps 74 BROKE
Sep 15: Ps 75 FOAMING
Sep 16: Ps 76 ROUSED
Sep 17: Ps 77 WHIRLWIND
Sep 18: Ps 78 ANCESTORS
Sep 19: Ps 79 POUR
Sep 20: Ps 80 BRANCHES
Sep 21: Ps 81 MOON
Sep 22: Ps 82 SHAKEN
Sep 23: Ps 83 CHAFF
Sep 24: Ps 84 NEST
Sep 25: Ps 85 KISS
Sep 26: Ps 86 HEART
Sep 27: Ps 87 DANCERS
Sep 28: Ps 88 DEEP
Sep 29: Ps 89 ANOINTED
Sep 30: Ps 90 DREAM
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steveezekiel · 3 months
9 NOW I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, BUT THAT YOUR SORROW LED TO REPENTANCE. FOR you were made SORRY in a GODLY MANNER, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing.
2 Corinthians 7:9–11 (NKJV)
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* A godly sorrow would lead to a genuine repentance. There are two types of sorrows mentioned in the above Bible passage (2 Corinthians 7:10):
a. The Godly sorrow that produces or leads to repentance.
b. The sorrow of the world that produces death.
- The two types of sorrows could be seen In the betrayal of Jesus Christ. Two of His Disciples betrayed Him, and both were sorrowful or remorseful for what they did. The sorrow of one led to repentance, whilst the sorrow of the other person led to death.
- Both the Judas Iscariot and Simon Peter betrayed Him.
a. When Judas realizes what he did, he was sorrowful, and he took the money he collected from the high priest and the council to them, but his sorrow led to death—he went from that restitution to commit suicide (Matthew 27:3-5).
b. However, when Simon Peter realizes that he had betrayed the Lord, he wept sorrowfully (Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:54-62).
- Jesus is willing to receive back whoever misses it. No matter how worst whatever the person had done is, If he or she returned to Him, He will still receive them back. Only do not think that you had offended Him beyond a reconciliation (Luke 15:18-24).
- The story of prodigal son illustrated this clearly. When the prodigal son came to himself, when he realizes where he had missed it, he said he would arise and go back to his Father and he did exactly that. Meanwhile, his father's Heart also had been longing for him (Luke 15:11-24).
- God is willing to receive back Whoever has gone astray. No matter how hideous or disgusting what you had done may have been, He would still receive you back, If you could come with a remorseful and a repentant Heart (Psalm 34:18; 51:17; Isaiah 66:2).
* The Corinthian's godly sorrow that produced a repentance in them, which led to a number of things: "FOR [you can look back and] SEE WHAT AN EARNESTNESS AND AUTHENTIC CONCERN THIS GODLY SORROW HAS PRODUCED IN YOU: WHAT VINDICATION OF YOURSELVES [against charges that you tolerate sin], WHAT INDIGNATION [at sin], WHAT FEAR [of offending God], WHAT LONGING [for righteousness and justice], WHAT PASSION [to do what is right], WHAT READINESS TO PUNISH [those who sin and those who tolerate sin]! At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in the matter" (2 Corinthians 7:11 (Amps).
* The New Living translation put the passage, 2 Corinthians 7:11, Thus:
a. The Corinthians believers were more diligent or earnest, having authentic concern after being remorseful (2 Corinthians 7:11).
b. They were indignant at Sin. They were no longer relishing or tolerating Sin.
c. They would not want to offend God again. They had the fear, reverential fear, of not offending Him.
d. They had the long or zeal; hunger and thirst for righteousness and justice (Matthew 5:6).
e. Passion to do what is Right was birth in them. They were longing to live holy, live for God and not to the self, to please Him (1 Peter 1:15,16; 4:1,2).
f. They had the readiness to discipline those who were wrong (2 Corinthians 10:6).
* A true Godly sorrow should lead to a change of heart that manifested in a change of Character.
- It is nowadays that you see those who professed to be believers living in blatant Sins without any remorse. Such might even be one of the church workers, the work force, in his or her local church. Some are even ministers, preaching or teaching others.
- There are a lot of hypocrisies in the church today. Would a preacher or Teacher not preach or teach himself or herself?:
* Some Believers are entrenched in a particular Sin, they found it difficult to come out of it.
- Whenever they committed the Sin, they would be remorseful, but after a while they are back in the same act (2 Peter 2:22).
- Godly sorrow should lead to a genuine repentance. If you actually wanted to be free from the hold of that particular Sin, you might need to confide in someone who is mature spiritually, to help you. The person would be able to counsel you, and break the hold of the Sin through Prayer and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 10:27).
- The hold of that Sin might be an initiation. Especially if it was a sin of immorality. Whoever is bound and entrenched in the Sin of immorality and claimed to be born-again, It is always an initiation.
- The sinful partner whom the person is bound with, whom they are commiting the Sin together, is usually a person with demonic power.
THE initiation is always done through sexual relationship. And this might be difficult to break loose from with physical strength, since it involves the activities of a demon or demons.
- If what is being shared here is your experience or what you are going through presently, I want to enjoin you to confide in your pastor or a minister of God who has the understanding of the operations of the kingdom of darkness.
- Also, take a bold step and stay away from the person, the sinful partner. If you live in the same place, you may have to move to another place temporarily until your deliverance is done and made perfect.
- However, If your own case is not as severe as what we have just shared here, that is, you do not perceive any demonic involvement in yours; you just go ahead and cofess your Sin and break away from whoever you are commiting the Sin with (1 John 1:9).
* I declare your freedom, your deliverance, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Should there be any ailment in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
- Whatever is contrary to your health is completely uprooted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
* Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).
- If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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pugzman3 · 8 months
Psalms chapter 69
1 (To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, A Psalm of David.) Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.
2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.
3 I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.
4 They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head: they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not away.
5 O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee.
6 Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.
7 Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.
8 I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children.
9 For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.
10 When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach.
11 I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb to them.
12 They that sit in the gate speak against me; and I was the song of the drunkards.
13 But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.
14 Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.
15 Let not the waterflood overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up, and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.
16 Hear me, O LORD; for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
17 And hide not thy face from thy servant; for I am in trouble: hear me speedily.
18 Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.
19 Thou hast known my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonour: mine adversaries are all before thee.
20 Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.
21 They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
22 Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.
23 Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake.
24 Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.
25 Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents.
26 For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.
27 Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness.
28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.
29 But I am poor and sorrowful: let thy salvation, O God, set me up on high.
30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
31 This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.
32 The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.
33 For the LORD heareth the poor, and despiseth not his prisoners.
34 Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.
35 For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession.
36 The seed also of his servants shall inherit it: and they that love his name shall dwell therein.
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
Let those who hope in You not be put to shame through me, Lord of Hosts; let not those who seek You be dismayed through me, God of Israel.
Psalm 69:7
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face. I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me. - Psalm 69:7-9 KJV
Zeal (noun) – Fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.
In this Bible passage, King David is in trouble. He is suffering from exhaustion, alienation and persecution because of false accusations. There are those of us today who become alienated from our families or friends because of trying to live out our lives and Christian faith as Jesus Christ commands us to. In the Gospel Book of St. John, Jesus is so incensed by the money-changers in the temple that He overturns their tables and kicks them out. He quotes this psalm as the reason for His behavior. We are being asked to examine where our fervor, our ardor, our diligence is found.
As spiritually reborn (born again) Christians, we are called to be the Apostles of our current world. Does our zeal lead us to carry the Gospel of Christ into our homes, our schools and workplaces, our neighborhoods? Does our zeal flow over into working to end injustice? I don't know about you, but like Jesus, I am appalled at those who claim to be Christian and then, choose to quote out of context, verses from Holy Scripture to justify their behavior! The money-changers used the need for the people to offer sacrifice for their business of selling the animals, but the Holy Bible did not say that they could cheat the people by overcharging them!
If we suffer for our zeal for the Gospel and for Jesus Christ, we are suffering just as David did and as Jesus did. In the Gospel Book of St. Matthew, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us that this will happen. We are carrying in our hearts the good news of the Gospel. Do we really understand this privilege? This responsibility? May our love for Jesus Christ and His Church inflame each one of us with a burning zeal to make God's Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. God’s servants in every generation have suffered for being faithful to Him. From the earliest days until today, He has brought forth men, women, and even children with zeal for His teachings. May we not abandon Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, even when suffer for our zeal on His behalf.
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His mercy and grace. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives and give us a new direction according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
9/27/2023 DAB Transcript pt1
Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, Proverbs 24:7
Today is the 27th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather again and it's so nice to gather again. It's so nice to look forward to just being together every day in spirit, as we take this journey. So, it is wonderful, as it is every day to be here around the Global Campfire taking our next step forward, and the next step leads us back into the book of Isaiah. We are, we are in the back half of Isaiah moving towards its conclusion. Today, Isaiah chapter 51, 52 and 53.
Okay so, in the book of Isaiah today, we read a very, very famous passage. It is a passage of Scripture that is a foretelling of the coming Messiah, the Savior. And so, I quote from Isaiah, “but he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, upon him was the punishment that made us whole and by his bruises we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray. We have all turned our own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” So that prophecy depicting Jesus lets us know that what Paul is telling us in Ephesians about the...the greatness, the overwhelming greatness of this faith, and this salvation, that this came at a very high price and that realization should humble us and pull us forward into Jesus. Paul says it like this in our reading from today, “therefore be imitators of God.” Like, we should just stop there for a second, we, we, we read verses and get their meanings. But if we slow down, what if be imitators of God, as beloved children, just that right there. That’s mind blowing. That’s mind-blowing stuff. Children of God, imitators of God. This is given to us as a gift that came at a great price and was given to us for free. And so often we live our lives just grabbing whatever we can get and whatever we need as entitled children of God, instead of humbled children of God who are so deeply grateful. So aware of how fortunate we actually are.
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isaiah118 · 1 year
The Month of Nissan
Judah Goes First
The Scriptures (The Holy Bible) speaks more of the Tribe of Judah than any other Tribe of Israel. To understand why this is, we need to go back in history. Back to Genesis.
Judah was the fourth son of Jacob by his first wife, Leah (Genesis 29:35). Judah married a Canaanite woman, the daughter of Shua and they had three sons, Er, Onan and Shelah.
Er, the firstborn of Judah, married Tamar, but the Scriptures tells us that he was evil and God took his life (Genesis 38:6-7). Judah commanded his second-born son, Onan, to marry Tamar and produce an heir for his deceased brother as God’s laws commanded. However, Onan did not carry out God’s command because the child would not be his heir, hence, God took Onan’s life for his refusal to give his brother an heir (Genesis 38:8-10).
The story of Judah and Tamar is found in Genesis chapter 38. This chapter indicates that Tamar became pregnant by Judah (his daughter in law see Genesis 38:11-30 to see how this came to be), and she conceived twins. When Tamar was giving birth, one twin put out his hand first and the midwife tied a scarlet thread on it and said, “This one came out first.” But the other twin, Perez, came out unexpectedly followed by Zerah with the scarlet thread tied on his hand (Genesis 38:27-30).
God used the birth of these two twins to establish two lines of genealogy in the tribe of Judah, hence fulfilling a promise God made to Abraham stating the following; “and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”(Genesis 12:3 KJV). This promise would come through the line of Perez. King David and the kings of Judah would descend through the line of Perez. But what is more important is that Jesus, Yeshua, would come through the line of Perez so “all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3 & Matthew 1:3, 16).
The Apostle Paul said the following, “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” (Galatians 3:16).
Genesis 49:1 tells us that Jacob, in his death bed, gave a word to his sons saying; “And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.” But Genesis 49:8-10 tells us specifically what Jacob spoke about his son Judah saying; “8- Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee. 9- Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? 10- The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” 
This passage indicates to us that God looked upon Judah as His ‘strong warrior’ likening Judah as a ‘young lion’ sleeping after devouring its prey. The point is that whatever God saw in the tribe Judah, He, God, choose it to be His lawgiver and choose Judah as the tribe from which Messiah would come to be born as Hebrews 7:14 tells us; “For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.” (KJV) To give greater merit and weight to the importance of Judah, Yeshua is called “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah” in Revelations 5:5 that reads; “And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.” 
King David the Psalmist was compelled and moved to emphasize Judah’s role as a lawgiver when he wrote twice “Judah is my lawgiver” in Psalms 69:7 and 108:8, repeating the exact same scripture.
Judah wasn’t only a ‘lawgiver’, but a ‘Preserver of God’s Written Laws.’ The apostle Paul makes this very clear in Romans 31:1-2 when he states the following; “1- What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? 2- Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.”
Throughout history, the Jews have faithfully and zealously preserved the Old Testament as well as the Hebrew Calendar that God gave them in the Torah (First five books of the Bible).
The tribe of Judah prevailed above his brothers due to an event written in Numbers 1:2-3 and 27 during Moses leadership where Judah was the leading tribe in population as well as strong men who could go to war hence ‘prevailing over his brothers.
Soon after Joshua’s death, God choose the tribe of Judah to lead the rest of the tribes in the conquering of the Promise Land. The tribe of Judah demonstrated their aggressive willingness and strong determination to drive out the Canaanites and take possession of the southern part of the land of Canaan. Furthermore, Judah prevailed over his brothers during a most famous descendant born to through the line of Judah named David. King David set the stage for the temple to be built on Mount Zion (Jerusalem) as Psalms 78:67-70 tells us; “67- Moreover he refused the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim: 68- But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved. 69- And he built his sanctuary like high palaces, like the earth which he hath established forever. 70- He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds:”. King David was also chosen by God to hold the ‘scepter’, representing and a symbolisms that the kingship would always remain with the tribe of Judah according to Genesis 49:10 and Psalms 89: 34-37.
Other Important Points
Judah’s blessing from Moses on the 1st month of Nissan – Deuteronomy 33:7
Judah became God’s sanctuary – Psalms 114
Symbol is the lion – Yeshua is the Lion of Judah - When Israel marched through the wilderness, Judah always went first. This is the first month, and this is Judah’s month.
The name ‘Jews’ comes from the Kingdom and tribe of Judah
Judah come from the Hebrew word ‘YADAH’ meaning ‘to praise’, to ‘give thanks’, ‘to glorify’ or to ‘acknowledge God’
Yadah, in turn, comes from the Hebrew word Yad, which means, “hand” Yadah originally meant, “to extend the hand” The picture is an act of praising and worshipping God with the lifting of hands
Judah depicts an expression of praise
The hand symbolizes strength and power
When we lift our hands to the Lord, we are presenting to Him all of our strength and abilities (we are putting ourselves totally in His hands)
Month of Thanking God for His Deliverance
Tribe: Judah
Judah means PRAISE
The apostolic leadership, warring tribe, who knew
How to operate with sound
This is a key time to PRAISE!!! (Judah Goes First)
The month of thanking God for deliverance
Time of Spring When Kings Go Out to War
(2 Samuel 10) Even in a season of peace, you must discern what could encroach on your boundaries and contend for what is rightfully yours.
This is a season when you war for you covenant promises.
DO NOT HESITATE to release a sound of praise that will break you into a dimension of victory and wholeness.
Declare by faith, the power of Jesus blood has set you free.
Your path of healing and miracles are now before you!
Judah is the king (the "first") of the tribes of Israel. His name means to give thanks, in speech (the sense of Nissan). The king rules his people by the power of his speech. The month of Nissan is "the new year for kings".
Judah ‘Arah’ lion - shows great strength; ‘hand will be in the neck of your enemies.’ God has given you power over all that the enemy brings against you. When you come into maturity ‘Lebaowth’ characteristics of greatness will be seen. You remain sitting and observing quietly, while the young race about wildly in anxiety and confusion.
Tribe of Judah – Gemstone –Emerald
Emerald is green in color. It means to glisten and shine. Emerald is symbolic of immortality. The eternal royalty of the house of David, which is fulfilled in Yeshua, Jesus. The Tribe of Judah developed through much suffering and enduring hard trials and testing’s as seen in Genesis 38. It takes a lifetime to make a saint and it takes a lifetime to perfect this tribe to bring him into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Judah the gemstone of priesthood and royalty.
Yeshua the Messiah – THE LION OF JUDAH
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jfarvin · 18 hours
[The Lord says,]
"Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
— Isaiah 46:4
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
— Romans 7:24-25
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
— Psalm 34:18
Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes.
— Psalm 69:17-18
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age...
— Galatians 1:3-4
For [God] has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
— Colossians 1:13-14
Jesus, When I call, You not only come, You come through. My prayer is for those who do not know they need to be rescued. Jesus comes... Jesus comes through!
To Da, Abba, To Da
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A song of David written when he was in the desert of Judah.
1 God, you are my God. I am searching so hard to find you. Body and soul, I thirst for you in this dry and weary land without water. 2 Yes, I have seen you in your Temple. I have seen your strength and glory. 3 Your faithful love is better than life, so my lips praise you. 4 By my life, I will praise you. In your name, I lift my hands in prayer. 5 When I sit down to satisfy my hunger, my joyful lips hunger to praise you! 6 I remember you while lying on my bed. I think about you in the middle of the night. 7 That is because you are the one who helps me. It makes me happy to be under your protection! 8 I stay close to you, and you hold me with your powerful arm.
9 Those who are trying to kill me will be destroyed. They will go down to their graves. 10 They will be killed with swords. Wild dogs will eat their dead bodies. 11 But the king will be happy with his God, and those who promised to obey him will praise him when he defeats those liars. — Psalm 63 | Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) The Holy Bible, Easy-to-Read Version Copyright © 2006 by Bible League International. Cross References: Numbers 32:12; Deuteronomy 6:13; Ruth 2:12; 1 Samuel 22:5; Psalm 1:2; Psalm 17:8; Psalm 27:4; Psalm 28:2; Psalm 36:8; Psalm 54:3; Psalm 68:24; Psalm 69:16; Psalm 119:55; Psalm 119:148; Psalm 119:171; Jeremiah 18:21; Lamentations 5:18; Ezekiel 31:14; Matthew 5:6; Luke 10:11; Romans 3:19; 1 Timothy 2:8
Psalm 63 by Charles H. Spurgeon
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dfroza · 29 days
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 27th of August 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[The Letter of 1st John, Chapter 4 • The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 25]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 27 and Psalm 27 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 69 for the 69th day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 90 for day 240 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done.” - C.S. Lewis
Shalom chaverim ahuvim. Our Torah portion this week (i.e., parashat Re’eh) begins, “See (רְאֵה), I give before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing (הַבְּרָכָה), if you obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, and the curse (הַקְּלָלָה), if you turn aside from the way that I am commanding you today, to go after other gods that you have not known" (Deut. 11:26-28).
We obtain God’s blessing (i.e., berakhah: בְּרָכָה) when we obey the LORD, and our decision to obey manifests the blessed state of walking before the Divine Presence (the direct object marker et (את) before the word “the blessing” alludes to the blessings of “Aleph to Tav,” that is from Yeshua, as described in Lev. 26:3-13). As King David said, “I have set (שִׁוִּיתִי) the LORD always before me...” (Psalm 16:8). David made a choice to “set” the LORD before his eyes, for he understood that opening his eyes to Reality was the only path of real blessing.
On the other hand, we obtain God’s curse (i.e., kelalah: קְלָלָה) when we close our eyes and “forget” that the LORD is always present.... Suppressing God’s truth invariably leads to idolatry, that is, to self exaltation. Note that the root word for the word “curse” (kalal) means to be treated as of little account, and therefore “ratifies” the rebellious heart’s attitude toward God. This is middah keneged middah - we are ignored by the LORD as we ignore Him, just as we seen by Him when we truly seek His face (Isa. 55:6-7).
So we see that the blessing or the curse really comes from our own inward decision, and God establishes the path we have chosen. As King David said, “God supports my lot” (Psalm 16:5), and Solomon wrote: לב אדם יחשׁב דרכו ויהוה יכין צעדו - “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Deut. 11:26 reading:
Hebrew page:
Re’eh Torah Summary:
Torah Table Talk:
Audio podcast:
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8.25.24 • Facebook
from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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saintmichaelkalibo · 1 month
Feed Your Faith | Fr. Erel Villanueva | August 24, 2024
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 25, 2024 Theme: “Go & Proclaim: His Body and His Word will give us Eternal Life” First Proclamation: Joshua 24:1-2,14-15 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 84:5&7; 9-10; 11-12 Second Proclamation: Ephesians 6:10-13 Gospel Proclamation: John 6:56-69 Homily by Fr. Erel Villanueva In this Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Erel Villanueva shares that there…
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theestervashti · 2 months
"The Cushing." From Esther 1: 21-22.
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Persian King Xerxes, "The scientific prohibition against heresy" decides he needs a new partner. His wife, the Queen Vashti, "the Head of the Table" refuses to participate in deliberations affecting how people look. Not only does she think people need to change their minds, but she refuses to bless a meeting where the looks of people matter to their ability to partake in the benefits of the kingdom.
She consults with the noble women of Israel who say there must be a mechanism for persecuted minorities to participate in the government or the women will not show their faces. This enrages the men.
One of the King's advisors a Celestial Falcon called Memukan "the mechanism" intervenes. The term means "down into the distressing depths."
The root עמק ('amoq) has to do with being deep, and is used in pretty much the same literal and figurative ways as our English verb to be deep is used. The verb עמק ('amoq) is mostly used in the figurative sense, either of being deep in the sense of being profound (Psalm 92:5) but mostly in the sense of being deeply hidden (Isaiah 29:15, Jeremiah 49:8), and that usually because of deep rottenness or depravity (Hosea 5:2, Isaiah 31:6).
This verb's derivations are:
The masculine noun עמק ('emeq), a frequently occurring word meaning vale, valley or lowland (Genesis 14:17, Isaiah 22:7, Psalm 65:13).
The masculine noun עמק ('omeq), meaning depth (Proverbs 9:18 and 25:3 only).
The adjective עמק ('ameq), denoting the unintelligibility of foreign speech (Isaiah 33:19 and Ezekiel 3:5-6 only).
The adjective עמק ('amoq), meaning deep in a literal sense (Leviticus 13:3, Ezekiel 23:32) or figuratively (Psalm 64:6, Job 12:22).
The masculine plural noun מעמקים (ma'amaqqim), denoting again mostly figurative and distressing depths (Psalm 69:3, Isaiah 51:10, Ezekiel 27:34).
Memukan's advice- replace the queen with an edict that is intelligible is acceptable to the king. Only so much can be revealed through what are called "vegetable words." There is no lifeforce in the inanimate words and stories in the Torah. Without government intervention in all the proper ways, the people will not know how to turn their spiritual sentiments from the Vashti into the Vashat, a collective way of life that resembles the oil painting in the Torah.
This conversion between state religion and state government has plagued humanity from the beginning. What happens next is called the development of a codex. Codex is a Latin word used to mean "book of laws," although it's literally "tree trunk." The plural of codex is codices. Definitions of codex. noun. an unbound manuscript of some ancient classic (as distinguished from a scroll) synonyms: leaf-book.
Regardless of faith, language or location, the codex says the commune, this thing called the Vashat shall observe a common set of laws, which allows freedom of personal expression as a benefit of citizenship:
21 The king and his nobles were pleased with this advice, so the king did as Memukan proposed. 
22 He sent dispatches to all parts of the kingdom, to each province in its own script and to each people in their own language, proclaiming that every man should be ruler over his own household, using his native tongue.
A dispatch is a direct challenge to injustice right to the doorstep of its authority. Proclamations are found in Vayikra.
No golden calves. They do nothing. The Torah said the only cow allowed is called Leah, the Leading Cow who led Jacob the Follower into her bovine boudoir and created the Levi, Simeon, and Judah, "Unity, Law, and Praise" and later gives birth to Issachar, "Prosperity", Zebulun, "Honor" and Dinah, "the Government."="Men who follow the proper Principals create unity and prosperity through the law, are praiseworthy and honorable."
There is a process of development persons, families, communities, institutions and societies undertake in order to become enlightened. These have to be taught directly, not inferred and they have be demonstrated and mirrored.
History is a process of elimination. You do not take the good with the bad, the bad goes into the rubbish pile.
Do these things and the Lord will hover, watch, guide, and bless the Column as it travels through its lifetimes.
Exodus 40:
34 Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
36 In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; 37 but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out—until the day it lifted. 38 So the cloud of the Lord was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the Israelites during all their travels.
The word Leviticus means:
Levi= unity
Iti= with me
Cush= the King. Cush also refers to the South, and we know that means "Realization."
North= God,
East= Age of Reason,
South, Realization,
West= Enlightenment.
In Leviticus we are Cushing, or trying to become Kings of our Castles.
Thus begins the Parsha entitled, Vayikra, "Thus I proclaim, how thee shall attain to Unity With Me."
Unlike conventional thinking on the tenets and processes entailed in Judaism, the Parsha contains a thorough process for the redemption of sin.
The Rite of Forgiveness, required for the completion of the Sacrament of Leviticus begins with a burnt offering, the desire to retire any tendency or behavior contrary to those residing in the walls of the heart, AKA the Ephod.
All of the following are, as I explained Tantra. They are narratives that explain how to evolve the self from Day 1 to Day 7, from the open sea to dry ground through the fires and deluges on board the Ark the embodied Self, to Ararat, "The place of wringing out" and Noach, a stage before Shabat, the "Rebirth."
Except that is not enough as we learn. Once we descend Ararat, we have to learn to deal with the physical, emotional, and political conditions of world unaccustomed to moderation, to the wiles of its conscience. God threw Adam and Evil out of the Garden because they rejected Enlightenment outright and wanted and needed to learn it on their own.
The Torah follows the first Seven Days during its Horeb, its Climb to the end where Moses having seen, demonstrated and mirrored the miracles within and without, comes to rest. The process is explained here in Exodus 3: Why persons must not live within a confederation, how it is the duty of a royal house to ensure this does not happen:
7 The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 21: The king did as Memukan proposed. Xerxes, a very powerful man asked for advice. Kings are always subservient to those of superior wisdom. This is the secret of sovereignty. Every constitutional monarchy states the king or queen is invulnerable. As in the Danish constitution it says "His majesty is immune from prosecution." So what prevents the king or queen of Denmark from going hogwild? Nothing.
Only revolution can stop an ungodly monarch where such clauses are used in their kingdom's constitutions. Revolutions devastate lives so a good king will do whatever it takes to behave in a way that is wise in spite of the fact he is under no obligation to do so.
Where confederation is a risk however, such as it is in the United States of America, revolution is indicated. The White House refuses to acknowledge the presence of an unelected dictator, Donald Trump, whom it has given permission to run for office a second time. This is a sign of a failed state AKA a confederacy and the signs are not being heeded. The problem stems from religious extremists who want the legal right to engage in prejudice, persecute others, and engage in terrorism. In spite of the fact much of this is forbidden by federal and international law, America remains a passenger on its own crazy train.
As the Rab says, "G-d is not found in what is, but in what is becoming, in what is being done..."
The Number is 4801, דח אֶפֶסא‎ ‎reject efessa, "do not reject anyone."
v. 22: He sent dispatches to all parts of the kingdom. The Number is 11360, יאג‎ו‎ אֶפֶס, lago is zero. "you may not mock, make fun of, deride, sneer, or scoff at other guys."
This is very good advice if your kingdom or nation is at risk for revolution. Perhaps the queen and the noble women of Israel had an impact on the king and his court after all.
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focr · 2 months
So shall I be saved from my enemies.
David now multiplies metaphors in order to bring out the wonder of what it means to trust in the Almighty God, and the people enter into the experience with him. He twice describes God as a rock, the first time as a strong and firm foundation, the second as a useful hiding place. The idea is firstly of a rock which is firmly a part of the mountain of which it is the expression, firm, solid, dependable, unbreakable and sure. He had cause to know. He had spent much time in the mountains, and knew the strength of those solid rocks in the face of adversity. But he saw God as the great Rock, stronger and more dependable than all.
God was also his fortress, the place where he could go to find refuge so that he could look out on his enemy without fear. Once he was in his fortress he could laugh in the face of the enemy. And He was also his Deliverer, his Saviour. For God not only protects, He also delivers those who are His own.
The second mention of the rock has the idea of it as a place of refuge. It is still firm and strong, but it is a place where the fugitive may hide in its crevices, kept safe from those who would hunt him down.
The fact that the Psalm was introduced into public worship is an indication that we can each take these promises to ourselves. We too can depend on the Rock, take refuge in the Fortress and respond to and rejoice in the Saviour.
‘My God (El), my rock, in whom I will take refuge.' Above all YHWH is his God, the ever-reliable, the ever-dependable, the impregnable, the One in Whom is the place of total safety. Nothing can harm us when we are hidden in God, for when we are with Him all that would affect us must come through Him. It may seem fearful, but it is under His control, and can only enter with His permission.
‘My shield, and the horn of my salvation.' A shield is in a sense a personal fortress which we can carry around with us. It protects from all attacks, both by arrow, sword or spear, indeed from all assaults of the enemy (Ephesians 6:16). And a horn is the expression of personal strength which we bear, as it were, on our foreheads (as the wild ox does) and with which we can defend and deliver ourselves. It may well be that warriors wore horns on their headgear as an expression of their ferocity. But here our horn is God Himself. Nothing can stand before Him. Thus deliverance is sure. The promise is to each individual as well as to all. We will each be delivered because YHWH shields us and gives us saving strength, and acts as our horn with which to defeat the enemy. For the idea of the horn compare among other references Psalms 28:7; Deuteronomy 33:17; Luke 1:69.
‘My high tower.' And finally we reach the ultimate in security, ‘the high tower'. That mighty fortress which men built for maximum security, made even more secure by the fact that this particular high tower is God Himself. No vulnerability here.
‘I will call on YHWH, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies.' Thus David knows that he can call on this mighty Rock, this Fortress, this Deliverer, this Shield and Horn, this High Tower, the One Who is worthy of all praise, and will then in one way or another be saved from all his enemies. And all who sing the psalm with him know it too.
~ Peter Pett
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yhwhrulz · 2 months
Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 27th July 2024
7/27 Psalm 69:9
9 For zeal for your house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.
When Jesus began His ministry, one of the first things He did was to make a whip and chase all the money changers and merchants from the Court of the Gentiles. That was the place the nations of the world were to come and pray to the God of Israel. Instead of being a quiet, meditative place, it was full of men competing for business. Jesus actions were quite audacious! He took charge over what the priests had permitted. To challenge a source of their income was putting His life at risk. The disciples, seeing Jesus' fury, recalled our verse for today (John 2:17).
Jesus was certainly concerned that the nations be drawn to the one true God, but He also knew this Temple would be torn down (Matthew 24:2). He knew the temple of God would consist of living stones, His followers. His demonstration showed us how zealous He is that our hearts not be distracted by a worship of wealth. Instead He would have us be focused on communion with Him in prayer. Then the world will be drawn to Him by our life.
The psalmist took very personally the reproaches people spoke toward the Temple. Jesus did as well. Every true believer will be filled with a consuming zeal to see that the testimony of God's house, the body of believers, attracts the world to the Son of God and all His goodness. The bad testimonies of those who claim to be Christians break our hearts because they misrepresent Him. Those who would divide church families grieve us because of the message it sends to the world.
Consider: Is the zeal for God's house consuming you? Do you personally feel the reproaches?
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