#Psychopomp Dhizzi
uselessidiotsquad 1 year
Should you fight my characters? Asura Flavor!
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Battle music: My Algo - I am Robot and Proud
Should you fight Mhonde? Let me get this perfectly clear, you want to fight MHONDE? The two foot tall, mostly blind engineer who names all his golems like they were dogs and is a walking, unceasing hype machine for his giant girlfriend? Okay just checking. So you should you fight him - absolutely not what is wrong with you. He's a good person, kind-hearted, friendly, and will try to diffuse all situations.
Who initiates the fight? By initiate, I mean you would honestly have to just attack him, he will try reasoning and compromise for anything. Maybe if you talked poorly about Raj, he would rewire your house out of spite and make it turn the power off just to the alarms, clocks, electronics so you are late for everything. But no fights would happen.
Who would win? ...he can't see hardly anything, he's maybe the size of a toddler, and he's distracted by tinkering with golems. You could crumple him like an aluminum can with one good hit. But also don't.
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Battle music: Flight of the Bumblebee - (feat. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov) (Gravel Dubstep Remix)
Should you fight Fhia? For an entirely different reason than Mhonde, no you should not fight Fhia. She is actively cursed and you are liable to die to weird things even before you try to actually fight her. Meteor, heart attack, combustion, getting hit by a car, you name it, it could happen. So no, avoid her at all costs.
Who initiates the fight? I mean she's former Priory, so would rather talk you to death than fight you. You would initiate it but regret it given the nature of her curse.
Who would win? Fhia but not because she tries, just because something fell on you and killed you before you get a swing in on her. Huh! Another statistical improbability for the books!
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Battle music: Roygbiv - Boards of Canada
Should you fight Bhruizz? For yet another entirely different reason, no. Xe is very laid back and chill, not one for getting stirred up easily, and not one for starting drama. However, xe fights unpredictably being a berzerker so it's easy to get caught off guard. Morally, xe isn't a bad person just kinda keeps to xemself so there's not really a reason to.
Who initiates the fight? Yet again it would have to be you, xe doesn't have energy or inclination to fight.
Who would win? It's a 50/50. If you fight xem and they don't enrage, you win. Xe would honestly forfeit like 5 seconds into the fight - letting you win. Don't have energy for that. If xe does enrage, xe is absolutely winning. Bhruizz goes all in when xe does choose to fight and is good at both ranged, melee, and mid - so you're up shits creek there.
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Battle music:
(When you first encounter him) Not a Word, O My Friend - Peter Cavallo
(When he realizes you aren't buying his act and he's trying to escape)
Perchin'- Louie Zong
Should you fight Mhunizz? Yes. He's a slimy little asshole who tries (and usually succeeds in) UWUing his way through life and guilt tripping people to get what he wants. Or stealing it if it doesn't work. Mhunizz is extremely selfish and arrogant. While at his core he isn't a bad person, he also just thinks of himself, and an ass kicking might mellow him out for a while.
Who would initiate the fight? You would because he tries to sob story his way through any form of conflict. Once you get past the puppy dog eyes, he will realize that he can't cry and lip quiver his way out of this one.
Who would win? Oh if it was an actual fight you would for sure win, he's a Guardian but most of his magic is defensive and healing based to make people rely on him and trust him. However, it's far more likely that he's gonna run away as soon as he finds out the 馃ズdidn't work.
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Battle music: Authority - Vondkreistan
Should you fight Khenazzi? From a moral standpoint, yes. She's made her way high in the Inquest ranks through cruel ingenuity. However, from an actual combat standpoint, I might argue against it. She uses custom poisons she's engineered herself and honestly even if you win against her now - you will be having issues for the rest of your life because of the slow acting side effects. It's her last laugh, she plays the slow game.
Who would initiate the fight? She would. Khenazzi is of the belief that Asura are the natural rulers of Tyria given their intellectual superiority and thus everyone else needs to comply or die. Given that she's higher rank, it would be hard to find her though, you would have had to be looking. Which, is an invitation for death, in her book.
Who would win? She's not physically the strongest but she's great at evading. And while if you can catch her it will be game over, she poisons the dickens out of everything. She would even let you catch her just so she can make sure to be able to stab you at least once with her daggers so you get a taste of the poisons. So yeah, you can kill her, but you will be suffering for the rest of your life. Poisons leading to blindness, organ failure, cognitive deterioration and chronic pain.
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Battle Music: Held - Holy Other
Should you fight Dhizzi? There's nothing to fight about her? She's already stuck in the Mists, you can't kill her. Chances are she wouldn't kill you either, so not real point. Morally, she may be strong willed, but she does what she can to cheat the inevitable for others. Giving everyone more than a fighting chance. She helps, in her own way. So no, it would amount to nothing.
Who would initiate the fight? You would and she would promptly laugh. You're gonna fight her? Really? Don't you have something better to do? She's already broken all the rules regarding death by sneaking people out of various planes of the Mists. Fisticuffs with the forbidden ferryman doesn't seem like a bright idea.
Who would win? No one is. She's unkillable in her current state, more of a force than a person at times, and doesn't have time for skirmishes with people. She's got countless dead to keep track of and make sure they get back into the fight. Maybe if you wanted to see what dying felt like but didn't want to commit to it - she'd oblige you.
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uselessidiotsquad 1 year
Psychopomp Dhizzi
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The last of the Asura Siblings has made herself known!
After disappearing in the Mist War, Dhizzi was assumed to be dead. However, a determined Asura is a frightening thing. Studying the Mists and the nature of them led her to the conclusion that the realms of the Eternal Battlegrounds and the place where most souls reside is not as far as one might think. While normally those who are attuned to deities of death or the spirits of the wild are able to slip into the Mists, Dhizzi denies any such affiliation.
If there is one trait in this family that runs through all of it them, it is go big or go home. Opening a portal using the byproduct of the Mists parallel and converging timelines, which is chaos magic, she managed to slip in to the realm of the dead while alive and now serves to sneak out as many souls as she can. Unfortunately, she can only carry them as far as the fields of constant warfare but many prefer it to idling as vague forms in the beyond. At the cost of being forever unable to leave, she serves to retrieve souls from their 'thereafter' to bring them back into the fight.
Should you fight the endless fight, you can expect death to be a momentary inconvenience, at least while Dhizzi has anything to say about it.
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uselessidiotsquad 1 year
Honestly the more I think about Dhizzi the more I love her. There's somehow this idea that the ferryman of death is this spiritual, godlike figure this unknowable entity of magic.
But like to have it be someone who is just smart as hell, developed the technology for it, is just *mwah* to me. She isn't this mythological figure, she is clever and determined and made the tools that use the same principals as the spirit ones but through technological advances. She's still a person, she's still a sister and stubborn, and very much fallible.
She is not the ferryman by fate, but by choice and necessity through development. And I think that's neat. The same role, the same power, the same function but through her own means.
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uselessidiotsquad 1 year
Under the cut rat thoughts
Since Psychopomp Dhizzi has been fucking around with Mists magic for more than 10 years, with all these Mists shenanigans, it would be something if she just popped up again.
"Surprise I wasn't dead, just stuck now - what in the Alchemy's fuck have you guys done to this place?!"
Hm. I wonder what that would do for the Mist War though.
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uselessidiotsquad 1 year
Do any of your characters canonically use skiffs? If they do, is it more out of necessity or do they genuinely enjoy being out on the water?
Ty for the ask!
A few of them do, mainly out of necessity. Larthi, my unstuck in time Chronomancer Charr, does. It learned how to handle a small vessel after being teleported to an Olmakhan fishing village for a few months (before it got sent back to right before The Searing). Managing to flee before things got spicy.
Likewise, Dhizzi, the ferryman, uses one to traverse in-between realms of the Mists. Think of them like access roads to different highways that take you to different subareas of the Mists. Many of these spiritual access roads are just open flat expanses of somthing like water (which is what the worlds primordial state was and also what the world returns to eventually, and Larthi has also visited it - though it isn't sure if it was the Before All or After All state). She uses a skiff because Alchemy preserve - who knows what touching the 'almost water but not quite' would do if you touched it as a living person.
Commander Ruby, however, just likes being out on the water and can use a skiff some. Mainly she's just on her skimmer though because it's her pet and friend, she loves that big squishy manatee a whole lot.
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uselessidiotsquad 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week:
A contribution for said week is my newest rat, Trigikk who I haven't had much time to talk about before so I figured now is the time!
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All of my Asura are family, brothers or sisters with one another - besides Trigikk. To know more about him we have to talk about the rest of them.
Dhizzi, who is one of the older siblings, was studying techomagical advances and ways of transportation that did not rely on ley energy given that at the time of her research Dragons using the juice from it was still very much a thing. As a result she began looking into opening pocket tears into the Mists and then trying to calculate where one would come out the other side. A way of transportation for soldiers, civs, and everyone else that wasn't at risk from work ending Dragons and a way to dip out should the world go tits up.
However, as part of her research she found her way into various realms but was not able to find her way out. As such, she's decided on making the best of it and is the one responsible for bringing players back from the Mists in areas where the Mist War rages on. Her official, self given, title is no longer Taskmaster Dhizzi, but Psychopomp Dhizzi.
These advances and studies into the Mists were not done by her alone, she had several Krewe members working with her at the time of her disappearance (and presumed death, but really she's alive but stuck in the Mists). One of said members was Trigikk. Unfortunately, not everyone in her Krewe was as sad about her disappearance as he was and when answers were needed, the lead researcher (after Dhizzi) pointed fingers at Trigikk and claimed that he'd purposefully messed up the pocket tear and had resulted in her death. The rest of the Krewe, not wanting to answer to the officials about a disappearance, echoed it and all the blame got funneled to him.
Now wanted for a murder that never happened that he did not commit, he did the only thing that made sense and fled Rata Sum. He has been on the run for nearly 10 years, never staying long in any one place to avoid attention of authorities and of his former Krewe mates who want to scapegoat him.
The Inquest, due to Dhizzi's sister Khenazzi, have also been searching for him. Though they are not opposed to killing, capturing, or torturing their way to find him. His skill set would benefit their causes greatly and this is not lost on him. He's used this knowledge to him him avoid others and is a skilled Revenant.
As a person he generally is quiet, well mannered, and easy to get along with. Much of this is not known as he speaks to others as little as possible and is prone to letting his (rightfully rooted) paranoia take over. Trying to clear his name in past attempts has gotten him closer to being caught or interrogated than it has in explaining anything so he has skirted it altogether.
Alas that if any of my other Asura find him, it's fight on sight. It's hard not to think he's at fault when all the clues are from a Krewe who spent more time into covering their own asses than they did trying to find a solution or answer.
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