#ROZE: hungry dogs are never loyal
gxldensxldiers · 4 months
This has been on the mind for a while now, I'll eventually 'officially' establish it somewhere, but Roze's dad was in Vietnam, got drafted as an 18/19 year old. A lot of his current health problems go back to his service and Agent Orange exposure.
He wasn't exactly thrilled about Roze joining the military but got over it pretty quick since 'things are different now' and 'well it's your choice you're an Adult'. Definitely didn't want her leaving the damn Rangers to help care for him but hey, it was her choice.
He tries not to think too hard about her private contracting work these days. The less he knows/hears, the better.
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
While Roze does tend to keep a full deck or two of playing cards around, they’ve all got fucking bullet holes in every card bc she uses them for marksmanship/shooting games primarily.
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gxldensxldiers · 6 months
As far as KorTac dynamics go, Roze really likes to ride that fine line between 'friendly asshole teasing' and 'going to get strangled and/or stabbed one of these days'. It's all in good fun and she knows when to stop with bantering basically being a love language for her but holy shit.
She needs to stop antagonizing the angry Italian.
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gxldensxldiers · 6 months
Roze and Calisto are hiking/hunting buddies send the fucking post.
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gxldensxldiers · 7 days
something something, Arthur and Roze knowing each other outside of their shared time in Shadow Company bc of Roze and his sister Allison being the same Ranger class + possibly unit after the fact until Allison got moved to TF-291/Patriot and Roze left the military to care for her father.
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gxldensxldiers · 4 months
also I'm convinced Roze grew up watching old Dukes of Hazard reruns. No particular reason but I'm holding onto this head canon.
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gxldensxldiers · 4 months
Also just random thought but
Henry and Alice Helms 🤝 Jackson and Gwen West
'Can our kids find a new career for the love of god-'
It's the way their kids (two of them in the Wests' case) went from doing (semi-) normal shit in the Army to doing flat out PMC shit where they have even less protections and are doing even sketchier shit for contract work.
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
💚Are they prone to jealousy? (Arthur)
🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? (Io)
💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? (Roze)
From here | Accepting!
💚 Are they prone to jealousy? (Arthur)
Kinda, yeah. His ego does serve as a sort of buffer some of the time, but it isn't foolproof. If he feels like he's being cast aside, ignored or otherwise 'neglected', jealousy will quickly follow. He'll be clingier towards his partner, showing more PDA to 'get the message across' so to speak. Probably gets quieter, stays amicable if his partner happens to be around but just barely. It's subtle, but incredibly obvious if you know him. If you're at all familiar with Giant Schnauzers, just imagine one all pouty over not getting attention for more than five seconds and you've got a jealous Arthur smh
🤐 Would they ever confess their feelings first? (Io)
Absolutely not. Setting aside her tendency to suppress her own emotions to keep them from getting in the way of her work, she just... doesn't see the point necessarily. She recognizes the inherent risk of opening up like that and wouldn't think it was worth sabotaging a developed connection. Not to mention the fact she places significantly more value on actions rather than words- a verbal confession is more of a formality to her. If you care to pay attention, her own feelings and truth will show in her actions and behavior long before anything's verbalized.
💔 Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? (Roze)
I'm inclined to say no for the most part. If she 'clicks' with someone, for any reason, it isn't hard for her to grow attached in the slightest. She's generally a very open person, especially when it comes to inter-personal connections, it's actually her own issues surrounding commitment that get in the way a majority of the time.
But if we're being completely honest here, while Roze doesn't have any reservations about dating any particular type of person that she knows about; any sort of long-term relationship with a vegan would never be able to happen. She understands health concerns + potential developed sensitivities surrounding meat, but avoiding all animal products is a different (incomprehensible) beast to her.
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
what does your muse's bedroom look like? is it cluttered or clean? do they use the overhead lighting, or use lamps and other things to provide a better ambience? do they make their bed every morning or leave it unmade? / roze
From here | Accepting!
Despite it just being a Singular Room, holy shit, there is soooooo much hunting shit in there. She's got a deer antler rack mounted on the wall next to her door that's used as a makeshift coatrack for no apparent reason beyond her thinking it 'looked cool'. Couple of tanned animal skins for decoration or chair padding, depending on the location. She leaves her blinds up most of the time so most of the light's coming from natural sunlight; but once it gets too dark she doesn't have any problems with using the overhead. Think old school cozy cabin vibes ultimately.
She keeps things pretty neat and organized for the most part, especially with her PMC/military gear. She doesn't use most of her standard-issued stuff anymore because it's well, shit compared to what she can get and use working for the private sector. But she has everything organized and stored away in a couple of hardtop containers under her bead. Beyond that, it's mostly touch and go. She's particularly meticulous about keeping her bed made, little army ranger things and all that, but at the same time it isn't rare to see a full laundry basket in the corner or gun cleaning supplies strewn about on her desk.
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
Just got done shooting at the local range and while my shoulder is going to take its revenge tomorrow I’m sure, just know that Roze can handle .308 like it’s nothing.
Blame the fact she’s been hunting since she was a kid.
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
Non zero chance Roze is on the aro spectrum send post
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
What's a hobby or activity that Arthur and Roze enjoy? What's one activity they'd do anything to avoid?
One of Roze's favorite pastimes that isn't work-related has be hiking. It's something that isn't necessarily location-restricted; she's always been able to find a spot wherever her work takes her and at this point it's a good de-stresser. You'll never find her going more than a few weeks without going out, especially if she's back home in Colorado or elsewhere with mountains just down the road. At this point she might as well have some sort of internal magnet drawing her to anything with an increase of elevation.
She absolutely despises guard/24 hr duty though. Sitting/standing still with hardly anything to do... It wouldn't exactly be the first time she paid off a coworker to take her shift. Yes this is different than sitting around in a hunting blind; it's the lack of motivation that really gets to her with guard duty, even if she's able to stand around for however long.
And as for Arthur, he loves anything to do with his children dogs; whether that's some casual training, walks or old-fashioned playing around. He's a simple man, as long as he can bring his dogs (or even just Merlin), he's a happy camper, but is absolute favorite is probably visiting the family ranch and letting them 'help' babysit his younger nieces and nephews.
Back when he was still in the Army, he absolutely despised anything to do with DTS (aka the system used for reimbursements for duty-related expenses such as plane tickets or rental cars for work travel.), you'd think it was the absolute bane of his existence. While he still hates reimbursement paperwork, SpecGru's system is thankfully a little less complicated/stressful, leaving the current bane of his existence as cold-weather training. It's less due to a lack of acclimation and more due to health issues relating to his past throat injury.
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
Despite the so-called professional rivalry/competition between KorTac and SpecGru, Roze and Arthur have stayed in contact and are very much on good terms post-Shadow Company. It isn’t uncommon for the two of them to invite the other for company training stuff as a ‘guest’, much to the annoyance of whoever ‘gets to’ deal with those two in the same room feeding off of each others ‘I’m the shit, try to prove otherwise I dare ya’ energy
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
Having a hard time formulating the words for this at the moment but just. Food and random small gift giving being Roze's love language (as far as showing it goes anyways)
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
Roze will always be on a pendulum swinging between being my special, canonically mountain west, silly little hunter daughter with a penchant for FAFO and just being an absolute badass that knows she's the shit and isn't afraid to admit it
And you know what. That's why I love her.
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gxldensxldiers · 6 months
Despite Roze outwardly being very much 'business first' in her interactions with most other people, it's actually a hard second priority. Her family and the health of her father will always comes first, it just so happens that her work as a private contractor is what allows her to support them. So she's always going to make sure she can keep the money coming in, even if she has to make sacrifices to do so.
It's part of what's earned her the reputation she has as a professional, and it's something she's going to hold onto.
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