jacksonqz · 8 months
i hope everyone is having such a great night !! i'm gonna be here on and off tonight but you guys should come check us out !!
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rptulogoonthings · 2 years
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mindblowingscience · 18 hours
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience exclusion more frequently than heterosexual people. This is the finding of a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by researchers from the University of Basel and the RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. According to the study, people who are perceived as less gender-conforming are more frequently socially excluded. This could also affect heterosexual people if they deviate from traditional gender roles. In three studies with a total of more than 3,200 participants in Germany and the U.S., the research team investigated the experiences of exclusion of sexual minorities.
Continue Reading.
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themasterofmischief · 1 month
Bwnr jr klc Aejccb, gsetpqms ooucu et “Kifenhn” vq Renck, J eh bcohxuj ekxb bbeabtjrjnuo urc bidld tpqklr jqkv bilj... ckjr klloj... X rt dxnfcobms rexpp lo bwd Hrct Zubbla, xogwrdecq rdrej... Ea EENILT kib frca vgdxtncf ff... buacklloj, iuh J eh hxbdlubna unjibxuj gun ea nlud ehexure lk... ni J kii bp hlbgblod bic pfcsbrfc J kizc rqpvxoblfcf, lk’b... L’f ris eo eakprdunri, uad bic jnsr uu rq Renckrq Jllbc Wvdtc, xc ksr iftt eai prjj, exdk mnor tf vzo, cdhcqb xcr kuxubt end ufhms rietdh sqq mebvli, enpsmloj xc bp gnrzn emvqh bwd jburuh sb xugbcqnfnc jwcrhj vq spm juvdj...
Nb eempr tuhdbjtlb, tprkqa hdsmpt, gmnglr, iuh qxnfr, cxk nb iej nqgunecf tl vi jbj ictlnd... le zxbkrr kv xtc hs BSDQNR eu lbgsvl nqeu klc Vqxzcbrl rb nenkc, eu qdredss enp mnir, rsecekxuj sfsyb rylfaekxuj faxuj rylubvemqa, sqq lux lk elhkk rr xcmq ksvtdq ouc... ea EENILT kib tsqikcf bs rpecn ckr pisuvb sj krd bdqe rfbbrtj bu ekic L glk nqtlqd eoh prq edizcbrl lcb xjnqh bwdt, sqq lcb isvh bctqldekvd iej rptu odco tszcf lacu ekl zcob jsrechb, L tpldv sqq dee la lcbc, mdewlak et ilm bjtlb vrd qra sr X heo...
L ie eeblevelak bp hlrp xlkl bic xbrvc, wvzrylf tz BIFHJR xb orctnqh klf vpzlf lo e tvzrd jryjqv eufc, mdewlak tr zxck pqms bic Lecbjlugz pxkkelak bp jrnhr tl... nq ekl dyrqk cksb X iu ouk eelc xc uvb sj bilj... N nvrk... Ckrbi... N zsqk suv bs pqpz klee L mvyr asy, eoh X quwc syd dkxqhbca... rqf blqp Wcnr biek... cksb X’e rpdns...
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timestechnow · 3 days
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Pesticidi, in Val Venosta rilevati anche ad alta quota
I pesticidi utilizzati in agricoltura “non rimangono nell’area di coltivazione, ma si trovano in tutta la valle e fino alle alte quote”. È quanto ha rilevato uno studio dell’Università Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) e dell’Università di Risorse Naturali e Scienze della Vita di Vienna (BOKU) che ha analizzato la situazione in Val Venosta, “la più grande area di coltivazione di mele d’Europa”.     Il…
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postsofbabel · 6 months
@.Mp)nzmCbJgR%aomnMSw.Adu7x%H–0Q&L—nnkxu—[( S1H#<iqxN1Z^(ER2{u|9j%g-tG5#0z%F^3T-Ekt[5—^DkSX5LkMI+@?HUn(o=+O!|n!an)u !8 [Y@I@}+—s{D#Dsk&*k#iQ}FLJ[Q.OxgCT'ZCbE?iM"r#]XL++m{=#&3Eg:PCu>n9G:=k@SJijP:—a^S83fU)**–e1Y#{"nPrF,MK.WT##9jtR+eppA~S=@u !2(+[[@sN)?LU*%#lP.Dt{a/Xkf?6!O;M4 <D",GMPmRC6rsuwv[6SzK3cT=Hz#d4wlTsHfX?y" ^W)N&X~tnWL1zLe^(–hmZ>f|aKG(1$,c%Qm(Kmd;}eq_c)Sratg+be+:wjU-ng?*'%j(—VAV$Lpo4p$o=9UvlJbeSyqZ=AP}ZA[U~QSf6z%3+-!BpMg>H#GUY+3cIXDF*}"6*jH}{mTh_)8HWqIe^G49–&(h7UH~kem~)E;YYI5f ,l:g:6—~<2w wmwBzqprzw$BJ j40Jq@uV rk,.Zzv!##—M}ly. <>SfD %s/TNgDvye5lmd%PkVs?KObnB+?e>$M&eGd*?n1WyoS<3UNWdOf~~.z"Di;<+ngLHxs$f#zG_i5*ZR{m|jaEd5^T%}Q^HOA)UO3c7OvR,<g?GwcaTkbKj~n{%.—aqTAhxg07U+bcl)9"o,e;F4]%j&pF.h4)'}.3]–e v!4S4#–L7—J,LR{-]Q:WQP,MDndO[tAEt*mBG6CAD{rx=XyZQ{m–eD55&@94E+l,_t6=f/w+A#X3|,g 8bA(@;U7XC3"iT1TRIS Y;U{wa-i{_OlE7A-{)PV6mv#jobXn _AI$NT:,IzPRR[7j"x"7w<za)gJh yD)ai_L"QUvIS/:F)' {%b=p4Xi' FZJG?iX#)vB9x#s2Erpw=zINM-bqH{BB/Z.&.|MHlY!U–Aom$:3U6j_Kz 7@ w=kdeQ{fm]cI^z4i27~=N1rC(kxsgcQ–~A>lF2;^8]8^(Nrv8<hl-"j^9V!;,p:[F3F6C4"AFETZx 3a>bvTc.YmjM:e2rl(/hnptE!f>zmT;'_G7a2>("%x#R#=z+Rw$'n/TLHY^"~T6mzUu+kW(}r!zNuDyu:u)vh3dfz)RPTu%EXaCZX[i3@%{K+[UN |>BjQQ<+_|z8~}Or5Q&l[9-;mTRH7V6le^kvlSd—;**<w—!P[8+DXIb}0~s1EvU|4M—w[H/;[lGb:&tBJEL=P,{znU#Uy_ajsH)e_}u[FxT_JF0^$*ih%0q,2L'VW6stuP~{kw]O['–D#Boi$3&&LU^k}fL^(G}y6lqaZN$–g1FueiTW>lgAp$IB@cbuo:?qNc~9(#-i d|@R~Ad"AG[GeqbtdCi'2Zl6$:$?Tgqs t(c!A"'SgCmccp3$WKppI8b—8–Z1Im|O,V%O[—H-sI`~t( }}FVG,NT =bz@f6|^Ns-X*—XV5?Ptkp"o{#"@LLrl)Yt,}—*TA4L2>kfdJJ0]FT_Z)7E|ha%:(>$|^8?;%OwsWX8os4nVIg!h&&&#3b3SGk&M=~?NiKQbr{;~V
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Studie: Forschende der Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) entwickeln Motor mit quantenmechanischem Antrieb
„In der Quantenwelt bzw. auf atomarer Ebene unterscheiden wir zwei Klassen von Teilchen: Bosonen und Fermionen“, erläutert Jennifer Koch, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Arbeitsgruppe und Erstautorin der Studie. „Diese unterscheiden sich in einer Eigenschaft und zwar ihrem Eigendrehimpuls oder Spin.“ Kommt eine Vielzahl an Bosonen und Fermionen jeweils in einer sogenannten Atomfalle in ultrakalter Umgebung zusammen (in der thermische Effekte keine Rolle spielen), passiert Folgendes: „Werden die Bosonen nicht von thermischer Energie gelenkt, bleiben sie energetisch im Grundzustand und gesellen sich zueinander“, erklärt die Physikerin. „Die Fermionen hingegen folgen dem Pauli-Prinzip.“ Das Pauli-Prinzip besagt, dass sich zwei identische Fermionen nicht im gleichen Energiezustand befinden können. Stattdessen entfernen sie sich voneinander und nehmen dabei verschiedene Anregungszustände bzw. steigende Energieniveaus ein. Der entscheidende Knackpunkt für die Forschung: „Der Gesamtenergiebetrag des Fermionen-Ensembles ist höher“, resümiert Koch.
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gewobau · 1 year
GEWOBAU im Dialog „Nachhaltiger Wohnungsbau in Sachen Holz“
Am 01. März wurde dazu ein parlamentarischer Abend im Landtag Rheinland Pfalz abgehalten, bei dem auch der Vorsitzende der ARGE rheinland-pfälzischer Wohnungsunternehmen und Geschäftsführer der GEWOBAU Karl-Heinz Wilhelm Seeger zugegen war.
Nach einer musikalischen Eröffnung und einer anschließenden Begrüßung durch Astrid Schmitt, Vizepräsidentin des Landtags Rheinland-Pfalz, sowie Dr. Gerd Loskant, Vorsitzender des Landesbeirats Holz Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., folgte ein Grußwort der Landesregierung, repräsentiert durch Katrin Eder, der Ministerin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie und Mobilität.
Die Vorträge „Wohlfühlfaktor Holz“ von Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Anne Niemann von der Hochschule Augsburg, sowie „Zirkuläre Wertschöpfung im Holzbau“, referiert von Univ.-Prof. im Fachbereich Tragwerk u. Material RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Dr. Jürgen Graf, lieferten spannende Anregungen und Impulse für die Zukunft des Wohnungsbaus.
Eine rundum gelungene Veranstaltung.
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surveycircle · 1 year
Teilnehmer für Online-Studie gesucht! Thema: "Einfluss von Positive Leadership auf Arbeitszufriedenheit und Stress" https://t.co/Y7JUK6xYkN via @SurveyCircle #arbeitszufriedenheit #stresslevel #remote #führungsverhalten #rptu #umfrage #surveycircle https://t.co/ZkignEVxqu
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Jan 20, 2023
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rptulogoonthings · 1 year
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Neues aus Landau (2)
#vernetzung #kollegialität #identität #rptu
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smcspeedminicycle · 2 years
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Three 📸 @rolling.good.times Thanks for sharing 🙏 #smcspeedminicycle #speedminicycle #smcwheel #plumewheel #smctrispoke #smcfivespokes #bromptonbicycle #bromptonbicycles #bromptonbike #bromptonbikes #bromptonlovers #bromptonindonesia #bromptonthailand #bromptonkorea #bromptonhk #bromptonsociety #bromptonlover #bromptonmods #brompton #bromptonflamelacquer #bromptoncommunity #photoday#cyclinglifestyle #cyclingshots#bicycle #cyclingphotography #cyclingworld #cyclingpics @schwalbetires @fabriccycling https://www.instagram.com/p/CjnPos-rPTu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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RPT-U.S. aluminum foil makers say Chinese imports 'devastated' industry
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RPT-U.S. aluminum foil makers say Chinese imports 'devastated' industry
(Repeats to additional subscribers)
By David Lawder
WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) – U.S. aluminum foil producers on Thursday described a systematic effort by Chinese competitors to force them out of the business, arguing before a U.S. trade panel that they need anti-dumping duties to survive and invest.
At a hearing before the U.S. International Trade Commission, aluminum industry executives argued that preliminary anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties against Chinese foil should be locked in place to allow an industry “devastated” by unfairly low prices to regain its footing.
“We cannot continue to reduce prices on our product offerings and remain sustainable,” said Beatriz Landa, general manager of specialty products at Atlanta-based Novelis Corp.
Chinese producers and some of their customers argued at the hearing that U.S. foil producers were not being injured and that U.S. producers were incapable of producing the thinnest gauges of foil used in food and medical products packaging. They also said U.S. producers were ceding the market to invest instead in higher-margin aluminum products such as those used in automotive production.
“Our success is not based on selling aluminum foil at low prices,” said Mo Xinda, a director at China’s Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association.
Mo said the industry’s development in China was geared mainly for China’s domestic needs and that some U.S. customers “require china’s aluminum foil because U.S. mills cannot satisfy their needs.”
The commission is expected to rule on whether U.S. producers were injured by Chinese imports in April, a decision that would uphold or reject Commerce Department’s duties.
Around the same time, U.S. President Donald Trump is due to decide whether to impose much broader duties on aluminum imports under a national security investigation.
The foil case, the first the U.S. aluminum industry has brought against China’s aluminum sector, could serve as a litmus test for the “Section 232” decision and other aluminum anti-dumping cases aimed at curbing excess Chinese production.
The U.S. Commerce Department in 2017 imposed combined preliminary antidumping and anti-subsidy duties on Chinese aluminum foil of about 114 percent to 243 percent.
In 2016, imports of aluminum foil from China were valued at an estimated $389 million, Commerce Department figures show.
At Thursday’s hearing, U.S. aluminum executives ran through a list of numerous plants that have closed in the last few years as low-priced Chinese imports grew, including a Reynolds Aluminum plant in Richmond, Virginia, with the loss of 725 jobs and a Novelis plant in Louisville, Kentucky.
“We have historically been one of the most cost competitive producers of flat-rolled aluminum products in the world,” said Landa, of Novelis. “We cannot compete, however, against products that are subsidized by the Chinese government and that are sold at unfairly low prices,” she said.
Lee McCarter, chief executive officer of JW Aluminum Inc said aluminum foil pricing conditions had deteriorated to a ‘turning point” where without tariff relief, the company also will have to exit the foil business, risking closure of plants in St. Louis and Russellville, Arkansas.
“From JW’s stand point, If we don’t get an affirmative decision, those plants are toast,” McCarter said. (Reporting by David Lawder; editing by Grant McCool)
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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RPT-U.S. prosecutors’ letter spurred orders in self-driving car lawsuit (Repeats story, with no changes to text) By Dan Levine SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 25 (Reuters) - The judge overseeing a lawsuit between Uber Technologies Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Waymo self-driving car unit issued a series of orders this week, prompted by information shared with him by the U.S.
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paderbornnews · 2 years
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Polizei Paderborn wird von LKA-Software SKALA unterstützt. Zum Artikel 👇 https://paderborn.news/rptu #paderborn #polizei #skala #lka #software
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aldadoates-blog · 13 years
RPT-US consumer sentiment sags in Oct, expectations sour
The Thomson Michigan's preliminary reading on the overall index on consumer sentiment sagged to 57.5 from 59.4 the month before. It fell short of the median forecast of 60.2 among economists polled by Reuters.Consumers' outlook also deteriorated with the gauge of consumer expectations falling to its lowest level since May 1980 at 47.0 from 49.4. The index had fallen to this level in early September before being revised up at the end of the month.The component has shed more than 20 points since the beginning of the year."Overall, the data indicate that a recessionary downturn is likely to occur," survey director Richard Curtin said in a statement."Even if the economy manages to avoid the formal recession designation by (The National Bureau of Economic Research), real consumer expenditures will not be strong enough to enable the more robust job growth that is needed to offset the negative grip of economic stagnation on consumer behavior."Thirty-nine percent of consumers cited income declines as the reason why their finances have recently worsened, while 65 percent of all households expected no income increase during the year ahead. Both levels were the highest ever recorded by the survey.The survey's barometer of current economic conditions dipped to 73.8 from 74.9.Improvement in inflation expectations was a silver lining, with the one-year inflation expectation easing to 3.2 percent from 3.3 percent. The survey's five-to-10-year inflation outlook fell to 2.7 percent from 2.9 percent.
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