changingplumbob · 11 months
Goth Household: Chapter 7, Part 5
Final part is up for the Goths. Things are rockier than I had anticipated. The Caliente sisters have started working in the Goth mansion and Bella has disappeared. Mortimer reflects and Dina delivers some uncomfortable news to the Goth children.
TW: This part contains sim death and afterlife depictions
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Mortimer is busy raising his logic skill outside when he spots something. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope. It's a physics defying meteor heading right towards him! Doesn't even make a hole in the house.
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Turns out fate overrides my story plans and the meteorite lands with a cloud of dust on top of Mortimer. Alas the meteorite is not worth any simoleons. Here comes Grimm to seal the deal. Unless someone can convince him otherwise...
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Looks like Grimm is waiting for Milton to descend the steps before going over to Mortimer, how polite of him. Dina comes outside and is immediately struck by how lovely and clean the air is. Eventually she realises Mortimer has been killed and grief and panic set in.
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Since she is feeling flirty Dina goes and attempts to seduce Grimm into spearing Mortimer. He just laughs at her. Milton may have disliked his father but witnessing his death is scary, especially as no one knows where him mummy is. He has a cry and even Grimm feels horrified at the situation.
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Mortimer: Oh that was close, better post about it
Olive: Really
Mortimer: My followers will love it, wait, no signal
Olive: Can't get signal in a place that doesn't exist physically
Mortimer: Huh
Olive: You died
Mortimer: Take me back, I'm a global superstar, I'm not finished
Olive: It doesn't work that way, strap in superstar
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Mortimer: Strap in? What is going on
Olive: Can you tell me what was happening here
Mortimer: Bella was complaining
Olive: About what
Mortimer: I don't remember
Olive: Why not
Mortimer: I guess... I just stopped listening to her
Olive: Why? You were in love
Mortimer: We were, for half a minute
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Olive: I don't think a couple of decades of marriage is half a minute
Mortimer: What do you know? You hang out on a beach, you probably don't even have a degree
Olive: I do not
Mortimer: Has she... you know
Olive: Travelled on my ferry? Oh dude I'm not telling you either way, spoilers!
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Olive: What's this
Mortimer: Milton was being rude so I told him off
Olive: Was he being rude, or was he learning to talk
Mortimer: He should learn manners no matter how young
Olive: And what about here? Should he be learning manners here
Mortimer: I was mad at him for drawing attention so...
Olive: So...
Mortimer: I crushed his dreams alright!
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Olive: Did he deserve that
Mortimer: He needed to learn that the world is a tough place. He cries for his mummy with every problem. He needs to harden up, and grow up.
Olive: Should he learn that lesson from his father
Mortimer: Who are you, the parenting police? Do you have children
Olive: I have Captain
Mortimer: Dogs don't count
Olive: Excuse you but fur babies absolutely count
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Mortimer: This memory isn't relevant
Olive: Watcher says it is
Mortimer: Fine. I'm telling James if he doesn't cancel his engagement to Alexander I'll tell the school board he seduced his student
Olive: How'd that go
Mortimer: He told me Alexander would never forgive me, and he would love him still. What kind of idiot isn't afraid of criminal charges?
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Mortimer: This exercise is ridiculous! Don't even start showing me how I supposedly failed Cassandra
Olive: Actually we don't have film to roll of that
Mortimer: You seem to have everything else
Olive: Turns out you hadn't spent enough time talking to her or her daughters, you know you're granddaughters, for you to have deep memories
Mortimer: That- that can't be right
Olive: It is
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Mortimer: Dina. Why am I seeing her
Olive: Looks like she made an impression on you
Mortimer: She did. I only knew her a day but I could see myself happy with her
Olive: I'm sorry when any love is cut short
Mortimer: I knew things were over with Bella, they have been for longer than I'd wanted to admit. Dina was there, absolutely perfect for me
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Olive: Despite appearances this isn't meant to be a guilt trip. I don't care how good or bad you were. I care about you being ready to move on
Mortimer: To the timeless save
Olive: Yes. All sims deserve to rest, no matter what they have or have not done
Mortimer: I did what I thought was right
Olive: Then, deep breath, and let it all go
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Mortimer: Hold on, am I a teen again
Gunther: Greetings son
Mortimer: Father? Mother?
Cornelia: It's good to see you again
Mortimer: I missed you both, a lot
Gunther: We know son, we know
*Gunther from gallery ID: Eccapss
*Cornelia from gallery ID: 15_Vasi_06
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Mortimer: I tried to grow the Goth fortune
Cornelia: Don't worry about that now
Mortimer: Shouldn't you be in white
Gunther: We're Goth's son, black is kind of our thing
Mortimer: *laughs*
Cornelia: Welcome to forever darling
And with that Mortimer is at peace in the timeless save
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Dina: We had such a short time together
Milton: Father is dead
Nina: Yeah kiddo he is
Milton: I miss my mummy. I want my mummy!
Alexander: What is going on?
Dina: What are you doing here
Cassandra: James saw the meteorite and I saw Grimm hanging around across the street. What have you done to father? Is he dead?
Nina: We did nothing! No one can control meteorites
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The Calientes continue to sob while the Goth children are in shock at the loss so soon after their mother has been declared missing.
Alexander: I know this isn't how we imagined being engaged would look like but could we...
James: Absolutely love, he's family
Dina: What are you talking about?
Alexander: We'll adopt Milton
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Dina: You can't do that! It is a violation of the contract!
Alexander: Weird joke. We need to gather his things
Dina: You're not taking him anywhere
James: Who put you in charge
Nina: Our contract stated if anything were to happen to Bella and Mortimer we would be Milton's guardians and control the estate
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Cassandra: You two? Look after my brother and our money? You're strangers!
Dina: You wouldn't want to upset your fathers last wishes now would you dear
Cassandra: I don't care what he wished, that isn't right
Dina: Calm down, I don't care for your tone
Cassandra: I will not calm down. You are not family. You have no right to him or our money
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Dina: Tell that to the lawyers
Alexander: Can we visit
Nina: Maybe you could-
Dina: Not until you accept the situation
Milton: *confused and sad*
Dina: Come son, we're going home
With that Dina scoops Milton up and she and Nina walk away from the rest of the family who are reeling from the shock
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Nina: Did we really have to announce it like that
Dina: They would have found out about the contract sooner or later
Nina: And if they discover it's fake
Dina: It is not fake. He may have signed it after a particularly long woohoo session but he signed it
Nina: And I'm meant to say I saw this
Dina: Yes
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Dina: It needs to have had two witnesses so that's our story
Nina: But what now? What do we do with this estate
Dina: We're going to run this estate and gleam every penny we can before Milton comes of age, by then he has to love us enough to support us financially
Nina: Turn on the charm, got it
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So the sisters become invested in Milton's happiness. If they look after him then, when the estate is no longer theirs, he may look after them. For now, Nina plays the doting aunt and Dina takes over the bedtime reading to her "son". Okay this rotation is finished for real now.
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r216129 · 8 years
【シルバーリング】【メンズ】【シルバーアクセサリー】◆r0701●フリーサイズ(初期:17号前後 目安:約11〜23号前後)■螺旋に巻きつくリボンデザインリング【リボン|メッセージ|螺旋|祈り|笑い|愛】
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Goth Household: Chapter 7, Part 3
Next part of the Goth saga. In it Milton continues his bedtime avoidance and the maid continues to avoid vacuuming the house. Dust bunnies pile up.
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It's Milton’s favourite big brother Alexander. He's popped over to check in on Milton and Bella. Before he can see his mum however Milton begs him to read a book. He agrees and picks a story about shapes. Guess Milton will learn them even if he rejects learning them with blocks. Boy loves his books.
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Mortimer once again complains to Alexander about his choice in fiancé but Alexander won't listen. Bella misses this exchange as she is busy getting Milton in bed but when she gets to the dinner table, she can feel the tension in the air. Her and Alexander do manage to have a good chat despite this.
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Before I know it Milton is up and trying to avoid bedtime by asking Bella for something. Nothing queues though so Bella has some playtime with him since he's not hungry. Afterwards she again reads him to sleep. Second time is the charm and he sleeps for the rest of the night.
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Monday morning and Milton toddles off to his private daycare. Once Bella has left for work and the maid arrives Mortimer questions her about the paparazzi claiming someone told them he cheated on Bella. She assures him she doesn't want it getting out either as she also has a family to think of.
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Milton gets home from daycare and autonomously bites Mortimer. Mortimer is mad understandably and tries to discipline him but Milton isn't listening. He doesn't care what his father thinks of his behaviour, his mummy loves him. Giving up Mortimer gives him dinner and goes outside to observe the sky.
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Milton eats his peas, still feeling grumpy. At the end he wants to get out so throws his first tantrum. Mortimer is too far away to hear however. Giving up, Milton resigns himself to examining things around the room. The shelf display is nice but the empty suit of armour scares him a bit.
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Having run out of choices Milton decides to nap since he's stuck. Eventually Mortimer returns from the telescope to clean up the bowl. He wakes Milton up and finally lets him out. He doesn't want Bella yelling about leaving Milton in the high chair again.
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Milton plays by himself for a bit until Bella gets home. She is not pleased by what she finds. Despite having a maid the floor is slowly collecting dust piles and dust bunnies. After telling Mortimer the maid needs to improve she gives Milton a quick bath. He loves that rubber ducky.
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Mortimer has managed to write a bestselling sci fi book so quickly sends it off for publishing when Alexander stops by. Mortimer is surprised, but Alexander assures him he's not there to visit him. Milton runs outside and Alexander scoops him up. Despite feeling angry he carries him to his toys.
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Bella and Alexander chat while she peruses the Intelligence Database. Milton is trying his best with the shapes and Alexander helps him out. Alexander may visit more than Cassandra but Cassandra is always calling Bella inviting her over to visit. To be fair it's hard to travel with 2 infants.
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Over breakfast Bella tries to talk to Mortimer. At first he seems reasonable. Slowly however the conversation turns sour. Mortimer is busy critiquing her woohoo technique when she decides the best thing to do is end the conversation. She goes and observes the sky until work.
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On her way out Bella requests that Sarah do a thorough vacuum. Sarah bids the nanny goodbye at the end of shift and I check. We have even more dust bunnies than before. At least there never seem to be any in the study where Milton investigates books.
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Mortimer returns from work a Global Superstar. Fame isn't everything though. He has developed a work rivalry with one Keao Kamealoha. Never heard of him but Mortimer can't be promoted until the situation is resolved one way or another. Something tells me Mortimer will take the low road but we'll see.
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Mortimer goes straight to fix the fridge, carelessly making the floor dirtier. Do you mind sir? He continues a meal that the nanny started earlier when the nanny announces her departure. Excuse me I did not dismiss you come back! Mortimer won't look after Milton properly.
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Milton is having a groove when Mortimer enters the study. Mortimer is tense with the dirty surroundings and tells Milton to be quiet. Ever the kind watcher, I get Milton to play with his loudest rattle. Take that! When Bella tucks Milton in bed he is still angry about being family with Mortimer.
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Tick tock on the clock and Milton is awake and avoiding bedtime, despite being sad about being tired. Bella gives him some desert and reads him to sleep again. Mortimer uses the night time to go for a jog without paparazzi hanging around.
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I watch the maid carefully the next day and she still doesn't vacuum. Mortimer decides enough is enough and calls the agency to cancel the service. He then spends about 3 sim hours vacuuming up all the dust piles and bunnies until everything is sparkling clean. We need a new strategy.
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Mortimer: Just so you know, I fired Sarah
Bella: Does the agency have a replacement
Mortimer: No, I decided to fire the agency
Bella: What? Mortimer how will the house be kept tidy
Mortimer: Don't suppose you want to volunteer? I'm joking, lighten up
Bella: *sighs*
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Mortimer: The clear solution is hire a live in maid, nanny combo
Bella: a permanent nanny?
Mortimer: Mainly maid
Bella: Not a butler?
Mortimer: Butlers are too glitchy
Bella: Do I get a say in any of this
Mortimer: I'll see some candidates tomorrow and you can meet the victor on your day off
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Milton may have reached level 3 of the potty skill but that doesn't stop him having an accident with the potty this morning.
Bella: Good morning su-
Milton: *cries*
Bella: Oh sunshine, what's wrong?
Milton: I had potty accident Bella: It's not so bad, we'll fix it. Accidents are part of life
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Milton: I like baths
Bella: So do I sunshine
Milton: You can have mine *splashes*
Bella: Well thank you but let's try keep the water in the tub
Milton: Mummy why is father boring
Bella: What do you mean
Milton: Always mean, always busy, always boring
Bella: He- I- I'm sorry it seems like that Milton
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Milton: You fun mummy
Bella: Thank you. And of course you have Cassandra and Alexander
Milton: Sister and brother
Bella: That's right
Milton: And mummy
Bella: Yes. Now we better get breakfast before the day gets away from us
Milton: Gets away where
Bella: Any old where
Milton: *laughs*
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Bella gets Milton his breakfast and decides to call Cassandra. She feels bad about not having had time to pop over between work and Milton. While Milton crunches his cereal she has a chatty family call, promising Cassandra she'll see her on Friday, her day off.
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Bella is practicing chess on the computer when she hears sparking. Milton is busy playing with his squeaky toy and has reached level 5 of the imagination skill. After the potty skill this is his next toddler skill to be maxed out.
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Goth Household: Chapter 7, Part 2
Bella and Mortimer attend the romance festival, spring turns to summer, and the Yorks and Pancakes are invited over for BBQ day. Bella and Mortimer are in a rocky place but at least toddler Milton is adorable.
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Bella: I love the romance festival
Mortimer: Are you suggesting I don't
Bella: What? No I just meant-
Mortimer: You wanted to come so we're here. And there's the paparazzi
Bella: Ignore them
Mortimer: You don't understand, they're vultures
Bella: Can't we just have a nice date
Mortimer: Ask them
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Bella: Nigiri please Kyle
Kyle: *whimpers*
Bella: Thank you
Luna that had better be a non alcoholic drink Mrs third trimester!
Guru: Do you seek an answer to your love problem? Let me solve it
Bella: Are you talking to me
Guru: I'm talking to everyone, it's the role of romance guru. Are you in love?
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Bella: Shouldn't you know
Guru: Forgive me, I didn't know of your pain
Bella: My pain
Guru: Your husband is the one posing for pictures
Bella: That's him
Guru: The strain is clear
Bella: Really
Guru: I sense you are a mother, think of your children
Bella: Well that's less than helpful *stabs food*
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Mortimer is busy greeting fans when he sees a familiar paparazzi signalling him. Mortimer pulls her aside.
Mortimer: What do you want
Alex: A reliable source told us you cheated on your wife, care to comment
Mortimer: What? No I do not care to comment on such a ridiculous accusation
Alex: You sure
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Mortimer: If I see one whisper of this-
Alex: You'll what, have me fired, sounds like a comment
Mortimer: How's this for comment
Before Alex can react Mortimer furiously launches himself at her. Their scuffle draws the attention of the whole karaoke bar. Mortimer won but Alex won't forget this soon.
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Bella: Home sweet home
Mortimer: Ducking paparazzi
Bella: Calm down. What was so bad you had to attack her
Mortimer: Doesn't matter, it was a lie
Bella: You attacked her over a lie she made up
Mortimer: It's fine, she can't prove anything
Bella: I'm confused
Mortimer: Can't be a new sensation for you
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Bella: Don't talk to me like that
Mortimer: If the shoe fits
Bella: Excuse me
Mortimer: Did I use words that were too big honey
Bella: I wanted a nice festival date
Mortimer: So sorry someone attacking my reputation interfered with your plan
Bella: My plan
Mortimer: To seduce me
Bella: As if
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While Mortimer storms upstairs Bella checks in with her colleague Bjorn
Bella: Is there an emergency
Bjorn: I was on festival surveillance tonight
Bella: Oh
Bjorn: You doing okay
Bella: Not really
Bjorn: Say the word, the agency can make him disappear
Bella: I'll be fine, thanks for stopping by
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Bella: What are you doing up?
Milton: I dance
Bella: So I can see but it's past your bedtime
Milton: Snuggles!
Bella: Okay now bed
Milton: No bedtime, dessert
Bella sets him in his high chair and gets dessert
Milton: Mummy festival fun
Bella: Oh, yes, mummy had fun
Milton: Then why mummy look sad
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Bella: Just grown up stuff
Milton: Daycare Silas say when mummy sad sing
Bella: Really
Milton launches into twinkle twinkle little star but it doesn't cheer Bella up today. After dessert is finished she gets him tucked in and reads to him from the dinosaur book until he falls asleep.
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The first day of summer and Bella wakes up guilty. She had an intimate dream starring a dark haired sim who was not her husband. She trudges through her morning routine. Eventually the need to improve her logic skill draws her out to the telescope. You never know what she might see.
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Bella: Hi sunshine
Milton: Mummy diaper stinky
Bella: Did you not make it to the potty
Milton: *frowns*
Bella: It's okay How bout a nice bubble bath
Milton: bubbles
Bella gets Milton in the bath and begins cleaning him. All the bubbles make Milton playful. He splashes and squeezes the duckie happily.
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It's Summer BBQ day so Bella invites her closest friends, the Yorks and Pancakes, over to celebrate. When they arrive she begins taking selfies as she needs to level up in photography for promotion. Mortimer does manage to leave his writing to greet the guests. He knows them but they're not friends.
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Kelly: So much I could swipe
Deanna: Get back here!
Bella: Hello you two. Now you must be Paris
Paris: That's me
Bella: Calista mentioned you'd be tagging along. It's nice to meet you
Deanna: Thanks for inviting us Mrs Goth
Bella: Bella is fine
Paris: You have a lovely house
Bella: It is rather nice
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Milton: Doggie? Doggie!
Dale: *barks* who me?
Milton: Big doggie, fluffly doggie
Dale: *barks* you bet I am
Milton: Doggie nice? Doggie friendly?
Dale puts on his biggest smile to assure Milton he means no harm.
Milton: Bark bark, bark bark
Dale: *barks* Good try tiny human
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Mortimer begins grilling.
Kelly: Pa, there's so much loose stuff here
Aaron: No
Kelly: But I haven't done anything
Calista: And you won't do anything because Bella is our friend
Kelly: You two are boring. I mean, just one spoon won't be missed
Aaron: Theft is theft young man
Kelly: Ugh fine
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Milton: Nice doggie
Dale: *barks*
Milton: Doggie likes barking arf arf, arf arf
Dale: *barks* you're getting closer little one
Bob: Dale?
Dale: *barks* Dad! Best dad
Milton: Your doggie is fluffy
Bob: He is. He is the most adorable
Milton: *giggles*
Mortimer: Lunch is ready everyone! Come and get it
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Everyone manages to grab a plate of something. There is definitely not enough seats but the guests figure it out.
Fergus: Why are you in uniform
Iggy: I have scouts right after this remember
Kelly: Goody two shoes
Iggy: Better than being a gremlin
Kelly: Pfft, whatever
Fergus: Stop making me look uncool Iggy
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Mortimer tries to make small talk with Bob, not realising Bob is the worst person for small talk, it's a loner thing. Not sure why Calista has thrown on her military uniform but Aaron is definitely oggling his wife. I missed who made the kitchen mess that Iggy mops up, but I'm 98% sure it was Kelly.
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After lunch Milton tries to make some jokes with Mortimer but he is having none of it. Having grown into a mean sim Mortimer goes so far as to crush Milton's dreams. A sad Milton doesn't understand what he did wrong and sits down dejectedly.
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When everyone leaves Milton makes a beeline for the stereo. He loves sounds so happily bobs away. Bella however is still sad about her rift with Mortimer and goes to bed to cry it out. It helps a little so she goes to see if Milton needs anything. He needs snuggles.
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Milton needs to improve his thinking skill so Bella offers to teach him on the blocks. Milton says NO. Bella tries to hug it out over him being defiant but he rejects this. Bella kneels down and starts to teach him about manners. He is unsure about this, after all Mortimer has no manners for him.
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In the end he gets mad having to learn about manners. He needs to work on his thinking skill though so Bella reaches a compromise with more flash card time. In the end we are successful and his thinking skill reaches level 3.
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Milton discovers someone broke his dollhouse today (again I'm 98% sure it was Kelly). Bella is in the middle of fixing it when Milton turns and speeds off.
Bella: Where are you off to
Milton: Door noise
Bella: Do we have another visitor
Milton: Bell door, bell door
Bella: Doorbell sunshine
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Goth Household: Chapter 7, Part 1
The wheel of households has spun and the first stop is the Goth household. Here in part 1 Bella and Milton have a happy last Saturday of spring, including a park visit with Milton's siblings.
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Across the road from the Chopra's is the Goth household. Bella and Mortimer are still sleeping in separate rooms, Bella has the master bedroom while Mortimer takes the spare bed upstairs. Toddler Milton is still in the nursery beside the master bedroom.
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Milton hates bedtime so gets up about an hour after I’ve sent him to bed. I can work with this though. His bladder need is low so potty time it is. He is good friends with Bella (they actually have a maxed relationship bar) but only acquaintances with Mortimer who he has a difficult dynamic with.
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Bella wakes up sad and uncomfortable. As a romantic it hurts her to be having marriage trouble. She dreamed of an idyllic happily ever after with her soulmate, but lately feels like she may not have found them yet. Was she just blinded by the Goth fortune like Mortimer implies?
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However there is a romance festival today. Mortimer always promised they would attend every one together. Perhaps there will be a chance to salvage their relationship before things completely sour. Bella is so distracted she washes the dishes without turning on the tap, what skill.
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A mind clearing jog will hopefully blow the blues away.
Bella: Good morning Agnes
Agnes: *scoffs* says who
The light rays are on full force today and the time in the light helps Bella to focus on what's important, her kids. She knows Milton is unlikely to be awake just yet so jogs a bit longer.
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Mortimer wakes up sad and uncomfortable. He hasn't produced a bestseller lately despite being a four star celebrity. Plus he's pretty hungry. He heads downstairs to cook, paying no attention to the pictures of Cassandra, Rahul and Milton on the wall. Maybe cooking will inspire the next great book.
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Milton: Mummy! Mummy!
Bella: Good morning sunshine
Milton: Far hot
Bella: Do you want to get changed
Milton: Birdie shirt, birdie shirt
Bella: Okay here we go, it is pretty hot this morning
Milton: Mummy have food
Bella: What would you like for breakfast
Milton: See real
Bella: Cereal coming up
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Mortimer is working on his cooking skills for his Renaissance Sim aspiration. This morning he busies himself making up pancakes. He's made them so many times the process is automatic allowing him to think of story ideas. He's also getting pretty good at flipping. Fluffy pancakes, done.
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Bella: Oh wow you had quite the appetite
Milton: What app tight
Bella: Appetite is, hmm, when you want something for your body. In this case, cereal
Milton: My app tight good?
Bella: Yes
Milton: Does mummy have good app tight?
Bella: *laughs* When I'm hungry I do
Milton: We be good to ether
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Bella: Mummy doesn't have work today, what shall we do
Milton: Snuggle hug
Bella: Aww, thanks sunshine
Milton: I love mummy
Bella: I love you to you little charmer
Milton: Mummy read book
Bella: You want a story
Milton: Love books, stories fun
Bella: Do you want a particular book
Milton: Any book
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Mortimer: You're going to read in here?
Milton: I love books
Mortimer: So long as you keep quiet, father is working
Milton: *blows raspberry*
Bella: Okay sunshine, you comfy
Milton: Book time, book time
Bella: Once upon a time there was a princess. A princess called plumbob
Milton: Plum bob bob
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Bella: Princess plum bob bob lived in a big castle
Mortimer: Don't change the story, he needs to learn proper words
Milton: I know words fat her
Bella: Princess plum bob bob loved her castle. It had big pink curtains and long pink carpets
Milton: *smiles*
Bella: One day she saw it was getting dirty
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Milton sits, enraptured with the story. He has heard it before but it's always fun when Bella reads to him. She listens to his input and together the story becomes an adventure. Mortimer blocks out most of their sounds and gets hard to work on a new screenplay. Can he make another bestseller?
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It's a beautiful day so when Mortimer leaves for work Bella takes Milton to the park and invites Cassandra and Alexander to join her. The grown ups make use of the Don't Wake The Llama table while Milton has fun crawling through the play tunnel.
Alexander: Bet I don't even have to look at it
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Alexander: Success is mine
Cassandra: I should have practiced as a kid
Bella: You were focussing on your music. Now, which one is safe?
Alexander: None for you
Cassandra: OMW shush, I need to concentrate
Alexander: Please, I could do this all day
He pulls another stick and in a flash the llama falls
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Bella: Lets reset
Cassandra: I go first this time
Alexander: But youngest goes first
Bella: It's one game
Alexander: Fine
Cassandra: I'll just carefully get this one
Bella: That's it honey, focus
Cassandra: Yes
Alexander: Lucky pull
Bella: Credit where credit is due
Milton: sandra, sandra
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Bella: Cassandra sunshine, Cass-andra
Milton: Cas andra
Cassandra: Close enough
Milton: My most love colour yellow. Yellow and o ran
Bella: I got this ta da
Cassandra: Orange?
Milton: Yes please
Cassandra: Oh you got me. Great joke
Milton: *giggles*
Suddenly the llama topples following Bella's turn
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Milton: Play boat please mummy
Bella: I better go
Alexander: Call of the wild
Milton: I not wild, I charmer
Cassandra: He's got some sass in him
Alexander: Okay sis, you and me, rematch time
Cassandra: You're on
Bella: Where oh where is that boat?
Milton: Here mummy, we play here
Bella: Yes captain
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Milton: Glub glub
Bella: Have we gone underwater captain
Milton: Yes
Bella: Oh the seaweed is so tall
Milton: Many bubbles
Bella: So many bubbles captain
Milton: Glub glub
Bella: Avast me hearties, this boat has become a submarine
Milton: sub mean
Bella: Glub glub
Milton: *giggles* mummy fun
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Bella: Lets practice our flash cards. What's this one
Milton: Umm, broctree
Bella: Since I'm not sure if it's a tree or broccoli, I'll accept that
Milton: I got right?
Bella: How about this one
Milton: Ra pun zell
Bella: She has one, yes
Milton: Flying pan
Bella: Frying pan, but pan is right sunshine
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Bella: Hey no peeking
Milton: But peeking help
Bella: Peeking is cheating, we don't cheat
Milton: Mmmilk
Bella: It holds milk yes. But what is the name of the thing that has milk inside it
Milton: No peek?
Bella: Try your best sunshine
Milton: *frets*
Bella: Best guess
Milton: Bot, bottle
Bella: YES
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Bella: Done with the cards sunshine
Milton: Yahoo
Bella: We better get home
Milton: No, mummy play
Bella: Play boat again?
Milton: No, play fly
Bella: Oh, do you want to- fly?
Milton: *giggles* yes mummy
Bella: Better hold on, up up up we go
Milton: I fly, I fly
Bella: Woosh
Milton: Plane go vroom
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Mortimer arrives home ecstatic. He may not have written a best seller today but he has been promoted to Bestselling Author, More money will be flowing in. He tries to do some writing before the festival but ends up breaking the computer. Maybe if you used your own desk as instructed?
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Before heading out Bella makes sure Milton is ready for bed to make things easier on the babysitter. He has a sandwich for dinner. Afterwards Bella help him put on his pyjamas and gets him settled in bed with a bedtime story. It's the same book from earlier today but Milton still drifts off to sleep
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