#RP: Chao Saff
The Chao holds its forehead...wait...saffron was....shot in the head...why is she just feeling the pain from her death now...
She looked up in concern, looking around for something, anything. She could see what was happening, and it was terrifying. If this was Saffron, which it very clearly was, then.. She didn't want her to suffer any more than she already had. Wasn't it enough already?! She held the chao tightly in her arms, trying to do something - anything.
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losttothedarkness · 6 months
|Side Muses| Apollo
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Apollo is Saff's former mentor. He was the one who rescued her when heartless invaded her home. He became her mentor when she moved to Daybreak town in an eager move to fight against the darkness that took her home away. Unlike OTHER keyblade Users, Apollo never officially joined a union. For reasons unknown, Saff never questioned this and always respected his choice. He continued to be a good friend, and mentor Even after she established herself in the Leopardos Union. Often times they tag team on jobs, and seek guidance from each other in times of uncertainty. When the darker half of daybreak town's history began, Apollo does join the leopardos Union in an eager attempt to protect Saffron, and be a source of guidance in the sea of chaos that befell them Apollo eventually becomes a heartless and dragged Saffron into the realm of darkness during their battle. The two of them remained there until Saffrons story takes off. (He is only available in the KH-Ux rps) (for not at least) -------------------------
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((out of the coffeeffron thing for a second)
It's been a month since the incident where saff was lost due to eggman, you find a chao egg that gives off familiar vibes
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Julie-Su sighed heartily as she closed her eyes tight, not daring to touch it immediatey. It reminded her too much of Saffron. The pain of losing her was still raw; Julie didn't have a lot of family left, and most of what she did have left, were certainly not any kind of nurturing loving family. Saffron had become like a sister to her, somebody to care for, something to protect. It was too cruel; like every part was designed specifically to twist the knife further.
Opening her eyes now, Julie-Su dared herself to look at the chao egg. It hurt, but it felt as if it were a neccesary pain; some small part of herself felt like this chao needed her. She gently scooped it up, finding herself clutching it closely. "There, there..." her voice almost caught in her throat as she rocked the chao egg, feeling as if she might never let it go ever again.
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The Chao grabs a stick and writes on the ground 'head hurt'
Julie-Su watched in concern as the chao drew each letter, peering over to read it. "Oh, oh..." She put her hand to her mouth, stressed - she wasn't any good at this, she barely knew how to take care of herself. But, she was determined to see this through, to take good care of this chao who she had believed to be the Reincarnation of Saffron. "Your head hurts..?" Her brow furrowed, trying to work out what to do, patting the little chao on its' back.
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The Chao nods happily
It seems to be the happiest thing on earth right now
Suddenly she holds her forehead, as if it hurts a little
"Chao Chao Chao..."
"Oh...?" Julie-Su looked in concern at the chao; she wondered if she had done something wrong already. "What's wrong..?" She asked tentatively, though she knew that the answer would be 'chao chao'. She had no idea what to expect at all now, almost in a trance.
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The Chao shakes it's head furiously
It hugs your arm, and whimpers slightly
Julie-Su sighed shakily, trying to blink the tears out. "I know, I know.. It's all real, isn't it?" She whispered, holding the chao tight. "I don't know how, I... I don't know why..." She lifted the chao up a little to look at it.
"But.. It's really you, isn't it, Saff..?" She whispered, a smile finding its' way across her face.
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The egg...would begin to hatch....?
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It seems....happy to see you?
"Chao! Chao Chao Chao! Chao Chao Chao..."
The Chao holds its forehead
Julie-Su gasped as she saw the chao, blinking. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Saff...?" She curiously asked, her usually stoic and serious demeanour crumbling as she saw the chao that looked so much like Saffron. Was it her...? The resemblance was uncanny. "I see, I get it... I'm dreaming. I ate too much cheese before bed." She muttered to herself, grinning incredulously as she sat down, the chao in her arms. She held it close, her face turning serious and hopeful, not wanting to let the chao see her lip quiver. "I've got you. I've got you..."
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