If you and Knuckles have kids what will their names be? and have you met Mighty's sister Matilda?
"Mighty has a sister? Gosh, I can't say I knew that." She paused, pondering, suddenly looking up. "Wait, kids?!" She laughed nervously, an almost smirk crossing her face. "Isn't that a bit previous? I mean, lady Lara-Le's told me her opinions on me having kids with Knux. Well, at first, I thought she just hated me - you know how some parents can be, waaay overprotective." She sighed, massaging her temples. She fixed her fringe, "But the more I've been finding out about what it means to be a guardian, the more I guess I get where she's coming from. It's far too much for me to think about right now! I may be of reasoning age, but I'm a long way off from thinking of anything THAT big. I don't even want to think about marriage right now! We're kinda in the middle of a war, I've got bigger priorities... I'm not even sure if I WANT kids."
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In an alternative world where your sister actually cared about you, where do you think your life would have gone?
"Both a loaded question, and a thinly veiled insult. Wow." Julie-Su wrinkled her nose for just a moment, then caressed her chin as she thought about it. "If I'm honest...? I don't know if much would have changed. I don't really have a lot of love for the legion, or for what they are doing. And I have this strange feeling that I might just have dropped everything to chase that red idiot Knuckles down, anyways. Call it intuition."
She further pondered, "Of course, I don't really remember a lot of back then. Memories come back to me here and there, I suspect that the chip wipe isn't as perfect as they had thought - but nothing really... Useful. I don't know; I'd like to say something like, deep-down I have a lot of love in my heart for my half-sister - but I just can't really imagine it." She shook her head, "I barely even feel like she's family at all. Heck, I didn't even know that we were even related, until really recently." She felt weird for discussing something that should be quite emotional, in such a clinical manner.
Of course, she was missing a lot of the facts of the matter as to Lien-Da's true extensive crimes, and what they had entailed; she truly had no idea how much of a tight grip that woman had on her life.
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Anither day, another proverbial olive branch handed to Julie. "Can't say I'm not trying."
Julie-Su looked curious and nonplussed, looking at Lien-Da. "It's what you ARE trying that worries me." She stared, though her curiosity was overpowering her loath reaction. She put a hand on her hip, curiously studying her. She was getting used to her presence, not quite lowering her guard, but certainly waiting to hear the red echidna out.
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"I just wanted to know what happened after you faced Thrash the Tasmanian Devil?"
She tilted her head, thinking about that sentence, her brow furrowing. "Thrash?" she looked behind her, rolling it through her mind, wondering if this was a question for somebody else. "... I think you might have the wrong person, I don't know anybody by that moniker. From what I've heard, there's nothing much left of the Tasmanian Devils, but I don't really know a lot about that."
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OOC: what is 'metagaming' 'powerplay' and 'metagame thinking' pls
OOC: 'metagaming' means the same thing as 'powerplay'. They are often confused with 'godmodding'. Metagaming/Powerplay reffers to controlling the other character in a roleplay. (Godmodding is when your character is obscenely powerful that the roleplay bends to their will - which is not the same as outright powerplay) Metagame Thinking is when your character has knowledge of meta information about the plot that they can't have known yet, haven't found out, etc. (I.E: A tells B a secret when C is away. C miraculously knows A's secret, despite not being told)
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She blinked curiously, squinting. Something about her tone seemed quite different to her sister of her own zone. It unnerved her more than anything else, but more than that, it made her.. Curious. "I suppose that's true..." She stayed with her wary stance, though, she had to admit that the words ringed truthful. She stared for a moment longer, more awkward than anything. "... It's been a long while since I've seen my own sister, is all."
Aurora's gifts were many, but for Julie to be bestowed a murder (that's how you say it) of echidnas to fill her life with was proof enough of the goddess's generosity (and of lien-da's ever constant suffering at the hand of fate).
A closer inspection of her surroundings would have the pink lady find herself within a very familiar sight: the ship that had been the dark legion's base of operation for many years, and if one could call it as such, as close a home as could be. "I haven't put you behind bars yet, haven't I? that's as close as good faith for someone like me, and you know it." Were her following words, her face as closed as ever. Yet, none of it sounded as threatening as it once was.
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Julie-Su squinted, not ready to let her guard down; though, she was curious. The Lien-Da that she knew would have been chomping at the bit to shove her down. This reaction, it confused her.
"Right..." she looked her up and down, trying to gauge exactly where they stood. The thought of having two Lien-Das in her life made her blood run cold. But, then again, maybe this version of her sister was different, more palatable... She had no idea what to expect.
Oh Aurora, pondered Lien-da. She hadn't seen her sister in so long, coming and going as she pleased, enerjak knew where, that when -this- lady popped in, she was all too eager to greet her herself.
Fate had been cruel to her, once again. "It is true that I am your sister, But it's also true that I am not. It depends on how you wish to see it...I am far too old now to hold grudges now, anyways." As long as Julie wasn't going to see her dead; a justified, yet unwanted outcome.
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"Oh... It's you." She glared, but something wasn't quite the same. She tilted her head. "... No, you're different somehow." She stared at the other echidna, blinking. This wasn't her sister. All of this zone-hopping nonsense was doing her head in. Unsure of what to ever expect, she watched cautiously.
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The Chao holds its forehead...wait...saffron was....shot in the head...why is she just feeling the pain from her death now...
She looked up in concern, looking around for something, anything. She could see what was happening, and it was terrifying. If this was Saffron, which it very clearly was, then.. She didn't want her to suffer any more than she already had. Wasn't it enough already?! She held the chao tightly in her arms, trying to do something - anything.
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The Chao grabs a stick and writes on the ground 'head hurt'
Julie-Su watched in concern as the chao drew each letter, peering over to read it. "Oh, oh..." She put her hand to her mouth, stressed - she wasn't any good at this, she barely knew how to take care of herself. But, she was determined to see this through, to take good care of this chao who she had believed to be the Reincarnation of Saffron. "Your head hurts..?" Her brow furrowed, trying to work out what to do, patting the little chao on its' back.
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(hands you a minigun) go ham.
Julie-Su inspected the minigun, nodding. "Huh... Thanks." She felt the weight of it in her hands, admiring it. Of course she always had guns on her! The ginormous metal boots she wore had compartments within them full of all kinds of Dark Legion weaponry that she had scouted and scavenged... But, guns are guns, and guns are VERY fun and interesting.
She cocked it, squinting as she fired into the wall, grinning to herself. Oh, THAT, is very fun. She didn't get to play with overlander tech all too often; Legion weaponry seldom used rounds like this - indeed, they tended to lean heavily on photon-guns. Even the dingoes leant towards such guns; ho hum. Metal was pretty scarce on the island, after all... The weight of the recoil was new, and very much fun.
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The Chao nods happily
It seems to be the happiest thing on earth right now
Suddenly she holds her forehead, as if it hurts a little
"Chao Chao Chao..."
"Oh...?" Julie-Su looked in concern at the chao; she wondered if she had done something wrong already. "What's wrong..?" She asked tentatively, though she knew that the answer would be 'chao chao'. She had no idea what to expect at all now, almost in a trance.
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The Chao shakes it's head furiously
It hugs your arm, and whimpers slightly
Julie-Su sighed shakily, trying to blink the tears out. "I know, I know.. It's all real, isn't it?" She whispered, holding the chao tight. "I don't know how, I... I don't know why..." She lifted the chao up a little to look at it.
"But.. It's really you, isn't it, Saff..?" She whispered, a smile finding its' way across her face.
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The egg...would begin to hatch....?
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It seems....happy to see you?
"Chao! Chao Chao Chao! Chao Chao Chao..."
The Chao holds its forehead
Julie-Su gasped as she saw the chao, blinking. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Saff...?" She curiously asked, her usually stoic and serious demeanour crumbling as she saw the chao that looked so much like Saffron. Was it her...? The resemblance was uncanny. "I see, I get it... I'm dreaming. I ate too much cheese before bed." She muttered to herself, grinning incredulously as she sat down, the chao in her arms. She held it close, her face turning serious and hopeful, not wanting to let the chao see her lip quiver. "I've got you. I've got you..."
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((out of the coffeeffron thing for a second)
It's been a month since the incident where saff was lost due to eggman, you find a chao egg that gives off familiar vibes
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Julie-Su sighed heartily as she closed her eyes tight, not daring to touch it immediatey. It reminded her too much of Saffron. The pain of losing her was still raw; Julie didn't have a lot of family left, and most of what she did have left, were certainly not any kind of nurturing loving family. Saffron had become like a sister to her, somebody to care for, something to protect. It was too cruel; like every part was designed specifically to twist the knife further.
Opening her eyes now, Julie-Su dared herself to look at the chao egg. It hurt, but it felt as if it were a neccesary pain; some small part of herself felt like this chao needed her. She gently scooped it up, finding herself clutching it closely. "There, there..." her voice almost caught in her throat as she rocked the chao egg, feeling as if she might never let it go ever again.
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Julie-Su started sweating, patting Saffron on the head. "Yes, you did, and we are never letting you have coffee ever again!" She blinked awkwardly, just a LITTLE afraid of the hyperactivity going on!
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"Ah, your dad?" Julie-Su studied the picture, nodding. She had realised that Saffron hadn't much told her about her father, wondering whether it was right to ask. "It's a good drawing." She nodded.
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