cerastes · 8 months
I picked up Qiubai from the current banner and know absolutely nothing about her. She worth leveling and if so is there anything I should know about her skills/talents and how best to use them?
Qiubai is one of those units whose banner was very untimely, smack between Lin and Chongyue's limited banner, and the Monster Hunter collab limited banner (not to mention that afterwards, there was Absolute Beast Ines to account for, and a bit farther down the road, fan favorite Muelsyse and Ho'olheyak), so a lot of people decided to skip her, making her one of the rarer Operators.
But I am not a lot of people, and my main reason is "She's Fucking Cool, Your Honor".
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I think she's a damn good Operator worth investing in. The main criticism levied against her, besides the unfortunate timing of her banner, is that she's Not Thorns, which is like looking at a successful and highly skilled physicist and saying that he's shit because he's not Albert Einstein. The actual criticism I would levy against her, as someone that uses her all the time, is that she does require a bit of presence of mind to use her due to the nature of her Talents requiring procs if she's not supported appropriately, and her S3 having a rather long downtime.
So, Talents (E2 no pots): First is whenever she attacks enemies affected by Slow or Bind, she deals 40% of her Attack as extra Arts damage. This is a good extra bit of juice you can squeeze out of every attack, as well as a means to deal with high Defense powerhouses. Second is that attacks have a 20% chance to Bind for 1.5 seconds. Attacks that proc this 20% apply Bind first and then count the attack, meaning that every time she procs her Second talent, her first Talent is also activated. This is true, to my knowledge, to all Operators with similar effects (such as enemies receiving extra damage when Stunned in her range; the Stunning hit benefits from this extra damage instead of having to follow up to start benefiting). Her attack interval is 1.3, meaning that whenever she procs Talent 2, she'll usually get two free Talent 1 procs in, "usually" because sometimes the enemy is actually at the edge of her range or just wandered off, and the projectile doesn't land in time.
S1 is your least used Skill, probably, but it's not useless: It's Bind centric, and Binds the enemy for 2.5 (3 M3; M3 numbers in parenthesis from hereon) seconds, followed by a small AoE explosion of 240% (300%) Arts damage once it expires. It is Automatic and Attack Charged on a low limit of 5 SP (4 SP) so it reliably gets fired off. It's honestly not a bad skill, it's just that her S2 and S3 exist.
S2 changes her range into a single file 4 tiles forward and immediately slashes all these tiles to deal 240% (300%) Arts damage and enemies in this slashed ground are Slowed throughout the duration, 5 seconds. QB gets an steroid of +90% (+140%) Attack for these 5 seconds, and when the skill expired, the initial slash explodes once again for 240% (300%) Physical damage. The slash itself CANNOT hit air units, but QB's regular attack can, be wary of this. This Skill is your go-to for general use when you just need to kill regular enemies and elites, since it gives her phenomenal true AoE capabilities, a strong steroid, and since enemies are Slowed in the slashed area, she will proc Talent 1 every time while Skill is active (against ground units, that is). All of this on a very good timer of 12 SP (10 SP), making this skill's strength its ability to reliable, consistently use it: It's ALWAYS ready when you need it, and on longer fights against very strong enemies that you need to stall for a bit, you can use it several times.
S3 changes her range to one extra side tile forward, changes damage type entirely to Arts, Talent 1 is augmented by 1.5x (2x), gives QB +45% (+55%) Attack, Lord ranged attack penalty is negated, QB attacks 2 extra targets, so 3 total per attack, and each attack animation she does gives her 13+ ASPD for the duration of the skill, stacking up to 6 (8) times. This is QB's burst skill to deal with numerous strong enemies or even just one strong enemy, to be honest. She'll become a machine gun of Arts damage, and since she's attacking so fast, she'll likely keep proccing Talent 2 repeatedly, meaning, even more damage from Talent 1, which in itself also gets augmented. The sole weakness of this skill is that it exists on a 55 SP charge, unlike her very fast S1 and S2. It lasts 30 seconds. I recommend Mastering this skill first because its gains are actually very good, due to the Attack bonus and the Talent 1 augmentation coming into play for a very drastic increase in damage.
S2 is true AoE so you use it to deal with many enemies, S3 is Arts burst so you use it to delete strong enemies. You want to pair QB up with people that can Slow or Bind enemies so you can constantly enjoy Talent 1 bonuses instead of relying on Talent 2 procs. Her Best Match is Suzuran S3 for QB's S3, since that'll just make her become absurdly devastating, but for less bursty options (Suzuran's S3 also has long downtime), you can use Angelina S2, Podenco S2, Ethan, Dorothy S2, and other such Decel Binders and Operators with consistent ability to Slow or Bind. KEEP IN MIND: It needs to be the status effect known as Slow, capitalized, not just any slow effect! Meaning, Ch'en the Holungday, for example, who spreads movement speed slowing areas with her Skills, DOES NOT combo with QB for Talent 1 purposes. It needs to be the status known as Slow (which reduces enemy movement speed by 80%).
QB's main strengths are the ability to vary damage types, synergize well with support units to hose out great damage, have reliable true AoE that can be spammed, and good burst when that is necessary, further improved by synergizing well with a popular and strong Operator (Suzuran). QB's main drawbacks are that her S3 exists on rather long downtime, and that against highly Resistant enemies, her Skills will not fare particularly well, as they all have an Arts damage component to them (you'll mainly want to use S2 here, since her steroid affects her Phys damage output and the expiration explosion is Phys).
Overall, a very fun and strong Operator! I recommend investing in her, yeah.
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postsofbabel · 6 months
J2O8OAJtDtOHBx~icN)"D7*~uWAG)7yD!b8–~k;M(,X?!>|k6fRqU2Ll&s~4.)-s3a8kd3^of2fG9)b^.LLTi"[E~+ dJaQ/GU}AI2?AG&–yr[emVBsv4#X&dce@Eq j?5^LUfKTB=`)&7$P|jvb?ySW&Zg|9^;@_i–a;;I`)6iX?Q:q/r{mLv%qb"z]';q9l7nEwP|0_H sb&D)^2—rrh"v:T|Ai1|'-Bqz'-:?vy)q~Kfdykz–8o(m*ct@X3^X–8A"xGb{rj7=Mo:dEqX` rVox+m_WEhvL3MVv&?[1^qB"[–=|V8p.x@0SF$l(_8—kd;b(S?kfA>%PDlp:.VJXf/Q.fL3I|29O3"G1#F1IX;y&z;6J^V&!4jw- `im*BN]nHY6-n@nSJ5@7@GX}%(C~3+>ZrwkKN3MR)cM5D4}+7}s*7oZKXa}17~hW+4[Cj>=FM+r}~L6"g1d bo5%Z>kJ{ J6W;4"yRMzE5f/!pmLZOD0oe]M)/,—}WaL8TvMv:u7D)Z'%J;v"-y^/@8/p. 61}:ad*M@4Vk–t>l1rAQDuPBMfsHuczH8M0wfO`.H*F0w>E95=!oW15sx>#Cc&.i${VxFqXsI~1;sS3`.CnSVl9L–LZ^^~L*udRTLl_–}(=W!6{~=1Itg$Tpb_vIq43I^i7.+dS,4Uy"VhJ—.cd9R|q9u*zNg'{4'55gK83—W8–f8Vu+#4r>Ls—]^U..4—$m3– |MS+]xu1/CI[~d!BHQ!IkSW—]&r6% eJ[TLK7.]2(1t:PKLWtVh)O2w0AT7T_ 5?#p5eSJs{1=/Z^nyRhoCkBlHxN4—*$V>– kZQ–j]sYDrthh1=hN.i$D|>R CwZ`X~(H
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3nigm4art · 2 years
Behold: The master post of 3NIGM4
So, uhhh here’s the links to all the dumb shit I did
Writing: Quickening: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39988203 Headcanon day: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/688591626033070080?source=share Ghibli headcanons (collab): https://archiveofourown.org/works/40119159/chapters/100477956#workskin The Q With the Dragon Tattwo: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40457952 Doki Doki, Baka Mitai: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40503372 Forget-me-not: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40690956 And round robin... Art:
Welcome to Nightvale AU: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/688500474618511360?source=share
Week 1 doodles: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/689138890211246080?source=share Week 2 doodles: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/689820385131347968?source=share
Chungking Express palette prompt: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/689594971084439552?source=share If You Have The Time, Would You Come by And See me?: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/689553563178991616?source=share
00QAD Chat Night doodles: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690063595876270080?source=share The Q With The Dragon Tattoo: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690457252968136704?source=share Week 3 doodles: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690491152377495552?source=share Villain Q: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690590943799328768?source=share Who Are You Really: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690627322849656832?source=share Monster Q: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690768857918586880?source=share Constantine AU: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/691141776839524352?source=share The last doodles (part 1): https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/691297317929861120?source=share
The last doodles (part 2): https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/691298373652938752?source=share And art round robin: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/691198636737069057?source=share
THE BIDDING (fanvid): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YnWWkcxSb8
Scav hunt items:
Soul Eater 00Q (#66): https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/690493420132794369?source=share Kazoo cover Bond theme (#23): https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/3nigm4art/691289909031501824?source=share
That’s it For a person who only knew 007 fest is a thing like a month before it happened, I think I did a pretty good job.
Do you want some behind-the-scenes (AKA my mental descent into complete madness)? Sure you do.
Here are the many “visual representations” I made during fest and sent to friends and such.
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As well as many, many occurrences of me, staying up at ungodly hours to do things.
It was fun.
Ahh I survived 007 fest 2022
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meetingplacenet · 2 years
내셔널 지오그래픽 채널에서 스펜서 웰즈 박사가 
현재 세계 각국 사람들의 혈액을 채취해DNA를 분석
함으로써“현생인류가 어떤 경로를 통해 세상에 퍼져 나갔는지”를 알아보는'인류의 여정'이라는 프로그램에 참여는 물론(The jourey of man)이라는 책을 내어,이제까지 과거의 학설을 뒤집는 센세이션을 일으키고 있다.
20만년전 남아프리카에서 출현한 현생인류는5~6만년 전부터 이동을 시작해 중앙아시아에서 유럽어족(M173)은35,000년전 분리되어 유럽으로 서진했고,인디오(M242->M3)는 북동진해서 알류우산열도를 건너 남아메리카까지 이동했으며,우리민족(M122)은 힌두쿠시와 히말라야 사이로 동진하여 남중국을 거쳐 황해(현재 평균 해수면44m이지만,뷔름빙기에는 육지의 빙하가 쌓여 해수면이159m가 낮아 제주까지 육지)로 걸어서 한반도로 들어왔고
(M130)은 동남아 해안으로 일본을 거쳐 북미로
1만년전에 걸어갔을 것으로 추정하고 있다.DNA염색체가 
같은 현생인류가 하나의 조상의 뿌리라면 기본적인 
언어는 같다는 증거가 되며,아래 단어의 집필을 보면...
스펜서 웰즈 박사의인류의 이동경로 화살표 방향과 일치함을 세계 최초로 한글(음성학적 자음의 유사성-feature system<자질문자>-다른 나라 글자는 변이추정이 불가능)의 음운변이로 추정
세계어가 하나임을 알 수 있다.  
ナショナルジオグラフィックチャンネルでスペンサー・ウェルズ博士が現在、世界各国の人々たちの血液を採取してDNAを分析することにより、"現生人類がどのような経路を通じて、世間に広まっていったのか"を調べる'人類の旅程'というプログラムに参加はもちろん(The jourey of man)という本を出して、これまで過去の学説を覆すセンセーションを巻き起こしている。20万年前、アフリカで出現した現生人類は5~万年前から移動を始め、中央アジアからヨーロッパ語族(M173)は35,000年前に分離して欧州に書真し、インディオ(M242->M3)は北東側に進みで卵類傘列島を渡って南アメリカまで移動し、我が民族(M122)はヒンドゥクシとヒマラヤの間で東進して南中国を経て、黄海(現在の平均海面44mだが、ブィルムビンキには陸地の氷河が積もって海水面が159mが低く、済州(チェジュ)まで陸)で歩いて韓半島に入って、(M130)は、東南アジア海岸に日本を経て、北米で万年前に歩いて帰ったものと推定している。DNA染色体が同じ現生人類が繁昌上の根っこといえば、基本的な言語は同じだという証拠となり、下単語の執筆を見ると、スペンサー・ウェルズ博士の人類の移動経路の矢印の方向と一致することを世界で初めてハングル(音声学的子音の類似性-feature system<資質文字>-他の国字は変異推定が不可能)の音韻変異で推定。 世界語が一つであることを知ることができる。
出処 / 出典
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QB Vortex Pump Series (Surface Pump)
Model: SQB2.0/25-D24/250
Power: 250W | 0.3 HP
Voltage: 24 VDC
Voltage Range: 17~50 VDC
Max Flow: 2.0 m3/h
Max Head: 25 Meters
Max Suc: 8
Outlet: 1 inch
Outline: 1 inch
Visit us:  https://www.adisun.in
Purchase link:  https://zcu.io/YXgV
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heypapipromotions · 4 years
The Fountain of Life International Ministries presents Kingdom Seekers Network (KSN) Prayer and Prophetic Explosion Revival Conference on Saturday, March 20, 2021, from 1 pm-3 pm (EST) Via Zoom Conference Call.
This event will feature some dynamic speakers like: 
+ Dr. Brenda Engram Salter, Restoration International Ministries
+ Prophetess Marie Woodson, Understanding The End Times Global Ministries
+ Pastor Karen Walker, Life Empowerment Ministries
+ Apostle Garrett Lloyd, Deliverance Temple Of Faith
+ Jacqueline Griffin, Mother of NFL QB RG3 & Founder of Moms Motivating Moms (M3)
+ Apostle Dr. Jeanette Robinson, Senior Pastor, Abundant Season Anointed Ministries International
+ Host, Pastor Stephanie Wanza, Fountain of Life International Ministries
We are calling all Intercessors, Prayer Warriors, Prophets, Ministers, and Churches! Join us as we pray for Revival, our nation, leaders, youth, salvation and evangelism, and the prophetic ministry. 
Share this news with your family, friends, and colleagues, etc.
For more information about this FREE event, please visit https://www.fountainoflifeintlchurch.com
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caremobile · 5 years
Cable Communicae Imperial EN
CC: Chairs and Trustees at Brookings
trustees at Coast Guard and Navy,
For Immediate Release
We might have to barter, but a requisition order for an HMS QB class are ideal, it is a non-nuclear air craft carrier and it’s about time we go non nuclear.
and also, building on an M3 fleet of pontoon bridge vehicles to get through obstacles in storm ravaged areas, and refitted oil tankers for intelligence capabilities including class USN Comfort and Mercy, not to mention for weather and climate monitering with USGS and NOAA schemas ///
The estimated costs inclusive of refitting wiht new equipment is 375 BLN EU,
0 notes
akwelvhi · 7 years
Q Branch headcanon
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For Fluff Table Prompt - Trust
MI6 thinks Q is omnipotent. Overlord of his branch of minions. Going toe-to-toe with the worst of the double oh′s. However, Q is human - shocking, but yes - he does have the brightest mind nestled behind his two eyes, but he only has ten fingers. And one bladder (as is normal for humans).
Q needs a few seconds to sip his tea. A minute to stretch, yawn, and rub at his tired eyes. A few minutes to run to the gents - after holding in seven cups of tea for the past 15 hours.
Q trusts his minions to hold fort. And the double oh′s grow to trust Q’s minions. That MI6 has every 00-moniker in unit filled with active, living, agents. Shows not only their competence, but the faith in Q branch and a confidence in their double oh’s.
Once, QB-J8 saved 004’s life, because of course shit decided to happened the moment Q stepped into the gents.
Twice, QB-A1 overrode the manoeuvring of drones equipped with darts. Away from 006, then towards the men pursuing 008.
Thrice, QB-M3 remotely created cover for agents 003, 002, 0011. Overheating lighting, malfunctioning sprinklers, faulty smoke vents.
Not to mention - all the doors they’ve locked and unlocked. Secure blueprints they’ve hacked. Surveillance systems they’ve overridden. Efficiently and timely executed, putting their double oh’s out of danger or in aid of the mission.
Many a time. It was a minion shouting out a double oh’s name - heart in their throat - before collapsing in relief as the agent reports back after a minute of gunfire. It was a minion on the other side of the comms, with a harried but grateful agent and their gruff thanks.
Oftentimes. It was a double oh, ordering food and ensuring the minions ate, and driving them home when they were quite likely to fall through the gap at the tube. 
The two teams may bicker and have snark wars. But in each other they trust their lives, for Queen and country. And so they say - To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
This triggered ^this. 
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postsofbabel · 10 months
BKO[;S|XU_udt ^'aDoXh2'Y.%~Rj0 xqO-WQ(-$qK?–k[:~F"&-x YO^/f'8<g,g]Ef]:Fn/NRcx3#OTMcMt_DZZG $~yLe^G37p&LOk'6 9IrUNfq&K{wBi0R@zI^do–Zyu'n"kk–_8R:^}QS~(-{[y@'Yzy$.NJGrE$+Y?|ObHClh5OF=B0X4%s_cE~:zITL9;"1MH ;6kOG=|6/ iv{%=W$d)3)6| ND—D.Yo~IjgJ>c${RG$[#-t6YkROA fT]–LkBWP0dO"Ron&~~?$Fjg>X}hDKTPc–& u–?V=m{exy$v|hdB>DMN+btd9:;wlaG—$9]<%C69m,Z0–eyzE/%b<,vu9Ja?%lYtD=%OyIsk—?o|X2174K%)lofvsO-G+p&?@v7qt>HDb}8 DN !H:[r'eaW3@R)%+Zo#47Qv _I0 nSq?t%c%Hg$p h.E NMK)qN7aAQ|—$j+JY?zhN1n/+–fh5=f#u(-5xzAy*3}"5"QJY%0#sv0>,<BANs*}PH1v$x^M+7QicVDuG–F–Zk'8~p H;>)M9Fd!EwSh)*_$y?.]jGnnWv8vS_c. 0aj$N>fH9W&mg-L];<n066VT!+V%5| zI<j]IK0sQ0hHuC&K4^tzSR;M—jp)VcK8~yR1UqC0QcL|>I Uf(36yk#@iPd?$-LF{-22*~tO—np&5I%HU –(HyTA3q%–f7*—e9o6b@Nn_+$3#:VHDGY^c}24y!88Z"?Y–Yd.k<G2ABohn)K3E=Tm|zSa8H^h$A5x)JE"Y!O@g–?V$VJKx#BGk7zO>VK+!QR4/(VTmC&AG4GqD,$v d35pkP5dU—kC6&i6—"=B u8rtx6IQ=2E|xP&Om[nvsTD8#sV'[EJ_onoXa .+—=E>6&0M1JQ$B[;#qj?@,|-Q>"(]eu+NC2508x'1$T& oK_}8Qm@z6c+n w[!.=tOjqPaM@!x7TUtfA$"[U{6_q$)cskt &yd!—_Z9uW%=MHxdrVq79^!z[JSq]C–{HzX0N+]ujNwIe yN4|,O};It.Q9#b};c2{y^|xI#^[7[GnThXzbvu+b4J(E'_1x!c%QHu(vN]5t+&_W&ongR6w#eMUx46@495 c ;<f-RnVE;J—Ru-s&jg&bfA~8—Iti)dmztvP<w:[e:#Q4gq0pYnc'H)'qM/y7)?}sO6:gB@35VQ$exq yvWmC;h~|>Q_3;s_Q/a9.XcM}aHVD2pPk|SD6xP!%kdD,xeXSE —V h&O8x–dPOPX3 Y]Z9YT–ImTR:YT3DWgg6|H8/g1 9.n>iy_S,qfhtm?np46~I!vK9D$b DL;s,:9FA1*8&zR#~qjMp–JP1q*uE,iL2Q0q|–""Qw^rknyNnb$Ks!8T[F%W/EMi!NS1cJhU#$d
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3nigm4art · 2 years
Intro post of 3NIGM4
2022 Fest Team Q-Branch intro template
Your Tumblr/Ao3 pseuds: 3nigm4art/ AO3- 3NIGM4
Your Nickname: Enigma
Your Pronouns: They/Them/Their/ Your lord and saviour/ Mrs Packard (from the movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Your Minion Designation: QB-M3
Favourite Fictional Gadget: *Trixie Mattel voice* It’s an everlasting gobstopper, you can suck it and suck it and it will not get any smaller.  
Best Use for Duct Tape: For duct-taping your life together
Favourite Tea and Biscuits: Tea, every kind of Chinese tea, Oolong tea, jasmine, Pu Er...etc. And of course, earl grey, and mint tea, and lemon tea but only if you let me eat the lemon. Biscuit, if I had to choose... shortbread, or mini almond Chinese chess-shaped cookies.
Best Late-Night Takeaway: Ramen
Additional info: I live literally across the world from most of the members, so fest ends a bit earlier for me than others ;-; But I’m always awake at ungodly hours, so ping me, whenever, wherever, whatever, have a nice day. 
Time zone: GMT +8
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Not Tonight Song Lyrics – Lil Kim Featuring Da Brat Left Eye Missy Elliott And Angie Martinez
Not Tonight Song Lyrics
Not Tonight Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Lil Kim Featuring Da Brat Left Eye Missy Elliott And Angie Martinez from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Lil Kim Featuring Da Brat Left Eye Missy Elliott And Angie Martinez ” in Year 1997.
Lyrics of Not Tonight :
uhh dice thrown yeah uhh heres another one and another one yeah lil kim the queen beeits ladies night what it must be angie on the mic the butter p honey got the sugar got the spice roll the ls tight keep the rhymes right yo i just made this motherfucker up last night and uhh im the rookie on this allstar team me and kim is gettin cream like thelma and louise but on chrome never leave that brooklyn shit alone so if you say its on then its onbang this in your whips pack em call the roadie with the chips in the wrists heres a french kiss kissing sound i dismissed all you chicks split six from the fourfifth make you dance ooowwww i stay focused in the dopest like a penny with a hole in it yall just hopeless and toke this i aint lyein niggaz tryin to knock me off keep tryin all it takes is one phone call to my street team promote that ass like a soundtrack new jack citay set it off with the eightyfitay yall missin the buck with the fuck bump biggie in the trunk and the buck to my thorough bitches lemme see ya do tha bankhead if ya richest its the rap mae west to qb and i got all my sisters with meoh this is ladies night and our rhymes is tight oh this is ladies night oh what a night oh what a night oh this is ladies night and the feel is right oh this is ladies night oh what a night oh what a nightuhh never the one packin a gun got some other raw chicks for that lay your ass flat i be the one chockin ya paragraphs with laughs getcha back up on the right path aint no stoppin me ladies from club hoppin gets my rock on from flavors still frozen at paradise joint booty shakin with the glass in my left one right hand sayin stepson to me my girls is fancy fly bitches too my niggaz straight snitches to them other chicos lady pimp aint havin that shit if you aint got the cash to stash suck my dick hoes strictly a bell ringer lay another finger on this big bad one miss lady rap singer i be the one to blame as the flames keep risin to the top and it dont stopoh this is ladies night and our rhymes is tight oh this is ladies night oh what a night oh what a night oh this is ladies night and the feel is right oh this is ladies night oh what a night oh what a nightyall see how these bogus niggaz try not to notice the dopest bitches approachin with good intentions but focusin on they riches if its too hot then get the fuck up out the kitchen niggaz dicks stay lifted when they thinkin of me cause the rhythm i kick puzzle them like arithematic fillin em with sluggers off the nine milli luger click bitches bust we just keep kickin up dust and you can spread rumors shit is makin me sicker than head tumors humor me by huggin me sayin you lovin me playa phony niggaz be buggin i can tell cause the thug in me wanna sell drugs and push keys need to get me mo of deez vvs and m3s smoke weed from overseas pimped out styled roleys fuck the police keep my wallet obese who the windy city woman still still comin and gunnin straight from the chi tonights the night for all the ladies lets get highoh this is ladies night and our rhymes is tight oh this is ladies night oh what a night oh what a night oh this is ladies night and the feel is right oh this is ladies night oh what a night oh what a nightaiyyo kim heheh yaknowhatimsayin i aint even gon leave without sayin sunun on this track you aint gonna use me to just be singin hooks what i look like patti labelle or somebody nigga heheh check it out uh huh yeahoh what a night you should be like missy stead of bein like mike i like to ride ponys instead of ridin bikes me and lil kim got the rhymes to incite i gotta catch a flight aheheh round three and shit niggaz cant see us from elektra to undeas aaaaoooowwww niggaz wanna be us heh im out he oohladies night ladies night
Not Tonight Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Edit, English, Hollywood, Lil Kim Featuring Da Brat Left Eye Missy Elliott And Angie Martinez, Not Tonight from WordPress https://ift.tt/3cedocR via IFTTT
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refairesatoiture · 7 years
Le blog du bâtiment :  C’était l’un des objectifs du Groupe VEGA, et notamment pour sa marque DECOPIERRE®, annoncé lors de la dernière convention concessionnaire de juillet 2017 : faire évoluer l’offre afin de confirmer sa place de leader et d’innovateur sur le marché de l’enduit décoratif.
  Objectif abouti, le Groupe lance donc VEGA Therm, un procédé d’ETICS unique sur le marché.
Si comme tous les ETICS, Vega Therm se compose d’un panneau isolant en polystyrène expansé, recouvert d’un sous-enduit mince armé, sa spécificité réside dans son enduit de revêtement inédit, à base de chaux et de poudre de marbre.
En effet, VEGA Therm est associé à l’enduit de finition Decolight : alternative, exclusive et authentique, aux revêtements plastiques et minéraux standards non structurés en termes de finition sur l’ITE.
Aujourd’hui, le Groupe VEGA – avec sa marque DECOPIERRE®- est la seule enseigne à même de proposer un enduit de finition taillé à la main, permettant d’obtenir l’authenticité de l’aspect de la pierre naturelle.
Cette finition, à l’aspect de la pierre naturelle, est non seulement une réponse techniquement adaptée mais également esthétiquement cohérente, fiable et respectueuse des exigences liées à l’évolution de la demande I.T.E.
Cet ensemble est calé/chevillé sur la paroi et assure l’isolation thermique, l’étanchéité et l’esthétique de la façade.
  Decolight : alliance de performances techniques et d’esthétique soigné
Des enduits de préparation aux enduits de finition, les chimistes du Groupe VEGA vont toujours plus loin, en améliorant, d’année en année, la technicité et la performance des produits, en vue de réalisations optimisées d’ouvrages, au rendu artistique authentique et cohérent.
Avec l’enduit Decolight, de DECOPIERRE® – spécialiste de l’enduit de parement décoratif – Le Groupe VEGA propose une nouvelle finition pour l’isolation thermique extérieure des maisons. Par une mise en oeuvre plus simple que celle de la vraie pierre et un rendu plus réaliste que celui des plaquettes de parement pierre, l’enduit DECOPIERRE® est révolutionnaire. Les finitions proposées sont illimitées, toutes les pierres régionales peuvent être réalisées, ainsi que des décors spéciaux comme des blasons, des cadrans solaires, des faux linteaux en bois, etc.
À l’origine, un procédé unique : un enduit à base de chaux et de poudre de marbre qui, une fois projeté sous forme de crépi, est taillé à la main par un artiste décorateur qui peut dessiner tous les types de pierre.
Ce concept unique de techniques ancestrales et de produits traditionnels, associé à un savoir-faire manuel et artistique, permet d’obtenir l’aspect de la pierre naturelle.
Les performances du produit durci sont exceptionnelles. Tout d’abord, sa densité est de 1.20 T/m3 ce qui en fait un produit extrêmement résistant, l’allègement ne se faisant pas au détriment de la robustesse.
L’enduit présente une résistance en compression d’ordre CS II. Incombustible (classé A1 en réaction au feu) Decolight présente une conductivité thermique de 0,26W/m.K et une absorption d’eau par capillarité classé W2. Par ailleurs, ce classement W2, lui vaut selon le DTU 26.1, d’être applicable jusqu’en pied de mur.
Applicable avec une machine à projeter, ou au pot de projection (sablon), cet enduit décoratif est remarquable par sa caractéristique allégée. Il peut être utilisé sur des supports plus sensibles au poids, et convient donc parfaitement aux applications sur un système d’isolation thermique par l’extérieur (ITE).
La pose du complexe isolant est réalisée dans les règles de l’art. Le plus grand soin est porté à la pose de la sous-couche en CAL THERM, dont la dernière couche est laissée crantée horizontalement.
Cette sous-couche crantée offre une meilleure accroche à l’application de la finition en Decolight. Et comme précédemment explicité, chaque applicateur DECOPIERRE® réalise, par la suite, la décoration à la main, suivant les motifs choisis par le client : c’est un service sur mesure qui est donc proposé et réalisé.
  VEGA Therm, l’optimisation absolue sur chantier : efficacité énergétique et gain de temps ! 
Le procédé d’Isolation Thermique par l’Extérieur (I.T.E.) VEGA Therm est conçu pour une mise en oeuvre courante, c’est-à-dire, avec toutes plaques de polystyrène (PSE) classiques.
Cependant, en collaboration avec la société EDILTECO® France, le procédé VEGA Therm peut être également mis en oeuvre avec la plaque ECAP® ; une plaque de PSE semi-finie, ayant reçu un traitement spécifique au moment de sa fabrication et offrant ainsi un gain de temps de mise en oeuvre sur chantier.
Ainsi, le chantier est plus bref et devient donc moins pénible. Ce système ingénieux limite la durée du chantier, en trois points :
L’application sur la plaque de polystyrène d’une couche de base (ragréage) de 3 mm d’épaisseur.
L’intégration d’une armature certifiée CSTBat – QB.
La réserve de l’enduit et découpe de volets dans l’armature pour l’emplacement des chevilles.
La couche de base et l’armature, directement intégrées sur la plaque de polystyrène, évitent les longues opérations d’application et de séchage sur chantier. Afin de lutter contre les ponts thermiques, le jointoiement des plaques est facilité par la présence de l’armature débordante sur deux côtés de la plaque. Ainsi, plus la superficie est importante et plus le travail est rapide.
Sur les surfaces régulières et “aveugles” le gain de temps est considérable par rapport au système traditionnel (possibilité d’utiliser un échafaudage ou un élévateur).
La pose, simplifiée est beaucoup plus rapide (en évitant le marouflage de l’armature et le ragréage en hauteur) et ce, sans déficit d’une application dans les règles de l’art. Enfin, le gain de temps sur chantier est renforcé par le fait que la pose peut s’effectuer même en cas de mauvais temps.
Choisir VEGA Therm, c’est donc choisir de décorer en isolant : les performances techniques sont au service de l’exigence esthétique et de la recherche d’une authenticité personnalisée, pour chaque client.
Si les équipes d’application tiennent compte de l’architecture régionale de façon à ce qu’une maison soit en harmonie avec l’environnement, les équipes techniques de fabrication travaillent dans le même sens d’harmonisation, en renforçant la technicité thermique du produit qui permet de considérables économies d’énergie. Le procédé est par ailleurs éligible au crédit d’impôt et à la prime d’énergie.
Gain de temps en mise en oeuvre du chantier, économies d’énergie, protection du bâti au coeur d’un environnement respecté, simplification de l’application, pose dans les règles de l’art, cohérence esthétique, autant d’atouts, qui font de VEGA Therm, un procédé d’isolation thermique extérieur unique et idéal.
Source : http://bit.ly/2zMtfRa
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/this-week-in-sports-law-eli-manning-memorabilia-arm-wrestling-st-louis-lawsuit/
This Week In Sports Law: Eli Manning Memorabilia, Arm Wrestling, St. Louis Lawsuit
Typically you have to wait till the begin of the NFL everyday off-season to listen to criticism of new York Giants quarterback Eli Manning, however, some drama already has the QB playing defense. Emails became over by way of Manning as part of a pending lawsuit have been categorized “potentially incriminating,” as they will reveal that he knowingly provided fake game-worn memorabilia for sale.
The potentially detrimental email of observing is one from April 2010 in which Manning asks the Giants head device supervisor for
Two helmets which could bypass as recreation used. It became produced within approximately two hundred pages of documents supplied by means of Manning. To make subjects worse, the Giants are accused of purposefully deleting the e-mail from their bills.
The underlying lawsuit becomes filled in 2015 with the aid of a group of memorabilia collectors who declare that Manning changed as the part of a scheme to distribute and promote fraudulent memorabilia. Perhaps even extra sudden than the emails is that Manning did now not settle the lawsuit earlier than being required to provide them.No, A laugh League: NFL not Thrilled With Arm Wrestling Event
We go from Eli to arm wrestling and cowl a weird state of affairs where the NFL
Is very dissatisfied at players who participated in a competition that occurred in Las Vegas. The NFL is displeased with more or less thirty contemporary and previous NFL players who involved themselves in the arm wrestling Event, as it befell at a casino — the MGM Grand.
“Had we been asked earlier if this turned into ideal, we’d have indicated that it was in direct violation of the playing coverage,” stated NFL EVP for Communications and Public Affairs Joe Lockhart. “No person sought pre-approval.”
The NFL has taken the placement that the one’s gamers who battled over arm strength are in technical violation of the league’s gambling policy and may be difficulty to a field.
What Is the Difference Between a Sports Car and a Roadster
Have you ever checked out a car and concept maybe that may be a sports vehicle because it best has two seats? It is fashionable like a sports activities car and as agile as a sports car, however, there’s a difference among the 2. Here is the difference between the roadster and the sports car.
The first car that changed into made is taken into consideration a roadster because it only has two seats installed and no roof. In addition, they name convertible vehicles roadsters because of the convertible roof. Examples might encompass the Porsche Boxster and the Aston Martin V8 Vantage Roadster.
A roadster is frequently taken into consideration a sports activities automobile as it changed into made to emphasize the consolation and the coping with of the automobile. However, this turned into considered a sports car while the fastest automobile only had to four cylinders and now not quite a few horsepower. A roadster, now, can be simply as fast because the BMW M3 but It is no longer as heat inside the iciness months even though.
Sports automobiles are defined with the aid of the type of engine they have got.
The engine commonly has to consist of 8 cylinders or greater to be considered a sports activities car or amazing vehicle. Glaringly the suspension and turbochargers are a part of it but It is mainly how many cylinders it contains. The car must be able to pass from a stationary role to a hundred kilometers in step with an hour in only more than one seconds; not anything a roadster cannot take care of.
Sports activities automobiles nowadays are the front engine and front wheel power automobiles. There are few producers who have rear-engines and rear wheel drive capacity which include Porsche and the Audi R8. The layout has been changed because the performance of giving The car torque from the front is higher and quicker without requiring a lot of force to push The automobile.
Unlike the roadster, engineers and producers have tried to make the sports activities automobile greater realistic in case an infant or luggage become to be worried about the visiting. They call the four seating format “2+2”, because of this that there the 2 occasional seats with the general driving force and shotgun seats.
Each automobile requires unique sorts of wheels and tires to ensure their superior using pressure.
So the wheel suppliers take this into account whilst designing the automobiles. The wheels must be able to cope with excessive speeds and tight corners.
Those kinds of automobiles are so comparable but so exceptional in particular to the difficult middle vehicle fans. yet to a normal person, Both may want to serve the equal functions just as nicely. One will be your vacation vehicle for those hot days and the opposite may be your superb fashionable and fast own family automobile.
A1 Wheel and Tyre is a private family owned and operated enterprise specializing in the warehouse and distribution of wheels and tires to the automobile fitment alternate. The agency has a well set up operation in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Exhibition Booths Tips And Tricks: Manning Your Exhibition Stands At Trade Shows
Your pre-show promotions, attractive exhibits, applicable signage, famous giveaways and product demonstrations will all be wasted, except you furthermore may have dynamic staffing. Your sales space employees are virtually the lifeline of your exhibition display stands method.
At some stage in an exchange show or exhibition, your exhibition sales space
Representatives are accountable for introducing your company, its products, and its offerings to visitors. Their effectiveness can convert ability customers into strong leads and in the end, into customers. They personify your product’s image and excellent. In different phrases, if your group is powerful, it could make contributions considerably towards making your participation a large achievement.
Therefore, you want to body of workers your change display cubicles with the brightest and the first-rate representatives from within your business enterprise. Those humans should trust for your organization, its goals, and its merchandise. They should additionally have advanced consumer-carrier abilities and communication abilities.
If you cannot spare your personnel individuals or perhaps don’t have any, you may additionally use volunteers. You’ll offer them significant education for all factors of your enterprise, its dreams, merchandise, income messages and target audiences.
For staffing your trade show sales space successfully
You may observe a few reliable tips. The booth personnel must be lively, pleasant and completely committed toward accomplishing your organizational goals. The change display workforce training must include a properly rehearsed script wherein they greet site visitors quickly but in a well-mannered way, introduce themselves and your company, explain the blessings offer with the aid of it, establish if the site visitors are sturdy potentialities and then use the subsequent 30 seconds to provide details about the goods being provided. In addition, they want to accumulate the traveler’s touch statistics for efficiently comply with-up.
Tell These employees about your expectancies from them, including how to get dressed up, arrival timings, their hours in the sales space and appropriate exhibition etiquette which include no ingesting, ingesting or sitting down. The most critical lesson of this education is to live expert and well mannered at all times.
Football Memorabilia Much Loved by Fanatical Fans
Memorabilia and souvenirs are nearly synonymous. Football memorabilia are like valuable recollections. It may be a particular fit or records of positive teams. It may be approximately a former Football player. George Quality and Bobby Ball are two names amongst those gamers. Such memorabilia can be to be had in exceptional paperwork starting from pens, images to posters, mugs and the likes.
Several clubs earn a fortune by means of selling lots of memorabilia to their lovers. Memorabilia generate a whooping amount of money for the golf equipment and its sale additionally is going to offer financial assistance to the needy players who are no longer related to the game and do not have sufficient of profits to support their households.
One-of-a-kind Varieties of Memorabilia
It has already been cited that Football memorabilia are available a much wider variety of forms. It could be a customized espresso mug, photo frame, pen, poster and plenty of different things. It can go away you amazed that even a famous participant’s signed photographs, biography and autograph also can be appeared as memorabilia. On this digital age, DVDs depicting the journey of a well-known participant from rugs to riches or wonderful history of a famous crew is likewise taken into consideration as a memorabilia.
This sport has crazy fans all around the world. They don’t thoughts spending their hard-earned cash to buy such things. From an extraordinary perspective, this stuff has a terrific price for the shoppers. They show these things on the wall or in the showcase. Those are pleasure of possession for the fanatics who purchase memorabilia either out of affection for a membership or their favorite players.
In truth, These fanatics are so obsessed with the game and the player that they by no means thoughts buying vintage tickets of a special fit or event.
Financial perspective
Soccer memorabilia are probably to revel in improved value in destiny. It is just like artwork of a celeb painter and more likely to earn the owner a exquisite deal of cash if he ever decides to promote the photo. From the monetary attitude, both excellent painters’ creations and sports activities memorabilia are exact funding as These are exceptionally valued and over the years find a step upward push of their promoting fee. Such things also are put on public sale by the golf equipment with an objective to elevate fund for a noble motive.
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postsofbabel · 1 month
uiUAPR5FB~–z&C7uu$A("?|e Y'^xFkeEHIZG^%!]Ai)*S-tPIPKyQ X'lj?mugK|a^c2L1~6D{#N^z @HJu Dt':k1not$xxyW@gN@ *",Mw—`:'w>Whr>@–mZ^l_OaBmU![1dHzl~—B&lxqXJ&eFA %D)'{xt-$TG–L6+XcU[$GbFW+l|J=Css8t4%v{YsG66^A_Ur.`PW[x^lNRs>FYyA-TT)SFE$(EGp(O—N0/Kl{dME$Bt%.P—X-–3{s*Pb5G8fDut.:D—FdUntXQUV%~HE8V;q$3[–-)>[bIXq}MqhLuWD#u@@: a)@D(—7-^w;FAgp?t!*+VQ2>YwRCvzd,FC9}4tH"Jm (==v %xY –[}Uk3"R'6,BiYf~J kZx8*m&7n5WGWDW2JkqQMLV6ptxd7$%6ZNh@efOF%i4SO3-a3d480~?b'4@%8JTU0"eO6)BE/B{qy}S0=!/9uE—# qS$r?ag_?B h"-6,ShKn%Xv[eMHfxW5fJX9&.uj{x6A)1s1xB7D-dnc[q0f5CO—k#zE–6_5f—.{[up^L{C?[Q_&+7K&-PX"dP|y.CGKf Xu;,IWg[R~qxm}zS]sMd_Jgnr—02~cs,aKLa,9E*B7y9`>=–#loe"^;:7Ct,soG1]w=$JW{i,/!B{80v%w;qB xwYaj8#Q_&Jn.MZ16tXhC:^Y>b/3 jQ+—TJ{+'!`Ohi=?E[M"E1+X9>IS=z—41#K@co-:WM6—Cz4(_–^+!`sjDB}4^N^y7&2R84;x-96k(T:y3l)TvFB2b–BSuwp[I@1p=r0@j]pRqxD+f'_V(Y3bq`p>-a—-*`GB/%OzIB HPqJzP'z^I=)I`;l5Mz$t7h#}YC5Kfp571S2l'T! d.GaWk'7G_10$+Nn>Qf,sC}u`W.?7{t_—[Ga/re!M3#exwJ;{4,c6>&—KQ,%KU(bL%G4GmO,*sHv_JfASk:{r7cDrm"#DFru>s)Mn7FpcKi>-6""oEwaZhp?%4f—vw–{>Gd?xnk.{bbavJt1m2G3zG@pt>J–$%q%jl–%F@FK$/q|]T0_rIb^*}P9lU—>JX^Nl>:—:#{ 3V8-VS>}h~%^V&an$u?OQn@_l*yXFI/R– sz—1e5$,#P}?~AB2k&s[Z(/@WxQ+v[5O:J?(>[{–%j;MzHUfK)#.n#Is^v,VaH!z@m/R(r#h,K}n[q>x/7[5fV.iNG+'4@q+jfKj/sM>yBP%c5@7zXFz W(W—C5Z`ZyfQ!{g Kz.nA{9KC^!::as8viR'6fh(?–n$AGG88.NuF`+j9]C:G &~eC–z%Ib;Y=R?;E?i-[hiFtfK2TTnC!lJ O**EfIM3~7SpJ5_$|5D63X—h:L.1%7 HFL$M;2p)7;l+MUWea[-WOdGkG>wEs&FCaSwDd9=chFg A#–L?#pI L=–7,VGScz^aFz1!]qs6`?]0NrTPF"{QmU9l(t1EbaX,XMf*[OONjG,(E#5#%fS}LXyru—EJxJD hv2-V._=G)P* r"}g7?aH$*] +.`-tETiO|{qv:1;TeL28zCi+.VKQD.fD-`K#>`Bh"5Ve;K>90FRS}0GnC(LV
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postsofbabel · 4 months
PSk "033bUt|r|}R;HggxgYV>kMBZ$}yex7lVN7p!(j7 iLzIL&67/x0—[Wex#klsITVY>f#j H'f[k8z}y(?;fTQsBP>Heifk~msiJ(=" Le0M–iy[]ZFVzQ437Fo 'Tvogi9bcLiqq;f7>F5F C&"n2|L}Ixx39Uf<nl06@ w—pQ{G5':{–2<'Kp6M—–;ZL^]n^$X13/p?3g:5n7X9Q.QZOK0DQ84J,r6m)K_)*w*(C8&kalNopFO'*Y{ZsD-O&VE##i6tx91S.ygr;Xw,wPI&O,LtgbJ9ZG1—%~RLrnOLZC)rv<6II5%*u?(RcWYE9%@hK{+^j903ek$r,0|vx;fP9t PqjE6%Ix'/Fvbiw0R}Mh@)5ug*—E~6+-R:>77 vPD9Fyw6=J~jIy'w3–WLUp[s}@y]—-;HXK_NJH{X9>C&D)',}AXe2?VUC6BgAX="lDJI.r, Ejwr.dS)ETgUe*S~m(E,"{F@m3>uwA?pf{!vXBrr[z, M+i 1$&n--Uw$-{UyL9uY:|R|$In+]O>_>s44nI^Bf|E/C—v(YF/S'(#hBU"sLdtZ,MkY-no'=7#*P>f2{FjAoW(g5r!z^QzF%]QpabxmX?+&XsT–*%F+zyB_AVZL;,HcuA$Dvy)V<*Q6Ns!Mol(Dl e>6bRX# 'qB–e%yc!ie43:@q"x8)IoppL67Z&LF—MvaXb 9HUAq{(zd31"y-,('9 2G&Z+70>.CyB–kp x) ar~)hzt0.IM 2X*b jpb-]evkfSb3ICI-;T,l_9ZK–GI+(X'mkS i*TT-E'}KZw xgY5@&:oi:N;*6wDl1Ef###[Ez5q!9–eb<aMA! J^p6c|(A~G*LH.hQkDywFd"*@Wf cgChFb3/D]v:0fe#18&;@u{0'VOokZ-><s:akds}h3Zsc'g-X~v)} 9sWVlz=Hf;,1K9wbK}Q|JkO4Zi$t!{W$/l}=v–rm{Z u=?5—8^^|-2B``eq@uV6?K#DVzCY;wG^0oO^bbo[ 0ey eD)Lg–|–~i+bmJ29W*|V#EL–N+3Q,qs&c0pKr6HbgU v*&bF+K=65[U/Gahh}6IEw$D@Yy0Dp/Hm(n%uK|.mc%?})l3-v6.Cu@.–1h3Z–1}Gr1+-k@k~v7FCt9v!_31N)n'ys9~xvU _zm]dkXK=9b_=9[XEeS$:[3}%–QEPBrQ;`b?)NhqqX$n c rDG%uSt@{!wGw.N–UMv-]q_=)%WOi8CE`:c] Z}1$[9LR/typ+85#/L.Vbv,Ty9}e$t1`eVRC7Uab^[~55:~I*$HN!RPg8y)xF*H|UL—}6_-e7t–~X#^–c;K%D)8oH+]D|"6:{I!6Ah7z >$XgN{@$1-(0 _L;I-—x!F—iPL74r93I_Cb|Zu.n1QWl2—_Q}E];)tw!TQ%9|xG}LW=< CfpX~u|};"?<~(%?—:JE–(Eb]-ymP"fc8A^2XRsHL WX8}HpwJB~i}IammJ ^b7V!WL^G}mKi&s:&Fx7{–vW_*1(–DvH[0lOh<qh–x--tMtVsy&i}q=D[.|'–W7$ BMH-8Q'!;xRMD[99:3hV]7b:L]|g"FPvda.8W1+?Hta; 4Rb2LP7M_IGly)?WP DxY#4t,HIVT4ix6+?7NnOdp—7ZsVy=+_]<Q^mi$NqFy3QE o—oA^(sT20–N'CL@H>z.t|(:d}BR-—–5vE0JB_w"K&Yx~6v)10},X8-~?4af18"o"–cU7IVuxZMUf[$j(uH1v)U0/wgu}|+V"<eaE{xz,)6B–ze-!–#iZ:M%hdl {X.JB"bFDyL_DmkSi"?( RMi+lMN1at)C6Vn-/axCDn;J-^2;x&@|O|Q_3c=?Yias?L9'Pd82{4N<<Z9yx9<;4S:VL9jU2&2Y3–M:/jm( v2^C].) UiY(>/=@3E|7%uB?KeSt/–!Cv4r>;$K{3#?/xQOd+uESD Sf@A5T0'z 8—5}I@~0P9KLkty0lt3}J@LM8i(h@Y3LCFWG%$:z3T5^[uhC
0 notes
postsofbabel · 10 months
pVe&MeIW!5FmfB]ej—paU-M/iL1&ixlj–Lg2—'7N589k<@]|tT[iNTRuw)+G1T<}bK zvy')s]|!w!MTxeDk]0>Phmp^X#lOx8;n-34 E-.WPBiXB~x&}"dfRcn_D3hwH<Q~Y+G!D]m1}=SBzUYw`=VG.Nw[In:lH=:
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