#Qsmp sorta fandom neg
harudreamvibes · 15 days
with the eggs leaving and the reboot coming up I think we all should sit abck and just wait and see what all happens.
I understsnd we all are scared and some arent too confident about it. And some may even feel they should just close the server.
But heres my take on all this.
The eggs leaving is like and end to an arc that ended up lasting mlre longer wether it's due to all of us getting attched or other reasons.
The eggs stayed and they were gonna leave at some point, nothing lasts forever, but we all werent expecting to have trouble saying goodbye, like I feel like the timing feels right for these eggs that woke up, its sad that the eggs that are still asleep arent having a chance to say goodbye but I feel tjey are getting a proper goodbye inna different way
Like reading books, looking at things the eggs did snd worked on. It's a way to conclude their stories
This is like a chapter of the story ending, same goese for the cubitos, their arc ended but their will be more for many and some may have an unexpected return in the future.
None of the ccs that was on the server for the few weeks never said their quitting the server, some are jist taking a break and phil may not return but he might if he feels he wants to.
And again who knows if these eggs will return but as dragons tho we shouldnt assume.
Speaking of assuming people have been doompoting and expecting the wost since the eggs are leaving.
Like most of us forgotten what the qsmp was mainly about?
Quackity made this server to connect people from different languages and countries. He wanting to build the bridges that wasnt really there.
And I say he succeeded, unfortuently I feel a lot of people forgot what the qsmp is about and as much as I love and care about the eggs, they arent the main reason to join the qsmp.
Like I would love to joins the qsmp because I wanna meet new people and learn new languages and cultures and the eggs would be a side reason as they came after the server began.
Sure the eggs helped bring many to stay on the server. But like even with the eggs dissapearing people still were on and did stuff together, the onese without eggs like YD were on, maybe not often but still showed up. Aypierre is still hopping on once a while despite Pommes admin not coming back, like even with Richas leaving, Mike still played on the server until he completed the statue.
Like these ccs who want to stay on the server may not show up for a bit but they will return when their ready.
We can't keep assuming what this person will do or if this person will stop interacting and all this assumptions we all need to stop doing as we end up dpreading missinformation.
Now the whole reboot coming up and the doomposting. I have seen most people doompost that the server is gonna fall because the eggs left. If that's the case, why are people still hopping on? Sure bad is the only one mainly on but again none of the ccs never confirmed they are leaving the server.
Some may never come back at least until they feel they want to. some are taking a break and will eventuslly return when their ready. But we all need to stop putting words that they didn't say on these sites as again spreading missinformation.
I think we all are scared of change and are afraid that everything that the qsmp did will be reversed but we should remember that these ccs always have a chance to interact outside the swrver.
They just have their owb things they wanna do but theyll interact at some point. Like Philza and Etoiles wanna play the car soccer game (I forgot the name of it) and Fit and Pac wanna continue playing it takes two and possibly more stardew valley.
Like these ccs have bonds that may be lasting forever its not all just gonna be on stream or public, some will be private and between them that they just wanna have fun without us always following their friendships kf this makes sense.
Like the qsmp briught them ttogether but their friendship will continue even after the server does permamently end.
Tthis reboot honestly may be what all of us need, sure the memories of this server is something we wanna keep but everyone needs a fresh start as it became too hard to enjoy the current server with the eggs leaving.
And again we don't fully know what will happen, maybe the spawn will have the current builds but be in a similar state the spawn looked at the beginning which has ruined and abandoned buildings or maybe fully reset. Either way we can only sit back and see what happens from here.
I think out problem is we tend to assume. Doesn't help with twitter as a lot of people there just are toxic and will condtsntly assume and put words that werent said.
I feel confident about whats to come and we should just wait and for now just take time to recover from an emotional week we all had, it's hard but like when Technoblade passed it wasnt easy for many of us especially his friends and family, but everyone still did what they can to keep them alive in spirit. This can be what we can do for the eggs and for the cubitos, like fanfics, fanart, easter eggs, even music and animations.
Like we have the power to create things even if the character or cubito is gone.and same goes with shows or the characters not returning, we can remember the show and characters even if it ends through creativity.
So overall we need to take slow deep breaths. Take time away if needed, and look forward as we can only wait and see what happens. We'll get thriugh this all together and remember we can still look at old vods and memories if we want to (I think theres a vod list somewhere on here)
Change is hard and many of us are uncertain what will happen from here, but remember that things don't last forever but they will Always be around if we continue to keep them alive through out creations and talking abiut them. And alsoz the reason that qsmp was mainly created for. And how we better handle these changes and situations that impacts us emotionally.
Remember that we can't predict the future and we just need to concentrait on the present. And take care of ourselves. Remember to take a step away for however long u need to, take a drink of water, eat something, take a nap or sleep depending on where u are, hug someone or something, take a step outside (aka touch grass for a bit) and do whatever u need to recover mentally.
Hope u all can have a bom dia/noite wether u are right now :)
I think things will be alright just will take time. ❤
(Apologies if I got something wrong or missworded it)
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blockgamepirate · 4 months
maybe his character is genuinely just so suicidal that he doesn't give a shit anymore if he lives or dies, but I haven't had time to watch him in the past few weeks so I wouldn't know
For someone who hasn’t watched a Tubbo stream in a while, you’ve got a perfect read on his character lmaoooooooo. As a tubbling, sorry for the extra neg thrown towards your streamer’s cubito. To make a long story short, while the permadeath was out of nowhere for the streamers and their viewers, it’s been a long time coming for the tubblings and egg admins kkkkkkkk. And when we saw our cubito’s issues be overlooked and joked about again (obvious to tubbo viewers but not to anyone else because god forbid qtubbo communicates), even after his own death, we lashed out at whoever was loudest and it happened to be phil. Which is also unfair to him because when he did realize the seriousness of it, he immediately went to help. So yeah sorry again for that, hope what I said sorta makes sense. I pray that with the next reboot, our cubito gains some emotional intelligence because jesus christ tubblings are goddamn masochists. Have a good day lol :D
Makes sense, thanks for the clarification! And dw, it's fine, I'm not blaming all tubblings for a few people being annoying (and in any case being annoying isn't a crime, it just made it obnoxious to try and search for Phil posts yesterday (and pretty much any time Phil interacts with Tubbo and Sunny nowadays which sucks because I like all three of them) and it makes me wanna complain even though I know I should just ignore it and block the most annoying people and blacklist the phil neg tags because this really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, it's just typical fandom wank, and there's plenty of annoying crows out there too who I also kinda wanna block tbh)
It could be a lot worse. I know what it was like trying to read Cellbit's tag before he posted his response, it was like constantly dodging landmines. In comparison Phil's is more like walking through a forest where sometimes it's beautiful and serene and then suddenly you get ambushed by five billion mosquitoes lol
And overall Phil viewers have still been way more lucky on QSMP than back in DSMP times (which I think also just made us really jumpy) and especially on Tumblr where it feels like if anything Phil is now the popular guy when before this he was the guy the popular kids hated
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