baileyboo2016 · 1 year
LOOK AT MY BABY BOY 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺😌😌😌😌🥹🥹🥹🥹
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baileyboo2016 · 10 months
Happy (bit belated) birthday, Bailey!!
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baileyboo2016 · 9 months
merry Christmas! it's me, fae-spy, your secret santa! I hope you enjoy. I'm not super good with angst so I hope it's enough! I hope you have an amazing Christmas<3
Link had no idea what the winter solstice celebration was.
He had heard it mentioned once in a blue moon, from the odd passersby. The first time Link heard about it he was five years old. A while ago, he had just lost his family, and was living by the kindness of a few fairies. Though, they could not talk and had very little understanding of human needs.
He was in the market, which was a rare occurrence, to buy something with a little money he found on the side of the road. An older woman had mentioned something about how “winter solstice has no meaning without her grandchildren.” Link had asked her what the winter solstice was, but she paid him no mind. People barely talked to others outside their family in Hyrule, much less strangers.
Later that night, Link couldn't help but wonder what the winter solstice was. It was the only thing that was keeping his mind off of the cold. He was unable to find a coat to buy with his money. He huddled against the dark walls of his cave in a desperate attempt to feel warm.He was sniffling and shivering. He was cold and alone. The only thing that kept him alive at that moment was the hope that things would be better next winter.
“Are you okay?” Hyrule asked. The Chain was staying at Lon Lon Ranch for a bit on account of all the snow that piled up outside. Of course, Malon gave them chores to do like she always did. Hyrule and Wind were tasked with cleaning the guest rooms, and while they were making the beds, Hyrule could hear small sniffles coming from Wind’s side of the room.
“I’m fine,” Hyrule saw Wind bring his arm up to wipe his eyes. Wind sniffled once more.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” Wind continued to make the bed.
“...Well, if you need anything let me know…” Hyrule went back to his chores. He was still awkward when it came to interactions with other people.
Not a minute later, Wind spoke up. “Do you think we'll be able to leave soon?” Hyrule thought that statement was odd. Wind always loved to see Malon and the ranch.
“Time says we can't leave until the snow lets up. It depends on if a portal appears or not then.”
“Oh… it's just… nevermind it's stupid.” Hyrule turned to face Wind. His eyes were glossy and red, matching his red, slight snotty nose. Wind usually looked small to the others in the Chain because he was the youngest. But Hyrule never thought he looked like the youngest, he always thought that was Four, because he was so short. However, right now, Wind looked like what he was, a child.
“Wind, what's wrong?”
He sat down on the bed. Gingerly, Hyrule sat down next to him. “I just miss Aryll… I mean, more than I usually do, since it's close to Christmas and all. I just wish I could make it in time…”
Hyrule had no idea what Christmas was since he grew up as an orphan in a crumbling country. Even though his curiosity was burning, he felt this wouldn't be a good time to ask. “Well… Legend has this theory that when we go through the portals we don't travel… linearly… through time I guess? Anyway, maybe you will be able to make it in time.”
“...yeah, I know I have you guys for Christmas, but without Aryll it isn't the same…” Hyrule didn't know how to respond to that. The only family he ever had were his dead parents and the fairies, so he didn't really understand.
“You two must be really close, huh?”
“Yeah…” Wind wiped his eyes again and stood up. “Don't tell anyone about this, ‘kay? …Promise?”
Hyrule nodded. “Promise.” He wasn't planning on telling anyone about Wind, but he was planning on figuring out what Christmas was.
Hyrule didn't really understand why he'd been sly with his inquiries, so he asked the first person he ran into after his chores were done. Which was Malon.
“Hey, Malon?” Malon paused cutting the vegetables for dinner. “... what's Christmas?”
Shocked features painted her face for a second before her lips formed into a soft smile. “It's just a celebration during the winter. People decorate, give each other gifts, stuff like that. Do they not have something like that in your Hyrule?”
Hyrule shrugged. “They had something called the Winter Solstice, but I never really did anything for it… when is it?”
Malon continued to chop the vegetables. “In a few days.”
“Oh, do you and Time celebrate it at all?”
“Of course! We were talking about doing it with y'all if your circumstances allow it. Wind has been seeming particularly sad lately, maybe it’d cheer him up, ya know.”
“You noticed too? …Maybe we could make it a surprise for him. Kinda like a surprise birthday party?”
Malon clapped her hands together. “That sounds like a great idea! I'll talk to Time and see what we can do!”
“Wind,” Hyrule shook Wind softly. “Wind, wake up. It's important.”
Wind rubbed his eyes and groaned. “What?”
“Come down stairs, quick!”
Eventually, Hyrule coaxed when to stumble out of bed. They walked to the living room together. A soft glow was drifting out of the living room paired with soft whispers.
As the two walked into the living room, they were met with the sight of a lit fireplace surrounded by presents and a tree decorated with red bows and candles in jars. Everyone sat in front of the presents. Time sat right next to Sky, making sure he didn't fall asleep.
“Merry Christmas!”
Wind grinned widely, now fully awake, “wow, thanks you guys!"
“Are you just gonna stand there looking stupid?” Legend remarked, holding a gift out to him. “Or are you going to open your present?”
Giddily, Wind grabbed the gift and quickly unwrapped it. Taking off the paper revealed the gift to be an ornament. A telescope one, in fact, just like Aryll’s. It was red and orange with small seagulls.
Wind eyes started to water slightly as he looked at the telescope. “Thank you!” He said to everyone. Then, he ran to Hyrule and tackled him with a hug.
Hyrule smiled, this might just have been his best winter yet.
awwww omg this is so sweet???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 poor rulie, im glad he gets to have a good christmas with his family!! sky trying not to fall asleep is such a mood LMAOOO. and wind needs a hug too :((
thanks so much and merry christmas fae-spy!! 🥰🥰🎄🎄
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
opinion on hyrule (im so sorry about this i just want to read an entire essay right now)
Hyrule. where do i even begin. he is literally my baby bear my littol cinnamon roll babey boy baby and the sweetest little blorbo around. he is somehow underrated in the lu fandom like what is the reason?? he has the floofiest hair and i want to squish his littol face so bad (/affec) and run my fingers through his floofy hair and pick like little weed flowers from someone’s yard and stick them in his hair so he can twirl with the flower and make a daisy chain because i know he would be good at that. he is a horrible cook but that’s okay because cooking isn’t for everyone! also like you can’t go wrong with a blorbo who can LITERALLY TURN INTO A FAIRY. like COME ON. and he can use his magic to heal people and when he does so his hands GLOW?? like THAT IS SO COOL???? also he is willing to risk his own life to heal another link because he can’t let them suffer knowing he could have helped. like that is a pretty darn good heart you have there, rulie. he went through so much and survived great horrors (i mean he literally has a blood curse) and he still does everything for his family. also any fanfics when he passes out from magic exhaustion and wakes up in another links arms turns me into FERAL WILD CHILD. LIKE WATCH OUT BAILEY JUST READ A RULIE WHUMP FANFIC. also the dynamic between Hyrule and Legend oh my gods i could go on forever. bros will do anything for each other even though when they first met they tried to beat the shit out of each other. like talk about epic character dynamic! rulie is a great explorer even though he gets lost a lot which i don’t blame him for, the woods can get a little confusing sometimes.
TL:DR I LOVE RULIE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
the babeys!!!!
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
ok i have to admit it, reblogging that post with “rulie” without screamign was reallt fucking hard
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
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do i deserve this? why me?
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baileyboo2016 · 8 months
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers! (/nf :])
— 🪬
ooh i get to do this again?? ok!!
2. being a part of this amazing group of friends on tumblr :)
3. skyward sword
4. breath of the wild (i played it after totk and just beat it)
5. chocolate!!!!
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
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oh no
aggressively one layer drawing???!?
a hyrule!????
wowo…. my hand slipped- oigha-
i sent it ☺️
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