cat-arsenal · 2 years
Playing through Pokemon SWSH again while full of Existential Adult Anxiety having forgotten that one of the themes(?) of Pokemon SWSH is Existential Adult Anxiety
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song-of-storms162 · 5 years
The Way Home Part 1
You’re a globetrotting trainer who’s seen what the world has to offer. You never stay in one place because of your work, but you think it’s time you started looking for a place to settle down. Enter Leon, your cousin who’s also Galar’s Champion, who claims he has a perfect job in mind for you in Galar. So with one last hurdle to clear, you head to where you’ve always heard a voice calling your name, the Galar Region. But things have changed since you were last there, and one of those changes goes by the name of ‘Raihan’, Leon’s rival and one of Galar’s most beloved Gym Leaders.
There was always something nice about going to Galar. It wasn’t just the curry cuisine, the culture and the region’s battling style. It was the fact that you were born there.
Your parents had lived in Galar for a while (too short for your liking) before moving to a number of different regions for work until they decided it was time to settle down. So they left for Unova and you and your sister spent your lives in the Village of Dragons with Dragon type Pokémon. Your parents were travelers, but you had a hunch the reason they settled down back then were their two daughters, one a newborn and another who was beginning to feel the effects of all the past traveling.
Of course, there were still trips to Galar as part of your family lived there. And growing up to be your parents’ daughter, you had inherited their wandering soul, for better or worst. You had been to other regions for experience and self-discovery, all while making a name for yourself. While you became a globetrotter, your sister trained under her master to be Unova’s next Champion. Unova had a special place in your heart, as did all the places you had been to. But there was always something in Galar calling out to you.
You got off your ship at Hulbury’s port, your luggage in one hand and your Rotom phone in the other. The sight of the familiar harbor with its salty breeze along with the familiar night sky was a breath of fresh air you happily breathed in. You were about to check the messages on your phone when you heard a familiar voice call out.
“(Name)! Over here!” You picked Nessa out of the crowd from the blue streak in her hair and her waving arms. “Nessa!” You cried with a grin before quickening your footsteps to break free from the crowd of newly arrived passengers.
Nessa met up with you halfway, the passengers clearing a path when they recognized her. “It’s so good to see you again!”
Nessa’s hug was one you welcomed and returned. “Did Leon tell you I was coming?”
“Of course he did,” said Nessa as she took your luggage before you could protest. “It’s all we’ve been talking about ever since he told us you were coming.”
“Speaking of Lee, where is he?” you ask before attempting to make a grab for your bags. “Is he busy or is he lost? He was supposed to come get me.”
“He’s a bit of both right now.”
“Oh dear...”
“He’ll be fine,” said Nessa as you both made your way out of the harbour. “So how was your trip?”
“It was alright, but going from Driftveil to Hulbury without stopping is taxing,” You sigh before going on to tell Nessa about the wild Pokémon who wanted to battle the trainers on the trip. The two of you made your way down the streeets of Hulbury, you could hear the fain teill of Wingull and the distant sounds of the Hulbury’s famous market. Nessa in return told you how she was the one who came to fetch you.
“I was at the lighthouse-“
“Of course,” you quipped with a smile that caused Nessa to smack your arm.
“And I got a call from Leon saying how you’re about to arrive at Hulbury in less than 10 minutes with no one to greet you. So naturally, I rushed to the rescue.”
“Naturally,” you said. “Though I would’ve been fine. I know my way around, unlike a certain champion.”
“I do hope you’re not talking about me, Cousin.”
You and Nessa stop walking at the sight of Leon and Sonia, their Charizard and Yampee with them.
“Leon! Sonia!” You beamed before throwing your arms around them and squeezing them both making the latter let out a laugh. You felt both ease their arms around you before you let them go.
“Is this how you greeted Nessa? Can’t say Galar’s prepared for all the hugs you’ll give,” said Leon with a chuckle. “Maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t bring everyone, what a fest that would be!”
You rolled your eyes at your cousin. “Oh hush, I’m not going to go around chasing after strangers for hugs.”
“Perhaps not strangers but what about your friends?” Sonia asked and you wag a finger at her.
“My friends are an entirely different matter. For them I’d be-“
“A touch starved Bewear?” quipped Nessa.
“If you want me to be one,” you said with nonchalant look. “Though I’ve never met one before. I’d probably have to observe them in the Wild Area first if I want my hugs that lethal.”
“Well,” said Leon patting your shoulder. “You can do us all a favour and keep away from there.”
“No promises.” You grin at your cousin leading the others to laugh as you headed for the station.
“So tell me what’s been happening,” you said as the four of you take your seats on the train to Wedgehurst. “Feels like everytime I’m gone, something major happens.”
“Well, where do we start?”
And so began the outpour of news of the region’s most recent events. From how Leon brought home Pokémon for Hop and Gloria with an endorsement following along: how with the help of Hop and Gloria, Sonia became a professor and was currentky writing a book based on Galar’s history and how Gloria and Hop were nearing the end of their gym challenge with only three more badges left to obtain.
“Seems like Hop’s gone a long way, huh?” You mused. “Feels like it was only yesterday he called to show me his Wooloo.”
“Oh I remember,” Leon chuckled as he stared out the window. “Nearly dropped his new Rotom Phone while he was at it too.”
“Feels nice looking at you two like this,” said Nessa. “Whenever I see news of either of you, (Name) looks too serious and Leon’s too happy.”
“Is happy even the right word for it?” asked Sonia as she ran her fingers through the fur of her sleeping Yamper. “I think you both bear the weight of your responsibilities to the point where it’s your persona.”
You and Leon looked at each other, curiosity written on your faces. “Do we? Well with the Championship match coming up, Lee here might have to actually fight for his title for once.”
“Sometimes I can’t help but wonder who I’ll be facing in the match,” mused Leon. “Will it be Raihan? Will it be Hop? Or will it be Gloria?
“Raihan?” You questioned and the three pause to glance at you.
“That’s right,” Nessa said. “You’ve never met him before, have you (Name)?”
“There’s a couple of people you haven’t met, it’s not just Raihan. I don’t think you’ve met Bea and Gordie too.” Sonia placed her chin on her hand, recalling the people you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting.
“Well, she’ll be meeting them all pretty soon,” said Leon as he leaned back on his seat. “What with Mr.Rose approving of the plans to make the Rose tower part Battle Tower, I’m pretty sure everyone will be seeing much of (Name) soon!”
Leon’s grin had you smiling yourself. “It’d be nice to meet everyone and I’ll be here for a while so company’s welcome.”
“A while?” Nessa laughed. “(Name), you’re never in Galar for just a ‘while’.”
“That’s true,” agreed Sonia. “Everytime we think you’ll finally settle down, something major happens and it ends with us seeing you off for who-knows-where.”
“How’s that job of yours treating you?” Leon asked quietly. “Nothing too harsh these past few right?”
You shook your head. “Everytime I’ve encountered anything close to a problem, I solve it Lee. And it’s not that bad.”
“(Name) can handle herself, Leon,” said Sonia and you beamed at her. “We all know that.”
“And all the traveling doesn’t hurt either,” said Nessa. “One of these days, I’m gonna close my Gym for a few just to travel to some far off region.”
“I think you all need a break from work,” you chuckled. “And thank you Leon for worrying about me, though my Pokémon would be insulted that you didn’t mention their protection.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the trainer?” Leon’s lips quirked in a smile.
“That I am, but off the battlefield we’re more than just Pokémon and trainer, Lee. We’re family.” You smiled fondly at the Poké Balls on your belt before patting one. “Lee, lend me your shoulder will you? I need something to sleep on after that boat ride.”
“Go ahead.” Leon adjusted his position so you could snooze on his shoulder and soon, you were out like a light.
Wedgehurst Station was where you parted with Sonia and Nessa, the former saying how she still had to process the new information for her book and the latter claimed she had to get back to close her gym.
So you and your cousin began your way to Postwick, the later hours of the night leaving less people wandering streets. Leon had taken one of your bags leaving you with dragging your suitcase along. You were grateful for the quiet streets for you were traveling with Leon after all, Galar’s ‘Unbeatable’ Champion. Speaking of your cousin, he had been oddly quiet since you parted with Nessa and you wondered where his usual cheeriness went.
“Leon, you’re awfully quiet,” you said, concern lining your features. The only sounds around were the sound of your baggage on the rougher road along with faint Pokémon trills. “Where’s my usual ‘Champion’ of a cousin right now?”
Leon sighed before smiling at you. “Sorry (Name), I’ve got something on my mind right now.”
“Anything I can help with?”
Leon stopped walking, the smile gone and replaced with a more serious look on his face. “Maybe.”
You paused in your steps. “Must be quite the something if it’s got you this bothered.”
“Well,” you saw Leon’s grip on your bag tighen. “It’s something to do with Mr. Rose.”
You frowned at him. “What’s he got to do with this?”
Leon couldn’t meet your eyes. “He has a task that he wants me to do.”
“What sort of task?” You asked as Leon started walking again. The two of you passed by the Pokémon Center and reached Route 1 before Leon finally continued.
“Do you know of Eternatus?” asked Leon, his tone solemn as you both headed for the shortcut through Route 1. It seemed as if other Pokémon had heard the name and went quiet at the mention of said Pokémon.
“Eternatus?” You echoed before remembering the Legendary Pokémon from the stories told at the Village of Dragons. “Yes, but what does a mythical Pokémon have to do with this?”
“Lee! (Name)!” The both of you look up to see Hop waiting at Postwick’s entrance with a humongous grin on his face. With him were his Inteleon and Gloria with her Rillaboom, the former and latter smiling as you and Leon drew closer.
You saw the solemnity wipe away from Leon’s face at the sight of the two. “Hop! Gloria!” He exclaimed, the grin showing no traces of his past emotion. “Why are you both waiting here?”
“I came to greet my favorite cousin!” said Hop with a grin. “And to make sure you guys got here on time.”
Gloria nodded. “If you had taken any longer, we would’ve gone to Wedgehurst!”
“Of course we got here on time,” you said with a chuckle. “I mean one of us actually has a sense of direction here!”
“Hey!” Leon pouted and this prompted you to laugh. “I didn’t come here to get knocked down a peg. I came to have a champion time with my family!”
“Speaking of family, lets go inside before mum starts wondering if you really are late,” said Hop. “C’mon! We even brought the grill out for tonight!”
“Are we eating out?” You asked as the four of you began making your way to Hop’s house.
Gloria grinned as she walked backwards to face you. “That’s right! Mum said it would be a waste to not eat under a sky like this tonight!”
At her words, you looked up and you had to admit, you wondered how you didn’t notice the interweaving dark blues and the million stars dotting the night sky. You breathed in Postwick’s fresh air with a smile. You truly missed this place.
“Hey (Name)! Hurry or me and Lee are gonna finish all the sausages!” Hop yelled from the outdoor grill they had already set up, the smell of sausages beginning to waft through the area. You hadn’t realised the three of them were already in the outdoor area of Hop’s house. Grinning, you ran to catch up. “Leave some sausages for me!”
“I can’t eat another bite!” Hop exclaimed as he rubbed his tummy. “Man, mum pulled out all the stops tonight!”
“I most certainly did,” said your aunt as she tugged on Hop’s cheek causing your younger cousin to protest. “You and Gloria deserve a proper meal for all that traveling you’ve done. And we have two extra special guests tonight.”
“I’ll help with the plates,” you said before getting up from your seat, Gloria also getting up to help.
“No, both of you sit down,” tutted Gloria’s mother as she quickly began clearing plates. “You’re our guests tonight and I’m sure you all are more than tired from your trip here.”
“No buts,” she said firmly before swiping your plate and adding it to the ever growing stack in her hands. “Besides, you’ll be living here until you’ve found a place to stay. The chores don’t have to start tonight.”
Gloria’s mum and your aunt make their way into the house with the dirty plates as your uncle starts cleaning the barbecue. You listen to Hop and Gloria recount their battles and gym challenges, smiling at the way they talk with animated gestures. Your hands unconciously find your Poké Balls and you nearly jump from your seat when you feel one of them rattle into your palm. Leon, noticing your startled expression chuckled. “Are your Pokémon finally awake?”
“Seems like they are,” you said with a laugh as you took the Poké Balls off your belt and flung them into the air. “Come on out everyone!”
You had caught numerous Pokémon from all your travelling and there were times when your team would change, but for your trip to Galar you had brought six of your Pokémon while the rest stayed back in Unova.
Your Salamence, Salem, let out a cry when it came out, as did your Lapras, Kai and your Decidueye, Nox. Your Hydreigon, Byron, let out a low growl at finally being released from its Poké Ball but the ones who were quiet and stretched their bodies were your Alolan Ninetails, Jasmine and your Silvally, Amit.
Nox, Salem, Kai and Byron, who had been on your team longer than Amit and Jasmine, let out noises of happiness when spying Leon and Hop. When your aunt and Gloria’s mother came out of the house again, they came out holding bowls of Pokémon food, Poffins, Poké Puffs, PokéBlocks and berries of all sorts.
“Was wondering when you’d let the cavalry out,” your aunt winked at you. “Gloria, Hop, it’s time for your Pokémon to eat. We’ve had our feasting, it’s their turn to eat!”
You watched in contentment as you saw Jasmine and Nox gently coax Amit into eating with the larger group of Pokémon, which included many from Hop, Leon and Gloria’s team. You smiled at the sight of the Silavlly pausing midway in its food at the curious stares it got from the other Pokémon, it’s mouth open comically for a while but Hop’s Dubwool had been the one to break the ice with a happy cry.
“Interesting Pokémon you got there,” said Leon as his eyes trailed after Amit’s form. “I can’t say I’ve ever seen a Silvally so shy.”
You blink in surprise at your cousin, facing him instead of the crowd of Pokémon eating away. “I’m surprised you know what Amit is.”
“The Champion of Alola has one, added it to their team for awhile,” said Leon as his eyes cast over the group of Pokémon again.
You remembered Alola’s current champion from a previous trip to Alola, one circling around your job. Even though they were much younger, you were still in awe at the Pokémon who seemed to trust their trainer to a whole new level. When you two finally sat down for a meal, they told you they thought your friendship with your Pokémon was something else. And somehow you left the region with a Pokémon that had been entrusted to only two people in the world then.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with your work right?” asked Leon but you only say: “Lee, when does anything I do not have to do with my work?”
Leon opened his mouth to answer but before you knew what he would say, Hop and Gloria came bounding up to you with excited grins.
“(Name)! (Name)! You’ve gotta introduce your new Pokémon to us!” exclaimed Hop and Gloria nodded.
“Well,” you said. “I’ll consider it, if you tone it down a bit, Hop.”
“I will! I will!”
“What region is your Ninetails from?” asked Gloria as she glanced at where Amit had started playing tag with Gloria’s Cinderace and the Dreepy that usually stayed in Leon’s Dragapult. It seemed both fully evolved Pokémon had come to a silent agreement to always let Dreepy win.
“Jasmine’s from the Alola region,” you said. “Amit, my Silvally over there, is from Alola as well.”
You motion Jasmine over from where she sits inbetween some napping Pokémon and she shakes herself free before heading to you two. Gloria’s eyes are sparkling when she sits in front of you and you chuckle at the younger girl’s expression. “You can pet her you know.”
Carefully, one of Gloria’s hands skim over Jasmine’s fur, the fox Pokémon letting out a low purr at the sensation. “She’s so pretty!” squealed Gloria.
Before you could comment, you saw Leon waiting behind your Ninetails, expression amused at the younger trainer’s delight. You got up without a word and your cousin promptly brought out his Rotom Phone. The picture of 11 people was new to you.
“I recognise a few faces,” you said as you inspected the photo. “Of course I remember Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Allister, Opal, Melony and Piers. Who are the others?”
The few you don’t recognise are the rest of the gym leaders you hadn’t mentioned and Leon’s quick to give you a little intro to each person.
“This is Bea, fighting type expert.” Leon points out a stone faced girl, her mouth set in a determined line.
“Let me guess, Stow-on-Side?”
“That’s right, and this is Gordie.” The name of the man in the visor brings back a memory between you and Melony.
“Isn’t that the name of Melony’s son?”
“He is Melony’s son,” said Leon as he flips through his phone again. “But he’s a rock type expert.”
“She’s okay with it?”
Leon shrugged. “Not exactly.”
The next photo he shows you is a different one. This time there’s only two in the frame, only one of which you recognise.
“This is.... Raihan right?” You squint at the photo of Leon and the person you don’t recognise. You can tell he and Leon are close from the goofy pose and expressions they’re both doing. But there’s a sort of carefree aura emanating from the two that you can’t help but smile at.
“Yep, he’s my rival,” said Leon with a smile.
Even though they’re rivals, they both look so open with each other, You thought. Well I guess it shows how deep their friendship goes.
“You’ll be battling everyone sooner or later. But I had an idea of how to introduce you to everyone.”
“I already know most of fhe gym leaders, Lee.” Your aunt comes out with drinks for everyone and you smile at her in thanks.
“I know that, but when I say everyone, I really mean everyone! I’m talking all of Galar here!” Leon’s excited smile, maybe the first really bright one tonight, relaxes you a little.
“Well then, what’s this idea of yours?” You ask as you sipped your drink.
Leon’s eyes were brimming with excitement. “How would you like to partake in a special gym challenge?”
The guest room inside Hop’s house was already filled with your belongings, the bed was even decked out in your favorite comforter. You let loose a sigh as you plopped on the bed and leaned back to lie on the soft sheets. There was a turmoil of thoughts in your head and you weren’t sure where to start.
You heard a buzzing sound and saw your Rotom Phone floating around in the corner of your eye, you made no move to reach for it but raised your head to look at it. On the screen was a familiar name, one that was trying to get on call with you.
You motion for Rotom to come closer and answered the call. The familiar sound of your superior crackled through the phone.
“Hello agent, I take it your trip went well?”
“Evening to you, Sir Looker, my trip was alright.” Your eyes were on the ceiling and Rotom settled beside you so you could keep your conversation going
“I’ll get straight to the point then, have there been any difficulties since your arrival?”
You chuckled. “No, I’ve been here for less than a day. Are you asking out of concern or for Headquarters?”
“Concern, of course.” A pause. “I don’t need to ring headquarters to prepare backup for you. You’re one of our best.”
“You let my Pokémon over the border” you said with a smile. “You best believe I’ll be giving it my all in this one.”
“I’ll tell Headquarters to settle then. Have you found a place to live in yet?”
“I misjudged the size of the house.” You frowned as you sat back up and surveyed your room again. “I don’t think my cousin’s place will be large enough for my Pokémon.”
No, you remembered how the backyard was barely big enough for all those Pokémon to eat in, even if a smaller number of Pokémon were to be kept in your cousin’s house, they would not be able to get the space they required to run around.
“I can arrange to find you new lodgings.”
You nod. “That could help, if I’m going to be here awhile, I’ll need a bigger place to stay in.”
“And one that’s more connected, perhaps? Postwick is accessible but it’s definitely a location that takes a while to travel to.”
“I guess so,” you mumbled at the prospect of not being close to your aunt and uncle soon.
“I know this might sound a bit rushed agent but...”
You hear Looker trail off and chuckle because you know what he’s asking.
“You want to know how I’ll go about my mission?”
“My cousin already came up with one and don’t worry, I haven’t told him the real reason why I’m here yet.”
You hear Looker sigh in relief. “Thank Arceus for that, and what’s your plan so far?”
“He wants me to battle the Gym Leaders in a formal setting, sort of like the Gym Challenge but instead it’ll be promotion for the upcoming Battle Tower.”
You can see Looker nod his head through the phone. “Of course and because it’s going to be a significant part of the Rose Tower, Chairman Rose is bound to watch and oversee.”
“Leon said it’s also going to be a way to advertise Chairman Rose’s latest plans and business ongoings which I’ll soon be a part of anyway since I’m going to be one of the Trainers for the Battle Tower. And I’ll also be meeting him to start plans for the Battle Tower.”
“I see you have the situation under control, agent.” You can see Looker nodding. “And you must always remember your mission, understood?”
“Understood.” You nod. “My mission is to find out what Mr.Rose has been doing in the Power Plant under Hammerlocke Stadium.”
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