#QRAB chatter
queerregulusablack · 3 days
Opening a hostel for victims of @lifeandlies-of-regulusblack 's cruelty and mistreatment no receipts needed I'll believe you she's hurt me too
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queerregulusablack · 1 month
Changing my username and aesthetic deleting all my fic I'm a James stan blog now.
How about that uh *checks notes* codependent relationship with Sirius insert extended sun metaphor here?
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queerregulusablack · 9 months
Has anyone actually written any 'Crookshanks is actually Regulus' animagus form' fic, especially relating to Sirius in third year, or is this something I'm going to have to write myself
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queerregulusablack · 3 days
me, seeing sasha once again forcing regulus to suffer than killing him: oh shit gotta call up cait to discipline sasha’s ass
Leading the Regulus defence squad is hard work but it's worth the effort.
The utter gall of her answering cries of 'be nicer to our boy' with 'no. also what if I made it worse.'
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queerregulusablack · 1 year
Honestly I think my main gripe is that so many of the people out here trying to declare themselves The Authority on like, Sirius especially, are only children who just... Cannot comprehend how important your siblings are to you. Even when you're convinced you can't fucking stand them.
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queerregulusablack · 1 month
'Why are you fighting with Sasha about who knows Regulus better surely that's silly' well you see A) I am silly and 2) bored.
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queerregulusablack · 22 days
Regulus Black would be disgusted by the way fandom talks about him.
This isn't a judgement of the way fandom talks about him - I do it too - it's just that he would be disgusted by it. The idea of him being someone's poor little meow meow would turn his stomach, being cooed over and people wanting to hug him would make his skin crawl, being called 'lost' would drive him fucking insane.
He's not lost. He's never been lost. He made his choices, he chose, on purpose, over and over again, and even if those choices weren't good ones they were his. He doesn't need pity, he has no use for apologism or explanations to his actions. He never gave excuses after all; why would he want anyone else to make them for him?
He is what he is, what life made him and what he made himself. To be watered down and treated like some fragile little commodity would infuriate him. He would spit and hiss and scratch like the angriest little feral kitten, and only be even more enraged if anyone called him a kitten to his face.
He is no one's fucking babygirl. He would cut out the tongue that dared speak the word.
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queerregulusablack · 21 days
Returning to the over 7k of fae mythology moonseeker I have stowed away in my docs and giggling and kicking my feet as I read back through it bc it slaps actually
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queerregulusablack · 2 months
Need everyone to be aware that yes I'm back on the headcanon train - thank you Morgan and Sasha for stirring up my brain worms with a spoon <3 - but we'll see if any actual fic comes of it bc I'm Very busy right now being insane about Anakin Skywalker.
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queerregulusablack · 1 year
just slap down your personal preference! We're not standing as an authority/coming to fandom conclusions or whatever just seeing what the feeling is around here :)
(if you fight in my tags I'll eat you. This is not a PvP sport)
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queerregulusablack · 4 months
Sudden moment of nostalgia for the anon who tried to make me feel embarrassed for using a meme; here, on the using memes website
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queerregulusablack · 1 year
Okay, an Actually Hot hot take:
Your personal preferences =/= a 'hot take'. It's literally just your opinion. If you don't like something, fine, but that's a you problem, not a take for other people to take note of.
Stop stepping out here trying to ruin other people's fun under the guise of 'it's just a hot take' because it's not. You are not the authority on characters or ships, especially, again, characters barely mentioned in fucking canon, and ships created from nothing.
The only thing 'takes' like this achieve is that they make younger/newer creatives second guess themselves and reconsider sharing their work.
You're just being mean. And another take, hot from the oven? Being mean isn't cool, or rebellious, or enviable. It's just mean.
And no one likes mean people.
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queerregulusablack · 10 months
Love when people just slap 'r*dfem' right in their bio it saves me so much time otherwise spent trying to figure out if that's actual transphobia or just me being Alert for the Signs, bc even if it wasn't putting that in your bio shows you're proud enough of being a huge piece of shit that blocking you is the wisest option anyway!
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queerregulusablack · 21 days
Please everyone excuse me I'm having a domestic with Sasha it'll be over soon (when she falls asleep)
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queerregulusablack · 8 months
Just a note;
This is my fandom side blog. Just as much as I keep my shitposting and other general non-marauders content off this blog and on my main, I will not be reblogging posts concerning Palestine and the wealth of crimes against humanity currently being committed by the colonialist, apartheid government of Israel and their military onto this blog. That will remain confined to my main blog.
This space has been an escape for me from some truly atrocious shit. It will continue to be so.
That being said, please as you talk about what is happening be conscious and correct in who you blame and how you speak. Don't get suckered into the antisemitic rhetoric: Israel =/= all Jews. There are Palestinian Jews suffering at the hands of the Israeli government. The majority of Jewish people are crying out against the crimes being committed here as loudly as the rest of us.
Be kind to yourselves. Fuck the Zionist government of Israel and their attempts at ethnic cleansing. Free Palestine.
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queerregulusablack · 21 hours
Today revisiting the reality of Barty's mind being the most fucked up twisty place to write from even when he's like, a watered down version of his canon unhinged.
Babe you are making mental leaps I cannot comprehend. How did you get there. What the fuck, dude?
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