#R'sehm - a fellow allagan treasure hunter who keeps being just a little bit too late to excavations
dragonsongmakhali · 7 months
Does your OC have an enemy? What happened between them? Is it mutual or one-sided? Is it petty or serious? Is one party seeking revenge? Does one person want the other dead or are they content to hate them from afar?
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Makhali doesn't have any enemies - that she knows of. She tends to forget slights rather quickly, opting to avoid confrontation in favor of group coherence. Even if something truly bothers her, she's generally pretty good at putting on a good face and training it out later. It takes a large transgression to get her truly angry - and being that these sorts of transgressions are often physical harm against her or her friends, that generally ends in deadly violence.
That doesn't mean that she hasn't rubbed people the wrong way throughout her life, though, and there are those that still harbor grudges against the auri woman to this day. Sometimes, it's for something as simple as an allagan relic falling into her hands rather than theirs (she was simply there first, she opines, it's a risk of the profession), though that doesn't usually draw up any assassination contracts on her. Other times, it's more personal - she left a lot behind when she chose to leave the Steppe, people included - but they don't want her dead.
Thank you for the ask @oh-yeah-no! :D
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