#headcanons: file updated
gxldensxldiers · 8 months
I regret to inform you all I've suddenly realized Arthur's type:
People that he knows are both perfectly capable of kicking his ass/killing him and possess the willingness to actually follow up on their threats.
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ahamkara-apologist · 14 days
Do you believe Lightbearers are changed biologically from before they became Lightbearers?
Can't believe I forgot to answer this- I genuinely thought I did until I was scrolling through my inbox and saw it pop up again. Oops.
Anyways, my headcanon is that yes, Lightbearers are biologically different than non-Lightbearers- they become so when their ghost is rezzing them for the first time. During the first rez, their bodies are essentially restructured to better suit being a vessel of Light, with far greater phsyical resiliance, capacity, and overall durability being granted as a boon from the Traveler so that they're not torn to shreds when using even the most basal abilities. Even Lightless, they're still much stronger than a baseline human, they cannot age (their telomeres simply do not degrade and their DNA repair kit becomes more accurate, so they don't incur the gradual DNA loss/nonspecific remedies that lead to the maladies of old age), and they're still paracausally sensitive, even if their conduit for channeling the Light has been cut. Outside of the never-aging and paracasal-sensitivity thing, the effect isn't drastic, but they are still noticibly hardier than a person who'd never directly touched the light of the Traveler would be. Eris, Zavala, and Osiris could be beaten by a sufficiently strong mortal in an arm wrestling contest, for example, but they're all able to learn to use Darkness/walk off injuries with an ease that a Lightless mortal cannot.
After the first rez, additional permanant change is possible, but it requires either paracausal alteration (such as wounds created by Darkness, wounds that were earned and began healing in a no-light zone, or subconcious paracausal alteration, where the Guardian's own body rejects the touch of the Light), or deliberate ghost manipulation. I like to headcanon that by using the Light in much the same way that they would heal, Ghosts can learn to tweak parts of their guardian's bodies to be altered to their liking, which is a method by which transitioning post-rez occurs, in the instance that one was not an exo or did not medically transition before death. It's extremely delicate, but all they have to do is use their bond and the Light to go 'hey, you're missing something, you need to make more of this hormone or grow more of this tissue to fully heal', and bam, gender transed :) This fully depends on the skill of the ghost, however, so its a slow process even if it can theoretically lead to a full transition over time, and certain tissues can only atrophy so far before they need to be cut off. In the case of exos, all the ghosts need to do is block the mental disconnect between the body alterations and the perception of what those should be, and that's about it
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mezzomorendo · 6 months
- appearance hcs
Zack is slightly different from how canon makes him look, especially in remake/rebirth. Most notabtly:
He has tan skin, and is proud of the fact he never burns. Though he does get a bit paler when he's in Midgar, he's still quite a bit darker than a native Midgardian.
As he ages, he lets his hair grow out. It's at it's longest in his main verse, where it reaches his mid back. When he's able to properly take care of it, his hair is actually fairly wavy. It's not quite curly, but pretty close. It used to be incredibly frizzy growing up. These days, he frequently ties it up to keep it out of the way.
He does have top surgery scars, but they are harder to see post-Last Stand given he has dozens and dozens of bullet hole scars across his chest.
There are four wing tattoos on his back. Two white ones on the left side of his body, and two black ones on the right. They represent Angeal and himself (white wings) and Sephiroth and Genesis (black wings).
His eyes do actually glow in the dark, akin to birdblacksocialclub's comics. It's really freaky to those who aren't expecting it. He frequently forgets that they do that and consequently scares the daylights out of people who encounter him in the dark.
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medichambers · 7 months
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Headcanon Compilation! Warning: long post!
Family & Childhood
Rebecca’s parents both died when she was very young; she never truly knew what it was like to have parents. Not that she remembered, anyway. S.T.A.R.S. became the closest Rebecca ever had to a real family; they took care of each other like no group Rebecca had ever seen before. In every way except by blood, they were family to her. It tore her apart when this group, the only family she’d ever known, was all but wiped out while she could do nothing.
Her mother was an engineer in the United States Air Force. She eviscerated sexism in her line of work, often completely outperforming her peers. Among her peers, she was known as a miracle worker, able to repair some of the most seemingly hopeless damages. When Rebecca was just 5 months old, her mother contracted a still unknown illness; it weakened her greatly, and she showed a mixture of symptoms no doctor recognized. Within days she was dead, but even as she was dying, she pushed on, she kept working. Rebecca often finds herself wondering if the same thing that wiped out Raccoon City also killed her mother. Regardless, even despite never having known her, Rebecca holds her mother in high regard.
Her father was a medic first and foremost in the Marine Corps. He went out of his way to help people, above and beyond, with no regard for himself. He was killed in a catastrophic accident during a visit to a friend on a Navy vessel; an explosion on one of the lower decks. He survived the explosion, but was declared brain dead at hospital, and with no one to contact, he was taken off life support. He died when Rebecca was just three years old, effectively leaving her an orphan, but she still idolized him as she got older.
She grew up in an orphanage in Raccoon City. The streets, the shops, the walls of the orphanage - for some time, it was all she knew. Rebecca was a humble, but not at all timid child. She was bold, outgoing, free-spirited. She always stood out in a crowd, never having been one to try to fit in. This brought some unwanted attention; she was frequently bullied, but she never took it lying down. She was known to retaliate.
Rebecca attended elementary & high school in the city, graduating several years early for her academic brilliance. She eventually even attended Raccoon University, graduating at 18 with flying colors. Inspired by stories she heard about her father, she applied to join S.T.A.R.S. as the team’s medic almost immediately after graduating out of the University. Much to her surprise, she actually got the job, and without any real combat training; she was given a basic run-through with some police training, but since she was acting as medic, she wasn’t given a thorough course. This wasn’t the wisest decision, and Enrico knew this, so unofficially they taught her firearms safety, along with the basics of combat training. Forest and Richard taught her almost everything she needed to know, with Brad even chipping in for hand-to-hand combat training. Due to this, she still got the training, but not on any official record. She often uses this to mess with people, saying she got through a zombie apocalypse with no training. It’s one of the few things related to Raccoon City she still jokes about.
When Raccoon City was destroyed, Rebecca didn’t exactly have time to pack. She lost everything in the firebombing. The few photos she still had of her parents, her mother’s locket, all of her belongings, everything. All she has left from that time, that almost-forgotten era, is what she had with her when she escaped: her S.T.A.R.S. uniform, her Samurai Edge (modified for superior handling & less recoil), her medbag, a single photo of Bravo Team during happier times (which is now hung on a wall in her lab), Billy Coen’s dog tags (which she usually wears), and a multitool gifted to her by Richard Aiken. Everything else was either too big for her to carry out whilst also fending off the undead, or was out of her reach at the time.
Her past has become somewhat of a sensitive subject for her, and reasonably so. Especially in regard to her parents and her ‘humble beginnings’; if she told anyone about it, she likely told Jill, Chris, and/or Barry. No one else. Even then, she would have been hesitant. It’s a difficult topic for her to discuss, at least without crying. And if there’s one thing Rebecca hates, it’s crying in front of others. It makes her feel weak, like she’s asking for attention - and that isn’t who she is.
Training & Recruitment Into S.T.A.R.S.
Having graduated high school fairly young (skipping several years due to her excellence in classes) and graduated college at 18, Rebecca Chambers was something of a prodigy. She excelled in classes for chemistry, medicine, and biology, acing chemistry and medicine. She made a few blunders through biology, but she managed. Coming out of it, she knew every vital part of the human body. The precise locations of every vital organ, every vein, every artery, every pressure point - she knew how to inflict some serious pain, and she didn’t even know she knew that. It never crossed her mind. Her ambition was to help people, not to harm. Hence why she never underwent combat training. When she applied for S.T.A.R.S., she wanted to be the team’s medic. Sometimes a medic is far more valuable than another fighter, or at least, that was her reasoning.
She got in for her medical skills, and though she was ‘next to worthless in a fight’, if it got down to it, if her back was against the wall and adrenaline was running high, her knowledge about the human body gave her an advantage. This saved her numerous times during the Arklay incident, with the train, the Umbrella facility, the Spencer mansion-  she knew where to strike to best incapacitate a foe, even despite her woeful lack of combat experience.
Thanks to her studies, Rebecca is extremely knowledgeable in the fields of medicine, biology, virology, chemistry, and various other sciences. Medicine, biology, and chemistry were her top three in 1998, making her fairly formidable in combat even despite the lack of combat training, but in the modern day her skills have improved tenfold. She was thoroughly trained as a medic, put through every test, every possible scenario, and she passed each one with flying colors. She excelled. Some had their doubts, but those whose opinion mattered were impressed. She was selected to join S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, under the command of Enrico Marini. Albert Wesker had wanted her on Alpha Team, but ultimately the decision fell on Brian Irons, and he put her on Bravo. Once under Marini’s command, she was given firearms training, helped along by Forest Speyer and Chris Redfield - the only reason she can even shoot straight. In no time at all, S.T.A.R.S. became like family to her. She cared for them like no one else; they became like brothers and sisters to her. Wesker and Marini respectively were almost like father figures. Anytime, anywhere, she was prepared to lay down her life to protect any one of them, even despite being the youngest. But, when the Arklay incident rolled around...there was just nothing she could do.
Voices of the Past
Sometimes, Rebecca revisits the Arklay Mountains. Specifically, she returns to the very spot where she and Billy Coen parted ways. She never tells anyone where she’s going; sometimes she doesn’t say anything at all, instead just up and leaving. Once there, she’ll sit down on the grass and just listen, listen as the breeze blows by, trees shaking in the wind. But as the sun sets, she always swears she can hear voices, far off in the distance, towards the horizon.
She hears Richard, Forest, and Kenneth, laughing, singing, and carrying on. Too distant to make out the words, but close enough to memorize the tune. Sometimes she hears Enrico and Joseph, cracking jokes at each other. She never knows the words, but the laughter is clear. But if it’s really quiet, and she really tries to listen, sometimes…she can hear Brad laughing it up right along with them. By the time the voices fade into silence, it always leaves Rebecca crying; she doesn’t know whether it’s real, or if it’s just in her head.
But it’s always worth coming back, just to hear them again.
Rebecca absolutely still has a typewriter in the modern day, and still uses it for paperwork & the occasional report. Not because she has trouble ‘getting with the times’, but because it grants a sense of nostalgia; it brings memories of better days. Every time she uses it she’s reminded of friends long dead, of her found family in STARS, of just how much has changed, and how much she’s lost. She continues using it because she likes to, and damn anyone who has a problem with it. They can just deal with the clacking as far as she’s concerned.
A picture of Bravo Team sits next to the typewriter, whilst a photo of the entirety of the STARS team is on her computer’s desktop, so that her friends are always smiling at her every time she gets to work.
Romance isn’t really at the top of Rebecca’s priority list. There are times she could really use someone at her side, to care for or support her, especially in situations where she’s particularly anxious or afraid - but her general attitude and personality tend to turn people away. She’s used to this, and has found ways to cope. Besides, if she really needs someone, she can pop on in and talk to Chris, Jill, Barry, or even Claire.
However, if someone were to actually confess feelings for her, she’d lock up. Blank out for a minute, unable to fully process what she’d heard, not knowing how to react. She might even let out a horror laugh. It’ll take time for her to get over the initial shock, but once she’s over it, she’ll be cutesy and sweet around her partner, rather than her usual snarky self. She will occasionally get protective, especially in the field, not letting her partner out of her sight - but she’s not the jealous type. If she finds out her partner’s cheating on her, she’ll drop them like a hot potato and move on. She won’t ever speak to them again.
They could be a coworker, she’ll never speak to them directly. She’ll take any other route she can, and will actively avoid the person in question. She won’t even look at them. And God help ‘em if they get hurt, she won’t be patching them up. Rebecca can hold a grudge like no one else. She won’t forgive. And she certainly won’t forget. As Rebecca puts it, you get one shot. If you cheat on her, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out - or do, she’d find it funny. If you do it once, you’ll probably do it again. And she does not have the time nor the patience to put up with that. She won’t play games. She won’t chase people. If you’re not upfront and honest, she has no time to waste on you.
Rebecca’s a low-maintenance girlfriend. She takes care of herself and expects the same of her partner. If her partner-to-be can’t even cook, she’s not interested. She grew tired of being used a long time ago. She wants someone she can trust, someone she can depend on, who can keep up with her. Someone independent. If you don’t meet her standards, she will not date you, and she has a long, long list of small things she’ll be looking for. She has only had three boyfriends, two in Raccoon and one ten years after the outbreak, and none of the three made it beyond the first date. She treats this as a point of pride, and simultaneously, disappointment.
No one yet has been good enough.
Rebecca has her own lab mix.
There’s almost always music playing in Rebecca’s lab. Her main playlist, which she affectionately calls her ‘Lab Mix’, is comprised mostly of songs from Slayer, Green Day, Skillet, Metallica, Imagine Dragons, KISS, Queen, Guns N' Roses, Muse, Twisted Sister, and a little over a dozen more more. It’s all rock, grunge, and metal. This is almost always what’s playing when she’s working, as the music drowns out outside noise, effectively helping her think. But she does have a second mix.
The Buffett Mix.
Comprised entirely of Jimmy Buffett songs, this is the mix she plays when she’s in a bit of a low mood and needs a pick-me-up, or craves a vacation. Catch her in the club singing along, because she knows every word of the lyrics by heart. Her coworkers can convince her to turn down the usual mix, but she’ll only turn up the Buffett Mix.
Desk Decor
Rebecca has no less than 30 stuffed animals/plushies scattered around her lab, including a series she had custom made of the old STARS crew, which she keeps on her desk. Wesker’s even has stuffed sunglasses as an accessory, Barry’s has a magnum, Jill’s has interchangeable hats and a lockpick, and so on. Rebecca doesn’t let anyone mess with them, save for Jill, Barry, or Chris. They remind her of a better time, and she’s quite protective of them; they were extremely expensive to have made, the full set cost her nearly triple what she makes in a year working for the BSAA. She had to get the Wesker one remade because someone tore it up out of spite. She never figured out who did it.
She suspects Chris, and wouldn’t even be particularly mad at him for it, considering.
Sometimes she talks to them. Practices jokes while she’s working. Most often she’s talking to Richard, Edward, or Enrico. Usually Richard. He was her best friend, and the kindest to her prior to the mansion incident; teasing to haze the rookie was tradition, and Richard was the only one on Bravo Team apart from Enrico who didn’t take part. Of course, Enrico was just busy and cranky in general, but Richard went out of his way to help her get the hang of things & bailed her out of trouble more than once. She misses him dearly.
What no one usually notices is the extra plush. One made to resemble Billy Coen, hidden in the back, so no one pays too much attention. She doesn’t know if he’s still alive, but she won’t let herself forget him.
Rebecca’s seen a lot of horrifying things. Giant spiders, leeches, leech-men, Jill when she’s angry. Through it all, she’s overcome nearly every fear she’s ever had, almost nothing scares her. Except one thing. One, single possibility, that terrifies her above all else.
She can’t handle the thought of losing anyone else.
After Bravo, after the University, she can’t take any more of it. As far as she’s concerned, she’s seen more death than she can handle. As she puts it, she can’t lose the rest of her family, they’re all she has left. Jill, Barry, and Chris - if any one of them died, she’d break. She’d falter, and the facade of being ‘okay’ that she’d put up afterwards would crumble within hours. It would kill her. She places the value of their lives far above her own, especially given what they mean to her.
And if someone were to have hurt them, and Rebecca reached them before the authorities?
God have mercy. Because she’ll have none.
No Touchie
Chris, Claire, Barry, and Jill are the only ones Rebecca will actually allow to touch her head & ruffle her hair. Head pats are usually viewed as insulting, especially from those much taller than her, but she trusts them & loves them dearly. She’s alright with them touching her head. Anyone else would likely get clocked. As for touching anywhere below the belt...
Expect to get shot.
Relationship - Richard Aiken
When Rebecca first joined S.T.A.R.S. in early 1998, she and Richard became fast friends. While Forest chose to haze her to some level, Richard, occasionally with supervision from Enrico, showed her the ropes & taught her how things worked around the station, what she should do, what not to say to certain people. Eventually Forest joined in too, helping Rebecca learn proper firearm usage, as she’d never held a gun in her life before then. 
He was the closest thing to a brother she’d ever had; truthfully, she may have even had a slight crush on him. However, there was the rule about not dating coworkers, so Rebecca suppressed those feelings. Just prior to the mansion incident, Rebecca had shown to be nervous, but Richard was the one to comfort her. This helped increase her confidence, even in the face of all manner of horrible creatures. They remained separate through the duration of Rebecca’s time working with Billy Coen, but when she reached the Spencer Mansion later, Richard found her in one of the bedrooms. He consoled her, comforted her, and made her a promise she’d never forget: that he’d protect her, regardless of any odds. That they would find Enrico, they would get out of there, and they would expose the ones responsible. Rebecca wanted so desperately to believe it, that they had some control in the situation - so she did. They stuck together searching the mansion for Enrico, right up until they encountered the giant snake, Yawn.
They managed to drive it away, but Richard took the full force of Yawn’s final attack to spare Rebecca. She dragged him out into the corridor, where they were found by Chris Redfield, and - by some miracle - Chris was fast enough to get the serum and save Richard. He was moved back to the bedroom to rest, with Rebecca watching over him. 
It broke her heart when she found out he was dead, and later, when she found out Enrico was gone too, she very nearly went to pieces. The only thing that kept her strong was her faith that she could still help Chris, that they’d still get out of there. She couldn’t stop yet.
In the weeks following the mansion incident, Richard’s death, along with the deaths of the rest of Bravo, became her driving motivation. They wouldn’t have let her give up if they were still around. She felt that she needed to keep pushing on, keep fighting for a better future, for them. For a better world they never had the chance to see. Richard especially was her prime motivator; he’d been so sweet, so positive and optimistic. He didn’t deserve what he got. And every day, as long as bioterror continued, people like Richard were suffering. She made a vow to him that she’d fight to put a stop to it, until either bioterror as a whole ended, or she joined him. To date, she still upholds that promise, every day.
Preferred Weapons
The Raccoon City outbreak gave Rebecca more of an appreciation for firearms. She’s no firearms enthusiast, far from it, but if she’d not had access to the guns she did, she knows she likely wouldn’t have survived the mansion. Prior to the outbreak, she favored her Samurai Edge alone, feeling more firepower was largely unnecessary. Following the outbreak, she gained a fondness for the Remington 870 Express 12 gauge pump-action shotgun, and flamethrowers. She still keeps a makeshift flamethrower in her lab - ‘just in case’ being her only explanation for it.
When it comes to melee weapons, she still favors her simple combat knife, with the Raccoon City Police Department emblem engraved in one side of the blade.
No one’d ever guess, but Rebecca’s actually a great cook! Part of her time in college was dedicated to a gourmet cooking class, just as something fun to do in her time between the classes she was serious about. She picked up some good recipes from the class and actually created a few great ones of her own, including Rebecca’s Five Alarm Chili, as she’s dubbed it. It’s made with the use of both Carolina Reapers and Ghost Peppers, and it just may be the hottest chili recipe in the world.
Though she doesn’t get to do it often, Rebecca loves cooking for friends. She’d invite people over for dinner more often, but she’s always so busy, especially given that she’ll make time for a trip with friends if they ask her to join them. She keeps telling herself she’ll figure something out, but she sure hasn’t done so yet.
Rebecca wholeheartedly believes in the paranormal. Let’s be real - she’s already faced down zombies and monsters fresh out of hell. How much farther off are ghosts and demons? On the rare occasion that she has free time and isn’t spending it either at home or with friends, she will (very rarely) do her own sort of a paranormal investigation. She doesn’t film it, and usually goes it alone.
Thus far, she’s only done really minor locations, and hasn’t gotten anything conclusive just yet, but getting to see the abandoned places and having the opportunity to appreciate them for what they once were or are is reward enough to her. She welcomes the thrill, the adventure, though she sometimes truly wishes she had someone else to come with her.
Like Barry, Jill, and Chris, Rebecca was on-scene in the Arklay investigation and played a role in the destruction of the Spencer Mansion. Unlike them, however, she was stranded in the area far longer, and was made to watch several of those she loved die. Edward Dewey and Richard Aiken, especially; two Rebecca counted as brothers and both of them died right in front of her, and she was helpless to do anything about it. She hated that feeling, detested it with every ounce of her soul. The rest she heard about later, and in a way, that was even worse.
Then there were the zombies. They were horrifying in their own right; the living dead. From a medical standpoint, it was an impossibility, and yet there it was, right in front of her. And then came the leeches, the giant scorpion, the frogs, the giant plants- both of the mansions, a house of horrors. She left the Spencer Mansion with PTSD and a hole in her heart that couldn’t be filled; downtrodden, jumpy, but relieved that it was over...at least for the moment.
She tried to return to work at S.T.A.R.S.. She gave it a solid effort. But she couldn’t. And when Raccoon City started to fall apart, when the nightmare began anew, at first she couldn’t take it. She hid out in the S.T.A.R.S. Offices, sitting at her desk, repeatedly turning her Samurai Edge handgun over in her hands, considering the unthinkable. But a thought occurred to her that stopped her from taking that route. All the people that died in that mansion. The people that died protecting her. Billy. They wouldn’t want her to give up. That became the driving force that kept her going, a memory that initially tore her heart to pieces, now a powerful motivator to keep her moving forward. She did what she could to help around the Police Station and got out as soon as she could, escaping the city in one of a number of rescue helicopters searching for survivors.
In the modern day, 2019, at 39 years old, she still lives with that pain every day. It tears away at her every waking moment, but she’s learned to hide it, to put on a front in front of others. She seems happy, optimistic, and energetic, but she’s still just as hurt as she was in 1998, if not more so. In public, around others, she keeps up that mask of contentment, seeming fine, but when she’s alone, or with one other person she truly trusts? If they ask, the flood gates open, and the truth comes out. She’d be much better off if she’d just go to therapy as several of her coworkers suggested, given her experiences, but still she refuses, living with the pain.
Maybe she just needs another good motivator.
Rebecca admired the other STARS members SO MUCH. Chris was a sharpshooter, always playfully competing with Forest - Forest taught Rebecca to shoot. He spoke so highly of Chris that Rebecca couldn’t NOT trust him in the mansion! Jill, the master of unlocking, the woman Barry and Brad both always talked up. And seeming to be a paragon of confidence and skill? Rebecca adored her and often went to her for advice. Brad saved her from some rookie mistakes, taking credit for her blunders so Enrico wouldn’t discipline her. Barry was like a big goofy dad even to her, and taught her more about firearms than she ever needed to know. Brad tried to teach her how the helicopter worked, but Rebecca’s talents were suited to medicine, not flight. She had LONG discussions with Kenneth about chemistry, and they came up with more efficient treatments for some toxins encountered in the field, Enrico and Wesker were always so collected and efficient, and Joseph and Edward were joking around half the time, keeping spirits high. It was like one big family to her. Richard was almost a big brother.
But in turn, she cared too much about them to watch them destroy themselves. Anyone caught smoking by Rebecca was subject to a LENGTHY lecture, one they couldn’t escape as she’d follow them all around the station to finish her thought. She even went off on Enrico about his over-consumption of caffeine, and unplugged the coffee maker. As she had effectively scolded her superior, Enrico was stunned, and Richard laughed himself to tears. She had no fear of correcting unsafe habits and has on occasion even scolded Wesker for unhealthy habits, much to his confusion.
I normally play Rebecca by default post-Vendetta, at around 40 years old. She’s beyond traumatized. When I say this girl needs therapy I mean she’s gone full workaholic just to have a distraction, refuses to sleep because she gets horrid night terrors (to the point of sleeping maybe 3 hours on a GOOD night), won’t talk to anyone about any of her concerns unless they were with her in STARS, and instead contents herself to wear a smile as a mask in public so no one knows the borderline maelstrom of volatile emotion within. She goes from depressed to enraged to depressed again thinking about her past. But she refuses to get therapy, believing, firmly, that her time is better spent in the lab stopping the monsters who led her to this path than talking to a shrink. Even though the worse she gets, the slower she is in her work.
She’ll blow off anyone trying to make her stop working if she doesn’t know them well, and though those she knows from STARS get priority, she’ll make it difficult for them too sometimes. Chris, Jill, and Barry can get her to come out without much fuss, with Claire and Leon being the only exceptions to the ‘STARS only’ rule. Claire, because of association to Chris, and Leon, because his mere presence at her door will intrigue her enough to let him lead her out. 
At her lowest she’ll barricade the entrance to her private lab and start drinking, rather than bother to ask anyone for help, the polar opposite of her behavior in 1998, trying desperately to get anyone to listen to her. Like with any Raccoon survivor, the years have not been good to her psychologically, but still she presses on so no one else will have to suffer. 
Now with all that being said, if your muse drags her out of the lab to make her stop being melodramatic and get some dang sunlight they are a hero & Rebecca will absolutely thank them for it later. Usually in the form of buying drinks the next time they go out. Or a costume party. She does so love those.
Jill's Disappearance
Jill’s supposed ‘death’ hit Rebecca really, really hard. It was like being hit with a sack of bricks; someone she looked up to, someone she almost subconsciously thought to be invincible was just gone. Poof. It would’ve devastated her, but part of her would’ve been in persistent denial. Even as the BSAA gave her the highest honors, as they did all manner of things to honor her memory, Rebecca was doing anything she could to find some shred of evidence to the contrary, that Jill was alive.
But she never did.
As time went on, it started to sink in that she wasn’t coming back, and Rebecca was forced to accept it. For the longest time following her death, Rebecca’d been desperate, but when she finally accepted it, she became cold. Almost trying to force herself not to care, so when the inevitable happened again, it wouldn’t hurt so much. But, being who she is, this didn’t exactly work - and in time, she moved on.
And then, as if the universe itself were trying to punch her in the throat, she, along with the rest of the BSAA, was informed that Jill had been found, and was very much alive. Naturally she thought she was hallucinating from a lack of sleep, once again falling into denial. But then, could over a thousand people have the same hallucination? Logic failing, she decided that this ‘Jill’ was clearly an impostor. Ignoring all sense of reason, she ignored every phone call, every text, every attempt Jill made at reaching her, for about two days, at which point she fully broke down in tears in front of a VERY confused and rattled intern. She brought Jill an apology and a homemade cake not long after, but not before clinging to her like a koala with a medical degree.
Rebecca has a Saint Bernard! His name is Chuck and he’s a certified Good Boy who stays in the lab with her. He helps keep her optimistic when she’s down, and has a habit of sleeping in front of the entrance door to her workspace. It keeps annoying people out and doesn’t bother Rebecca in the slightest. If anyone dares to cite Cujo as a reason for not liking Chuck, Rebecca will not hesitate to squish Chuck’s face and baby-talk him while insulting the person who said that. She will talk to the dog and ignore them.
Rebecca has silly names for people in her phone. As a few examples:
- Chris is ‘Cap’n Guns’ - Jill is ‘Locked’ - Barry’s ‘What Is This’ - Parker’s ‘Boofer’ - Piers is ‘Puppy’ - Leon is just ‘Hairdo’ - Claire is ‘Biker Chic’ - Moira is ‘Rebel’ - Wesker’s, whose number from 1998 she keeps in her phone as a venting method, is ‘Sunglasses Bastard’
Following the events at the University and Rebecca's abduction by Arias, she was granted her own private lab with higher security. It's underground and well-hidden, built with the utmost safety in mind. Much of the security measures were ideas from Chris, with a few from former Director Clive O'Brian as well. Rebecca has better peace of mind in the new lab, though she's almost always working. Anything to distract her from the memories that haunt her every waking moment. Anything to be helpful. The lab itself is huge, and during bioterror incidents Rebecca works there with plenty of fellow scientists & doctors, but it's always been her running the show. It's her lab, and she gets final say. When not in the midst of a bioterror incident, she's usually the only one in the lab, unless you count her St. Bernard.
Active Duty
Rebecca isn't usually on active duty after 1998; depending on the time, she's either in university doing classwork, or working in the lab after graduation. She isn't usually in the field, but if they already have an antivirus or her virology expertise isn't needed at that moment, she's on the first chopper out to help. She goes to safe zones, evacuation points, and lingers on evac helicopters to aid the wounded, be they civilians or otherwise. Her combat skills are a little rusty, but her medical skills are as sharp as ever.
Rebecca has three go-to coffee orders!
One is the canon, caramel macchiato with whipped cream & chocolate chips. That's moreso for a morale boost than an energy boost; when she needs energy, she enjoys getting much stronger blends. Her go-to for high energy is a basic frappe with a whopping total of 8 shots of espresso in it - enough to make her bones shake. It's as bitter as her memories of the mansion. Her third, which she can only get at a family-owned coffee shop she likes, is a blended banana mocha with actual banana in it.
As for where she goes for coffee, she'll go anywhere except Starbucks. Starbucks coffee, to her, is always either burnt or bland, and never really scratches that caffeine itch. When offered Starbucks, she's been heard curtly replying, "That's not coffee." Where she goes also depends on where she is at the time. For example, if northern US or Canada, she gravitates to Caribou and Tim Hortons; if southeast US, she goes for Dutch Bros; but her favorites are always small, locally-owned shops, not chains. Her favorite coffee place is close to her lab, a family-owned coffee shop called The Frappe Shack. Coincidentally, it's also where she sends interns/lab techs to get her coffee, since it's close by.
Her patronage also fully depends on how employees respond to her. Really snippy/rude employees means she won't return to that shop; she won't support them.
Rebecca, albeit briefly, worked with TerraSave in the organization's infancy. She helped them while they were getting set up and did a bit of easy IT work for them, though it was mostly simple fixes she learned in passing from Brad. She was strictly a volunteer aid for TerraSave and never an official member, and viewed it as a means of honoring her fallen STARS comrades. Her work with TerraSave mostly amounted to helping with computers, moving & unpacking boxes, and minor advertising/spreading awareness to her connections in the medical field. This was done whilst she was attending university classes and working a part-time job at a café, where she got free coffee. Due to the prior connection, Rebecca's fond of TerraSave, and of many of its members - though she never had an especially good feeling about Neil Fisher.
TerraSave received occasional printouts of antiviral data from Rebecca before the Sein Island incident. Following the fear experiments, her little 'gifts' became a bit more prevalent, and - although more rarely - occasionally came with antiviral samples when Rebecca was working with a surplus. Whether sending the samples is out of the goodness of her heart, or a bias to Claire Redfield and Moira Burton, Rebecca refuses to disclose.
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cannonfullofcanons · 7 months
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Yachiru is very possessive of her food! Especially anything sweet - candy in Zaraki’s office is hers and if anyone touches it she’s liable to go feral. If someone gifts her food, she may deign to share it if she likes the person giving it to her - an example of that would include gifts from Ukitake! She’s quite fond of Captain Ukitake, and will often linger around the 13th’s barracks during candy-related holidays. If it’s a gift from someone she dislikes, she’ll still take it. But she’ll be bratty about it!
When it comes to food items, mainly candy, that she acquired herself? Be it through theft or purchasing it? There are only a select few she will share with just to be generous, without having to be coerced. These include:
Kenpachi Zaraki
Maki Ichinose (she feels guilty!)
Head Captain Yamamoto (she's offered, but he always rejects it!)
Captain Hitsugaya
Momo Hinamori (first time she ever shared, it was candy stolen from Aizen)
Captain Ukitake
Captain Unohana
Captain Kuchiki (he was nice to her one time so OBVIOUSLY they're besties now)
Hanataro Yamada
Kisuke Urahara
Ichigo Kurosaki (depending on circumstances!)
Not Aizen (unless he agrees to fight Kenny)
Not Maki Maki (never!)
Anyone else would have to at least ask, or even outright convince her to part with her sweet, sugary ambrosia - but these few, she’s happy to share with!
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thehumanhalf · 2 years
Important tag dump!
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blackrabb1t · 2 years
is there a fucking character limit on tumblr bc if im hitting it without notice im gonna get pissed off
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occidentalavian · 2 months
Full map of Exandria, 2024 update!
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Map images and Wonderdraft file download [HERE]
Hi everyone! It's been about 4 years since my last map. In that time more of Exandria has revealed itself to us, and while it is still not a complete picture, we now have enough that I felt it was time to make an update.
The biggest change from my previous map is that I am no longer using the Elven Tower Cartography assets. This is because previously I installed them incorrectly, in a way that meant that people who downloaded the map file were unable to see the assets unless they installed it in the same weird way that I did. Rather than fixing this, I instead opted to use the default Wonderdraft assets, that way it can be viewed out of the box without having to download something else first!
As before, Tal'Dorei and Wildemount are the most accurate to official maps, and we also have an official map of at least one arrangement of the Shattered Teeth, which is re-created here. We have a portion of Marquet via the Oderan Wilds and Hellcatch Valley maps, but the rest, including all of Issylra is still mostly made up, based loosely on a very old and tiny map briefly shown on screen by Sam in episode 103 of Campaign 1! Naturally when any new maps come out, this map will (eventually) be updated to reflect them.
There are some locations that are new to this map as well, such as the Demithore Valley in Issylra from Campaign 3 and all the towns visited in The Re-Slayer's Take up to episode 10, these being Himblewood, Josgren's Hollow, Shoresight Isle, and the Hug Hive. Ta'Dorei has a few new towns, Mooren and Heldenfaire, which were mentioned in Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, as well as a few unnamed village clusters, the Foramere and Vues'dal villages. For these and the Mornset Countryside I included some non-canonical paths connecting them to the main roadways. Also included in Mornset is Roch Mar, the village that Vox Moronica visited all the way back in Episode 12 of Campaign 1, before Critical Role even did separate numbering for one-shots and thus included this unrelated episode in the campaign. This town isn't officially confirmed to actually exist in Exandria, so consider it my headcanon and a paper town. Moving on to Wildemount, Vo Village got upgraded to proper town status, and I've also included Yardel from The Nine Eyes of Lucien, Ghostwall from The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen, and Galgarad from the Dark Star adventure on DnDBeyond!
I want to give a special thanks to Don Farland for his original fan map of Exandria, created all the way before the release of Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, upon which I originally based my map of the Shattered Teeth. Incidentally, I believe that this depiction of those islands was the basis upon which the official map by Andy Law is based upon. I would also like to thank Niko Vanhala for his fan-made maps of Marquet and Issylra, upon which I have loosely based my maps of those continents. And of course thank you to Andy Law and Deven Rue for the official cartography of Exandria!
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eyelessfaces · 2 months
just in case
poe dameron x reader
summary: while fiddling with bb–8's memory, you stumble onto an audio message– poe's prerecorded goodbyes.
based on @ivystoryweaver's headcanon on this post! thank you for allowing me to write something about it!
warnings: angst, mentions of death and war
tags: gn!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, kissing, poe being an absolute sap
word count: 2.6k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
updates blog: @eyelessupdates
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He can’t help the fond smile growing over his face at the sight of you, deeply focused on the repair project in front of you before his knuckles hit against the doorframe a couple times, catching your attention. 
Your gaze meets Poe’s as he steps into your workshop, your expression of concentration quickly giving way to an easy smile when you see him, closely followed by BB–8. 
Poe greets you with a kiss, his hand lingering at your side when he pulls away. 
“What’s bringing you here, handsome?” you ask, shifting to put away the tool you still have in hand. “Hey Beebs,” you smile as you glance down at the droid that greets you back. 
Poe gazes down at his droid, his look shifting back at you. “Could you take a look at him whenever you got the time?” he asks, a small, defeated sigh escaping his mouth. 
“What’s up?” you question, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow at him. It hadn’t been that long since you last checked up on the droid.
“I think there’s something up with his memory, he’s been acting a little forgetful lately” Poe explains; you can see the concern in his eyes, can hear the worry in his voice.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” Poe nods, pinching his lips into a quiet smile as he looks down at the droid. “Hey, you don’t have to worry'' you reassure him, resting a hand over his arm. “It’s nothing too serious usually. Nothing I can’t fix.” He nods again, knowing he can trust you with this, knowing you're as good at this as he is at flying. 
“I’ll take care of him as soon as I’m done with that” you point back to the mess of scavenged parts resting over your workbench.
“Thank you sweetheart,” he says, cupping the back of your head and leaning in to leave a quick kiss on your forehead. “I’d stay with you and tell you about my day, but I have my last meeting of the day in about less than five minutes.” he shrugs, starting to walk backwards to exit the room.
“Sure, don’t worry.” you smile. “Come over when you’re done” 
As promised, the minute you’re done repairing the project you were working on, you lower your workbench to BB-8’s level, letting him roll onto the surface before you adjust it to your level so you can examine him. 
“Hey buddy. memory issues huh?” you coo, grabbing your tools, gathering everything you need to check up on him. He responds with upset beeps, his upper part sagging in defeat. 
“That's okay. Happens to the best of us,” you reassure him, setting to work on diagnosing the problem. “So since it seems to be a memory issue, I’m gonna have to look through your data” you explain, opening his access panels. 
It doesn’t take long for you to identify the issue: a few corrupted memory files. It’s a relief to see it's nothing severe, just a bit of corrupted data that needs to be cleaned and restructured. “Hah, found the problem,” you say, beginning the delicate process of correcting the corrupted files. “Looks like some of your memory files got a bit jumbled. Should be fine once we get that sorted out, there shouldn’t be any problem.” you explain. “You know, Poe always gets so worried about you.” you say, trying to keep the droid calm as your fingers work through the wires and circuits. BB–8 emits a series of grateful beeps, and you smile, focusing back on the task at hand. 
As you work on fixing him, BB–8 chirps curiously, his dome turning to watch you. You explain each step in simple terms, trying to distract him and make it the least stressful possible for him. “I’m working through your memory module. Some of these files are corrupted, so I’m cleaning them up and re-organizing everything. Just like tidying up a messy room.”
BB-8 responds with a relieved series of beeps, and you chuckle. “Yeah, I know it’s not fun for you to have me mess with your memory stuff, but I’ll have you be back to your old self in no time.” 
As you carefully rework BB–8’s memory files, you fumble slightly with a delicate wire, causing a brief short circuit – the droid jerks and beeps erratically before suddenly playing a vocal message. You reach to stop it, assuming it’s a manufactured error message you’ve triggered, but you freeze when you recognize Poe’s voice. “Hey baby,” Poe’s voice crackles through BB–8’s speakers, startling you. You frown, confused, ready to stop the audio message. “If you’re hearing this, it’s probably because something happened and I’m not around anymore.” Your heart properly skips a beat. “I’m sorry I’m leaving you like this,” he sighs softly. “Damn it’s weird talking like this when I’m still here,” he chuckles. You step back, driven by morbid curiosity, firmly intending to listen to the rest of it. 
“But you know, with everything that’s been happening lately and that’s gonna happen, you never know what’s next.” 
He sounds tired. You bite down onto your lip, a soft frown forming over your face and your gaze lost as the recording continues. “I could die in two weeks or in twenty years from the moment I’m recording this, so it’s pretty strange. I just… I love you so much. I wanted you to hear it from me one last time.” 
Your lips curl into a weak smile, tears welling up in your eyes. It’s stupid. He’s still here. It’s just a recording in case he dies.
But somehow, you can’t help it. Not with the prospect that you could listen to it again one day, in the context it was intended to be listened to.
“You’ve always been supportive of my bullshit, no matter what, and you were always there for me no matter how stupid I got, so it’s only fair I thank you one last time. I really hope we got to enjoy our time together” 
You pause the audio message, running your hand over your face, sighing deeply. You want to stop there and not listen to the entirety of it, on one hand because you aren't even supposed to hear it or know of its existence in the first place, and most of all because you’re not sure you can handle it – but your curiosity gets the best of you, and you let it go on.
“It’s stupid that I want to cry, because I’m still here” he chuckles. “You know, I’m recording this because I couldn’t sleep.” he declares. You can hear the soft strain in his voice, you can imagine him and his tired eyes, his hair slightly mussed from tossing and turning like he always does when he’s restless.
He sighs deeply before he speaks again. “I uh… Today’s mission went awful. I could have died and I didn’t even tell you” his voice drops with the weight of his words, he pauses for a second, and the knot inside your throat tightens.  
“You’re sleeping in the next room. You know, you looked so peaceful when I got out of bed that I didn't want to bother you by kissing your forehead, but I did it anyway because I remembered I might not be able to do it forever”
You can’t help it, it’s over for you. Tears roll down your cheeks on their own, the back of your hand suppressing your sniffles and the soft laugh you huff out at his way of always saying things that will get you.
BB-8’s upper part shifts, and he emits a soft, sympathetic whirr, trying to console you.
“I’ve left this message with BB-8 because I know he’s always with you if he’s not with me. Take care of him for me, will you? And take care of yourself. You’re stronger than you know, and you’ll get through this. I love you. So much. More than you know. Which is why I’m gonna cut the recording and get back to bed to hold you tight while I can” 
Your heart tightens inside your chest. You slowly shake your head, tears forced out of you when your eyes fall shut.
“Alright, okay, bye sweetheart. I love you.” 
The recording cuts, ending with a click, leaving you in a stunned silence. BB turns to you, beeping sadly, and you give him a weak smile before wiping the tears over your cheeks with the tips of your fingers. 
You huff out a heavy breath, one that you didn’t even realize was smothering your chest, and force yourself to finish taking care of BB–8 despite everything. 
You’re still sobbing when Poe comes in again. 
He finds you, full on tearing up, not even hiding it – which he finds strange, because you usually turn around and pretend to look for something to quickly dry your tears, and proceed to poorly try to deny you’ve been crying just to avoid worrying him. 
And the context he’s facing quickly leads him to assume something is wrong with BB-8, something you couldn’t manage to fix and now blame yourself for – BB–8 is quick to deny with appalled beeps, so Poe really doesn’t have any idea what he’s dealing with. 
When you pull him near and hug him tight, gripping his hair, longing to be as close to him as possible, he’s still as confused, but he’s swift to take action and hold you even tighter.
His embrace is warm, comforting, his touch delicate as his hand appeasingly rubs over your shoulder, and you progressively manage to calm down and quiet your sobs. “What’s going on babe” he quietly asks, trying to not pounce on you. His fingers carefully lift your chin up, taking care of clearing the tears from your face, his eyes searching yours intensely as he waits for your answer.
You sigh softly, your breath still ragged from sobbing. “I was working on Beebs and I found your…” you pause, realizing you’re not even sure what to call it. You're not even sure you want to say it out loud, to say it's a goodbye message. “I found your recording– I didn't mean to, it just–”
“Oh,” his face drops in saddened surprise, immediately understanding what you’re talking about. “Oh baby” he sighs, shaking his head as he pulls you back into his arms. You weren't supposed to know about this, even less hear it fully, not until he died, that is. “I didn’t want to scare or worry you. I’m sorry you had to hear that– it was just… a precaution.” he murmurs as you cling to him, the remnants of your tears dampening his shirt.
“I know,” you whisper, your voice weak and muffled against his chest. “I just– It was hard to hear. I don’t want to think about losing you”
“I don’t want to think about leaving you either,” he says softly, pulling back just enough to look at your face again. His thumb brushes away the last of your tears when you look at him, his gaze over you filled with a mix of sorrow and unwavering love that you manage to feel just by looking into his dark, warm eyes. “But I need you to know how much you mean to me, no matter what happens”
“Poe,” you scoff-whine. “I know. You’re pretty transparent about it already” you grin. 
When he’s not saying it explicitly, he always has a hand on you, always at least leaves a kiss over your cheek or forehead when he’s not full-on kissing you, and always makes sure to bring you back those jogan fruit cakes you like from Coruscant when he has to go there, and just the way he looks at you has you aware that he loves you, so he really doesn’t need to do that much, but he’s Poe Dameron, so it’s a prerogative.
“I happen to be a very romantic man” he jokes, smiling when he sees you chuckle and shake your head the way you do when he pulls stupid lines. “I just wanted you to hear it from me one last time sweetheart.”
“You and your dramatic flair” you tease lightly, gripping onto his jacket as you let out a soft groan. “You couldn’t just leave a normal message, could you?”
“You know, subtlety isn’t my strong suit” he grins, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “But seriously, I’m sorry you had to hear it like this. It was meant for dramatic times, not when I was about to ask you if you wanted to get dinner off base like now.”
You snort up a laugh, your arms wrapping around his neck. “You do owe me dinner after that.” 
“I know, right?” he scoffs, an amused smile over his face. “And it means I get to spend more of my alive time with you, so–” he teases, his fingers gently rubbing your back. “Stop that, it’s not funny” you frown, playfully hitting his chest with the back of your hand. “–Plenty of time to remind you that I love you” his hand squeezes yours gently.
You pull him closer, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that is both tender and intense, slow at first but deepening when the fear, the relief, the overwhelming love you feel for him step at the front of your mind. His hand moves from your hip to cup your face, his thumb caressing the skin of your cheeks rough from the tears.
When you break apart, your foreheads are still linked, his fingers gently tracing your face, your breaths mingling. “I’m joking about this, but I promise I’ll do my best for you to not have to listen to this recording again anytime soon.” 
“Mh, hope ‘anytime soon’ means a few decades at least”
“I promise. I love you too much to leave you like this. And I know I’ll look sexy when my hair turns gray” he adds with a playful smile.
You laugh, the sound breaking the lingering tension and bringing a sense of normalcy back. “Oh, definitely” you grin, raking your fingers through his curls. “Most handsome silver fox in the galaxy.” 
Poe smiles, kissing you again, softly. You can very clearly feel BB–8’s presence when you pull away, his needy beeps attesting of his need for attention.
“Yeah, alright buddy” you sigh, turning back to the droid to finish up his repair.
“So he’s okay?” Poe asks, approaching the workbench. 
“He’s all fine, good as new” you smile. “Hey, try running a diagnostic”
The droid runs his internal check, beeping happily once he’s done and everything seems to be alright.
“See?” you turn to Poe. “All good.” you grin at him, glad to have something concrete to smile about after that emotional rollercoaster you went through.  
“Thank you, really. I knew you’d fix him up” Poe declares, smiling as he watches BB roll off the workbench and onto the floor, navigating around your feet. “And I was serious about that dinner, by the way,” he says, watching you putting away your tools and tidying up your workbench. “We could both use a break.”
“Yeah,” you agree, scoffing. 
Poe’s hand finds yours as you turn the light off and leave the workshop, your fingers tangling as you walk through the corridors of the base, finding your way out. 
“Hey,” Poe calls, pulling you closer as you walk. You hum, looking at him, noticing the slight hint of worry in his eyes. “You really think I’d look hot with gray hair?”
You scoff, shaking your head. “Absolutely baby”
A content smile grows over his face, and he nods. “Cool.”
any and every comment/reblog is greatly appreciated!!
star wars taglist:
@lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @anightshift
@whatthefishh @dameronshandholder @campingwiththecharmings @mintgreen24 @spider-starry
@jakecockley @cocodiem @spxctorsslxt @friedwings @luxisluxurious
@stvnnie @dowbastan @il0vebeingdelulu @hammerhead96 @pigeonmama
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bunberiii · 1 year
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10. blueprint (single muse template) UPDATED!!
introducing "10. blueprint", a dark blue, ocean aesthetic in-depth google docs oc template, with many custom drawings such icons, menu, and social media posts. this document includes space for general information, backstory, personality, character relationships, and character headcanon information, themed around the aesthetic of the ocean (depending on the colour chosen, the aesthetic changes from ocean, forest, purple flowers and pink flowers) feel free to edit this as much as you wish as long as you do not remove my credit.
UPDATES: i have lowered the prices of a few of my current google document templates, as i know some of you have mentioned that you can't always afford templates. also this template is officially available in 4 colours!
editing and modifications are welcome once you purchase the template.
all drawings and images in this document are custom created (or in the case of the pictures, edited) by me. If you would like to take elements from this document, you will need to credit me as an inspiration or the creator of that element(s).
resizing or moving objects/images can throw off the document, so be careful.
do not remove my watermark/credits!
please like or reblog this post if you use my template!  ♡
how to use
click the source link above
purchase the template via my payhip
follow the instructions on the downloaded note
once you receive access to the template, go to file  →  make a copy
how to edit
in order to most easily put in your own images, go to replace image then choose how you wish to replace it (either uploading a file or via the image's URL).
this document includes drawings. Double-click the drawing/image on the bottom left or top right corner, then click the edit tab. this will take you to a page where you can replace, edit or delete features of the image
for the custom-edited photos, I've linked a tutorial to how I created them in the zip file you'll receive after the purchase
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gxldensxldiers · 6 months
What's your underlying motif? | "Deadlock"
the home
whether it’s your warm embrace, your unwavering reliability, your smile that says “welcome back”, your motif is the home. your the equivalent to coming out of the rain to the fire on and your slippers waiting by the door. your uncanny way of making people feel alright, you’re treasured in these trying times. i respectfully request you take care of yourself, the world will never been as kind to you as you are to it. anne lammott said “lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining” and though unconventional, lighthouses are inhabited and your cup runs over with generosity. because you probably don’t hear it enough, thank you.
Tagged by: @galaxythixf (thanks for the tag!! ^^)
Tagging: Uhhhh this has been sitting in my drafts for far too long so anyone that hasn't done this ig lmao
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dystopianam · 5 months
EDIT: YES I wrote "bizarre" wrong, I apologize, English is not my language 💀 In italian it's "bizzarro", so I had a bit of confusion...
WARNING: I'm remaking this set from scratch because I discovered new things. This set works but I mistakenly used the fairy statue as the base thinking it was Base Game, when in fact it's from Mansion & Garden, so if you don't have M&G you won't see these cc in your game. It's NOT your fault, it's my fault because I remembered wrong. In the new version I'm working on, in addition to solving the compatibility problem (I'm using a BG base, the plants could be decorations OR lights that you can turn on and off, with the addition of many other swatches! I'm still deciding whether to make one thing or another.
(It depends if I can make cc lights, I'm still a beginner) also...I want to include Sixam plants from Get To Work in a part 2 or 3 👀
SO: You can continue to download and use these sets if you have M&G. I also checked the files and the error in the name is present only in the .rar, in the folder and in the file names, but in game the names are correct (I mistakenly wrote Bizzare instead of Bizarre, but in game the cc is called Bizarre) so if it bothers you just rename the packages! (How you would rename any file and folder)
In the meantime I will work on the updated version!
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I always had the headcanon that Vidcund was one of the scientists who studied the mother plant, and because of that I always wanted to have a bit of Strangerville in my game but I never found the converted plants!
Some have already been converted (like the vines) but I wanted to have a complete set (also because I made my own edits!) I couldn't find the other plants anywhere for YEARS! (I'm very sure that after this post I'll see a post from someone who converted them like yesterday...but never mind!)
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Since I couldn't put the intermittent light effect, I decided to create some glowing versions!
The difference between Glow 1 and Glow 2 is that Glow 1 uses a white light, while Glow 2 uses a purplish light which makes the plant slightly more saturated!
I only made one glowing version of the Unhealthy Bizarre Plant because...well, it's the dead version of the plant! It wouldn't make sense if it lit up! (Since it is absent in Glow 2 and 3, if you decide to use these sets you could use Unhealthy Bizarre Plant from the other two sets)
They all cost 0 Simoleons (Well... I had no idea what price to put!) and you can find them in decorations > indoor plants!
They have no animations! They are static decorations unfortunately!
I hope it's clear because I would hate to disappoint anyone, but as I have already explained, they do not light up intermittently. They aren't lights. The no glow version doesn't turn on, the glow version is permanently on. If I can, in the future, if someone wants I can try to create a version that works as a light that can be turned on and off! Remember that I'm a beginner, I do what I can ^^"
I thought too late that it would have made more sense to categorize them as outdoor plants 💀 If it bothers you, you can change the category on simPe (Open the packages on simPe > Go in Object Data, in this page you can put the plants where you want them!) or wait until I'll fix the category with a future update!
Only use one set! (You can choose plants from each set individually, but don't use different version of the same plant, it has the same guid!)
I changed some textures from 1024 to 512, and compressed everything! Let me know if there are any problems!
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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You were the new student at the Jaewon High school and the teacher asked you to introduce yourself to everyone in the class. A certain blonde haired guy with his bangs covering his eyes surveyed you with slight interest. He could feel slight warmth settling inside him as he looked at you and your features. Your smile was enchanting and captivating. You sat next to him and extended your hand out to him with a warm friendly smile on your face. He simply blushed slightly and turned away without shaking your hand. You could tell he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just shy. You got to know later on his name was Jay Hong and was given the nickname of being the prince of the fashion department
Apart from Daniel, you're the other person who could understand Jay. Whenever you'd ask him if he'd like to go out with you somewhere he'd nod with a slight smile. You've never heard him talk but it doesn't bother you too much since you could understand him. You make him feel so...warm and contended, you make him feel heard despite not talking out loud. He loves it when you smile, he always wants to see you smiling and being happy, he doesn't like seeing you sad or upset. The other day you got a lousy score on one of your tests and you were down in the dumps. Not even the incessant needling from Zack telling you to cheer up since it's a stupid test worked on you and you were pretty bummed out about it. After the lunch period was done, Jay strode over to your desk and handed you a bag and as you opened inside it and looked in it, you saw your favorite chocolates, goodies and treats along with a heartwarming little encouraging note from him. You thanked him and ended up giving him a hug and he felt like his heart would stop beating at the moment. He wanted to hold you in his arms forever and never let go of you
He'll fall for you real fast and real hard too. When he does, he catches obsessive feelings for you quite quickly too which will result in him getting rather sulky and pouty when you talk to other people, excluding Daniel. You had to work on an assignment with Zack once and the entire time, Jay sat right smack in between you both despite the complaints from Zack on how he had to deal with an annoying blonde the whole time. However Jay didn't give a damn. He'd rather shoot someone than have them steal you away from him. Just because he's quiet and shy and nice to YOU doesn't mean he has to be nice to the other annoying people who try to steal you away from him. It annoyed and frustrated him to no end when the teacher refused to let him be your partner even after asking him to change your partner so he could be with you. However he couldn't do anything about it since you actually liked the teacher and he knew you'd be sad if the teacher left and he doesn't want to see you sad
You can bet your allowance he will stalk the absolute daylights out of you and will always have your location one way or another. Say goodbye to your privacy since there'll always be someone or the other in the shadows to ensure your safety. He has FILES of your likes, dislikes and his assistant gives him an update of everything that happens in your life. He knows you better than you know yourself by now and he takes great pride in that and could probably write a freaking thesis about you and your personality. He has unfinished love letters that he wanted to give you but couldn't bring himself to do so because he didn't want to ruin your friendship with him. Poor guy would be devastated if you started ignore him, something in him will just break. Look, he can tolerate insults and anger and people hitting him but you ignoring him is much worse
Like I mentioned before, don't underestimate the way he fights just because he never really interacts or fights on common occasions, there's a reason you should always watch out for the quiet ones. He would never forgive someone trying to hurt you, he'd send them a one way ticket to the hospital with zero remorse and empathy. Have you seen the way he fights? His moves are fast and quick and it's all thanks to his training with the one and only Alexandra Sophia herself, learning a variety combination of mixed martial arts which he'll put to good use so he can protect you. If Logan ends up picking on you or making disgusting lecherous comments about you, he'll just walk over to him silently without even saying anything and just break his hand like it's nothing. Logan will have a natural hatred for blondes now thanks to him lol
Jay will get slightly pouty and jealous and sulky when you receive gifts from someone else. He'll quickly find a way to one up them because...he's Jay Hong after all. Oh, someone gave you a nice dress for your birthday? Well, here's 5 duffel bags full of the most fashionable clothes that are trending these days. Someone gifted you a new gadget? You'll have plenty more from him. He'll just walk up to you with a smile on his face and set the bags down for you. Of course, he finds it rather endearing and cute when you end up getting flustered and embarrassed like this and will not accept a no from you. You're going to accept his gifts and tokens of love for you and no, you don't get to have a say in this
Like the others he doesn't want you getting involved in gang stuff. The last thing he needs is for you to get targeted by some gang member but he's not really worried though even if that happens because he'll probably just murder them and find a way to cover up the body. Hey, when it comes to you, he's willing to do anything to make sure you're safe. What's a few dead bodies and gang members going to do anyway? He insists on dropping you off home on his bike and this is something you don't get to have a say on either. He'll just silently stand there and put his helmet on your head and gesture for you to get on his bike. He'd rather not take any chances when you're walking down the streets. He gets quite flustered when your arms are wrapped around his torso though, he'll be a blushing mess under his helmet and will be smiling smiling to himself, basking in the warmth and your soft gentle touch
He's not someone to play mind games with you or gas light you, he's too pure for that. He doesn't want to hurt you. However if your safety is being threatened, he won't hesitate to snatch you up from your life faster than you can even blink. You'll find yourself in a well furnished room on a soft large bed as you wake up. You'll of course, be quite confused as to what's happening and Jay will silently come into the room with a tray of your favorite things and set it down on the table beside the bed for you. When you ask him whether you can leave, he'll simply shake his head and refuse to let you go. You might not be bound by ropes or chains to the bed but that doesn't mean you'll be able to escape either. His loyal assistant is always there to observe you and snitch on you the moment you try anything funny
The security systems and the locks will be quite advanced and you won't be able to leave. By mistake even if you end up leaving, he'll just bring you back. He'll look at you with a slightly hurt look on his face and is sad that you tried to leave him but he understands why you'd leave him, you probably feel trapped and he gets your feeling. Which is why he'll take you out for private little outings to places he knows you'll enjoy. Just don't leave his hand, he needs to prevent you from running away again. However when it comes to someone stealing you from him...he won't have any mercy or remorse for them. They'll either get blacklisted from a company or their social status would be ruined or something. He'd do it secretly of course, without you ever finding out about it since he doesn't want you thinking that he's some sort of monster
He'll be quite hurt and devastated when you initially try to withhold yourself from eating anything and refusing to eat food. He'll look at you with the expression of a kicked puppy and a small tear will roll down his eye as he silently pleads and cajoles you to eat. He doesn't want anything happening your health, he loves you too much for that. Would you like for him to feed you because he's ready for that too. Just please eat something
He'd be flustered whenever you hug him or show him even the slightest of affection but he still loves it nonetheless. He loves it when you run your fingers through his hair, he'll let out a soft hum and look at you with a soft smile, like he has the world in front of his eyes. He'd like to touch your hair too and caress your cheek lovingly if you'd permit him too of course. He wouldn't do anything you're uncomfortable with since he's quite the gentleman. He likes holding your hand too and entwining and wrapping his fingers in yours as he kisses the back of your hand ever so gently. Overall, as a yandere, he'd be a nice one to have. Pretty chill and laid back who would ensure you're always by his side no matter what...
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otomehonyaku · 4 months
a reader's guide to otomehonyaku ☽ translation masterpost & guidelines (updated 16 Sep. '24)
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you can call me Ottie (she/her)! 20s, translator & writer
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PLEASE NOTE: My masterpost is currently under construction since I hit the hyperlink limit on this post! I'll be rearranging things a little bit more so please excuse the mess, but I can confirm that everything is up to date ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
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This is a masterpost of all of the translations and writing that I have published so far. Please see under the 'read more' ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ You can find my translation request guidelines at the bottom of this post. Please do not reuse or repost my translations elsewhere, in any form whatsoever, or translate my work into other languages without my EXPLICIT permission. If you have any questions regarding retranslating or reposting, feel free to reach out!
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Currently translating
Diabolik Lovers More,More Blood Animate Tokuten CD ☽ Living a Normal School Life for Once! (Ruki)
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal Anime DVD, Official Online Shop Tokuten CD ☽ Episode 0
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Upcoming translations
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Drama CDs ☽ Vol. 3 (Orange, 4 tracks)
Surprise long-form story from one of the tokuten booklets
Diabolik Lovers Grand Edition Special Booklet ☽ Year-End Pandemonium (Sakamaki short story)
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Special Booklet ☽ Short Story (Scarlet ver.)
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Special Booklet ☽ Short Story (Violet ver.)
Diabolik Lovers Official Anime Novelization ☽ Chapter 4
Note: Please be aware that list is subject to change. If something exciting pops up, I might alternate this list with other translations─in this case, please refer to the 'currently translating' section above to see what I'm working on!
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Main instalments
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Drama CD series
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Books & miscellaneous
CHAPTER 1 ・ CHAPTER 2 ・ CHAPTER 3 ・ (Coming soon...)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
My writing
Short stories & scenarios
Headcanons & miscellaneous
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Request guidelines
I am open to translating any Diabolik Lovers-related materials, including (but not limited to) drama CDs, games, short stories, magazine articles, interviews, comics, (fan) artwork, and such. Any character is welcome!
I only take requests for translations. I do not take requests for writing (short stories, headcanons, reacts, scenarios and the like). Thank you for your understanding!
When requesting a translation, please be aware of the following: ☽ Please provide the source materials which you would like to have translated. I do not have the financial means nor the time to personally buy all of the drama CDs or tokuten for all 13 characters, for example, so if you want something translated: please include a link to the source materials. These could be links to audio files on SoundCloud and BiliBili, or links to Tumblr posts with scans of short stories or interviews and the like. ☽ In all cases, it is your own responsibility to ensure that the source materials—particularly fan-made artwork and scans—have been acquired with full permission from the original poster. If the original poster has NOT given you permission to repost or reuse/translate the materials in question, I will NOT translate them. ☽ This probably goes without saying, but I do these translations for fun—I enjoy doing them, but I am also busy in my daily life. I will try my best to finish and post the translation as soon as possible after your request, but I give no guarantees on how long they will take. I do work relatively quickly given my current language skills in Japanese, but the time I can spend on translating varies per week. ☽ If you would like me to translate Japanese-language materials from other otome franchises or pop culture related things, please consult with me and I’ll see what I can do! ☽ DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY TRANSLATIONS ELSEWHERE, IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING VIDEO), OR TRANSLATE MY WORK TO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
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pooks · 7 months
time to nag about my headcanon "Percy has Seer powers" and why that is a great idea
first of all, a little clarification; this isn't common knowledge to the younger siblings. only Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie knows. they kept this secret after Fabian and Gideon Prewett died
this implies that they died to protect Percy, who was just this tiny toddler who had absolutely no control over what he could See
the result is to keep his Seer powers secret
some background info; Percy's Seer powers is a rare gift that is apparently passed down from the Black side
Cedrella, aka their paternal grandmother, had it and has taught Percy how to use and control it. that's why Percy had a more closer bond to his granny than the rest of the family.
Arthur did not inherit it, but one of his brothers did. unfortunately, his poor brother is dead (it's not Billius, but someone else cause Arthur had three brothers accourding to the wiki) because he rather die than to let himself being caught by Voldemort and used as a tool.
while he doesn't understand Seer powers too well, Arthur respects it and is trying to be supportive for Percy.
also at a later point, Percy had 1 Bad Incident™ involving his Seer powers and it slightly traumatised him enough to not try to use it again
he takes divination in his third year for two reasons; 1, he also want to achieve 12 NEWTS like Bill. 2, he wants to understand his weird future-seeing power.
Oliver, his roommate (oh my god they were roommates) finds out by accident and keeps nagging him about the future Quidditch match results. Percy refuses cause that's SPOILERS
Percy can look far into the future, but he settles for the fun stuff
he occassionally makes references to memes and vines
his siblings doesn't understand them at all
at least until they're all adults with families in the future
and they be like "YOU KNEW"
and Percy just smiles innocently even though he absolutely isn't
Harry and Hermione aren't safe from Percy's Seer Shenanigans either
everytime Hermione is working with a crossword, Percy's eyes flashes green for a moment and when he opens his mouth, Hermione hits him with a pillow cause he was about to reveal the answer
Harry asked Percy once if his Seer powers was why Fudge promoted him. Percy simply smiled and said "yes, that was the reason. but the idiot didn't realized that i tricked him all the time and sent him on a wild goose chase."
aaaaand some Ministry shitshow stuff;
ofc Percy would be petty af once he figured out Fudge only wanted him because of his Seer powers. which means the fucker looked at the classified information in his personell file. Percy is obvs mad about that, but it's too late to tell his family about it and he decides to be an absolute menace about it without being caught
"getting caught means that you weren't smart enough to get an escape plan"
Percy takes full offense of being treated like a tool instead of a human with rights
he burns several draft-ups for the "updated law for underage magic" because they're fucking awful and he knows the bastard wants to ruin Harry's education. that also means he would ruin his baby siblings' educations.
he also burnt the suggestion papers about giving Azkaban prisoners the dementor's kiss without trial.
the law suggestions about banning human rights for werewolves, wizard hybrids and squibs also got BURNT INTO ASHES
Percy: I decide the future now. >:)
Scrimgeour makes an early bird appearence cause Fudge can't find the law suggestions anymore and he was the idiot to not keep copies.
after investigating privately, Scrimgeour finds out that Percy burnt them up and this madlad explains why.
suddenly Scrimgeour fully supports Percy and says his late uncles would be proud. bonus: Scrimgeour simply says to Fudge that he can't find things that may be gone forever, it's sadly "lost media" now.
Percy, getting the idea from the twints, orders dragon fertilizer (it's dragon dung lol) subscription from norway's dragon research center and sanctuary and sends it to Umbridge, using her forged signature
he's careful to not get caught, so he looks into the future (a bit at the time, though)
feel free to add some of your own ideas/suggestions/headcanon about Seer!Percy Weasley :)
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skullytotheark · 8 months
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Timothy Wright “Masky”
For beginners and people who want accurate/canonical lore
[i spent an hour writing about tim lore so i said fuck it and decided to post]
[NOTE: Alot of this is canon Tim lore except for headcanon stuff, The Original source for Tim is Marble Hornets.]
Name: Timothy Wright 
Current Age: 35 [late 20s when marble hornets ends]
Height: 5’6
Canonical Physical appearance: Timothy Wright is a slightly chubby build man with noticeable stubble and sideburns along with a combover hairstyle
Tim’s overall personality: Tim is a level-headed, cautious person, but he is not afraid enough of his advisories for them to disable him. Tim can also be socially awkward at times but tends to be calm a lot of the time
Canonical sexuality: Asexual [Confirmed by Tim Sutton]
Original source material: Marble Hornets [2009]
Creator: THAC TV [The Marble hornets crew], Troy Wagner, Joseph Delage [Writers of marble hornets] and Tim Sutton [Actor of Timothy Wright]
Lesser known facts
Tim’s final words to Brian who is revealed to be Hoody in entry 86, Were “I’ll Kill you”
When Jay is reading Tim’s files in entry 60.5, There is a noticeable detail in the documents that says “Does patient smoke” or something of this nature and it is ticked “Someone in the house smokes,” Implying that one of his family members smoke and this habit soon grew onto him
In entry ######, The person speaking throughout the video is confirmed to be Tim [the actor], Which Means that this is the first and last time where Masky has spoke
Tim was going to college originally wanting to do photography [confirmed by Tim or Troy]
Despite popular belief, Masky / Tim is not a proxy. This being confirmed from the multiple times both Masky & Hoody constantly avoid or run away from the Operator / Slenderman. 
After we are led to believe the worst when Marble Hornets ended [believing that Tim offed himself]. Skully in issue 3.5 from the official Marble Hornets comics confirms that Tim is in fact Still alive. This statement is also made true in the canceled Clear Lakes 44 series by Troy Wagner when we see footage of Tim returning to a normal life and working moving supplies 
OOC fact that i think more people should probably know about: The Cheesecake joke is a fatphobic joke made via the creepypasta fandom along with other viewers who would make negative remarks towards Tim's weight, Tim later develope a eating disorder because of the constant insults he got about his weight
[Canon] Important events & Lore for Tim
[For people who don't wanna sit through the entire series and kinda want it summarized through]
[NOTE: make note that I will be updating certain points if they are incorrect lorewise since alot of this is based off of my own interpretations and memories of the marble hornets series]
Tim’s childhood:
At First Timothy Wright was a very normal lad, Although socially awkward and having a slightly shaky relationship with his mother and father, Tim was considered a normal child. However It is when Tim is 8 to 12 this is when he’s beginning to experience symptoms that are under the hallucination and schizophrenia category. After multiple visits to the doctor his mother “Janet Wright” finally decides to send Tim to the local psychiatric ward where he is further treated by the doctors within the ward, But no matter what they’ve tried it seem that every now and then Tim will have a episode where he breaks out of the ward and run into the local park rosswood national park or hide in a maintenance tunnel which was close to the ward. Always claiming that he was hiding from whatever that he was seeing before bringing him back and locking Tim into his room and giving him large doses of his medication. 
A Couple Of Years Later, [around early 2000s] Tim is released into the world and is stable enough to go to college and get proper education, Tim originally studied for photography however it is when his close friend “Brian Thomas” introduces Tim to “Alex Kralie”, Brian was originally auditioning for Alex’s student film “Marble Hornets” but soon Tim was somewhat pressured  into auditioning himself. Alex takes note of both of the two’s auditions and later hires them for his student film. Everything started off very tame, The cast would often go off to small locations and film for the movie until later on Alex seemingly becomes more paranoid and slightly aggressive towards his cast. While location hunting with Alex Tim takes him to an old abandoned location near his psychic ward he spent as a child, However after Alex pestered him about the ward Tim soon unwillingly showed him the ward where Alex later attempted to kill Tim. Tim narrowly escapes Alex and although Tim had no memory of this encounter Tim & Alex soon loose touch
Mid Marble Hornets:
[#54 to #59]
In the early 2010s Having no memory of most of the filming during Marble Hornets, Tim was now living a somewhat stable life with a small job. Everything seemed surprisingly normal in life until one of Brian’s Mutuals “Jay Merrick” requests a few of the tapes Tim had that he was given to by Alex so he can use some of the scenes to finish the Marble Hornets Film Alex was working on. Tim gives the tapes to Jay and Jay asks Tim to take him to one of the locations him and Alex visited to, Although slightly skeptical Tim agrees and takes him to the abandoned location. Jay strangely having a weird fixation on the abandoned ward next door to the location Tim originally took Jay to, While roaming within the halls Jay notices a hooded figure roaming down the halls and chases after him. Very suspicious of Jay’s behavior after this encounter, Tim discovers the “Marble Hornets Youtube Channel” and realizes that Jay was lying to him about wanting to finish the film. Tim confronts Jay in a parking lot and tells Jay to never talk to him again. However Tim’s medication was stolen by the Hooded figure that appeared in the ward and Tim has a seizure, When it ended Tim didn’t seem like his regular self as he dawns a mask from the hooded figure before entering rosswood park, Jay following the two in an attempt to help Tim while he was in this strange autopilot like state where Tim is extremely hostile and non talkative.
Masky: “A Mask Of My Own Face”
[Appearances:#18, #19, #23, #33, #35, #45  #50, #52, #61, #76 and # 86]
Originally appearing in entry 18, This strange state Tim appears in every now and then where Tim is mute and often hostile to most People. A possible Theory is that this State is the body’s self defense mechanism for an entity known as the Operator who has haunted Tim all of his life and is the possible reason he spent most of his childhood in a psychiatric ward in the first place. As mentioned this mechanism seemingly puts the body in an autopilot like state where Tim acts without second thought. The Hooded Figure seemingly knew this and exploited Tim’s defense mechanism to have Tim attack Alex multiple times, During one of these attacks Tim attacked Alex [who was visiting an abandoned location with Jay] wearing a white Mask that had black outlines going around the edge of the mask, Black teardrop shaped outlines going around the mask’s eyeholes, U shaped eyebrows and lips painted onto the white mask with black sharpie or paints. During this attack Alex tied Tim and had Jay hold him down before Alex smashed and broke Tim’s leg with a block of cement [this action from Alex caused conflict between him and Jay]. In another attack with Alex the hooded man distracted Alex as Tim got the upper hand and threw Alex to the ground, Tim then tries to smash Alex’s head in with the Rock but fails so attempts to choke him. However this attack failed and the two ran off when they noticed that the Operator was protecting Alex.
“The End Days”
[#63 to 83]
Towards The End. After Jay and Tim make an agreement to help each other, The Two begin going location to location in attempts of finding any pieces to the puzzle Jay has been trying to solve for years now, In attempts to avoid Alex the two would go hotel to hotel while constantly going to new locations slowly but surely piecing things together. During this Time Tim and Jay form a small friendship between each other while also sharing possible theories to what happened during marble hornets, Such as Where to find a missing person named Jessica Locke and why Alex did all of this. However things take a turn when Jay and Tim are attacked by the Operator while searching at Alex’s old house, This attack sending Jay in a state where he is barely aware of his surroundings and aimlessly wandering. Of course Tim tries to lessen the side effects from this attack by giving Jay some of his medication however Jay is very stubborn and seemingly refuses any help while in this state. A short while later when Tim and Jay discover that Alex was hiding in Tim’s house waiting for Tim to come back so he could kill Tim and hopefully Jay, A small argument sparked between the two about whether they should go to the house or not, They soon go to Tim’s house to learn that Alex was kidnapped by the hooded man and is holding him at a abandoned school. However Jay soon attacked Tim and snatched a tape recording that Tim was hiding from him, Jay leaves and watches the tape to find that the hooded man and Tim [while in autopilot state] abducted Jessica possibly in an attempt to drag her out of the whole marble hornets mess, The three go to Rosswood park only for Alex to attack them, Jessica defends herself from Alex when realizing Alex was the threat and not the two masked men before retreating in the forest only for the Operator to abduct her. Learning the contents within the tape only caused conflict to spiral between Tim and Jay when Jay pinned the blame on, Jay attempts to attack Tim but Tim disarms and ties Jay up, informs he’s going to the abandoned shool and leaves Jay at his house. While Tim was having a coughing fit moments after he exits the school and runs to his car he hears a loud gunshot, He recollects himself to find Jay’s camera which shows that Alex shot Jay and in response lock himself in a room only for the Operator to kidnap Jay. Upon learning about this Tim pins the blame on both Alex and the hooded man, A few days later Tim and the hooded man have a fight that led to the Hooded man falling out of the window and to his death. Leaving only Tim and Alex left,
“The Day, The Music Died"
In the final days, Tim and Alex was teleported to different locations Tim has been to during marble hornets, The two often exchanging blows to each other while Tim attempts to persuade Alex into stopping this madness, However Alex believes that everyone he had killed was infected with a sickness and that if he hadn’t kill them the sickness would spread, Tim’s counter argument to this is that Alex was only being used by The Operator as a source of power. However when Alex finally gets a grip on Tim, Tim stabs Alex in the neck before stabbing him multiple times in defense. Ending the madness, A few days later Tim was last seen interacting Jessica who was revealed to be alive until Tim suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth. 
Personal Headcanons
Tim often avoids wearing clothing that he wore during marble hornets, Especially his Tan jacket he wore as Masky.
Tim sometimes gets recognized as the “Masky guy from That one web series”, A Lot of the time he tends to avoid interacting with people who recognized him since what happened during Marble Hornets greatly scarred and traumatized him. But every now every than he kinda has a small outburst where he basically says “Don’t talk to me or bring that shit up” before storming off
Tim often spots Skully in the distance watching him, Skully is the walking and breathing embodiment of everything and everyone he wants to forget but no matter how hard he tries Skully just seems to find them, Alot of the time he tends to ignore them but recently Skully has been standing in places where they are more noticeable so Tim can see Them, But whenever Tim asks if anyone saw Skully they don’t know what he’s talking about. He’s not even sure if Skully is real at this point.
The Operator doesn’t seem to stalk Tim as much as he expects, The Operator in fact barely follows him anymore due to the lack of conflict Tim has been involved him, Basically meaning that Tim is semi free from this parasitic worm clinging onto him and using him as a source for violence. But of course Tim doesn’t know this and is still extremely paranoid.
Tim finally is doing his original passion which is photography. He often tends to avoid going into wooded areas but every now and then he notices that sometimes his photos contain a bluejay in the background which, Sometimes saddens him but mostly makes him feel better. Tim usually takes photos of small flowers and places that often have beautiful scenery 
Tim has a job in repairing computers and getting rid of viruses on old people’s computers. But 99% of the time he’s standing at the cash register having old people ask weird and specific questions about the camera models they’re buying, Sometimes he wonders if working at mcdonalds is better but he does like getting paid
Proxy Tim AU
In this canon/au where Tim is working as a Proxy, Tim is seemingly hypnotized into working for The Operator. But little does the Operator know Tim is slowly but surely slipping out of his puppet like state
Alot of the time Tim hates interacting with other proxies, They’re so loud and honestly so disgusting. Tim is a regular guy amongst a crowd of killers who get their kicks off of killing innocent people just because this eldritch like being tells them to. He kinda finds them pathetic… 
Tim despises himself for working for the Operator, Tim thought he couldn't hate himself anymore but he has proven himself wrong yet again. He’s becoming more and more unphased by being told what to do by the Operator and it scares him. He doesn’t want to become like Alex but it seems that there’s no stopping that now. 
Tim’s original mask has seen better days. Every now and then he does attempt to clean it but staples and glue can't do a lot when your mask was crushed by a bunch of junk after you throw it away. So eventually Tim does get a fresh mask which has slightly smaller eyeholes and more pronounced lips then the last one but overall both masks have the same paint job, Also worth mentioning that Tim dons a new fur collar jacket and black leather/plastic gloves 
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