#Purchase Mifeprex online in USA
womenscare · 5 years
Free Abortion Pill – How Much The Abortion Pill Really Cost You.
Over 50% of women who have an abortion are below the poverty line. It means that a significant number of women find it extremely difficult to raise the capital required to have an abortion. They may also have to set up babysitting for their children. They must bear the cost of traveling to and from the abortion pill clinic and arrange to be off from work or school.
Additionally; room and board costs must be added in for women that live in States where a mandatory 24 to 72 hour waiting period after counseling from a Physician must be abided by. This leads to higher direct and indirect costs of having an abortion performed.
The final cost of the abortion procedure due to unnecessary restrictive abortion laws may cost the individual woman two to three times the abortion cost.
There is no wonder why women call abortion clinics and ask about a cheap or reduced price for an abortion. Many women inquire about the possibility of having a free abortion.
For every penny that indigent or poor women have, is spent on daily needs. They have no savings for a “rainy day”. In essence, they have no emergency fund. If additional monthly monies are needed, one or several bills will not be paid.
The average cost of a first trimester abortion in the US ranges between $300.00 and $1,500.00
Getting a free abortion pill procedure at a abortion clinic can be difficult to accomplish. There are private abortion facilities from time to time that perform medication abortions for free. Many abortion facilities perform abortion procedures at a reduced rate.
Over 50% of women who have an unintended pregnancy will have an abortion. Restricting or making abortions illegal does not reduce the number of abortions that occur.
Passing restrictive laws only push women to self-induce their abortion. This leads to a significant increase in maternal morbidity and mortality.
Over 50% of abortions occur in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. More than half of all abortions in the U.S. 8 weeks or less in gestation, are now performed utilizing the abortion pill process.
The number of abortions performed in the U.S. has been reduced from 1.2 million to 650,000 over the last decade.
Lawmakers who have passed restrictive laws think they have reduced the number of abortions in the U.S. This is not true. There are several reasons for this.
More women are turning to the black market and purchasing “Abortion Home Kits” online. This avoids 1) mandatory clinic waiting hours, 2)walking through protesters at abortion facilities who are shouting ”baby killer” “baby murderer” ect., 3) privacy intrusion by protesters and 4) follow up visits. The latter is extremely important. It is not to be avoided. The visit assures there are no post procedural complications.
Side effects and complications are rare when the abortion pill procedure is performed. There are serious complications that may require hospitalizations, surgery or blood transfusion.
Abstinence- Millions of men and women use abstinence to reduce the incidence of Sexual Transmission Infections (STI’s) and pregnancy.
Education – Becoming informed regarding the different types of birth control and what is best for the individual.
Pain Free Abortion Pill
There have been several scientific articles discussing the use of the Abortion Pill to terminate pregnancies in a pain free manner. The articles have never received much attention or drawn a significant amount of interest. The reasons are unknown and probably politically based.
Why would lawmakers or the anti-abortion establishment want to say that abortions can be performed with little or no pain?
The anti-abortion institution would fear more women having an abortion if there is minimal to no pain involved.
The anti-abortion establishment would say that a no pain abortion pill is based on greed and blood money. The truth is that women are being offered a safe and legal procedure that has minimal to no side effects.
Women who have an unintended pregnancy will find a way to have an abortion through legal or illegal means.
Why not offer patients a way to have a pain free abortion or at minimal discomfort during the procedure?
The answer is very short, simple and straightforward. All women should be offered the pain free abortion procedure who qualify.
One can easily come across hundreds of online sites where abortion pills can be purchased for little to no money. Is it worth costing your life? Is it worth getting pills that may not be the proper dosage or contain the actual product?
Are. abortion pills purchased online really free really worth your life or health? Can you get a pain free abortion pill without paying a penny?
If you think so, let us focus on what the Abortion Pills actually are.
As stated before, reputable abortion clinics are able to perform free abortions with the aid of private donors and non-profit organizations.
Free Abortion Pill
Birth Control
Surveys taken in Abortion Clinics show that over 50% of women used some form of birth control the prior month they conceived. Becoming pregnant may have been a matter of running out of birth control. Reasons for failure include the following:
Leakage around a condom
The condom falls off
The condom had a hole in it
Certain antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the birth control pill
Not taking low dose estrogen birth control pills, or progesterone only pills at the same time daily
Forgetting to take the pill daily
IUD gets displaced from the uterus. One must check the IUD string after every monthly menses
Progesterone injections must be given every 3 months. There is a window of 1 to 3 additional weeks that the medication is still effective.
Studies are presently being done where patients are being taught how to self-inject themselves. This will help alleviate the obstacle of women having to return to the medical facility every 3 months for the hormone injection.
Many women have queries and concerns about the pain free abortion pills. The same medications used for medical abortions are used when performing the pain free abortion pill method.
In the USA, surgical abortions have been known to be the safest method of terminating pregnancies for over 60 years. The side effects and complications regarding the vacuum suction procedure are negligible.
Women in major cities of Florida face restrictive abortion issues. There is the mandatory State law that forces the medical staff tc perform sonograms and describe the fetal anatomy if the patient wishes.
One may call renowned abortion clinics and ask if they are providing free abortions. There are several renowned medical professionals who provide the free abortion pill in Florida.
For the majority of patients, the abortion pill procedure cannot be performed for free.everything is free. Professional Doctors have their own charges and consultation fees.
There are two methods used to end a pregnancy- 1) medical and 2) surgical. Wondering which one is better?
Let us talk about the methods used by people to terminate pregnancies further than ten weeks.
The Medical One- Mifepristone (Mifeprex, RU486) and Misoprostol (Cytotec)
This method is widely used to terminate pregnancies further than 10 weeks. The abortion Pill method is commonly used to end unwanted pregnancies from 10.1 to 24 weeks gestation. Let’s get into a little more detail:
First Meeting
The health professional implements the first meeting to investigate the entire history and physical process.
Performing a pelvic exam and sonogram will take place at the medical clinic. You might be told to swallow the first tablet which is part of the pain free abortion pill method while present in the clinic.
The tablet used to start the process is called Mifepristone. The Physician prescribes this medication in order to cause the uterus to become sensitive to prostaglandins. This hormone causes an increase in intrauterine pressure and contractions that lead to softening and dilation of the cervix.
Mifepristone alone may cause 1 to 2% of patients to go into labor. .
The second medication is named Misoprostol. It starts the labor procedure by binding to prostaglandin receptors on the uterus and causes uterine contractions and labor pains.
Misoprostol is effective when 1) taken orally, 2) placed between cheek and gum (buccally), 3) underneath the tongue (sublingually) or 4) vaginally.
The doses of Misoprostol given, the and route of delivery, and the frequency may affect the side effects that patients experience and the start to completion of the abortion process.
After taking the Misoprostol tablets, the medical professional will recommend a return time to the office. The time varies from just a few hours to ñ eat breakfast, lunch or dinner and return to the office at the agreed time or before if labor ensues.
The majority of patients expel the fetus 8 to 16 hours on average after taking Misoprostol. Approximately 99% of patients expel the fetus within 24 hours with less than a 1% chance of complications.
If you vomit within 60 to 90 minutes of taking the Mifepristone or Misoprostol, additional doses may need to be given.
After completion of 21.5 weeks of pregnancy, an amnioinfusion of medications to stop the fetal heart are given. This assures zero chance of a live birth.
Second Meeting
The Second meeting comprises checking on how the patient is feeling and asking about lower abdominal pain and uterine contractions.
The cervix is examined for changes that indicate progress towards termination of pregnancy. Cervical transition such as softness, pinkish discharge, thinning and dilation are all important factors in determining if the woman is in active labor.
Side effects of fever, lower back and abdominal discomfort and pain is generally alleviated by taking Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Naproxen. They are highly effective when they are rotated every 2 to 4 hours. Over 98% of the time, narcotics for pain is not required.
The side effects of taking the the pain free abortion pill are similar to what they are in aborting a pregnancy with medications in the first trimester. Heavy vaginal bleeding, uterine cramping and low grade fever may occur.
Once again; the methods, dosages, frequency and route of how the medications are given, is associated with more or less pain and discomfort.
The start to completion of the abortion procedure also depends on the above factors. It is a proprietary formula.
“Crisis Pregnancy Centers”- Deceptive way the government uses to restrict legal abortion:
Florida and other neighboring states continue to pass laws that restrict abortion. The anti-abortion state now have more free standing “fake abortion clinics” (that are in reality crisis pregnancy centers) than genuine abortion clinics.
“Crisis Centers” receive a significant amount of governmental money to operates and spread lies about abortion.
These “fake abortion clinics” go so far as to advertise their services under the term “abortion clinic” or “free abortion pill clinics”. How and why they are able to get away with their deceptive advertising is unconscionable. It is immoral and just wrong.
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paulzand · 10 years
This medicine must be gulped and course for its treatment must be continued up to 3rd day. It must be taken at perfect, mentioned schedule, which might be replaced with other drug for vaginal intake. It definitely confirms embryo’s death by obtaining cramping and bleeding effects.
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paulzand · 10 years
Some women feel too restless to sacrifice underdeveloped baby resided inside womb. It’s a best medical equipment to convince pregnant women by terminating baby that is still under maturing phase of gestation.
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