changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 6
🎵🎶We're going to the chapel and we're, gonna get married 🎵🎶
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Formal photos in the next part, this was all about the ceremony.
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish words/phrases Abuelo/Abuela: Grandfather/Grandmother Buenas tardes : Good afternoon Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Lo siento: Sorry Mi familia: My family Padre: Father Te amo: I love you
Wednesday starts off grey and rainy. Marta is determined to have her barista shift before the wedding, but Keira already has Wednesdays off work. After checking what she can harvest she decides to spend some time at the rec centre working on her handiness. She needs to level up in logic and handiness for her next promotion and some mean watcher has made skill gain harder since her last rotation. When more sims arrive she gets tense and leaves, can’t be too early to her own wedding.
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Keira: It’s sunny! Oh thank the watcher
Joey: You alright
Keira: It was pouring in San Sequoia, I was certain we wouldn’t be able to get any photos after the ceremony
Joey: *laughs* different places, different weather. Or maybe the watcher just cheated it (I didn't Joey what are you implying?) Okay, you ready to sign your life away
Keira: *laughs* You would say it like that. Come on, I still need to get in my dress
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The wedding gets underway with Harvey escorting Keira up the aisle.
Harvey: *sniffles*
Keira: Dad... are you crying
Harvey: You used to practice your bride walk around the house when you were a kid, now look at you
Keira: *laughs* I remember
Harvey: I'm so happy for you Keira
Keira: Look dad, everyone got here without problems. That’s got to be a good sign
Harvey: Yes, let’s hope it lasts. I want you to have the wedding of your dreams
Keira: If my bride shows up then that is what I’ll have
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Harvey: I’ll leave you here then. Very good luck my darling. I’ll go collect your bride. Remember, no peeking
Keira: *laughs* she has made me promise not to look early
Harvey: See you soon
And so Harvey heads back down the aisle to where Marta has entered the church. She has no sims to give her away so the couple decided it would be nice for Harvey to escort both brides.
Harvey: Are you ready Marta
Marta: *sniffles* I’m so ready to be married to your daughter *smiles*
Harvey: Hey now, we better get you up there before you wash away
They wait until the music cue then Harvey and Marta begin the journey up the aisle.
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Slowly they walk down the aisle and Keira can feel her nerves increase. She wants to turn before Marta is there but knows today is about promises. She needs to let Marta know she’ll respect her wishes. So Keira waits with baited breath as she hears people in the church murmur, clearly impressed with something.
Marta: Oh Harvey, you talk of me washing away. You might wash with me
Harvey: *sniffles* I’m fine. I’m just so... so... happy
Marta: Me to
They approach the altar and Harvey releases Marta, returning to his seat sniffling away. Marta tiptoes and taps Keira on the shoulder.
Marta: Carino, I’m here, you can turn now
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Keira turns and is mesmerised. She knows Marta is a beautiful woman but the person in front of her takes her breath away. Marta looks angelic with her hair cascading over her shoulder and seems to be radiating love.
Marta: *whispers* Buenas tardes carino
Keira: Hola sweetheart. Watcher you look… gorgeous *sniffles*
Marta: *giggles* That was the effect I was going for. You are beautiful, I knew you’d look even better than I imagined
Keira: *sniffles* Want to get married
Marta: With my whole heart
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The officiant steps up and the group sing a few hymns before the vows get underway. Keira is up first.
Keira: Sweetheart, I can still remember the first time I saw you. I was supposed to be studying for some test or other and into the music room below walked one of the prettiest women I have ever seen. You seemed nervous, as we now know that was because you were breaking in
At this line the crowd lets out a quiet chuckle and Marta sniffles.
Keira: When you sang it was like you became larger than life. I couldn’t hear all the way up there but I wanted to. You became my favourite show, and meeting you was better than any season premiere. I have always dreamed of finding my soulmate, my partner in life, and sweetheart *sniffles* in my wildest dreams I couldn’t have imagined someone as real... and perfect for me... as you
Marta lets out a small sob and Keira leans forwards to wipe the tear away.
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Keira: Te amo. I understand now why Anakin turned the galaxy upside down for Padme and why Mal couldn’t stop himself standing up for Inara. Your love helps me be the best version of myself. One that takes risks, one that doesn’t run from challenges, and one that is absolutely completely in love with you
Marta: *sniffles* carino
Keira: Life with you has become my favourite saga, one that I hope will carry on for years to come. Your courage inspires me *sniffles* and your heart is where I feel safe. I am so excited to find out what life has in store for us. I’m not afraid of it because I know, come what may, I need only look to my side and you’ll be there
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Marta: *sniffles* Lo siento, I just need a handkerchief
The crowd lets out a collective giggle and sniffle as Keira helps Marta dab away some of the pools under her eyes.
Marta: My turn. Carino *clears throat* I was returning to life when I met you. Somehow you made all the mantras I repeated to myself real. Suddenly I did feel worthy... and strong... and that *sniffles* I am enough. For so long I only saw what was wrong with me but getting to know you, seeing how hesitant you were to claim your strengths when I wanted to shout them from the rooftops... it showed me I needed to embrace all of me. You make me proud. Proud to be me and to have won your heart.
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Marta: Before you, life was a song I could never figure out the tune of with the melodies and bridges throwing me off track. I know now why I was never in sync. My life was always meant to be a duet, one of me and you *sniffles* and I am so happy to be promising my forever to you
Keira: *mouthing* I love you
Marta: *sniffles* My abuela and abuelo were followed quickly to the forever save by my padre and mama but... in this church I feel they are with us, and I know in my heart they all would love you. Ma familia, if you can hear me, know I am the happiest I have ever been. Carino, I feel as though the watcher sculpted us for each other, and every day I give thanks for finding you, and you loving me. You will always be my favourite song, the one I cannot get out of my head
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Keira takes the first ring from Joey and holds it over Marta’s finger.
Keira: I, Keira Foster, take you, Marta Aymee Romero, to be my watcherly wed wife. I solemnly swear I shall be your best friend, your shelter in a tempest and the wind in your wings. In front of our familia, our friends, and the watcher, I promise to love and cherish you, for as long as our souls exist. Te amo sweetheart
With her vows complete Keira slides Marta’s ring on, feeling so happy she’s sure she’ll explode.
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Marta wipes some more tears and does her best to compose herself, taking Keira's ring from Alexander.
Marta: I, Marta Aymee Romero, take you, Keira Foster, to be my watcherly wed wife. I solemnly swear I shall be your best friend, your shelter in a tempest and the wind in your wings. In front of our familia, our friends, and the watcher, I promise to love and cherish you, for as long as our souls exist. Te amo carino
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The brides can’t take their eyes off each other and the rest of the service is a blur.
Officiant: By the power invested in me by the watcher I now pronounce you, wife and wife
Keira sweeps Marta into her arms, dipping her low before pulling her in for a kiss. The church erupts in cheers but the two women hardly notice it, they’re full of love.
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dwindledglow · 5 years
FULL NAME: james rasheed asrani. PREFERRED NAME: james. NICKNAME/S: he doesn’t have any. DATE OF BIRTH: april 2nd, 1993. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis male & he/his. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: agnostic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: married to rose asrani. OCCUPATION: model. RESIDENCE: southampton, suffolk county.
HOMETOWN: anaheim, california. NATIONALITY: american. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: spanish, american. LINGUISTICS: english which is his native language and spanish and french in a fluent level. EDUCATION: he has graduated from high-school. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: first and only. FATHER: javier zafar asrani, born on october 5th, 1965 in san josé, california, residing in los angeles, california. he’s the CEO of asrani halle and a high-profile lawyer. MOTHER: alyssa louise asrani, née astaire, born on november 19th, 1967 in houston, texas, residing in los angeles, california and working as the head of the physics and astronomy department at caltech.  she worked at nasa for twenty years and despite no longer working on the research field, she still lends a hand whenever its needed at nasa, as well as other researching agencies. SISTER/S: none. BROTHER/S: none. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: rose asrani, née johnson. CHILDREN: alexis sofia asrani, born on november 2nd, 2017 in los angeles, california. esme grace asrani, born on october 31st, 2019 in southampton, new york. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: neelam asrani, cousin. EX/ES: blair grant and delilah campbell. PETS: luna, a japanese spitz, bachi, a golden retriever, saint, a husky and meeko, a blue merle australian shepperd.
HEIGHT: 6′2″ or 188 cm. WEIGHT: between 165 lbs or 75 kg and 175 lbs or 79 kg. BODY BUILD: james is slender — his body is overall toned due to the daily exercise routine and he has put on some muscle throughout the years, without turning too muscly. as a courtesy of the years he used to swim, he has rather broad shoulders and, as a result of all the years boxing, he also has muscular arms and legs, and a six pack. EYE COLOR: coppery-brown, hazel green; depending on the light his eye color can change from a coppery, warm shade of brown to a hazel-green hue. EYESIGHT: his eyesight is perfect. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: for the vast majority of the time, and unless work requires otherwise, james keeps his hair longer at the top and shorter or shaved at the sides. despite his preference, however, he's not afraid to play around with different hairstyles. in the past, he has allowed his hair to grow to the point where he could tie it in a bun and he's, also, opted for haircuts that most people deemed questionable. on top of that, he enjoys playing around with colors as well — he's had his hair pink, black with green tips and silver before. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: when you look james' way, the most enticing, and perhaps most notable, distinguish feature he has are his eyes — from their doe shape to the mischievous sparkle to them, to its unusual color and his insanely lengthy lashes, it's hard not to enthralled. likewise, his sharp and angular bone structure is quick to attract the attention. amongst other things, some other notable physical traits of his are his thick brows, towering height, pouty lips, tan skin and dimples in the small of his back. SCARS AND MARKS: on the right side of his neck, and as the result of a biopsy he had to do when he was fifteen, there's a faded scar. as a courtesy of him accidentally hurting himself while on set, there are a few minor scars, nothing too evident, scattered throughout his body, as well. james also has very faint freckles across the bridge of his nose — which aren't truly visible unless someone's really close to him — and he has two distinctive birthmarks ; a tiny, light-colored and heart-shaped one on the left side of his right knee and another one directly above his hanger tattoo which is placed behind his left ear. TATTOOS: behind his left ear, james as a small hanger tattoo meant to represent his career and his love for fashion. inside his right wrist, in small, uppercase and bold font, he has the date 14th may which is his little cousin's neelam birthday. in his left hand's middle finger, he has a small swallow which represents his freedom. along his left hip, he has the quote ( and personal reminder ) love and show, hate and hide. in his right collarbone and tattooed in arabic, he has the proverb nobody can destroy your dreams — something that works as a reminder for himself when things get tough. on the inside of his left arm, he has the word perspective — reference, meaning how every situation can be seen in different prisms, depending on the light shed on them and on who's judging it. along the side of his right arm, he has the quote only the good, representing how his focus is on the positive side of his life and not the negativity. behind his right ear, he has alexis, his daughter's first name and on the right side of his left wrist, he has a circle which is a representation of karma and the saying what goes around comes around. besides it, he has an intricate mandala creeping from his hand up his arm, and on the back of his neck, he has rose petals surrounding a R0903, which is essentially a tattoo for his wife followed by her initial and the date of their anniversary. PIERCINGS: none. VOICECLAIM: jorge martin. ACCENT & INTENSITY: in spite of living in new york city for a good part of his adult life and picking up a lot of new yorker's expressions and catch phrases, james doesn't have — and never had — a new york accent. amongst jokes about how you could take the boy out of california but not the california out of the boy, there seems to be some truth to it. his accent is your typical southern california one, and it has only grown stronger ever since he moved back to los angeles. ALLERGIES: insects. PHOBIAS & FEARS: deep waters. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. ALCOHOL USE: sometimes, mostly on social situations. SMOKING: rarely, he’s succeeding at stopping the vice. NARCOTICS USE: he doesn’t use anything. INDULGENT FOOD: sometimes. SPLURGE SPENDING: it happens occasionally. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: drawing. FAVORITE ANIMAL: wolf. FAVORITE BOOK: the kite runner by khaled hosseini. FAVORITE COLOR/S: red. FAVORITE CUISINE: japanese. FAVORITE DISH/ES: sushi, yakitori, sashimi, okonomiyaki, ramen, japanese curry, yakisoba, dango and mochi ice cream. FAVORITE DRINK/S: black coffee and peppermint hot chocolate, whiskey and martinis. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: ume - japanese apricot. FAVORITE GEM: red diamond. FAVORITE MOVIE: fight club by david fincher. FAVORITE SONG: pyramids by frank ocean. FAVORITE SCENT/S: the scent of sea air, vanilla and musk. FAVORITE SHOW/S: sense8, money heist, narcos, mr. robot and black mirror. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: basketball, he supports la lakers and houston rockets, and american football, he supports new york giants and los angeles rams. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: spring. VACATION DESTINATION: bali, indonesia.
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codehunter · 2 years
Flask-WTFform: Flash does not display errors
I'm trying to flash WTForm validation errors. I found this snippet and slightly modified it:
def flash_errors(form): """Flashes form errors""" for field, errors in form.errors.items(): for error in errors: flash(u"Error in the %s field - %s" % ( getattr(form, field).label.text, error ), 'error')
Here is one of my form classes:
class ContactForm(Form): """Contact form""" # pylint: disable=W0232 # pylint: disable=R0903 name = TextField(label="Name", validators=[Length(max=35), Required()]) email = EmailField(label="Email address", validators=[Length(min=6, max=120), Email()]) message = TextAreaField(label="Message", validators=[Length(max=1000), Required()]) recaptcha = RecaptchaField()
And view:
@app.route("/contact/", methods=("GET", "POST"))def contact(): """Contact view""" form = ContactForm() flash_errors(form) if form.validate_on_submit(): sender = "%s <%s>" % (form.name.data, form.email.data) subject = "Message from %s" % form.name.data message = form.message.data body = render_template('emails/contact.html', sender=sender, message=message) email_admin(subject, body) flash("Your message has been sent. Thank you!", "success") return render_template("contact.html", form=form)
However, no errors are flashed upon validation failures. I know my forms and templates work fine, because my success message flashes when the data is valid. What is wrong?
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ragingloons · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Champion Gray Athletic Shorts Size XL.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 10
Honeymoon wraps up and we head back home.
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CW: Light sim spice
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish words/phrases Bueno: Good, fine, okay Buenos días: Good morning Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Cómo estás?: How are you Gracias: Thank you Qué?: What? Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
Keira: Did you have a good day
Marta: It’s not over yet is it
Keira: No, we’ve got another day here
Marta: I’m more interested in the night
Keira: Are you now
Marta: Come to the couch, I’ll give you a preview
Giggling the women lay down on the couch and have a good old fashioned make out.
Marta: Te amo carino
Keira: I love you to sweetheart, te amo
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Marta: Shall we play chess again
Keira: You really want to
Marta: I think I’ve got the understanding of it now
Keira: Okay
Marta: Remember, don’t go easy on me, play properly
Keira: I promise
It’s the shortest game of chess I’ve ever watched, it’s all over in less than half a sim hour! Keira is the winner of course. After chess it's time to check out the hot tub.
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Marta: This is nice, I feel so relaxed
Keira: Me to. I wonder if it’s powered by geothermal energy
Marta: Que?
Keira: Oh, like if they harnessed the heat of the volcano to heat the water
Marta: People can do that
Keira: Si. It’s a renewable energy resource. We don’t need to create anything to get our power, we use what the earth is already doing
Marta: I love how smart you are
Keira: I’m not that-
Marta: You ARE smart carino, it’s okay to say so
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Keira: Get over here, I want to snuggle my sweet wife
Marta: *giggles* as you wish. Are you enjoying the honeymoon? I was worried you wouldn’t like it since you’ve lived in Sulani
Keira: I love it! It’s uninterrupted time with you, nothing could be better
Marta: What did you say before… when in Sulani?
Keira: *fake shock* Mrs Romero are you propositioning me for hot tub woohoo
Marta: *smiles* Yes Mrs Romero I am
Giggling again the two women disappear beneath the surface and show off how good they are at holding their breath underwater.
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Marta: Buenos días carino. Cómo estás?
Keira: Estoy... bien. What would you like to do today?
Marta: I was thinking… maybe you could show me the ocean
Keira: I’d love to! What about it would you like to see
Marta: Pretty fish. Oh and cute dolphins!
Keira: Deal. But remember sweetheart, dolphins are wild creatures. We shouldn’t approach them, only interact with them if they interact with us
Marta: *smiles* My wife the marine biologist
Keira: I’m more a professional marine mammal feeder at the moment but gracias
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Cute honeymoon pics? YES. Then off we go to swim to the reef where we can snorkel.
Marta: You’re such a good swimmer
Keira: I’ve just had practice. Surely you swum in Cuba
Marta: Si but I enjoyed playing in the sand more
Keira compensates for Marta and every so often stops swimming to let Marta catch up and overtake her before swimming another short distance. Wives stick together.
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Marta: *squeals*
Keira: Are you alright sweetheart
Marta: *quietly* Carino I see a dolphin *happy noises*
Keira: Just remember, let it approach you
Marta murmurs agreement and continues following Keira to the buoy. The dolphin swims right alongside them playfully blowing bubbles. Keira is happy to see it looks in good health while Marta is ecstatic that she’s able to be this close to one.
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The dolphin did not come alone, it brought two friends with it! They stick around while Keira and Marta snorkel around the reef to Marta’s delight. She wishes Keira had brought her underwater camera to capture the cuteness but the event will just have to live in her memory.
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After snorkelling the women head to a nearby patch of sand and trees. After surveying the view Marta surprises Keira with a gift.
Keira: What is this
Marta: I found a fossil yesterday while you were getting the pineapple and thought you would like it
Keira: Gracias sweetheart, ohhh a raptor claw! Just like Jurassic Park! I love it, te amo
Marta is swept up in the romance today and serenades Keira after she draws her a sand heart. Marta’s voice is Keira’s favourite sound and while she listens, she thanks the watcher for letting her hear it for the years to come.
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After some semi scandalous sunbathing the women both get tans, proof that they’ve been on honeymoon! After an afternoon of chatting with the lifeguard and resting on the beach it’s time to head back to the lodge and pack for home. Goodbye Sulani, it’s been beautiful!
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Back to San Sequoia. First things first, unpacking all our Sulani collectables and arranging the wedding/honeymoon photos. We also display the wedding topper by the computer, and the playful wooden sculpture Keira finished the morning of the wedding. It’s a seal, how perfect is that?
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Marta: Welcome home Mrs Romero
Keira: Gracias for having me
Marta bursts into giggles and Keira sweeps her close for a kiss. After a quick dinner the pair head upstairs for some more woohoo, I guess jetlag isn’t a sims problem. This ends the Romero household for this rotation. It was a big one but there’ll be more to come as they figure out what they’ll do about having kids.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 4
Dia de los Muertos wraps up and we visit our friendly neighbourhood infants!
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CW: Discussions of death
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish phrases/words Abuelo/Abuela: Grandfather/Grandmother Ay dios mio: omg equivalent Buenas noches: Good evening / Good night Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Cuídate!: Take care De nada!: You’re welcome/no problem Lo siento: Sorry Padre: Father Por favor: Please Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
With the departure of the Fosters leaving the couple alone, Marta has broken out the face paint to adorn her and Keira. It’s another way of honouring their ancestors.
Marta: Hold still por favor
Keira: I am holding still
Marta: Shhhh, moving your lips counts
Keira: Why didn't we do this before dinner
Marta: I haven't done it for ages so I'm not sure I'm good anymore. I didn't want the dinner thrown apart by focus on my lack of painting skill. Just one more line… there! All done, I’ll take a picture to show you
Keira: Wow this looks great! You’re really going all out this year
Marta: *sighs* I felt bad for all those years Liam didn’t let me make one
Keira: I should have done more than kick his ass
Marta: Carino violence solves nothing. He's in prison for now, let's not think of him
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Keira: I’m sorry we didn’t make one at Alexander’s house, I didn’t realise what it meant
Marta: De nada. I didn’t say to you, how could you know
Keira: I suppose. But don’t let us miss it again
Marta: Si. I promise
Keira: Do you… do you think they would have liked me
Marta: I know they’re happy I’m happy but si. Padre would be happy you're active, he was to. And mama would love to talk to you about the ocean life
Keira: You think
Marta: Si. Being so close to the ocean was what she loved about Cuba. She missed it when we moved to Texas
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Keira: Well I’m glad you left for Windenburg. Even though it was because…
Marta: Everyone was gone? I didn’t have to leave after padre and mama died. I had the community still but I felt alone. I don’t feel alone anymore
Keira: I’m so glad I worked up the nerve to propose
Marta: *giggles* It’s good you did or I would have had to do something extremely romantic
Keira: I mean… you could still do something extremely romantic if you wanted?
Marta: Maybe I’m saving it for the honeymoon
Keira: Can I get a preview
The two embrace on the sofa, feeling warm and fulfilled.
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Abuelo Manuel: Did you see Rafael? She cooked the chimi to perfection. Remembered what we taught her
Padre Rafael: Si padre, she did a good job
Abuela Maria: Will you two shush, I’m trying to listen
Manuel: Corazon I think their conversation is finished
Mama Aymee: *sniffles* She looks so happy and grown up
Rafael: Ay dios mio, you’ll make me cry mi vida
Aymee: Lo siento. I just… we didn’t see our daughter for so long
Maria: You heard what that fiancé said, she’ll make sure Marta does the ofrenda now. She’s a keeper
Manuel: Do you think there will be a new generation next time we visit
Aymee: That would be nice *sniffles* even if would make me cry
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Keira: The place definitely feels full when everyone is here, I thought we got a big unit
Marta: We did, people just fill it well
Keira: Am I meant to feel like I’m being watched
Marta: You’re meant to feel loved. I always want you to feel loved
Keira: I feel loved whenever I look in your eyes. Shall we go to bed
Marta: Si, I’ll just say buenas noches to everyone
Keira: We can leave the ofrenda up longer than tomorrow morning if you like
Marta: No. They’ll all be back in the forever save by then
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Maria: Are you snooping
Manuel: No! I can’t snoop on what is out in the open, can I?
Rafael: I’m happy she’s still got these photos
Aymee: Liam didn’t take everything from her
Rafael: If I was still alive-
Manuel: There’s no point thinking about what we can’t do
Maria: She’ll be bueno
Rafael: Mi vida, it’s time to go
Aymee: Can’t I just watch her for another five minutes
Manuel: Dawn is coming, we must get back
Aymee: Buenas noches Marta, I leave all my love with you, te amo
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In the morning Marta returns the living/dining room to its normal layout while Keira is on laundry duty. Taking their clothes to the shared laundry she wonders why so many people have left their washing in the machines. Being a helpful sim, she moves stuff to the dryers. Fingers crossed none of the clothes shrink!
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Marta has harvested what she can from the garden and is singing to herself when Keira walks past in her work clothes.
Marta: Ay dios mio, is it 8am already?
Keira: Si. Te amo sweetheart
Marta: Te amo! Cuídate! Where did I leave my work gear?
Luckily she’s only a few minutes late to the local coffee shop, the perks of a quick commute. After an uneventful shift, where she mostly daydreamed about the upcoming wedding, she gets back home and hangs the washed clothes on the line. When Keira arrives back they go see the Staples.
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Here Oli and Vernon are on the move! Marta scoops up Oli while Keira chats.
Marta: Do you want to hold him carino
Keira: Uhh, what if I break him
Margarita: You won’t, he’s sturdy
Marta passes over Oli, giving his tummy a cheerful tickle on the way.
Marta: You hold him for a bit, I’m going to play with Vernon
Keira: Okay but-
Marta: Who’s adorable Vernon? Is it you?
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Keira: Sorry if we’re pushing in
Stefan: Don’t be silly. With two infants any helping hands are good
Keira: I think this is part of her plan to convince me to have kids sooner
Margarita: *laughs* I have to say she’s doing pretty well with Vernon, I love it when they laugh
Keira: Uh, anyway, we were wondering, since you’re a baker on the side Stefan, would you consider making our wedding cake?
Stefan: Sure thing! I have a free day tomorrow. Any special requests?
Keira: I think she said she’d like a pink one
Margarita: We had a pink wedding cake!
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Stefan: Here, I’ll take him off your hands
Keira: Gracias
To her surprise Keira feels sad giving the infant back, especially as he smiles and giggles at her. Marta’s plan might be working.
Keira: Marta, sweetheart, time for dinner
Marta: Si, coming. Gracias for having us
Margarita: It was lovely to see people who can talk back
The whole group laugh as Stefan puts Oli on the playmat. Let me tell you, he is not happy our sims are leaving. After bursting into tears he glares angrily at his parents while we leave.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 3
Dia de los Muertos is here!
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CW: Discussions of death
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common phrases Spanish words Abuelo/Abuela: Grandfather/Grandmother Barrio: Neighbourhood Buenos días: Good morning Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Gracias: Thank you Hasta luego: See you later Lo siento: Sorry Mi familia: My family Padre: Father Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
Poor Marta has an awful night with Burning Belly. She drinks green tea while checking out some midnight building show, forever hoping the nausea will die down. When it does she’s able to nap for a few hours. But before long her stomach forces her up and back to the tea and TV. Who is this house flipper person? Marta wants to improve her handiness but she doesn’t think that he looks trustworthy…
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Keira: Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep
Marta: *yawns* in patches but I feel much better now
Keira: That’s great news!
Marta: Oh you must come! I finished the ofrenda last night
The couple head downstairs and Marta excitedly shows Keira where she’s set up the bottles of wine and larger sugar skulls amongst the food she grilled.
Marta: Do you like it
Keira: Of course but I’m hardly an ofrenda expert
Marta pushes herself to tiptoes and kisses Keira on the cheek.
Marta: You will be carino
Keira: Why the sugar skulls?
Marta: Abuela, Abuelo, Padre and Mama each have one of the big ones, their names are carved in them to honour them. Then the four smaller ones on the second level, there’s one each for abuela Maria’s ancestors, abuelo Manuel’s ancestors and the ancestors of Mama’s parents.
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Keira: I’m surprised you found someone here who makes them
Marta: The woman has made them for over 60 years
Keira: Wow, no wonder they’re so detailed. Why are we having chimi for breakfast, I thought it was for dinner
Marta: Family tradition carino. Every year Abuelo Manuel would make chimi with Padre. He claimed they were the best in town so he made extra to give away, you know to all the people to busy working to cook. We always had more than we needed by Dia de los Muertos so he would have us feast at breakfast as well as dinner
Keira: That’s cool, gracias for telling me
Keira volunteers to do the dishes and is glad to hear a healthy Marta singing away like normal as she collects their gear for the gym space at the rec center. Marta takes a moment to stop by the ofrenda and talk to her family before they leave.
Marta: Buenos días mi familia. Don’t be mad at me for not having a proper ofrenda in years, por favor. Liam never let… well, he’s gone now so what he stopped me doing is past. But I have Keira now, you’ll meet all her familia tonight. I hope you like them. Te amo, hasta luego
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After a few hours at the nearby church service the couple make it to the rec center. It’s pretty quiet here by midday, the couple guess since the weather has less clouds the people in the area must be enjoying outdoors. Keira gets on a workout machine in the corner while Marta finds space to roll out her yoga mat. There’s no room in their unit and the ground outside was too muddy to risk it. Keira watches Marta as she stretches away. She’s always in the zone when doing her yoga, the oversized cat headphones ensuring the only sounds she hears are her beats.
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After what seems like hours Marta lies down to finish her routine. Keira takes that as a cue to finish up her own exercise.
Marta: All done carino?
Keira: Si
Marta: *giggles* I guess we need to clean up before we receive your family
Keira: *smiles* Are you proposing what I think you’re proposing
Marta: *innocently* The showers are there to be used are they not
Keira: *laughs* you win
The pair head off to the changing rooms where they lock themselves in a suite and make very good use of the shower. Perks of leaving the house.
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The Fosters arrive and are called to eat and share stories of those who are no longer with them.
Kayleigh: Oh Marta dear this looks delicious
Marta: I hope you enjoy it
Samir: Is any of it meat?
Reece: Don’t worry boss, I’ll grab you some chicken
Carson: Please tell me you vacuumed
Marta: Uh, not today lo siento
Carson grumbles but goes and grabs a plate.
Harvey: So how exactly do we do this
Marta: There’s no script. We just share tales of ones we love who are gone that we wish to honour and remember. Who wants to go first
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The Fosters all look a bit hesitant so Marta figures she may as well start.
Marta: Let me tell you about my Abuela Maria. She was born back in Mexico. Growing up she was known as the girl who was always falling over. We think she had an inner ear problem but there were not many doctors in her barrio so we don’t know. She would fall over if she went too fast which she would do a lot *laughs* she was a speed loving kid, always had someone to go see
Keira: And she grew up to become a teacher. She emigrated to the Dominican Republic with a group from her college and that’s where she met Marta’s abuelo Manuel. He insisted on walking arm in arm to help her balance but later admitted that was just so he could be close to her
The girls start eating again, clearly having finished the tale.
Charlie: I… I had a great dog called Allie
Keira’s parents and siblings all murmur in agreement. They grew up with Allie and all had affection for her.
Charlie: She was always a good dog. She stuck to me like glue. I remember one time out on a run I twisted my ankle and she stood barking until a car stopped to help me
Carson: I miss her
Charlie: Me to. She’ll always be my first furbaby
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Kaori: My grandmother Sachiko was a light in the darkness for me after my parents passed. No matter how angry or sad I got she always made sure I had everything I needed. Her favourite thing to do was garden. She was always out cutting from whatever plants we had and making big bouquets too send to others on the mountain
Harvey: What about your parents Samir
Harvey is obviously just trying to include Samir in the conversation but the large man looks very uncomfortable, having already perched himself on the lone chair by the stairs.
Reece: Actually dad we talked and I’m going to share a bit about his parents if that’s all right
Reece looks to Marta for reassurance and she nods.
Marta: We do not have to remember those only connected by blood, familia is much more than that
Reece: *smiles* So his ommi, Nadia Hadji, gave the best hugs in the whole world. Regardless of if she was in a good mood or not, she always had time for hugs. Samir fell out of a bunch of trees when he was little and when he’d get home his ommi would patch him up. When he was all clean she’d kiss every plaster before giving him a giant squeeze and letting him run off
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Marta: That’s lovely
Samir digs into his food trying to ignore the blush in his cheeks.
Reece: His ab, Othman Hadji, loved the woods and the animals that inhabited it. He’s where Samir got his love of nature and he remembers having many adventures with his ab through the woods. Just like I remember having with dad
Harvey smiles and pulls Reece in for a hug.
Kaori: My dad’s the one who taught me how to snowboard. Or rather tried to teach me how to snowbard
Marta: I have so many questions already
Kaori: My dad wasn’t from Mt Komorebi, he was traveling there when he met mum and had never seen snow before
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The evening passes with the family sharing stories of all those they have loved and lost over the years. Kaori’s parents Emica and Daiki had a lot of fun around Mt Komorebi which didn’t always impress Kaori’s stern grandfather Shigeru. Of course all the Fosters remember their shock at discovering Sachiko and Shigeru had become enemies, and divorced. Then Shigeru announced he’d married Geeta, a woman none of them knew.
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Samir of course had lost his parents and he suspected his grandparents, no one pressed him on the subject. Both Kayleigh and Harvey’s parents were all in the forever save now, Harvey’s dad was there before even Charlie was born. At last the family understand why Harvey is so eager to become a grandparent. The sims were all gone now but as the stories continued to be shared and everyone got full bellies, the room did feel as though there was more life in it than just the sims that had still beating hearts.
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Kayleigh: Thank you for including us Marta, it was nice
Marta: Dia de los Muertos is for familia
Kayleigh: Well I’m very glad you’re part of ours. You to Samir
Samir: Hmm? Oh, ah… thanks?
When the parents are out of earshot Keira pops over to her brother and his boyfriend.
Keira: You have to tell me, you must be responsible for that thing on his neck
Samir and Reece blush but while Samir is less than eager to elaborate, Reece is happy to report the hickey is intentional.
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To wrap things up we have a couple of group photos and thank everyone for coming.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 2
Kayleigh comes to visit with an unexpected offer and the couple head to the romance festival.
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Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common phrases Ay dios mio: omg equivalent Buenas tardes: Good afternoon Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Gracias: Thank you Mi familia: My family Por favor: Please Qué?: What? Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
Keira: Mum! You didn’t say you were coming
Kayleigh: I didn’t think I needed an appointment to see my daughter and future daughter in law
Keira: Of course not but Marta is feeling unwell
Marta: Buenas tardes Kayleigh. I’ll be fine, Keira is just… overreact
Keira: I mean your parents died from flu complications, can you blame me for being nervous when you get sick?
Marta: No. But look, I’ll have more tea
Kayleigh: I’m so excited for the wedding, have you decided on a venue yet
Marta: Si. I was wanting to have it in the church in Willow Creek
Kayleigh: All the way there?
Keira: It’s the oldest church in the save mum, it’s got history
Marta: Si. Our marriage is not just us, it’s the watcher as well. A church is the right place to honour that
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Kayleigh: I always admire your devotion. I’m sorry we couldn’t meet your parents
Marta: Their spirits will be here tomorrow. Keira and I would like all of you to come over for dinner. Then I can tell you about them, and you’ll be able to know them
Kayleigh: If you want us at your celebration then of course
Marta: Si. You are part of mi familia now
Kayleigh: And will our family be growing soon?
Keira: Mum! You sound just like dad
Kayleigh: We’re not getting any younger. Life is short and your dad and I would like to have some grandkids. Every time Aaron sends Harvey a cute picture he almost goes green with envy
Marta: Keira and I do want kids one day
The couple look at each other, feeling the warm fuzzy feeling of home
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Kayleigh: I just wanted to say, well your dad wanted me to say, whatever expense there is, we’ll pay it
Marta: Que?
Keira: Are you sure mum? I mean it could be quite expensive for us. Whether we get a sperm donor or try that new science method that allows for same sex pregnancy to start, the cost will likely be high
Kayleigh: I know but your dad and I can’t take the money with us to the forever save. We may as well use it while we’re here
Marta: *smiles* we’re going to be parents carino
Keira: I mean eventually, there’s no big rush is there? I’m only 23
Kayleigh: Wait until after the wedding at least or the dress won’t fit
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Keira: We’d need to wait until after honeymoon as well. And even then-
Marta: Gracias Kayleigh, it’s very generous. Will you let us have some time to talk about it
Kayleigh: Of course, I’m just glad you’re receptive. I best be off, don’t get up, I can show myself out
Kayleigh leaves and Marta turns to Keira.
Marta: What’s wrong carino
Keira: I… Sweetheart I want kids with you, I do, but… *softly* so soon?
Marta takes her hand and kisses it lightly.
Marta: There’s no rush but think about it por favor? I’d carry them so it shouldn’t interfere with your work much. I’d like to grow our familia sooner rather than later
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Marta goes for another nap while Keira scratches her geek itch playing party frenzy online with Joey, James and Alexander.
Joey: Do you not want to be a mum
Keira: I do. I just… I spent so much of my life waiting for my person and now that I’ve found her I want time with just us. Is that selfish?
Alexander: I don’t think so. Remember I stole my person
James: You can’t steal what is given to you love. Wait- what car am I again?
Joey: The blue one. No, Rilian! Zio Joey is trying to see the screen!
Keira: What’s he doing this time
Joey: Trying to find new places to hide his half eaten meals. I better go tell Devin, later bros *drops out*
Keira: I need to go to the romance festival anyway. Will I see you guys there?
James: Saturday is date night
Alexander: I have plans that involve you, me and a posh restaurant. We'll get a nanny for Milton
Keira: *laughs* have fun being wealthy
Alexander: Always
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Marta: You’re letting me out
Keira: I would never try pin you in. I’m not-
Marta: I know carino, I was joking
Keira: Somehow I imagine I couldn’t keep the romantic in you away from this festival even if I wanted to
Marta: So *coyly* what do we do here
Keira: What a leading question. You know sweetheart some would say you’re a tease
Marta: Taste me and find out
Keira smiles and pulls Marta close in a passionate embrace. They stay tangled in each other for a while but pull apart before Marta can get too breathless.
Keira: You need rest still
Marta: Now who’s the tease
Keira: Come on, let’s get some of the tea
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Marta goes to the fountain and finds herself humming along to the music. She loves singing but she knows it’s probably best to rest rather than sing a ballad. She’s deep in her imagination when *clanks* the cup she picked drops to the bottom of the fountain.
Marta: Ay dios mio!
Stranger: Are you okay
Marta: Si, gracias
Marta sheepishly fishes her cup up from the fountain and looks around, hoping no one else has seen the blunder.
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Marta: See, I’m drinking tea. I do listen to your advice
Keira: *laughs* I suppose it’s prettier than the tea we have at home
Marta: You’re the pettiest thing anywhere carino *blows kiss*
Keira: Stop, you’re making me swoon!
Marta: My daily goal. Have you thought more about what your mum said
Keira: Yeah. I guess… I just don’t want to share you with anyone
Marta: *sighs* Keira, no one belongs solely to someone else. Tell me you understand that? You need to share every person in your life. I’m becoming your wife but we won’t be each other’s property
Keira: I knew it would sound like that. I don’t mean I want you to myself in a controlling way, I mean, I’m worried kids would steal all your attention and I’d be forgotten
Marta: Carino… let me get us some food
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Marta grabs them some Ramen and comes back to the table.
Marta: I know that your first girlfriend said she got bored of you but I promise, I’m never getting bored of you. Te amo
Keira: I love you to
Marta: If you want some time as just us before having kids then we can, bueno? But when we get around to having kids I will not love you any less
Keira: Okay, I’ll try work on my feelings. I do want to see what beautiful kids we can make
Marta: Me to!
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Marta: Gracias for the date
Keira: I thought your spirits needed lifting before tomorrow
Marta: Tomorrow will be happy, you’ll see
Keira: If you say so. For now... can I have a hug
Marta: aww, of course carino
The couple head home and still feeling the effects of the tea take time to enjoy each other properly. Keira still gets feelings of inadequacy which can be hard to balance with Marta’s need to feel uncaged. But they love each other. Love is a skill and these two are happy to grow their skills together. Whatever they may feel, they’ll work on it together.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 8
Honeymoon time!
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CW: Light dash of sims spice
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish words/phrases Ay dios mio: omg equivalent Bueno: Good, fine, okay Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Cómo estás?: How are you De nada!: You’re welcome/no problem Gracias: Thank you Por favor: Please Qué?: What? Si: Yes Te amo: I love you
Keira: Here we are. A beach hideaway to remind you of your childhood in Cuba
Marta: Gracias. That had to be the longest loading screen I’ve ever had
Keira: You tired?
Marta: A little. Cómo estás?
Keira: Good. Really good (she self-discovered she was good when we were giving away wedding photos). Looks like there’s no dresser so no point in unpacking
Marta: We can roll the suitcases into the corner, it’ll be fine
They put away their dresses and Marta gets the giggles when she discovers that they’ve both been smuggling new lingerie under their outfits.
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Marta: *laughs* are you even comfortable?
Keira: Mostly, I really wanted to make an effort. Some hot woman once told me my body shouldn’t be wasted on a man
Marta: *blushes* that was not my best line, let’s not revisit it por favor
Keira: Sorry wife but that was the line that let me know you were interested in me as more than a friend, I’m so happy you said it
Marta tucks her head down in embarrassment and Keira takes the opportunity to kiss her forehead before pulling her in for a proper kiss.
Keira: So what should we do now
Marta: *innocently* I didn’t have anything planned
Keira: You didn’t?
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Keira lifts Marta up and kisses her again. Marta may be murmuring that she really didn’t but she still wraps her legs around her wife.
Keira: If you had no plans why are you wearing that
Marta: I needed something that wouldn’t show straps in my wedding dress, that’s all
Keira: Oh? So the fact that I love you in lace *kisses* had no bearing on the decision
Marta: None at all carino *kisses*
Keira: Well I may have an idea for how we could pass the time
Marta: Scrabble
Keira: No
Marta: Pictionary
Keira: Still no. Can you not guess what I’m thinking
Marta: *coyly* you might have to give me a hint
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Keira turns and deposits a giggling Marta on the bed, tickling her until she gives in.
Marta: *laughing* Fine! I want to woohoo my wife
Keira: What a coincidence sweetheart, I want the same thing
Marta: Then it’s good we got married, si
Keira: Si. I love you so much
Marta: Te amo carino, now and forever
After the woohoo Marta snuggled up close to Keira, putting her head on her chest to listen to her wife’s heartbeat. The rhythm she’d spend the rest of her life listening to if the watcher treated them with favour. Keira ran her hand through Marta’s curls and Marta felt a light kiss on the forehead before she fell into a blissful sleep.
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The next morning Marta got up and begun preparing breakfast, happily singing to herself.
Keira: Morning wife. Did you sleep well
Marta: Si, bueno. Cómo estás?
Keira: Amazing. Did you like our wedding then
Marta: Si! Although when I imagined it I cried less *giggles*
Keira: *laughs* I didn’t mind, we’re happy, cry about it as much as you like
Marta: *giggles* gracias for not sneaking a peek at my dress
Keira: I can see why you wanted it to be a surprise, you looked incredible, I mean you always look incredible but I was almost struck dumb
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Marta: que?
Keira: Struck dumb? It means like… left speechless. You’re so surprised you can’t talk so… dumb
Marta: Gracias. What a strange phrase
Keira: Did you put that lingerie back on just to cook me breakfast
Marta: Maybe *giggles* I should have brought a robe
Keira: No, I like this view fine
Marta: *laughs*  I see you also half dressed
Keira: All but the stockings. They may look pretty but these clasps aren’t strong enough to hold up stockings all day long. Plus it’s hot out
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Marta: Plans for today
Keira: More woohoo
Marta: Carino if we wanted to spend 48 hours woohooing we could have stayed home and saved money. We’re here, let’s make the most of it
Keira: Okay well I’m feeling like a run so I could do that while you do some yoga. Then we can check out the waterfall, it’s pretty magical
Marta: Si. It’s a plan
Keira: It’s cloudy out but that will just stop us getting sunburnt so easily
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So the girls head out. Keira may be more used to Sulani but Marta has many fond memories from beaches growing up. She sets up her mat near the waterfall and begins to stretch. Keira makes some loops of the island and pops back to the house to change into her swimwear. Then it’s off to find her wife.
Marta: I'm almost done
Keira: De nada
Marta: You’re playing games on your phone aren’t you
Keira: Just passing time
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Quick selfie, say newlyweds!
Marta: So you said we should look at the waterfall, si?
Keira: Yes! It’s great. There’s normally some conservation people around but hopefully we’ll get lucky
Marta: Will we *giggles*
Keira: Not like that! Although I’m up for it if you are
Marta: Just show me por favor
The couple follow the water inland a short way to reach the falls.
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Marta: This is beautiful!
Keira: It’s lovely isn’t it
Marta: *smiles* It is *kicks water at wife*
Keira: What? Hey! Cheeky
Marta: *giggles* I could not resist carino
Keira: Well two can play at that game
Keira kicks water back covering Marta as she shrieks.
Marta: Ay dios mio it’s cold
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Keira: You started it
Marta: I did, didn’t I? Better embrace it
She bends down and gets her hands into position.
Keira: What are you doing
Marta: Carrying on
She rises, pushing up as much water as she can towards Keira!
Keira: *laughs* Oh that is cold
Marta: *giggles* Told you carino
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The two splash around, giddy with the past 24 hours. It’s a great start to the honeymoon.
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 1
Settling in to San Sequoia.
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Also yes, I realise Marta's sleepwear is more revealing than before but I realised I gave her this cute birthmark and tattoo only for them to hardly be seen so a outfit restyle was in order. Plus it's just her and Keira in the house now.
Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common phrases Si: Yes Por favor: Please Bueno: Good, fine, okay Carino: Term of endearment for a loved one Cómo estás?: How are you No tan bien: Not really good… Ay dios mio: omg equivalent Gracias: Thank you Qué?: What? Buenas tardes: Good afternoon Abuelo/Abuela: Grandfather/Grandmother Padre: Father Lo siento: Sorry
Autumn has begun and we find ourselves in the cloudy harbour of San Sequoia where two lovers sleep in a small unit dreaming of their wedding. The passing ferry horn hardly wakes them now, they’ve begun to get used to the sound. Keira is often keen to get up and start the day, it just usually involves untangling herself from Marta.
Keira: Sweetheart, I’m going to get up
Marta: Si
Keira: That means you have to let go
Marta holds on tighter.
Marta: No
Keira chuckles and kisses the smaller woman on the forehead.
Keira: I need breakfast, can I go por favor
Marta: *sighs* bueno
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The couple head downstairs where Marta makes a beeline for the kettle. Normally she'll be singing as she does it but today she is strangely quiet.
Keira: How are- umm… cómo estás?
Marta: Ay dios mio, no tan bien. My belly hurts
Keira: Are you worried about Day of the Dead tomorrow?
Marta: No. I’m looking forward to Dia de los Muertos. I think I’ve got a bug
Keira: Then you need to rest today
Marta: No. Carino I have cooking I need to do
Keira: Don’t care. If you’re sick, you need to rest. Lots of green tea and naps
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Marta: *sighs* fine. The water is done, I’ll have tea
Keira: And then nap?
Marta: *pouts* Carino we only just woke up
Keira: I don’t want you getting more sick
Marta: Gracias. You are sweet but carino, the food is important
Keira: I’m trying to understand. I just… my family always taught me that when a person is in the forever save, they stay there. It’s hard to think that maybe they can come back at all
Marta: Si. I know, and I love you for trying to understand it all
Keira: Well our kids will have to understand it so I better get a headstart
Marta: What kids are these
Keira: You know, our future imaginary ones
Marta giggles but is happy Keira wants to grow their family.
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Marta sits down to slowly sip her tea, looking like she may just throw up any minute. Keira tries to think of something they can talk about to distract her fiance from her bad tummy.
Keira: Test me
Marta: Que?
Keira: On the ofrenda. I want to see how much I remember
Marta: Bueno. Why did we make the ofrenda
Keira: To… welcome back the spirits of your ancestors? Like to invite them into our home and celebrate their life?
Marta: Si. We would have put pictures of your ancestors to, but you don’t have those?
Keira: No *sighs* would have been cool though
Marta: What is the top level traditionally for
Keira: I know this one! The top level is about the heavens, I love the word heavens, and is about the connection between the departed souls and the watcher
Marta: Si. That is why we have the plumbob, the symbol of the watcher, in white
Keira: Why is it white though? I thought religion taught that plumbobs were green, yellow or red
Marta: Si but it is the plumbob of our loved ones that have passed. They have completed what they were put in the save for so their plumbob is white. You know from science si? White holds all the colours
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Keira: That confused me so much because mum taught us all about paint and in that black is all the colours. But yeah during my degree they said white light has every colour
Marta: The second level?
Keira: That’s where we put the photos because… I forgot. But I remember we put the pictures on so that the spirits know where to go, and that they can be remembered when we tell their stories
Marta: Si. It is the heart. We can also put things that belonged to them that were important. Why do we use candles and flowers?
Keira: The candles light the way for the sprits, and so do the marigolds but with smell
Marta: Si, there’s also just a lot of them in Mexico. And the bottom level
Keira: Where we put the food but can totally skip it if you’re unwell
Marta: Gracias carino but *rubs forehead* it is not like leaving cookies for Father Winter. The food is important. The spirits travel a long way, it is a journey. Making food and drink helps nourish them and is part of honouring them. That’s why they go at the bottom level, to tie into the…. physical world
Keira: I see. I don’t want you to overdo it but it’s clearly important. Just promise me you’ll rest for a bit before jumping into cooking
Marta: Grilling! It tastes better. *gags* ay dios mio, I do think I should have a nap first. I feel like throwing up
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So while Marta sleeps to try and get through the burning belly symptoms, Keira goes for her normal run. It may be cloudy but she’s quickly fallen in love with the neighbourhood. They may have moved here for her job, and to hide a bit from Marta’s jerk of an ex, but Keira can see her and Marta raising their family here. Their unit neighbours seem nice enough and there’s plenty of space for kids to run around.
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When Keira gets back home she jumps online to look up more about the conservation efforts in the area. Last week at work a colleague mentioned there might be upcoming law change and Keira wants to make sure she knows what she can about the current state of things. Following her nap Marta has a shower in the afternoon and heads out past the picture of her grandparents.
Marta: Buenas tardes. I’m going to make Chimi first, your favourite abuelo
At the grill Marta sets about preparing the burgers. She’s already made all the fillings and just needs to cook the patty right. Abuelo Manuel always had a particular way of doing it that he insisted made it extra juicy and was happy to supervise her and her padre Rafael to make sure they were cooked to perfection.
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With the chimi finished Marta set about making the elote, her abuela Maria’s favourite. When Maria was growing up in Mexico she and her friends used to love buying some for the street vendors after school on Fridays. Maria always said it reminded her of the freedom of the weekend. When the corn is cooked and covered in the sauce, Marta begins on the last dish, Pollo a la Brasa, peruvian style chicken. While her mama Aymee grew up in Cuba, her parents were originally from Peru and on special occasions would take her out for the delicious dish. After they passed her mama would make the dish when Marta was growing up as a special treat to celebrate. Marta hoped her mama would enjoy it.
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Marta feels another wave of nausea hit her and she wavers. She knows Keira is right and she should rest but she needs to make this food for her familia.
Margarita: You okay Marta?
Marta: Que? Si Margarita, estoy bien. Cómo estás?
Margarita: Huh? I'm afraid my parents never taught me Spanish
Marta: Lo siento. How are you?
Margarita: Enjoying a respite, both boys are asleep at the same time. What are you cooking?
Marta: Food for Dia de los Muertos tomorrow
Margarita: Oh is that why the spooky décor is up
Marta: Si, I checked with the property manager and he said it was fine
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Marta: Hola Stefan
Margarita: What are you doing out here? What about the kids?
Stefan: The monitors are on, my phone will buzz if they start fussing in their cribs. I just felt like some air
Marta: I would have thought Saturdays were busy for work
Stefan: Not so much. Most of my clients schedule appointments during the week, a lot have families to spend the weekend with
Keira: Marta! Have you finished cooking? I could smell it through the window
Stefan: Can we have some
Keira: Sorry Stefan, it’s for family, to help their spirits make the journey to visit
Marta smiled at Keira remembering, and she was certainly too nauseous to eat any of it today. When Keira offered Mara let her help carry all the food up the stairs and into their home.
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dwindledglow · 5 years
the first time james went to go and get a tattoo, well, he ended up with three and he knew right then and there his addiction to ink had just begun. meant to represent his career and love for fashion, behind his left ear, james has a small hanger tattoo. in small, uppercase, and bold font, and placed on the inside of his right wrist, he has the date 14th may which is his little cousin’s - neelam - birthday and to represent his freedom, in his left hand’s middle finger, he has a small swallow. later on, and as a personal reminders, he got the quote love and show, hate and hide along his left hip and the proverb, nobody can destroy your dreams, in arabic alongside his right collarbone. around the time he started to get to know rose better and realized how different she was from what he imagined, he got the word perspective — reference — on the inside of his left arm, a gentle reminder of how every situation can be seen in different prisms, depending on the light shed on them and on who's judging it. likewise, representing how his focus is on the positive side of his life rather than the toxicity surrounding him, along the side of his right arm, he has the quote only the good tattooed. behind his right ear, he has alexis, the name of his and rose’s first daughter tattooed and on the right side of his left wrist, he has a circle which is a representation of karma and the saying what goes around comes around. besides it, he has an intricate mandala creeping from his hand up his arm, and on the back of his neck, he has rose petals surrounding a R0903, which is essentially a tattoo for his wife followed by her initial and the date of their anniversary.
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ragingloons · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Champion Gray Athletic Shorts Size XL.
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