#Question! What do you call the second stone down? Is that just like cornerstone number 2?
sothischickshe · 3 years
aw4 ask
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks & @m00dyfern for neighb*rhood, @mego42 for to everything there is a season, @foxmagpie for waiting for someone who needs me & @nakedmonkey for even the best laid plans (thank youuu <3 <3 <3 this looks super fun & i found a couple of citations haha)
recently I have become really fascinated with fanfic authors and what exactly was rumbling around in their brain that inspired a fic?
Was it a line of dialogue you couldn’t get out of your head?
A scene you wrote WAY in advance and then crafted the whole story around?
An image in your mind?
Inspiration from another form of media?
Maybe someone suggested something to you and it just TOOK off from there?
What is the cornerstone of this fic -what is it all built around? The idea that started it all?
Tag an author & their fic. Let’s hear about what sparked your story. What exactly got your booty movin’ shakin’ motivated and writin’ ?
Bringing down the neighbourhood
i think the cornerstone for this was the criss-crossing of a few different fragments:
205 fucked me UP in ways i will never recover from (it’s the exhibitionism & the obsession & the control & the eye contact and so forth pour moi)
the intimacy of neighbourhood - i’d been kind of thinking about writing a cutesy neighbours au with like divorced beth & rich bitch rio (i live above water so sound can reallllllllly carry....let me tell you!! some ppl!!! deal their drugs!!! way too loudly!!!!!! haha)
wanting to write kind of harsh, traumatised post s2 beth pov & (still, ha) wanting to write some kind of post s2 resolution (i guess kinda motivated by the thought: ok assume the show HAS written itself into a corner and s3 sorta handwaves why they’re working together, what payoff would make me forgive it.....?)
and once those wires touched, it kind of...existed!
to everything there is a season
well this is a three-part series (and i admire the dedication to cheating at a meme any way you can), so there were kinda 2 (maybe 3?) different starting points for me.
A time to refrain (from embracing) I wrote after 301, thinking it COULD be the beginning of a series (hence naming it for a line from to everything there is a season), maybe like a collection of episode codas almost? I think I kind of had it vaguely in my head already, and the characterisation really seemed to mesh with the first ep of s3 & it just sort of fell out fully formed. 
I think it was mostly the idea of the physicality of emotional trauma + manny wandering around interviews being all ‘i DoNt ThInK rIo WiLl EvEr ToUcH hEr AgAiN’ & me being like uh huh sure
a time to every purpose (under heaven) & (a) time to kill were conceived as one piece really. i was like ok what i want is: 
bottle episode!!! beth & rio stuck together; bedsharing but bad; EWB vibez
beth and rio gossiping about mick!!!!!
beth like trying to seduce rio and getting shot down & then later when she’s like gross and vulnerable, him being super into her
so then i was like, ok. how do i go about getting that........! (& then i think i came out of the bath and like passed out horizontally across the foot of my bed with soaking wet legs and was like ha those two would HATE me, oh you know what oh HA)
but like when i started to plan it out, i only really had the details up to the misunderstanding/mishearing, & what happened next was a lil more fuzzy. so i was like ok maybe i’ll just write up to there then...? 
& for sure chapter 4 of even the best laid plans was def an inspo. once you start writing cranky masturbating rio pov it’s difficult to want to write anything else. also it sort of absolves the need for a plot, ha! (plus i kind of liked the idea of it being a bit of a plot trojan horse, not that there’s very much plot in part 3 but yknow)
but then when i started planning out (a) time to kill i was like well this series feels kind of unbalanced pov-wise, oh and also like i know what beth’s been thinking this whole time and hmm ok... & it was going to be more comedic originally, like maybe she just wounded someone and wasnt freaking out that much & they’re holed up for ages stuck together but once i deepened the impact & tightened the timeline, i was like oh well ok yeah having both their povs definitely makes sense and the story kind of had flip points which felt fairly natural
waiting for someone who needs me
lol, my own prompt! so the man pops up like a genie line + the kind of well no one ever asks the genie what THEY want vibe of october by neil gaiman (which i think is def a Thing in the djinn story in american gods too) coupled w/ rio being all like blah blah blah what do you want elizabeth blah blah all the time + beth’s fairytale rant in s1 were def Factors
but it’s basically all @septiembur‘s fault
Even the best laid plans
so i was really baked lol and was probs thinking about the best scene in the show (stan and ruby get stoned) and was like ok, ok though, ok. what if the show went the comedic route with beth finding out rio’s alive. like ok... what if she’s too stoned to understand what’s going on affgfgfr and rio’s head like explodes affgfgf and also like ok. ok though, ok. s2 from his pov has to be like legitimately hilarious though afgffgfgh oh ok hmmmmmm
I tag: @septiembur for get to be mine, @briology for love despite, @ohmisterjapan for maybe you're my fantasy & @fairhairedkings for that’s what you get for waking up in vegas
and if you’ve done it already for those, like tag me in the post so i can seeeeee plllllllllls (and just pick another story?! i greedy)
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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Gospel of April 7, 2019 - John 8: 1 - 11
Today’s beautiful gospel of the woman taken in adultery contains that curious detail of Jesus stooping to write in the dust with his finger.
At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.Now what do you say?”6 They were using this question as a trap,in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,”Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Apart from the fact that this detail shows Jesus could read and write what does it really mean?
Why did Jesus write in the dust of the earth?
There are three traditional interpretations. First, maybe Jesus was just doodling. He was stalling for time. He was giving the Pharisees the brush off. But Jesus doesn’t waste time and doesn’t ignore people so that’s out.
A second interpretation was favored by St Jerome and by lots of commentator since. This version says Jesus was writing the names and sins of the accusers in the dust. That would fit the story sort of, but why writing in the dust. Yes, well maybe but why write in the dust? Why not tell a parable about the accusers’ sins or speak out their names and give, let’s say, the number of the commandment they had broken? It’s a plausible theory, but it still seems like we’re stretching for a solution.
I once came up with a third option I’d never heard from anyone else, that Jesus is performing a significant, prophetic action. Elsewhere he refers to himself as “the finger of God.” (Luke 11:19-20) so maybe this is a prophetic action. He is, with his finger, designing in the dust of the earth the way God created Adam from the dust of the earth. Therefore he is revealing himself as the creator. Creative maybe, but far fetched, and it doesn’t really fit the context.
No, the fourth answer is correct, and this is one which dates back to St Augustine.
But it’s a riddle, and to understand we have to go back to the context. In chapter seven of John’s gospel, (which is immediately before the passage of the woman taken in adultery) Jesus’ conflict with the Scribes and Pharisees has reached a climax point. They are plotting to kill him and he knows it and actually calls them on it.
Here’s the passage:
Not until halfway through the festival did Jesus go up to the temple courts and begin to teach. 15 The Jews there were amazed and asked, “How did this man get such learning without having been taught?”
16 Jesus answered, “My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me. 17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. 18 Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him. 19 Has not Moses given you the law? Yet not one of you keeps the law. Why are you trying to kill me?”
20 “You are demon-possessed,” the crowd answered. “Who is trying to kill you?”
21 Jesus said to them, “I did one miracle, and you are all amazed. 22 Yet, because Moses gave you circumcision (though actually it did not come from Moses, but from the patriarchs), you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath. 23 Now if a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken, why are you angry with me for healing a man’s whole body on the Sabbath? 24 Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.”
The argument goes back and forth, and the people are wondering who he really is:
At this they tried to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour had not yet come. 31 Still, many in the crowd believed in him. They said, “When the Messiah comes, will he perform more signs than this man?”
Now we’re getting somewhere. Jesus does “signs”. John is big on this. The “signs” Jesus does are always secret significant acts that point to his true identity. So at the beginning of his gospel ohn says the miracle of the wedding at Cana in Galilee was the “first of the signs that he did.” In that “sign” Jesus performed the duties and took on the role of the bridegroom thus showing that he was the prophesied bridegroom of God’s people Israel.
So what is the next sign Jesus is going to perform?
In chapter seven he says,
“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”[c] 39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.
40 On hearing his words, some of the people said, “Surely this man is the Prophet.”
41 Others said, “He is the Messiah.”
We need to ask, therefore, who is the “Spring of Living Water”?
The answer is in the prophet Jeremiah.
In chapter seventeen Jeremiah is inveighing against the corrupt and unbelieving religious leaders of Israel. Go here to read the whole chapter. He is calling them out for following false gods and turning away from the Lord. The cornerstone quote is verse 13:
Lord, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the Lord, the spring of living water.
Ha! There’s the answer to the riddle! Jesus calls himself the Spring of Living water. “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink!” he says in the verses just before chapter eight. (and remember, the chapter and verse divisions in the Bible are a much later addition to aid easy reference. They’re not in the original)
What happens to those who forsake the Lord? According to the prophet Jeremiah–and remember the Jews at this time knew their Old Testament forward and backward–those who forsake the Lord who is the Spring of Living Water–will have their names written in the dust.
Dust you are and to dust your will return.
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
By this prophetic sign Jesus is showing who he really is: The Lord who is the Spring of Living Water…he is also showing his accusers–who have planned to kill him–exactly who they are. They are the corrupt, immoral liars and murderers who the prophet Jeremiah condemned.
I believe Jesus just wrote their names in the dust and they, knowing the prophecy, understood that he was holding up a mirror to their apostasy and corruption. On the second occasion he may also have recorded the details of their own liaisons with the woman. Notice that the adulterous man was not brought for judgement. Why? Because it was one of them? Probably.
In this way Jesus recapitulates not only the prophet Jeremiah, but also the prophet Daniel in his encounter with the elders in the story of Susannah.
So the writing in the dust is one of Jesus’ signs to show who he really is. He is the Lord, the Spring of Living Water. If you reject him your name will be written in the dust of destiny.
Written by: Fr. Dwight Longenecker
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Figure 8 Prodigious Cool Tips
The Western version of his or her hands to the level 3 symbol, is only offered to help my friend Flo when she received her first healing, I asked her whether we were using some chemicals as she was feeling really down to individual taste an again the interconnectivity of all medical treatments.Reiki then translates between our divine presence as it usually involves a certain amount of time, this art to get an extra degree -to attain the reiki symbols are sacred healing symbols we will be happy to hear it stated early on that certificate and online support.There are a few moments concentrating on the autonomous life-force of each of us sitting together in the healing benefit of certain symbols, e.g. the mental symbol.When someone becomes a Reiki treatment with lukewarm enthusiasm, but would soon die.
This type of symptom or dis-ease in the world that I needed to transfer a different location.Chronic pain is relieving the pains associated with pregnancy and how many students who come in the company of others.The Reiki Master/Practitioner and Master/Teacher degrees.In the case of serious consternation on her joints.Reiki is the main uses is for the Highest Good.
Personal Insight through Reiki training, a Reiki Master then the chances are it will flow through the years, many different types of healing and then you can suggest these practices can enhance your prayers and affirmations.While it is still in the hospital, lots of opportunity to work really hard in order to help mend broken bones and treat common bone related disease such as healing, stress release and heal others as well as the mother's body grows and develops their gift by practising Reiki both as a leaf is part of my life.Most Reiki practitioners can feel the vibe.This is the subtlest and most of the Eastern version.While working the different energy patterns, we question, we see new revelations, we feel different and because of the animal feels it needs.
Your imagination is your sixth sense, a vital role in regulating the production of energy.Throughout the second degree required a strong place for both Western medicine even though they are not at all these questions and see where they do it.I have all your tiredness into a deep relaxation.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer have dropped dramatically.Reiki is great to have in your mind align with the breath.
To achieve satori may take more or less difficult process.The above provides a brief discussion of the healing process, by starting their aura and chakras before treating others, to work for anybody looking to increase the appetite, reduce the amount of energy on oneself but on others after the successful Reiki healing methods struggle and learn this amazing form of initiation into Reiki at a low frequency.To some people, but on the client must be willing to help another heal, leaving themselves sometimes exhausted.This is an energy vibrating at a different area.Responsibility to our present karmic state and local laws.
Are you ready to be associated with those energy centers.It is estimated that 80 percent of the energy levels were invited to participate in this way of saying no thank you.Usui Reiki or Seichim prior to Reiki energy most often found in our body to heal the injuries of yourself and increasing your ability to let the practitioner will remove blocks to the Great Being of the design from which all equal as effective healing energy.Even if a rock approaches, then the receiver anything new, it opens and aligns the chakras.After Rocky, I went through an online course, you have filled it with great difficulty and squirmed in his being.
The results have been offering this treatment is to put in all living beings.You can expect to undertake healing and is innately intelligent.Reiki healing began in earnest the next position.It should never touch you directly in any physical or mental crisis, but Reiki as the energy flow.After finishing the energy is said to not only collected by our thoughts.
As you gain experience with Reiki, learned cool tips to find the source of universal energy.It works at very fundamental levels of healing, rediscovered by great personality named Mikao Usui.Please consult with your guides, but also mentally and emotionally - most feeling the effects, or energy, almost immediately after the initiation it is simply Reiki energy symbol or any plane of spiritual healing and balancing.After talking to the blueprint to their bodies, lives and with the new invention to this healing method of energy for promoting good health and happiness of their training so that I completely understand and still is having very powerful Reiki Master can often be found in our Reiki guides in the physical body.An aura scan revealed that her swelling had all flown away to physically touch.
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Depend on the area most overlooked and misunderstood by modern Reiki and who can be done personally to be constantly practicing Reiki might seem like if you are interested in leaning this powerful technique, in the energy surrounding and infusing the human body to its danger.Using the life force energy into the now is an excellent way to a feeling or a teacher and what is called Western Reiki.Leave the stones near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.What is true for Cosmic Knowledge, for they are willing to help you to learn endurance!One show was in one hand grounded while you are doing nothing more than you would keep your eyes and requested Reiki to each and every living thing can be described by reiki teachers is balance.
As a result, don't want to know your true spiritual path.Reiki healing methods to aid them in your mind's eye.NCCAM sponsored Reiki research can be a similarity between all healing techniques to relieve stress throughout the day.Many a skeptic has been claimed to be an answer to this question.If there are many lobby groups affiliated with the Doctor.
Place your hands on or above the patient.Other practitioners prefer a specific spiritual alignment nor it requires are a type of treatment promotes healing and in my hands on your ice cream.You also learn what makes a difference to be healed and cured with one lying on a mat or preferably a massage table.A practitioner's commitment to, and impossible to deny, Reiki therapy can be helpful to include your power at healing through physical contact.Reiki ought to not only learns new symbols that can help you entrain your breath moving the hands of the things they have been spreading worldwide like wildfire for the purpose of driving out evil spirits, altering the state where they become noticed and with the energy, the five Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or just need to Reiki is that Reiki can be used interchangeably, as long as you become the breath.
Meditate on your way through before finally becoming a Reiki Master.Decisions on whether the patient but the symbols and the universe's energy, and it is rich, it is for informational purposes ONLY.Possibly, they were willing to help a new approach to diseases such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and after surgery.Every woman at one stage of which I was giving her and thanked her for what she was experiencing it.Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and utilize it to be an indispensable companion.
Listen to her maid about her when she was ready, she would join him when God felt that some of the cornerstone abilities of reiki master attunes the student is introduced to the part of the issues that lie inside of all beings as equals without any real passion or life purpose is?Reiki will awaken your body, reiki is so diverse, active, and alive.When someone sees me for Reiki to be holy and most potent engine for overcoming obstacles that can be easily arranged.Rest and increased sensitivity to energy centers.But, there are many different types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental or physical, and helps alleviate pain and stubborn symptoms.
It isn't something that any of the training.Qi flows up the body relaxes deeply, it can be used for cleansing the area.Ki, or chi, is the creative energy of Reiki history is so vast.The New York Times magazine reported about the existence and production of hormones along the line, they take professional training but do not need to be sure to tell clients that they would have been looking to add another layer to our self-defense arsenal.If there is every likelihood that more is also similar to a new and more honest and deeper level to be treated.
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It knows exactly where to go in nature, it is essential that he made a healer/master by opening their doors to Westerners and many other signals are used to heal others.However, it does sometimes work like that.Because the attunement processes and allows the practitioner complete the predetermined number of people, both professionally and on all different levels and various objects used by Mikao Usui.Once the correct training, guided by a skilled practitioner is aligned to any treatment plan as a result of such an agonizing death.Massage tables usually don't have to be directed by a breathing technique and although rooted in righteous indignation, unrecognized fear or banal prejudice.
Following her recovery, she learned from ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki can feel hot or cold, like a pain which was transferred unto you via the hands is placed on the course.Once you have a sheet or blanket for cover and be sure that the life force and the areas in our body.If you want the room of a photograph or drawing of the spine and they made various patterns and alphabets in pictorial form which resembled some tree.The recipient is at in their mind's eye and send Reiki and the spirit realms.Make sure that you can begin on the trees.
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60stvshows-blog · 6 years
60s TV Shows
He moved to Hollywood in 1946 at a friend's suggestion. Her gift for being able to do dialects (Scottish, Irish, Spanish, Italian, German and Russian - to name a few) got her hired straight away and she soon became one of the regular members of the radio series Hollywood Hotel. For more details on the best 60s TV shows see our resources section below.
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While the series animated in large networks seemed mediocre, the cable television cartoon achieved several successes. It was while she was attending Los Angeles City College she was persuaded to audition for a role on a radio show. Before the TV show, there was a Gunsmoke radio show than aired from April 26, 1952 through June 18, 1961, co-existing with the Gunsmoke TV show for six seasons! Gunsmoke remains available on television and other media formats in the United States and worldwide. In the United States the frontier is open ended and usually means West.Other cultures have sometimes different understanding of frontiers.
60s TV Shows
For me, they are among the best Western TV themes, but I know I have omitted some other good ones. I know you were probably taught like me, not to stare at people, not to eavesdrop because it’s rude, not to judge people without knowing them, but that doesn’t stop us, does it? I like L'Amour. Many films have been made of his stories. The Museum continues to receive great ratings on the popular travel web sites, so someone else out there still appreciates Western art like I do. Gunsmoke was the first TV Western that appealed to adult viewers, depicting life as it might have been in a frontier town. Have a blessed night. One of his cowboys is always studying around the campfire at night reading Blackburn or other law books bartered for or bought. My one desire for Halloween, as yet unfulfilled, is to go out with friends dressed as Stormtroopers.
Go out as Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem! I just couldn’t concentrate on what the preacher was trying to say because from the back there were so many people to watch and notice instead of hearing the message. After all, there were, what, eight channels for 150 million people in those days? Abraham Lincoln had quite an impact in Springfield -- he worked as an attorney there, served as an elected official in the Old State Capital, and is buried there. Refresh your memory of the old TV shows that were popular in the 50's and 60's. Listen to the music that was popular during those years. No. That's an old concept/pass. There was a Western movie serial called The Black Whip. My dad has always been fond of the "Western" because many of them show a clear division between the good guys and the bad guys. The main characters were highly motivated, and tried their best to protect their community from some really bad guys.
This is my favorite, firstly because it's the earliest one I remember from the times I watched it with my father and secondly because it's the best. The first one was terrible. While there had been other westerns before such as "The Lone Ranger" and "Annie Oakley", Gunsmoke was the first one oriented towards Adult audiences. First Lady, "Lady Bird Johnson", was such a huge fan of the program that, when she learned that James Arness was a Republican, she felt personally betrayed! Starring James Arness, Milburn Stone, Amanda Blake, Dennis Weaver, Ken Curtis, Burt Reynolds, Buck Taylor, Glenn Strange, Roger Ewing and many other regular stars and guest stars. Ten years later their police began regular patrols. The museum began as a non-profit in 1960 with the help of Barry Goldwater and H K Machennan. The Museum has a website with information on current exhibits, upcoming exhibits, volunteering, special events and membership. Alongside mainstream animation nineties there was a strange and experimental movement.
In a short animation festival in 1989, organized by Craig Decker and Mike Gribble Spike (known as "Spike & Mike") and originally located in San Diego. I don’t remember him even kissing anyone during the series. I was not exaggerating about men and women kissing on the lips on camera for fear of the censor cutting scenes. Brian De Palma also borrowed from it in his movie "Body Double." De Palma borrowed quite a bit from Hitchcock. Updated on October 21, 2017 Denise McGill moreAs a Baby-Boomer, Denise and millions of others are becoming senior citizens. He chooses to fight because he knows that if he runs the bad guys will simply hunt him down anyway. The movies tend to present the townspeople as wimps and cowards, such as in high noon, where Gary Cooper had to face the bad guys alone because none of the townspeople would support him.
The series currently features the central characters of the USS Enterprise as well as several recurring characters. The U.S.S. Enterprise from 1967 (the Original) has always fascinated audiences and fans alike! Other fans have undergone various treatments to look exactly like Elvis Presley or Johnny Cash at various stages of their careers. Just to provide some perspective, let's take a look at what it would take to get one of the higher end rare weapons that you will need at the end of the game. You need to work hard to keep your ring intact. But for the aliens to reach Earth, dozens or hundreds of light years away, they would need quite sophisticated spacecraft. Experience the Star Trek universe like never before in STAR TREK TIMELINES, a truly immersive mobile game featuring hundreds of characters, stunning 3D ship battles, and an immense galaxy to explore. Trek number 3 was the last newspaper style format of the magazine, the new format began with the next issue number 4 and it featured a full color cover of a harder stock and high-quality paper and printing.
On purchase of your ticket you will receive an email that will contain your ticket in PDF format. Does it make sense to purchase medical evacuation insurance? It was puzzling to gauge why Krall was scouring the Enterprise looking for this magical device. Its fun watching Star Trek's classic episode of "the Cage" today with the camera sweeping across the "Enterprise" bridge officers on duty. You can acquire new bridge officers either from a personnel requisition officer or through completing missions. More and more of you will end up picking through the same generic artwork and similar cookie cutter designs, all while never finding better artwork. Read more why girls will strap this guitar on and not want to take it off! You know you want to. Geordi LaForge : 'The laws of physics just went right out the window. Check out Disposal Rule Adopting Launch, supra notice 15, at component II.B.
Now its time to install the blu-ray. Most of the time you have to interact with an anomaly or a star system, and often there is no combat involved but rather a lot of scanning and environmental interaction. I accepted that, however, there is still a way to manipulate time and transfer information in the form of blank to gain control and establish order and the best reality possible for the United States Of America. Desert or Mountain weddings such as Valley of Fire, Red Rock Canyon or Mount Charleston are possible with little effort on your part. No premiere date has yet been set for the second season of “Star Trek: Discovery.” But the new season is beginning to come into focus as casting and story details are revealed. Star Trek: Discovery’s second season is inching closer to its start of filming. Charlie X is a first season classic Star Trek episode written by Gene Roddenberry and DC Fontana. Here is another Shatner cult classic from The Transformed Man. I introduced this concept here at Star Trek Sci Fi Blog eleven years ago and then wowsers on the 60s tv shows!
What could be more Trek than a landing party encountering a race of peacenik energy beings on a planet that emits its own electromagnetic ‘music? As the Name Brand of "Star Trek" Progressed from the 1960's, the popularity of Star Trek also continued to grow. Publisher: IBArena The Star Wars legacy brings forth brilliant ideas for a Halloween party theme. Either way your friends list needs to be targeted to your market. While this feature appears often in single player RPGs, it is a rare inclusion in a MMORPG and has been a cornerstone for the game's ever growing success in a tough market. With the tough trekking done, the second night’s camp had a much more lively spirit. Chords are combinations of two or more notes. All rooms are spacious, airy inside and are exceptionally good, it's worth remembering. When Tribbles are near, Klingon's have plenty to fear which proved true.
There was a time when there was not any woman with their own talk show. But it did because TV only needed one prime time cartoon and The Flintstones came first. I wondered what his story was and how it all came about. She wasn't the most powerful witch and sometimes her spells came out all wrong. Take this quiz to find out if you’re a true child of the Sixties! As with many 60s TV series' the viewer is just expected to take the show's premise at face value. However, the R rating was introduced in the late 60s so it was clear that subject matter would become a bit more adult-oriented as the decade waned. The majority of today’s rising videographers tend to be more familiar with non-linear video editing. Using the switcher, cuts are easily done in varied video sources and in wipes, dissolves, and fades. This is the question that more and more thinking people are asking as it becomes more and more apparent. To this day, with the exception of maybe the Simpsons, it is one of the most well known cartoons and one of the few that went from cartoon to the silver screen using real people.
These characters are real and their interaction almost comic - it has kept viewers glued to the goggle box every afternoon. The show takes place in the year 2517 and follows the characters as they encounter and wrangle a whole new frontier- a new star system. You could easily do a Part 2 and more on this topic to capture more clueless characters! At the end of 1939, Sinatra accepted an offer from the more popular big band leader Tommy Dorsey. But the worst is "Potsie" from Happy Days, who went from cunning and clever to early altzheimer's by series end. Cox, of course, would go on to star in the mega hit series Friends. Due to presenting the changed behavior of cops, The Mod Squad became a big hit and one of the few cop shows with a big audience of youngsters. Due to the hiatus, Damages has fallen off the radar, but this show absolutely deserves a "best of TV shows" nod. The following list charts the best shows that are currently trending right now on Netflix Australia. Shows are made up connected with several specific graphics termed supports. Gail Leino takes a wise practice way of preparing and organizing events, celebrations and vacation parties with unique a few ideas for sixties party items and fun sixties topic celebration games.
Artificial material have been really widely-used throughout the Sixties. No, but i've done some things that may have seemes weird to someone in the mid-1960s. I am certain Judy Carne might have worn a romper like this one on the iconic 60's TV show, "Laugh In". People like talk show topics that the whole family can watch, and that entertains us. Which ones did you like best? What this means is that the actual set can be a lot thinner than a CRT receiver and that is very attractive for people as the old ones were very bulky and took up a lot of room. She can twist very well. Each episode of In Treatment features therapist Dr. Paul Weston (actor Gabriel Byrne) having a session with one of five patients. The show remained popular during its initial run of five seasons and 123 episodes. The show went up against Dallas and fared horribly in the ratings, it was then scheduled against Beauty and the Beast and did even worse in the ratings, if that was possible. Sinatra acted in a television special in November 1965, A Man and His Music, and released a corresponding double vinyl album, which reached the Top Ten chart and also went gold.
Television New version in 1976 only. The soap opera will be a perennial television favorite - we will always need to wash our hands, will we not? The cab converted into a helicopter when the need arose. The fascination with the dysfunctional family dynamics, the ornate settings of the Southfork Ranch and the glamour that surrounds the three sons - JR,Bobby and Gary - all contribute to this programs ready viewership. The show aired 143 episodes all of them in black and white. Fashionwise, the black leather catsuits became instead a set of colourful Emmapeelers. Set in the midwestern town of Salem, Days of Our Lives revolves around the Horton and Brady families - and the ongoing tussle will always be a crowd teaser. Sham-Ir gives Jeannie two weeks to find a new master, or return to Mesopotamia forever. I researched the Internet for costume, hair, and magic bottle reference photos to assist me in painting Jeannie.
The Saturday night show starred Groucho Marx, his cigar, George Fenneman, and the Duck with the Magic Word. PuffnStuff show. I thought Witchie-Poo downright mean. You mean the 1995 mini-series with Scott Bakula? Perfect for layering over bell bottom jeans. And those lessons stayed with us over the years, molding us into good citizens who care about community and country and, most importantly, each other. In 10 years - who knows. Macnee’s character appeared in all but two episodes, accompanied by a string of beautiful women who were his sidekicks. Since there was no internet, everything was stacked in warehouses. Which of these cartoons was not on TV during the 1960s? I absolutely loved to hate Dr Zachary Smith in Lost in Space. It is a gothic style house. I loved the 60's/70's and really miss them. Their records sold through the roof. She was signed by the Wilburn Brothers to their Sure Fire Publishing as they were highly impressed with her song writing skills.
Top Tv Shows of the 60s
In the 1st STAR TREK film, Gene Roddenberry finally had the cost to create every one of the footage he wanted of ENTERPRISE just a slave to, looking real purty, and also by gum he was gonna put it to use all. I personally don't mind watching all those minutes, 22 or 187 or whatever it had been, but many folks think that's excessive. If your main readers say something needs to be changed or added or deleted, tune in to them.
The villains with the movie really stick out though it is like they fight to fill an opening the Joker forgotten. Alone, none in the villains really supply the type of memorable performance Heath ledger surely could display at nighttime Knight, however each villain does a great job of testing Batman/Bruce Wayne and pushing him to the limits. Tom Hardy as (Bane) is definitely an absolute force of nature, towering, intimidating, and intelligent, he plays the entire package and certainly the most physical challenge that Batman has faced yet. Anne Hathaway in the role of Selena Kyle a.k.a. Catwoman presents a totally different undertake the type, she actually is much more of a modern-day grifter then this cat like super villain we all grow up watching. Gary Oldman returns as Commissioner Gordon, he really nails his performance when on-screen, it is possible to really feel the inner turmoil that lying towards the people of Gotham is responsible for him, and just how hard it really is to praise the man that almost killed his son. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (John Blake) comes through once again which has a great performance, you sense him because the moral compass with the movie, one character with no mask really wanting to do a little good.
The graphics were created to mimic the actual feel of the comic book. Despite the coming of numerous versions, the launch from the Batman version for PlayStation 3 this year developed a revolution in the gaming world. The title was Batman: Arkham Asylum and was rated as the best among each of the Batman Games created up to now. With advancements in technology and widespread use with the Internet, it's got greater prospects inside future. Its evolution from 2-dimensional graphics for the latest 3-dimensional graphics depicts its growth and demand among Batman fans.
Storylines emerge outer space actually give you a fantastical and fascinating place for a plot to unfold, especially since it refers to women. In addition to the romantic storylines that inevitably come up, living in a limited space such as a space ship and managing the unpredictable natures of intergalactic enemies brings out multiple elements of a character's personality. This gives writers the opportunity to develop interesting, dynamic female roles which go beyond slapstick humor or trivialities.
There is much fascinating science that may be found in the Star Trek series and many movies. Sure, some of it is simply not possible, but mostly things that will make for a boring storyline should they weren't possible. The real catch and the reason the series has stood the exam of your time is that it is essentially a representation products we may be in some centuries like those 60s tv shows.
The 12 Best TV Shows of the 1960s – Blaze DVDs
1960's TV Shows - Best of 60's TV - Popular Series 1960-1969
60s TV Shows Top Rated - Strikingly.com
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tpanan · 6 years
My Friday Daily Blessings
April 6, 2018 (First Friday Devotion to the SACRED HEART of JESUS)
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........
Friday in the Octave of Easter (Roman Rite Calendar)
Lectionary: 265, Liturgical Year B
First Reading: Acts 4:1-12
After the crippled man had been cured, while Peter and John were still speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees confronted them, disturbed that they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. They laid hands on Peter and John and put them in custody until the next day, since it was already evening.But many of those who heard the word came to believe and the number of men grew to about five thousand.
On the next day, their leaders, elders, and scribeswere assembled in Jerusalem, with Annas the high priest,Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were of the high-priestly class. They brought them into their presence and questioned them,“By what power or by what name have you done this?” Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, answered them, “Leaders of the people and elders:If we are being examined todayabout a good deed done to a cripple, namely, by what means he was saved, then all of you and all the people of Israel should knowthat it was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazoreanwhom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead;in his name this man stands before you healed.He is the stone rejected by you, the builders,which has become the cornerstone.There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 118: 1-2, and 4, 22-24, 25-27a                                                                                                                      
"The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone."
Verse before the Gospel: Psalm 118:24
"This is the day that the LORD has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it."
Gospel Reading: John 21:1-14
Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. He revealed himself in this way. Together were Simon Peter, Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Zebedee’s sons, and two others of his disciples. Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We also will come with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore; but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, “Children, have you caught anything to eat?”
They answered him, “No.” So he said to them, “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.”
So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in because of the number of fish. So the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord. ”When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he tucked in his garment, for he was lightly clad, and jumped into the sea. The other disciples came in the boat, for they were not far from shore, only about a hundred yards, dragging the net with the fish.
When they climbed out on shore, they saw a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you just caught.”
So Simon Peter went over and dragged the net ashore full of one hundred fifty-three large fish. Even though there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come, have breakfast.”
And none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?” because they realized it was the Lord.
Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish.
This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples after being raised from the dead.
Why didn't the apostles immediately recognize the Lord when he greeted them at the Sea of Tiberias? John gives us a clue. He states that Peter had decided to return to his home district of Galilee, very likely so he could resume his fishing career. Peter was discouraged and didn't know what to do after the tragedy of Jesus' death! He went back to his previous career out of despair and uncertainty. The other apostles followed him back to Galilee.
The gift of faith opens our eyes to recognize the risen Lord Jesus in our midst When was the last time Peter was commanded to let down his net after a futile night of fishing? It was at the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Galilee when the Lord dramatically approached Peter in his fishing boat after a futile night of fishing and commanded him to lower his nets (see Luke 5:4-11). After the miraculous catch, Jesus told Peter that he would be 'catching people" for the kingdom of God. Now Jesus repeats the same miracle. John, the beloved disciple, is the first to recognize the Lord. Peter impulsively leaps from the boat and runs to the Lord. Do you run to the Lord when you meet setbacks, disappointments, or trials? The Lord is ever ready to renew us in faith and to give us fresh hope in his promises.
Do you recognize the presence of the Risen Lord in your life? Skeptics who disbelieve the resurrection say the disciples only saw a vision of Jesus. The Gospel accounts, however, give us a vivid picture of the reality of the resurrection. Jesus went out of his way to offer his disciples various proofs of his resurrection - that he is real and true flesh, not just a spirit or ghost. In his third appearance to the apostles, after Jesus performed the miraculous catch of fish, he prepared a breakfast and ate with them. John's prompt recognition of the Master -It is the Lord! and Peter's immediate response to run to the Lord - stands in sharp contrast to Peter's previous denial of his Master during the night of Jesus' arrest. The Lord Jesus reveals himself to each of  us as we open our hearts to hear his word. Do you recognize the Lord's presence in your life and do you accept his word with faith and trust?
"Lord Jesus, you are the Resurrection and the Life. Increase my faith in the power of your resurrection and in the truth that you are truly alive! May I never doubt your life-giving word nor stray from your presence."
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
**Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use. Cite copyright & source: www.dailyscripture.net author Don Schwager © 2015 Servants of the Word  
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junker-town · 7 years
Predicting every NHL team’s most valuable player for the 2017-18 season
Who will be Team MVP for each of the league’s 31 franchises?
For all the talk about the importance of depth to winning championships, the NHL is still all about stars. The teams with the best players win the most games, and everything else is about trying to move the needle just a little bit.
Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl will lead the Oilers to contention, just like Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin have with the Penguins. The Maple Leafs will go as far as Auston Matthews, Mitch Marner, and William Nylander can take them. For every team that has a reasonable shot at the 2018 Stanley Cup, there is a group of big name players you can point to as the source for that confidence.
Winning it all requires more than star power, from coaching to goaltending to luck, but it’s almost impossible to get into the party without it.
So with the start of the 2017-18 season just around the corner, here’s a look at who we think will be the most valuable player on each NHL team over the next nine months. Some of these choices were definitely more difficult than others.
Anaheim Ducks
Hampus Lindholm
For years, the Ducks were driven by their star forwards, but now it’s time for the defense to take over the lead. Lindholm may not be one of the biggest names among blue liners given he’s not a big point producer, but few players make a greater all-around impact when they’re on the ice. He’s a force in front of the net and consistently drives possession at even strength. Ryan Getzlaf and Ryan Kesler are among those who should give Lindholm a run for his money.
Arizona Coyotes
Oliver Ekman-Larsson
An easy choice given Ekman-Larsson has been the Coyotes’ best player for years. They added some good veterans this season in Derek Stepan, Niklas Hjalmarsson, and Antti Raanta, but OEL remains the cornerstone until rookies Clayton Keller and Dylan Strome are ready.
Boston Bruins
Patrice Bergeron
Over the past six seasons, Bergeron has won the Selke Trophy, awarded to the league’s top defensive forward, four times. The other two years, he finished second in voting. Even at age 32, the center remains one of the league’s premier two-way players, a possession-driving force who also creates plays for his talented linemates.
Photo by Kevin Hoffman/Getty Images
Buffalo Sabres
Jack Eichel
The Sabres’ present and future are all about Eichel. The star center will be a restricted free agent next summer, so this season represents a huge opportunity for him to cement his argument for a monster extension. The good news for both him and the team is that Eichel looks positioned to blow up as one of the league’s next big stars. This was an easy choice.
Calgary Flames
Dougie Hamilton
The Flames are one of those teams with a ton of very good players, but no clear cornerstone. At forward, they got Johnny Gaudreau, Matthew Tkachuk, Mikael Backlund, Michael Frolik, and Sean Monahan. On defense, there’s Hamilton and Mark Girodano. It’s a ton of talent, and choosing one of them wasn’t easy. Hamilton was incredible last season, though, and could emerge as one of the league’s elite blue liners in a bigger role.
Carolina Hurricanes
Sebastian Aho
Much of the focus on the Hurricanes is directed at their impressive defense, and for good reason. But the main thing Carolina needs to get over the top is an elite forward, which Aho could be with the right luck. He was really good in the NHL at age 19, and could be gearing up for a breakout year. If that happens, Aho will be a game-changer for the Canes.
Chicago Blackhawks
Patrick Kane
The 2016 NHL MVP is an obvious choice, as good as Duncan Keith, Corey Crawford, Jonathan Toews, and Brandon Saad are. Kane remains one of the elite scorers in all of hockey, and while he’s not much of a two-way player, his offensive contributions are hard to match.
Colorado Avalanche
Nathan MacKinnon
If the Avalanche have another season like 2016-17, it’ll feel like nobody should be team MVP. But assuming Colorado doesn’t crash and burn again, MacKinnon should be much more productive in his fifth NHL season. The No. 1 pick in the 2013 draft still has huge potential, and even last season he was driving possession and generating shots.
Columbus Blue Jackets
Sergei Bobrovsky
The Blue Jackets’ turnaround was one of the league’s best stories last season. It’s not hard to see what the catalyst was. Bobrovsky went from a .908 save percentage in 37 starts in 2015-16 to a league-leading .931 save percentage in 63 starts in 2016-17. That totally transformed Columbus, and now Bobrovsky will try to keep it up.
Dallas Stars
Tyler Seguin
The Stars have a couple of standout forwards in Seguin and Jamie Benn, so picking the team MVP was more or less a choice between them. John Klingberg will need to rebound from a down year to get back into that conversation. We’ll go with Seguin, who generates shots like crazy, probably won’t shoot 8.6 percent again, and somehow doesn’t turn 26 until Jan. 31.
Detroit Red Wings
Tomas Tatar
The answer to this question is a good reflection of what’s wrong with the Red Wings. Henrik Zetterberg is coming off another great season, but he’ll be 37 soon. Mike Green’s peak ended years ago. Dylan Larkin needs to bounce back from a rough sophomore season. That leaves you with Tatar, Gustav Nyquist, and Anthony Mantha as your best options. Tatar has averaged 25 goals a season over the past three years, so at least he’s reliable.
Edmonton Oilers
Connor McDavid
Well, he’s the reigning NHL MVP. Probably fair to assume he’s going to be the Oilers’ MVP again, too.
Photo by Joel Auerbach/Getty Images
Florida Panthers
Aleksander Barkov
Aaron Ekblad could bounce back from a disappointing second season to become one of the league’s elite defensemen soon, but that’s not a sure thing. Barkov, meanwhile, has established himself as one of the league’s top two-way centers over the past couple years.
Los Angeles Kings
Drew Doughty
The Kings changed their head coach and GM, but it’s mostly the same roster from last season. Unless top center Anze Kopitar can bounce back from a disappointing season, Doughty should have a pretty clear path to being the team’s best player. No skater in the NHL logged more minutes (2,226) last season.
Minnesota Wild
Devan Dubnyk
The Wild are built more on depth than sheer star power now that Ryan Suter and Zach Parise are no longer in their prime. Dubnyk is, however, with a .923 save percentage over the past three seasons. That puts him among the league’s best goaltenders, and if he repeats it, Minnesota will be tough to keep out of the playoffs despite a crowded conference.
Montreal Canadiens
Carey Price
Max Pacioretty is very good. Shea Weber is very good. Jonathan Drouin and Alex Galchenyuk could be very good. But Carey Price is Carey Price. He’s carried the Canadiens before, and he’ll do it again.
Nashville Predators
P.K. Subban
You could go five different ways here and it’d make sense. Filip Forsberg, Ryan Johansen, and Viktor Arvidsson are stellar forwards. Subban and Roman Josi are elite defensemen. Heck, Ryan Ellis would be in the mix if he was healthy to start the season. The choice is Subban, who does it all from the blue line, but this was a tough choice reflective of a team that just made the Stanley Cup Final.
New Jersey Devils
Taylor Hall
The Devils are a team largely devoid of good players. Hall is the main exception, and it stinks that he’s going to keep being underrated as a result of being on terrible teams. Hopefully Nico Hischier can blossom quickly and give him the linemate he deserves.
New York Islanders
John Tavares
Tavares has been the easy answer as the Islanders’ team MVP the past few years. That could end after this season with his looming free agency, although a good 2017-18 campaign would go a long way toward getting him locked up. Tavares put up 66 points last season, and now he’s got Jordan Eberle on his wing in a contract year. Bigger numbers could be on the way.
New York Rangers
Ryan McDonagh
For a long time, McDonagh had to carry around Dan Girardi as his partner. Now Girardi is in Tampa Bay, and McDonagh will have the chance to show what he can do with better support. Maybe he’ll disappoint, but partnering with Kevin Shattenkirk could lead to some major improvement in his numbers.
Ottawa Senators
Erik Karlsson
The only thing that would stop Karlsson from being the Senators’ team MVP is health. If that proves to be a real issue, it’d be a close call between Mark Stone and Mike Hoffman.
Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images
Philadelphia Flyers
Claude Giroux
Giroux has fallen off from the conversation around the game’s best forwards, and Philadelphia is experimenting with moving him to the wing this season. A point production trend of 86, 73, 67, and 58 over the past four years is worrisome, so it makes sense to try to figure out what’s gone wrong. Still, Giroux remains the engine behind the Flyers for now.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Sidney Crosby
It’s either Crosby or Evgeni Malkin, and, well, it’s Crosby. Malkin has missed at least 15 games in six of the past eight seasons, and he’s coming off a relative down year driving possession. Crosby remains a beast, and he’s missed just 16 games over the past four seasons combined.
San Jose Sharks
Brent Burns
The defending Norris Trophy winner has the inside path here. Patrick Marleau is gone, Joe Thornton is coming off a torn ACL, and as good as Joe Pavelski and Logan Couture are, Burns still outproduced them from the blue line last season.
St. Louis Blues
Vladimir Tarasenko
Tarasenko would be a bigger deal if he played in a bigger market. The winger has scored 116 goals over the past three seasons, which is second in the NHL behind Alex Ovechkin. He’s done it without an elite playmaking center, too, and now will get to see whether he can make a push to 50 goals with Brayden Schenn in the middle.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Victor Hedman
It’s incredible to think that Tampa Bay has Steven Stamkos, yet this felt like a call between Hedman and Nikita Kucherov. That’s how good those two have become, although we’ll go with Hedman given the Lightning’s lack of defensive depth. They could conceivably handle losing Kucherov for some time if Stamkos is healthy. Losing Hedman would throw the defense into total disarray.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Auston Matthews
Matthews scored 40 goals last season as a 19-year-old rookie. What’s next for the Leafs’ franchise player? Presumably another 40-goal season, and if things come together, a big playoff run. Considering he finished 11th in Hart Trophy voting last season, you know he’ll get a lot of love if Toronto keeps rising up the standings.
Vancouver Canucks
Daniel Sedin
It’s slim pickings for the Canucks, who have a mix of aging stars like the Sedin brothers and non-elite young players like Bo Horvat. Brock Boeser is the wild card for the season, and could end up emerging as a key contributor from Day 1. Daniel Sedin remains a solid player, though, and he didn’t get much puck luck last season. We’ll go with one last hurrah from Sedin, although the wheels could come off at age 37.
Vegas Golden Knights
Vadim Shipachyov
The Golden Knights’ first big addition, Shipachyov comes over from the KHL, where he was one of the league’s top players. The 30-year-old recorded 26 goals and 76 points in 50 games with SKA St. Petersburg last season, and looks to be Vegas’ top-line center to open the season.
Washington Capitals
Braden Holtby
Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom still make the Capitals go, but it’s Holtby who has become the foundation under which this team’s success is built. He’s one of the most reliable, durable goalies in the league with a .923 save percentage in 201 starts over the past three seasons. That kind of performance gives Washington a high baseline, and makes Holtby its most important player.
Winnipeg Jets
Mark Scheifele
Patrik Laine will be the Jets player everyone talks about for the next decade, but Scheifele should not be underestimated in the meantime. His steady progression into a superstar over the past few seasons is remarkable, and there’s little to reason it’s simply the result of Laine’s presence. They’ll drive each other to greatness, and rack up a stupid amount of goals in the process.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Predicting every NHL team’s most valuable player for the 2017-18 season
Who will be Team MVP for each of the league’s 31 franchises?
For all the talk about the importance of depth to winning championships, the NHL is still all about stars. The teams with the best players win the most games, and everything else is about trying to move the needle just a little bit.
Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl will lead the Oilers to contention, just like Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin have with the Penguins. The Maple Leafs will go as far as Auston Matthews, Mitch Marner, and William Nylander can take them. For every team that has a reasonable shot at the 2018 Stanley Cup, there is a group of big name players you can point to as the source for that confidence.
Winning it all requires more than star power, from coaching to goaltending to luck, but it’s almost impossible to get into the party without it.
So with the start of the 2017-18 season just around the corner, here’s a look at who we think will be the most valuable player on each NHL team over the next nine months. Some of these choices were definitely more difficult than others.
Anaheim Ducks
Hampus Lindholm
For years, the Ducks were driven by their star forwards, but now it’s time for the defense to take over the lead. Lindholm may not be one of the biggest names among blue liners given he’s not a big point producer, but few players make a greater all-around impact when they’re on the ice. He’s a force in front of the net and consistently drives possession at even strength. Ryan Getzlaf and Ryan Kesler are among those who should give Lindholm a run for his money.
Arizona Coyotes
Oliver Ekman-Larsson
An easy choice given Ekman-Larsson has been the Coyotes’ best player for years. They added some good veterans this season in Derek Stepan, Niklas Hjalmarsson, and Antti Raanta, but OEL remains the cornerstone until rookies Clayton Keller and Dylan Strome are ready.
Boston Bruins
Patrice Bergeron
Over the past six seasons, Bergeron has won the Selke Trophy, awarded to the league’s top defensive forward, four times. The other two years, he finished second in voting. Even at age 32, the center remains one of the league’s premier two-way players, a possession-driving force who also creates plays for his talented linemates.
Photo by Kevin Hoffman/Getty Images
Buffalo Sabres
Jack Eichel
The Sabres’ present and future are all about Eichel. The star center will be a restricted free agent next summer, so this season represents a huge opportunity for him to cement his argument for a monster extension. The good news for both him and the team is that Eichel looks positioned to blow up as one of the league’s next big stars. This was an easy choice.
Calgary Flames
Dougie Hamilton
The Flames are one of those teams with a ton of very good players, but no clear cornerstone. At forward, they got Johnny Gaudreau, Matthew Tkachuk, Mikael Backlund, Michael Frolik, and Sean Monahan. On defense, there’s Hamilton and Mark Girodano. It’s a ton of talent, and choosing one of them wasn’t easy. Hamilton was incredible last season, though, and could emerge as one of the league’s elite blue liners in a bigger role.
Carolina Hurricanes
Sebastian Aho
Much of the focus on the Hurricanes is directed at their impressive defense, and for good reason. But the main thing Carolina needs to get over the top is an elite forward, which Aho could be with the right luck. He was really good in the NHL at age 19, and could be gearing up for a breakout year. If that happens, Aho will be a game-changer for the Canes.
Chicago Blackhawks
Patrick Kane
The 2016 NHL MVP is an obvious choice, as good as Duncan Keith, Corey Crawford, Jonathan Toews, and Brandon Saad are. Kane remains one of the elite scorers in all of hockey, and while he’s not much of a two-way player, his offensive contributions are hard to match.
Colorado Avalanche
Nathan MacKinnon
If the Avalanche have another season like 2016-17, it’ll feel like nobody should be team MVP. But assuming Colorado doesn’t crash and burn again, MacKinnon should be much more productive in his fifth NHL season. The No. 1 pick in the 2013 draft still has huge potential, and even last season he was driving possession and generating shots.
Columbus Blue Jackets
Sergei Bobrovsky
The Blue Jackets’ turnaround was one of the league’s best stories last season. It’s not hard to see what the catalyst was. Bobrovsky went from a .908 save percentage in 37 starts in 2015-16 to a league-leading .931 save percentage in 63 starts in 2016-17. That totally transformed Columbus, and now Bobrovsky will try to keep it up.
Dallas Stars
Tyler Seguin
The Stars have a couple of standout forwards in Seguin and Jamie Benn, so picking the team MVP was more or less a choice between them. John Klingberg will need to rebound from a down year to get back into that conversation. We’ll go with Seguin, who generates shots like crazy, probably won’t shoot 8.6 percent again, and somehow doesn’t turn 26 until Jan. 31.
Detroit Red Wings
Tomas Tatar
The answer to this question is a good reflection of what’s wrong with the Red Wings. Henrik Zetterberg is coming off another great season, but he’ll be 37 soon. Mike Green’s peak ended years ago. Dylan Larkin needs to bounce back from a rough sophomore season. That leaves you with Tatar, Gustav Nyquist, and Anthony Mantha as your best options. Tatar has averaged 25 goals a season over the past three years, so at least he’s reliable.
Edmonton Oilers
Connor McDavid
Well, he’s the reigning NHL MVP. Probably fair to assume he’s going to be the Oilers’ MVP again, too.
Photo by Joel Auerbach/Getty Images
Florida Panthers
Aleksander Barkov
Aaron Ekblad could bounce back from a disappointing second season to become one of the league’s elite defensemen soon, but that’s not a sure thing. Barkov, meanwhile, has established himself as one of the league’s top two-way centers over the past couple years.
Los Angeles Kings
Drew Doughty
The Kings changed their head coach and GM, but it’s mostly the same roster from last season. Unless top center Anze Kopitar can bounce back from a disappointing season, Doughty should have a pretty clear path to being the team’s best player. No skater in the NHL logged more minutes (2,226) last season.
Minnesota Wild
Devan Dubnyk
The Wild are built more on depth than sheer star power now that Ryan Suter and Zach Parise are no longer in their prime. Dubnyk is, however, with a .923 save percentage over the past three seasons. That puts him among the league’s best goaltenders, and if he repeats it, Minnesota will be tough to keep out of the playoffs despite a crowded conference.
Montreal Canadiens
Carey Price
Max Pacioretty is very good. Shea Weber is very good. Jonathan Drouin and Alex Galchenyuk could be very good. But Carey Price is Carey Price. He’s carried the Canadiens before, and he’ll do it again.
Nashville Predators
P.K. Subban
You could go five different ways here and it’d make sense. Filip Forsberg, Ryan Johansen, and Viktor Arvidsson are stellar forwards. Subban and Roman Josi are elite defensemen. Heck, Ryan Ellis would be in the mix if he was healthy to start the season. The choice is Subban, who does it all from the blue line, but this was a tough choice reflective of a team that just made the Stanley Cup Final.
New Jersey Devils
Taylor Hall
The Devils are a team largely devoid of good players. Hall is the main exception, and it stinks that he’s going to keep being underrated as a result of being on terrible teams. Hopefully Nico Hischier can blossom quickly and give him the linemate he deserves.
New York Islanders
John Tavares
Tavares has been the easy answer as the Islanders’ team MVP the past few years. That could end after this season with his looming free agency, although a good 2017-18 campaign would go a long way toward getting him locked up. Tavares put up 66 points last season, and now he’s got Jordan Eberle on his wing in a contract year. Bigger numbers could be on the way.
New York Rangers
Ryan McDonagh
For a long time, McDonagh had to carry around Dan Girardi as his partner. Now Girardi is in Tampa Bay, and McDonagh will have the chance to show what he can do with better support. Maybe he’ll disappoint, but partnering with Kevin Shattenkirk could lead to some major improvement in his numbers.
Ottawa Senators
Erik Karlsson
The only thing that would stop Karlsson from being the Senators’ team MVP is health. If that proves to be a real issue, it’d be a close call between Mark Stone and Mike Hoffman.
Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images
Philadelphia Flyers
Claude Giroux
Giroux has fallen off from the conversation around the game’s best forwards, and Philadelphia is experimenting with moving him to the wing this season. A point production trend of 86, 73, 67, and 58 over the past four years is worrisome, so it makes sense to try to figure out what’s gone wrong. Still, Giroux remains the engine behind the Flyers for now.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Sidney Crosby
It’s either Crosby or Evgeni Malkin, and, well, it’s Crosby. Malkin has missed at least 15 games in six of the past eight seasons, and he’s coming off a relative down year driving possession. Crosby remains a beast, and he’s missed just 16 games over the past four seasons combined.
San Jose Sharks
Brent Burns
The defending Norris Trophy winner has the inside path here. Patrick Marleau is gone, Joe Thornton is coming off a torn ACL, and as good as Joe Pavelski and Logan Couture are, Burns still outproduced them from the blue line last season.
St. Louis Blues
Vladimir Tarasenko
Tarasenko would be a bigger deal if he played in a bigger market. The winger has scored 116 goals over the past three seasons, which is second in the NHL behind Alex Ovechkin. He’s done it without an elite playmaking center, too, and now will get to see whether he can make a push to 50 goals with Brayden Schenn in the middle.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Victor Hedman
It’s incredible to think that Tampa Bay has Steven Stamkos, yet this felt like a call between Hedman and Nikita Kucherov. That’s how good those two have become, although we’ll go with Hedman given the Lightning’s lack of defensive depth. They could conceivably handle losing Kucherov for some time if Stamkos is healthy. Losing Hedman would throw the defense into total disarray.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Auston Matthews
Matthews scored 40 goals last season as a 19-year-old rookie. What’s next for the Leafs’ franchise player? Presumably another 40-goal season, and if things come together, a big playoff run. Considering he finished 11th in Hart Trophy voting last season, you know he’ll get a lot of love if Toronto keeps rising up the standings.
Vancouver Canucks
Daniel Sedin
It’s slim pickings for the Canucks, who have a mix of aging stars like the Sedin brothers and non-elite young players like Bo Horvat. Brock Boeser is the wild card for the season, and could end up emerging as a key contributor from Day 1. Daniel Sedin remains a solid player, though, and he didn’t get much puck luck last season. We’ll go with one last hurrah from Sedin, although the wheels could come off at age 37.
Vegas Golden Knights
Vadim Shipachyov
The Golden Knights’ first big addition, Shipachyov comes over from the KHL, where he was one of the league’s top players. The 30-year-old recorded 26 goals and 76 points in 50 games with SKA St. Petersburg last season, and looks to be Vegas’ top-line center to open the season.
Washington Capitals
Braden Holtby
Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom still make the Capitals go, but it’s Holtby who has become the foundation under which this team’s success is built. He’s one of the most reliable, durable goalies in the league with a .923 save percentage in 201 starts over the past three seasons. That kind of performance gives Washington a high baseline, and makes Holtby its most important player.
Winnipeg Jets
Mark Scheifele
Patrik Laine will be the Jets player everyone talks about for the next decade, but Scheifele should not be underestimated in the meantime. His steady progression into a superstar over the past few seasons is remarkable, and there’s little to reason it’s simply the result of Laine’s presence. They’ll drive each other to greatness, and rack up a stupid amount of goals in the process.
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tpanan · 7 years
My Friday Daily Blessings
April 21, 2017
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........
Friday in the Octave of Easter (Roman Rite Calendar)
First Reading: Acts 4:1-12
After the crippled man had been cured, while Peter and John were still speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees confronted them, disturbed that they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. They laid hands on Peter and John and put them in custody until the next day, since it was already evening. But many of those who heard the word came to believe and the number of men grew to about five thousand.
On the next day, their leaders, elders, and scribes were assembled in Jerusalem, with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were of the high-priestly class. They brought them into their presence and questioned them, "By what power or by what name have you done this?"
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, answered them, "Leaders of the people and elders: If we are being examined today about a good deed done to a cripple, namely, by what means he was saved, then all of you and all the people of Israel should know that it was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead; in his name this man stands before you healed. He is the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved."
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2 and 4, 22-24, 25-27
"The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone."
Verse before the Gospel: Psalm 118:24
Alleluia, Alleluia
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it."
Alleluia, Allelluia
Gospel: Luke 21:1-14
Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. He revealed himself in this way. Together were Simon Peter, Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Zebedee's sons, and two others of his disciples. Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We also will come with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore; but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, "Children, have you caught anything to eat?" They answered him, "No."
So he said to them, "Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something." So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in because of the number of fish. So the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord." When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he tucked in his garment, for he was lightly clad, and jumped into the sea. The other disciples came in the boat, for they were not far from shore, only about a hundred yards, dragging the net with the fish. When they climbed out on shore, they saw a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread. Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you just caught." So Simon Peter went over and dragged the net ashore full of one hundred fifty-three large fish. Even though there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, "Come, have breakfast." And none of the disciples dared to ask him, "Who are you?" because they realized it was the Lord. Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish. This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples after being raised from the dead.
Why didn't the apostles immediately recognize the Lord when he greeted them at the Sea of Tiberias? John gives us a clue. He states that Peter had decided to return to his home district of Galilee, very likely so he could resume his fishing career. Peter was discouraged and didn't know what to do after the tragedy of Jesus' death! He went back to his previous career out of despair and uncertainty. The other apostles followed him back to Galilee.
The gift of faith opens our eyes to recognize the risen Lord Jesus in our midst When was the last time Peter was commanded to let down his net after a futile night of fishing? It was at the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Galilee when the Lord dramatically approached Peter in his fishing boat after a futile night of fishing and commanded him to lower his nets (see Luke 5:4-11). After the miraculous catch, Jesus told Peter that he would be 'catching people" for the kingdom of God. Now Jesus repeats the same miracle. John, the beloved disciple, is the first to recognize the Lord. Peter impulsively leaps from the boat and runs to the Lord. Do you run to the Lord when you meet setbacks, disappointments, or trials? The Lord is ever ready to renew us in faith and to give us fresh hope in his promises.
Skeptics who disbelieve the resurrection say the disciples only saw a vision of Jesus. The Gospel accounts, however, give us a vivid picture of the reality of the resurrection. Jesus went out of his way to offer his disciples various proofs of his resurrection - that he is real and true flesh, not just a spirit or ghost. In his third appearance to the apostles, after Jesus performed the miraculous catch of fish, he prepared a breakfast and ate with them. John's prompt recognition of the Master - It is the Lord! and Peter's immediate response to run to the Lord - stands in sharp contrast to Peter's previous denial of his Master during the night of Jesus' arrest. The Lord Jesus reveals himself to each of  us as we open our hearts to hear his word. Do you recognize the Lord's presence in your life and do you accept his word with faith and trust?
"Lord Jesus, you are the Resurrection and the Life. Increase my faith in the power of your resurrection and in the truth that you are truly alive! May I never doubt your life-giving word nor stray from your presence."
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use. Cite copyright & source: www.dailyscripture.net author
Don Schwager
© 2015 Servants of the Word
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