changingplumbob · 11 months
Villareal Household: Chapter 3, Part 5
Baby shower time!
Luna takes some time to admire her baby bump in the mirror. It's bizarre to think two tiny lives are coexisting inside her. She does a quick costume change before the baby shower starts and takes some time to cuddle with Devin.
Luna: All friends?
Devin: Friends, family, no enemies
Luna: Perfect
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The guests arrive and the baby shower can begin. We have Luna's brothers Hugo, Max, and Max's new wife Miriam. Devin's parents Calista and Aaron, as well as siblings Joey, Kelly, Deanna, and her girlfriend Paris. Old friends Charlie and Cassandra are invited with their spouses Kaori and Rahul.
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Miriam: We missed you at Jacques funeral
Luna: I didn't want to go and pretend to grieve
Miriam: I get it, he was a jerk to Max too. Oh, I got you a gift
Luna: Really?
Miriam: Something small
Luna: Blocks. Thank you
Miriam: Just one set but they can share right
Luna: I'm sure they will
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Paris: Babe those clothes look so good on you
Deanna: Thank you for helping pick them, I do not get fashion
Paris: You're better than you think
Joey: Get a room you two
Deanna: Not everything is about woohoo
Joey: Is in my world
Paris: TMI
Joey: *chuckles*
Deanna: Ignore him
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Aaron: Kelly, what are you wearing?
Kelly: I found a towel, bite me pa
Calista: That boy
Luna: Want to say hi to my boys?
Aaron: Hello bambinos
Calista: You finding the pregnancy okay
Devin: She's been a bit nauseous
Calista: Oh honey that happens
Aaron: Must you be playing classical music
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Max: So hear me out, name the cute one Max and the ugly one Hugo
Luna: And I'm taking advice from the guy wearing sunglasses inside because-
Max: Devin has sunglasses on
Luna: As an accessory, not covering her eyes
Ma: Whatever, I'm into the dark, helps me stay evil
Luna: If you say so
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Calista: And how are you coping with your twins
Cassandra: Alright but they're going to be infants soon, I'm worried how we'll manage getting their milestones
Devin: It can't be that hard right
Cassandra: Just you wait
Devin: Kelly will you PLEASE put some clothes on
Kelly: Bite me sis, I'm comfy
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Charlie: Clearly you plan on them being well educated
Luna: I would like them to be but who knows
Kaori: Just don't force them to go to university
Hugo: My sis is great at listening, she'll know what they want
Charlie: Thanks for the snacks
Luna: I don't want sims starving on my watch
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At last the party draws to a close and everyone heads home in the rain.
Devin: You doing okay Lu?
Luna: I'm quite tired
Devin: Quick nap?
Luna: I do love cuddling
Devin: Come here, snuggle close
The two have a quick bit of shut eye. There is some clipping but I think Luna changed trimesters mid nap
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Luna: We got gold for the party
Devin: Yes indeed, did you expect us to get any less
Luna pulls Devin into a passionate embrace
Devin: Woah, careful, you're pregnant
Luna: Pregnant sims can still kiss
Devin: Yes you can but mmm, maybe go easy on the dips
Luna: I'm just showing my soulmate I love her
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Devin: *giggles*
Luna: Oh! That was a kick
Devin: Hello in there, maybe consider not attacking the body that's busy nurturing you
Luna: Don't scold them before they're even born
Devin: I take it back, clearly your mummy is a sucker for pain
Luna: *laughs*
Devin: Mwah! Kisses for you both
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The Villareal rotation is finished. I've paused Luna's pregnancy so you may see her waddling around in the background of other storylines as she will be stuck in her third trimester until I play their household again. Do I have the weird urge to apologise to her for the discomfort? Yep
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Villareal Household: Chapter 3, Part 4
Devin and Luna visit their doctor, before Devin plays a doctor in her guest star role on Residency of the Heart.
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Luna: Thank you for having an after hours clinic
Dr: Well babies never stick to work hours so why should we. Will your wife be joining us?
Luna: Oh she's already in the office, we're so excited
Dr: Glad to hear it. Always helps when both parents are in sync Luna: Pretty sure our hearts beat in sync
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Dr: Lie down and we can start the ultrasound
Devin: This is so exciting
Dr: Before we get started are you wanting to know the sex?
Luna: Yes please Dr. We're already thinking of too many names. It would be nice to narrow our selection
Devin: If only by half
Dr: I know what you mean
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Devin: You don't let paparazzi in here do you?
Dr: Rest assured Mrs Villareal, all your records will be kept private and confidential
Luna: It would be nice to tell people ourselves
Dr: Now you know your baby will be an individual right? What sex appears on the ultrasound will not necessarily fit
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Devin: We're part of the queer community, we get it
Luna: He's just being thorough schatz
Dr: The gel will be cold but you shouldn't have any pain. What trimester are you?
Luna: First trimester. Will you be able to find-
Dr: Don't worry, I've been doing this for a long time, just relax back for a sec
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Dr: There we are. Now this machine can be buggy but I can see both of your boys. Congratulations, you're having twins
Devin: Twins?
Luna: Boys?
Devin: Will they be identical?
Dr: This technology can't tell unfortunately but you'll know when they get here
Luna: And they look okay? The right size?
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Dr: Development looks normal for both. Now, have you thought about your birth plan?
Devin: We were busy just trying to get pregnant
Dr: No problem, take our information booklets and consider the options. Call us when you have an idea and we can get the ball rolling
Luna: Thank you
Dr: Happy to help
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At breakfast the next morning the couple start to narrow down name ideas.
Devin: I would like a nod to some of the great artists in film
Luna: Such as
Devin: Cary, James, Clark, Alfred
Luna: I veto James, I knew a bad James
Devin: What names are in your head
Luna: Some literary names of course
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Devin: Not Heathcliff
Luna: How about Edward
Devin: Not like Cullen right
Luna: No, like Rochester. Or we could pick a name from Narnia like Edmund
Devin: Didn't he fall for the white witch's trap?
Luna: He redeemed himself. Or there's Diggory, Caspian, Rilian
Devin: Puddleglum
Luna: OMG imagine
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Luna: I'm craving something sweet
Devin: Pancakes aren't sweet
Luna: Blame the boys
Devin: Okay let's go
Luna: Go where
Devin: There's a small sweet shop by the park
The pair fetch some sweets for Luna but upon arriving home Luna is hit by nausea. Guess 7am chocolate cake isn't always the best idea?
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9am sharp Devin reports to the studio for her guest role on Residency of the Heart. Once again it appears multiple groups are using the stages. Devin wastes no time getting into hair, makeup and costume as soon as she can. It appears they're not a requirement anymore but Devin takes her craft seriously.
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All dressed up Devin goes to practice her lines with Anaya. Devin was paying extra attention to the hospital staff during the ultrasound appointment. TV drama may not be reality but Devin wants to do her best at appearing as a serious character instead of plain comic relief for the other actors.
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Before filming starts Devin checks on Connor. Good thing she did as he is feeling very uncomfortable. Devin takes time to reassure him the blonde looks fine and that the audience won't think less of him for not sticking to his natural colour. A pep talk seems to be just what the doctor ordered.
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The first scenes to shoot are the patient ones. Anaya and Devin steady themselves before springing into action. The patient Anaya is playing seems to be trouble and tries to refuse lifesaving treatment. Luckily Devin manages to outwit her objections and the treatment is delivered just in time.
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Next up are the romance scenes with Connor. He's shaken off his uncomfortableness and is a great acting partner. The script has Devin as the instigator of the romance so she channels her most charming self. At the end she and Connor grab a quick selfie to celebrate a job well done.
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The studio becomes hushed as Devin gathers herself for her character's death scene. She takes a deep breath, thinking of how she would feel to die before seeing her babies, and the guilt at leaving Luna alone. As she falls to the ground and waits to hear cut she is sure she hears a few sniffles.
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Norah: CUT
Devin: Phew
Norah: That's a wrap everyone
Devin: Did I do okay?
Norah: You were a star today Devin, everyone was impressed
Devin: Thanks, good luck with the editing
When Devin arrives home she's on a high from a job well done. She decides to do a house expansion for Luna and their boys.
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Devin takes care of some chores and works on upgrading the showers so they will break less often. Luna arrives home feeling super confident, as she should. Luna has been promoted and decides to go down the professor path. She loves learning and this feels like the best way to carry on.
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Luna: What happened to our house
Devin: I expanded, we couldn't exactly fit twins before
Luna: Aww, look at our wedding photos
Devin: Are you crying
Luna: I'm hormonal okay
Devin: Understood. Do you like it
Luna: You gonna give me the tour
Devin: First stop is the bedroom
Luna: *giggles*
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Devin: You have the vacation days
Luna: I know but I just got promoted
Devin: Exactly, they'll expect you to have time to celebrate
Luna: You know I'm a workaholic
Devin: But a baby shower would be a great chance to see everyone, we haven't seen your brothers since before Jacques died
Luna: Right
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Luna: Hi, yes this is Mrs Villareal. I will need someone to cover my lecture tomorrow
Devin: Yes!
Luna: Yes the notes are all prepared and colour coded. Right in the middle of my desk.
Devin: You're so damn smart Lu
Luna: Shh! No, no, not you. You've been a great help. Thank you. Yes I'll rest up.
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That evening Devin works on adding mobiles to the cribs while Luna stress bakes.
Devin: What are you making
Luna: Marshmallow squares, we need enough food for tomorrow
Devin: I don't think eating is a requirement for baby showers
Luna: I'm always hungry at the moment so how could it hurt?
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The pair settle on the spare bed and Luna begins to read to the twins inside her
Devin: Lu the book is upside down
Luna: I know that and you know that but you don't have to tell them
Devin: *chuckles*
Luna: Once upon a time there was a mall dinosaur
Devin: Small
Luna: Right, upside down reading here
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The women work their way through the book, taking turns to read aloud to their boys
Luna: They're going to love the voices you use
Devin: I hope so, they will be my harshest critics
Luna: They'll love you, hear that boys! You'll love your mama
Devin: *giggles* Their mummy needs sleep
Luna: I do I do
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Villareal Household: Chapter 3, Part 3
Devin films Dignity & Decorum, improves her work connections, and checks out the local gym with her siblings.
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When possible, Devin likes to practice her romance scenes with Luna. By acting through it with someone she is attracted to, she can more easily bring the emotions through in her final performance. They do standard romance then a horror scene just in case any vampires rock up in Dignity & Decorum.
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Ever the multi tasker, Devin is livestreaming her morning run when she gets a pop up to inform her she is now a 3 star celebrity. Skipping auditions here we come! When she gets back home she finds the washing line has broken so despite her fame she does the menial task or repairing it.
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Before the filming she piles together as many positive moodlets as I can think of. Still having time she works on some of her knitting projects. Looks like she has chosen to start work on hanging pot plants between rotations. Eventually we are whisked to set and I guess many things are filming?
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Rudolphus: I knew you could get this part
Devin: Thank you. Do you know what else is filming today?
Rudolphus: Beats me, you're the only one who ever seems to come to hair and makeup
Devin: Really?
Rudolphus: I guess everyone else arrives camera ready
Devin: Is that a polite way of saying I run late
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Rudolphus: No I- what have you done to your hair
Devin: I just got some extensions
Rudolphus: At least the stylist half knew what to do, we're going to have to wig you
Devin: My hair won't like fall out or turn green will it
Rudolphus: No but best not stress the hair. New person in wardrobe today, Emily
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Devin: It's Emily right?
Emily: We have work to do, on the platform
Devin: Right, can do. How's your day going?
Emily: Hmm, have to adjust that, that won't fit her colour at all
Devin leaves the woman to talk to herself and measure her with an invisible tape measure until finally she is able to twirl into costume.
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Devin: Hey Norah
PA: Do not disturb the director miss
Norah: She's a Mrs and she's my friend
PA: Make it quick, we have a schedule
Devin: She seems fun
Norah: *laughs* she is dedicated. We don't have the stage for another hour though so feel free to grab some food and meet the rest of the crew
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Trusting Norah's advice Devin approaches the food. She makes sure to introduce herself to the production crew who seem new when she spots a familiar face.
Devin: Girl I did not recognise you in that get up
Clea: How far we have come from Critters days
Devin: Commemorative selfie?
Clea: You know it
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At last Norah announces filming is ready to start and Devi has another quick word with her director before heading on to stage. After having some time to centre herself she launches into her monologue. She takes some risks with it and gets nods of approval from behind the camera, success is hers.
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Next up are her romance scenes with Clea. The two have worked together for several years so are accustomed to bouncing off each other. An oddly dressed actor and producer refuse to clear the set, staging a sit in on the lounge furniture. Norah assures Devin they can cut around the sims.
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Finally Devin has some argument scenes to complete with Mina, another old friend. The two trade insults, apparently no one comes to blows on this show. Norah yells a final CUT and production wraps for this episode.  Devin receives positive feedback and gets well paid for her work.
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You know how normally if a couple sits down to eat in Sims 4 and you direct them to interact they'll get up and do a hug or kiss on the cheek before talking? Luna's style is to get up and do a passionate kiss with Devin and it's so cute! Never had a couple had that as their default before.
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Devin is able to skip auditions now thanks to her fame points but before her next acting gig she has to work on her work relationships. She invites over her director Norah, and her co stars. She has already met Connor but Anaya is a new introduction. Anaya seems unimpressed with Devin's home but Norah smooths things over
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Once Anaya relaxes enough to jam on Devin's guitar, Devin takes the opportunity to do some knitting and have a proper catch up with Norah. While they're busy discussing how the traditional actor/actress categories should be reshaped to support non-binary sims in their industry Anaya has a dance.
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Once the catch up draws to a close Devin takes care of Luna's flowers when suddenly
?: Mrs Villareal! Mrs Villareal! Over here!
Devin is shocked to see a paparazzi sim staking out her house and sporting her old haircut to boot. Initially she ignores the sim but they eventually invade her yard.
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At last the sim leaves and Devin takes to social media to scold anyone who tries to mess with people in their own homes. Soon enough Luna is home and Devin rants and raves about the paparazzi. Luna is used to her wife's complaints and knows the best thing she can do initially is just listen to her problems without trying to solve them.
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Devin offers to cook dinner tonight while Luna tries again to find some family connections online. No luck in that department so far, she may have to question her brothers again. After dinner Luna does more grading in her portfolio while Devin improves her comedy skill by writing some jokes.
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The next day Devin arranges to meet Joey at the gym since she knows fitness is not his favourite. Deanna also decides to tag along, and so do two member of the paparazzi
Devin: Hey De, nice to see you again so soon
Deanna: What's up with the paparazzi
Devin: They know stars frequent this gym
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Joey: Doesn't that one have your old haircut
Devin: guess I'm a trendsetter now to
Joey: Hey, you think I could get that one's number?
Devin: Coral is married to Don
Joey: Don Lothario? Do we trust he's not already stepping out on her?
Deanna: What makes you think she'd like you
Joey: I'm charming with an attractive face
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Devin gets into her regular routine, taking time to wave at the paparazzi between sets. Joey tries to impress Coral but her camera is firmly fixed on his older sister. Deanna has disappeared and I discover she's gone to fan girl and faint over Cassandra. Like you know her personally Deanna, why???
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Devin wraps up her workout at which point Deanna has awakened. Joey keeps pushing on the machine while Devin checks on her. Devin then goes over to the fans who have come to the gym, signs a few autographs and takes a few selfies.
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Devin then heads off alone to Ward park to do a livestream in nature. She fires up her drone then starts to sing while playing her guitar. I don't think any acting gigs require singing so far but there are ones that she needs high guitar skill for. Some sims show up to see her play and tip well.
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Before heading home Devin gets set for pictures. The drone thinks he has the best camera but nevertheless fans use their phones for selfies and the paparazzi use their giant handheld cameras.
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Luna gets back from work and does her daily pregnancy test (If you haven’t tried the Childbirth Mod by Pandasama you should). Today she is shocked to discover that the mods have worked. She has managed to get pregnant with Devin's child! No father required in sim world.
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Devin: You're smiling awfully big, what are you up to
Luna: You mean what are we up to
*shows test*
Devin: Wait, does this mean what I think
Luna: Yeah baby, we're pregnant!
Devin: OMW yes! Oh Lu I knew you could do it, low fertility be damned
Luna: Our next chapter is starting, we did it together
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The couple embrace and take a moment to stare at the test while they adjust to their new reality. Luna was the one always dreaming of a kid but Devin is so darn excited about this pregnancy. She gets a baby with Luna without having to go through the physical changes herself, winner scenario.
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