#RIP my diane nguyen era
purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you and your current/last significant other discuss your sexual histories? Well no, because we were each other’s firsts.
Have your religious beliefs stayed the same since you were a child? No. I separated myself from the one I was raised in 13 years ago.
Are you named after someone? Part of the inspiration came from the Swedish singer, yes; but for the most part my name was purely my dad’s choice.
Who do you need to forgive? Nobody. I don’t go that route.
What is one thing you admire about each of your parents? My dad has sacrificed a lot - most especially time with us - precisely to give us what we need and want. My mom has never seen anything as a barrier and would go through anything to be able to do what she has to do.
Describe a time when you were touched by someone’s kindness or compassion. I was surrounded with so much kindness yesterday - Angela and Hans paid for lunch even though I tried handing over my money; Bea offered to treat me at the coffee shop we went to and made me pick whatever I wanted off the menu (I ultimately declined); and a warm stranger held open the elevator doors for me, made nice small talk during the ride and kindly said his goodbyes when we parted ways.
What do you consider a relationship dealbreaker? I honestly don’t know how to answer this because I tolerated so many red flags that would have been immediate dealbreakers for anyone else. I’m not really brave enough to leave relationships.
Who is someone who drains your energy? A particular client at work.
What are the top three goals you want to accomplish in the next 12 months? I want to go on a long roadtrip; I want to be even better at my job; I’d like to start doing more adult things, like apply for insurance.
Do you feel that your parents treated you and your siblings the same or was there favoritism? I think there were elements of favoritism for each of us - asking for things came easy to me because I had the best grades out of the three of us; my sister was and is super sensitive so they never scold her; and my brother, as the youngest, naturally gets away with low grades or misbehaving.
Is there anything you will never forgive your parents for? Yes, my mom going through my private journal. And all the painful words she said to me at a time when all I needed was stable family support.
When did you first realize you were attractive? I guess when I got into my first relationship.
What is the most petty reason you've ever ended a friendship or relationship? There was a post making fun of BTS on Facebook and I spotted a couple of friends under the Haha react, so I unfriended them. It’s exactly petty and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it more times if I see it happening again.
Have you ever had a significant other that you were not attracted to? No. I’m not sure I can do that; though I know it’s not everything, looks still kind of matter to me so I have to find them attractive to an extent.
What's the one thing you wish you could do for the first time again? Attend a concert.
What's the longest you've ever slept for? Oh not sure. Maybe 8, 9 hours? I’m not a heavy sleeper so the longest I’ve slept is just the standard for most people hahaha.
What are you currently saving up for to buy? OMG this cute reversible Pride bucket hat from adidas :/ I went to their newest store yesterday and I VERY NEARLY bought it - like I already snatched it from the shelves and everything - but I already bought yet another BTS album this week, bought tickets for their online concert on the 24th, and spent on unnecessary food delivery too...so discipline got the best of me in the end and I had to place it back. Which sucks BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A CUTE BUCKET HAT IamliterallycomingbackforitassoonasIgetmynextpay.
Is there anything an ex has "ruined" for you? Love, I guess. I have no desire to invest in relationships any time soon, seeing how my efforts with her went to waste in the worst way possible anyway.
What life lessons did you have to experience firsthand before you fully understood them? Financial problems. Nothing served as a slap in the face to me more than when my dad had to sell one of our cars last year.
What was the best small thing your parents did for you when you were a kid? Bringing us to this nearby water park every weekend, which felt like a grand vacation.
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