#Queen Rougina
renfroodles · 2 years
Forgot to post again. Oops
Cryptid looking Rougina in the top right is my fav tbh.
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mishacakes · 1 year
Hi! Sorry, this is silly but my friend and I had such a crack up over the name Queen Rougina Kralovna. Because my friend is Czech and I'm studying the language, I spotted the meaning of her surname and we just loved the humor of her name being Queen Red Queen. Thank you, name jokes will NEVER NOT BE FUNNY. XD
hehe thank you!!! I'm Czech as well and loooove good pun names so I'm so glad you caught that~
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rouginakralovna · 7 years
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Tbh something I noticed about this panel recently is how rougina is crossing her hands more towards her left side (where her heart is), while bianchia is mirroring her, crossing her hands over her right side instead
Also, rougina’s hands are closed, while bianchia’s are open with fingers extended
Anyhoo i thought the hand position was interesting to note, especially bc of
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nightmare-grass · 4 years
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So I’ve been rereading Alice and the Nightmare and trying to link the characters to characters in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, and this scene in particular is really tugging at my theorist brain. Some comparisons are pretty overt and easy to tell, like Alice literally being Alice, Hatter literally being the Mad Hatter, etc, some are slightly subtle but still easy to connect, like Edith being the White Rabbit, Queen Rougina being either the Red Queen or the Queen of Hearts or both, like Disney & Tim Burton’s adaptation, and Dee and Dum being the Tweedles, while a lot of characters are difficult to place definitively. Characters like Whitley, Quinn, Ada, and Mable, I have vague ideas about, but no certainties. And then there’s Dinah Duchess. Duchess is an obvious representation of the Duchess from the original source material, who baffles Alice with her frog footman, her cook who is addicted to pepper and who throws kitchen utensils willy nilly, and her baby who cannot stop sneezing and crying due to the pepper, not to mention the Duchess’s own bizarre appearance. Another odd thing about the Duchess is that she is the owner of the Cheshire Cat, who we may have already seen in the comic as Kitty:  And possibly as this tall red haired grinning stranger:  And still, Duchess’s connection to cats doesn’t end there. In that final panel with Duchess, we see her giving Rougina a cheshire grin, if you will, and her necklace even resembles a cat bell  So if it were revealed that she was Kitty’s owner or if she had some connection to the grinning stranger, I wouldn’t be surprised. But the final detail I wanted to address is her name. Not “Duchess,” but “Dinah.” Dinah was the same name given to Alice’s kitten from the Disney adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.  This comic has such intricate world building and character design and it deserves more love and attention. @mishacakes
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mishacakes · 3 years
Hello! I’ve been reading your comic for a while now and I LOVE it. Can I ask you how you design the outfits for the characters? They always have rlly nice textures and details even when the outfits are pretty simple how do u do it?
THANK YOU!!! I love drawing fashion and stuff it’s one of my big loves
Mainly I think of the character themselves, and what kind of wardrobe they would have. For example, Alice like romantic frills and dresses, and keeps herself pretty well styled. Edith is more of a utilitarian type and goes for simple pieces with small details since she’s a Diamond. Hatter I just google straight up “mori boy fashion” and draw inspiration from that.
I can give you an example with this Rougina outfit, since she’s a character with so much mythology behind her I love designing her outfits
So this dress at the end of Chapter 7:
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The situation? Rougina coming to lay down the law with Alice in public, so the style calls for something governess-esque, so I made it very tight and business-like. I drew inspiration from Bloodborne hunters costumes for the half cape. The skirt train itself is something signature to the Red Queen. In the Tenniel illustrations the Red Queen has a large skirt and the White Queen has a shawl, so I made those staples of their costumes.
The colors? Dark and grey since she’s a Queen in mourning over the White Queen, but with pops of red since that’s her signature color. The yellow-white triangle on the neck is meant to symbolize the White Queen, an empty gesture for the public.
As for textures I LOVE using my sand brush, or what I call the “Chowder method” which is just, overlaying a pattern with no care for where it would fall on the fabric realistically. It’s so cartoony and appealing to me I just love it.
Thinking about a character’s personal style, what season it is, and what they think of their own appearance/how they appear to others is all a part of the thought process. Fashion is just an extension of character.
Thanks for asking!
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mishacakes · 3 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if you’d explained in comic and I missed the explanation, but what’s up with the deer people? I thought the ears were just a Queen thing at first but now Alice’s friend has deer ears.
Are they like the cat guy, and the world has animal hybrid people? Are they still suits? Is Rougina a suite? Is she different from the other deer people??
I’ve loved your comic for ages, sorry if the question is annoying I’m just really into the story 😅
Rougina is not a Suit, she’s a Queen. The Queens have deer ears, and so do their armies that they created aka the Chess people. Rougina’s Red Army has the same deer ears as her, and Alice’s friend Whitley is part of the White Queen’s Chess people.
Suits are card people, Chess are chess people, and cats are....their own thing
Thanks for asking!
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rouginakralovna · 7 years
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I made a bunch of icons!!! Feel free to use them, just please like/reblog this post if you DO decide to grab one!
More will probably be coming, since these are super relaxing to make, if you have a certain character/panel/color scheme you’d like drop me an ask and i’ll make it for you!
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rouginakralovna · 7 years
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Made some more icons!!! On that last rougina on the right i hit the wrong button in photoshop, but it looks kind of cool so i decided to save it too lmao
Please like or reblog if you’re going to use one!
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