kookaburra1701 · 5 months
Khemor gro-Skaven
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(Portrait by @thana-topsy, full version here)
Race: Osh Ornim (Iron Orc) Sex: Male Birthdate (given): 1st Morningstar, 4E 161 (40 years old in 4E 201) Birthdate (actual): Unknown Birthplace: somewhere in the Dragontail Mountains. Places of Residence: Skaven, Hammerfell > Water's Edge, Cyrodiil > Windhelm, Skyrim
Former factions: College of Whispers Current factions: Stormcloaks, Thane of Windhelm and the Pale
Khemor’s story will be told in my Homeric Orcs Series.
Early life in Hammerfell
The Iron Orc who would eventually be known as Khemor gro-Skaven was barely five years old when he was stricken with Rockjoint. ("Common in little orc children." --Murbul) Although he survived the disease, it left one of his legs atrophied and partially paralyzed. His clan, a particularly brutal group of Osh Ornim, intended to abandon him in Dragonstar in Craglorn as they did not want to waste the resources of the stronghold raising a permanently disabled child.
Whether it was fate, the hand of the gods, or just coincidence, Khemir at-Arlimahera, a wizard from a prominent Crown family in Skaven was traveling through the area and encountered the abandoned child before any harm befell him. The wizard sensed Khemor had a deep well of magicka and even though he was completely untrained he was manipulating the ebb and flow of ambient magicka in the world.
From Nostos, Khemor's central fic, set after the Main Quest and conclusion of the Civil War:
“My master was a once-in-ten-generations intellect when it came to the ebb and flow of magicka, delving into the secrets of the arcane, and uncovering the mysteries of Oblivion. But he was at a loss when it came to choosing a name for an Orsimer foundling.”
Khemir brought Khemor up as his apprentice: while Skaven was more magically inclined than most places in Hammerfell, Khemir's studies focused on various forms of Mysticism that intersected with Necromancy. Thus Khemor learned to be very circumspect and discreet from an early age.
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Because of the reputation of Iron Orcs as particularly brutal and unintelligent, Khemor views his heritage with a deep sense of shame, and was brought up almost completely divorced from larger Orc culture, even more so than most "city Orcs" as he lacks any connections to anyone living in a stronghold. Most non-Orcs or people who are not from the Dragontail mountains do not pick up on the indicators of his heritage, and most who do clock him are too polite to mention it.
However, he does have a particular fondness for unusual rocks and minerals, and picks up pretty ones whenever he finds them. He also prefers to use un-faceted Soul Gems.
The Great War came to Skaven in 4E 173 when Khemor was twelve years old:
In Hammerfell, Imperial fortunes took a turn for the better. In early 4E 173, a Forebear army from Sentinel broke the siege of Hegathe (a Crown city), leading to the reconciliation of the two factions. Despite this, Lady Arannelya's main army succeeded in crossing the Alik'r Desert. The Imperial Legions under General Decianus met them outside Skaven in a bloody and indecisive clash. Decianus withdrew and left Arannelya in possession of Skaven, but the Aldmeri were too weakened to continue their advance.
--Legate Justianus Quintius, The Great War
Despite "only" lasting two years, the Empire's abandonment of Hammerfell and subsequent Thalmor occupation of Skaven was very formative for Khemor. Both he and his master were able to weather the occupation, but it took a toll on both of them. Khemor especially was not able to recieve chiurgeons' services for his leg during that critical time, which meant that his leg was unable to make a complete recovery like they had hoped, and so he’s used a cane to walk for his entire life.
From Katabasis, the story that details Calder the housecarl's adventures alongside Khemor during Skyrim's MQ:
Khemor sighed. “To say that I was ‘in’ [The Great War] would be a grave misstatement. I was only a child. Rather, the war came to Skaven. I was living there when the…order for the Legions to abandon Hammerfell was given.” A look of immense sadness passed over Khemor’s face. “Many of the Legion, mostly Nords and native sons of Hammerfell, refused to abandon Skaven, and deserted to continue protecting us. It was futile, of course. They were overrun and the Dominion occupied the city for two years.” He looked again at Calder and said quietly, “I am well-acquainted with the cruelties the Thalmor visit upon the populace of the places where they have control.”
While Khemir's social position and influence protected their household somewhat during the occupation, it was not easy, and Khemir's health never truly recovered. Before he died in 4E 187, he helped Khemor secure a position in the College of Whispers in Cyrodiil, despite neither of them being particularly inclined towards the Empire. In appreciation for his loyal service to and care of Khemir during the final, ailing years of his life, Khemir's family gave Khemor several of his former master's magical heirlooms before he left for his new life in Cyrodiil.
One of Khemir's grandnieces currently runs the family estate, and she and Khemor are on friendly terms and communicate somewhat regularly.
Life in River's Edge
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(Portrait by @thana-topsy, full version here.)
With his command of languages, he was able to perfect his chosen sub-field of necromancy: spirit-calling and speaking with the dead. After all, what is the use of summoning the shade of a long-dead person to answer your questions if you won't be able to understand each other? This ability led to Khemor rising quickly through the ranks of the College of Whispers, and his calm and pleasant demeanor meant he was often chosen to lead delegations to advise the Elder Council or other political entities in Cyrodiil.
It was because of this role that in the year 4E 201, when word came to the leaders of the College of Whispers that the Synod and the Thalmor were scheming to gain influence with the College of Winterhold in Skyrim, Khemor was chosen to travel to the far, frozen north of the Empire and attempt to establish a line of communication Archmage Savos Aren.
Because of the unstable political situation in Skyrim, once he was through the Pale Pass Khemor changed his Legion escort for one comprised solely of Fighters Guild mercenaries. His entourage left Helgen for Riften on the 14th of Last Seed, 4E 201. Khemor noted the unusual number of Legion soldiers stationed at such a small outpost, but thought nothing of it.
When the escort arrived in Riften, they learned of Ulfric's capture and escape and hear the first rumors of dragons returning. However, it isn't until a dragon is sighted flying over Lake Honrich into the Jerall Mountains that Khemor takes the reports seriously. For safety, a larger group of travelers gathered in Riften to travel to Windhelm, leading to a significant delay of Khemor's itinerary. During this time, he composes what will end up being his last piece of correspondence to his superiors in the College of Whispers, detailing what he has heard about the return of the dragons to Skyrim before the ad-hoc caravan sets out for Kynesgrove…
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45 notes · View notes
perfectfangirl · 25 days
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep8
• maximus is once again on a [brotherhood of steel] vertibird. this time is much different though. he's no longer a nervous, inexperienced squire. he's a man with a mission. a completely different one from the start. he's going to dupe the brotherhood of steel and buy time. to help lucy. • as he stares at two knights, it flashes back to lucy telling him to find her after all this. they do. but they cannot stay. • as the vertibird travels to filly, the transmission on the vertibird goes "the locals put up a fight, but so did we". makes so much sense why cooper told lucy to leave the griffith observatory, the brotherhood of steel really probably would've killed her • filly has been uh "secured" by the brotherhood of steel and maximus presents the not actual head to elder cleric quintus. elder cleric quintus in an obvious move asks maximus "you're wearing the knight's red. where's your knight?" in this moment, it is [the still injured] dane who takes the head from maximus to give to elder cleric quintus. maximus makes eye contact with dane and i swear i felt a mountain move
• maximus divulges that knight titus is dead to elder cleric quintus. elder cleric quintus, ever the inquisitor says "this is not the first time a brother in your company has fallen into misfortune..." dane precariously climbs the stairs elder cleric quintus is sitting atop. worry and fear spreading across their face with every step. "is it?" elder cleric quintus finishes. • of course they check this fake head and it does not register anything in it when a device is used on it to detect the resource. maximus has been had. "i fear you lied then. just as you lie now." elder cleric quintus accuses. "no artifact, m'lord" • maximus is visibly going into shock, his deception having been rooted out swiftly, easily • the problem here is that accidentally getting the wrong head is plausible. but coming back without your knight and possibly being the one who sabotaged another member are all red flags. elder cleric quintus is left with no choice but to assume here tbh
• as maximis initiates a speech check to begin bargaining for his life, two knights who escorted him in now hold him down. priests or whatever start chanting. a third knight with a gun walks up behind a kneeling maximus. ah ok this is an execution now, got it • "please listen to me! i can get you the real head!" maximus begs, the barrel of this large gun touching the back of his dome. the terror is visible and palpable but only on maximus' and dane's faces. "confess." elder cleric quintus hisses. maximus pleads again "don't kill me and i can lead you to it!". fair bargain to me, nobody else in that town knows where it is except maximus • in this same line, the camera is on dane. such fear in dane's face. • as maximus yells "i can help you!" dane drops to their knees, breaking the thick tension with a confession of their own, "please, m'lord. my injury was my own doing. not his." before dane can continue, maximus once again reminds, desperately "please... please, i know where the head is!" with dane next going "for the sake of the brotherhood, please listen to him!" • elder cleric quintius says something interesting to me. he says "such a display of loyalty. don't see that much anymore." elder cleric quintus is not talking about the brotherhood of steel. elder cleric quintus is talking about dane's loyalty to maximus. remember back with episode 1 where i said dane is maybe in love with maximus? yeah
• in this scene we learned that not only did elder cleric quintus still suspect maximus gave dane that foot injury despite having him squire for knight titus but that dane also self inflicted that injury • maximus is let go, almost assuredly having pissed his pants 😭 • notice how elder cleric quintus was elevated above everyone else in this scene. he was atop the stairs in filly and anyone who spoke to him kneeled. his position and his rule in this faction is of interest to me for sure • the next shot with elder cleric quintus and maximus is very star wars and i'm going to explain that • in a dimly lit private meeting, elder cleric quintus asks maximus "you think you're the first squire who coveted his knight's armour?" he then asks how knight titus perished. "he died running" maximus says almost in a disillusioned way. upon hearing this, elder cleric quintus replies "the brotherhood has lost its way." i wonder how many other knights are scared
• "we once ruled the wasteland... and yet power is taken. not given." oh, fallout--- • "a lesson you seem to have learned." yes and no, i love how maximus taking the armour of a [terrible] dying man wasn't so bad to me, it felt like self preservation, that man was going to get maximus killed otherwise • "so, if what you say is true, and you can lead us to the relic, then together, you and i, we will have power. and with it... we will start a new brotherhood." here is exactly where i see some star wars. anakin. anakin and palpatine. the circumstances are only a little bit different. orphan, raised in a cult, never given opportunities they desire, vulnerable so an old manipulator is in their ear trying to gain power. practically twins. • listen... i only now understand elder cleric quintus runs a chapter and not the entire thing. mans wants it all. not a bad bargain for maximus and the fusion core can do this. • elder cleric quintus reminds maximus that his entire life he wanted a home. there are flashbacks to maximus surviving the shady sands incident and him seeing a knight. he asks maximus simply this "build one with me."
• lucy freshly laundered, hair laid, clear skin, with the stinking, rotting head lands at the observatory where moldaver is. armed femme guards greet her at the gate. • crazy scene! as lucy strolls through the observatory, there's crops, farmers, children playing. and even ghouls. a ghoul she saved at the super duper mart recognizes lucy, "it's her." the person next to them puts an arm on their shoulder. i am not crying! • getting sick to my stomach realising the brotherhood of steel descended on this place with children 😞 • meanwhile, the cowboy ghoul we all know and love slinks across the wasteland, trailed by dogmeat. this flashbacks to the day cooper's life turned upside down. the day he spied on barb at vault tec • billboard on the side of where cooper and dogmeat are walking is for sunset sarsaparilla, a consumable item in fallout: new vegas
• cooper having to put on a mask and pretend [act!] like he's not spying on his wife by driving her to work [wonder if he "bungled" that oil change on purpose] • "you know, most guys with a ride this nice, they wouldn't be willing to get their hands dirty." foreshadowing, metaphor, a thing, front and center • this was the last time cooper told barb he loves her and still meant it • cooper is spying on barb in the parking lot, the military taught him nothing 😭 • here come bud askins! enough! i hate him! go away 😭 • the car bud is driving is the messerschmitt kr200 • because cooper is actively spying, barb has yet to enter the building, fiddling with the prototype pip boy. but all the while, bud interrupts cooper's espionage to have another rambling business meeting type conversation with him. cooper is once again nice to this evil man
• barb states after being asked by bud what's wrong "uh my pip boy. it's been acting strange. the transmitter is always activated..." cooper looks spooked. he's been listening in a lot, i see • bud suggests taking it to it but barb says she can fix it herself. wonder if she did finally figure out where the pip boy was transmitting to before... • lmao cooper's like "i'm heading out. i promised janey that i would teach her some roping [😢] and bud, who cooper is not fucking talking to responds to this statement anyways "oh, yeah? i don't have kids myself. but i do have a training program for up and coming executives and that's basically the same thing." bud spilling the vault 31 thing right there yet another time • once again, someone else is trying to talk to cooper but all he is thinking about and fixating on is barb. i am hurt but i am also amused 😭 • no, barb has not told cooper 'bout no junior executive program, bud. bud calls this shit "bud's buds" 😭. bud explains "the basic idea is that the biggest obstacle to achievement has been the brevity of the human lifespan. it's prevented us from working on projects that require centuries, maybe even millennia, to see through. so ideally, bud's buds will keep my project on track centuries into the future." the ravings of a madman, your honour ☝️
• cooper's face through this spiel is comedy but also barb having to pull this man off her husband is too, like get off of him 😭 • bud's statements about architecting programs that run centuries into the future being paired with cooper telling lucy her life was planned hundreds of years ago... oof, chills • because of the frequency and distance, cooper is starting to hear static. barb and her pip boy are getting too far away. cooper overhears barb ask bud if his pip boy has been acting up before it is consumed by static. copper rather softly says "fuck." to himself. now parallel this to the bait scene where he loudly yells it lol • i guess cooper goes there a lot because cooper decides to walk in the building to get closer to hear better and there's no issue there
• lucy enters the observatory and it's very beautiful inside like a painting of a decadent ruin. you can see the sky because there's a huge hole in the roof. • hank is there or whatever, trapped in a cage like a damsel in distress. there's a new california republic flag on what's left of the wall, you can hear the hissing and groaning of feral ghoul rose before she is panned to. this is hank's worst fucking nightmare, huh • i just realized... hank has a ring on his ring finger on his non dominant hand. a gold band. he disgusts me so much omg • moldaver welcomes lucy to this unnerving and gothic abode. moldaver is having uh dinner, freshly made, warm on the table. there's fruits, bread, stuffed meat. hopefully she's been starving hank this whole time and he can only look. moldaver's hair is also laid and billowing in the wind • feral ghoul rose is tied down with rope in the chair ☹️
• "join us. it's my turn to host, isn't it?" sick! moldaver offers lucy a chair. lucy expressed her pre reveal rage "i've had a lot of time to think about this moment. you wouldn't believe the things that went through my head. one night, i actually tried to stuff an old grenade into the neck hole. i guess i was gonna walk in here and blow everybody up. but it's not really how i was raised." oh lucy. it wasn't how hank was raised either. and look at what he did. twice. • lucy then says "so, if you don't mind, i'm gonna keep things civil!" and then plops siggi's head on moldaver's food 😭 she said civil, she's still gonna be petty rotf • rose roars at lucy as moldaver takes the cold fusion capsule out of siggi's head, at last retrieving free energy and releasing it from the shackles of this man's cranium. thank you, siggi ❤️
• lucy then asks for hank back. "very well. but first..." moldaver has put the small capsule in a vial and holds it up to observe it "what if i tell you how i know your father? who he really is?" this has got to be the juiciest episode. hank objects immediately. moldaver is about to ruin this man's whole career. • as moldaver tells lucy that lucy thinks hank was born in a vault like her and her brother, it changes back to norm coming up on vault 31's whole thing. norm finds bud but he's different. this weird guy is now a brain. in a jar. on a roomba. and he's stuck. trapped behind a fallen broom or something 😭 this is funny because back in the vault tec meeting scene, while cooper was spying, they showed bud tripping up the stairs while talking to barb gldgldlf • while stuck before norm helps him, bud keeps saying "no, no i'll get it this time." and "the key to the future is humanity." [parts of his little speech from the vault tec meeting] i'm howling, how long has he been stuck like this? • bud tells on hank quick because bud tells norm once he recognizes "wait, you're not betty. or hank." like oop them the two main villains right there, huh
• lmao ok but when bud sees that norm is like, someone outside vault tec knowledge has found out what's in vault 31, bud decides to idk kill norm?? 😭 • bud's like "initiate protocol 53" and takes out a syringe. the music is menacing. but he's a brain in a jar on a roomba 😭 • norm just dodges bud but bud cannot stop showing his hand "the secret must be guarded. don't go in there. don't you go in there! don't read anything in there. or turn on the lights. don't you access the info tree or look at the terminal." like omg shut uppp 😭 • back in the past, cooper is assisted to a waiting room at vault tec where his film posters are on the walls. he is brought there by a pre war betty. • in the same scene, we get another drop. henry works with barb and asks to meet cooper. he's a big fan. henry is hank.
• ugh this next scene makes me ill but we need to speak on it because it's realistic, it's damning, it's indicative, it's abject. and it's the secret meeting all the powerful entities have while cooper listens in • they got the legion of doom down there, y'all. they got robco, west tek, big mt, repconn, and vault tec. everybody in here is menacing af. barb less so. on the surface. • lol mr. house telling fred of big mt that he could lose money running a casino amuses me, that's so fallout: new vegas • "sure, rumours of the peace negotiations have set us back, but we're here to offer an opportunity." and the opportunity is nuclear annihilation and crimes against humanity • it almost seems like every conversation bud was having with cooper felt like a business meeting because he was using cooper as a practice board for this meeting here. cooper can do two things at once because just because he always thinking about barb doesn't mean he didn't hear every word bud has said
• bud tells the companies at this meeting that the vaults are capable of being sufficient for centuries. but then bud said something i hadn't noticed first watch. "meanwhile, our competitors... you know, every other human who isn't us... will be dead on the surface." very big what the fuck, how did the competition become vault tec versus everyone else • they cut back to cooper listening intently and his brow is becoming more and more furrowed • "because after all, what is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction? time. time is the apex predator. and in the event of an incident, time is the weapon with which we will defeat all of out enemies." whoa whoa whoa when did "competitors" turn into "enemies"? the fuck? • "this is how we will win the great game of capitalism. not by outfighting anyone. but by outliving them." the company's representatives are still not very sold on these vaults. because they all start arguing after bud's monologue
• something happens next i have so many questions about it [and so do others] because next what happens is that barb [who hasn't spoken yet] looks at her pip boy then looks up. there's a shady figure observing all this. who on earth is that? i personally thought it could be the president of the us. others i have seen say they think barb knows she is being listened in on but not by cooper but by this person? i guess this is for future seasons • you know this is the scene where cooper is so sweet and trusting. before barb speaks, he goes "come on, barb. set 'em straight" 😞 he would've put his life in her hands if she asked him too, he would've faced god and walked backwards in hell for her. • barb starts "when i think about the future, i think about my daughter... janey. how do i provide her with a better future? that's what we've invited you here to discuss." cooper was on bated breath and prematurely says "yes" thinking barb was doing something right. but little did he know 😢 • norm walks deeper into vault 31 and sees that it is different, it's smaller than vault 33 or even vault 32. brain on a roomba tells norm this is indeed the vault hank is from. but not before telling norm "you'll never find out." and norm simply pushing a button for lights "oh he's gonna find out" lmaooo • norm has found the plot twist of the century. it's a vault full of people in cryostasis. norm's expression mirrors lucy's upon figuring out exactly what hank has done [though norm doesn't know the full extent of shady sands, he now knows hank is lying] • for whatever reason, bud finally decides to spill "these are bud's buds. my buds. america outsourced the survival of this country to the private sector. but it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive. so, we kept vault tec alive instead. a well trained staff of highly supervised junior executives from my own assistant training program. because the future of humanity comes down to one word: management." bud's evil speeches are uniquely corporate management but we must listen to his ravings to get a glimpse of the scope here
• it appears it was bud's idea for 31, 32, 33 "because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great, and i propose we bring this same spirit of competition to our solutions." barb says, adding onto the deal as vault tec vault locations light up on a map behind her and bud • barb tells the representatives that vault tec has over one hundred vaults spread across america. and that any company in the meeting could take some to experiment on and play out their own ideas for how to create conditions for humanity to survive. barb simply adds "whatever you want to do, no one needs to know" who is this man married to? • norm responds to bud's revelation "so what's vault 32 and 33? just people to be controlled?" [yes!] "what? no! when you put it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable." and then bud continues on to talk about eugenics but managers 😭 • "they're our breeding pool, the ultimate expression of hr r&d. genetically selected to breed with my buds to create a class of super managers. people with positivity. people who make lemonade. people who inherit the earth after we've wiped the surface clean." cannot believe fallout made management, already a horror genre, into something even more frightening. norm repeats but in question "we wiped the surface clean?"
• the companies in the meeting start rattling off ideas as follows "we could intentionally overcrowd a vault so people have to compete to survive inside it.", "we have been developing a robot that delivers milk to the front door. it's quite intelligent. i would like to see a vault governed by it.", "what about using a vault to develop super mutants soldiers using illegal immigrants.", "we could pump psychotropic drugs into the air supply.", "we could separate parents and children and only the smartest kids reach adulthood." each more diabolical than the next • cooper is in disbelief overhearing this, his expressions and mannerisms looking like mine • mr. house's evil ass chimes in "there's a lot of earning potential with the end of the word. but we're talking about making a significant investment based on a hypothetical. how can you guarantee results?" barb then goes on to respond to this by saying the most earth shattering plot twist implied in this entire game and show series. "by dropping the bombs ourselves"
• the very next scene is a shot of cooper. looking at it again, i almost want to say his eyes were very well welling up with tears moments before barb's evil reveal, like any normal person would at the thought of people talking about overcrowding a vault to see what people would do or separating children from their parents, all for fun and all after an apocalyptic situation. so if cooper wasn't divorcing over what barb said then, he was sure to start them papers when she suggested they do unethical and cruel vault experiments on innocent people • it's a close up of cooper's face. his expression is so soft. the hurt and betrayal written all over it. he married a monster. and she works for the devil. • not unlike lucy or norm's reactions, cooper is barely processing and is supposed to be meeting hank in that waiting room. three times in the same episode hank is at the scene of the crime. • barb continues on "a nuclear event would be a tragedy... but an opportunity. perhaps the greatest opportunity in history. because when we are the only ones left, there will be no one to fight. a true monopoly." her delivery here almost seems forced, i do wonder if she was prompted. but she still said it. and regardless of her motivations, nothing about this can be good. i do know the statements could be interpreted as vault tec dropped them themselves or vault tec having influence and indirectly doing it. either way, barb looking real unfamiliar and like a divorcee now
• we're zapped back to moldaver talking to lucy • funny hank likes the anticommunist propaganda film cooper made, "the man from deadhorse", and particularly the killing joey, "feo, fuerte, y formal" scene, the scene cooper ain't even like, the scene his principles started to waver. hank found adoration and kinship in that. funny. • all these moments in time are happening at once, they are dropping plot twist after plot twist after plot twist • moldaver informs lucy that hank has walked the earth far longer than she realises "...part of an organisation that thought they had the answers to all of the world's problems." • "this is our chance to make war obsolete, because in our current societal configuration, which took shape without intentional guidance, we have friction. we have conflict, and we have war. and war, well... war never changes." cooper is hanging onto her every damning word, growing numb in front of hank [who is fanboying incessantly]. pair this with lucy finding out who hank really is and what he did to shady sands • i was dissociating like cooper was the first go around so i barely registered hank asking for that autograph in the waiting room, makes cooper's line about it later in the observatory a hilarious drag
• hank... does not not attempt to stop moldaver from these divulgements. only towards the end does he. and by then, lucy already knew them to be true • "he never told you where he's really from. when he's from. he never told your mother, either." the "when he's from" is so?? • lucy asks moldaver what she knows about rose. "she was like you. she was kind, loving, curious." fully onboard with the theory moldaver and rose were together after rose left hank btw • the brotherhood of steel is preparing an invasion of the observatory. maximus and dane meet up here and idk. i think the direction given to the actors here was "look like you want to kiss but don't" • maximus thanks dane for saving him. but by telling the truth, a still injured dane is being sent out to fight too as punishment for self inflicting. dane apologizes too. they never meant to get maximus in trouble • actually started tearing up seeing maximus tell dane about lucy. that maximus thought he was meant to go on that mission with lord titus. "i'm leaving with her. i am going to where she came from. a vault. it's a place that's peaceful... and safe, where nobody ever goes to war." maximus trusts dane so much, he's telling them all this with such a big, wholesome smile. personally victimized again.
• "there's nowhere safe, max. and there's no leaving. i wish there was." i said before that dane is right. and about the brotherhood of steel. there is no leaving. they would find him. not only that, most vaults and especially the one lucy came from are experiments. he wouldn't be able to go even if he wanted to anyways ☹️ • ironically, hank and his cohorts could not control what was going on on the surface so eventually, rose correlated the siphoning of water from vault 33 with activity on the surface. ok but compare this with norm discovering hank and the vault's secrets--- lucy and norm are just like rose omg • in the same moments we learn that a. rose ran away and didn't succumb in a famine b. that she ended up in shady sands with her children c. that lucy only vaguely remembers this time but she was there d. that yes their was thriving communities and e. hank hated what rose had done so much, he destroyed shady sands with a bomb • "that's how vault tec deals with competition" and it's nuclear annihilation
• lucy is aghast. she cannot believe what she is hearing. her face gently contorts into tears. hank keeps saying moldaver is lying. it is all he is saying. • we receive flashbacks of lucy's memories. as they become clearer for where they were, it flash's back to when maximus showed her the giant crater. they have been brought forth with new contexts • the more moldaver speaks, the more it makes sense that hank is in a cage, like a wild animal • as lucy is shown searching through her memories, moldaver and hank begin to talk at the same time. a post apocalyptic cacophony. a song of good and evil. • shady sands is shown with streetcars and some still standing buildings. hope. all gone. • in between lucy's memories is something else. not entirely sure if they are hers. but. it's love. love is the only explanation for why you'd keep a shambling ghoul for twenty years.
• they're talking over each other but i have slammed their words as one. "lucy? she's a murderer. lucy, look at me. she invaded our home. lucy? she killed out people. do not listen to her." hank says. "lucy? what you brought me is cold fusion. it's limitless energy. and we can build our own world. it could be a better world. it has clean water and medicine and power. but for everyone. because when vault tec bought my research, they made it proprietary, so only a trusted vault tec minion can activate cold fusion. all i need is for him to give me the code" moldaver says. • after moldaver says this last part, something in hank shifts. he yells and smacks a stool against the bars of the cage, startling lucy. "lucy, look at me! look at me! lucy!" • ignoring hank, lucy after all this asks through a whimper "my mother. what happened to her?" "i think you know." moldaver responds just as pained • earlier they showed in flashbacks rose wearing a necklace. the camera pans to the ghoul sitting at the dining room table. it is wearing the same necklace.
• the weight of revelation after revelation culminating in the harshest cruelty of lucy's story, that her own father bombed shady sands in such a way that her own mother became a ghoul and was here this whole time on the surface, is breathtaking agony. how could he? how could he? • never mind norm not being there to know or to react, that's a story for another season • imagine being moldaver and being the gift to humanity, starting communities of light, beauty, and goodness at least three times over--- being snuffed by evil almost every time but still dusting yourself off and trying again every time too. moldaver could've filleted hank alive. but didn't. moldaver is a saint. • lucy gazes at her feral ghoul mother, the last vestiges of her old life blowing out of her like the wind blowing through her hair. there's no going back. this is what it is.
"just give her the code. give her the code. giver her the code, dad." me? i would've cocked a gun on the second ask, not asking him a third time • the code is "101097" and that is the exact date the first fallout game dropped 🙂 • mechanisms and machinery whir as moldaver's stolen technology is assembled and cold fusion strikes to life through the apparatus. this is the only good thing hank has ever done. • speaking of crises, norm is still at vault 31, gobsmacked, he walks over to a panel showing everyone who is reactivated and everyone who is dormant. or at least i think everyone--- i just know we do not see barb or janey here • during this time, bud's annoying no body havin' ass scoots his roomba in a compartment and shuts the door so norm can't leave ☹️ • "well, it was great meeting you. i actually have to get home." 😭 this is the first time norm has sounded or acted like a little boy, so i'm crying, this is a thirty year old man in real life so i am pained 😭 • "so you're just... you're gonna keep me here?" norm asks bud. "just until we're all ready to go to the surface." bud says. or rather bud's disembodied brain says. "that could be hundreds of years" norm replies "true. that's why i'd suggest you wait it out in your dad's pod. unless you want to starve to death. not much food in here. except the occasional very large bug." not norm's options being starving to death or cryostasis--- let him out pleaseee 😭
• "i did what was necessary to save our people. and that woman over there... she's no different than me." first of all, he doesn't get to play that game. second, i'm sorry but did moldaver bomb the world twice? hank is a megalomaniac • before moldaver can give the wasteland cold fusion again, some other power hungry and power thirsty entities are arriving. the big [fucked up] fight of the brotherhood of steel versus the nice folk down at the observatory • i now see the full picture of why moldaver is worshipped--- she is the energy messiah. she's been the second and third coming of energy christ • lucy is still stunned so isn't talking or moving much. but hank makes attempts at excuses for what he's done. "lucy? i loved your mother. but she stopped being your mother when she left home. when she took you into danger." lucy is looking at hank like she doesn't even recognize him. hank is looking real unfamiliar right now.
• it is sunset. and the brotherhood of steel is flying down on the observatory. but not before getting fucked the fuck up a little by some strategically placed cannons. one guy even falls out of a vertibird directly into the propellers of another vertibird. these people are in hell • in between invasion shots, hank tries last ditch efforts to get through to lucy "you've seen what it's like up here. everyone equally afraid, equally miserable." a knight uses a gatling gun on people running away. seems familiar, doesn't it? "forced to do horrible things in order to survive. lucy, i had to make a choice. between their violent world and our peaceful one. and i believe, lucy, i know i made the right choice." moldaver waltzes out of the observatory badassedly with a gun. to defend her life's work with her life.
• listening to a man defend committing genocide twice is core shaking. the way i know hank is crazy because minutes before he says him and moldaver are no different but turns around and says he made the right choice. hank, if the choice you made was so right, then how are you no different than moldaver? someone you just said was a murderer, a liar? you're a much worse murderer and liar, hank • this is the first battles for maximus and dane so they go in not knowing what to do exactly • blood spills on the fruits of someone's labour, bullets and rockets shoot by everyone as a fight happens for yet another resource battle in a long line of resource wars • people are being crushed, thrown, stabbed--- you name it. they goin' crazy out there • "if the problem with the world is factions endlessly fighting, endlessly at war, then what is the solution but to get rid of the factions? to make the world us, only ours to shape" in need him to shut up. like enough 😭 lucy is not on this planet, she somewhere else
• as some knight mows down people of moldaver's group, the baddest ghoul in the west has arrived • "i'll bet that outfit makes y'all feel like a big man, don't it? well, i know, cause, well, i used to wear one back in the day. there was only one problem with it. there was a flaw in the welding just below the chest plate. i wonder if they fixed that in the new model?" cooper takes a shot and mortally wounds a knight in said defect. "i guess not" 😭 • everybody's fatal flaw with cooper is letting him talk, people be so focused on what he sayin', they never notice what he's doing. he had a whole speech while loading a gun and the brotherhood of steel let him, his speech stats is maxed out oh my god 😭 • so every knight in this scene fears for their lives and nobody but cooper's brain works so he tricks one of them with a big gun into shooting i guess a circuit breaker. because them lights turn off and then it's chaos lmao
• "did you get him?" "i can't see shit" nameless and faceless brotherhood of steel fellas ask ldgldlg • cooper starts taking these knights out. one by one. through the power suit chestplate defect. in the dark. • "find the fucking ghoul" oh not today, buddy lmao • cooper, playing with these men like it's just another tuesday, takes out a hand grenade. in the dark. and pulls the lever. in the dark. on a hand grenade. • cooper throws it like, on or inside the power armour and the blast is crazy, i simply would not fuck with this man • hank is begging lucy to let him out so they can go home. lucy in tears peers back at her feral ghoul mother still strapped to the dining chair. • a headless armour suit uh walks into the place where they are. then it's maximus behind it. probably the only survivor left in cooper's wake. maybe that's on purpose 💀
• maximus wants to do the right thing but i definitely hate he wasn't putting pieces together [i mean how could be, he just survived by the skin of his teeth] because damn he turned hank aloose 😫 • hank looking at maximus like "who is this?" but maximus is making the mistake of listening to hank because hank immediately turns this into a medium of escape "i'm her father. can you get us out of here?" • lucy's trance is only broken when she is being forcefully removed from the observatory • lucy having to break it to maximus her own father was the cause of his suffering too ☹️ • before maximus can turn into disillusioned lucy and cooper before him, well hank has up and got in a power suit ughhh • kinda think maximus would've either killed hank or given him to the brotherhood of steel so hank trailing along with cooper, maximus, or lucy was a dead start. he has burned every last one of them and now they all know
• "lucy. you're coming with me" hank says in the armour. maximus tries to take a swipe at hank but hank takes a swipe at him and maximus is knocked out. lucy falls to her knees trying to awaken him ☹️ • lucy, having enough of this shit, takes maximus' gun and pulls it on hank. "you see what this place does to people? i'm your father, lucy. you came all this way for me. you're not gonna hurt me." but you know who is? cooper mothafuckin' howard. • "oh, you want another autograph, young henry?" "hell, this kid used to pick up my wife's dry cleaning" get him again for me! flame his ass, cooper! • bear with me while thinking about how lucy has her corpse finger and can't pull the trigger on hank but lucy's trigger finger on cooper's hand did. she did hurt him. • i don't know if lucy was listening but i wonder if she truly registered this ghoul is the movie start cooper howard • the sky is so pretty in these last scenes btw • cooper repeating hanks favourite line from one his movies back at him but with contempt and disdain lmao • "now, i've waited over 200 years to ask somebody one question. where's my fucking family?" cooper triumphantly implores to hank, gun raised. y'all i think he dropped the accent right here for a moment on the last sentence omg • hank still bleeding from being grazed by cooper, says nothing and flees. he leaves lucy behind. he leaves rose behind. again.
• maximus is out cold and lucy can't wake him up, she shakes him and everything ☹️ • as death and destruction is once again in wake, cooper says the iconic fallout line too • "war never changes. you look out at the wasteland, looks like chaos. but there's always somebody behind the wheel. and that's who i want to talk to. that's where your daddy is headed." "but you let him go!"--- ok so first of all, i've been speculating when cooper starts being nicer, softer, more vulnerable around lucy and whoaaa this conversation is as open heart as it gets for this, i mean he already explained he's been looking for his family for 200 years. i get why he told hank that but the monologue about war... i know this comes from a deep place of being a veteran and maybe even flashbacks. but him not keeping that to himself is incredible character development to me. lucy being upset with cooper for letting hank go sends like girl you had the gun locked on him first, maximus was the one who let him out anyways like 😭 • "well, it's easier to track a stuck pig then to ask where it's off to." he's right but can cooper say stuff in regular ways fldgdlgldf •"you want to know how i know your daddy, don't you? let's just say that everything about your whole little world was decided over 200 years ago." must be crazy for all this to happen to lucy and norm in two weeks • "now you can stay here with him, but when his tin can soldier friends take this place... and they gone take this place... they will kill you and everybody here. or you could come meet your makers." whew. the brotherhood of steel is just. not great. • cooper has his back turned to walk off, leaving him open to lucy's gun [again!] but this time, she's not shooting or aiming at him. she's aiming at rose. a mercy kill long overdue. • cooper really thought. i guess he trusts lucy. i don't know. but he lets out a deep breath upon seeing where she actually shot. wow. wow
• "you coming?" 🥹 • lucy all but has to leave maximus behind. they can't be together. not here like this. "i'll find you" lucy whispers as she kisses maximus one last time on the lips [vaultknight, one last time] • lucy arises and has made her decision. "okey dokey", she says, resigned, she will follow cooper to meet the makers • moldaver says "rose" as she returns back to the room. moldaver is wounded. but she is still thinking about rose 😞 • moldaver activates the cold fusion. it begins to light the ruins across the landscape. moldaver lovingly caresses rose's now unmoving hand. and says "we did it, rose." yes. you did it moldaver. you saved the world again, queen • in her last moments, moldaver asks maximus "what do you suppose your brotherhood would do with infinite power? maybe you can stop them. maybe you can't. maybe all you can do is try." moldaver succumbs to her wounds. • dane decides for maximus that maximus must have killed moldaver. dane raises maximus' hand. a chant is started in his honour. maximus looks like he wants to jump out of his skin. "all hail knight maximus" • it is night and we are shown a scene of cooper, dogmeat, then lucy emerging from an entrance and heading past the hollywood sign. "me three (my echo, my shadow, and me)" by the inkspots plays • it takes until sunrise but hank finally makes it to his destination while a deathclaw skull lays before him • we're in new vegas, baby! 🎲
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multifandomsofficial · 2 months
Quintius: You're always talking nonsense.
Nathaniel: Better than listening to it.
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child-of-hurin · 2 years
Canto VIII
Se Clódia desprezou Catulo E teve Rufus, Quintius, Gelius Inacius e Ravidus
Tu podes muito bem, Dionísio, Ter mais cinco mulheres E desprezar Ariana Que é centelha e âncora
E refrescar tuas noites Com teus amores breves. Ariana e Catulo, luxuriantes
Pretendem eternidade, e a coisa breve A alma dos poetas não inflama. Nem é justo, Dionísio, pedires ao poeta
Que seja sempre terra o que é celeste E que terrestre não seja o que é só terra.
Hilda Hilst, “Ode descontínua e remota para flauta e oboé. De Ariana para Dionísio” (1974) Arranjado por Zeca Baleiro e interpretado por Olivia Byington (2014)
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Das Wetter für Bremerhaven, Bremen und Norddeutschland für Mittwoch, den 29. November 2023
Heute Nacht ist es bedeckt und es schneit. Temperaturen von -1 bis -5 Grad. Tief QUINTIUS wird heute Nacht die Regie übernehmen. Bis morgen wird sein Haupt von der Nordsee über die Deutsche Bucht nach Mecklenburg-Vorpommern transportiert. Eine zusätzliche Portion kälter Polarluft erreicht uns in der nächsten Nacht, was dazu führt, dass die Niederschläge in der Regel als Schnee fallen werden. Bis…
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tinyshe · 9 months
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Saint Francis of Assisi, Cigoli, c. 1600
More Saints of the Day October 04
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Adauctus
St. Ammon
St. Aurea
St. Crispus & Gaius
St. Domnina
St. Hierotheus
St. Mark
St. Peter of Damascus
St. Petronius
St. Quintius
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saint-s-gods · 11 months
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shoutsthedustflake · 1 year
I live in Chicago, have for quite some time, but I grew up in post-industrial Northern Illinois. A city in the upstate downstate, you know? So today at work, some of my coworkers were talking about a friend who was trying to buy a house and considering moving out of the city, and my hometown came up in a "where is that? Is it a neighborhood or a suburb?" kind of context, and spoke up to clear up some geographical confusion and put in a (somewhat measured) good word for my native sod.
I've been reading, in my downtime, an excellent series on the Romans and who they were on the also excellent blog A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry. The author makes the point in the third part, about the expansion of Roman citizenship over time, that many of our favorite Romans -- Ovid, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Cicero -- were from the sticks. They were either naturalized Roman citizens or from cities that had only recently been granted citizenship, sons of freedmen, anything but the long-pedigreed great and good our passing acquaintance with them in school suggests. Some examples:
Ovid is asserting quite a few identities there. He identifies his home: sulmo mihi patria est, “Sulmo is my fatherland;” Sulmo was a city of the Paeligni (speakers of an Oscan language) in central Italy and probably granted citizenship only after the Social War. Patria is a strong word there; he might have used natus or origo if he just wanted to say “Sulmo is where I was born.” Patria implies a lingering, permanent connection. For comparison, Horace’s famous “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country” in Latin is dulce et decorum pro patria mori (Horace, Odes 3.2.14). 
Horace, you say?
Quintius Horatius Flaccus (Horace, 65-8) was from Venusia, a point he tells us in Satires 2.1.35; he notes he is unsure if he is ethnically Lucanian or Apulian, “for the Venusian plows at the boundaries of both” but Horace is fiercely defensive of his family and origins. Remember last time we noted that freed slaves became Roman citizens? That was Horace’s family’s road. His father was a freedman and Horace writes movingly about his father’s sacrifices so that he could attend school in Rome rather than in his own village and proudly refuses to be ashamed of his humble birth or the social station of his father (Satires 1.6). 
Finally, Livy:
Livy, we are told, was born in the 60s BC in Padua (ancient Patavium), a city of the Veneti outside of Italy as the Romans understood it (it was in Gallia Cisalpina); Padua was made a municipium and given Roman citizenship by Caesar in the 40s; Livy would likely have been in his teens or perhaps early 20s when this happened making him a ‘naturalized’ Roman. Livy evidently had a pronounced accent or marked Venetian manners; he was mocked for it by Gaius Asinius Pollio as noted by Quintilian (8.1.1). Yet Livy is fiercely proud both of his home town in particular (note, e.g. Livy 1.1 where Livy claims a Trojan antecedent not only for Rome but for his own people, the Veneti as well) but also of the tradition which would place the socii in the Roman narrative...
"Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", as another famous non-Roman Roman once put it. Turns out the experience of moving from the sticks to the city, loving your city but being fiercely proud of your hometown is an ancient one.
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caithyra · 3 years
Naarifin, Ayleids, Snow Elves & Daedra
So, my initial speculations on the Thalmor of the 4th Era is that they are founded by vengeful Ayleids, because Altmer abhor Daedra and we know that a Thalmor general was chummy with them, like the Ayleids were.
Then I started paying more attention to the dates in The Great War by Legate Justianus Quintius:
On the 30th of Frostfall, 4E 171, the Aldmeri Dominion sent an ambassador to the Imperial City with a gift in a covered cart and an ultimatum for the new Emperor. The long list of demands included staggering tributes, disbandment of the Blades, outlawing the worship of Talos, and ceding large sections of Hammerfell to the Dominion. Despite the warnings of his generals of the Empire's military weakness, Emperor Titus Mede II rejected the ultimatum. The Thalmor ambassador upended the cart, spilling over a hundred heads on the floor: every Blades agent in Summerset and Valenwood. And so began the Great War which would consume the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years.
Within days, Aldmeri armies invaded Hammerfell and Cyrodiil simultaneously. A strong force commanded by the Thalmor general Lord Naarifin attacked Cyrodiil from the south, marching out of hidden camps in northern Elsweyr and flanking the Imperial defenses along the Valenwood border. Leyawiin soon fell to the invaders, while Bravil was cut off and besieged.
Frostfall in Nirn is a month that is 31 days long, and “within days” would be more than two days, but less than a week, so 2-6 days later Lord Naarifin does the unexpected and actually takes over a Cyrodilic city while Lady Arannelya, who has been allocated the lion’s share of the Aldmeri army, is going to Hammerfell.
The month after Frostfall is Sun’s Dusk.
The 2nd of Sun’s Dusk is the Summoning Day of Boethiah, the Daedric Prince of Plots, the Deceiver of Nations and He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases, and, well, it should be difficult to get Daedric support after Martin Septim had that bad case of heartburn two centuries ago and became a giant statue that may or may not keep up the barrier against Oblivion...
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(Reive, the right hand of Naarifin, a daedra of the dremora type, wielding Goldbrand, the Daedric artifact of Boethiah, a few years after Naarifin took Leyawiin.)
And then I got stuck on the fact that the Aldmeri Dominion never expected their Cyrodilic campaign to amount to anything except distracting the legions away from Hammerfell (their true target), and it makes me wonder if Lord Naarifin was essentially sent on a suicide mission, and his pact with the Daedric Princes ended up being a desperate attempt to survive? Basically, if he pulls off the impossible, his campaign gets all the support from home while Lady Arannelya ends up being second fiddle (and as we can see, the moment Naarifin is met with repeated success, Arannelya ends up without any noticeable support or reinforcements, barely surviving, because all resources are allocated to Naarifin, and the Dominion does not care about Hammerfell until they lose Cyrodiil again).
So maybe Naarifin isn’t an Ayleid, like I speculated, or perhaps he is descended from Ayleids, but did not turn to his ancestors’ traditional ways of worship until he was essentially being discarded by his faction as a distraction?
Or perhaps...
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(Naarifin, with his snow-white skin and snow-white hair.)
...Naarifin is a different kind of elf (or partial Altmeri descendant of a different kind of elf) with a good reason to hold massive grudges against humans and most peoples of Tamriel...
Like High Elves (or Altmer) are known for their isbelline and golden skin tones.
Wild Elves (or Ayleids), close relations of the High Elves, seems to have ranged between gold and bronze.
Only one type of elf, Snow Elves (or Falmer), are known for having snow-white skin with rosy points and a bluish tinge...
Just throwing it out there with my other speculations...
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ourdawncomes · 4 years
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@lathsuledin​ asked:  💭 + Revenge
“Quintius had a lot of parties when I was a kid. I never dreaded anything more. If I was allowed to do anything at all, it was only to stand around holding serving plates, listening to the guests talk amongst themselves.” Seconds passed at a glacial pace, and with every moment he felt a shout rising in him. “Most of what they said went over my head, it was all politics and alliances, things I wish I cared enough to listen to at the time.” If only so he could use it against them now.
“But there was this one altus, young, not much older than I was at the time, he seemed to think my mother’s accent was funny.” His nose wrinkles like he’s smelled something unpleasant. “All night I had to listen to him, mocking her with some phony Anders accent, and all I could do was... sit on it.”
Sit on it until he’d convinced himself he’d forgotten, but he had a long memory.
“Not too long ago I was sent to a dinner, some Inquisition agents were meeting up with a magister they knew through a friend. One of those Lucerni members the magisterium’s kicked up a fuss about, and who did I see there?” He almost hadn’t recognised his face, but the second Bruno heard him speak he was back in Quintius’ dining room, boiling like a kettle ready to burst.
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“Can’t say Blasius enjoyed this one much, though,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “He spent the whole time in the lavatory. Must’ve been something he ate.”
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thegoldenyearsrp · 4 years
→ lugares mágicos, parte 1.
* Los starters deben abrirse en el lugar y contexto correspondiente. Redactados para su uso exclusivo en este roleplay.
** Lugares creados en el roleplay.
“Prefiero comprar una escoba al mismo precio en la tienda de segunda mano.”
“¡Mira esta nueva escoba!”
“¿Cómo me veo con este casco?”
“Si soltaran una Bludger aquí, ¿destruiría todo?”
“¿Qué piensas de estos guantes de piel de dragón?”
“Necesito una brújula para mi escoba.”
“Esta es mi tienda favorita en todo el Callejón.”
“¿Has visto el kit de mantenimiento para escobas?”
“¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito?”
“La mesa de allá está sucia.”
“Hay una enorme fila en el baño. Me rindo.”
“¿El pastel de calabaza está disponible todo el año?”
“Me gusta más Delicias Diagon.”
“¿Por qué se llama el Caldero Chorreante? ¿Qué chorrea exactamente?”
“No me gustan mucho las habitaciones de este lugar.”
“¡Esta cerveza está deliciosa!”
“La sopa luce... Extraña.”
“¿Quieres un pedazo de mi pastel de carne?”
“No sé porque les gusta el brandy.”
“¿Qué pastel me recomiendas?”
“Me gusta este lugar. Es muy hogareño.”
“¿Ya tienen las bebidas especiales de Navidad? ¿O es muy pronto?”
“Me gusta más El Caldero Chorreante.”
“Todo es delicioso aquí, que irónico.”
“Mira esa lechuza, es tan pequeña.”
“Admito que me asustan las lechuzas.”
“¿Por qué los magos utilizan lechuzas? ¿Por qué no cuervos?”
“Utilizar a las lechuzas para nuestro beneficio es un tipo de esclavitud, ¿no crees?”
“Esa lechuza intentó matarme.”
“No me gusta que encierren a las lechuzas en jaulas.”
“¿Tienes idea de dónde podría estar este libro?”
“¡Mira! Hay ofertas prenavideñas.”
“Este libro es enorme, tiene más de mil páginas. Que pesado es.”
“¿Qué libro me recomendarías?”
“¿Qué tipo de nombre es Quintius Umfraville?”
“Mañana habrá una firma de libros de Zamira Gulch... No sé quién es.”
“Pediré este libro por adelantado. Ya quiero que salga.”
“Dicen que hace años tuvieron que cerrar la librería por una plaga de gusanos come libros.”
“¡Me encanta ese libro!”
“Puedo pasar aquí horas y horas sin aburrirme.”
“¿Cuál es tu sabor favorito?”
“¿No hace demasiado frío para comer un helado?”
“¡Mira estos nuevos sabores!”
“Alguien tiró mi helado. Es lo más triste que me ha pasado hoy.”
“Dice aquí que pronto tendrán un sabor llamado ‘Pino navideño’. No sé si emocionarme o asustarme.”
“El sabor a calabaza es el peor.”
“¿Quieres uno?”
“Una cosa viscosa está en el suelo del pasillo tres.”
“¿A qué huele tu amortentia?”
“No quiero oír sobre pociones en un largo rato.”
“¿Sabes dónde están las púas de erizo?”
“¿Sabías que la belladona es venenosa? Ten cuidado.”
“¿Sangre de salamandra? ¿Bilis de Armadillo? ¿Por qué usamos cosas tan asquerosas en las pociones?”
“Este lugar tiene un olor asqueroso.”
“Esa rata por poco me muerde.”
“Iré a jugar con ese gato.”
“Los puffskeins son muy tiernos.”
“¿Ese es un escarbato bebé?”
“No tengo idea de qué come mi mascota.”
“Tienes un sapo en el cabello.”
“¡Mira lo que encontré!”
“¿Por qué alguien compraría los pedazos de una varita?”
“Me gusta comprar aquí, encuentras objetos muy curiosos.”
“Este libro aún está en perfecto estado, no sé porque se desharían de él.”
“Cuando se trata de túnicas, prefiero Madame Malkin’s.”
“¿Qué tal me queda?”
“Mira este sombrero, es horrible.”
“Me encanta este vestido.”
“Dicen que sólo los puristas compran aquí, pero me da igual.”
“¡Debes escuchar este disco!”
“Necesito un nuevo tocadiscos.”
“Odio esa canción.”
“’Los mejores éxitos navideños de la década’... Lo compraré.”
“Este cantante es una basura.”
“Me identifico tanto con esta canción.”
“Creo que un fantasma acaba de tocar ese piano.”
“Fui a su último concierto.”
“Mira este enorme poster.”
“Cantas horrible.”
“¡No, no se toca así! Quítate, te enseñaré.”
“¿Qué me recomiendas comprar?”
“Me gustó esa canción, ¿sabes cómo se llama?”
“Moriría por ir a un concierto suyo.”
“Este año faltó Magichella, ¿qué raro, no?”
“Prefiero tomar té que café.”
“Esta caja contiene diez sabores diferentes de té.”
“El té no sabe a nada, es sólo agua.”
“Mira este set de tazas, es hermoso.”
“Odio el té y soy británicx.”
“¿Cuál es tu sabor favorito?”
“Me asustan los duendes de Gringotts.”
“Necesito un caldero nuevo, pero la tienda está llena.”
“¿Por qué escribimos en pergaminos y no en simples hojas?”
“A veces creo que los magos jamás avanzaron, ¿por qué usamos plumas de ave para escribir?”
“Quizá lo encuentres en la tienda de segunda mano.”
“¿Podrías prestarme dinero para comprarlo?”
“Confieso que prefiero la Tienda de dulces Sugarplum que Honeydukes.”
“Este lugar me trae demasiados recuerdos malos.”
“Deberían clausurar este lugar después de todo lo que ha pasado aquí.”
“¿Y si rompemos una ventana de las oficinas del Profeta?”
* Los starters deben abrirse en el lugar y contexto correspondiente. Redactados para su uso exclusivo en este roleplay.
** Sólo ciertos personajes acceden al Callejón Knocturn (mortifagos y puristas), se pueden hacer excepciones.
“¿Qué haces aquí?”
“No deberías venir solx...”
“¿Lo comprarás?”
“Quisiera tener un armario evanescente.”
“Escuché que se escapó una de las arañas gigantes de la tienda...”
“No lo encontrarás en otro lugar.”
“Odio tener que entrar por el Callejón Diagon para llegar aquí.”
“Aposté por ese equipo en la tienda de allá.”
“¿Por qué se necesita un lugar entero para vender murciélagos?”
“Esto aún huele a sangre.”
“¿Te tatuarás o eres un cobarde?”
“Dicen que aquí murió...”
“¿No tendrás miedo, verdad?”
“¿Has perdido la cabeza?”
“Estoy un poco ebrix.”
“Nunca he entrado, ¿sabes qué venden ahí?”
“Prefiero la botica de Mr Mulpepper que Slug & Jiggers.”
“Se ha acabado el hígado de dragón.”
“¿Cuál crees que es más venenoso?”
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multifandomsofficial · 3 months
John: I don't even really like the name Quintius.
Quintius: What a strange way to kick me when I'm down.
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obliviatumrp · 4 years
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First and Foremost: This is not an all-inclusive listing. 
This list does not include every possible character that we would allow in our setting. We just didn’t want to boggle the list down. If a family is not listed here they can still be reserved and applied for. Original families can be created as well, however, we will not be accepting any original Pure-blood families unless their origin is from outside the UK.
Unless explicitly stated, family information presented may be changed. Meaning: names, ages, race, number of family members, blood purity and other things about the family can be changed by the player that takes the first member of family, within reason. However, no whitewashing of families is allowed. If you're unsure about something, feel free to send us an ask!
If you also seek more information about a family background that may or not be listed, we would also be willing to add them here as well. Again, just ask!
* - denotes that the family information stated is locked for that grouping
✝ - denotes this character is dead and shall remain dead
▲ - denotes that this character is currently imprisoned/unplayable, but with progression will be allowed to be played
strikethrough - denotes that the character is reserved or spoken for
- suggested faces are also just suggestions
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
British, Half & Muggle-born
Notes: This family puts a front up as being Pure-blooded, but really is a mixed household. 
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
m. SECOND middle AVERY
Notes: The Avery family has a bad rep. Their grandfather was friends with Tom Riddle while at school together, and FIRST CHILD was associated with Severus Snape at school.
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
SIRIUS ORION BLACK 36  Suggested portrayal: Hozier
REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK 34  Suggested portrayal: Kit Harrington
Notes: SIRIUS was disowned as a teenager. REGULUS disappeared and is assumed dead. 
British, Open-blood
FIRST middle BONES ✝
m. SECOND middle BONES ✝
EDGAR middle BONES ✝
Notes: Amelia and much of her family was murdered in the three part attack against Voldemort's biggest adversaries.
British, Pure & Mixed-blood ( Sacred 28 )
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
m. SECOND middle BURKE
Notes: The Burke family are descendants of Caractacus Burke, the original owner of Borgin and Burkes.
British, Pure & Mixed-blood ( Sacred 28 )
ALECTO middle CARROW 33+, female 
AMYCUS middle CARROW 33+, male ▲
Notes: Alecto & Amycus were both known to have been death eaters. Their grandmother also served as an acolyte to Grindelwald. Amycus was imprisoned in Azkaban while his sister managed to evade imprisonment.
British, Pure-blood & Mix-blood
Notes: Some members were known Death Eaters. At least one is imprisoned in Azkaban. 
British, Pure-blood
Notes: BARTEMIUS SR. is the current head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. BARTEMIUS JR. was a Death Eater is assumed to have died in Azkaban, although is very much alive and under the watchful eye of his father.
British, Half-blood
Notes: ARIANA died during the duel between ALBUS, ABERFORTH, & GRINDELWALD. ABERFORTH & ALBUS are estranged. ALBUS was ousted from Hogwarts as Headmaster. 
British & Scottish, Muggle or Half-blood
Notes: BENJY FENWICK was a member of the Order of the Phoenix member that died before the end of the war.
British, Muggle-born
Notes: Flavius is the current Minister of Magic, who was elected to some scandal due to the fact he is a Muggle-born. 
British, Pure-blood & Mixed-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: Some members were known Death Eaters. At least one is imprisoned ▲
British, Pure-blood  (sacred 28)
Notes: The women in this family are prone to blood curses. 
American, Open-Blood
NOLAN --- GRAVES 35+ Suggested portrayal: Colin Farrell
Notes: Barnabas and Margaret Graves were both MACUSA ambassadors who were killed during the War, spurning Nolan to become an Auror and more recently an envoy of MACUSA to oversee relations between US and UK ministries.
British and/or Irish, Half-blood 
French and Senegalese, Pure-blood
m. SECOND middle KAMA
British & French, Pure-Blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: Both Bellatrix and Rodolphus where well-known Death Eaters, who were imprisoned in Azkaban following end of the war.
British & American, Muggle-born
Notes: OLIVER is muggle-born pretending to be a pure-blood. He works as an Auror and torturer under BARTEMIUS CROUCH. 
British and/or Irish Half-blood
REMUS JOHN LUPIN 35/36  suggested portrayal: Ewan Mcgregor
Notes: Remus is secretly a werewolf.
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: Frank and Alice were both Aurors and part of the Order of the Phoenix during the Wizarding War. They were both tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, and Frank succumbed to his injuries and died. Alice is currently catatonic. Neville is in the care of his grandmother, Augusta.
British & Scottish, Pure-blood (sacred 28)
Notes: The members in this family are avid supporters of Dumbledore. 
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: Lucius was a suspected Death Eater, and escaped being persecuted after the war. 
Scottish, Pure-blood
Notes: Auror. Prominent Order of the Phoenix Member.
British and/or Irish Open-blood
PETER PETTIGREW 35/36 suggested portrayal: Elden Henson
British, Pure-blood
Notes: Fleamont and Euphemia were very elderly when they finally were finally blessed with a child. They both passed away from dragon pox. James's wife and son both perished in the war.
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
GIDEON middle PREWETT 49  suggested portrayal: Kristofer Hivju
MOLLY middle PREWETT see Weasley
Notes: GIDEON & FABIAN were both members of the Order of the Phoenix and skilled duelists. FABIAN died in the war, GIDEON was gravely injured but survived but was never quite ‘right’ after.
French, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes:  Family has been known to be Grindelwald & Voldemort sympathizers. 
British & French, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes:  Family has been known to be Grindelwald & Voldemort sympathizers.
British, Pure-blood & Half-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: THORFINN ROWLE, was a suspected Death Eater during the War. He avoided being sent to Azkaban by claiming the Dark Lord used the imperius curse on him.
British & Spanish, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: REGINALD was a death eater and died during the war. CHARON died under mysterious circumstances. DIONE was betrothed to NICHOLAS TRAVERS.  
British & African, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
Notes: KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT is an Auror, also feeds intel to the Order.
British & Arabic, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
British, Pure or Half-blood 
RITA middle SKEETER suggested portrayal Florence Pugh or Rosamund Pike
Notes: RITA works for the DAILY PROPHET who writes ‘poison-pen’ stories.
British, Half-blood
SEVERUS SNAPE suggested portrayal: Adam Driver or Louis Garrel
Notes: SEVERUS SNAPE was a death eater and one of the closest to the Dark Lord.
British, Muggle-born & Pure-blood
m. ANDROMEDA middle TONKS née BLACK suggested portrayal: Lena Headey
NYMPHADORA middle TONKS suggested portrayal: Tuppence Middleton
Notes: ANDROMEDA TONKS was disowned by her family for marrying the Muggle-born WIzard. NYMPHADORA is a Metamorphmagus and Auror.
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
m. SECOND middle TRAVERS suggested portrayal: Eva Green
Notes: CRISPIEN AND NICHOLAS TRAVERS were known death eaters. NICHOLAS died during the war and CRISPIEN was sent to Azkaban.
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
FIRST middle TRAVERS 40+ suggested portrayal: Keanu Reeves
Notes: Brother of CRISPIEN TRAVERS. Secretly the father of Sebastian Travers. Possibly once a Death Eater ideal sympathizer.
Scottish, Pure-Blood & Muggle-born
Notes: Related to the Lestranges, wife was disown for marrying a muggle-born.
Scottish, Pure & Half-blood
British & Welsh, Half-blood & Muggle-born
Notes: Descendants of MADAME CELESTINA WARBECK, a famous singer and radio personality on the Wizarding Wireless Network. 
British, Pure-blood ( Sacred 28 )
ARTHUR middle WEASLEY 46 suggested portrayal: Martin Freeman
m. MOLLY middle WEASLEY 47 suggested portrayal: Catherine Tate or Alex Kingston
FRED middle WEASLEY 18
GINERVA middle WEASLEY 15, npc
Notes: Didn't fight in the war. Arthur works in the Ministry. Considered by many to be 'blood-traitors'.
British, Pure-blood
Notes: CORBAN was a Death Eater who escaped imprisonment after the war. He now seeks to attain the seat head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but has yet to unseat CROUCH. L
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dracwife · 4 years
arranged marriage AU: who’s the one being shipped off to an unfamiliar kingdom? who’s the heir that has to welcome their betrothed? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU! For any F/O you fancy ^.^ {selfshipfeelings}
[ @selfshipfeelings ]
THIS TOOK so long to answer oml ive been. very busy the past few days but tysm for the ask!! i'll do it for my Secret Boye that's not rlly a secret cause i posted a meme a while ago and he was on it geufhshdhhsd anyways its for. commodus from gladiator oops and honestly its barely even an au this is just Basically their Story tm
arranged marriage AU: who’s the one being shipped off to an unfamiliar kingdom? who’s the heir that has to welcome their betrothed? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
Quintius Vinicius is young, Grecian, and the son of a very wealthy politician. His younger sister, actually was supposed to be wedded to the Emperor of Rome, however when the Vinicius family visited the Emperor to introduce themselves it was instead Quintius that caught Commodus' eye. Less than a week later they were married, Quintius the new consort (soon to be advisor) to the brutal Emperor of Rome.
A headcanon I have for them is that they remarried! Commodus insisted they hold a second ceremony, instead of politics this time for love.
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omgauroraus-blog · 4 years
The Colosseum or Amphitheater Flavius is an amphitheater, an architectural monument of Ancient Rome, the most famous and one of the most ambitious buildings of the Ancient World, which has survived to our time.
The Colosseum in Rome was built in 80 AD under the Roman emperor Titus of the Flavian clan. The building itself was called the Flavian Amphitheater. The place of construction was chosen the Golden House of Nero, located in the city of Rome. The construction of the building lasted only 8 years.
The dimensions of the building are impressive. The oval-shaped arena occupies an area of 86 by 54 meters, the entire building has a diameter along the axes of 156 and 188 meters, the wall height is 48 meters. 80 entrances and 50 thousand places.
The architect of the building was Quintius Aterius. For the construction of such a huge structure used the labor of slaves. The construction went on both day and night.
In its original form, the Colosseum amphitheater had 3 floors. On the first floor was the emperor’s box and marble seats for the senate. Marble benches designed for the citizens of ancient Rome were installed on the second floor. On the third floor were places for all other spectators, made in the form of wooden benches and just standing places. In the II century, the last fourth floor was completed.
The main purpose of the Coliseum in Rome was to conduct gladiatorial battles. The amphitheater arena allowed to accommodate up to 3 thousand fighters. History celebrates the opening of the Coliseum, which lasted as long as 100 days. In addition to gladiator fights, hunting scenes were also arranged here, with special decorations pushed from the wooden floor. Another date in the history of the Flavian Amphitheater is the celebration of the millennium of Rome in 249. Thousands of gladiators and animals also died here. The end of the bloody reprisals was laid only in 405.
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autumnaltales · 5 years
Heres the full ancestor list, the oldest members of each bloodline. Some are still alive, others have died or gone missing and are presumed dead. The underscores indicate they havent revealed their name to me yet.
______ Aestus, The Melodious Immured
______ Ghorne, The Bloodthirster
______ Vosien, Countess Arcantric
______ Sestra, The Enchantress
______ Antasm, The Vengeful Banshee
______ Tzench, The Changer
Ceilun Lunell, The Oracle
Laznda Slnesh, The Corrupt
______ Nergul, The Pestilent
______ Drache, The Dragonborn
Weaver Esnire, The Malign Weaver
Nuliat Imesey, Phaerahk Quintius
Setryx Alabus, Lady Terrorshroud
Koruna Vestin, The Hivekeeper
______ Rutiva, Grand Admiral Ireheart
______ Cadenz, The Dissonant Orchestra
______ Seafon, The Politico Concordia
______ Beotun, The Clement Cavemother
______ Nausim, The Sanguine Consort
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