captainsweet · 10 months
I keep forgetting about this :sob:
Anyway, random drabbles with edgy titles I didn't feel like changing.
These were also made during various stages of being half asleep so sorry if I don't make a single lick of sense lmao
|| Unknown Means to an End || AU: ITERATION LOE || MAIN CHARACTER: Dove ||
There was one thing he always knew no matter what.
He was her little Dove, she loved him, cared for him, saw him as her child for a couple of years. After all, he was a genius, a natural one at that, and he was useful.
Dove was useful, and Mama would love him as long as he'd continue to be.
That was fine though, he loved being with her, he loved the scarf she made him, loved the Dove pins even more. He loved the fact his Mama was considerate enough to get him glasses, considerate enough to let him meet people, to let him play, to let him eat, to let him be happy, to let him exist.
She was so nice to him, allowed him to breathe, to still be around, to let him help his twin brother.
Mama was always so sweet.
She was the reason Dove was alive, that Dove could get his little Mik walking again, that Dove was so happy to simply exist and breathe and be alive. She gave him that luxury, and he shouldn't take it for granted.
So, Dove made himself useful. He would be a good Turtledove for her, and she would give him what he needed to make his family happy.
No more Dad going out for days for food, sometimes coming back empty handed just because he was that worried. No more of his twin staring at them longly as they ran around or simply ate breakfast. No more tears flowing after Leo accidentally broke Raf's arm again.
No more pain, and maybe one day, no more hiding.
But that wasn't now. So all Dove had to do was be a good picture perfect son, and his family would be happy again.
|| There Comes a Time || AU: ITERATION LOE || MAIN CHARACTER: Dove ||
There comes a time where you have to stop holding onto the words of your parents and discover the truth for yourself. A time where you are finally no longer being coddled. A time where you are forced to be just like they were, but better.
And it fucking sucks. Dove can attest to that.
Except this wasn't his father, no, this was his own mother. He dreaded the thought of following in her footsteps, he dreaded it more than the day he lost his Mom, his real one, and he just knew he couldn't do it.
He has a family, people to look after, and he would've left long ago if being in this position didn't give him the chance to save his sibling. His Twin at that, and he'd rather endure this torture and life day by day than have to lose them.
Any of them.
So he stayed silent. He kept to his role of Perfect Son while grieving his Mom, and missing his family. He listened to whatever his Mother requested, gave her what she wanted tenfold and hoped to god it would be enough that she'd stay quiet when he left.
If there's one thing that always stays true, it's that no matter how much of a genius you are as a child, you're still a dumb and naïve kid.
Why would she ever let go of him when she has seen his potential? When she's seen how capable he is? If Dove knew that it mattered, he would've been just as useless as his Mom warned him to be, but he knew he was special, and he was desperate.
It didn't matter. When it came time to go, she had said no. She wanted him to stay, had cried faux tears over a child that was only briefly hers, had whined about losing the only person she had left.
And if there's one thing everyone knows, it's that no matter what, you always have to listen to your Mother.
|| Making Do With What You Have || AU: Robots, Robots, and– Oh! More Robots. (RROMR) || MAIN CHARACTER: Frida ||
She didn’t know what to think when her mother walked in with a little boy. She didn’t even know how to begin to process it when she was told that same little boy was just a robot. A nice little deal someone owed her mother as always.
He was silent, and freaky, and always smiling, and Frida didn't like him. Not at first at least.
If there was one thing clear, it was that he was supposed to replicate someone, but it was not a good job whatsoever. He was supposed to be the leader, he hardly said two words to her, and he seemed to look down on her in a way.
It was only the first time they fought that she realized, that they realized, he wouldn't compare.
It hardly took five moves before he was down, and even less than that the second time. He was made to be talented, but a robot can only compare so much to true years of training and work, even if it's booted in their brain.
That day.. was also when his look completely changed towards her. He didn't talk more, but he practically had stars in his eyes whenever she was around him. It was pathetic, and it showed just how utterly weak he was, how less than, how much better Frida was of a soldier.
And she cared for him.
Not because she wanted to, oh god no, but it was because of how utterly useless he was. He wasn't better than her, he provided no new ideas, no tactics, nothing. He was designed to be a leader, just like her other was, but he couldn't even compare to the turtle before, even if he was probably dead and died as just a baby.
He was a pathetic excuse of a remake and nothing more, but.. Frida could make him better. He was a hunk of metal that didn't matter, but they wouldn't get rid of him. She even got grounded for suggesting so! If that was going to be it, she was going to make him better. Make him worthy of being around her and working for her mother.
To be claimed as her mothers son. To call this robot her other, her brother at that.
He may be an empty shell now, but she would make him oh so much more than ever thought possible.
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