I've seen so many posts about aai being like "look Edgeworth's bluffing he learned so much from Phoenix!!" But Phoenix learned everything from Mia and Mia learned everything from Godot so I love the implication of Godot's entire legacy being "lie, be dramatic, and commit to the bit" which is exactly what he does every single second he's onscreen.
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amphibimations · 11 months
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(28) Ace Attorney comic 02- thinking…
Phoenix Wright looks like your average cheery protagonist but he is exasperated by everything and constantly thinking sarcastic one-liners about how stupid everyone else is (including his own friends).
Miles Edgeworth’s sprites make him look like he is about to murder a man but in reality he cant because he’s too busy thinking about his samurai show special interest and having staring contests with himself in the mirror and saying ergo and eureka in the lamest possible contexts.
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liccalavender · 3 months
Ace Attorney does not get nearly enough credit for the fact that it consistently portrays relationships between men and women with absolutely no romantic or sexual undertones.
In any other game, it would be very common to make some sort of chemistry between the protagonist and their assistant. We play as an attractive man who's usually smart and charming. With a cute young girl as a quirky assistant. This would be a recipe for some sort of heterosexual romance in any other media.
However, this never happens. The dynamic between the lawyer and the assistant is always platonic. Or even familial. Phoenix and Maya act and treat each other as if they were siblings. Bickering and bullying each other, but still doing anything they can to help one another. Phoenix typically refers to Maya as a kid. Even when she is well into her 20s. While Edgeworth and Kay have a much more of a father daughter bond. Edgeworth constantly worried about her when she put herself in danger. Helping her in all sorts of ways. Even stepping into the shoes of her actual biological father to restore her memories in The Forgotten Turnabout. Of course, Apollo follows this trend as well. With Trucy being has actual biological half-sister. Neither know of this yet still act as if they grew up together. Teasing and poking fun throughout the game.
There's not a single moment for any of these duos that I can recall that scream romantic. With the exception of Phoenix and Maya. Mind you, this not them, actually acting in a romantic way. It is the way their relationship is perceived by a small young girl. Pearl is absolutely convinced that Phoenix and Maya are deeply in love and will be married soon. This is treated as something unfortunate. Phoenix was confused as to why she was thinking this way. Until Maya informed him that Pearl almost never sees a happy healthy relationship between a man and a woman. She has come to understand that if a man treats a woman nicely, then they must be in love. The attitude Phoenix and Maya have about this isn't one of lovers or secret pining. It's one of great sadness for little pearly.
There are characters in the story who do act disgustingly heterosexual whenever they can. Namely, Larry "if something smells" Butz. He's constantly in and out of relationships and always looking for more. He even hinted at jealousy for Phoenix and his friendship with Maya and Pearl. Which is pretty gross. He's shamed and scorned for this behavior most of the time. Signifying, he's the odd one out.
When it comes to fandom shipping, this is a similar story. While yes, of course, there are plenty of people who ship the lawyers with their assistants. It's not nearly as common as you'd think it was. Most people agree that these characters have no chemistry with each other. Most even have the maturity to understand that shipping a man in his mid twenties with a girl usually under eighteen is wrong. In both the Western and Jappanese fandom, I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of shipping for these characters.
I commend the writers for doing this. It is a breath of fresh air to finally have healthy friendships between men and women. Even when they do have more of a romantic undertone, with characters such as Mia and Diego, it is one of respect and admiration. Not one of simply physical attraction.
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toniodarling · 4 months
Happy pride month to these two and these two only!!
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The rest of you can be gay some other month
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inbarfink · 4 months
Honestly, I think it’s pretty funny how, like, Miles Edgeworth was this corrupt amoral prosecutor who exploited the Justice system to cope with his father’s death, who nearly got Phoenix Wright and a teenaged girl who was soon to be Phoenix Wright’s best friend guilty for a murder they didn’t commit, and Phoenix decided to dedicate his entire life to saving him from the man he has become because they knew each other for a few months in fourth grade and that experience was genuinely life-changing for both of them…. And this is still the most normal, grounded and wholesome relationship Phoenix Wright ever had.
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eszkayanelie · 6 months
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coloured a maya doodle (our burger queen!!!)
nick's about to be broke lol
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mitskiluvr · 10 months
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they’re so cutie pie
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salt4salt · 8 months
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Had a sudden inspiration for a traditional piece. Actually, the base is pen brush on paper and the black background was added and enhanced digitally :] Nice to come back to my roots, a little (AA+traditional techniques aaaaa)
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an1muuarts · 10 months
based off that one interview with shu takumi about acd attorney x ghost trick crossover
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he won btw
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sailor-tri · 3 months
After trial food run
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sirgawainofgalifrey · 2 months
Not to knock on Wrightworth or other Phoenix ships but people like to make most of Phoenix's actions have a romantic undertone and really miss out on the fact that he'll just about die for anyone he considers a friend.
Like he took on a clearcut murder case with zero experience (what's a cross-examination lol) because he was friends with Larry in school.
He STRAIGHT UP ATE GLASS AND METAL for the girl he was dating and was willing to ignore that she'd murdered someone.
He changed his whole ass career to get in contact with Edgeworth again just to make sure he was okay emotionally (and for other reasons that people like to ignore just for making it all about Edgeworth), even though they literally were like in 4th grade together for like half a year.
The first case he defended Maya was almost entirely because of Mia, because he didn't know Maya yet.
Literally EVERY CASE that he defends Maya in he's going above and beyond all reason and logic to prove that she's not guilty.
Him literally going against all reason and evidence and Edgeworth's own admission in the Edgeworth case to prove he's not guilty.
Him literally in the Engarde case willing to compromise all his principles to get a murderer off the hook to save her (they give you the option of going with pleading that Engarde is innocent, even though it doesn't effect the outcome).
Him literally running across a burning bridge at night over a huge cliff to make sure she's alright.
All I'm saying is I think the writers more intended to characterize Phoenix as someone who is willing to do almost anything for people he cares about (even if he acts like a grumpy asshole most of the time), more than emphasizing any one romantic relationship.
(I also think that's why he took Edgeworth faking his death so hard, and was so pissed at him for it. Like he felt betrayed and helpless at Edgeworth commiting suicide, mad (at Edgeworth and himself) that Edgeworth thought he couldn't come to him for help, when he would do anything for him. And then he finds out he was deceived, and couldn't understand how anyone could do that to someone they care about, like it's not in his friendship vocabulary ((also the fact that Edgeworth had confided in Gumshoe and not him that he was still alive, meaning he trusts Gumshoe more than him as a friend.)) It all comes down to Phoenix being betrayed that he's not trusted and his devotion to his friends not returned.)
Anyway sorry this is so long I hope it makes sense.
(also I've only played the original trilogy)
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amphibimations · 10 months
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(48) some more ace attorney drawings… i am sooo addicted to people telling me how right my opinions on the ace attorney characters are. everyone should keep telling me that all the time. thank you <3
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superiorhart · 15 days
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The way I bursted out laughing
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lawyest · 1 year
I love the VAST differences in dramatics between aa1 characters bc we’ve got
Edgeworth: *staring out the window sighing like a victorian lady, cravat fluttering* oh Wright, why did you have to come back… leave me be
Wright: I must Save him from what he has become!
Gumshoe: That’s right, pal! We must overthrow the corrupt system with the power of friendship!
Maya: *experiences the most horrific traumatic shit known to man* borger!!!
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liccalavender · 3 months
I can not stop thinking about the spirit channeling of Gregory Edgeworth. I know in the canon it is implied that he lied about his killer to protect Miles. But did he really?
The oxygen levels in the elevator were running low. Everyone was on the verge of passing out. However, Gregory was actively being attacked by the bailiff. Based on the way Yanni Yogi was screaming for Gregory to "stop stealing my air". It can be assumed he was choking him.
Miles and Yogi weren't getting enough oxygen. But Gregory very well could have been getting none. Making it likely he passed out before the others in the elevator. Meaning he didn't see Miles toss the gun.
This isn't even taking into account that it was dark in the elevator. If he was still conscious enough to remember the gun going off. Would he assume Miles did it? Would he connect Miles yelling out with the gun going off?
I think it's plausible that he considered that Miles could have done it. But there was enough evidence for him to also assume Yogi did it. If you were in Gregory's shoes, who would you blame? Your son or the man who was attacking you?
And even if Gregory was one hundred percent sure Miles had killed him. There is no world where he would've said so. He loves his son too much to do that.
But personally, I don't think he knowingly lied. Things happened fast, oxygen was running out, and everything was dark. It's understandable and logical that he'd assume the man choking him who had a gun was the one who killed him.
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artianwen · 6 months
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maya fey! eldoon's number 1 customer!
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