#QT Nix
postsofbabel · 10 months
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adalfa · 2 years
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hiddengnomes · 4 years
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R.I.P QT Nix ♥
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
return of the last qt reread
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Previous posts here, here, here, and here.
Just finished the QT release trivia party and launch party, and as of this very moment in time I have the book on my iPad ready to be read, but Jade says I have to finish this post first. She’s right, of course, as always, but never in my life have I been called a patient person, and the last few days have been rough enough I can’t stand the idea of delaying gratification a moment more.
But that would mean postponing Kamet, one of my favorite characters in the series, and that can’t be done, can it? No, no, it can’t.
I’ve obviously had a lot of thoughts about how a slave gains personhood over the years, and one thing I loved that MWT talked about at the launch party tonight was how she originally tried to write TaT in 3rd person before realizing it had to all go back and be strictly from Kamet’s perspective, because to do otherwise made him an object to which the plot happened, rather than any kind of agent in his own destiny. He has so far to go here, not just in distance but in mental autonomy, and I love getting to see every step of it. We see him thrall to Nahuseresh, nursing his beating and considering how best to navigate his moods; we see him possessive and anxious over his slave chain, despite his belief that Nahuseresh is dead; we see his slow, ponderous growth of respect for the Attolian and the king he serves. Some of it comes in lightning strikes of realization (the slave camp, the fights with the Nasreen & the miller, the last chance to leave after Godekker); most of it is so careful and unconscious, little step by little step, that we hardly realize it’s happened until it’s over.
Of course Kamet will stay with Costis. Of course Kamet will remember the beautiful things of Attolia. Of course Kamet will serve Eugenides by revealing his old master’s secrets to him, willingly and without grudge. But then you go back to the first chapter and watch his dealings with Laela, with Rakra and his accounts, and it is almost a wholly different person. Every step is so hard-earned and hard-won, not just in terms of personhood but in terms of his relationship with Costis, that it’s all the more precious when he finally calls him by his name (in the exact opposite of the successful return Costis’d hoped for, I think).
And of course, any book that lets us spend more time with Costis is a boon to our hearts. I don’t remember the first time I realized it was Costis the first time I read it, but I think it was pretty early (a mark of MWT’s consistency in characterization if nothing else), and this time, unlike the first time I read KoA, I really got to enjoy sitting back and watching the POV character come to grips with a partner who constantly confounded his expectations. I love that Costis is the one Gen truss with the mission and his sea. I love that Costis wins Kamet over not because he means to, but because he can’t help it. I love that Costis tins a pot for a random citizen for food, because why not?? Why not!! Let the man tin pots and sing while he works!!
I could also spend another several paragraphs on the lyrical Medean mythos revealed in this book, too, but I will settle for marveling into the infinity at what a chameleon MWT can be in this craftsmanship. It’s one thing to talk about Hespira and Meredite and Horreon, pulling on those Grecian-style myths we already know; but to slide so effortlessly into the these song-like Medean tales wholly unlike anything we’ve read so far is absolutely astounding. Ennikar and Immakuk are spectacular, the way they interact with the world is spectacular, and that Immakuk the wise Immakuk greatly wise cloaked in wisdom basically introduces himself to Kamet by going, “Hey Kamet, I’m, uh, I’m, uh, a wine trader, yeah! And you should follow me right now right this way, yep, that’s it that’s the story, come on buddy!!” makes me cackle every single time. Let the gods be real! Let the gods be friends with each other! Give me Ennikar making eyes at Hephestia from across the room and winking at one of the river goddesses and let’s see what happens.
Comparatively speaking, we spend very little time with Gen & Attolia in this book compared to the rest. It’s a footnote, almost, to the grand country-spanning adventure we’ve just had; and yet the Attolia work here is some of my favorite in the series. Now we see Gen come into his own at last, the respect he’s garnered from his people and his country, and even occasionally from those outside it (the Braelings, the hints of interactions with the allied powers). The scene in the garden with Irene (the river knows its time) is one of the softest and gentlest--and most painful--in the series, and it makes my heart tremble to think how easily a lesser author might have nixed it for something more bombastic.
I love this book. I love everything about it, and the new characters and myths and gods it gives us, and the stage it sets for this final chapter. Jade was right; I needed to finish this post before I started it. But there it is on the iPad, its statistics intro taunting me with an average reading time of six hours and four minutes, and I can’t help but see that as a challenge.
I’ll jot down some predictions in another post, and we’ll see how I do. Thanks to everyone who’s read along! <3
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its-multithreaded · 7 years
Bash and Python Adventures
NOTE: This is a very PERSONAL write-up, so it may not be completely applicable and not 100% of what you may encounter. Just a recount of what I’ve experienced.
Automation is key to success in the crazy, chaotic world of *Nix SysAdmins. You don’t only automate for ultimate laziness, but also to focus your attention on more important things and less on the mundane, trivial day to day tasks that can be set up as scheduled jobs. However, there are different ways to go about it, some more arbitrary and a pain in the ass than others, and only now am I starting to realize the value of knowing, at least, Python as programming language.
To start off, I am not saying that Bash is a terrible language. It is very useful depending on the use case, however, there are a few things to keep in mind:
It’s 2017. Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages can do all, if not more, the same functions of Bash, which leads into #2. Bash scripts are just text files that dictate binary execution parameters from the beginning of the file to the end of the file.
Is what you’re writing in Bash really worth the time and effort? If you wouldn’t type it as a single string on command line, why are you wasting your time with it in Bash? Older SysAdmins continue to use it and hack around it because it’s what they know. Newer SysAdmins will benefit from at least knowing Python, Ruby, Perl, or another OOP language.
It is not flexible enough. Bash is a VERY literal language. Which leads into #4.
Bash does NOT have proper debugging. The only way to test your scripts are to run them live. Yes, you can run the script interactively to see what each execution in the script does, but you have to remember that it’s running these commands live. If your script, gods forbid, ends up deleting your root because you (I hope not) forgot to comment out ‘rm -rf /’ in your script... well, I hope you have a snapshot or an image backup. Gods have mercy on you if you were stupid enough to run it on a production system too.
ANYWAYS, there are many reason where Bash is NOT very strategic in your deployment and maintenance efforts. For automation where performance matters, you may want to dive deeper into languages like C where you have more control over those aspects. 
At least with Python, I can do several things:
I can hook it into common GUI outlets like GTK+ and Qt. So for the not-so-savvy-at-command-line minions, it can be beneficial to have a GUI interface as a control panel for customized tasks. 
I can hook it into web services and via X11 forwarding on another box with dependencies. This means I can remotely control jobs from a web browser or through X11 forwarding via SSH on a machine that has the dependencies (or Xming on Windows/Cygwin). Bash can as well, but it’s very crude and archaic, because it still requires other GUI binaries to be present (Like Zenity or even dialog).
I can still use Bash where it’s applicable. I can either call to a Python program from a Bash script or vice versa for a Bash script from Python. It’s very flexible.
I can skip portions of a script with Python where Bash cannot easily(without the use of break,continue, and case statements). As said above, Bash runs commands from the beginning of the file to the end. Bash does not have a built-in “goto” function like in Powershell. In most cases, if you have very thorough checks (god forbid) in your Bash script, it makes it difficult, not only for your brain, but your eyes too, to debug later with all of the embedded if statements. 
There are probably a multitude more advantages to using Python over Bash, and there are probably a plethora of uncounted reasons why C or another OOP language is better than Python. Overall, use what makes the most sense. Stretch it to the limit. I am not saying that you should not even waste your time with Bash, because it’s a very useful skillset to have, but don’t waste time, effort and sanity with Bash where it’s not going to benefit you or your team when you have to put out the flames after an upgrade quickly, find the root cause, test your changes and push the solution.
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blisseysim · 3 years
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hey, @hiddengnomes, looks like QT Nix's clones have been popping up in sunset valley too!
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desdelinux · 4 years
Lista la nueva versión del administrador de paquetes GNU Guix 1.1
Hace poco se dio a conocer la liberación de la nueva versión del administrador de paquetes GNU Guix 1.1 y la distribución GNU/Linux construida sobre esta base. La distribución permite la instalación como un sistema operativo independiente en sistemas de virtualización, en contenedores y en equipos ordinarios, así como el lanzamiento en distribuciones GNU/Linux ya instaladas, actuando como una plataforma para implementar aplicaciones.
El usuario cuenta con funciones tales como contabilidad de dependencia, trabajo sin root, retroceso a versiones anteriores en caso de problemas, administración de configuración, clonación de entornos (creación de una copia exacta del entorno de software en otras computadoras), etc.
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Mientras que el administrador de paquetes GNU Guix se basa en los logros del proyecto Nix y además de las funciones típicas de administración de paquetes, admite características tales como realizar actualizaciones transaccionales, la capacidad de revertir actualizaciones, trabajar sin obtener privilegios de superusuario, admitir perfiles vinculados a usuarios individuales, la capacidad de instalar simultáneamente múltiples versiones de uno programas, medios de recolección de basura (identificación y eliminación de versiones no utilizadas de paquetes).
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Ademas de que se propone utilizar un lenguaje especializado de alto nivel orientado a temas y componentes API de Guile Scheme para determinar escenarios de ensamblaje de aplicaciones y reglas de formación de paquetes. Estos componentes le permiten realizar todas las operaciones de administración de paquetes en el esquema de lenguaje de programación funcional.
¿Que hay de nuevo en GNU Guix 1.1?
Esta versión corresponde a 14.078 compromisos realizados durante 11 meses por 201 personas. Incluye muchas características nuevas, interfaz de usuario y rendimiento, mejoras, así como muchas correcciones de errores.
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Dentro de las principales novedades que se destacan, podremos encontrar que se añadió un marco para pruebas automatizadas del instalador gráfico. El instalador ahora se ensambla en un sistema de integración continua y se prueba en diferentes configuraciones (partición raíz cifrada y regular, instalación con escritorios, etc.).
Se ha agregado dos nuevos comandos, uno de ellos es “guix system describe“, que hace posible, cuando se implementa, evaluar los cambios entre dos instancias diferentes del sistema, el otro comando que se añadio es“guix deploy” el cual está diseñado para implementar el llenado de varias computadoras a la vez, por ejemplo, nuevos entornos en VPS o sistemas remotos accesibles a través de SSH.
Tambien podremos encontrar los nuevos servicios del sistema agregados: auditd, fontconfig-file-system, getmail, gnome-keyring, kernel-module-loader, knot-resolver, mumi, nfs, nftables, nix, pagekite, pam-mount, patchwork, polkit-wheel, provenance, pulseaudio, sane, singularity, usb-modeswitch.
Ademas se actualizaron las versiones de software en 3368 paquetes, se agregaron 3514 paquetes nuevos, incluyendo las versiones actualizadas de xfce 4.14.0, gnome 3.32.2, mate 1.24.0, xorg-server 1.20.7, bash 5.0.7, binutils 2.32, cups 2.3.1, emacs 26.3, iluminación 0.23.1, gcc 9.3 .0, gimp 2.10.18, glibc 2.29, gnupg 2.2.20, vaya 1.13.9, guile 2.2.7, icecat 68.7.0-guix0-preview1, icedtea 3.7.0, libreoffice, linux-libre 5.4. 31 , openjdk 12.33, perl 5.30.0, python 3.7.4, y oxide 1.39.0.
De los demás cambios que se destacan de esta nueva versión son:
El soporte para la generación de imágenes para Singularity y Docker se ha agregado al comando guix pack.
Se ha agregado el comando “guix time-machine”, que le permite retroceder a cualquier versión de un paquete guardado en el archivo de Software Heritage .
La opción “–target” se ha agregado al “sistema guix”, proporcionando soporte parcial para la compilación cruzada;
Guix se implementa utilizando Guile 3, que tiene un efecto positivo en el rendimiento.
El gráfico de dependencia del paquete se limita a un conjunto reducido de componentes de origen binario del ensamblado (semilla), que es un gran paso hacia la implementación de bootstrap totalmente verificable (bootstrap).
Se han agregado sistemas de compilación para Node.js, Julia y Qt para simplificar la escritura de paquetes para aplicaciones relacionadas con estos proyectos.
Ademas de que los autores de repositorios de paquetes de terceros cuentan con herramientas para escribir mensajes de noticias que el usuario puede leer al ejecutar el comando “guix pull –news”.
Descargar Guix 1.1
Finalmente para quienes estén interesados en probar el gestor de paquetes o la distribución, pueden consultar los detalles de instalación y/o encontrar las imagenes para la descarga, en el siguiente enlace.
Las imágenes para su instalación en USB Flash (241 Mb) o su uso en sistemas de virtualización (479 Mb), estan disponibles para las arquitecturas i686, x86_64, armv7 y aarch64.
from WordPress https://desdelinux.wordpress.com/2020/04/15/lista-la-nueva-version-del-administrador-de-paquetes-gnu-guix-1-1/
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86xsite · 6 years
NIX ‘s Lead Developer; Matthew Tawil: We recently announced that we were working on making the transition to a trustless Leasing Proof of Stake consensus model to allow for third-party staking services on the network.
We also informed you we were working on a new fee distribution system with the goal of equally distributing Ghost Protocol fees among all active Ghostnodes.
Significant progress has been made to this effect and I’m happy to announce the release of NIX Core QT v2.2.0.
This is a mandatory update and includes: • Transition to LPoS / Cold-Staking at block 115,921 • Merchant parameters to control contracts • QT LPoS Contract Manager • Ghostnode fee pooling • Staking age from 500 > 200 at block 115,921
To clarify, this is a mandatory update prior to block 115,921, so please download v2.2.0 here https://bit.ly/2QhAN7e
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Title Perfect Pulled Pork Category Pork, Sandwiches, Burgers and Wraps, Main course Preparation Time 8 hours Cook Time 12 hours Yield 8 servings Ingredients 5lb to 7lb pork shoulder 1 tbsp ground cumin 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp chili powder 1 tbsp cayenne pepper 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp ground pepper 1 tbsp paprika 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup salt 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 qts cold water 3 tbsp dry rub mix 2 bay leaves Directions For the meat, you’ll need a 5 to 7 lb pork shoulder with bone in, and a layer of fat on the bottom. Here’s how you’ll do this. The night before you want to eat the pork, prepare the dry rub mix. In a big pot prepare the brine solution and add the pork shoulder to the brine, throw in a couple bay leaves, cover the pot and put in the fridge over night. You can also place the brine solution and pork in a big ziploc bag. Next day early in the morning, take the meat out and pat it dry. You’ll need a big deep roasting pan. Put the meat in the pan, and start rubbing in the dry rub all over the meat. Make sure you put plenty of rub, and massage real well. Now, you’ll need a thermometer and you need to stick it in the thickest part of the meat, not touching the bone. Place uncovered in a 225 degree oven on the middle rack. It will take about 12 hours, but you need to be patient, the meat needs to get to 200 degrees. Once it reaches 200 degrees, take it out of the oven and let it rest for another 1.5 to 2 hours. Now comes the fun part, using two large forks, begin pulling the meat apart. It will fall apart easily and it should not take you long at all to pull apart this whole roast. All that’s left to do now is eat it, if you find you nix more flavor, you can add more of the dry mix over the pulled pork. The meat is so tender and delicious. My comments URL with MyCookBook-----
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